Item F2The Florida Keys Marathon International Airport Environmental Assessment Update F P RA. 07 3 Monroe County BOCC February 21, 2018 Purpose & Need • The Airport's Airport Reference Code (ARC), 6 -II, determines the runway to taxiway separation distance. The FAA requires a runway to taxiway separation of 240 ft. for ARC 6 -II aircraft. • The current separation between Runway 7 -25 and parallel Taxiway A is 200 ft. • Future AIP funding is contingent on meeting FAA standards. • A study conducted in 2016 determined that the preferred alternative to meet FAA standards is to shift runway 40 ft. to the northwest of its current location. An Environmental Assessment to determine the impacts of this project commenced in March 2017. P RA. P ��07 3 Associated Impacts of Proposed Action Mitigate adverse environmental impacts and clear runway object free area / primary surface penetration including: • Approximately 4 acres of tropical hardwood hammock. • Approximately % acre of isolated mangrove swamp. • Less than % acre of tidally connected mangrove swamp. Timeline of Proposed Action Schedule is contingent on the timely completion of the EA. • 2018- Completion of Environmental Assessment and acquire necessary permits. • 2019 — Begin Permitting Process • 2020 — Commence Design of Obstruction Removal /Tree Clearing • 2021- Complete tree clearing, obstruction lighting and mitigation. • 2022 — Runway Relocation • Late 2023 — Runway Relocation Construction, Early 2024 Completion Monroe County Year 2030 Comprehensive Plan Policy 501.2.3 — " Development activities to construct or expand airport or airstrip facilities shall not take place in environmentally sensitive areas unless a viable alternative is not available. Mitigation and restoration shall occur when there is no other alternative than to disturb environmentally F sensitive areas." • Policy 501.3.1— "Monroe County shall maintain the existing F hammock along Aviation Boulevard as a buffer between the Marathon Airport and residences to the north. "* * To issue the environmental permits necessary for construction, the County must amend Policy 501.3.1. F Monroe County Land Assurance Letter to FAA Purpose — For Monroe County to provide the land use assurance as required by the Airport and Airway Improvement Act and provide information about the proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment. Monroe County recognizes that the FAA cannot approve airport project funding unless the project is consistent with the plans of public agencies in which the airport is located. To issue the environmental permits necessary for construction of this project, the County must amend Policy 501.3.1 of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. P RA. P ��07 3 Proposed Comp Plan Amendment Monroe County Airport staff recommend an amendment to the County's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. • County staff can process a text amendment request for � review and potential adoption by the BOCC and approval r by the State Land Planning Agency. I �. PI Tr