Item G2County of Monroe` BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor David Rice, District 4 The Florida. Keys Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 y P_ ,: Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Heather Carruthers, District 3 County Commission Meeting February 21, 2018 Agenda Item Number: G2 Agenda Item Summary #3916 BULK ITEM: No DEPARTMENT: Land Authority Governing Board TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Charles Pattison (305) 295 -5180 9:15 AM Land Authority AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution adding the Janas property to the Acquisition List as an affordable housing site to be purchased by Islamorada, Village of Islands and approving acquisition funding subject to conditions. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Janas property (RE #00093980 - 000000) is a 1.1 acre site located at 84771 Overseas Highway on Windley Key in Islamorada that has received development approvals for 16 units of affordable housing and a 1,848 square foot building of nonresidential use. The site is located in AE 8 and AE 9 flood zones. The Islamorada Village Council has adopted Resolution No. 18 -01 -05 nominating the property for purchase and pledging $375,000 toward the cost of acquiring the property. Habitat for Humanity of the Upper Keys, Inc. currently has a "placeholder" option contract on the property for $1,500,000 and has expressed a willingness to assign or cancel the contract as needed to facilitate purchase by the Village. The proposed resolution adds the property to the Acquisition List as an affordable housing site. It also authorizes the Land Authority to contribute 75% or $1,125,000 toward the Village's purchase price, whichever is less, provided the purchase price does not exceed $1,500,000 and provided the Village executes a perpetual Land Use Restriction Agreement restricting the property to affordable rental housing at an income level not to exceed 160% of Area Median Income. ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACTION: On January 31, 2018 the Committee voted 3/0 to recommend approval of this resolution. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: N/A CONTRACT /AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval Packet Pg. 3458 G.2 DOCUMENTATION: 1.JanasResol 2.JanasVillageResol 3.JanasAerial 4.JanasSitePlan 5. JanasHabitatContract FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: Total Cost to County: Current Year Portion: Budgeted: Source of Funds: CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: Grant: County Match: Insurance Required: Additional Details: If yes, amount: REVIEWED BY: Charles Pattison Completed Bob Shillinger Skipped Kathy Peters Completed Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/06/2018 5:19 PM 02/06/2018 7:11 PM 02/06/2018 7:11 PM 02/21/2018 9:00 AM Packet Pg. 3459 G.2.a RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY ADDING THE JANAS PROPERTY TO THE ACQUISITION LIST AS AN AFFORDABLE HOUSING SITE TO BE PURCHASED BY ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS AND APPROVING ACQUISITION FUNDING SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS. WHEREAS, the Janas property (RE #00093980 - 000000) is a 1.1 acre site located at 84771 Overseas Highway on Windley Key in Islamorada, Village of Islands (hereinafter "Village ") that has received development approvals for 16 units of affordable housing and a 1,848 square foot building of nonresidential use; and WHEREAS, the Islamorada Village Council has adopted Resolution No. 18 -01 -05 nominating the property for purchase by the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority (hereinafter "Land Authority ") as an affordable housing site and pledging $375,000 toward the cost of acquiring the property; and WHEREAS, the Land Authority desires to contribute funding toward the Village's purchase of the property subject to receiving from the Village at closing a real property interest in the form of the Land Use Restriction Agreement shown as Attachment "A "; and WHEREAS, the Land Authority Advisory Committee considered this resolution on January 31, 2018 and voted 3/0 to recommend approval; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY: Section 1. The Janas property is hereby added to the Acquisition List as an affordable housing site to be purchased by the Village. Section 2. Land Authority funding toward the Village's purchase of the Janas property is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: A. The transaction shall be structured with the Village as the Buyer and the Land Authority as contributing toward the Village's purchase price. B. The purchase price shall not exceed $1,500,000. C. The Land Authority's contribution shall not exceed 75% of the purchase price or $1,125,000, whichever is less. D. At closing, the Village shall execute the Land Use Restriction Agreement shown as Attachment "A ". E. The Land Authority's funding commitment shall expire on June 1, 2018. Page 1 of 2 Packet Pg. 3460 G.2.a PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Land Authority at a regular meeting on this day of 1 2018. Commissioner Heather Carruthers Commissioner Sylvia Murphy Commissioner George Neugent Mayor David Rice Chairman Danny Kolhage (Seal) ATTEST: Charles G. Pattison Executive Director Approved as to form and legality Adele V. Stones MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY Danny L. Kolhage Chairman 0 a� a c� c c� r r C d E t V fSf r r Q Page 2 of 2 Packet Pg. 3461 G.2.a ATTACHMENT "A" THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND RETURN TO: Adele V. Stones, Esq. Oropeza, Stones, & Cardenas, PA 221 Simonton Street Key West, FL 33040 LAND USE RESTRICTION AGREEMENT (Janas Property / Windley Key) THIS LAND USE RESTRICTION AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement ") is made and entered into as of the day of , 2018, between ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida (hereinafter "Village ") and the MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY, a land authority pursuant to section 380.0663(1), Florida Statutes and Monroe County Ordinance No. 031 -1986 (hereinafter "Land Authority "), and their respective successors and assigns. RF,C1TAT,C A. The Janas property is located at 84771 Overseas Highway in Islamorada, Florida (hereinafter "Subject Property ") and is more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. B. The Village has purchased the Subject Property using, among other sources, funding from the Land Authority. C. As a condition of the Land Authority's funding, the Village has agreed that the Subject Property shall comply with the affordable housing requirements specified herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and undertakings set a forth herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are o hereby acknowledged, the Village and the Land Authority do hereby contract and agree as follows: c ARTICLE I r COMPLIANCE WITH LAND AUTHORITY REQUIREMENTS m E In order to comply with the Land Authority's requirements pursuant to section 380.0663(1), et seq., Florida Statutes and Monroe County Ordinance No. 031 -1986, the Village Q hereby covenants and agrees as follows: Page 1 of 6 Packet Pg. 3462 G.2.a 1.01 The restrictions contained in this Article I shall not expire, shall run with the Subject Property in perpetuity and shall be binding upon the Village, its successors or assigns. 1.02 Use of the Subject Property shall be restricted to the provision of affordable housing for households whose income does not exceed 160% of the Area Median Income. All units shall be managed as rental housing. The Subject Property shall not be developed or sold as homeownership housing. 1.03 The Village is responsible for ensuring compliance with the restrictions in this Article I and expressly agrees to furnish, upon the Land Authority's request, written certification thereof. ARTICLE II CONSIDERATION In addition to other purposes, the Land Authority has provided funding to the Village as an inducement to the Village to restrict use of the Subject Property to affordable rental housing in perpetuity. In consideration of said Land Authority funding for the foregoing purposes, the Village and the Land Authority have entered into this Agreement. ARTICLE III RELIANCE In performing its duties hereunder, the Land Authority may rely upon statements and certificates of the Village and tenants of the Subject Property believed to be genuine and to have been executed by the proper person or persons, and upon audits of the books and records of the Village pertaining to occupancy of the Subject Property. ARTICLE IV TERM This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution and delivery, and shall remain in full force and effect without expiration, unless modified by mutual written consent of the parties. ARTICLE V c ENFORCEMENT a If the Village defaults in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement or breaches any material covenant, agreement or warranty of the Village set forth in this r Agreement, and if such default remains uncured for a period of thirty (30) days after written c notice thereof shall have been given by the Land Authority to the Village, then the Land a) Authority may take any action at law or in equity or otherwise to address said default(s). However, if the default stated in such notice can be corrected, but not within the thirty (30) day period, and if the Village adopts a plan to correct or cure the default and commences the Q Page 2 of 6 Packet Pg. 3463 G.2.a correction within the thirty (30) day period (subject to any rights of tenants in possession of units under a valid lease agreement), and thereafter diligently pursues the same to completion within such extended period, the Land Authority shall not have waived its right of enforcement if the default remains uncured after the expiration of the extended cure period. ARTICLE VI RECORDING AND FILING; COVENANTS TO RUN WITH THE LAND 6.01. Upon execution and delivery by the Village, the Village shall cause this Agreement and all amendments and supplements hereto to be recorded and filed in the official public records of Monroe County and shall pay all fees and charges incurred in connection therewith. 6.02 This Agreement and the covenants contained herein shall run with the land and shall bind, and the benefits shall inure to, respectively, the Village and the Land Authority and their respective successors and assigns during the term of this Agreement. ARTICLE VII GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, with respect to both substantive rights and with respect to procedures and remedies. ARTICLE VIII NOTICE AND EFFECT All notices and other communications to be made or permitted to be made hereunder shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the addresses shown below or to such other addresses that the parties may provide to one another in accordance herewith. Such notices and other communications shall be given by any of the following means: (a) personal service or (b) national express air courier, provided such courier maintains written verification of actual delivery. Any notice or other communication given by the means described in subsection (a) or (b) above shall be deemed effective upon the date of receipt or the date of refusal to accept delivery by the party to whom such notice or other communication has been sent. Land Authority: Monroe County Land Authority 1200 Truman Avenue, Suite 207 Key West, FL 33040 Attention: Executive Director Village: Islamorada, Village of Islands 86800 Overseas Highway Islamorada, FL 33036 Attention: Village Manager Page 3 of 6 0 �a c r c m E �a r a Packet Pg. 3464 G.2.a Any party may change said address by giving the other parties hereto notice of such change of address in accordance with the foregoing provisions. ARTICLE IX MISCELLANEOUS 9.01. If any provision of this Agreement shall be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality and enforceability of the remaining portions shall not in any way be affected or impaired. 9.02. This Agreement may be simultaneously executed in multiple counterparts, all of which shall constitute one and the same instrument and each of which shall be deemed to be an original. Page 4 of 6 Packet Pg. 3465 G.2.a COUNTERPART SIGNATURE PAGE TO LAND USE RESTRICTION AGREEMENT (Janas Property / Windley Key) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village and the Land Authority have caused this Agreement to be signed, sealed and attested on their behalf by duly authorized representatives, all as of the date first set forth above. WITNESSES: Print: ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS IM Chris Sante, Mayor Print: Address: 86800 Overseas Highway Islamorada, FL 33036 [ SEAL] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2018 by Chris Sante, as Mayor of ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, on behalf of the Village. Said person is personally known to me or has produced a valid driver's license as identification. Notary Public; State of Florida c Print Name: a� My Commission Expires: My Commission No.: r r C d E t V fSf r r Q Page 5 of 6 Packet Pg. 3466 G.2.a COUNTERPART SIGNATURE PAGE TO LAND USE RESTRICTION AGREEMENT (Janas Property / Windley Key) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Village and the Land Authority have caused this Agreement to be signed, sealed and attested on their behalf by duly authorized representatives, all as of the date first set forth above. WITNESSES: Print: MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY Danny L. Kolhage, Chairman Print: Approved as to form and legality Adele V. Stones, Esq. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Address: 1200 Truman Avenue Suite 207 Key West, FL 33040 [ SEAL] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2018, by Danny L. Kolhage, as Chairman of the MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LAND AUTHORITY, a land authority pursuant to section 380.0663(1), Florida Statutes and Monroe County Ordinance No. 031 -1986, on behalf of the Land Authority. Said person is personally known to me or has produced a valid driver's license as identification. Notary Public; State of Florida Print Name: My Commission Expires: My Commission No.: Page 6 of 6 0 c r r C a� E �a r Q Packet Pg. 3467 G.2.a EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Page 1 of 2 (Janas Property / Windley Key) Parcel. A: A triangular shaped portion of Lot 7, ;Kcerding to the "Plat of that land of Government t.rm 1, 2, & 3, of Secdo 23, Township 63 South, of flange 37 East. being South of the riEhr -of -way of else Fla. Past +Cuaurt Railway as platted and surveyed by Geo. L. ctkr..,a.d C-E.* and recorded is Mat Book 1 at Pagr 50 of the Public Records of Monroe County, irlorda, bounded by the foUawing courses and lines; an the Southwestrriy side by it Irnr parallel to and 218.6 feet Northeasterly of the Southwesterly aisle of sold 1xx 7; net the Northwesterly erly side by the Southesmarty right -of -way line of Mate Road No. 5; and on the Southeasterly side by the Northvresterly nght-0f -way hne of Old State Road 4 -A; and the wesrtrty 218.6 fleet of Lot 7, according to the "Plat of that Land of (knernnumt Lots 1.2 & 3, of Sects 23, Townstup 63 South, Range 37 &tests being South of the sight -of -,wale of tine Florida Eau Cost Raitvwwr as recorded in Piat Book I at Page 50 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Flcn rich, lying bet+weai the Sourherty right -of. way of State Road No_ 5 (Ovesieaa Highway) a nd the Nonhwesterly right - of -way line of Old State R"d 4 and Depanment of Transports.4ort Parcel 61791 A portion of Florida State Road No, 5 tight -of -sway in Section 23. Township 63 South, Range 37 Baas an Windley Key, M aeum County, Ftonda, being more particularly described as follows Commence at the. intersection of the dkvWhM line beivreen ivtt 6 tad 7 of a plat of survey made by ('srnrge F. MacDanakL recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 50 of the Public Records of Monroe rrAmty, Florida, with &A 5ou dw2ffter-l y right -of -way litre of State Road No. 5 as shown on Florida Deeparttmem of Transportanon right - of -'my nmp for Section 90UW-2516; thence run Northeasterly Aong stud Southeasterfr tight -of -way line and along the Arc of a curve, concave to the South slid Having for its elements a Radius of 2,764.93 feet and a Central aerate of W 0& S1' for a distance of 5.52 feet to the Point of TanVncy of amid curve; thence run N 66' 2V 49' R along a Lute parallel to and 100.OG fiber Southeasterly of the centerline of the formes Flodils East Clout Rafhray for a dletaace of 95.73 feet to the Point of begins nib of the pared heredrtafoer desc ibed; theme tun N 20' 4s' 2 for a distance of 8.80 feet; thence t m N 69' 14" 32' E along Lbe face Of an existing but`ldit for a diatatam of 52_25 feet thence run S 20' 45' 28' E (ot a distance of 6 29 feet, thence rust S 66' 29 49' W for a distance of 52,31 feet rice thg Point of aevnrung. Containinj 394 Square Feat (0:00 Ac) a� r c O s m m L O MA J c O r is cu Q au t r O r r CL O i CL to cc C m as c O C .2 7 O to O its O CL CL Q rn O to O C O r r C E t 0 fC r r Q Packet Pg. 3468 G.2.a EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION Page 2 of 2 (Janas Property / Windley Key) A PORTION OF' FLMOA STA!tt ROAD NO 5 AGHT OF My N SEMN 21 TT14B&P 63'S IN, ROM 37 EAST ON tMWY Kt Y, "M CWhTY, FIONA BEIKG MEW PARTIOJ AALY CESCSIBEO AS MUM Mtn AT THE IMERSECTION Of 114( OIMOIIIO Ulf WINFEN 4DTS 6 AND ?' OF A P1,AT OF SLRYEt1 WADE 9Y &EMU 1 YACO KO, aAEU0Tl0f0 IN PLAT M I AT PAGE 50 OF 11{ PAK RECORDS of NIONAM CWW1Y, Ft, NA MITM THE SOUHASTERLY R04T OF WAY UNE Or STATE ROAD NO A At SHOW ON FLORA DEPART4ENT OF IRA VORTATN3R 4010 OF WAY NAP FOR SEO'WN 90O0U{2516; WCE RUN NORINEASTERLY ALONG SAM SOUTMEASTETM.Y 'FROND OF OAY 4 AND ALONG K ARC CF A CI.RW, CIACAVE TO THE SOUTH AND RAM [CA 11% ttEYLN1% A RAM OF 3764.43 FEET AND A CENTRAL MQE OF M'51' FOR A 013TAM OF 5.52 FEET TO THE POINT If TANGENCY OF SAO IDIN ; TMLNCE kw 1 1 01874407 ALONG A LINE PARALLEL TO MID IMOID FEET SOUT*EAPERLY OF »1t UNI(PROK OF THE FORWER FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILMAY FOR A DISTANCE OF 9591 FELT Ta A POW. THENCE MM Ir24'45'29'01 FORA DISTANCE IX 080 FEET TO A PONT; TAW RUN 111IM '321 MONO IMF FACE Or AN WSTINO WLDK FOR A UISTANCI 01 D2.25 1EE1 10 A PONT, TMENDE RUM S1O'+ SM FOR A DISTAMGE O/ 0 29 f U I FO A PONT: 1NEAIE[ RUN NIJ 41T FOR A DSTAN(X OF )` 3'1 FELT TO A PONT; THENCE RUN N23 XM'w FOR A DIStANOE OF 400 III 1 10 A 111041; HUM RUN S66'21'441Y FOR 061AKI OF 250 00 FEET TO A 1`0114T; 'P(A f RUM S23'30`IVE FOR A OISTAWX Cr 0.00 FEET TO THE PW a' Rfilf , M%T01414C 0106 SQUARE FEET. 10.70 ACRI S1, WX OR LEA Packet Pg. 3469 RESOLUTION NO. 18 -01 -05 A RESOLUTION OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, FLORIDA NOMINATING PROPERTY FOR ACQUISITION AND PURCHASE BY THE MONROE COUNTY LAND AUTHORITY (MCLA) ON BEHALF OF ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS FOR USE AS AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the Village Council of Islamorada, Village of Islands (the "Village ") is committed to promoting and facilitating the creation of affordable /workforce housing within the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village Council previously adopted Resolution 17- 06 -43, awarding sixteen (16) allocations for affordable housing units to Real Estate Number 00093980 - 000000, located at 84771 Overseas Highway on Windley Key within the Village (the "Property "); and WHEREAS, the Property is an environmentally disturbed parcel currently developed with one (1) building consisting of 1,944 square feet of retail /office space site located at 84771 Overseas Highway on Windley Key within the Village; and WHEREAS, the Village previously gave Site Plan approval (SP- 15 -02) for sixteen (16) attached affordable units and one (1) building containing 1,848 square feet of nonresidential square footage at the Property; and WHEREAS, Habitat for Humanity has a contract to purchase the Property from the Property owner, Joe Janas, and is requesting that the Monroe County Land Authority ( "MCLA ") purchase the Property on behalf of the Village for the purpose of creating and protecting affordable /workforce housing within the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, purchase of the Property as affordable /workforce housing is consistent with the policies of the Village's Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Regulations; and Packet Pg. 3470 WHEREAS; the Village is requesting that the MCLA provide assistance to the Village in the form of a purchase of the Property, conveyance to the Village and subsequent lease of the Property in furtherance of the MCLA mission; and WHEREAS, said assistance from MCLA would include a purchase of the Property for approximately One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00); and WHEREAS, the MCLA is requesting that Village contribute a share of the purchase price of up to fifty percent (50 %); and WHEREAS, the Village Council desires to formalize its request to MCLA for the purchase of the Property and consider the amount of contribution to the purchase thereof; and WHEREAS, the Village Council finds that approval of the Property purchase request is in the best interest of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated into this Resolution by reference. Section 2 Approval of Property Purchase Request to .MCLA. The Village Council hereby nominates the subject Property located at 84771 Overseas Highway on Windley Key (with Real Estate Number 00093980 - 000000) within the jurisdictional boundaries of Islamorada, Village of Islands) for purchase by the Monroe County Land Authority ( "MCLA "), y m The Village hereby requests that the MCLA purchase the Property on behalf of the Village and a, �a subsequently convey the Property to the Village for the development of affordable /workforce y �a c housing. N r C d E t V r r Page 2 of 3 Packet Pg. 3471 Section 3. Purchase Price; Village Contribution. The Village Council hereby authorizes a monetary contribution of Three Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars ($375,000.00) from the Affordable Housing Fund towards the purchase price of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00) for the Property. Section 4. Authorization of Village Officials. The Village Manager and /or his designee and the Village Attorney are authorized to take all actions necessary to implement the terms and conditions of the Agreement. Section 5 passage and adoption. Effective Date This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its Motion to adopt by Vice Mayor Deb Gillis, second by Councilman Mike Forster. FINAL VOTE AT ADOPTION VILLAGE COUNCIL OF ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS, FLORIDA: Mayor Chris Sante YES Vice Mayor Deb Gillis YES Councilman Mike Forster YES Councilwoman Cheryl Meads YES Councilman James Mooney YES PASSED AND ADOPTED this 18"' day of January, 2018. CHRIS IS SANTE, MAYOR ATTEST: KE Y T H, VILLAGE CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY FOR THE USE AND BENEFIT OF ISLAMORADA, VILLAGE OF ISLANDS ONLY: ROGET V. BRYAN, VILLAGE ATTORNEY Page 3 of 3 0 m a! m �a �a c �a N r c m E V �a r r Q Packet Pg. 3472 G.2.c Aerial Photograph of the Janas Property RE #00093980 - 000000 Windley Key ai r a� C 0 m m 0 ca r J C O r An 0 a V Q N t r O r A d CL O i CL cC C cC Cl C cC C O r 7 O N d i O cC O i CL CL Q RS N Q N C 7 M r C N E t V fC r r Q Packet Pg. 3473 O ST R No 5_ _ - - - - � - OVERSEAS NICaNUJAY -----°-------------------°------------- _ AsP.w�r elc.��E �aNE EWE OF PGVEMENT ----- - - - - -- I PdvEP ccNCRETE cll� _„ "� I I 5 FEET WILE P5r^N,uT PEOESTRIPN PccE55 „ --� / I BIKE PPTH ,,, -- -- _�__ 3m rEEr cW55 E Bu�ER I — ,,,�_ 0 _ �� REPS NERITaWE TRAIL .�� MWS� EuoRELINE �� E2�� REOUI o . rze3 5 <,�z orl4 IT< I I I R i WP I Nc RPnP -- � I- aaJNl; °" �� PSP,� ,zPA�I �a e -ibz on+lrs � _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E� ® e ,�E V 3m SET cLPSS E eu�cER ; T�i eaT�r ��/ uH� '�NI uw} I I °" T�a, �J � \ J / � 84T6a, / nR�� 11 suoRELIN 84 ��FK _ - -E � UNITL SITS PI-AN SCgLE: I"= 28' gSGE � -1014 Bg51C VELOCITY - 18F] MPH, AT A HEIGHT OF 38 FEET - EXPOSURE:D RISK CATEGORY- III L�Cs�L p��C�I�fiICN COl"I��IANC� UJIfiN fiN� �I -ORI�A �UII -�IN� �0�� SEE ATTACHED SURVEY TO THE BEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED'S ABILITY ANp PROFEbbIONGL JUDGEMENT, THESE PLGNS MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE CFBGI, 2014 EDITION sia sn¢o �� vas ®rzrv- ivmnnvs ss ®rzoc. �UMPST�R ��TAI� �` =P�.n,�EO � ^ a N ` bGALE- I/2' I' -m" u1 � � � v IY � g 3 ,AI�G��fi�Gfi �Ofi�� � £ p ` u TO THE BEST OF MT PROFEbbIONAL KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE bTRUCTURAL DESIGN Q � Y P COMPLIES WITH THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE qNp ALL Z ISLAMORgDq VILLgGE OF ISLANDb APPLICABLE CODES. Q '"-� J MEANb AND METNODb OF GONSTRUGTION AND bAFETY PRECAUTIONS ARE THE � � 0 q RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE CONTRACTOR p IN THE EVENT THAT ORLANpO PEREZ JR ARCHITECT, IS NOT RETAINED TO PROVIDE CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION bERVICEb DURING THE CONSTRUCTION, IT Ib AGREED THAT THE OIINER WILL DEFENp, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD NgRTLEbS THE ARCHITECT FROM ANY CLAIM OR SUIT WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ALL PAYMENTS, EXPENSES OR GOSTb INVOLVED, ARISING FROM OR ALLEGED TO NAVE ARISEN FROM THE o CONTRACTOR'S WORK TO CONFORM TO THE DESIGN INTENT AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE ARCHITECT AGREES TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR NIS OR NIS EMPLOTEES NEGLIGENT ACTb, ERRORb, OR OMIbbIONb. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OWNER OR GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO � VERIFY ALL NOTES, DIMENSIONS AND DESIGN OF THESES PLANS, PRIOR N TO COMMENCEMENT OF WORK IF ANY DISGREPANGIEb bNALL ARISE, STOP V WORK AND CONTACT gRCMITECT IMMEDIATELY -ALL OUTDOOR LIGHTING MUST BE FULLT bNIELDED � e TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 30- T92(hl a (i) Q E *ALL CATEGORT I AND II INVgbIVE VEGETATION SHALL BE REMOVED EXISTING ZONING HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL lTCJ ZONING DISTRICT LOT GOVERAC E: LOT AREA: 4l r'94 SQ. FT = 1.08 ACRE I GOMMERGIAL BUILDING (1,848 SQ FTJ 1,848 SQ. FT. / 4T,394 SQ. FT = 3.89 9, 12 UNITS RESIDENTIAL BLDG KNIT A TO LJ 674 50. FT X 12 = 8,088 50. FT. 4 UNITS RESIDENTIAL BLDG (UNIT M, N OJ 821 bQ FT X 3 = 2,463 SQ FT_ � (UNIT PJ T59 SQ FT- = 3 722 b(2 ET TOTAL= 11,310 50 FT. / 41394 5Q. ET 23.8 s, PARKING REQUIREMENT RESIDENTIAL = 16 UNITS m IS SPACES PER UNITS _ _ — 24 SPACES COMMERCIAL = 1848 SQ. FT m I SPACE PER 33333 80 FT _ _._ _ _._._.. 6 SPACES TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED _._._._._. ._._._._._._._._._ ._.:._ ._._. ._._. 30 SPACES PARKING PROVIDED !2 COVERED PARKING SPACES /UNITS- 16 UNIT X 2 ...._.. 32 SPACES COMMERCIAL BUILDING .._.__._._._._._ ____._ ____._ ____ ._._._._._. T SPACES TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED ._.__ ._._._._ _._.__ _._._39 SPACES OPEN SPACE CALCULATIONS TOTAL LOT AREA 43,394 SQ FT TOTAL PERVIOUS AREA _.. 13833 50. FT !29.18 i =J TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA .__.__ ___.___. 33,651 SQ. FT (10.81 3,) SETBACKS REQUIRED PROVIDED FRONT PROPERTY LINE 30' 3m' INT. SIDE PROPERTY LINE 20' 10' REAR PROPERTY LINE 20' 20' H H Q 11 O � Illll N � LL (Y p � Z ®- O Y JINNz zQ�� � � � O ��N� � Q � � Z � �y Q O � N Q — a DRIW BY: Jl+. QATE� S:.J3r16 C -� SITE PLAN � Ifs <l ?aura � �R�uES owvEUU "� �i / k# R�ut� OFk ,i` / j 'n0 / V r /�j�� / r / O�Q W i o I r = ___ _�' / � „� ��� ; e o � /, cv ; m�= ; , ' � / � ��t % Pp � / ��. � aER�N�T,�P�,� { r �;% � l RE5 DENT P� � T5 . �,���p LOCATION M�� �LTS- � u �" nE;E�e: r�a�.o WPTER� %�� � � I- SEWER SERVICE TO HOUSING UNITS t COMMERCIAL �<� r 0 � BUILDING TO BE BY CONNECTED TO ISLAMORADA'S MUNICIPAL p'� '�i M % � bEWER bYbTEM ��e/ I ���^ I � L I4 2- ELECTRIC SERVICE TO HOUSING UNITS < COMMERGIgL k� j j � FH FIRE NYpRANT BUILDING TO BE DETERMINED BTFKEC. 3- WATER bERVICE TO HOUSING UNITS a COMMERCIAL j BUILDING TO BE DETERMINED BY FKAA / �����fiu�,Q� ����N �����r� G.2.e C�►r�rner�c��1 C�antr � � �^ u�J'il:c� � ���avr�r,at �;:a .i' 6 °I'^' "1 "+ r1iE) �i� � ��} � + t� d'�ed !� thg �urcYa�* �r�:e 3t clasir�, to aloes subject tr3 t� an�i ;3s(91'�[if3rlS, ttt be !?�.�f vaa �ir�; ix��erisiet. $ _._ i�;3cG, C�CJD rF.� w,,..�. � - :* f #SA A.cM`� �id� +:d ?�► �°+ .f'�`�.'�r aaiw++rxa. 'i. "S:Aia� �'�'S�d °,' �ra+�.�,�: graa �rui� .� .w�.�. C r-.:s � . .. fC It � > �� F+® y ' � �y d AG E�F�C'TIVE C?A'tE; Gt��FPUTII�A�+1 Off' ��: V it't�s �i' Ce, �f } � �Y R8 � 4.1� �!. f �L"Y'�i�iS�S FYY � ( 3�. i.�/ './ I ' 7�3��1 L gg y�,� ..�yy gg !'}� f= 'T'3'� A�1 �� � �f l � t9CfC�E3 33(3V 4 4.� ¢ ��� 3C 1�! �,'S@ YISflAl71 1F'"8 d('An�'.f, i! ..ssu• �yt! � �,!f:7L'C:, �.`.t";' i =aEAE Sa'.>! � u'd1�3 4!� _ r�r �. �s�1t5 4"�E9 Q ml 3 t�t'f : f�t3a'r� ��€: c�at� 2i�G txx.trr�r 0�'fe: �s Ctr1r�. '�1e ""� E'}�t�?C" �f 'th'� ��°tts `ss t 'emu. , �.. �.. 1st +�@. ttf S#lt�r �+iild txa Y��icft ttk� r - s +�spd �, �; � )^S iii MtLr MiN AA iced 1Mfft'�i}QJL t!! O �,.>r may', u y', r�r ftatisyrt� h�(�4 ,Ap;y Zee pe�iAd � c� a �Y, Vii+', as ��ui[�f;al Ee+gcsl 11a�€#ay wvfti exier�ci iii 5� �• � � c� � trus�� �'. Ti�v � of ., s.� this �_ _ � �' 4. '�! Gtg� �'?.� � r3f' t_�� i e+'a�f : ,�r;;Npe� �.�`� � . �::: i p n. � a . -� � � � �.w' i r e�.�9Rif4'. M�' >�a L?� Aft - � ....•,�... � ��_._ .:;�_ t{�Ct C�i�`, AJr'I�et f 3 - �, ^� � � � °�+���• •• air 3`1� �. i�i�&3 413YF� �}(Fi'Y2'fFf Q11�3'f�e"3f� Q�[ tldS'� f�Qd}5: C d � � Kr' • 1 ' ifs � ty..� � ,, '� !Pb!`Ir�t *i AF �M M:y �Ul. G'41 tii�!. .: �f � KYwPrar.. �. M.- ��x� !� fC - '�ifS �.�!.l�'.. , - ,.� �.. -✓ `.-. 4! di �lEi ��3"7. IR f41.iaf(w i �y4]�� .y y L:C.6 ffeu: sna � � �--� 7 � 1 '�+pt d a ar fii_�s . r�iirh � awe s � � #+, � az iralia � r?� a tFex Hat7 f�, 3,3a'7 �� - � ,• ..� � � tiffE,SAfi�J�479 , � :,��, � r r Packet Pg. 3475 �. PA��'!ES �� P�����'�� ��,� .,� .� , .., ,,. ,:.. __ _ __ �° P inn vii.. i w { uu : , ... _�- �...•_�.. '�^'� F '4a`.? ' . '� �Y' � � A 1 4 3��'A : , /� � ..� 'K�. � �l D i(�'`y�,� /� t �9 ��..�..A f � � � ¢��iE:i ;, �re� tc �� tnc prcpe'�j ai: �� S�trrI AtiClrn �q'y� �. - r :_ - ,. - �' �J°IRS t�1�' f�'��tMf!(j Pt"SAR�� : 143 2�'►, Di�1,li1 _ �Q i�' �` , • � ? '�3'�' ! + '"` A ciTd� @�1� *' frf�'.'t�',' r�. t � �y r ' � o . T �1 •_4 y �+�� 5.t 1.19'31{] � f:SGfC�W �', �.. p � 1. X47 iF1f �. � lC�IFY,�` ,lir. SUt7!!�. N7 '� � . 4� � w�v'�'r "sr 'na�, ��C.i 3, ��t�l��"'.s� E3 ., - �� ,.�. .. � _ l""'� ��:� «....�"'�r ° .�i A w a'�' t4 �15u�`.Ci "�ai+� ¢� t . � iw= ... -_ - ��iv sir e� w,dA T a - a � ��p A l A �aeiff iT1 Mi'tv� t Tk+rs 4w.A. y r iil i6lil i7i 1AslLfil6'7'i � {�_ 'g �t19C �Cilp' ���� ._._�_�.. !7� p�y� n �;T VL! dL+' r _ � �a {�) � tr+� cr �s�r �, {� �.�R7+ �� ���� ei I'�� .�.: C.4L� t'i'elQ� ,... J�IT�v v Li.�v St ' � +.' i�G �} 4 �� W't�`uTi !�� 8��$3i �(:C:CtSP� wit' `� � � �^ u�J'il:c� � ���avr�r,at �;:a .i' 6 °I'^' "1 "+ r1iE) �i� � ��} � + t� d'�ed !� thg �urcYa�* �r�:e 3t clasir�, to aloes subject tr3 t� an�i ;3s(91'�[if3rlS, ttt be !?�.�f vaa �ir�; ix��erisiet. $ _._ i�;3cG, C�CJD rF.� w,,..�. � - :* f #SA A.cM`� �id� +:d ?�► �°+ .f'�`�.'�r aaiw++rxa. 'i. "S:Aia� �'�'S�d °,' �ra+�.�,�: graa �rui� .� .w�.�. C r-.:s � . .. fC It � > �� F+® y ' � �y d AG E�F�C'TIVE C?A'tE; Gt��FPUTII�A�+1 Off' ��: V it't�s �i' Ce, �f } � �Y R8 � 4.1� �!. f �L"Y'�i�iS�S FYY � ( 3�. i.�/ './ I ' 7�3��1 L gg y�,� ..�yy gg !'}� f= 'T'3'� A�1 �� � �f l � t9CfC�E3 33(3V 4 4.� ¢ ��� 3C 1�! �,'S@ YISflAl71 1F'"8 d('An�'.f, i! ..ssu• �yt! � �,!f:7L'C:, �.`.t";' i =aEAE Sa'.>! � u'd1�3 4!� _ r�r �. �s�1t5 4"�E9 Q ml 3 t�t'f : f�t3a'r� ��€: c�at� 2i�G txx.trr�r 0�'fe: �s Ctr1r�. '�1e ""� E'}�t�?C" �f 'th'� ��°tts `ss t 'emu. , �.. �.. 1st +�@. ttf S#lt�r �+iild txa Y��icft ttk� r - s +�spd �, �; � )^S iii MtLr MiN AA iced 1Mfft'�i}QJL t!! O �,.>r may', u y', r�r ftatisyrt� h�(�4 ,Ap;y Zee pe�iAd � c� a �Y, Vii+', as ��ui[�f;al Ee+gcsl 11a�€#ay wvfti exier�ci iii 5� �• � � c� � trus�� �'. Ti�v � of ., s.� this �_ _ � �' 4. '�! Gtg� �'?.� � r3f' t_�� i e+'a�f : ,�r;;Npe� �.�`� � . �::: i p n. � a . -� � � � �.w' i r e�.�9Rif4'. M�' >�a L?� Aft - � ....•,�... � ��_._ .:;�_ t{�Ct C�i�`, AJr'I�et f 3 - �, ^� � � � °�+���• •• air 3`1� �. i�i�&3 413YF� �}(Fi'Y2'fFf Q11�3'f�e"3f� Q�[ tldS'� f�Qd}5: C d � � Kr' • 1 ' ifs � ty..� � ,, '� !Pb!`Ir�t *i AF �M M:y �Ul. G'41 tii�!. .: �f � KYwPrar.. �. M.- ��x� !� fC - '�ifS �.�!.l�'.. , - ,.� �.. -✓ `.-. 4! di �lEi ��3"7. IR f41.iaf(w i �y4]�� .y y L:C.6 ffeu: sna � � �--� 7 � 1 '�+pt d a ar fii_�s . r�iirh � awe s � � #+, � az iralia � r?� a tFex Hat7 f�, 3,3a'7 �� - � ,• ..� � � tiffE,SAfi�J�479 , � :,��, � r r Packet Pg. 3475 G.2.e � ' � �Y �a #e � Buyer es � to obt �, Beyer rstay wvss� -�°�' '�' b 5 �y� � �ttillf iT"�"'itri� ' 'r5 �_ J� �- _ °���EE'. -. ., �.. a�i i#t�f 'v�r � , � , ,� ,,, ��� ► nR_._z. �- Lrv.�KSig. iifr�. 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Bum +� within __ da�� t3 c+.a�. � �� " .ihr3�' vtct'itt�3 ft.stir�+ n C�rtre. -;. u� �� w��, �.~s�s hrM3r� r ,tr.�gr�j, �r Gard t� Wit � �� d� '!+�'. t $attar rt�y s.at:'u:c� � :� wry tta �� aa3y trsrls ttrc�ft,. . . ., - �$ �:3,5".crti3� ra#artc ;�a� -v �,�aaaa.�. titan,, tYt _ _ � n aaa�tr lcaan A�1 rmt�*.�b !ia ►r,. ck..�,..,r. ..:..r.. �� pus €aetiart, by M �°_• M'.YY.�0.f '�� d�bi.� 4rrli r4':ifirCSU1L ��' �'.rt a . Wi WiikOlf}' � t""" ~ Va ��di�f � �� ��.���. �t � tt�. =rea, #tt3r tattler � fa# "�i f'?ate: arscf � l�f� PaRY 63a to �artcct the Cr�tttr�lCt as : ftltlM �, qP t �^ ft:�uae� #n ctc� ! of t�€ =acre 2t �#r3t,� C#�te wzCtttStlt tilt {N3 is�l�S Part, thtr ° - , aar't wdt be ft�r;t �tP'�trthar : xr::�� .�- .,,e.,.. -. • ,-. _ - ��� ghat be ref tc w r�,u�rrrt 1;�3 ci +t�` a � - - -� �.. .:. i+asas.r �i.:e t.rilifiYT+'d.6rE. ax�-� t ^� 'b � f�tb 35 � fYt"vT f Wit_ tf ncst.tt+�r t�� elm; #c t:''ftl3irtaiB $I�ai� �x as scat forth �txav� +�,' �- �' t ���"! e3f _'C'tl,;t:3t3!e �t�5+�. +ifs IS � :�r►ti.,�a c�,ar� ::. a► . e ' "."vr i ^ .Cet Lft�}SC. �'Eii F — _ . «.- .,,... � � °trd� � to '�"" ii� +�f�ti �, r�t>�e� t�`i t1 CCarttlac:t '9 rh^An �rvr�r --T� _ �` '�..;i.. i�.w « +v {iau «�;,. 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Y �L! ►Y�1 11 V�i� �14teA f'� 4`f ��yrya�����,�� ! ..+ � � �'I 1p!'1i l � E M��1 IN �i �.�71! �Jr �. w.�Mra+Llf «W -. a �._. ��� � wuiap �'�7� 1� � � Lr�6 Wr(�YE" `Y �i�C" 5ti 6e d� su w.ADll 1.t�. is+� b ,,, ��� � Try: 1v1ar� 4tlb3 t� � tt`�La � - a b m r� ...�,. #..._ �. � '#s:r awii onfi$w wn�3 � �,a�. ; � .—,� pra .,.�. aa+� iti��e ':�:�. °�- r �t tUtbi'{�[ �+ Ft :ra 'in ,a... _s..� a- � Ca!"1b"� 4tfe�5 �t t"�tra.¢ �" d:w''i a, �t , �y� :�++xr�c � t�pte ��skver tta Bt�}0�¢r 4 � {'} a tide �rrsura �i � a FtCr�a �n�ed tote :r;�ur+e�r ftaftt3 � rftatters tD ltba b,,' csr before Ck�ir3� t�rxf, u�acxb �'!+�' ►ea:nrtiirRq � c1r, 2n r'3t�3''� � in t� �rra@�#ryt � the �t ,�� fC tie y�,�n�,ie iitie s� sly t�3 cx st3�ted a tf8 is � .,�yw� � � u t r • ; 1 ,,� � , � � e, � , r �,!f i's�e `.' a�ia� ; v M�a � iiiiF "e Firi S �j[)9Ki:�f. � 3�0`[t::.�+�"uF � �f � r3{��� �A T�3 � � ' +ozri+'F G�t' +c+.r�13' i"�r', � � �� "C3.rc h� �` ' � t)T ��3t cxjrrer3t tt'!1 a'3±?t �� qtr` a� c�c�frert' .. � �: °� � ter^ fir,^ d9 i!�t±`a�rsnr �c,� � +��! � ,•"" , ie`: �� to � r�S t7II� Ir �tale� � fhr+ r►rv�rv.S.Ar+ � �� � ti . � �y �: v:.�w -. � {�� Gy weir t+>cs � tzf � P'�' �r><ti � ' a � tra Buy+�r lfUm tttc Pc�Y trfTectiv�c date ar3� c:+7ftitSed tc3 E3u�rrr car C f.aam p�T,J,? ice" t wrfczuirr �r � � ,.�,�, �„ Packet Pg. 3476 G.2.e $t �� c�sar� as��ri tt�tl vvitft cal alt de�r� rate � w � ±� vi: i rRas' pair�r [+� N � �i�' �'�r'• � �' y ir1 f? �-�k?_ 3i r. � i�f a #�tit�Pti� � 1s'�, l '�'„�� � �r�vi s ammrt% Fs4''ar�wayw r+� try. n �r.�.""` ;A;4ks'f i KiiML�: �L7 .. -, -- tr � �y� .., '. •� . � +� - 'r s' awe �,.. �_, ,. �i�{A 5llAiY�4:frs €Xf - rb i �xf +�{° � �}�' '�. 'u 'M'Rl3 � ra .t .,� ,..;,..��.,; W� 't�*tai�,Wf D7 ��¢" 9i �� _ d�iy5 (rC;r?'t �� pf tft�? ttt�1C4: Pa+ris�"�. �cr ill t itE f�tfr � ttci tlae siafe�#;,,, H ttf�r dafi��t; a r.��rcci xvsfih�rR t�R? �' C.tarative Peri+�, c.�rsg �i� csr a+� ft� latter crfi 1 � days after receipt �Y iyf �e � cu~irig cr ti?e x�'k�fU� Ct!�irlQ I�StttS_ Se$Ic�r CY7A� '� �. tv �'r� �r�.:t.�. ::*�If t`fw["��i7f1�' �'.�ILV .it`�p imi:i$1'.ti� 1�1tk1� '� Cures v�tt�� !#tea Gurr�cty� ��. If t1�e+ d a� sx7t c�tri�f 5iu7 ttre� !,ar, i'eri�wd, �''J'�' urill �+e 1 � �' 10A � �� #� Ga` a '�€r' i��i''S: It '�l+ �r�t! � �a `� �ff�k""� V�f �zS^'!"' 'a " ,_ S" - - - LQ CXt �$��t` `.LP m ,. a it uuiu` c31' ;9 ''°a f•3 Sefler ar�l vritttirr �, ��s eft [?ate, t#�iver tra ,sas pk4�E�, �Gtr..at�s't°a, artd , ��, ,;�; 'rtee�ng +�Cx�a�riera�, f# �, and ��a�^ � � .� €� f �u a E ir�ar�c7ta: ;+� .... ... r� _ ��i9ii1 , � � s�4a1^i3r�9 �' �:3n+ mow t� �hsS � �� ' .� .w+m.:a::i�t::�a y:u►7t Lt�r `�i�'f t1C E.1�" ! . t1 +�'Mi� � i✓i �f��"t'1 tfte �&� � t '. � Ri° � i }}��.�� yy f � er' � s y O .�y B � uY � e' M * � � c� u� tPt�*'�r�ta per�,i � �# tcs Tf1>G t.� �`o. R/ii Wl��f 1 � v.+R.ii rTi.., e� LU' elm �/ .Y.LJJ�� $ F➢ i I� �p�,p p�ryy�y �y�� �... ✓+.. 4 u� R� �3h�. r� �Ry ".a{ i — �ieti Y� V1iI P� 19�1?s�'�111�y(� P"i3! ��fa mi $A !q`.�� r��RV�citmer` cn w� � ter tE`�t taae c�g�r�r�rcr�is nit tf� �-�racf� c►€ ate!, � ' mfg �� .+ � �' � +'sr�s,�.. � �,C's Qlt;,"r'::+�� sacs rani rrs�ba�.�� � t ', ..�.... ., .., s.�r l,�rr�� anct Egr�S: S�eller ttT flee I"rv�t)+ pr�st:?� h lr� ar�.� egress. �G 7. PariQ�'�RTY i�G�fLNi'tQ�J: ,'114t a� �r � t0 $ttyer �:r � tl anrccd in � t "as i:s" R, t ST �}�tC18Cy "p`' ��, tear e3CR "(�+�i, W°l� ma,�tataixn ��(' -' �r1S! as'Kf 14at3Rtt4f�"r: on � .vi.� R�� .. ;s „� r�r u�r��tii� e'i tom. :°tzart�l"ftr C+t tithe, tst fll� � that tta� tt:+�'a o. thn �.��w . �± !9'� wlf: if'm� 8al�3ifi�iS[T C'!� � � �'�!".. � # �''�` r i i�w"�'ys "^ "7 � s �v5°e. � �. +.d... u� uiaw'4 +f � �( f�1.11d$� � J.w err'$ �. t2t �`'�iuiv ��ii � .:� ",.' � ... ,.ar...e r ~ + : �a.v ° "� " --- � l h7 f�{�E`[i �74! �y . t'�"i`.S`.. S�2 � - _;�••;•••� }i�qj" 4YIk3 ` f3i Wfl�ft 7a r�i �#? �X � ��- *+s41� �� � i>x th�tF�. et '�� b[arrf�3 '$y a�eptirzg its�g Pr�r ""� iS"'. B�jner �"3c i1'�s all Cfa;rrxg , ' #� ftx ern/ arty. {�i (�) � (b)1 �� � fd} ys: 13uverfr� "srrs�� t ?��.�* �: n� � � a+ln ,. zt� �f '„ - a25� �R.67'a�atit3fR .� r ���� .�' Ai �1'ai BTla ��"' S'L"� �'� '�`drF u�ta �r C f • � � . a •. 1 �i��� P.e+rmrxl°'1 e�r+�a ,{,�,� � _ ire �##� ��C r"E)°a. . n ��%� tt�. Y" rrG ads' it �sd r r�7`iw� irrtf'M+�' A+�t +sr yr.. a ..«...mn rR,. .r "'t} {¢ Cal' '�F'1� tr•ilflt � ,.... isy v . :P :s�iiSX !i/ IV �ti4lNi/k4'i �Y"''r�4.: �" :�. �,R' lfm`. Safi t'BC�, i70�4JG� .�3d7°j teS�S $r1�1!�'. � � 3rNi+� {3K7ri$ ��f"►S'�fv►r1�� YM'�T�Cf1 �r ��is �ry � � to a tisfia��,� � Rte "s en�;ra -rg. �tucaf, '� Gt��crvst.7a,�cal�1 ... --.� � ara<i � rt!.asiri� stanc � � �� � c++uaan unt"1 r�Str - � - rr }-�°1'nr� -��, c�:� -'� v,.�: �r+®ri� &7� �"ti �.1.� �3►�Ct$:� f',ac�� '* f:�z yt�t� arm c�.a' � Gtk;er tstits':.r€�; ��+ wt#�*r I?�t, � y � "7 �� +.y � y � q- �a���t+i3�it d , a+r�iii�?� a�5 ++�/xrsa,rl� r��l*.'t x�er•R►�Ar� ��. �r�i. r",s�! 4f�f1 :1R � � �ylY'�f`m3ikYfii �;�' , .+. _ �'`""w• :� zr+ a�ct��'wttwi, Atli ti€fi w3i G4�f11t :�C►k�t^ �isyi rr�lksgr 1 ».n"��"" read `�ltii � � , ..,;3 .7ir #R�?P �t�f}� tD Lhtg �;�..+em�iwC dr`ai kiR.it`5+'e3,F' Y�TiiiZx',�`R t3 a3X�tP�lt�9ra C1# X1,18 P�f� t�f '!t (�t�t"tt1#tt!(i<1 Of V/ti�'F�3' ' �3# Ifa�' PYRRtxy tab l5 c'��$r�l�. �S flir$I tCa W'Itr1 tfa�S R�t�CCf? t ��' : "a' ; � `as s' c�Itdlticnn_ � rrt wtli cxasc�,tstu?® �cc�tsr el ilre Pr�per�8 is '9' � �'. :ft; �, carstra�l'a a� a�i�ns.,. i!'ae iFig�tti ►4 ureter 1-3E pr ,S ff1r 31j�C'j L'[:'in � ;rirt�+ �jy c s t`i�`ir"aiE,�c;� wCil L � ti �� :t� �3kJP' y�'� T,�'! C�;+'SZI+��'ri r� �i tis;��f� LJ�}CF ( iaJ_c�nt?a�i�n n:� � d r�a.� � � �Ba ��a �`i�Wek`f�T t�:1 +B;If. � _ �tS]4@' �'�'! cF asp - �9ra�i,lr�a Y°�i. �3i`3 �fi"� arati _ 3, .. ,.. �:: "!: tT�9 �$T +Kt«t �`." � � m � i rr3# 4"4 � - - Li'm,.�.". af" mays lid$ e fa�.ceS, de� Cf'1e'4 OLLr E�[7t4?4 r�E�,rrn� i�....`�""L."' :.+ ��"M i°�tiimFr wr.;�ww±i�rr. y „'S*+ �..v x die i� �r ilta r1 x� �1 :r� �Y �. arerag fr�xrl � t*.o1�Fuet tst �Y �+d 1t or �, �wcxk anti ' ,iv1,j a,x;1 tv witl rlr3t � in � �' � &+Y�' X11' �Ctivty d�3t txxsld re,�ull in a li1�'� 1 b+airg t'si' aira„i LYIB ts+l t� f4rrGttc�i`r C4+sst i�i eu^!?ftt � t,rt:�actie�n i10s±^, rwi �"�, � �) Basyc:r' +a iti �' s tt',i +�'�` ! 3 ! 1 �.; ��� � i t p -�.. � �. Packet Pg. 3477 G.2.e ,as �'ra�ry r�5iatirq ir[?t'7t the in zsg fns a�.S, fit, gg,���� c'tiar:� a�� r�t�raf� _. �'r�""tY � ���� ctrri:icrF°t � +�� rn trot° €o c°a�#uct � ttt� .._ (?} 'f"'T� WIU �t �li':€ $.`'°3f3�v fe'3!&a?F.4€" :. ^. �t� 3i, ._ .. � iK� !„tit r;:Y H t. , � - - � � �. +�� .., ar +:. €.ref �r �'rK L r!��:�, .�.: �� 8tder`s see � . �+�u� � t�rrs rt� '"t?�f t�tE; P�� �: tit ��- , rr,F>#! tkv� g�ll#� =+� ��.�T� ?C #i�#€�C �fv� trt� f` re*+�r r F �'� 3`�S'�.'�" _� aciar =r sr+av n..� 4 sa ;*Ti r ��:: ""� iji' ,yU� C�plF3'P tS�IE` rft "i � +, {C]fL�ttlt� � �!R�t �1.'tk -�, rt"[piJ�?1' ITl��6! (at L +� °tY t4 31$tJ�9 @�" �`t�17r�4' tfs tt'i� "' tt� �. "2t:�arc tt!,�t a3t P�ft3r is tan ttt4 t�'m= ��;. fi'r'th tea p art�ti r� $. {?Pi�i31�T1+Dr+t C)f° 1 ?Fi+��'' L�'�� �:��P.;��� f����v;ii: r �rr�� �r`:ri,:� '� /` � {'yS � �� �` ^ irr,' t:A1�3itF.::l:r3� tt,rt €ftrP t Pft itwPa �� t �, �.Flr? _ �"7"'a tk"AC �a[�r�'ij 73aa�+ fir!' _ra: #� ! s�ftSaPdt°.!�tY !r??}*+„� c°�` Dry,, -s � {� . ��€a {)i �CF U s`�7'� 'T� !� �t�."'i �s�t - • 1J[ .. 1a yC�:F� LY1* ,�' R�Yi f�ilA�Rw 4e....�:.�. *�p� �. ��.+vra.r . •�•• �. •••� i .'4sir as.q �,.d raalLi� �� e � Aw.._ �- r � d. �. ,� .,.iy �`'t'�'. +. �iaCli rCf�Eiiir? '� ':'�� �aiAtaa'1c`tf @fla��t r; t}pap`t r!at- � ns , rw �+.p• - .. -� ta� . 'SSF � .,.�..... �... ��.y�r �....a:.., mr .pCr. .tf tanrt�: �i.s+.+l.. .�. 'w �`�+' --- '°`• �% ++'�mrd+i� � YPrarlr)I7T L�ttyfFi'':t (,'+Q�', • w+ • y «rw. �.i� �,ar�F tiuiiK:Ct � O!'3?�F'Ifs€F;hG 1S7 �. �i� ���Q��t!`' k„kf}{�t"dcr ,il�a�,�,� w +ts3►tl(t �'iiSiR Ctt�iroe�t �}rCjll ?L lSI drl 3�CCer�G� YPz°E* 7� tfae rte IFE? the F' re�ry � t�Ca'3tE?�. � R8!} �5t"�'C�t �� 4�Ct2 �� ;�t���r�. Seer wilt � !er wrtt ciei�v�s � a� �..�.:xr�-� �! :1u� �'rr�caerttf to >8t�tr�r �� n.:.t: :3rssr,�:s.:sft#,, afiV sorrrir . -.�.ra d.. � t'¢tl�44if_tkYr4 � nA �L ee SFr. w r^'.y v.d'.wL2� IIC`:ii4I�7''� �'V�"f />ef's.:lf9YiA �'! �+R.i - �c.cr.ty .ory ••r•.a asa.. a a '� � � �� �°' �u�!'�"`S 3ttr}rTaeyS tS, ts�,7S �tlt't 1'@CS3"�Pr1€� 7�'r sari r:CJ<�S. l7bOTti 8f� f1t9a2fFCli1� Q ( J �_ �a,tltx' '� J'.a�rrrt,t� � reccrr„�ag t'i�� t+�r the cit'�Ct 5el�t vwifd icy ^rtRI1Cr'� � JQ�, :- � ,�a r> =tatty t� ft5r mer'r r1� W cure iifE� dc#�t�. li S�i4er �; +rat' �� _-.-.• � � ` cSd �^rd � t_ � �-. ° .� �U f Bs�Yer may !.FWD �.:° :k^ Nr��ts � >;� t� a cra�r...it.�.a.... . ,. �' �r�ar n r`ira�sru, �.:.� �.,� a SGhare�s!� �zr; .._ �� csr p .� ceQ �4'} �ttrrt.'a�#�: S�tef' Ott! �rtr.� ;7 �^ �_ � :.'r .� �� �* r u a+n.s`�ca, � ilk �. R}�`�' * .c�S'.*t ^ ...`.'"i iF: iS�+ni+�; i�� „�w.� ra. s :."_ `�'' la �:C7fitlwi[:t$ tt]aa Witt �` 3 *�S�rfaA[� ►+�� � ktLrf'� !�"• t"ti. a uwi�P ._ `. , N � �l_�. a6.� sZ ������ �= w! di L�. vs� - d1 i�6VP'�i7� gs'1C�i �t IYS'#�f?") {'J� t� $ � ifi� � � +nn A!� •r av wsv.aa o '!911 $RCF, t� 8��7P1s:, t�'tC tra�tr�t1;! CFE &t�: $ srsl itiwd 8u'ty �� tar.�flttt3� ur �a2tr,�rele� ret�wCd �' hetci by S�iter tram �r maata:tt,rrsr. w CQrttratabpN', 811�}CraFit^3CtCki'. cir i�rtrj�! :st.�a$ia�4' ira ��Ar�t`»wti.taa'! W +tt! 33te Pr . to ns tio+�rrss, if �apJicat!tix; erns ei# I� �}`• Gtrrr+arrt € tl'te .vr�tomirtiw�ay � t � ;S�a°�.+�+��i F�"'i'y�*`: s3 t�!tll fr`�, tY"'; ;''.� w ;d iii i� �1 !{� � ' buyer's ie�er• -' �rdc�� a10i1w�furCt�aac!� aatcs az�mm+t �!rttertt5 ;SN }�} fi�tar� � the � tar �' r �� • �ra� � � ' °t��'!";.�: c:�r� -2rti.-' - '3rz,crrt,�y,t�- �r.�. c iii e�SiArt.__ m e i as s du��rR� FM+!i..�rr care .a r' ° ! � , a�a ,,I � t�$t1� Iat:ikae(7 - ik lt:rik tSfl �XE?[Y(1ti a'i!^f !>.�,"����NK�!Fi5'. lat;r'. Cw+��i.i� �Ndawrsr�n 3w+a!n fC fT4 ' .c a r: su! f�t, �"!!1± �n„g! � a '�� exa d� +vet' a ric�rin � � ea�rCi�t- :� tr.e t��rar,t "s c k& tcxr�i. If Seft� � an �, � v� 177 � �i3tl1CM'lt"?j r'!U'ttt'tCtfl2:F1'f� {�' S�bC �r1d d+Qtiv�fy 0I t� �:� C.ktii:!ttC�'Api1 lay ����Prate� �saFtyr eerLtY,trt� thra r�kx(�an �� �Cttlf� i` s s.`3Ciwin}� tt�* �af1� cGlrrft�r►a5 to tfio � 'r =.�!xexnert ;s of Nett tsar. �� � t7anstec `txfkt'r r#�t�its !ta @t er. t3t �; a , �.�r, 4 . `'� rr° r'P,t��q;t„y R�� rt{1tL'�, S`1.'�1�y" �re�F��rlfs., �t1d �f'!w�G�'1Girag �t.'�tt�lTtPi'itz. •� "-' u,�P t c:Cr� �L� «,�:'f''1:'�. N 1�p �#�� �Lt.�[w ".�al� �rQi'��ii(�rk�„ rl w4tawrn i c`...Ai.. r.+ �. �"�r's?ar. Crtng;iware�r t��.�r�'J x`.F'. e'rS". "' ' � e� C {���� �.r'�llfrl��l'1 � �a� +!�!Y _a•ar+ci ren�n� /ia a :: a Y '�' tae3r�lt'3S� 1:!rC7'�aCfYV, �QfF[d `~ s� --:. a.r�y�a.e . ewc_ir mrc�i S,�}�r,`Sw.�'' 1r>�'.`r�i y�. �.a.isa�r^ciiruii l�Lt�$+a. �f r��ti� �::�- �nta ".: tc ��aYer, rFper�tr!ct expt�rtses wig be a #tad d�rt3t.�g?t ttac d°,�yr iaef+�rr� c# it the � �� arat�a�t r� taxi. � f �e Current !y+�ar �3raaaat be as�eat�ra�, rat25 [oa' t .� c :� �Ic'► -?�c� �!:a,# rn�c3� fir i�� �'cvFat., yr u�l t� � �rs€h �;e Q jaa .ate Gaut exerrtt{stro�. Arry t3ac proraticrt � on an �tr€ate Ott, at � Q$ {?t�t't�r fY€' ;en�?!fks��`,�t9 ri�dr C+`:d.: w�::;k; �:.+..FF3# ��ii��; =. Ld�c aT".Id; `L*'.t,^s tsrr�i 't w �UaY +� - - — . -� .. istGTy xtt ��' �'�� �t A.s- *+esSa71er1t l.�rk'�.' � °-� � �C�ifs�. Y ��'�1 _ ��'xf„ 7FIw� E °� ,d�1 F� s.��++"+'s� ca�arc�ae �,�,,.e..T r.. +�#� C.a R!M hit i' 9 C -. , ..a.r:a�. fiSfY�i Vl ' d M . �- sa +t"�c.�, w1 rtxiTP�M} aPtCt r'a#itr t _ i ,Aa ..,,, .,,it _ _... � � C�.tTl.6rYT! +�` �i.,re . a y: s.iFi�e +.'P.isa f� +' 1lk3 �+'� xv�td+ir'+rF�- � � � ..., ....�.idPR:" 31 i!: !„rw[�yir� i.),'9t@� 1A!itk1 aiay 1 aLti3wtrT3{'att for ' 1 - L O tao � �N'd'9, ilE!d, �r� t3tryer wilt �lirT1[r ail irs+�t�aaM;rit� 1�tt kt7a� €�� �ic'J � ' ttl4� V �tyvoPr w� be air` for all z�e�s�frt!�t� +as v .�t � iii �l�tt'i` gRtl�"uS r3� 6 � V.�7i�t"P k;+i2SXar71C' <I'l,lc 3Fll[! ('�YaMil'1S) t3ft`�r mt3rdTa1.'r1t dS �tat'aS'w"lrrti3lk'� C.�riS!�?#!C� i3� �` vtL�Sf.'1l9 ��2k? �"� �f? ars^r` /._ .a . - � 8� �?�ste t�.. :`taa d�1,Ft it:�i,ri��,°{j ii e3 kl ert t��[aiC CTca�ir. Se'ftCr lY:tt �'�. the am.�:ttr: t31 t� twit N '� �m�lsy' Gi � �f a +. ,+ + � � `1" �rriia f!Ct ri�:� q � . ;w � ' ,'ie�ri.. E���r�tY��rf �y yy .fir �^ ..... m F� ief��'.'�'�TF 111 iltli ll�Yi`LIR� i e�e,..['il ({'.�+a.�.�'li. a"iiii�.f�W -. L}Jwi.'.�i.+Wiga�y Gf ill w'�Y/i.fi �= i� �ci�sa inv�ttn� alt Ert tai Rr+upe�y 7aez Aft (FiFPfiA }. � SeIJ� i� � "t+xrci rt � sc S�It�r artCi Bu er ,� � tom" a�tera�i t F7Rt�T,a,, . . y cc� tr, tx+rrt�t� �� �ect"� i ��a 'af thfr tr=.tert'tat r- ��ue;,Ue bode. Wiles t 8er :�r:it = ._!� {,xx?±pta:t °., °�8e��t:. aa�d de Bever 5 efectr2cf arty rraS'k ftsmerrt, aftaw�t, ur st'!erasertt r �G58r'y ►� �►.i!' E v+�+�_ �' � ` - �... -- � rim c� � ! tom.? ^� � € -iw �+ri.'t iC .t .c � ar l� x. .R fV i/ ° .au d... d� "1 _ _ � � � Packet Pg. 3478 G.2.e i� writtt ttte FCHPTA r�lrctrtt�, ir�;,lt+rding +de�vsry c�E their respcciyv�+ fetal :�xpayer yde€tti�t�an �:. °m�� ar «;� Si,�tl��ry[y �iditt�*r� tr; e ;;lw„,zsg agard.:' E'#" tr �tr�r d�� r FAY :sus .+�: t casi't at �lasyntl � rri, tytrr ^ .._ .. �tsee Seer Dili ci+ay�v to rerr at c�� sar'!aE � ^�1* tM dal'*{ tfia r 4. 'rn we iii. S:�E�'rti Itl�lV'�. Seder �ert�! Buyer as�ti�ttti�e �.� tar CEa;� � � fc�o�le�:Eivy� .� t{? rei+re, .y �ctt �4 a1tC1 hO�d ittt'tds and t �'�5' :� ��r arxj y#lE3jr to CO�lty�fa, dyburs,�e ��ai yd� �Mit3t p ?xk tett thy` the rtr�L r t parties � t�raaE } «s.�enf aril Ctd?t � Esa�e tt? � pof1 #� �� Gt es+dU�ed � � ads a $Rl1r�'i" l� ! rt4ic+��l�.�,;�: � ':`�.. 'rs, t �... 4 � N � '�' kw'.7 +' ...�.`, i+ �.a:, v;e:..,e C+�t w +ice %.i;nT'�'F 4� �O�iES � Ei+ � � �� tzas �t ds � Amt "5 tE�.� ?its rar Ot�1t�cs t�ttfr � '� Qtr;€ rs�, ai ��� �. �a� t'�+� �e e+� cv , � - 6.e 3i,re""`ii t�3F? rttdJt[Js'�lEti ;I[wG. 6r, k3S. �cFp�eaw�,t._r,}uanR Ynr L^'..s� .^.� 'v v Ov'kf�"v: T'a�:rt[? t,?; Y `� ��'�T�1'1�1i tJ)R'�'.r t�`�C' rbQ�'!�"5 L"kt ��? C,�� t'9r f1?t lfde4rtei^t ll�i t�+t+n�ro�+��# �, a* �K _ �.� , h v e�'ire ,V "u r. i i�xa±crer+n a r� .ti..nw �i its trrait" 1Xld SiBB dr: aCi.K�'t itf erPt�. '�I.7�1pr1 [tf3t*iy #rl� the ji�ftrC� C71' ��! �edlO!'�, � �E } rEMC�C� f9'C,'1431�� ca 2t4 E�E�' � °J€i�l�l ' C35,G�� E!4 $Or'!i tGr i�v {?}'I';Y10 fh�l� Cf� t�� . E+f ,A�e47� i5 ct E t€'e3E �;C�id` �, 2 is der'. �4l,'tt ca;.tply ��tth �S'f�lptf� 475, F141iti� '�tatr�es. !rt anyr sub en wtedt Agent ertterple�ar�s t6te es�crvwcef ,t�rrt `� ,�17 � � rtl;�dt," a ,OC°Ar'!Y ?tt'± t3`� +"�ir''° kS �t �v`7:: ^ . �''f, �n'i: �wi� R x:�rA�1r�f ii�T+�+���€i+'�F; c"F`.�"r !�:'+�'� �".'J G`+3.."3"s` C �a yr��terr+� wry t#uxt* r�»xn�.s to nail � artd tart c# a��� "r. and i�?target� ar,cf aiardled court �s�� o yes s`.-t as l �.��; ir�,';r. S� y # : �� (i£i €y��w��t .,� si,' ..� �.�-,� `ra,i&l i Ci�i3ii� i� W "Tlr�, 3 � Wt#y r",3rrr: 3r7 O��i US "9d�� ��} CJLrr��: jl' i3E a 918 dE't�ult. #� �. tams !i3 `c.`fltl'f �fih a V '' rY "�Y �n o'F the �rstract, the r�ttt�.�r Y +nnyy �drvr r�rfttirtt t i�r t?�!2 r�rt- Q �� t'1Criv csP �.�+ rsatace u� c�s�cr ncsrr- c�nr>ge. r�orr- n�yir� Eby s�y'.l �G lY sg y ( r+`s iF yell #star�kj � � rze} tree r�csr�- �ca��l:a.. �{csi' a� c :�E� r�Qi ate}* Yp t�alsare to t`�l�x�,s_: �' O 2t3 12. '4E3c � , A + ,IE r.�R�_ Bt3�'�' Cdr' Salter �'tI�E! x1C3i ? rei�d ft7 p�C�`r#t zir, 7 � �Tir�3 Itr per �'4�, � 9.., fS7 �+�Lii ft✓�Y.t�? it�A ���i�i'i .��xi,� � �'4 I°�rtMCmkZ4f"a�n i'M► exe.../e�s ( � OOF� RI€ rS 6.rtff Rte. C� 4� dl� �� �7 .,, ...�, r _. w .r. aru. �,STS� :�"' ui �?+ ,T�,tuyre, `"!!�a;':c' � � .a �", v t N . d 1'1&(14�rr?l'� '�I�T /��RrEM1+,l4 al � F+IM:.+.n,.. ar. ^.s.. -...1 .ir.t..,�ya — .,..., ..��� .. _ _ w,...< .s•....w+xvv. arc. sY's4,+- ��pit�� fw v n a.4ry+eiissr1 F�wI wn�s.a �s�� .�s•. $ PFF£?: l�l'z� !. Cxtrtrrs� �"lttG!". eartix�tak� , tYr OtPte?t' a R7� �� ilfl�,t�#!al Q trart�s tietays, fir �, y � , ar acts at E�rra: i.�sn, v�tr�t'�, by �X? c�' r�a,rsE� diJir�crpt att�, �?3e y �2e TMar�,,er�t3r��ssyr� Pert" � in � � yrt { tt� t�►+� at c�vere�r�rrtt�. All ti�Q €, `° $ .(T('. r6�! �!� }✓,.. ? Gi.,..o ., #f rrs o. .n +! � � F1;7 1I�4�3' �1'"R?ifr;!Sti'� (1 C:$'C�+°F: 7 ++3+ i.fJ S1r.:rf F6sTr Y �i Li Wtfl A a/i� X26 {.bltt, Pte: �x+�, !'# �e*[� �,�E� �:�n'��s.at s E� �?a�°� r3tN:�la'r� tStlda6 �;Cir�uact rrnr?�r@ i�r1xE � �/ ,� q �� V+��Er'ik� PI fii te�el f°.l'f�:i.YP f�Y eti! '��`T7?73T' ��:"� ��.a r � �. .,. _�m! � t; ::� �. r`� Ydi�'A�is +�J�IL:s� �ir� � s�in�a � 79ikli ' L31�' Lt "l .�reef3l �' �(7 ��jYia'�. L11iEf�7�' r'L. � �tYl s f�+s'w",�' ij. iii!+ �9! :. " •r .,se'•. � a. 0. {. . ,4.r u ... t3. FI�TlIR� �F C)EPtT: Unless ot3t+trse �� in ttie 'CCa. yra tiie event arty ctart�tycart pf thy„ C:aritrac: �:� c r*r�t me£ and Buyer ha,., tyrt�9y gy�� � r'�yr�l rtoti� rer� t� r� ttavy"'•g rra: tst'�esn rnet, hr's tie�it �' qtr wall t� ralurrec�± in 3C�G[ar�tr>� wit#t appkbF� F7ar x ,�u� 3rtt! � 0 1�. ��At1LT a�i :�� �� t�� �`�' -s`; '�'t es sew t a�47 d�:4 � 4 ei;£ t�luit tld! '�3.+r� +417 fi%�C` s" ':e! '.�.�3'�:. :." ;. �,t`c;cds ts;. ,'£",� eC d ftr. title r7i�er;3C>dC` air `� �'[. E' r�rav eie!� i� PevS� resit F fe! E • �i�a,r' O "` w�xvstry� of y �i:yt.r� i�fr cites ses�:itrng srvr� ��tfr:r teach rt,�td seek to re�'vCrr sit �farn�es car seek � /p is A'� �ityer a dit re;� ` � ieEi€:r n�ry be i6+� tai E3s�rkar icy the t�E! arrF o�i tt►e i '"OB 'lw`n� �$�' i� IC �`Mlt A, .G �s�E� 0� r��i 4�i.�s�{� �4.�' �C .�.rl�� c.:L�a.ii?E ._'1Y .,3i�i�.iri? il3} " 7'c�s: t r4.1� L2. 39 -�'6 � ,� Q ,Jy_�'`-�-, ,,......����yy �k�Yf Yom"` �.( +'. �;:tf � A c e i n .iaj ,.p,;, E , iw if FTV � 1 ..y� }�a. �� �l "'T ^���l � {rrr �rx;,,;yy � � YrRi1� t�e�� � 0lnarp EF�kf�/�'31SYi ; 6•'KL, L4a1 eJ�LJI'°v'i��Vxs itY[ ii.3G _/ Yso tlhttC�t f}E' 3 ��G'F tL'Ft� 31 �',S ° �F'c��::1'�' +]: iii c �'_• ." , „`"I V .. Y �asC. eeiopn 'ale ti�i:� a�tF�'1ol�� ?f+' -^.S ^.. r ; . ..,.�. y�v,:: � i�� Iii Ife7�t�y � � �� &5 rel�ir�d ttir ifs "f.5 dnrrtr�rorr *�* ; +,_ �xrs. =t y^ u� irils � :st4l�y4 iya: ray i:mlttecl .� :rxcs ss.:r.�43r1 (2� � h tl'SC' a:tr,�+�x '? o x� wayvirq arty retinc�dy Erar � � U �� 15. �'i�TQR�Y`S E^�ES I�bN�? CCE�"►1'S: yrt arty e�irtt ar �y errs rxrt at or re�tirtg tot t Cvtttra�, ty� N. I �„�„,r, +,x,:� tt,f �,�11i � riai+� � � ��+ L1�CS', Selfer � $i �Jlh:ur x wiEl 19F�'ieL�Crt] r��sd3na�'f c6 at'tt^�r°�s' fps, costs., experts, _ c� �' i ®. itiii lv: /itd r�AiJC.�'i^: f�'f[EM yr9 v1'rILO�r'3�t r7ItC1 rTti,'�%�' '�! t�E*�V�'+d't h�F F!Al+tl !SS/rR.tt*I�ha _ne..r -_� r sap r. :�' w '�f '1:° : '" r ' . +� O f� ° -^'�: c�ca.i��niu, f�+3. t'�ftF�a $�} 5�[is3 aii r tE� �ur�s �r;� arl the 9�ir�'ak�tttere l�!��s r t', :[i do�crrtrr3rrt, ar itcrrt given E:'�y ar �iv;�re� ttct art � crr rc?al mate Ge�er.;�.e� {racluei�rtg a tr<aa�t€art fir) � 2so rr;e a�party �yti tie a f as if liven Syr ar �s�rec3 to ttaat �:riy. �, � "�P#e`a "�'�'''`f - r- � v r � r�� �w Q �-..v . ww,r. r.... -. �... � ._,�,,.,_,....,.� __ _ _.�, ��r c Packet Pg. 3479 G.2.e {} � ..�., �... � �.,_:� Ca�s�rrun t.ien AGt: uric Fttavacia Ccrossreraad Red date S .'Ara.? �m., , '? , •v e r s r * �.�+.i v - :.Y; r rrvi�ey tii � r.. «?�. .., 2sa � �" ac � �rcMCe� try a ..e.. ,, ,: do �.°r�a� � nett �� ircrrrs of t�'�tTf�rr�;� re eat 4�7r �'' � n � bgt t3te txQkr?r r3rtidcE• a h€e= �' �y� �'� � 3'l�YI[i e3"�rc:.�'.a a�a u � �svitr�.�"r "Za :t�E .�rld ,i�,�,, r �?�#9�"� 4�!t y,ARy �w�. +:i �i aiw p��4 F "�� - i �'wi� �eta:r�_ r'w7+'wR�fi�v� �'L:- "`abl� a7 ,. 4� 1� . :. '7F �aili tr YIiH dlAJ�i�a`i(i�t��,��! !a �f3��rrT�. ''� ($� SCI � Lids iae,cf � Public ►: ?71e • rraa�r � � Eck taC1 �rarer� f+ers(!s} rrn�c±d by a ��r < +e bu�4 , � .aE)f� �' Y � F� � �: C��r�i'ty E3eveita¢rr'tet fhstrctj �$ �1,�A Ea �s ��� ''� �� �� fC5ttf1 lSt P� ��i�'t. � F � ra E�Ea°#�7ltit � �t MfSi nfi �e� 1: +14J RF�C(. �I '"�' a�,.�:'s (j"it1r�`�fiP"., frl�iA l°4'it nie.5rs +ear n ojsy. w.�..... � �a�}}� �n, [:i . I .. W..,� Y�Yd fMiOM 74/t i.9 �^Y'CE� ��� A 1{�A � Mit Ri (ii iL. f..�� - 6 1 E' �A+�i� �+ e•3�, ��'S «ICI R�rAl �� 4�� �.wi'+/'. y � .. _ .�e� UY ��r t(m 1'w VIII � Y iraal a...�.�. �"� eu3�J ia7t7iAr1 r�r +rlg E7'ta'I'�f CTtI C?��t9lfSPQ �F'DdT► +- y - •• �.:.3. Y�rW Y�1 �� r[11�i� � � l fILEQttti ltffQ. (tt} �rter�- Effic3+�rs�y t�',�iFr�q IntQrrra�#i�rt: y+er a!�ltrtc�►+l c � c�# �a �,r�'arre r � X46: ,�R�.`��ti, r !Ul�c1 ."'r."$�T.l.t:f °s C!'�L19r3� "'J # +� O `�` !8� ti, r�" ��'; (: �.lr�a "zF�' ��i3t� ii.3'K�. �i�" !�' tE #'":� .�.,. 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STATUS TlTt.F, �O�EtC�N' tfi'*iV�QR 9i7 R €i�� RE - NTS, E•.E`�:.� ,�t:N{7 F�ii TAX, �P'Rt�PEFi'fY GfltiT - EY�ITAL AJ�A t)THE� r tic- �� 1 aray�:x �!P TnfRi�,� ,° ,�" '� �� n-s. , _ Packet Pg. 3481 G.2.e �e� Ai3�""�� $i1�r�€7 AC.�{�I£�,.��5 THAT B�t�K�R [3OES ?T (?�GEdl�l� �"�i€' ��ns�ta �, = i : r -�,..� :�� P���'���•r�ri�.;: �:a�.�c.., �v's��� CSR C?'�?#�,t�) � i� B��f�' A;�i� �t��'E!'3 � E�L�s� � � s� i i3�.� �El��C�S�l�?'A?;u�.; C)� t= L��..€ ��CUR€� �31�E�S BR4�KE#� tt #C;�T�S P�n�a�i�t�l. �rra�;�; :ice. �, , - �•aw...ett sr f sl.t!'SV. C�[i fav�•i # /�wii..� ��'1�� 9�5rw a L � !"a `GbY 'y/i7 a7�c CiC3�'�R'l��grR#T � R d+r+a e,rs rr. .,. +.a •.ra� i {.yr t"L i a741 .�.�.SIS �R��.�w +f' } :� :a: La rt^r ��wn ... --- - .«....,..�.�w.. ♦ -a l-r�` - '- 4 �� � I�s . _ __... T f'4�!3`. 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' u1C 1�",.�lr dS 8 �J4�,.'T'�f�ffi �S'�+�� �. $ �"43t�:JBf1�E7 G'�iDG�IYC f8��j r1"�iR11'F'Ii�Y' � '�' - raf �7t7 '��F6'x° y � �� �., w �� hxll f f� O ! /a Fti;:�L'Ff :ac�.c# va��:a ;,a:�rSCet'i'� fc r� W:':.� ;a Gam• � � iY!Ri � � , i�iia�r i I I' v�_ �e_ !� '", A sf 'y'�c�4 Le^v: _� �N V 9 t C7t �9�, .' r CrS fir. gY'!7 �� �. - -- ar,�r r� My �`;� f' u"# , P 7 i5 ���` �?a T� n. ��� C C O V a 2 a� a Packet Pg. 3482