Item L2ð ÝÓ ±«²¬§ ±º ±²®±»  BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Mayor David Rice, District 4 Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5 ̸»Ú´±®·¼¿Õ»§­ Danny L. Kolhage, District 1 George Neugent, District 2 Heather Carruthers, District 3 ݱ«²¬§ ݱ³³·­­·±² Ó»»¬·²¹ Ú»¾®«¿®§ îïô îðïè ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Ò«³¾»®æ Ôòî  ß¹»²¼¿ ׬»³ Í«³³¿®§ ýíçîë BULK ITEM: DEPARTMENT: No Waste Water TIME APPROXIMATE:STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Wilson (305) 292-4441 10:30 A.M. AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for staff to request an increase of up to $4.5 million in the state revolving fund loan or apply for a separate clean water revolving fund loan to cover these added costs for the Cudjoe regional wastewater system; authorization for the Mayor or County Administrator to submit the application and sign all necessary documents, if the loan is approved. ITEM BACKGROUND: FDEP has advised that they would consider approval of an increase in the state revolving fund loan for the project of $4.5 million for the additional scope. The debt service (annual payment) increase would be approximately $330k/year starting in June 2019. This authorizes staff to request the increase of the full additional amount required to complete the project. Other sources of grant funds may be available and will be used, if possible, including FY18 Stewardship funds. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: BOCC approved the initial SRF loan agreement in May 2013 in the amount of $40 million. Amendments 1 through 4 in November 2013, March 2014, October 2014, and September 2015 increased the amounts of the SRF authorization to $65 million, $71 million, $101 million, and $120 million, respectively. The original authorization was up to $120 million. Amendment 5 was executed in June 2016 extending the completion date to December 2017 with repayment starting in June 2018. A sixth amendment extending the completion date to December 2018 and deferring start of repayments until June 2019 has been approved and is pending execution by FDEP. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Increase SRF Authorization STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval DOCUMENTATION: FINANCIAL IMPACT: ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ ð Effective Date: 21 FEB 2018 Expiration Date: Total Dollar Value of Contract: $120 million Total Cost to County: $125,808,400 (as of amendment 5) Current Year Portion: None Budgeted: Yes Source of Funds: FUND 304 and assessments CPI: N/A Indirect Costs: Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: Revenue Producing: If yes, amount: No Grant: N/A County Match : N/A Insurance Required: N/A Additional Details: An increase of $4.5 million would increase the debt service payments starting in June 2019 by approximately $330k/year. REVIEWED BY: Kevin Wilson Completed 02/06/2018 11:23 AM Kevin Wilson Completed 02/06/2018 11:39 AM Cynthia Hall Completed 02/06/2018 2:01 PM Kevin Wilson Completed 02/06/2018 3:16 PM Budget and Finance Completed 02/06/2018 3:54 PM Maria Slavik Completed 02/06/2018 5:17 PM Kathy Peters Completed 02/06/2018 7:00 PM Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/21/2018 9:00 AM ìÛÙÑ×ÈìÕ