Item J04ò ÝÓ ±«²¬§ ±º ±²®±»  BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 ̸»Ú´±®·¼¿Õ»§­ Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Heather Carruthers, District 3 ݱ«²¬§ ݱ³³·­­·±² Ó»»¬·²¹ Ú»¾®«¿®§ îïô îðïè ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Ò«³¾»®æ Öòì  ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Í«³³¿®§ ýíèîë BULK ITEM: DEPARTMENT: Yes Planning/Environmental Resources TIME APPROXIMATE:STAFF CONTACT: Mayte Santamaria (305) 289-2500 N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution of the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners renouncing and disclaiming any right of the County and public in and to that portion of the easement between lots 8 and 9 Block 2, Sunrise Cay, Ocean Reef Plat No. 15, according to the Plat Book 7, Page 20, of the public records of Monroe County, Florida. ITEM BACKGROUND: The petitioner has requested the vacation of a utility easement by the County on the Plat between lots 8 & 9 on Sunrise Cay Drive, Ocean Reef, Key Largo, FL 33037, in order to expand the existing house on lot 8 over the north ½ of lot 9 including the subject easement area. Plat Book 7 Page 20 states: ÈÔ×ÇÈÓÐÓÈÃ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÙÊ×ÛÈ×ØÔ×Ê×ÚÃÛÎØØ×ÉÙÊÓÚ×ØÛÉûÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØ  Ö××ÈÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÉÈÊ××ÈÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÛÎØÛÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØÖ××ÈÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ× ÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ×ÉÍÖ×Æ×ÊÃÐÍÈÛÎØÈÊÛÙÈÓÎÈÔÓÉÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÛÊ×Ô×Ê×ÚÃÊ×É×ÊÆ×ØÖÍÊÈÔ×ÓÎÉÈÛÐÐÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØ ÏÛÓÎÈ×ÎÛÎÙ×ÍÖÇÈÓÐÓÈÃØÓÉÈÊÓÚÇÈÓÍÎÐÓÎ×ÉÛÎØÉÔÛÐÐÚ×Ñ×ÌÈÖÊ××ÍÖÌ×ÊÏÛÎ×ÎÈÍÚÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÉ The Declaration of Restrictions in paragraph 20 states: ÛÐ ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÓÉÍÆ×ÊÍÎÛÎØÛÙÊÍÉÉÛÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØÈÅ×ÐÆ×Ö××È ÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÉÈÊ××È ÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÛÎØÛÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØÉÓÄÖ××ÈÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ×ÉÍÖ×ÛÙÔÍÖÈÔ×ÐÍÈÉÖÍÊ ÈÔ×ÐÍÈÉÖÍÊÈÔ×ÓÎÉÈÛÐÐÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØÏÛÓÎÈ×ÎÛÎÙ×ÍÖÈ×Ð×ÌÔÍÎ×ÛÎØ×Ð×ÙÈÊÓÙÐÓÎ×ÉÙÍÎØÇÓÈÉÛÎØÓÎÙÓØ×ÎÈÛÐ ×ËÇÓÌÏ×ÎÈÅÛÈ×ÊÛÎØÕÛÉÏÛÓÎÉÉ×Å×ÊÐÓÎ×ÉÛÎØÛÎÃÍÈÔ×ÊÇÈÓÐÓÈÃÍÊÛÎÃÉÓÏÓÐÛÊÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÃØ××Ï×ØÚà ÈÔ×éçúøóæóø÷êÛÎØø÷æ÷ðíì÷êÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÖÍÊÈÔ×É×ÊÆÓÙ×ÍÖéÇÎÊÓÉ×ÙÛÃÛÎØÈÔ× éçúøóæóø÷êÛÎØø÷æ÷ðíì÷êÖÇÊÈÔ×ÊÊ×É×ÊÆ×ÉÈÔ×ÊÓÕÔÈÈÍÛÉÉÓÕÎÈÔ×ÇÉ×ÍÖ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÛÎØ ÊÓÕÔÈÉÍÖÅÛÃÈÍÛÎÃÌ×ÊÉÍÎÖÓÊÏÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈÓÍÎÍÊõÍÆ×ÊÎÏ×ÎÈÛÕ×ÎÙÃÖÇÊÎÓÉÔÓÎÕÍÎ×ÍÊÏÍÊ×ÍÖ ÉÛÓØÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉÍÊÇÈÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉîÍÈÊ××ÉÉÔÛÐÐÚ×ÌÐÛÎÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ××ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÔ×Ê×ÚÃÊ×É×ÊÆ×ØåÔ×ÎÛ ÌÇÊÙÔÛÉ×ÊÛÙËÇÓÊ×ÉÛÎÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÍÎ×ÔÛÐÖÍÊÖÇÐÐÉÓÂ×ÐÍÈÛØÒÛÙ×ÎÈÈÍÛÖÇÐÐÉÓÂ×ÐÍÈÈÔ×ÛÖÍÊ×ÉÛÓØ ÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ××ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÉÔÛÐÐÚ×Ø××Ï×ØÛÈÈÔ××Ð×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÉÇÙÔÌÇÊÙÔÛÉ×ÊÈÍÚ×ÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÍÇÈ×ÊÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ×É The utility easement is not in use and the petitioner has provided for the North Key Largo Utility Corp and no ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò objection letters from: Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Association, letter dated December 16, 2016 Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, letter dated January10, 2016 AT&T, letter dated December 6, 2017 Comcast, letter dated November 21, 2017 PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: April 12, 2017 - Approval of an Easement Vacation application with Monroe County. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: Reso. ___ - 2018 2018-003 Vacate Easement Staff Report 2018-003 File (adobe) FINANCIAL IMPACT: Effective Date: Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: N/A Total Cost to County: N/A Current Year Portion: Budgeted: No ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  ò Source of Funds: N/A CPI: Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: No If yes, amount: Grant: County Match : Insurance Required: Additional Details: REVIEWED BY: Mayte Santamaria Completed 01/25/2018 9:19 PM Assistant County Administrator Christine Hurley Completed 01/29/2018 2:16 PM Peter Morris Completed 02/05/2018 11:57 AM Jaclyn Carnago Skipped 02/05/2018 11:57 AM Mayte Santamaria Completed 02/05/2018 12:06 PM Budget and Finance Skipped 01/23/2018 9:32 PM Maria Slavik Skipped 01/23/2018 9:32 PM Kathy Peters Completed 02/05/2018 1:46 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/21/2018 9:00 AM ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÛ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÛ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÚ 1 2 MEMORANDUM 3 4Monroe County Planning & Environmental Resources Department 5We strive to be caring, professional, and fair 6 7To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 8 9Through: Mayté Santamaria, Sr. Director of Planning & Environmental Resources 10 11From: Barbara Valdes-Perez, P.E., Transportation Planner 12 13Date: January 19, 2018 14 15Subject: ûÌÌÊÍÆÛÐÈÍÆÛÙÛÈ×ÈÔ××ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÚÃÈÔ×ÙÍÇÎÈÃÍÎÈÔ×ÌÐÛÈÛÈéÇÎÊÓÉ×ùÛÃøÊÓÆ× 16 ÍÎíÙ×ÛÎê××Öñ×ÃðÛÊÕÍïÍÎÊÍ×ùÍÇÎÈÃöÐÍÊÓØÛöÓÐ×   17 BOCC Meeting: February 21, 2018 18 19 20 21REQUEST: 22The petitioner, Mary J. Farmer, as Trustee of the Farmhouse Trust, has requested an easement 23vacation at 8 Sunrise Cay Drive, SUNRISE CAY OCEAN REEF PLAT NO. 15, according to 24the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 20, on the Public Records of Monroe County, 25Florida, adjacent to lots 8, 9, Block 2 of the aforementioned plat. 26 27The applicant owns lot 8 and the north half of lot 9 as shown whithin the blue contour in Figure 1 28below. There is an existing easement in between lots 8 and 9, which the property owner desires 29to vacate. The request to vacate the easement is made to utilize this portion of land to expand the 30existing house built in lot 8 allowing for greater use of their property and eliminate the unused 31easement. The 12 feet wide utility easement is 6 feet wide at each side of the dividing line 32between Lots 8 & 9. The easement runs from the right of way of Sunrise Cay Drive to the water 33line and is about 331.99 feet long, for a total area of 3,878 sqft. The proposed easement vacation 34is presented in Figure 1. 35 36Figure 1- Easement Location Mary J Farmer, as Trustee of the Farmhouse Trust, Easement Vacation Petition File # 2018-003 Page 1 of 4 ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÚ 1REVIEW OF APPLICATION: 2 3The requested easement vacation is established within the Sunrise Cay Ocean Reef Plat No. 15 4which was recorded in April 1981. 5 6 Subject Site 7Figure 2- Plat 8 9The subject easement is referenced in the property plat. The reference on the plat to the easement 10is on the first page under and it provides: ÈÔ×ÇÈÓÐÓÈÃ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉ 11 ÙÊ×ÛÈ×ØÔ×Ê×ÚÃÛÎØØ×ÉÙÊÓÚ×ØÛÉûÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØ ÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÉÈÊ××ÈÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ× 12 ÛÎØÛÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØÖ××ÈÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ×ÉÍÖ×Æ×ÊÃÐÍÈÛÎØÈÊÛÙÈÓÎÈÔÓÉ 13 ÉÇÚØÓÆÓÉÓÍÎÛÊ×Ô×Ê×ÚÃÊ×É×ÊÆ×ØÖÍÊÈÔ×ÓÎÉÈÛÐÐÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØÏÛÓÎÈ×ÎÛÎÙ×ÍÖÇÈÓÐÓÈÃØÓÉÈÊÓÚÇÈÓÍÎÐÓÎ×ÉÛÎØ 14 ÉÔÛÐÐÚ×Ñ×ÌÈÖÊ××ÍÖÌ×ÊÏÛÎ×ÎÈÍÚÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÉ 15 16 The Declaration of Restrictions is provided in paragraph 20: ìçúðóùçèóðóèã÷ûé÷ï÷îè. û 17 Ì×ÊÌ×ÈÇÛÐ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÓÉÍÆ×ÊÍÎÛÎØÛÙÊÍÉÉÛÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØÈÅ×ÐÆ×Ö××È ÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ× 18 ÉÈÊ××ÈÖÊÍÎÈÛÕ×ÛÎØÛÉÈÊÓÌÍÖÐÛÎØÉÓÄÖ××ÈÓÎÅÓØÈÔÊÇÎÎÓÎÕÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ×ÉÍÖ×ÛÙÔÍÖÈÔ×ÐÍÈÉ 19 ÖÍÊÈÔ×ÐÍÈÉÖÍÊÈÔ×ÓÎÉÈÛÐÐÛÈÓÍÎÛÎØÏÛÓÎÈ×ÎÛÎÙ×ÍÖÈ×Ð×ÌÔÍÎ×ÛÎØ×Ð×ÙÈÊÓÙÐÓÎ×ÉÙÍÎØÇÓÈÉÛÎØ 20 ÓÎÙÓØ×ÎÈÛÐ×ËÇÓÌÏ×ÎÈÅÛÈ×ÊÛÎØÕÛÉÏÛÓÎÉÉ×Å×ÊÐÓÎ×ÉÛÎØÛÎÃÍÈÔ×ÊÇÈÓÐÓÈÃÍÊÛÎÃÉÓÏÓÐÛÊÖÛÙÓÐÓÈà 21 Ø××Ï×ØÚÃÈÔ×éçúøóæóø÷êÛÎØø÷æ÷ðíì÷êÎ×Ù×ÉÉÛÊÃÖÍÊÈÔ×É×ÊÆÓÙ×ÍÖéÇÎÊÓÉ×ÙÛÃÛÎØÈÔ× 22 éçúøóæóø÷êÛÎØø÷æ÷ðíì÷êÖÇÊÈÔ×ÊÊ×É×ÊÆ×ÉÈÔ×ÊÓÕÔÈÈÍÛÉÉÓÕÎÈÔ×ÇÉ×ÍÖ×ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÛÎØÊÓÕÔÈÉ 23 ÍÖÅÛÃÈÍÛÎÃÌ×ÊÉÍÎÖÓÊÏÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈÓÍÎÍÊõÍÆ×ÊÎÏ×ÎÈÛÕ×ÎÙÃÖÇÊÎÓÉÔÓÎÕÍÎ×ÍÊÏÍÊ×ÍÖÉÛÓØ 24 ÖÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉÍÊÇÈÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉîÍÈÊ××ÉÉÔÛÐÐÚ×ÌÐÛÎÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÓÎÈÔ××ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÔ×Ê×ÚÃÊ×É×ÊÆ×ØåÔ×ÎÛ 25 ÌÇÊÙÔÛÉ×ÊÛÙËÇÓÊ×ÉÛÎÛØØÓÈÓÍÎÛÐÍÎ×ÔÛÐÖÍÊÖÇÐÐÉÓÂ×ÐÍÈÛØÒÛÙ×ÎÈÈÍÛÖÇÐÐÉÓÂ×ÐÍÈÈÔ×ÛÖÍÊ×ÉÛÓØ Mary J Farmer, as Trustee of the Farmhouse Trust, Easement Vacation Petition File # 2018-003 Page 2 of 4 ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÚ 1 ÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ××ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈÉÉÔÛÐÐÚ×Ø××Ï×ØÛÈÈÔ××Ð×ÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÉÇÙÔÌÇÊÙÔÛÉ×ÊÈÍÚ×ÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×ÍÇÈ×ÊÉÓØ×ÐÓÎ×É 2 ÍÖÈÔ×ÙÍÏÚÓÎ×ØÌÛÊÙ×Ð 3 4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF VACATION EASEMENT 5 6 A 12 feet Utility Easement situated in Section 5, Township 59 South, Range 41 East, all within 7 Lot 8 and th 8 particularly described as follows: 9 10 ú×ÕÓÎÛÈÈÔ×éÍÇÈÔÅ×ÉÈÙÍÊÎ×ÊÍÖÉÛÓØðÍÈÛÎØîÍÊÈÔÅ×ÉÈÙÍÊÎ×ÊÍÖðÍÈÚ×ÓÎÕÈÔ×ÙÍÏÏÍÎ 11 ÙÍÊÎ×ÊÚ×ÈÅ××ÎðÍÈÛÎØðÍÈÛÉÉÔÍÅÎÓÎìÐÛÈúÍÍÑìÛÕ× éÇÎÊÓÉ×ùÛÃíÙ×ÛÎê××ÖìÐÛÈ 12 îÍ ÈÔ×ÎÙ×ÊÇÎé Ö××ÈÛÐÍÎÕÈÔ×éÍÇÈÔðÓÎ×ÍÖðÍÈÛÎØÈÔ×îÍÊÈÔðÓÎ× 13 ÍÖðÍÈÉÛÓØÐÓÎ×Ú×ÓÎÕÈÔ×Ù×ÎÈ×ÊÐÓÎ×ÍÖÛ ÖÍÍÈçÈÓÐÓÈÃ÷ÛÉ×Ï×ÎÈ Ö××ÈÍÎ×ÓÈÔ×ÊÉÓØ×ÍÖ 14 ÉÛÓØÐÓÎ×ÈÍÈÔ×ìÍÓÎÈÍÖè×ÊÏÓÎÛÈÓÍÎÉÛÓØÌÍÓÎÈÚ×ÓÎÕÈÔ×éÍÇÈÔ×ÛÉÈ×ÊÐÃÙÍÊÎ×ÊÍÖðÍÈÛÎØÈÔ× 15 îÍÊÈÔ×ÛÉÈ×ÊÐÃÙÍÊÎ×ÊÍÖðÍÈÉÛÓØÌÍÓÎÈÚ×ÓÎÕÛÙÍÏÏÍÎÌÍÓÎÈÛÈÈÔ××ØÕ×ÍÖÅÛÈ×Êð×ÉÉÈÔ× 16 å×ÉÈ×ÊÐà ÈÍÖåÛÃÍÖéÇÎÊÓÉ×ùÛÃêÍÛØ 17 ùÍÎÈÛÓÎÓÎÕ ÉËÇÛÊ×Ö××È  ÛÙÊ×ÉÏÍÊ×ÍÊÐ×ÉÉÚÃÙÛÐÙÇÐÛÈÓÍÎ 18   19  20 Figure 3-Excerpt of Boundary Survey  21  22 The petitioner has submitted an Easement Vacation application in order to receive the BOCC 23 approval to vacate the easement by the County on the plat between the Lot 8 and 9, Block 2 of 24 Sunrise Cay Drive in Ocean Reef, Key Largo and utilize the easement area to expand the 25 existing house built in Lot 8. 26 27 The petitioner has provideTION OF UTILITY 28 as North Key Largo Utility Corporation owner and holder of easements 29 rights granted the easement to the applicant Mary J. Farmer, as Trustee of the Farmhouse Trust, Mary J Farmer, as Trustee of the Farmhouse Trust, Easement Vacation Petition File # 2018-003 Page 3 of 4 ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÚ 1 dated on December 20, 2016. Also, written recommendations of no objection were received from 2 the following private utilities Companies: 3 4 Florida Keys Electric Cooperative Association, letter dated December 16, 2016 5 Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority, letter dated January10, 2016 6 AT&T, letter dated December 6, 2017 7 Comcast, letter dated November 21, 2017 8 9 County staff has reviewed this petition, written agreement and utility letters of no objection. 10 : 11 RECOMMENDATION 12 13 Staff recommends approval of the request to vacate the easement between lots 8 and 9. Mary J Farmer, as Trustee of the Farmhouse Trust, Easement Vacation Petition File # 2018-003 Page 4 of 4 ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ   òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ  òÙ ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ