Item E3E3 County o� Monroe BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS lrl Mayor David Rice, District 4 T he Florida Keys Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 P_ i ,: Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Heather Carruthers, District 3 County Commission Meeting February 21, 2018 Agenda Item Number: E.3 Agenda Item Summary #3836 BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Tourist Development Council TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Ammie Machan (305) 296 -1552 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise a Request for Applications for FY 2019 Destination and Turnkey Event Funding ITEM BACKGROUND: A copy of the application is attached. Changes to Event Application for FY 2019 are as follows: 1) Tables 1, 2 and 3 (pg. 9 -33) were updated with the most current data for each district and the Average Occupancy Trends graphs were updated for each district. 2) DAC II Funding Levels (pg. 17) — removed option of Turnkey Funding Levels. DAC 11 approved at their meeting of December 5, 2017 3) DAC V Funding Levels (pg. 32) — revised Turnkey Funding Levels as follows: Level 8: $30,000, Level 9: $35,000, Level 10: $40,000. DAC V approved at their meeting of December 5, 2017 TDC approved same at their meeting of January 30, 2018 PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Destination and Turnkey Event RFA FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Packet Pg. 3314 E.3 Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: REVIEWED BY: Maxine Pacini Completed Christine Limbert Completed Kathy Peters Completed Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/01/2018 4:12 PM 02/03/2018 12:12 PM 02/05/2018 8:54 AM 02/21/2018 9:00 AM Packet Pg. 3315 E.3.a DATE: February 6, 2018 To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners FROM: Tourist Development Council RE: Permission to Advertise FY 2019 Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application Each year the TDC Administrative Office advertises a Request for Application (RFA) for Destination /Turnkey Event Funding. Attached is a copy of the proposed Request for Application that has been reviewed and approved by our Assistant County Attorney Christine Limbert. I have attached a copy of the RFA schedule and a list of the revisions to the application. The TDC unanimously approved same at their meeting of January 30, 2018 Packet Pg. 3316 E.3.a DESTINATION /TURNKEY EVENT SCHEDULE FY 2019 TDC APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: BOCC APPROVAL TO ADVERTISE: ADVERTISE RFP: DAC WORKSHOPS: 65 DAYS DEADLINE: DAC DEADLINE: DAC APPROVAL: TDC APPROVAL: BOCC APPROVAL AFTER OCTOBER 2018 January 30, 2018 February 21, 2018 April 2, 2018 April 3 rd and 4 2018 June 5, 2018 July 27, 2018 August 7 th and 8 2018 September 11, 2018 Packet Pg. 3317 E.3.a Changes to Event Application for FY 2019 1. Tables 1, 2 and 3 (pg. 9 -33) were updated with the most current data for each district and the Average Occupancy Trends graphs were updated for each district. 2. DAC II Funding Levels (pg. 17) — removed option of Turnkey Funding Levels. DAC II approved at their meeting of December 5, 2017 3. DAC V Funding Levels (pg. 32) — revised Turnkey Funding Levels as follows Level 8: $30,000, Level 9: $35,000, Level 10: $40,000. DAC V approved at their meeting of December 5, 2017 Packet Pg. 3318 DESTINATION /TURNKEY EVENT FUNDING APPLICATION REQUEST FOR APPLICATIONS (RFA) FOR DESTINATION /TURNKEY EVENTS All respondents must use the current application downloaded from the website www.demandstar.com Use of any other application will result in your application being rejected. All directions within the application must be followed or it will not be accepted. APPLICATION DEADLINE: JUNE 5, 2018 All applications should be received no later than 5:00 p.m. (close of business day) All applications submitted in response to this solicitation should be addressed to Monroe County Purchasing Department 1100 Simonton Street, 2nd Floor, Room 2 -213 Key West, Florida 33040 ATTENTION: DESTINATION /TURNKEY EVENT APPLICATION Any applications not submitted in a sealed envelope or box will be rejected: . One (1) USB flash drive with complete copy of application as a .pdf (all attachments must be merged into one document: Please DO NOT include the instruction pages) One (1) signed and marked as ORIGINAL paper copy The correct number of paper copies for the district for which you are applying: District I requires 5 paper copies of application District II requires 5 paper copies of application District III requires 4 paper copies of application District IV requires 6 paper copies of application District V requires 4 paper copies of application Applicant should submit pages relating to the specific district(s) for which they are requesting funds from, pages 34 -41. All inquiries and correspondence should be made to the Monroe County Tourist Development Council. Contact Maxine Pacini or Ammie Machan at (305) 296 -1552. All email correspondence should be addressed to AmmieP- fla- keys.com Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2019 1 Packet Pg. 3319 E.3.a The Monroe County Tourist Development Council (TDC) administers the four (4) cent bed tax collected for the purpose of promoting the Florida Keys as a tourist destination. Each year the TDC invites applicants who are registered to do business in Florida, to apply for funding for events in the Florida Keys. All applications will be reviewed by the appropriate District Advisory Committees (DAC), who shall make recommendations on funding the event to the TDC. Upon approval of recommended funding allocation by the TDC, the administrative office will work with the event sponsor to establish a contract for the event, and will present proposed contract to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners for final approval. DEFINITION OF AN E The special event funding program is intended for an organized special annual event that generates overnight visitors for multiple Monroe County lodging properties, as well as out - of -area marketing exposure, and is open to the general public. Historically these events have included: festivals, concerts, and sporting events. Qualified special events shall guarantee heads -in -beds (overnight visitors) and /or entertain visitors and brand the destination. TDC will only consider reimbursement of permissible marketing expenditures that highlight the specific special event reflected within the contract with the TDC /BOCC versus the regular programming of a business, organization or the facility. For the purposes of this solicitation, a Destination event is developed and produced to entertain the public and promote tourism in the Florida Keys and Key West by drawing out -of- county visitors, as well as entertain visitors and brand the destination. Funding is for event marketing purposes only (advertising; promotions; public relations), etc. The event sponsor, for purposes of this RFA and any resulting contract, shall be the production agent primarily responsible for the production of the event and the entity soliciting funding under this process. The event sponsor shall seek the review and approval of the event marketing budget by the professional agencies of record listed below. No more than 10% of the total allocated funds shall be expended on advertising media costs attributable to in- county placement. A list of TDC permissible marketing expenditures can be viewed in Exhibit A of the sample contract on the Monroe County website at: http / /www.monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /Home/View /5163. No reimbursement will be considered for items that are not covered under Exhibit A. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 2 Packet Pg. 3320 E.3.a For our Advertising Agency of Record: (Tinsley Advertising), contact Danielle Salman ( Danielle(a - )-Tinsley.com ) or John Underwood ( John(d)-Tinsley.com ) at (305) 856 -6060. For our Public Relations Agency of Record: (NewmanPR), contact Carol Shaughnessy ( Carol .newmanpr.com at (305) 797 -0579 or Andy Newman ( Andy(a)-newmanpr.com ) at (305) 461 -3300. For our Internet Agency of Record (Floridakeys.com) Contact Clinton Barras ( Clint(d)-twooceansdigital.com ) or Shirley Wilson ( Shirley(d)-twooceansdigital.com at (305) 292 -1880. TURNKEY EVENT District Advisory Committees (DAC) have assigned their top levels of funding to Turnkey events, recognizing that those events provide the highest level of economic impact to their district and serve to brand the destination. The event shall be one that creates a compelling reason to visit that doesn't otherwise exist without the event. Therefore, consideration for the amount of funding allocated to a Turnkey special event shall be predicated upon a showing of the economic impact resulting in room night stays generated by the event attendees. A Turnkey event shall be considered an all- inclusive event where the event contractor has financial responsibility for every facet of the production, promotion and management of the event. Payment under a contract for a Turnkey event will be made only after completion of the event and proof that the scope of services as described within the contract has been completed. The DAC when considering funding of a Turnkey event may also specify within the scope of services of the contract, specific marketing components that the DAC feels important to the success of the event. If a Turnkey event is delayed or canceled for any reason, no payment shall be forthcoming, even if the event contractor has out -of- pocket expenses leading up to the actual event. The TDC, therefore, strongly recommends that the event contractor purchase insurance that covers the cancellation or delay of an event due to "force majeure" or unforeseen circumstances. Please note that the DAC may deny funding of an event applying as Turnkey and consider funding the application as a Destination event. Applications can only be accepted from a public entity governed by a county or municipality; or a profit or not - for - profit; or a private business in good standing with the Division of Florida Corporations. Prior to completing an event application, please go to www.sunbiz.org to ensure that your organization is registered to do business in the State of Florida. Only entities (applicants) that are duly registered will be accepted. 'a U_ a� c c 0 r m c a� 0 Contact the TDC Administrative Office (305) 296 -1552 to ascertain date, time and venue of the event funding workshop that will be held within the District which you are applying Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 3 Packet Pg. 3321 E.3.a to. Each DAC has specific marketing goals and it is strongly recommended that all prospective applicants attend the workshop in the District where you plan to apply for funding to ascertain the marketing direction and expectations of that District as it pertains to event applications. The cost of preparation and submission of the application is the responsibility of the applicant. Applicants must ensure that their application is submitted to the Monroe County Purchasing Department by date and time noted on page 1 of the application. Applications that are received after the specified deadline as determined within the RFA will not be accepted. This policy mirrors that of the Board of County Commissioners. Applicant shall complete, copy, sign (by an authorized officer) and submit the correct number of copies of the application to the Monroe County Purchasing Department (see address on page 1). Please do not use any binders or tab inserts. Should an attachment be required for your application, note the Exhibit number on the top right hand corner of each sheet. Applicant shall familiarize him /herself with referenced online materials noted on the application check list on page 41. The online materials include a sample contract and sample of scoring system used in determining funding eligibility. Applicant shall be responsible for securing all federal, state and local permits and approval necessary for the event. Award of funds under this application does not indicate any approval by the County and applicant shall be required to comply with all County laws, rules and requirements. Please consult with the TDC Administrative Office prior to starting the application process if you are uncertain about whether your event would be considered. The applicant shall not lobby, solicit or act to influence the advisory committee members and /or the TDC board members in any way that may have an effect on the outcome of the competition, discussion or negotiations leading to the allocation of funding, or an award of a contract as reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's office. Such action may lead to withdrawal of the application from consideration. The application shall be considered complete upon receipt and should stand alone with no other information being provided after - the -fact other than any additional information that may be requested by the TDC administrative office, or questions from the DAC at the allocation meeting. DAC recommendation on funding allocations shall be limited to recommending allocations which do not exceed the amount requested by the applicant. Funding requests may be denied, reduced to a lower level or accepted at level requested. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scoring the minimum points required to be considered, does not guarantee funding of the event. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 4 Packet Pg. 3322 E.3.a All information furnished or disclosed as part of the application process is considered public record by the laws of the State of Florida. DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE WORKSHOPS FOR APPLICANTS Workshops will be held in each of the districts at the following venues and times for those applicants that are interested in applying for funding. Attendance is strongly recommended. (Please note that all venues and times are subject to change and can be confirmed by calling the TDC administrative office at (305) 296- 1552): District I: April 4, 2018 Margaritaville Resort, Key West 3:00 p.m. District II: April 3, 2018 Mote Marine Facility, Summerland Key 6:00 p.m. District III: April 4, 2018 Marathon Government Center 9:30 a.m. District IV: April 3, 2018 Islander Resort 2:00 p.m. District V: April 3, 2018 Murray Nelson Gov't Center, Key Largo 10:00 a.m The District Advisory Committee will be reviewing your event application and scoring it during the evaluation meeting. Scoring will be considered using a scale, with 1 being the lowest. Upon evaluation, the total scores will be tabulated and applications not scoring 17 points or above by a majority of the sitting members, will not be considered for funding. Those events that meet the minimum scoring requirements noted above will be ranked starting with the highest average score. In the case of a tie, the highest score in the Timing of Event will be the determining factor. Points are listed at the end of each Exhibit for ease of scoring by reviewers. View sample scoring sheet at http://www.monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /HomeNiew /7072 The minimum points threshold required to be considered, 17, has been set such that events that are considered very good to excellent in their "Purpose, Itinerary & Room Nights ", "Soundness of Marketing Plan & Financial Commitment" and "Action Plan" should meet the minimum for consideration regardless of the "Timing of Event ". Events that are considered somewhat good in those categories will need to thoughtfully utilize "Timing of Event" points in order to meet the minimum points threshold to be considered. In other words, timing events to be held in slower months and /or to produce room night stays during mid -week days will be important for achieving sufficient minimum scoring. Events that are poor in their "Purpose, Itinerary & Room Nights ", "Soundness of Marketing Plan & Financial Commitment" and "Action Plan" will not meet the minimum to be considered. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scoring the minimum points required to be considered, does not guarantee funding of the event. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 5 Packet Pg. 3323 E.3.a 2019 January 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 1415 16 1718 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 2829 3031 1 N April 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1112 13 14 15 16 1718 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 F July 2019 28 2930 26 28 29 30 31 Y 1 I I I N N 01 Jan, 19 18 Feb, 19 12 May, 19 04 Jul, 19 31 Oct, 19 25 Dec, 19 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 2930 31 February 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa i i 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1516 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 —H N A 11 1 I I May 2019 1 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 March 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1819 20 21 22 23 24 2526 27 28 29 30 31 N N N Y I N June 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 2122 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 August 2019 September 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 1 1 1 I I I I I N IN October 2019 November 2019 1 2 3 1 3 4 5 6 7 4 5 6 7 8 910 8 9 10 11 1213 14 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 1617 18 19 20 21 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 2324 25 26 27 28 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 I I Y Y L—j N C 1 1 1 1 I I I I I N IN October 2019 November 2019 1 1 1 December 2019 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7 8 9101112 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8 910 11121314 13 15 16 1718 19 10 12 13 14 15 16 15 1617 18 19 20 21 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 1819 20 21 22 23 22 2324 26 27 28 27 2829 30 31 24 2526 27 29 30 29 3031 1 1 N N N N I I I I I I Y Y L—j N C United States Holidays and Observances New Year's Day 21 Jan, 19 M L King Day 14 Feb 19 Valentine's Day Presidents' Day 19 Apr, 19 Good Friday 21 Apr, 19 Easter Sunday Mother's Day 27 Memorial Day 16 Jun, 19 Father's Day Independence Day 02 Sep, 19 Labor Day 14 Oct, 19 Columbus Day Halloween 11 Nov, 19 Veterans Day 28 Nov, 19 Thanksgiving Day Christmas 01 Jan, 20 New Year's Day Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 6 Packet Pg. 3324 E.3.a Events taking place between January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2019 TITLE OF EVENT: EVENT WEBSITE ADDRESS: VENUE (Location /City): DATE(S) OF EVENT: (nor gates of event refer to 2019 calendar on previous page) APPLICANT ORGANIZATION: (Registered business name exactly as it appears on www.sunbiz.org ) For Profit F Not for Profit F Please note that the TDC Administrative Office conducts most of its correspondence, including contract and reimbursement material by email, so the person listed below should be able to accept responsibility for receipt of this information. CONTACT PERSON: EMAIL (for correspondence): TELEPHONE NUMBER (Daytime /mobile): ADDRESS: SUMMARIZE APPLICANT HISTORY Enter Text CODE ENFORCEMENT: Does your organization /property have any outstanding code violations and /or fines /costs Or liens? (Please note that pursuant to Section 2- 25(e), Monroe County Code, organizations with outstanding code compliance fines are not eligible to receive grants or contracts from the county until such time as the fines are resolved through payment or settlement.) Yes ❑ NO ❑ If you have answered yes, please explain below: Enter Text 'Q U_ W c c 0 r W 0 Q U_ c W w W c c m c 0 r m c m 0 c m E m r r Q Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 7 Packet Pg. 3325 E.3.a HAS THIS EVENT BEEN PRODUCED IN THE PAST? Yes ❑* No ❑ *IF YES, WHEN? DID THE SAME APPLICANT PRODUCE IT? Yes ❑ No ❑ List name of President and other individuals authorized to execute contracts and otherwise act on behalf of Applicant: Name Title List staff members, including volunteers, responsible for administering and organizing this event, with evidence of their qualifications and capabilities to accommodate the demands of the event. Name Qualifications Capabilities Are you receiving any other grants for this event (from governmental or nonprofit organizations, etc.)? If so, enter information below: Source of Funding Amount Requested Amount Received Year 'a U_ a� c c 0 r m c r a� 0 Q w r c a� w a� c c m c 0 r m c m 0 c a� E r r a Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 8 Packet Pg. 3326 E.3.a DISTRICT I APPLICANTS ONLY (Encompasses the City Limits of Key West) When applying for funding, it is important to understand the number of lodging units available within this District as it is the maximum number of room nights which may be sold per day — review table 1 below. The number of lodging units provided in Table 1 subject to fluctuation. III F1 71 District I: Key West Units Max. daily room nights Hotel /Motel /B &B /Guest House /Inn 6,282 Vacation Rental 1,040 RV Park & Campground 0 Total 7,322 Source: Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, TDC The number of lodging units provided in Table 1 subject to fluctuation When evaluating funding allocations (return on investment), it is important to understand how the revenue was derived. Table 2 demonstrates, given its average lodging rates for the past two years, how Table 2: many room nights this District had to sell to raise enough two -penny bed tax revenue for each level of event funding. The chart is provided to give a clearer context to the value of the bed tax dollar that funds each level. The District Advisory Committee may use their discretion when evaluating funding allocations. However, it is important to understand how the income is derived. District I: Key West Funding Level Room Nights $10,000 1,720 $17,000 2,930 $25,000 4,310 $35,000 6,030 $50,000 8,620 $75,000 12,930 $100,000 17,240 $120,00 20,690 $150,0001 25,860 EXHUM'l A-1 Check the box below that best describes the primary purpose of your event: ❑ To draw out -of- county visitors to the destination and put "Heads in Beds ". ❑ To provide something to do for the visitor who is already here and enhance their experience while visiting the destination. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 9 Packet Pg. 3327 E.3.a DISTRICT I CONTINUED... EXHIBIT A -2 Specifically outline the activities /events that will take place during your event. If your event encompasses several days, break out each day, including the venue. Only include activities that are directly related to the event for which you are seeking funding, and for which your organization is responsible for producing. Example Day 1: Opening Party /Registration (include venue and time) Day 2: Food and Wine Tasting (venues and times) Day 3: Art Festival (include venue /times and possible street closings) Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 10 Packet Pg. 3328 E.3.a DISTRICT I EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... Events are scored based on ability to attract out -of- County visitors to the district in which funding is applied. For the event year in which this application refers, provide the room nights your event is anticipated to generate for this district only according to your selection in A -1. In other words, if you indicated your event's primary purpose is to "draw out -of- county visitors ", how many room nights do you anticipate you will draw? If you indicated your event is "to enhance the experience for visitors already here ", how many room nights would be influenced by visitors who attend your event? Next, indicate how you arrived at that figure. Room Nights 1. Formula to calculate Room Nights to this district *Total Room nights willcalcut: automatically upon pressing the tab key on your key hoard or answering the next question): a. How many out of County visitors to this district? a. b. How many visitors to a room? (Note: avg. is 3) b. c. How many nights will the visitors stay? C. d. Calculate: Room NigL' (alb) x c Divide line a by line b. Then multiple by line c Room Nights- o Method used to estimate out -of- county visitors entered above (a): Check all that apply. ❑ Capacity of venue(s) ❑ ❑ Registrations from last event ❑ ❑ Police crowd estimate from last event ❑ Ticket Sales from last event Crowd photos from last event Survey of attendees from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Method used to estimate number of nights out -of- County visitors will stay (c): Check one. ❑ Based on length of event ❑ Based on survey from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Applicant shall be scored on the combination of Exhibits A -1 (Primary Purpose of event); A -2 (Event Itinerary), and A -3 (Number of Room Nights). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 11 Packet Pg. 3329 E.3.a DISTRICT I CONTINUED... Check this box if your event meets the definition of a New Event. Definition of New Event An event that has not taken place in this District previously. A New Event choosing this category will be considered with other New Event applications from a separate resource specifically allocated for New Events. If your event does not score the minimum required score by a majority of the sittinq members, your application will not be considered for funding. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scorinq the minimum points required to be considered does not quarantee fundinq of the event. F-1 I understand that as a New Event this is a $10,000 grant request. A New Event may choose to apply under the regular event funding process wherein the new event will compete with previously funded events. Regular Event Funding: Complete this section if your event is NOT applying as a New Event. Check the appropriate category (Destination or Turnkey) and grant level you are applying for. If your event does not score the minimum required score by a majority of the sittinq members, your application will not be considered for funding. The DAC may also decline fundinq your application, or fund at a lower fundinq level. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scoring the minimum points required to be considered does not guarantee fundinq of the event. F-1 uestiination Funding Levell request Only F]Level 1 $10,000 F]Level 2 $17,000 F]Level 4 $35,000 F]Level 5 $50,000 F -1 Turnkey Funding Level Request Only FI Level 7: $75,000 FILevel 8 $100,000 Level 10: $150,000 F]Level 3 $25,000 F]Level 6 $75,000 F]Level 9 $120,000 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 12 Packet Pg. 3330 E.3.a DISTRICT I CONTINUED... Events are scored based on when in the calendar year they are held. Shoulder and off season events receive higher scoring. Additional scoring points are also given for mid- week events. The average of the past two fiscal years' occupancy, as reported by Smith Travel Research, is used to create the Timing of Event Scoring. Points are assigned to each occupancy level range. Table 3 below depicts the points associated with each occupancy level range. Next, it shows the times which your District, during the past two fiscal years, reached each occupancy level range. Table 3: District I — Timing of Event Scoring Events held 90% District I: Check box when average Receive Dates For Each next to your Your Table 3 occupancy is: score of: Occupancy Range event dates: Score Is: 70% to 79% 3 September, December ❑ 3 3 District I Total Score 1 -24 80% to 89% 2 October, November, ❑ 2 January, May, June, August 90% to 100% 0 February- April, July ❑ 0 December 25 -31 Key West Two Year Average Occupancy Trends By Month 100% Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked 90% 2 80% 70% +4 Q 60% 50% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul A ug Sep Oct Nov Dec �Seriesl 86% 94% 93% 1 90% 85% 8395 91% 80% 70% 75% 83% 829'5 1 Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked Enter Score 2 Mid Week Days are Sunday —Thursday +4 • Add four (4) points if your event falls on at least 2 mid -week days or or • Add two (2) points if your event falls on only 1 mid -week day +2 3 District I Total Score Enter Score Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 13 Packet Pg. 3331 E.3.a DISTRICT II APPLICANTS ONLY (From City Limits of Key West to the west end of the Seven Mile Bridge) When applying for funding, it is important to understand the number of lodging units available within this District as it is the maximum number of room nights which may be sold per day — review table 1 below. Table 1: District II: Big Pine Key & The Lower Keys Units Max. daily room nights Hotel /Motel /B &B /Guest House /Inn 358 Vacation Rental 196 RV Park & Campground 1,202 Total 1,756 Source: Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation TDC The number of lodging units provided in Table 1 subject to fluctuation When evaluating funding allocations (return on investment), it is important to understand how the revenue was derived. Table 2 demonstrates, given its average lodging rates for the past two Table 2: years, now many room nights this District had to sell to raise enough two -penny bed tax revenue for each level of event funding. The chart is provided to give a clearer context to the value of the bed tax dollar that funds each level. The District Advisory Committee may use their discretion when evaluating funding allocations. However, it is important to District II: Big Pine Key & The Lower Keys RV Park/ Hotel /Motel /B& Campground Funding Level B Room Nights Room Nights* $5,000 2,660 1,300 $7,500 3,990 1,950 $10,000 5,320 2,600 $15,000 7,990 3,910 *As DAC II does not have participants in the Smith Travel Research program, published rates were used to determine room nights. Room nights is further broken down for this DAC by lodging type as a super majority of DAC II lodging units are RV Park & Campground sites. Little Palm Island is excluded from calculations. understand how the income is derived. EXHIBIT A -1 Check the box below that best describes the primary purpose of your event: ❑ To draw out -of- county visitors to the destination and put "Heads in Beds ". ❑ To provide something to do for the visitor who is already here and enhance their experience while visiting the destination. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 14 Packet Pg. 3332 E.3.a DISTRICT II EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... EXHIBIT A -2 Specifically outline the activities /events that will take place during your event. If your event encompasses several days, break out each day, including the venue. Only include activities that are directly related to the event for which you are seeking funding, and for which your organization is responsible for producing. Example Day 1: Opening Party /Registration (include venue and time) Day 2: Food and Wine Tasting (venues and times) Day 3: Art Festival (include venue /times and possible street closings) Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 15 Packet Pg. 3333 E.3.a DISTRICT II EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... Events are scored based on ability to attract out -of- County visitors to the district in which funding is applied. For the event year in which this application refers, provide the room nights your event is anticipated to generate for this district only according to your selection in A -1. In other words, if you indicated your event's primary purpose is to "draw out -of- county visitors ", how many room nights do you anticipate you will draw? If you indicated your event is "to enhance the experience for visitors already here ", how many room nights would be influenced by visitors who attend your event? Next, indicate how you arrived at that figure. Room Nights 1. Formula to calculate room nights to this district ( * Total Room Nights will calculate automatically upon pressing the tab key on your key board or answering the next question): a. How many out of County visitors to this district? a. b. How many visitors to a room? (Note avg. is 3) b. c. How many nights will the visitors stay? C. d. Calculate Room Nights = (alb) x c Divide line a by line b. Then multiple by line c *Room Nights o Method used to estimate out -of- county visitors entered above (a): Check all that apply. ❑ Capacity of venue(s) ❑ Ticket Sales from last event ❑ Registrations from last event ❑ Crowd photos from last event ❑ Police crowd estimate from last event ❑ Survey of attendees from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Method used to estimate number of nights out -of- County visitors will stay (c): Check one. ❑ Based on length of event ❑ Based on survey from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Applicant shall be scored on the combination of Exhibits A -1 (Primary Purpose of event); A -2 (Event Itinerary), and A -3 (Number of Room Nights). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 16 Packet Pg. 3334 E.3.a DISTRICT II CONTINUED... Please note: District II does not have a Turnkey Funding option Check the grant level you are applying for. If your event does not score the minimum required score by a majority of the sittinq members, your application will not be considered for funding. The DAC may also decline fundinq your application, or fund at a lower fundinq level. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scoring the minimum points required to be considered does not guarantee fundinq of the event. a u_ F Destination Funding Level Request Only F-1 c Level 1 : $5,000 F] Leve/ 2 : $7,500 F] Leve/ 3 : $10,000 0 r m F Level 4 : $15,000 y a� 0 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 17 Packet Pg. 3335 E.3.a DISTRICT II CONTINUED... EXH UT Events are scored based on when in the calendar year they are held. Shoulder and off season events receive higher scoring. Additional scoring points are also given for mid- week events. The average of the past two fiscal years' occupancy, as reported by Smith Travel Research, is used to create the Timing of Event Scoring. Points are assigned to each occupancy level range. Table 3 below depicts the points associated with each occupancy level range. Next, it shows the times which your District, during the past two fiscal years, reached each occupancy level range. Table 3: District II — Timing of Event Scoring Events held when Receive District II: Check box average score Dates For Each next to your Your Table occu anc is: of: Occupancy Range event dates: 3 Score Is: 0% to 59% 5 September ❑ 5 60% to 69% 4 October, November, ❑ 4 December, May, August 70% to 79% 3 January, February, April, ❑ 3 June, July 80% to 100% 2 March ❑ 2 1 Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked) Enter Score 2 Mid Week Days are Sunday — Thursday +2 • Add two (2) points if your event falls on at least 2 mid -week days or or • Add one (1) point if your event falls on only 1 mid -week day +1 3 District II Total Score Enter Score Keys Two Year Average Occupancy Trends By Month 100.0% 90.0% m 80.0% a 70.0% O 60.0% 50.0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep C7ct Nov Dec —0—Seriesl 67.5% 76.1% 82.4% 177.3% 171.2% 175.4% 80.4% 65.4% 50.4% 51.8% 165.5% 61.2% 'a u- a� c c 0 r r a� 0 Q u- c a� w m c c m c 0 r m c r m 0 c m E cs m r r Q Monroe County Tourist Development Council – Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 1 Packet Pg. 3336 E.3.a DISTRICT III APPLICANTS ONLY (From the west end of the Seven Mile Bridge to the Long Key Bridge) When applying for funding, it is important to understand the number of lodging units available within this District as it is the maximum number of room nights which may be sold per day — review table 1 below. Table 1: District III: Marathon Units Max. daily room nights Hotel /Motel /B &B /Guest House /Inn 2,309 Vacation Rental 1,240 RV Park & Campground 526 Total 3,876 Source: Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, TDC The number of lodging units provided in Table 1 subject to fluctuation When evaluating funding allocations (return on investment), it is important to understand how the revenue was derived. Table 2 demonstrates, given its average lodging rates for the past two years, how many room nights this District had to sell to raise enough two -penny bed tax revenue Table 2: for each level of event funding. The chart is District III: Marathon provided to give a clearer context to the value Funding Level Room Nights of the bed tax dollar that funds each level. The District Advisory Committee may use their discretion when evaluating funding allocations. However, it is important to understand how the income is derived. EXHIBIT A -1 Check the box below that best describes the primary purpose of your event: ❑ To draw out -of- county visitors to the destination and put "Heads in Beds ". ❑ To provide something to do for the visitor who is already here and enhance their experience while visiting the destination. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 19 Packet Pg. 3337 $10,000 2,020 $20,000 4,030 $30,000 6,050 $40,0001 8,060 $50,0001 10,080 EXHIBIT A -1 Check the box below that best describes the primary purpose of your event: ❑ To draw out -of- county visitors to the destination and put "Heads in Beds ". ❑ To provide something to do for the visitor who is already here and enhance their experience while visiting the destination. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 19 Packet Pg. 3337 E.3.a DISTRICT III EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... EXHIBIT A -2 Specifically outline the activities /events that will take place during your event. If your event encompasses several days, break out each day, including the venue. Only include activities that are directly related to the event for which you are seeking funding, and for which your organization is responsible for producing. Example Day 1: Opening Party /Registration (include venue and time) Day 2: Food and Wine Tasting (venues and times) Day 3: Art Festival (include venue /times and possible street closings) Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 20 Packet Pg. 3338 E.3.a DISTRICT III EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... EXHIBIT A -3 Events are scored based on ability to attract out -of- County visitors to the district in which funding is applied. For the event year in which this application refers, provide the room nights your event is anticipated to generate for this district only according to your selection in A -1. In other words, if you indicated your event's primary purpose is to "draw out -of- county visitors ", how many room nights do you anticipate you will draw? If you indicated your event is "to enhance the experience for visitors already here ", how many room nights would be influenced by visitors who attend your event? Next, indicate how you arrived at that figure. Room Nights 1. Formula to calculate room nights to this district ( * Total Room Nights will calculate automatically upon pressing the tab key on your key board or answering the next question): a. How many out of County visitors to this district? a. b. How many visitors to a room? (Note: avg. is 3) b. c. How many nights will the visitors stay? C. d. Calculate: Room Nights = (alb) x c Divide line a by line b. Then multiple by line c *Room Nights: o Method used to estimate out -of- county visitors entered above (a): Check all that apply. ❑ Capacity of venue(s) ❑ ❑ Registrations from last event ❑ ❑ Police crowd estimate from last event ❑ ❑ Other, please specify Ticket Sales from last event Crowd photos from last event Survey of attendees from last event (Attach results of survey) Method used to estimate number of nights out -of- County visitors will stay (c): Check one. ❑ Based on length of event ❑ Based on survey from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Applicant shall be scored on the combination of Exhibits A -1 (Primary Purpose of event); A -2 (Event Itinerary), and A -3 (Number of Room Nights). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 21 Packet Pg. 3339 E.3.a DISTRICT III CONTINUED... Please note: District III does not have a Turnkey Funding option Check the grant level you are applying for. If your event does not score the minimum required score by a majority of the sitting members, your application will not be considered for fundina. The DAC may also decline fundina your application. or fund at a lower funding level. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scoring the minimum points a required to be considered does not quarantee funding of the event. U- a� i FI Destination Funding Level Request Only c 0 r m c F] Leve/ 1 : $10,000 F Level 2 : $20,000 F-1 Level 3 : $30,000 0 F] Leve/ 4 : $40,000 F Level 5 : $50,000 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 22 Packet Pg. 3340 E.3.a DISTRICT III CONTINUED... EXHIBIT B Events are scored based on when in the calendar year they are held. Shoulder and off season events receive higher scoring. Additional scoring points are also given for mid- week events. The average of the past two fiscal years' occupancy, as reported by Smith Travel Research, is used to create the Timing of Event Scoring. Points are assigned to each occupancy level range. Table 3 below depicts the points associated with each occupancy level range. Next, it shows the times which your District, during the past two fiscal years, reached each occupancy level range. Table 3: District III — Timing of Event Scoring Events held Receive District III: Check box next Your when average score Dates For Each to your event Table 3 occu anc is: of: Occupancy Range dates: Score Is: 0% to 59% 5 September ❑ 5 60% to 69% 4 October, November, ❑ 4 December, May, August 70% to 79% 3 January, February, April, ❑ 3 June 80% to 100% 2 March, July ❑ 2 Marathon Two Year Average Occupancy Trends By Month 100% 90% m 80% a V 70% Q 60% 501 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep act Nov Dec -4—Seriesl 68% 759`. 839'. 7896 719`. 78°! 8496 1 709. 52% 5796 1 66% 62% 1 Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked Enter Score 2 Mid Week Days are Sunday — Thursday +2 • Add two (2) points if your event falls on at least 2 mid -week days or or • Add one (1) point if your event falls on only 1 mid -week day +1 3 District III Total Score Enter Score Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 23 Packet Pg. 3341 E.3.a DISTRICT IV APPLICANTS ONLY (Between the Long Key Bridge and mile marker 90.939) When applying for funding, it is important to understand the number of lodging units available within this District as it is the maximum number of room nights which may be sold per day — review table 1 below. Table 1: District IV: Islamorada Units (Max. daily room nights) Hotel /Motel /B &B /Guest House /Inn 1,810 Vacation Rental 528 RV Park & Campground 109 Total 2,447 Source: Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, TDC The number of lodging units provided in Table 1 subject to fluctuation When evaluating funding allocations (return on investment), it is important to understand how the revenue was derived. Table 2 demonstrates, given its average lodging rates for the past two years, how many room nights this District had to sell to raise enough two -penny bed tax revenue Table 2: for each level of event funding. The chart is provided to give a clearer context to the value of the bed tax dollar that funds each level. The District Advisory Committee may use their discretion when evaluating funding allocations. However, it is important to understand how the income is derived. District IV: Islamorada Funding Level Room Nights $10,000 2,070 $15,000 3,100 $20,000 4,130 $25,000 5,170 $30,000 6,200 $40,000 8,260 $50,000 10,330 EXHIBIT A -1 Check the box below that best describes the primary purpose of your event: ❑ To draw out -of- county visitors to the destination and put "Heads in Beds ". ❑ To provide something to do for the visitor who is already here and enhance their experience while visiting the destination. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 24 Packet Pg. 3342 E.3.a DISTRICT IV EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... EXHIBIT Specifically outline the activities /events that will take place during your event. If your event encompasses several days, break out each day, including the venue. Only include activities that are directly related to the event for which you are seeking funding, and for which your organization is responsible for producing. Example Day 1: Opening Party /Registration (include venue and time) Day 2: Food and Wine Tasting (venues and times) Day 3: Art Festival (include venue /times and possible street closings) Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 25 Packet Pg. 3343 E.3.a DISTRICT IV EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... EXHIBIT A -3 NUMBER OF ROOM NIGHTS ANTICIP FOR E VI` Events are scored based on ability to attract out -of- County visitors to the district in which funding is applied. For the event year in which this application refers, provide the room nights your event is anticipated to generate for this district only according to your selection in A -1. In other words, if you indicated your event's primary purpose is to "draw out -of- county visitors ", how many room nights do you anticipate you will draw? If you indicated your event is "to enhance the experience for visitors already here ", how many room nights would be influenced by visitors who attend your event? Next, indicate how you arrived at that figure. Room Nights 1. Formula to calculate room nights to this district ( * Total Room Nights will calculate automatically upon pressing the tab key on your key board or answering the next question): a. How many out of County visitors to this district? a. b. How many visitors to a room? (Note: avg. is 3) b. c. How many nights will the visitors stay? C. d. Calculate: Room Nights = (alb) x c Divide line a by line b. Then multiple by line c *Room Nights: o Method used to estimate out -of- county visitors entered above (a): Check all that apply. ❑ Capacity of venue(s) ❑ Ticket Sales from last event ❑ Registrations from last event ❑ Crowd photos from last event ❑ Police crowd estimate from last event ❑ Survey of attendees from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Method used to estimate number of nights out -of- County visitors will stay (c): Check one. ❑ Based on length of event ❑ Based on survey from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Applicant shall be scored on the combination of Exhibit A -1 (Primary Purpose of event); A -2 (Event Itinerary), and A -3 (Number of Room Nights). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 26 Packet Pg. 3344 E.3.a DISTRICT IV CONTINUED... FUN )ndG REQUEST Check the appropriate category (Destination or Turnkey) below and grant level you are applying for. If your event does not score the minimum required score by a majority of the sitting members, your application will not be considered for funding. The DAC may also decline fundinq your application, or fund at a lower fundinq level. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scorinq the minimum points required to be considered does not guarantee fundinq of the event. F -1 Destination Funding Level Request Only F] Leve/ 1 : $10,000 Level 4 : $25,000 Level 2 : $15,000 F] Leve/ 5 : $30,000 F -1 Turnkey Funding Level Request 0 F] Leve/ 6 : $30,000 F] Leve/ 7 : $40,000 F] Leve/ 3 : $20,000 F-1 Level 8: $50,000 'a u_ a� 0 a� 0 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 27 Packet Pg. 3345 E.3.a DISTRICT IV CONTINUED... EXHIBIT B IF EVENT Events are scored based on when in the calendar year they are held. Shoulder and off season events receive higher scoring. Additional scoring points are also given for mid- week events. The average of the past two fiscal years' occupancy, as reported by Smith Travel Research, is used to create the Timing of Event Scoring. Points are assigned to each occupancy level range. Table 3 below depicts the points associated with each occupancy level range. Next, it shows the times which your District, during the past two fiscal years, reached each occupancy level range. Table 3: District IV— Timing of Event Scoring Events held when Receive District IV: Check box average score Dates For Each next to your Your Table 3 occu anc is: of: Occupancy Range event dates: Score Is: 0% to 59% 5 September ❑ 5 60% to 69% 4 October, November, ❑ 4 December, August 70% to 79% 3 January, April, May, ❑ 3 June 80% to 100% 2 February, March, July ❑ 2 Islamorada Two Year Average Occupancy Trends By Month 100% 90% 80% 70% Q 60% 50% Jan Feb Mar Apr May J un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec —0—Seriesl 70`Y 81% 879'. 79% 729'0 78% 83% 70% 52% 5'99'® 69% 63% 1 Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked Enter Score 2 Mid Week Days are Sunday — Thursday +2 • Add two (2) points if your event falls on at least 2 mid -week days or or • Add one (1) point if your event falls on only 1 mid -week day +1 3 District IV Total Score Enter Score Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 28 Packet Pg. 3346 E.3.a DISTRICT V APPLICANTS ONLY (From mile marker 90.940 to the Dade /Monroe County line & any mainland portions of Monroe County) When applying for funding, it is important to understand the number of lodging units available within this District as it is the maximum number of room nights which may be sold per day — review table 1 below. Table 1: District V: Key Largo Units Max. daily room nights Hotel /Motel /B &B /Guest House /Inn 2,025 Vacation Rental 449 RV Park & Campground 340 Total 2,814 Source: Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation, TDC The number of lodging units provided in Table 1 subject to fluctuation When evaluating funding allocations (return on investment), it is important to understand how the revenue was derived. Table 2 demonstrates, given its average lodging rates for the past two years, how many room nights this District had to sell to raise enough two -penny bed tax revenue Table 2: for each level of event funding. The chart is provided to give a clearer context to the value of the bed tax dollar that funds each level. The District Advisory Committee may use their discretion when evaluating funding allocations. However, it is important to understand how the income is derived. District V: Key Lar o Funding Level Room Nights $10,000 2,430 $15,000 3,640 $20,000 4,850 $25,000 6,070 $30,000 7,280 $35,000 8,490 $40,000 9,700 EXHIBIT A -1 Check the box below that best describes the primary purpose of your event: ❑ To draw out -of- county visitors to the destination and put "Heads in Beds ". ❑ To provide something to do for the visitor who is already here and enhance their experience while visiting the destination. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 29 Packet Pg. 3347 E.3.a DISTRICT V EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... x: Specifically outline the activities /events that will take place during your event. If your event encompasses several days, break out each day, including the venue. Only include activities that are directly related to the event for which you are seeking funding, and for which your organization is responsible for producing. Example Day 1: Opening Party /Registration (include venue and time) Day 2: Food and Wine Tasting (venues and times) Day 3: Art Festival (include venue /times and possible street closings) Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 30 Packet Pg. 3348 E.3.a DISTRICT V EXHIBIT A CONTINUED... EXHIBIT A -3 Events are scored based on ability to attract out -of- County visitors to the district in which funding is applied. For the event year in which this application refers, provide the room nights your event is anticipated to generate for this district only according to your selection in A -1. In other words, if you indicated your event's primary purpose is to "draw out -of- county visitors ", how many room nights do you anticipate you will draw? If you indicated your event is "to enhance the experience for visitors already here ", how many room nights would be influenced by visitors who attend your event? Next, indicate how you arrived at that figure. Room Nights 1. Formula to calculate room nights to this district ( * Total Room Nights will calculate automatically upon pressing the tab key on your key board or answering the next question): a. How many out of County visitors to this district? a. b. How many visitors to a room? (Note: avg. is 3) b. c. How many nights will the visitors stay? C. d. Calculate: Room Nights = (a /b) x c Divide line a by line b. Then multiple by line c *Room Nights: o Method used to estimate out -of- county visitors entered above (a): Check all that apply. ❑ Capacity of venue(s) ❑ ❑ Registrations from last event ❑ ❑ Police crowd estimate from last event ❑ ❑ Other, please specify Ticket Sales from last event Crowd photos from last event Survey of attendees from last event (Attach results of survey) Method used to estimate number of nights out -of- County visitors will stay (c): Check one. ❑ Based on length of event ❑ Based on survey from last event (Attach results of survey) ❑ Other, please specify Applicant shall be scored on the combination of Exhibits A -1 (Primary Purpose oil:' event); A -2 (Event Itinerary), and A -3 (Number of Room Nights). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 31 Packet Pg. 3349 E.3.a DISTRICT V CONTINUED... Check the appropriate category (Destination or Turnkey) below and grant level you are applyinq for. If your event does not score the minimum required score by a majority of the sittinq members, your application will not be considered for funding. The DAC may also decline fundinq your application, or fund at a lower fundinq level. It is important for the applicant to be aware that scoring the minimum points required to be considered does not guarantee fundinq of the event. FI Destination Funding Level Request Only F] Leve/ 1 : $10,000 Level 4 : $25,000 Level 2 : $15,000 F-1 Level 5 : $30,000 F-1 Level 7 : $40,000 F -1 - rurnkey Funding Level Request Only F] Leve/ 8 : $30,000 F Level 9: $35,000 F] Leve/ 3 : $20,000 F] Leve/ 6 : $35,000 F] Leve/ 10 : $40,000 'a u_ a� 0 a� 0 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 32 Packet Pg. 3350 E.3.a DISTRICT V CONTINUED... Events are scored based on when in the calendar year they are held. Shoulder and off season events receive higher scoring. Additional scoring points are also given for mid- week events. The average of the past two fiscal years' occupancy, as reported by Smith Travel Research, is used to create the Timing of Event Scoring. Points are assigned to each occupancy level range. Table 3 below depicts the points associated with each occupancy level range. Next, it shows the times which your District, during the past two fiscal years, reached each occupancy level range. Table 3: District V— Timin g of Event Scorin Events held Enter Score District V: Check box next when average Receive Dates For Each to your event Your Table 3 occu anc is: score of: Occupancy Range dates: Score Is: 0% to 59% 5 September ❑ 3 5 60% to 69% 4 October, ❑ 4 November, December, August 70% to 79% 3 January, April, May, ❑ 3 June, July Feb Mar 80% to 100% 2 February, March ❑ 2 IKey La rgo Two Yea r Average 0ccupa ncl By Month 100% 90% m 80% a V 70% Q 60% 50% Seriesl 1 Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked) Enter Score 2 Mid Week Days are Sunday — Thursday +2 • Add two (2) points if your event falls on at least 2 mid -week days or or • Add one (1) point if your event falls on only 1 mid -week day +1 3 District V Total Score Enter Score Jan Feb Mar Apr 75% May Jun 74% Jul Aug Sel 73% 82% 83% 71% 77% 60% 53 1 , 1 Enter your score from Table 3 (if more than one box was checked, add all scores together and divide by the number of boxes checked) Enter Score 2 Mid Week Days are Sunday — Thursday +2 • Add two (2) points if your event falls on at least 2 mid -week days or or • Add one (1) point if your event falls on only 1 mid -week day +1 3 District V Total Score Enter Score Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 33 Packet Pg. 3351 E.3.a EXHIBIT C SOUNDNESS OF MARKETING PLAN AND FINANCIAL COMMITMENT OF APPLICANT TO THE MARKETING OF THIS E': If you receive the money you are requesting from the TDC, describe in detail, how your organization plans to market your event to appeal to your target market. Please be specific about your media placement /cost. If you require more space than provided, please attach as Exhibit C. Highest points will be awarded for soundness of plan and the strength of your organization's funding contribution. Continue on next page if needed. Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 34 Packet Pg. 3352 EXHIBIT C CONTINUED... SOUNDNESS OF MARKETING PLAN AND . -i yANOAL La. Aii ITMENT OF APPLICANT TO THE MARKETING OF THIS L� ` What is the total amount of your Marketing Plan? $ How much is the applicant contributing to the marketing of this event in "Hard Dollars "? $ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 If you are a re- occurring event, attach as Exhibit C -1 your operating budget detailing the income /expense for your last event including community hard dollar support contributions. If you are a new event, attach as Exhibit C -2 your projected operating budget detailing your projected income /expense for the proposed new event including community hard dollar support contributions. View sample budget formats at: http://www.monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /HomeNiew /9893 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 35 Packet Pg. 3353 E.3.a X Submit a detailed action plan including appropriate permit(s) for the event if applicable, and how parking /security and road closures will be handled during your event. The plan should include the following information: Describe how your event plan will handle road closures. If applicable, enclose a copy of the approval by the appropriate county /municipal entity. 2. Describe how your event plan will accommodate parking and transportation. 3. Describe how your event plan will handle security. 4. Event Sustainability. Our visitors come to enjoy events, but in the process, a tremendous amount of waste is generated, much of it recyclable. The single most effective tool in reducing waste at special events is planning ahead. On the next page (page 37), complete a narrative on how you plan to reduce waste during your event by doing the following: a. Encourage recycling message within programs and brochures to recycle during the event and also at home. b. Encourage "Green" advertising (broadcast and digital). C. Encourage vendors to use biodegradable and compostable products (utensils; plates and cups; paper or canvas bags). d. Encourage the use of clearly identified recycling containers. e. Discourage use of single use plastic bags and other products. Useful contact numbers Monroe County (305) 289 -6037 City of Marathon (305) 289 -6037 City of Key West (305) 809 -3902 Islamorada Village of Islands (305) 853 -34` 'a U_ a� c c 0 r m c r m 0 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 36 Packet Pg. 3354 EXHIBIT D CONTINUED... 'Q w a� c c 0 r m c r m 0 Q w a r c a� w a� c c m c 0 r m c m 0 c m E m r r Q Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 37 Packet Pg. 3355 E.3.a I, , of the City of law on my oath, and under penalty of perjury, depose and say that: according to 1) I am the applicant making the application for the event. 2) The prices in this application have been arrived at independently without collusion, consultation, communication or contract for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any matter relating to such prices with any other applicant or with any competitor; 3) Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this application have not been knowingly disclosed by the applicant and will not knowingly be disclosed by the applicant prior to application opening, directly or indirectly, to any other applicant or to any competitor; 4) No attempt has been made or will be made by the applicant to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit, or not to submit, a application for the purpose of restricting competition; and 5) The statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full knowledge that Monroe County relies upon the truth of the statements contained in this affidavit in awarding contracts for said project. Print off this page, notarize below, and include as part of application VERIFICATION I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have read the forgoing application and that the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. President's Name Typed President's Signature Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of , 20_ personally appeared , , and_ known to be the persons named in and who executed the foregoing document. My commission expires: Notary Public State of Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 38 Packet Pg. 3356 The undersigned applicant in accordance with Section 287.087 Florida Statutes hereby certifies that: Enter Business Name (Name of Business) 1. Publishes a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition. 2. Informs employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of maintaining a drug -free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Gives each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under application a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notifies the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities or contractual services that are under proposal, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 (Florida Statutes) or of any controlled substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Imposes a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, or any employee who is so convicted. 6. Makes a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug -free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. (Print off this page, Sian helo ,, pnd incItide as cart of application Applicant's Signature Date Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 39 Packet Pg. 3357 E.3.a Print off this page, complete, and include as part of application FraITI YY - 9 Request for Taxpayer Give Foy to the (Rev. Decernber 2014) 'Identification Number and Certification requester. Do not I kpatrmntal the rroasory send to the IRS. IMernrJ Revenue Service 1 Name (as shown m yo fir Income tax return). Name is required on this line; do not leave this line blank. tv m 2 Flusinoss, Flam EJdi ,myardcd entity name, If ihttemill from above m a 3 Check appropriate box for federal lax classification; deeds. Only one of tine Idiomng seven boxes: — 4 Exemptions {codes apply only to C 0 U IndiveduaVsde Pr9PrietOr or Q C Corporation U 5 Corporation U Pardnershp ❑ Tnrstlestate certain entities, net mldwtduals; see instructions on page: c �. a single m ember l L C ® Limned li ability corn pany. Enter the tax Ua5mlication (C -C corporation, S -S corporation, P -par tnersh p) ► Exempt payee code (it any) `0 2 Nate. Fora single- nierrlber LLC that is disregarded, do not deeds LLC; check the appropriate box in the line above for Exemption bent FprGA reporting w flee tax classification of the single- member owner. code of any) CL C U ❑ other (see irfstrudiorq ► PA1w+a 0 e'm Us) U tr Address (number, stroat, and apt. or suite no Re4uestar s name and address (optional) m a Gary, state, axed 211 P code r� 7 List account number(s) here (optional) Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on line 1 to avoid Social security number ~ 1:11 ff backup with ns l For individuals, this is generally your social security number ( page Flowerer, fora resident alien, sole e proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Pan l instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to aef a 77N on page 3. or Note. If the account is in more than one name, seethe instructions for line land the chart on page 4 for L guidelines on whose number to enter. f Under penalties of perjury, I certify that 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or 1 am waiting for a number to be issued tome); and 2. 1 am not subject to backup withholding because (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that l am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IRS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding; and 3. 1 am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below}; and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (f any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA reporting is correct. Cart fiGation instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all interest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For mortgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangement (IRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TIN. See the in structio ns on page 3. � signatrae of Here U.S. person■ Date a General Instructions SaYiore re tareances are to the Internal Ilevenue Code unless otherwise noted- Future developments. InformatiOn about developments affecting Forrn W -9 (such as legislation f mistral atter we rolaaso it) is of evrwv.ris,gov7w9. Purpose of Form M individual or entity (F arm W H requester) who is required to file an intormation return with the M mist obtain your correct taxpayer identificahm number (11N) which may be your social security number (SSN), individual taxpayer identification number (ITIN), adoption taxpayer hdentifteation rnmbar (ATIN), or employer identilimfion number (EIN), to report On an intomnation return the amount paid to you, or other amount mutable.. cn an information return. Examples of Information returns include, but are not limited to, the following: • farm 1099 INT pntorest earned or paid) • Form 1099-DN (dividends, including those from stocks Or mutual funds) • Form 1099 -MISC (various types al income, pries, awards, or [dross pra;taeda) • farm 1099 �B (-stock or mutual fund sales and remain other transactions by brokers) • Form 1099 -S (proceeds from real eslale trarisactims) • Form 1099 -K (medwnt card and Thud Party network hansaOtiwrs) • Farrn 10911 (drorane mortgage interest), 1098 -E (student ksue intetiz% 1098 -T (tnifipn) • I um 1009 C (canceled debt) • Form 104TH -A (anlumhon or abandonment of $60Ured property) Use Form W -9 Only if you we a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to pirmide you correct TIN. If You do not ratuum Form 1 -9 to the regves fw IVA a W, you rmght 06 Submit to backup w9hhoidng. See What is backup withholdirgr? on page 2. By signing the Filled -our. learn, you: 1. certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are wafting for a nunbet to be issued), 2. t:crtity that yarn are not sul fa backup witNnaFding, OF 3. Claim exemption from backup withkdding if you are a U.S. exempt payee. If applicable., you are also cnnifying that as a U.S.. person, your allocable share of any ortinership income from a U.S. trade Or business is not scibje7t to the withholding tax on foreign partners' share Of effectively connected income, and 4. Certify that FA[CA. c9de(s) entered an this term (d any) Indicating That you are exempt from tlw FATCA reporting, is correct. Sec Whatis WC;A reporting? on Par,, '7, for turiller Information. Cal. No. 10231X Form W-9 (Rev- 12 2014) Q LL d r- 1 6 - 7 H C O r t8 C r fR 41 0 Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 40 Packet Pg. 3358 E.3.a I have completed the following items: ❑ Each section of the application has been completed. ❑ Applicant has reviewed the sample Contracts below: • Destination Event: http: / /www. monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /HomeNiew /7673 and • Turnkey Event: http: / /www. monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /HomeNiew /7674 ❑ Applicant has reviewed the sample Reimbursement Packets below: • Destination Event: http: / /www.monroecounty fl.gov /DocumentCenter /Home /View /10895 and • Turnkey Event: http: / /www. monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /HomeNiew /10896 ❑ Applicant has reviewed the scoring sheet at http: / /www. monroecounty- fl.gov /DocumentCenter /HomeNiew /7072 that is utilized by the District Advisory Committees and understands that the application must score 17 points or above by a majority of the sitting members in order to qualify for funding. ❑ Applicant has attached a copy of survey results (Applicable only if the applicant has checked the survey option in Exhibit A -3) ❑ Applicant has submitted the event's budget and income /expense report for the last event. Re- occurring events should submit Exhibit C.1. and new events should submit Exhibit C.2. (page 35). ❑ Applicant has completed and signed the Non - Collusion Affidavit and Verification form included within the application (page 38). ❑ Applicant has reviewed and signed the Drug Free Workplace form included within the application (page 39). ❑ Applicant has printed and completed the W -9 form included within the application (page 40). Print off this page, sign below, and include as part of application Signed By: Type Name: Type Name Here a LL c c 0 M r a� 0 Q LL c a� w a� c c 0 c a� 0 a� E r r a Monroe County Tourist Development Council — Destination and Turnkey Event Funding Application for FY 2 41 Packet Pg. 3359