Item B1BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 310112016 Department: ,Social Services Bulk Item: Yes X No Staff Contact /Phone #: 5heryl Graham 305-292-4510l AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Modification 002 to Agreement No 15WX-0G-11-54 01-039 between the Department of Economic Opportunity. Weatherization Assistance Program and County of Monroe (Monroe County Social Services) for the contract period of 5/1/2015 to 61)0/2016. ITEM BACKGROUND: Modification 002 extends the original Agreement end date by three calendar months (from. March 31. 2016 TO .tune 30, 2016). There are no additional dollars attached to this extension. The sole purpose for this extension is to allow the Department of Economic Opportunity additional time to produce new Agreements. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of Modification 001 to Agreement No 15 WX-OG-11-54-01-039 between the Department of Economic Opportunity, Weatherization Assistance Program and County of Monroe (Monroe County Social Services) on 9/16/2015. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Extend. Agreement end date by 3 months. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $13.131 INDIRECT COST; 0 BUDGETED: Yes X No DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: N/A COST TO COUNTY: 10% Cash Match SOURCE OF FUNDS: Grant Funds/GR for Match REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ' o X AMOUNT PER MONTH 0 Year 0 APPROVED BY: County AttorneOMBIPurehasingC, Risk Management i DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: Revised 6/ 15 AGENDA ITEM # MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: DEO Contract 4 15 WX OG-11-54-01-03 9 Effective Date: 05/01/2015 Expiration Date: 06/30/2016 Contract Purpose/Description: Approval of Modification 002 to Agreement No 15WX-OG-11-54-01-03 —between the Department of Economic Opportunity, Weatherization Assistance Program and County of Monroe (Monroe County Social Services) for the contract period of 5/1/2015 to 6/30/2016. Contract Manager: _-Sheryl Graham ame) for BOCC Meeting on: 03/01 /2016 292-4510 Social Services l Stop 91 (Ext.) (Department/Stop 9) CONTRACT COSTS Agenda Deadline: 02.E 1812016 Total Dollar Value of Current Year Portion: $ 0 Contract:$13,131 Budgeted? Yes® No ❑ Account Codes: 125-6155715- - County Match: $ l 0% Cash Estimated Ongoing Costs: $0lyr (Not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: (e.g. maintenance CONTRACT REVIEW Utilities, etc. Changes �- Date Out Date In Needed Reviewer Department Head 2/ 10/16 Yes❑ No® -"; : ` / _ _ — 2/ 11 / 16 Risk Management ' `-_'�,:,`. �` Yes[] No❑ - O.M.B./Purchasing a IW Yes❑ Nol ( C : ,/ I County Attorney ' 1"1 Yes❑ Nc Comments: -1— { vj"i etc. V IJGV GIL I U i IV1LI" ff— AGREEMENT NO: 15WH-OG-11-54-01-039 MODIFICATION NO:002 MODIFICATION NUMBER TWO OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND COUNTY OF MONROE This Nlodification Number Two is made and entered into by and between the State of Florida, Department of Economic ❑pporcuiiity ("DEO" or the "Department"), County of ;Moriroe ('Recipient'), to modify the Department Agreement Number 15W-X-0G-11-54-01-039 ("thc Agreement"). V'I-1EREAS, Sectiao (4) of the -Agreement provides that modification of the .Agreement shall be in writing executed by the Parties thereto; and \XTiEREAS, the forties wish to modiF�• this :\gre.cinent as set forth herein; NC]1'(', Tl-Ir;REF01UI-, in consideration of the mutual promises of the parties contained herein, the Parries agree to the following: 1. Section 3, is hereby deleted and replaced with the following: (3) P1-dtlOD OF ;iGREEI-N EIS T This Agreement period shall begin can iNlay 1. 2015 and shall end on June 30 201 G unless terminated earlier in accordance -with the provision of Paragraph (13) of this Agreement. 11. iU provisions of the Agi-eement being modified and any artachnnents thereto in contEct with this ibfodification shall be and are hereby changed to conform with this Modification, effective as of the date of the last execution of this Modification by both parties, as provided below. 122. A-11 provisions not: in conflict with this Modifrcmuon rctnam in full force and effect, andare to be performed at the level specified in the agreement. IN %XITNESS V'TIEREO , the parries hereto have executed ibis document as of the dates set out herein. RECIPIENT Count-v of Monroe :Authorized Signatory Heather Carruthers 5ignatorT.'s Name 'I'me) Mavor SignatonF's Title Date Signed i STATE OF FLORIDA Department of Economic Opportunity Bv: -Taylor Teepell. Director Division of Conzcnunity Development Date Signed AGREEMENT NO: 15WX-OG-11-54-01-039 MODIFICATION NO: 001 DIFICATION NLrMBER ONE OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND COUNTY OF MONROE This Ntodification Number One is made and entered into br and benvicen the Stare of I lorida, I7epsirttnent of Economic OPportuility ("DEO" or the "Deparcrnent"), C-ounn- of Nltinroc ("Recipient"}. to modify the Department Agreement Number 15VTX-OG-11-54-01-039 ("the Agreement'). W1IERE AS, Section (4) of the Agreernent provides that modiftcation of the Agreemenc shall he in Wilting executed by the Parties thereto. and WHERE -AS, the Parties wish to rnodih• t;tlis Agreement a.ti set fortis herein; 'NJOW, THET:>> FORE, in considcraltlon of the niuttiial prc)nlises of the parties contained herein, the p�trtie5 agreeto the following: 1. Section 17 (a)(l-4), is hereby deleted acid replaccd -with the following: 1. Subcontractor is bound by. the cc rills of this A$0)1re.e+nent_ 'Ind each subcormact rhall specil.icall� include the requirements ofR agraph (i), AL-DII-S AND RECC7RT75. 2. Subcontractor shal] be certified and/or fully licensed at all times :-Ind shall at all ti nes rnarntaill said (liccnscr,sj irl good standing as rccltiired by state law. 3, Subcontractor is bound bt- al1 applicable suitc and federal laws and refit lations; 4. Subcontractor shall indenu-ufV Imd Bold DE(D and Recipient harmless against all churns of wlXate"r nature arising out of the subcontractor's perfoiml rice of work under diiti Agreement, to the extent a1lorr�c.d b, 1a', and 5. Subcontractor shall disclose to Recipient and DECK it it is �)n the C:oncicte.d Vendor List identified in section 2$7.133(2), F',S,,, or the DiscrllTunat.ory Vendor List identified in section '?S 7-134(?), F.S, 2. Section 18 (a), is hereby deleted and replaced with the folloNvitig: la) This is << Cost-re.imbttrscn�e.nt agreement, Recipient shall be reimbursed for casts inciured in the s, tsfact®r5, perforinancc of,,work hereunder in an a1TlnLlTlt [10t to exceed ' 13.131,0 , subject to the. availability of funds and apprapri," budget audzocitI . 3. Exhibit 1, Audit Requirements, of the ;kgreemcnt is lie rebv deleted and is replaced by the revised Exhibit I Audit Rerluirements, which is attached hereto and Mcurporated by reference. 4. Exhibit 1-,'1, funding Sources. of tllc Agreement is hereby deleted and V, replaced br the revitied L--1iil t 1- 1. Funding Sources, which is mcache.d hereto �ttzd 1ncol73orated hereicl by reference. 5. Exivbir ?, Audit Compliance Certificstiorl, of the i�greement is hereby deleted :Ind is replaced Uy the rc� ised Exhibit ?, Auclit. Compliance Certification, which is attaehed hereto and Incorporated by reference. C, Exhibit 3, Sub Recipient. F'�cderal :�.wv4xd-ekgreemerlts Checklist, of the. ;lgreerrient is hereby deleted and is replaced b4 the revised E;xhibiz 3, Sub Rec-3plem Federal Award _Agreements Checklist, �vllich is attached l�eretr, arid. incorporated 1.)v reference. AGREEMENT NO: 15WX-OG-11-54-01-039 MOMFICATION NO: 001 7, Exhibir `? to Attachment A, Budget, of the Agrcernenris hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Exl-obit 2 to Attache lent A, Budget, wlucl-r is attached hereto and incorporated herein b %-eferencc. 8. Exhibit 4 to Attachment A, Schedule of Deliverables, of rite Agreement is hereby deleted and is replaced by the revised Exhibit 4 to Atrachment il, Schedule of Deliverables, which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference. 9. Attachment 1, County Allocation[s], of the Ag e.ement is hereby deleted and is replaced bN• the attached revised Attachment 1, County Allocation(s), which is attached hereto and incoijiorned by reference. 10- All provisions of the Agreement being modified and any attachments thereto M conflicr with this 1lodidicatian shall be and arc hereby changed to conform «lilt this Nfodification, effective as of the date of the last execution of rlus Modification by both parties, as provided below. ll. All provisio;ls not in canflict with this Mc)ditzcarion re.inain in full force and eFiect, <<nd are rn be per Formed at the level specified in the Agreement. IN WITNESS V1IEI�E-'DP, the parties hereto have executed this clocumenc as of the dates set out herein. RECIPIENT STATE aORUDA County Of on'toe Departmexf �,� omic opportianiry 1Bvbnl- Autliorire S1gn111to1.-W'Eain B. Nilhnt SHERYL GRAI L-W Division ai Conrift. De. elopfnent SignatorSr s Natnr- (f)pej ACTING CO INTY ADMINISTRATOR 5ignatory's'I`stle Date -ignc 9/ 16/2015 Date Signed ti.Pprovr-;d as to faun and legal su"ficiency, subject only to f u I I and proper execution by the rf,es Office of the Gerte Coln el Departcfient of �tpirr��G�artunity By Apprav Date: ~' SIGNED RY: greement , Iodifcadon-Onc Pale 2 of 2 NAME: TITLE: DATE: DANNY KOLHAGE MAYOR ?. Subcontractor s1'1a11 be certified and/or fuliv licensed at all I.iales ,and shall at all runes maintain said (Iicense(s) i.l good standuzg as requLlred by stare lath. 3. 5ubcontracLor is briund b ,tU. applicable state. and Feder7a1 laws and regulations. 4. Subcontractor shall Mdenaza4v and hold DLO and Recipient harmless against all churns of whatever nature arising out ❑t the subcontraCLor's pert0 illanCe oI [Lvork tilICle.r this .kgrC'ell lellt, to the cxten atlo■Ved by I,iw; aand 5. Subcontractor si7all disclose. to Recipient and 1)EO if it is on the ConricCed Vendor List identified itt section 1_87.133(2), F.S., or die Discriminators Vendor List idenrified in section 38.7.134(2)7 F.S. (b) For each subcontract, Recipient. shall provide at written stave= -vent to Di O as to whether [hat: subcontractor is a certified nzioorit} business, as defined in secrian 287.0943, F S. (c) In addition, prior to entering in[:() a contract N i[h any suhcont actc,r to be paid With Fund" ul-tder this Agreement, Recipient shall submit to DL-.0 the completed AttachmenL G to this Agreement. (If) IERNES AND CONDITIONS This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions aW- ccd upon by the Parties. (.17) _1TTACHI LENTS .AND F-SC- IIMTS (a) All attwhrne.nts and exhibits to this Agreenient are incorporared as if set out lithe here 111. (b) In the erect of ally inconsiistencies or conflict between the languagri uF thisAsrreenlcnt atld the attachments. the tanguige of the attachments shall control, but only to the ev tees (A the conflict. or InccMsistenct-. (c) '-Phis Agreement has the following attachments and exhibits (checl._ ail that are arpliC,kblC)! ® Exhibl( I - Audit Requirements ® Exhibit 1-A — Funding Sources ® ExhIbit 2 — Audi Comp liarice f-crtilicntion ® Exhibit 3 -- Federal Requirements ® Attachment :1 - Scope oFWork ® Exhibit I ro Attachment A - I3udget Directions ® Exhibit 2 to Attachment 'i — BLICIget ®E xhibit 3 to Attachment _A — Budget Detail ® Ltihibit 4 to Attachment A — Schedule of Dehvertbles ® Attachment B - Program Statntes and Reg_ ul,16ons ® Attachrnenr C — R.ecordkeepi«g ® Attachment D - Reports ® Attachment E ]USLlticar,IOn of Advance ® _-lttacl-iment F - \Vatrranues and Represencarions ® Attachment G - Certification kegar6,g Debarl-new ® Atr.achmenc H — SLaLefnent OF Assurances ® :attachment I -County =�llocauons ® Attachment] - Special Condi[snlas ® I ach rnent K — Prop erry Man age;Went and Proc.uremetat Reports ® Attachment L — Trafficl ing Victims Protection Act of ®attachment N1 - Recipient Isat.�rmation Form 18) FL]NDING CON.SID) IZITION page 8 o f 56 (a) This is a cost-r(limbursement avecrncnt. Recipient shall be reimbursed for cosr, incurred M the satisfactory pertormanc_e ❑f%cork hereunder in ,in amount not to exceed $ sublect to the avai.lability of funds and appropriate budget authority.. (b) _ant' advance pavinent under tlti, gneen)el,t is subject vo scct on 216.18i (10), P.S. The amount %vhich may he advanced may not exceed the expected cash needs of Recipient wJrhi<, t1,c first n%o months of the term of this agreement. \ny advance payment is also subject to the Super C: cular and the Cash Management Improvement act c)f 1990. Han advance payment is requested., thc budget data on %vl-rich the re.quesr is based and a justification stnrement shall be included in this Agreement as attachment E. _]ttachment E will specify tltc amount of advancc payment needed and provide an explanation of ti,e necessity' for a',d proposed use of the,e binds. (c) Recipient must espe.nd an amount equal to or greawr [han d-le amou, t of the initial advalice within tl,e tits[. nvo months of the tern of dus Agxeeme.nt. If Recipient has not expended an amount equal cc) the initial advance by the end of the first two months of the term of this agreement, Recipient shall submit a Nvntten explanation to DEC). (d) after the initial advance, if any, paymenL shall. be inade on a cost-rcin,burscmCnt bass. (e) If the necessary7 funds are not. available to Fund this lgreement. as a result cif action by the I nited States Congress, the federal 0f ice of _T% tanagem en t and Budgetiiig, the State Chief Financial 0E- i[cer, or udder Subparagraph (20)(0 of Elvis Agreement, Al obligations on the parr of DEO to mare any further pavment of funds shall ten-ninatc, and Recipient shall submit its closeout report within thirty calendar days of receiving notice from DE0. (Ft Recipient and its subcontractors may only expend funding under This agreement for allowable costs resulting from obligations incurred during the agreement period. Recipient. (g) Recipient .shall refund to DEO any balance of unobl1g,,lted funds which has bcc-n achuinced or pall to (h) Recipient shall rebind to DEU all Funds paid in excess O[ the amount to which Recipient or its subcontractors are elititled under the terms and conditions of This Agreearrent. (l t)) REPAY-MF IT S (a) 111 refunds or rep aymencs to lie made to DEC) tanner dais Agi (xmenr .,re Lo be made payable to dad ordC), ❑f "Department of Economic Oppormnity.- and mailed directly to DEC] at the iollowu,g address: Department of Economic DpportunirY Division of Conununirt Derelopnlcnt Bureau of Comnlumuy assistanCC 107 East M idison Street, IISC 400 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4120 In accordance svith section 215.34(2). P.S., if a check, or orher draft, is rerumed to DEO fear collection, Recipient snail pay to DEC] a service tee of fifteen Dollars (5l5.00) or Five Percent (5°ro) of the slice amount of the returned check or draft, whichever is greeter. (b) If Recipient's non-compliance %vith any provision of this Agreement result~ i,, addition.il cost or monemn. - loss to DEC) or the State of Florida, DJO can recoup that cast Of lass from monies owed to Recipient urlde.3- this Ag-rcement or any other Agreement between Recipient and any Stale entity,-. In tl,c event [flat the discovery of this cost or loss arises wile', no monies are available under this Agreement or any ot]ier _lgrecment between Recipient and any State enritV� Recipient mill Page 9 of 56 FY 2015 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 1 AUDIT REQUIREMENTS The idnunisLradon of resources awarded h} .DEC) to the recipient lmav be subject to audits and/or monimri317 bti• DFO as descnbed in this section. MONITORING In addition to reviews of audits conducted ill accordance ni.th 0-1\LB Circular A-133 and Section 215.97, F.S., as revised (see "AUDITS" below), nlon1 rin. procedures may imclude, but not lie limited to, on -site visits by DEL") staff, tiiiwed scope audits as defined b1 C]iti173 Ci1c+ll,u :1 133, as revised �tld/rr �ithe.r procedures. By entering ill to this agreernei7t, the recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitnring procedures/processes deemed appropriate by DFO, In rile even[ DE:O de.ternUinrs that a limited scope audit of the recipient is appropriate, Lhe recipient agrees to cornply with any Additional instrucrions provided by DF.O staff (.o die reClplent regar6rig Sllch audit. The reciplent-urther ageeh to conapty and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, or audits deemed necessary b1 Elie Chief Financial Officer (CI-O] or ,Auditor General. AUDITS PART I: FEDERALLY FUNDED This part is applicable Ithe reClplenE 15 a State a IC) Cal gove1.113-rent C)r -1 I1Gt1-prO flt ol'ganj;i ,tnoll as cicElned in Ol1L Circular A-133, as revised. Ill the event that die recipient expends S300,000 (5500,0(W fo]' fiscal tears ending 1:frer December 317 2 03) or Tnore in Federal awards in its fiscal year, the recipient must h.n,c a siliglc or progmnl-Specific audit c.ondtictcd in accordance w1rh the provi,Stnns of O1113 Circular A-133, as vtvised. E\h1bir I to tills ageement indicates Feder,il resources -iw rded through DEO by this ageement. In deterim-nLtlg the Federal a -a ards e-yended In .its Fiscal year, the recipient shall consider ail sources of federal awards, incluchna I-'edenal resources recel%-ed from DISC). The deteriTunabon of amounts of Federal a,;%ands expended sliould be in accordance with dic guide.lilles esni'olished by OItTB Circular A-133, as revised. An audit of the recipient conducted by the Auditor Clenera] in accordance ,vith the prE3visiolls c FCA\Ill i_v'cular A-133, as revised, will meet the requirements of this part. 2. In r.onnectioll %irh the audit requirements addressed in fart I. paragraph 1, tile recipient shall fulFili the requreltlents relad e to audiree responsibilities as provided in Subparr C of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. If tllc recipient expends less than 5300.000 (S50D,000 for fiscal rears ending after December 31, 2003.) ill Federal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted ill accordance with flu proitiaions of 0-4\03 Circular r1 133. as revised, is not required. In the evt znt rhar the recipient expends less than S301-1,0 70 !$-500,000 for fisCt11 l cabs eluting after IDeccrnber 31, 2003) in Federal awards in its Fiscal near and elects to have fill audit conducted In accordance With the prat"SS1onS of OiVIl3 Circular A-133, as revised, the cost of the audit nmsi be paid fronn. non -Federal resources (i.e., the cost of such an audit must be paid fronn the recipient resources obtained from ocher than federal entities). 11agc 17 of 3G T'iile ?CFR part ?�lC}, entitled �1117jfr1733 fdminis!n' lh-e ��t'C�art�wPe1r,t.i. CrQl � IVU,,7tt ks Und.,Iuda 1�2quhe%I misfiq, I'ederCl.�-"�ivcm1r, also known as tite Super Circular, supersedes and consobdates die regtfirements of Di\$Ti Circulars _j-21, A-87, A-1I( _1-89, A-IO2 artd A-133 and is effective For F'edcrat awards f tncreniFl7ts of °ards issued r_)tt or after December 26, 2014, Please refer- to title. 2 CFR pact 200 For revised definitions, repotting requirements and auditt37g thresholds referenced in this Attachme-it and agreement accordingly. Part II: STATE FUNDED 'fills part is applicable if the recipient iti a non -state e.r7tit�' a4 dc.Ened lati Section 97(2), F1nr.ida Statutes. 1, In the event ghat tl7e recipient expends a Lot, asnounr of state financial assisrtnce equal to or in excess of $300,000 in ariv fiscal rear of suc17 recipient ftr fiscal years ending September 30, 2004 or tbereafter), the recipient must have a State single ❑r pro}ect-specific audit for such t.iscal year it) accordai7ce �tit1� Section ? 13.97, F.S.; applicable 2 ales Of tl7e. Department of Financial Sell -ices; and Chapters 103-5 7 (local governmenr.al cnritc, jroin-profC.Ci�t Organizations), Roles of the Aucbtc1r Gener;ul, E:xhibir I to this agreement in dica7 es st to F_instlicfal assistance awardcd through DEC by this agreen7etst. In determmill-ig the state Financial resistance cvpeftcicd In its fiscal v ear the recipient shall consider ail sources of state fmancial asslstance, including* ,Late. financial ass.tstance received from DEU, ether scare a5encies and other non -state t.altitics- State financial assistance does not srictudc Tederal direct or pas;-thrr}ugt awards and resources receitied by anon -state. entity for Federal program m:7tchif7g requirements. ?, In connection with the audit rt.quircrnents :addressed In Part F. paragraph 1, the 1-ecipieat diali ensure than the audit complies with the requfremell rs of section 21 S.97[4}, ['lorida Statutes- This includes subtnissto+l of 'I fill al7CMI rcpar611 package its de hazed. 1)y section 2 15.97(2), Florida Sratlites, -Ind Chapters 10.53(- 1 jacal gc,vernnlental entities) or i (I.650 (nonprofit all far -profit organizations). Rules of the _auditor General. If the recipient expends less d7ftn S500.000 in state iinanct.tl assis;=cC in ita fiscal ear [:fa1 fiscal ears ending Septs'-ml7er 3t3. 20f11. ❑r thereafter), an �ntdit corfdticl-etI in accordance Eciti7 the 13rot isicn7s cif secllon ? ! 3.t)7, Florida Statutes, is fiat required. In the event that the recipient upends less tl7atl oti in state iii.7ancial assisntncc i17 its fiscal year :md elects to have an audit conducted inaccotdat7ce .Gill] che- prof isions of section 213.`} 11. F.S., the cost of tl7e audit must be paid from the non -state elltit}'s resources !i.i.. the ce?st c f ucl7 an audit must be paid from the recipient's resourt cs obtained from other than State entities}. %ciditional information regarding the Florida Single A-Lidic _'act can be found :its 11tt 7: ��'�tt�.l77t't1aL'Id:I.C[?l71 :11Idgtl7l ),age 111saa.11rt7i PART III: OTHER AUDIT REQUIREMENTS ONO EI: This par! 221orrld be rased to pea'ib c1�a;' addilio�ual aiedil r'egmi-ertetrt_r a3r..po'erl la,: llae .S 2crl u,ararrlila� e3alil) thcr! ca1�' safe: a tlrrrher o/ lhal Stale cr3lna onR j''.+' polio (i.e.. the audit is nol required Gy F= deml or• .1 tatr lury"s an rof is not ia: c'ogh',..l 2w1b olher Fedend or .5lak ,unlit r�guirerrert.� j. Pxr.+'uW7t to Se1io32 ? 15.911 ). Florida SWINies, Slcrle cr�euc'i r r�arr)' �'ordsr '! or +:�it1! e for ua!epei o, . tole ale aj icar Ussi.ticrlrce Jlhal are i s acldilion to aiedils 6.0116Cled ir7 aaa'er)rd�ance Irilh Set rtor ? 15.9', .f loridc2 .L fair+te.+. Irr : arr.lr 2ty e� era(, the 5 tale u221urrlino qa egg anmige jorjimdiq the frill t 0,1-, r."r� sb!['h arlditiolmi audil"'. i Page IS of Sf PART W. REPORT SUBMISSION 1. Copies of reporting packages for audits conducted m accordance widi 0UB Circular ,1-133, as �:evised, and reyuved by Part 1 of this agreement shall be sobmitte,3, wilen rcquired hY Section 32() (d} 0MB Circuhi A-133, as real cd, h}' ar nn iaeil tlF of the recipient dirtct1� to etch c,F the lnlln.�:ill? ar tine ,midres: meLtcated' V DEOM cacl, of the fo110\Vitll; addresses' Electroilic copies (prefccred)i :�L1Ciliftl t1C[3.1�1�'1�UL'1t�.3.Ce]ll1 or Paper (h:,.rd copy): Departmeric Eccmorntc ❑pportuntrt• IMSC # 130, C:aldweU Building 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, FL 32399- 4 126 B The Federal kudit Ocaringhouse designated ira (]NIB Clr.cular A-133, a; rev seci (tile tlulT, of copies re�tziced i}} Sections .320 (d)(.1) and (2), 01\(B Circular A-t-'33, as rep -,tied, I-,oulcl i-)e :tli)lllitted to ti?c Federal _Audit (:lcaringhouse) at the follo'Xitl"T address: Federal iVudit Clearing}louse Bureau of the Ce1-1SLis 1201 Fast tllu, Street jeffersonvlUe, IN 47132 C. Other federal agel,eies and pass-thryugll entities in accoc' hince with Sections .320 (e) anti (f), C»L13 Cuct,l:>3 c1-133. as revised. ?. Pursuant to Sccticrn .3?il { D�17i Circular _�-133, sts remised, the recipient shall submit a copy or the reporting }package described in Section .320(c), M'IB Circular A-133. tas revised acid aal�,' lna,ltgement lencr Issued by the audiror, to DLO at earl, ❑F tile Co)lowing addresses: h:lectronic copies (preferred): :Ludit(a dcn.rz,� ticlrida,ccnn Or Paper (hard copy-): Departn,etlt FCCrllolllic Opport-UTAAW DISC #+ 130, Caldwell Building 107 East Madison Streer 'rallahassee, FL, 32399-4126 3. Copies of financial reporting pacl•:',iges reclLired ley Part 11 of this agreelnclq[ shall lac subs-utted 6N or on behalf of the recipient directly to each of the fflloung: A. DHO at each of die f0110"v7ng addresses: Page 19 of 50 Electranir copies t,preferred}; _'[udit{a:deo.�n['tlnr'ida.cr ��� or Paper (hard copy): Department FConomiC Oppartunit4: MSC- # 130, Caldwell Building 107 East Madison Street Tallahassee, 17L 32399-4126 ES. The _auditor General's Office :ta: the FOIA VAng address: _Auditor General Local Gove.rnmi-m _ludttsl34' Claude pepper Budding- Room 401 111 west 11adison Street Tallahassee, FT, 32399-1 30 Email .Address: ilsut'n 1c,c:il ro[ t{ z a,_tc].�t ztc. t1.ut, 4. Copses of reports or the management letter required by Part ITT of thi5 agreement shall be submitted by or on behalf of the recipient d reed[ to: A. DEO at each of the foUa -ing addre ses: N/A 5. �¢�� reports, rrtanagemcnt letter, or athcr infonnation required tt� be submitted to DEO pursuant to r.l�is stgrcemcnt shall lie submitted timely iri accordance Witb UI�fS Circular A- 133, Florida Stai�ites sand l.l�apters 10.550 (focal g0verl7metital entities) or 10.650 (nonproFo and for -pro Fit oN:is-1i'rtttionsl, }`,Liles uF the Auditor Genersil, as applic, bie. G, Recipients, when stibin.itting financial reporting pack, to D�Ci for audit: dune in accnrcla�wc %vlrh 04%LB Circular A- 133 or Chapters 1C1.55U (7r�ca1 go, entities] or 1[1.b3[:} (non-profit and for -profit: orgaaliz-, oil', Rules ❑F the _litditnr General. should indicate the date that tl7e reporting package was deii[ c.rcd trr the recipient in correspondence accomptnyiIg the reportinj package. FART V. RECORD RETENTION 1. The recipient shall retain stiFfici.ent records demonstrating its compliance Nvlth the terms of this agreement For .z period OF Five (5) years from the date the ,tttctit report is issued, or fire (5) state. fiscal [-cars after all reporting requirements are satisfied and Final payments have been received, a hichever period is longer, and ',ha i DF-0, or its dcsiRrtce, C:I'C], or Auditor General access to ,uch records upon request, The recipienr ,hall ensure that audit working papers are made airalable to DECK, or its designee. CFO, or Auclitor General upon rcgwu t for 41 period of five (5) Years froni the d-ate tlle audit report is issued, unless extended in -writing l�r DEO In addition, if ati litigation, clauri, negotiation. audit, oar Dthcr acti(-,)n involving Page 20 of 56 the records has been started prig LC, the cKpiration n£ she controlling peric:�d as iderztihed abovc, ncc records shall he retained until coinple[.ion of Lhe acLiun mid resc�lL1tic�z� c�£ :tll issues \�'liiclj arise. from iL- or until thc� -ld of the conLrraling period as identified above, wlhicltec-cr is loitgcr. Page 21 of 5G FY 2015 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 1-A FUNDING SOURCES FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED TO THE RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT: Federal Awarding Agenc_V: Pass -Through Entity: Federal Award Identification Number: Federal Award Date: Total Federal Award to Pass -Throw la Entity: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Num Recipient's DUNS -Registered Name: Recipient's DUNS Number: Federal Funds Obligated to Project Desch tton: Tbi er not a rveaezh and develops xent award, Indirect Cost Rate: Federal Awarding Agency: Pass -Throe h Entity: Federal Award Identification Number: Federal. Award Dare: U_S. De ardent of Health and Fluinan SCR -ices Florida De irrment of l conornic Opportunity G-1?S2FLC0SR lanuan- 21, 2015 5 G'a,33 &313.O(.) T.Ow-lnconie 1-lo+ne L:slergt' Assistance 93.568 11,307.00 __e_1 l' _ "I ui91 home im . r Vements ro j\. See Attachrncm K L_' Department of Energv Flo0-da De-oamnent c,f EColl nnuc: DF-LE0006146 llav 21. 2015 low inLoar_e households. Total Federal. Award to Pass -Through Entity: g I,543,849.10 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Title: weardlcrlr_ttion .assistance l'rngrarn Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: 51.042 Recipient's DUNS -Re >istcred Name: Recipient's DUNS Number: Federal Funds Obli ated to Reci ient: ,.S1,82� J)0 Project Description; Fner�*� say a31Ts home im �ro� emerut, to e.I 6ble low income hnuseholds. Tbr's is not a researeli Awl devclo went aivard. . - iA Indirect Cost Rate- Yes, See. ttachnaent Subject to availability of funding puvstiant ro. DOE and I-IHS , vards COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES AWARDED PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: Federal Program: 1, Fir-y1 rppli,:able compliance rvgrrnentene (e,., tvbW fer7iiceVPatrnoses reruiaves irwst l e u ed jar): Recipient shall use these funds to perform energy saving repall:s and installation of energy saying measures o1i qualiEkd single family dwellings in accordance with all attachments to this Agteenient, Florida WAP Manual Procedures and Guidelines, Standal:d Work Specifications/Field Guide and the FY 2015 `w1'­'_1P State Plan. 2, 3'ec'ond applicable i.nntpkairc'e require mal r-equbnlyeims- jor rei,pioir aj-the re.c'nr nes)' Recil-)icnt shall con1P1Y with DSO's WAP requirements and eligibility- requirerleta ts as set Lorth in the U.S. Departinent of Fnergt regulations codified in Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 440, Weatltcrization _iss]stance Prograin for Low-Incottte Persons. STATE RI✓SDURCES AWARDED TO THE RECIPIENT PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT CONSIST OF THE FOLLOWING: None MATCHING RESOURCES FOR FEDERAL PROGRAMS: Federal Progiam: N /A SUBJECT TO SECTION 215.97, FLORIDA STATUTES: State L'rgect: N/A COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO STATE RESOURCES AWARDED PUR5UANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ARE AS FOLLOWS: None NOTE: Title 2 CF'R'C 200.331 and section 215.97(5), .Florida Statutes, reyuu-e that the information about Federal Programs and State Projects included in Exhibit 1. be provided to the Recipient. Page 72 of 56 FY 2015 WAP AGREEMENT f `v �: i �_ [ ?"_l," 1 z EXHIBIT 2 jj Audit Compliance Certification a { Email a copy of this farm within 60 days of the end of each fiscal year in which this grant was open to audit@dea.myflorida.cam. Grantee: FEI : Grantee's F'lsciil Ycar: Contact's Name: Contact's Phone: Contact's Hma!1: 1. Did Grantee expend state financisd assistance, during its fiscal }year, that it received under an)' agreement {e.g. contract, grant, merl�or'andLulz of agrccmenr, memorandum of understanding, economic incentive award agreetllent, etc.} beriveen the Recipient Arid rlle Dcpatunent of Econonl' Oppoiaintry (Dl?Q}? ❑ Yes ❑ \0 If t11e :hllooe ans�� er is i'es, an,.ver d1c following before proceeding to item 2. Did Grantee expend 5500,000 or snore of state financial assistance (Frorn DEU and all other sources of state financial assistance combined} during its fiscal vear� ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, the Recipient certifies that it will timely comply Nvith all applicable state single or project -specific audit requirements of section 215,97, Florida Statutes, acid the applicable rules of the Department of Financial Services and the Auditor General. Did the Recipient expend federal awards during its fiscal rear that it received under any agreement (e.g., contract, grant, memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, econornic incentive award agreement, etc.) bet\vicen the RecipicElt and DEC7 ❑ Yes ❑ Lo If die above ans-vver is yes, also answer the following 1)efore proceecling to execu6011 of do is certt(re.ltion: Did the Recipient expend $ 50,i.J 0 or more in fedend awards (from DL;❑ and all oilier sources of federal awards combined) during irs 6seal rear? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, the Recipient certifies that it will tin) el_y comply- with all applicable single ar program - specific audit requirements of title 2 CFR part 200, subpart F, as revised. By signing below, I certify, on behalf of the Recipient, that the above representations for items 1 and 2 are true and correct. Signature of.Autliortced Representative Dare Printed dame of Authorized Representative Title of Autliorized Representative �J Pane 23 of 56 FY 2015 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 3 SLIBRECIPIENT FEDERAL AWARD AGREEMENTS CHECKLIST Criteria SUBRECIPIENT INFORMATION Required Federal Award Identification Information ? CFR SOD FR (i) Subreci ient name which must match registered name in DLINS}; Cournty of Monroe (a)(1) (ll) Suhrecipieut's DUNS number (see ,'� 200,32 Data Universal ()73876757 Numbering System(DUNS) nurnber ; (} Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN); G-I2B2FLCOSR (it) Federal Award Date see , 200.39 Federal award date); jai uary 21, 2015 March 1, 2015 (V) th rough N—ta rch 3 1, Subaward Period of Perfozmazacc Srart and End Date_ 2016 (�Tl} Amount of Federal Fonds Obligated by' this action; S 9,568,642.00 (°u) Total Amount of Federal Funds Obli-ated to the subreci lent; S 13,131.00 Total Amount 4 the Federal Award; (13% oFLIHF_1.P Federal Award is transferred to WAP) S69,338,313.00 Department Of Energy 1 '_lP (Direct) $ 1,543,849,00 Energy ;aving (ly) home iFnproveinents F'edetal award ptoject description, as required to he resl-nnsn e to tine to eligible. low Federal Funding Accountability and Trans arencj, Act FFA 1=\); income households. Federal Awarding Agency-: U.S. Department of 1-1 ealth and Human S crvices; Pass Through (x) EnEitt" Florida Department of Economic ❑pportunitt' Contact: Paula Na3ne of Federal awarding ,agency, pass -through entity', and contac:r Lemnao, 850-717- information For awarding official, 8450 93.568, I.o—, Income Home Energy ;Assistance Program; See (.L'i) Exhibit 1-A 81,042, LF'DA Number and NaiTte; the pass -through cntity must identih' the Weatherization dollar amount made available cinder each Federal award and the C1DA _Assistance Program number at tirne of disbursement.; YWAP'; (xn) FdentlFlcation ❑FwheLher the award is R&D; and No {xiu} Indirect cost rate For the Federal award (including if the de ininimis Yes, See .attachment rate is chap ed per ii 200.414 Indirect (F&.A) casts). Iti Page 24 of 56 2015 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 2 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET Agreement Number: 15WX-OG-11-54-01-039 i WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT $13,131.00 BUDGETED AMOUNTS WEATHERIZATION SERVICES 1. Cost of allowable materials and labor to weatherire a dwelling. a) ]Materials S 3406.00 b) Labor S 2999,00 Subtotal: $6405.00 S64 )5.00 Number of dwellings to be weatherized: 1 PROGRAM SUPPORT (PS) 2 All allowable Recipient activities required to coordinate and ensure compliance of providing weatherl7arion sel ices as identified in the Budger Detail within Attachment .1 in this Agreemment, Upon termination of this Agreement, the total of PS cannot exceed 30% of the total of material and Iabor costs. S1921 50 3 Per -dwelling expenditure limit: Applicable amount of funding to be expended on a dwelling (material, labor and PS) cannot exceed $7,105 and all costs/expenditures must be eligible actual costs that are sufficiently documented. HEALTH & SAFETY (H&S) 4. Limited to S700 per dwelling and not included in the chvethng cap of $7,105. $70{ .00 DIRECT CHARGED LINE ITEMS 5. Comprehensive Annual Auclit (applicable `,,a of cost for %N"AP only). S0.00 6. Training &Technical Assistance (DEO pre -approved activities only)- S814.00 6. (b) Equipment (IDEO pre -approved purchases onl) ). $2,7 73.50 7. Liability (the °/o to cover WAP) & Pollution Occurrence Insurance (required). S0.00 $. Subtotal of Sections 1, 2, 4, 5, G, 6(b) and 7. S12,C 14.00 ADMINISTRATION (Admin) 9' All allowable administrative level activities required to ilmplernent the program (salaries including fringe; rent; utilities, etc.) Administration cannot exceed 5% of the total agreement amount and all eligible costs/expenditures must be sufficiently documented. ' 517.00 10. TOTAL OF ALL BUDGETED AMOUNTS y13,137.00 (TOTAL BUDGETED AMOUNT CANNOT EXCEED TOTAL AGREEMENT AMOUNT) Page 31 of 56 2015 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 3 TO ATTACHMENT A BUDGET DETAIL Agreement Number: 15WX-4G-11-54-01-039 Program Support Budget Amount 1. Compensation of employces exclusively involved in 1�'_1P. 0,00 2. Compensat:ion of employces involved In V �1P and ollier funduig sources. 1626,50 3. _Advertising and Public Relation Costs by ltecipictnt or other organizations. 0.00 4. Communication costs for eniplovees direcr y involved in \X`AP. 2195,00 3. Quality Control Inspection (QCI) costs. 0.00 6. Maintenance and repair of WAP buildings (or designated space) and equipment. O.00 7. Materials and supplies used for W.AP (other than Direct itlarcrials on FSR). (). O 9. Publication and prinurig costs used for NVAiR 0.00 9. Recruiting costs for direct \VAP personnel. 0 00 10. Facility Costs. o.f111 11. Transportation Costs for WAP scram ices. 0.00 12. Travel costs for WAP sen-iccs. R OO 13. '1~rain1ug casts for NV -AP (Not on FSR). [] -0 14. Insurance and Indemnification - (that is not reported on Line 7 of the FSRtl, 0.00 15. Depreciation and Use Allowance of)_,VAP Building and Equipment 0.00 16, 0ther - a list of items and corresponding costs must be subnaltred with Budget Detail, 0.00 Total (Enter this amount in line #2 of Budget): 1921.50 Administration Budget Amount Page 32 of 56 2015 WAP AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 4 TO ATTACHMENT A SCHEDULE OF DELIVERABLES Ab eement Number: 15WX-0G-11-54-01-039 The total estimated production goal «ill be tine number of dnvelkgs that are anticipated to he «eathertzed for the entire Agreement period. T o support dons peadurriOn t'otnl, complete Elie l3eloN[' per 1-nonth estittnatcd production goals. 1F Recipietnr .vill be requesting an advance in Elms Agreement, it shmil d tale itito cons 1deration the uutnber of dWel]ings that %v,U be rNuired to NVea.therize in the iautial and inn foLo�ti ang months to meet the gd".ance ex_enditure rccttirerncnt throughout the Agreement pet7od as outlined in Attachment E of the Agreement. Process for calculating production f pals: a) TO determine tine final amount of funding (Weatherization Amount) av ,Rabic to be applied tin weatlierizitng dwelEngs (material. labor and Program Support acti-i•itic s). Cr)mplete tine Follm in9 Agreement Amount: $13,131,00 .Add: Direct Charges (L.ine items #5, #6, #fly, & #7 frr3tn Budger): 5 3,58T50 Administration (Adrnin) from Budget {l.lfle. UNI, t 9 From Budget: +S_517.00 Total S l,104.50 Subtracc — Total froth? the Agreemcnt Amount Total (3—13,1:31,00 j Weatherization Amount: S t)Cs?G.5i1 To determine Estimated Production for calculating Health & Safety (H&S) anrnou nt (amoLunt per dwetling is S700): a) Divide the Weatherization Amount 1.) the allowable per d-- e1ng esprn6ture amount oFS7,107. Weatherization Amount S�9[]26,S1) chvided inn- $7,U)3 = 1 1%iultiple the initial Estimated Production u-nes S700 = S�700,150 b) Take the Weatherization Amount a} anti subtract the total H&:S amount a): Initial Estimated Production _ .total H&S (Budget Line 4) Weatherization Amount w 90-26.iO t'nus H&S amount S 700.00 = 5 8326.50 This is the Reduced Weatherization Amount. The Reduced Weatherization Amount is used to dctertnine Vour Material, Labor and Program Support anioutnr�,, c} Divide the Reduced Weatherization Amount b) by S7,103 ro &Eertnine tour target projected Number of Dwellings to be weatherized with these 6.itids. —1 Connpleec tine below estimated mo+ntlily production. 1G f arch October _lpril May }tine � 1 ` ] ul� November Deccmbet jan_tar}' _August September 1='cbruan7 Nlarch Total 1 Page 33 of 56 FY 2015 WAIF AGREEMENT ATTACHMENT I CO�TNTI' ALLOCATION S The financial allocation specified for each counry by prognim is designated to be seem in teat courEm•. F«r multi-cmmtl- service area recipients, in die event that citcuin,tan ces %vill nor ,illo�v the tttil espertdit{.Ire of any- program Rinds ahocated to a Particular county, a request to upend any part of those holds in another counr.� must be subtrutted in mTJ.ring to DE0. Tlw request must jLis 6fv die lack o F need of program selvice, M dl'lt cowlrv, Funds may not be expended in another counfv without prior written approval of DEO. COUNTY(S) ALLOCATION AMOUNT �4'loEiroe t=;ourlt�• Page 50 cat' S6 S 13,131 (.) t