Item C16MeetingDate-
Bulk Item: Yes
AGERDA ITEMM-l"I.Alf-11IG: Xpprovaf ofa #AS11 21,11 Memoranlum or-Tgreement with the ty 0
Miami concerning a United States Department of Homeland Security's Office of Grants & Training
(OG&T), through the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) sub -grant
Agreement # 15DS-P8-11-23-02- in the amount of $96,925.27 with no county match required; and
authorization for the County Administrator to execute any other required documentation in relation to
the application process.
UASI FY09, UASI FY 10, UASI FY 11, UASI FY 12 were approved on the March 15, 2006, May 11,
2007, March 19, 2008, January 20, 2010, January 19, 2011, February 15, 2012, January 16, 2013,
November 20, 20 13, and March 19, 2014 BOCC meetings respectively.
X "I M-Iff-L4 0 1 DI
04 R1 71 Mt;1XY V,#-,f T8—A7PffM
zstablished by the Office of Management and Budget.
APPROVED BY: County Atty X OMB/Purchasing X Risk Management X_LL
- 4/1
Revised 7/09
Contract vaith: City of Miami Contract#15-D$ P8-n-23-02-f-5�
Effective Date: Execution May 2015
Expiration Date: June 30, 2016
Contract Purpose/Description:
UASI 2014 Memorandum of Agreement with the City of Miami concerning an
# 15DS-P8-11-23-02- in the amount of $96,925,27
. . . . ........ . . . . ........
Contract Manager: Jose Tezanos 6325 14 7
(Department/Stop #)
for BOCC meeting on May 20, 2015 Agenda Deadline: May 5, 2015
Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 96,925.2 7 Current Year Portion: $
Budgeted? Yes'D No 0 Account Codes, GE --------
Grant: $ 96,925�.27
County Match: $ 0
Estimated OngoingFor-
(Not included in dollar value above) maintenance, uti 1i ies, janitorial, salaries, etc.)
Date In — Needed
Division Director -Lz�—lj Yes[:] Noa'
Risk Management,,',) Yes F-1 Noo
O.M.B./Purchasing 43W� Yes Fj No�
County Attorney Yes F] NoM
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B. This Agreement serves as the Scope of Work beMeen the Participating Agency and the Sponsorlini!
requestA. The provisions of this Agreement apply to UASI Grant Program 2014 activities to be performed at the
of cede _ government,provided at the optionof ■R. r ng Agency, R: In
conjunction %Mth, preparation for, or in anticipation of, a major disaster or emergency related to
S. No provision In this Agreement limits the activities of the Urban Area Working Group or Its Sponsoring
Agency In performing local and state functions.
A. Critical Infrastructure. Any system or asset that If attacked would result in catastrophic loss of life
and/or catastrophic economic loss management of resources (including systems for classifying types
of resources); qualifications and certification; and the collection, tracking, and reporting of incident
Information andIncident resources.
rl: O=
C. UASI Grant Program 2014: The UASI Grant Program 2014 reflects the intent of Congress and the
Administration to enhance and quantify the preparedness of the nation to combat terrorism and
continues to address the unique equipment, training, planting, and exercise needs of large high
threat urban areas, and program activities must Involve coordination by the identified core city, core
county/counties, and the respective Mate Administrative Agency. Funding for the UASI Grant
Program 2014 was appropriated by U.S. Congress and Is authorized by Public Law 108-11, the
Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2003. The funding will provide assistance to
build an enhanced and sustainable capacity to prevent, respond to, and recover from threats or acts
Natlonal Incident Management System (RIMS): This system will a consistent
approach for federal, state, and local governments to work effectively and efficiently together to
prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic Incidents, regardless of cause, size, or
complexity. To provide for Interoperability and compatibility among Federal, State, and local
capabilities, the NIMS will include a core set of concepts, principles, terminology, and technologies
covering the incident command system; multi -agency coordination systems: unified command and
E. Urban Area Working Group (UAWG): The State Administrating Agency Point of Contact (SAA POC)
must work through the Mayor/CEOs from all other jurisdictions within the defined urban area ft
Identify POCs from these jurisdictions to serve on the Urban Area Working Group. The Urban Are2
Working ;a • •will be - I oil: • for ■ • r ■ .. -; • development 1Implementation of all program
elements, Including the urban area assessment, strategy development, and any direct services that
are delivered by the grant.
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B. Coordinating with named counties and cifies, with the respective State Administrative Agency, and
with the 1
D. Ensuring the participation of the following critical players in the assessment and strategy development
process: law enforcement, emergency medical services, emergency management, the fire service,
hazardous materials, public works, governmental administrative, public safety communications,
Complying with the requirements or statutory objectives of federal law as stipulated In 'Attachment
•- i1111"I'll nw Z Z
# W. .W... W-Z-,
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rp, -grantees must abide by the grant requirements Including budg
Participating Agencies and any sub I
authorizations, required accounting and reporting expenditures, proper use of funds, and tracking Im
of equipment or services as stipulated in "Attachment #9"
assistingE. Participating as a member of the Urban Area Vlorkhg-C-roup-to-h!rJude-=rdhathg-wfttrznd
the City of Miami In conducting a comprehensiverAssessment, which In turn will
guide development of an UrbanHomeland Security Strategy.
F. Ensuring the participation of the following critical players In the assessment and strategy developmeni
process: law enforcement, emergency medical services, emergency management, the fire service,
hazardous materials, public works, governmental administrative, public safety communications,
healthcare and public health.
G. Assisting the sponsoring agency In development of a comprehensive Urban Area Homeland Security
A � 4
H. Complying with the requirements or statutory objectives of federal law as stipulated In "Attachment
K. Maintaining an equipment Inventory of UASI purchased items.
L. Ensure that equipment . Program ' as Identified'Attachment
Is readily available for use by personnel trained to use such equipment for actual emergencies or
exercises. Also, ensure that such equipment is readily available for onsite monitoring by DHS, DEM,
and the Sponsoring Agency. If the Participating Agency is Incapable of staffing the equipment, such
equipment be made available to another Participating Agency forduring any actual
aouelslsse KOZ wEIBGJd lMJ ISVfl jo slueldloeJ jo spJom pue 'sluawnoop 'sslooq Niue 01 ssaooe
BA84 Ile4s selelS Pallufl 941 jo laiau®E) Javildwoo e41 pue AllJnoeS pual®woH jo /uelaJaeS e41. ,El
Wo Bullun000V Ie.Jaue 'S'fl 941 qm eouepJo oe ul pau ped eq Ism 11Pne auL liodeJ
gpne eouelldwoo pue jejoueug 9pjm-uollezjue6Jo ue llwgns of peJinbei eJe JeaA leash; Jla4l aulinp
spunl jeJapaj jo eJour Jo 000100 $ puadxe le4l slualdlooN :lJod%j llpny aauelldwoC) pue lelousuld y
BuNION *elqmlldde .• Imui Allunwwl uqajeAosa# u6jejams JO JeAlem
pelelndps se epljolj#
-AaueOV $uposuo S 941 Aq,
Alalos pa.rel'slulwPe eq III + enjlslllul AVJnzeS eaJV uegjn evil Jol peguapj pue paJlnboe Oulpunj legl 'd
•K #
Aoue6e-eJlul 4lIm aoualldwoo pue 'leuumed pue luawdlnbe }o 6upnsul pue 'luewdlnbe uo 6ujuleJl
'luawaosldeJ 'eaueuelulew 'elgmlldde aJagm 'sapnloul s141. -Amalie 8ulnlam e4l jo kiliglsuodsaJ
Ojos 041 sl 'pZ luew4aellv• ul pealluaPI Se 'PLOZ weJdaJd lMJ ISVn e4l woJl paulelge luewdlnba IIV IN
6ulpun; jo ssol ul ljnsaJ Am 4llgelleAe luawdlnbe aJnsua of aJnlled •sespiexe Jo sajouaBjawa
for audit and examination purposes, provided that, In the opinion of the Secretary of Homeland
Security or the Comptroller General, these documents are related to thereceipt or use of such
assistance. The grantee will also give the sponsoring agency or the Comptroller General, through any
authorized representatve, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers or
documents related to the grant.
I .111ill i1i; 1 11 1!
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A, The Participating Agency will not illegally discriminate against any employee or applicant for
employment on the grounds of race, color, re'lligion, sex, age, or national origin in fulfilling any and all
obligations under this Agreement
B. Any provision of this Agreement later found to be in conflict with Federal law or regulation, or
Invalidated by a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be considered Inoperable and/or superseded by
that law or regulation. Any provision found inoperable Is severable from this Agreement, and the
TIF111 [U--M=W1,-V- imp
11!111 IiII1111 i r � i
D. This Agreement shall be considered the full and complete agreement between the undersignef,
parties, and shall supersede any prior Memorandum of Agreement among the parties, written or oral,
TIRVINT -I.! I lilpl!llllllllllll:llll��
E. This Agreement will end on April 30, 2016, unless otherwise extended, by a written amendment duly
approved and executed prior to April 30, 2016, unless otherwise extended, at which time the parties
may agree to renew the association. Renewal will be based on evaluation of the Sponsoring
Agency's ability to conform to procedures, training and equipment standards as prescribed by the
0 0 -. Cal ATORN ITI
Victoria Wndez
City Attomey
Ann -Marie Sharpe, Director
"Monroe 9gunly I
Participating Agency Attorney
"Attachment #2"
Agreement NLNnber:15-DS-P8-11-23-02- qy_�
CFDA * 97.067
(b) The Recipient shall retain sufficient records to show its compliance with the terms of
this Agreement, and the compliance of all sub-.Ontractors or consultants paid from funds under this
:kv- =xrejrt, Ur a ggiod DA five, y-eaP f-an A a data t1re audit rew lid stan allow. a IVS101
request The Recipient shall ensure that audit working papers are available to them upon request for a
period of five years from the date the audit report is issued, unless extended In writing by the Division.
The five year period may be extended! for the folloWng exceptions.
findings involving the records have been resoNed.
,1 11, 11 :� P I III 1: 11 1 14
I 111111111MIT III I!IIII 11:1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1
(c) The Recipient shall maintain all records for the Recipient and for all subcontractors or
coI in a form sufficient to determine compliance with the requirements and objectives of the Budget
and Scope of Work - Attachment A and Attachment 8 - and all other applicable laws and regulations.
to the Division, its employees, and agents. "Reasonable" shall ordinarily mean during normal business
hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5,00 p,m., locat time, on Monday through Friday. "Agents* shall include, but not be
limited to, auditors retained by the ■
•.. •_. this •
(b) These records shall be available at reasonable times for Inspection, review, or audit
by state personnel and other personnel authorized by the Division. "Reasonable* shall ordinarily mean
normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm_ local time, Monday through Friday.
11110191 111 � 17111111111111 1
statements upon request for the purposes Of auditing and monitoring the funds awarded under this
(d) If the Reciplent is a State or local government or a non-profit Organization as defined
in OMB Circular A-1 33. as revised, an d I n the event that the Recipient expends $500,0 00 or more in
accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised. EXHIBIT I to this Agreement sho
We Federal resources awarded through the Division by this Agreement In determining the Federal
Federal resources received from the Division. The determination of amounts of Federal
awards expended should be in accordance with the guidelines established by OMB Circular A-133, as
revised. An audit of the Recipient conducted by the Auditor General in accordance With the provisions of
OMB Circular A-133, as revised, Wit meet the requirements of this paragraph.
In connection with the audit requirements addressed in this Paragraph 6 (d) above, the Recipient
shall fulfill the requirements for auditee responsibilities as provided in Subpart C of OMB Circular A-133,
_vs revised,
If ft Recipient expends less than $500,lid in Fede4 awards In its; fiscal year, an audit
ocnducted in accordance with the provisions of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, is not required,; In the
event that the Recipient expends less than $500,000 in Federal awards in its 6scal year and chooses to
hay 41%q01_Aj1 �1
the audit must be paid from non -Federal funds.
;!LSLVpaTa-g-rW Bole,
OMB Circular A-133, as revised, by oron behalf of the Recipient to -
The Divislon at the following address:
Office of Inspector General
2:555 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100
Send the Single Audit reporting package and Form SF -SAC to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse by
submission online at
101791j= ( as I a I—M a.;
And to any other Federal agencies and pass -through entitles in accordance with Sections .320 (e) and
OMB Circular A-1 33, as revised.
(1) Pursuant to Becton .320 (f), OMB Circular A-1 33. as revised, the Recipient shall send
management letter Issued by the auditor, to the Division at the following address:
(g) By the date due, send any reports, management letter, or other Information required
Florida Statutes, and Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 (nonprofit and for -profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, as applicable.
011 Circular A-133 or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental on tities) or 10,650 (nonprofit and for -profit
organizations), Rules of the Auditor General,
(1) If the audit shows that all or any portion of the funds disbursed were not spent in
the Division of all ftinds not spent in accordance with these applicable regulations and Agreement
provisions within thirty days after the Division has notified the Recipient of such non-com pliance.
0) The Recipient shall have all audits completed by an independent certified public
Fla. $tat The IPA shall state that the audit cornplied with the applicable provisions noted above. The
audit must be received by the Division no later than nine months from the end of the ReciplenVa fiscal
year. I
These repa rts shall include the current status and progress by the Recipient and a H subreciplen ts and
th's Agreement in addition to any other Information requested by the Division.
quarter of the program year and shall be sent each quarter until submission of the administrative close-
out report The ending dates for each quarter of the program year are March 31, June 30, September 3D
and December 31.
after completion of the activities contained in this Agreement whichever first occurs,
-n3y take other action as stated in Paragraph (111) REMEDIES. "Acceptable to the Division" means that
Tia work product was completed in accordancell the Budget and Scope of Work.
Mr. =M. m-, r.17-11111:1
The Recipient shall monitor its performance under this Agreement, as well as that of its
subcontractors andlor consultanlg! who are :-iald fro-u fund . -ixovided undi;-, 10v �u reementjtijt��--
time schedules are being met the Schedule of Deliverables and Scope of Work are being accomplishe
within the specified Jrn e periods. and other performance goals are being achieved. A review shall be
done for each function or activity in Attachment A and Attachment B to this Agreement, and reported in
the quarterly report,
In addition to reviews of audits conducted in accordance with paragraph (6) above, monitoring
procedures may Include, but not be limited to, on -site visft by Division staff, limited scope; audits, and/o
other procedures. The Recipient agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring
.0 sses dea-m I aqr-mg
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Rorlda Chilef Financial Officer or Auditor General. In addition, the Division will monitor the performanc
and financial management by the Recipient throughout the contract term to ensure timely Completion of
all tasks.
Stgt. the Redplent Is solely responsible to parties it deals with in carrying out the terms of this
Agreement,, and shall hold the Division harmless against alll claims of whatever nature by third parties
arising from the wort performance under this Agreement For purposes of this Agreement, Recipient
agrees that it Is not an employee or agent of the Division, but Is an independent contractor.
Fla. StaL, agrees to be fully responsible for its negligent or toftus acts or omisslons which result in
claims or sub against the Division, and agrees to be I iable for any damages proximately caused by the
acts or om"ions to the extent set forth In Swfion 768.28, Fla. StaL Nothing herein is Intended to serve
as a waiver of sovereign immunity by any Recip,ent to which sovereign immunity applies. Nothing herein
parties in any matter arising out of any contract
If any of the following events occur (*Events of Default"`), all obligations on the part of the
option to exercise any of Its remedies set forth in Paragraph (111). However, the DMsion may make
payments or partial payments after any Events of Default vAthout waiving the right to exercise such
remedies, and without becoming liable to make any further payment
(a) If any warranty or representation made by the Recipient in this Agreement or any
Nils to keep or perform any of the obligations, terms or covenants in this Agreement or any previous
69r6am ant I t Cyrad 116M in tm isly fia-shim, tr IN2-ria-Ia *r vnwiftg V rn &M 114
vbligations under this Agreement;
11 111 ll! l �l =OMMMrTA
1111111111111 ll ��� I I � I I : mn
days from the date written notice Is sent by the DiVision.
rk HMMM=
under this Agreement
notice to the Recipient and upon the Recipienfs failure to cure within those thirty days, exercise any one
or more of the following remedies, either concurrently or consecutively,
(a) Terminate this Agreement, provided that the Recipient Is given at least thirty days
prior written notice of the termination. The notice shall be effective when placed in the United States, first
class mail, postage prepaid, by registered or certified mail-raturn receipt requested, to the address in
paragraph (13) herein'.
(c) Withhold or suspend payment of all or any part of a request for payment
(d) Require that the Recipient refund to the Division pny monies used for Ineligible
1. request additional Information from the Recipient to determine the reasons for
any activities In question or
4, require the Recipient to reimburse the Division for the amount of costs incurred
for any items determined to be ineligible;
(f) Exercise any other rights or remedies which maybe available under law,
remedies in this Agreement or provided at law or in equity. If the Oiyision waives any Hght air remedy In
Division for any other delault by the Recipient
f2iiure to perforrn on time, and refusal by the Recipient to permit public access to any document, paper,
letter, or other ma terilat subject to d Isclosure under Ch apter 119, Fla. Ste , as amended.
(b) The Division may terminate this Agreement for convenience or when it determines, in
further expenditure of funds, by providing the Recipient with thirty calapdar days prior written notice.
(c) The parties may agree to terminate this Agreement for their mutual convenience
through a written amendment of this Agreement The amendment will state the effective date of the
termination and the procedures for proper closeout of the Agreement.
termination. The Recipient will cancel as many outstanding obligations as possible. Costs incurred after
receipt of the termination notice wfll he disallowed, The Recipient shall noitbe relieved of liablifty to the
Division because of any breach of Agreement by the Recipient. The Division may, to the extent
z2ftAzz-Vty law. 111 41 ft RzV�iant fitir IN& xyi7isa sf =-t-tff smift tia exact aminmt *f
damages due the Division from the Recipient is determined.
(a) All notices provided under or pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing, either by
hand delivery, or first class, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the representative named below, at
tie address below, and this notification attached to the original of this Agreement.
(b) The name and address of the Division contract manager for this Agreement Is:
Michael Day
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd, Ste. 120
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2 100
Telephone: (850) 488-3133
Fax: (850) 922-8689
FT--T# M ffe- ro T =T-
(d) In the event that different representatives or addresses are designated by either party
after execution of this Agreement, notice of the name, fitle and address of the new representative will be
provided as outlined in (I 3)(a) above.
If the Recipient subcontracts any of the work required under this Agreement, a copy of the
unsigned subcontract must be forwarded to the Division for review and approval before it is executed! by
the Recipient. The Recipient agrees to include in the subcontract that (i) the subcontractor is bound by
the terms of this Agreement, (11) the subcontractor is bound by all applicable state and federal laws and
whatever nature arising out of the subcontractoes performance of work under this Agreement, to the
extent allowed and required by law. The Recipient shall document in the quarterly report the
subcontractors progress in performing its work under this Agreement.
For each subcontract the Recipient shall provide a written statement to the Division as to
whether that subcontractor is a minority business enterprise, as defined in Section 288.703. Fla. Sta
This Agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties.
(a) All attachments to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully.
(b) In the event of any inconsistencies or conflict between the language of this
Agreement and the attachments, the language of the tom'chments shail I control, but only to the extent of
(c) This Agreement has the following attachments:
Exhibit I - Funding Sources
Attachment A — Budget
Attachment B - Scope of Work
Attachment C — Deliverables & Performance
Attachment E — Justification of Advance Payment
Attachment F — Warranties and Representations
Attachment G — Certification Regarding Debarment
Attachment H — Statement of Assurances
Attachment I — Reimbursement Checklist
costs Incurred in the satisfactory performance of work hereunder in an amount not to exceed
$5,225,000.00, subject to this availability of furds.
III 11p 11 1! 1
(12)(b) of this Agreement The amount which maybe advanced may not exceed the expected cash
needs of the Recipient within the first three (3) months of the contract term. For a federally funded
Management Improvement Act of 1990. AN advances are required to be held In an interest -bearing
aacount If an advance payment is requested, the budget data on which the request Is based and a
justification statement shall be included In this Agreement as Attachment E. Attachment E will specify the
amj-YM.t,f aitvamss a6-f Xrrmlis ain exA.VnaYtn -if Y%a nazac-21ty ftr ani X-risXssaf Ysa;llf
these funds. No advance shall be accepted for processing if a reimbursement has been paid prior to the
submittal of a request for advanced payment.
(c) After the initial advance, if any, payment shall be made on a reimbursement basis as
needed. The Recipient agrees to expend funds in accordance with the Budget and Scope of Work,
Aftachment A and Attachment B of this Agreement.
documentation for all costs of the projector services. Invoices shall be accompanied bya statement
requested for these amounts.0 The supporting documentation must comply Wth the documentation
requirements of applicable OMB Circular Cost Principles. The final Invoice shall be submitted vAthIn six
(60) days after the expiration date of the agreement An explanation of any circumstances prohibiting
submittal of quarterly invoices shafl be submitted to the Division contract manager as part of the
Recipient's quarterly reporting as referenced In Paragraph 7 of this Agreement
If the necessary funds are not available to fund this Agreement as a result of action by the Unite
States Congress, the federal Office of Management and Budgeting, the State Chief Financial Officer or
under subparagraph (I 9)(h) of this Agreement, all obligations on the part of: the Division to make any
further payment of funds shall terminate, and the Recipient shall submit its closeout report within thirty
days of receiving notice from the Division.
(18) REPATFiTiEft-TS
AJ[ refunds or repayments due to the Division under this Agreement are to be made payable to
tl� e order of "Division of Emergency Me nagetr enC, and m ailed directly to the following address:
Division of Emergency Management
2565 Shumard Oak Boulevard
Tallahassee FL 32399-2100
In accordance with Section 215.34(2). Fla. Stat. if a check or other draft is returned to the Division for
collection, Recipient shall pay the Division a service fee of $15.00 or 5% of the face amount of the
returned check or draft, whichever is greater.
information, representadons, and materials submftd or provided by the Recipient in this Agreement, in
any later submission or response to a Division request, or in any submission orresponse to fulfill the
reference. The inaccuracy of the submissions or any material changes shall, at the option of the Division
arid with thirty days written notice to the Reciplent, cause the termination of this Agreement and the
release of the Division from all fts obligations to the Recipient.
for any actions arising out of this Agreement shall be In the Circuit Court of Leon County. Ifarty provision
of this Agreement is In conflict with any applicable statute or rule, or is unenforceable, then the provision
ea] be null and void to the extent of the confli-.t, and shall be severable, but shall not invalidate any other
prorisloin of this Agreement.
Agreement shall survive the term of this Agreement.
may be taken as an original.
(a) The Recipient agrees to comply with the Americans With Disabilities Art (Public Law
IMC ;F!�OJ�kW-QAA services, and telecommunications.
M176TI"I 19M 111 1111 Ili a
ptbqc entity crime or on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any
gcods or services to; a public entity,, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the
a public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or
corsultant under a contract with a public entiti. and may not transact business with any public entity in
a.- on the discriminatory vendor list.
that It and its prpals:
JUM!Wrfliam Tor minarOMM n M17MUffiffffinT,
attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under public
trarsaction; violation of federal or state antitrust statutes or commission of embezzlement, thek forgery,
bibery, falsification or destruction of records, makJng false statements. or receiving stolen property;
19(g)2. of this cartcation; and
M17 Mr-MM MMU-P-M-Priff.-M
shell attach an explanation to this Agreement.
In addition, the Recipient shall send to the Division (by ernall or by facsimile transmission'.
the completed "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility And Voluntary
Exclusion" (Attachment G) for each intenclad subcontractor which Recipient plans to fund under
this Agreement. The form must be received by the Division before the Recipient enters Into a
contract with any subcontractor.
accordance with Chapter 216, Fla. Sta or the Florida Constitution.
Mtr-r=- ZITMW
0) Any bills for travel expenses shall be submitted in accordance with Section 112.061,
of Chapter 119. Fla, Sta which the Recipient created or received under this Agreement
Division's obligation to pay the contract amount
('INA7)). The Division shall consider the employment by any contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation
of Section 274A(e) of the INA. Such violation by the Recipient of the employment provisions contained in
Section 274A(e) of the INA shall be grounds for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the Division.
(n) The Recipient is subject to Florida's Government in the Sunshine Law (Section
286.011, Fla, SWL with respect to the meetings of the Recipient's governing board or the meetings of
any subcommittee making recommendations to the governing board. All of these meetings shall be
WWc V-P rnw�-Iro- Qo-ft- MNW.
to the public in, accordance with Chapter 119, Fla. SliL
(o) All unmanutetured and manufactured articles, materials and supplies which are
UET"UM-17FT sw�'Vft
under 41 U.S.C. 1 Oa, unless it would not be in the public Interest or bnreasonable in cost
- (a) No funds or other resources received from the Division under this Agreement rilay be
used directly or indirectly to influence legislation or any other official action by the Florida Legislature or
any state agency.
(b) The Recipient certifies, by its signature to this Agreement, that to the best of his or
gToRM-M7 P11 70N. Tin --%
of the Recipient to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or am ployea of any
agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of
making of any Federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension,
ccritinuation, renewal. amendment or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative
2. If any funds other it an Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be
paid to any person for influencing or attempting to Influence an ofter or employee of any agency, a
Member of Congress, an officer OF employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in
and submit Standard Form-LLL, *Disclosure of Lobbying Activities."
111111 1 11111 11111 1111 111? 1
This certification Is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed
when this transaction was made or entered Into. Submission of this. certification is a prerequisite for
making or entering into this transaction imposed by Section 1352, 71fle 31, U.S. Code. Any person who
falls to file the required certification shall he subject to a civil penalty of not less than $10,000 and not
rr ore than $100,000 for each such failure.
71—= 'FlUINT
(a) If the Recipient has a pre-existing patent or copyright, fa Recipient shall retain all
rights and entitlements to that pre-existing patent or copyright unless the Agreement provides otherwise.
(b) If any discovery or invention is developed in the course of or as a result of work or
IT-61 Ij-1 IWY-C-10
discovery or invention to the DIvislon for a determination whether the Stale of Florida will seek patent
protection in its name. Any patent rights accru,ng under or in connection with the performance of this
Agreement are reserved to the State of Florida, If any books, manuals, films, or other copyrightable
material are produced, the Recipient shall nofify the Division, Any copyrights accruing under or in
11911111 , M
intellectual properties relating to the performance of this Agreement which he or she knows or should
krow could give rise to a patent or copyright T. he Recipient shall retain all rights and entitlements to any
exists�. The Division shall then, under Paragraph (b), have the right to all patents and copyrights which
accrue during performance of the Agreement
The Recipient certifies that it has the legal authority to receive the funds under this
Agreement and that firs governing body has authorized the execution and acceptance of this Agreement.
The Recipient also certifies that the undersigned person has the authority to legally execute and bind
Recipient to the terms of this Agreement
R.tachment H.
NameandMe., DanieU. k fonso, City Managek
RD. 59-6000375
DUNS#- 0172220791
Include a ri'm
Name and Title- Br7ya I Z,Ko , irector
Date: , 7D
Corporation of the State of Florida
Todd(13�_ annon Daniel J. 0
CNI me't, CiX1Uz
V4ria Men ?&j 'nn -Marie Sha4e, Director
City A ey Department of Risk Management
kryl • com rig Ed Ny 0 111: -
I � 104zi
Iiliil NIIIIII,�� :11�
F-WW44 1& 1:4 0'go
4 77- r- Mr- I
Federal agency: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management
q--"—tg if Falaral IsmzsYc Igrlsl—tnca We anI-nYrn*-zr: Himalanif S&cTrIti Vrant Prigram
Award amount: $ 5,225,000.00
V-W),rk-J-014 _NXII Z 101# za I IN RYMV 2(4 X 14
Chapter 252, Florida Statutes
Rule Chapters 27P=6, 27P-11 and 27P-19, Florida Administrative Co
44 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Part 13 (Common Rule)
2 CFR Part 215
OMB Circular A-21 A-1 02. A-1 10, A-122, A-128, A-87 and A-133
5111 -
FMF-T-T-7577#7 ; a u 4 z - -A
1. Reciplent Is to use funding to perform eligible activities as identified FT2014 Department of
Homeland Security Funding Opportunity Announcement.
2" Recipient Is subject to all administrative and financial requirements as set forth in this Agreement
or will not be in compliant with the terrrs of the Agreement
NOTE: Section.400(d) of OMB Circular A-133, as revised, and Section 216.97(5)(a), Florida Statutes,
, -aqyira t lat iha lnfTi=,aYzn &�ryt Fafaizl InZirams an.1 Skta Prvj=�s imclyftf in %-hWt I �a XrI%i&I
to the Recipient
Below is a general budget wNch outlines eligible categories and their allocation under
this award. The Recipient is tD utze the Troposed Program Budget" as a guide for
completing the "Budget Detail Worksheet' below.
The transfer of funds between the categories listed in the 'Proposed Program Budget" is
permitted. However, the tran$fer of funds between Issues Is strictly prohibited.
At the discretion of the Reciplent, funds allocated to Management and Administration
costs (as described in the 'Proposed Program Budger) may be put towBrds
Programmatic costs instead. However, no more than 5% of each Recipients total award
may be expended on Management and Administration costs. I
The Recipient is required to provide a completed budget detail worksheet, to the Division, which
accounts for the total award as described in the 'Proposed Program Budget'.
If any changes need to be made to the "Budget Detail
Worksheet', after the execution
of this
agreement, contact the grant manager listed in this
agreement via email or letter.
11 Developing hazardAthreat-speciffo annexes that
incorporate the range of prevention, protection,
Developing and implementing homeland security
support programs and adopting ongoing DHS national
Developing related terrorism prevention activities
Developing and enhancing plans and protocols
BSO Develop an All Hazard CEMP, Line item 2014-08
Hollywood Planning, Training and Exercise, Line item
a,. a..
PJ & E. This project will support multi -disciplinary
1 projects for the City of Marn! under the leadership of
MEM. Project scope will involve a full scalo exercise,
revision of planning documents such as the
CEMPICOOPICOG and trainiings that benefit
terrorism-telated emergency management trainings. i
Trainings will Include ICS, Hazmat 160 and any other
specialized courses needed due to staff attrition. Line
Item 2014-25
MB Update of EOC Operations -1 n, Line item 2014-
1 let it
Developing or conducting assessments
EM Planner for Broward Mass MigrAon Ran, Line
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tem 2014-01
EM Planner for AJI Hazards IMT Development, Line
item 2014-02
H'ialeah EOC Planner Sustainment, Line item 2014-18
EMI Coordinator, Line Itey
4ir 11
UASI Project Planner, Line Item 2014-29
1-- -- -J
MDEM Whole Community Preparedness Planners,
Line item 2014-43
Regional Program Manager. This position assists the
UASI With Regional Planning Needs (eg, Drafting of
Investment Justifications, Coordination of UAWG
Meetings, Development of Annual Budgets, etc.). Line
item 2014-56
Regional Planning, Training and Exercises
Coordinator- This Position Includes the
Responsibes of Enisudnig Compliance with Training
Courses as well as the Coordination of Necessary
Regional Exercises. Line item 2014-57
Regional Metadata Planner, Line item 2014-512
EM Planner, Line item 2014-•
iii 11
oil i4
support children during an emergency, including
pharmaceuticals and pectiefric-sizod equipment on
which first responders and medical providers are
Developing and implementing a community
preparedness strategy for the Statellocallurisdiction
Travall;tar fiam r&lataiii! t,-#, planning activiges
Overtime and backfill costs (in accordance with
operational Cost Guidance)
Establishing, expanding, and maintaining volunteer
programs and volunteer recruitment efforls that
support disaster preparedness aindlor response
CERT-Recognition (awards), Line item 2014-15
Issuance of WHTI-compMant tribal identification cards
(SHSP only)
Activities to achieve planning inclusive of people with
Milli 111-111 11111 1 111 11�1
1 Reimbursement for select operational expenses
associated with increased security measures at critical
infrastructure sites incurred (up to 60 percent of the
Operational OT for Special Events approved by FEMA,
1 $67,925.00 S87,92 .{1ii 24
Une Item 2014-26
Overtime for information, investigative, and intelligence
j sharing activities (up to 50 percent of the allocation)
tdiring of new staff positionsicontractorslconsultanto for
participation in informatiorVintelligence analysis and
sharing groups or fusion center activities (up to 50
resnt of the allocation
Intelligence Analysts, Line itern 2014-58
4 $60,000.00 $240,000.00 24
Developing, Delivering, and Evaluating Training
Overtime and backfrlf for emergency preparedness
and response personnel attending Ft=MA-sponsored
and approved "Ining classes.
Overtime and backfltexpenses far part-time and -
volunteer emergency response personnel participating
in FaE'MA training
OT to Teach CERT Courses, Line Item 2014-15
1 $13,000.00 $13,000.00 24
Training Workshops and Conferences
Immediate Action Team (IAT) Training, Line Item
I $ $6,000,00 24
1 2_014-06
Regional Planning, Training & Exercise, Line item
1 $176934.14 $175 934.14 24
Activities to achieve training inclusive of people with
Full or Bart Time Staff or ContractorsIConsultants
Tuition for higher education
Other items
A wnipletr h3taffgMA appmvcd ewscs may be lband at
Design, Develop, Conduct and Evaluate an Exercise
Exercise Planning Workshop — Grant funds may be
used to plan and conduct an Exercise Planning
Workshop to Include costs related to planning, meeting
space and other meeting costs, facilitation costs,
materials and supplies, travel and exercise plan
MB Tabletop Planning Workshop, Line Item 2014-32 1 $20,000.00 $20,000.00 24
Full cur Part -Time Staff or ContractorslConsultants —
Full or part-time staff may be hired to support exercise -
related activities. Payment of salaries and fringe
benefits must be in accordance with the policies of the
state or local unit(s) of government and have the
approval of the state or the awarding agency,
whichever Is applicable, The sarvices of
contractors1consultants may also be procured to
support the design, development, conduct and
evaluation of CBRNE exercises, The applicant's formal
written procurement policy or the Federal Acquisition
RNulations (EA�mu�t be followed.
Overtime and backfill costs — Overtime and backfill
costs, including expenses for part-time and volunteer
emergency response personnel participating in FEMA
Implementation of HSEEP
Activities to achieve exercises Inclusive of people with
Travel— Travel costs (i.e., airfare, mileage, per diem
hotel, etc.) are allowable as expenses by employees
who are on travel status far off cial business related to
the planning and conduct of the exercise projects).
These costs must be In accordance with state law as
highlighted In the OJP Financial Guide. States must
also follow state regulations regarding travel. If a state
or terrilmy does not have a travel policy they must
follow Were] guidelines and rates, as explained in the
OJP Financial Guide. For further information on
federal law pertaining to travel costs please refer to
Supplies - Supplies are Items that are expended or
consumed during the course of the planning end
conduct project(s) ♦r, ■ rags
gloves, tape, non-stedle masks, and disposable
Other Items — These costs Include the rental of
spaceflocations for exercise planning and conduct,
exercise si�nz, etc,
Ellglb Is Equipment Acquisition Costs
- table belowcategories
this award. A tomprehensive listing of those allowable
and specific equipment eligible under each category, are
is :_ . P. I:! Equipment ti.
on '_ web-basedversion
(AEL) on the Lessons Learned intoffnaffon System at hapIJU&
Here Is where X'.will 11 rAEL id the appropriatefor
equipment you planP purchase
Ai# IF
ITDPD Hazmat PPE, Chemical Suites, Line item 201-4--
1# AMF':11
P" a ' � . fi .
3 11-11
Line I
a w *O W A ■D: ._uipmen I, • i.:..r • .:
Adapt Au x! Ila ry Valves, Line item 2014-53, AEL
* 1 6.i A
Sunrise CBRNE Suit, #2014-65.
# IFF F1
AEL.. 1
IIA 1d
■ _� � 1 ,� �. 1 1
PBSO EOD Sustainment — Bomb suits, Line item
P + F F
t1 F/
•*iles, Line s 1 1 +
1F 1F
4IF 1F
M 1 •■
# ■
PBSO WRT Dive Equipment Halcyon HP LE.5---i
Underwater Handheld Lights, Line item 2014-53, AEL
CS 7
Vehicular and Hand Held FLIR, Une item
FTL Fixed Nate —item
MG Mobile License Plate Readers, Line Item 2014-34-,—
M i 77]
i f
e 04!
MDPD Mobile Video Platform Line Item
I I I M 11
.I I l l 11
114-351� 1
M�Ir_ # • 1
- s -
n . {_s. 0
P • O HD , ■ Streaming i Package
Package,GB Camera Line item 2014-54,f' Ih
i r. _-. D1DD
item 1 + .1 AEL #04AP-05-CDSS
Regional Simulator Enhancement, Une Item 2014-66
EL 904AP-08-SIMS
Coral Springs Interoperable Communications and
Technology Project,Patch/Configuratlon
Miramar .=r Security Software,I
Coral Gables Portable P25 Radios, Line Ilem 2014-11,
AEL ! 1 -O•
_ .. I z me i " re l •11 11 1 RM110Ma— / •.
10[iZA115 ME
31 All
N N 0
BSO Bomb Dog, Une item 2014-10, AEL #Oi7ED-01
BSO Marine Enhancements, Macaw Chi ImcalIBIO
Diecon System, tine Item 2014-04, AEL #0802-Oi2-
Mass Casualty Incident Regional Project, Line item
2014-70; AEL#09ME-01-MCIK
Miramar Portable Generato r, Line Item 2014-47, AEL
zTf V-1 IT."I "I, 17 r- r. r. I
lzf.�F— z
MDFR High Capacity VentilaUon and Air Supply
Apparatus for Confined Spaces, Line Item 2014-42,
Reg—lo-n—alklertNotification System. Line item 2014-61,
1 lil �i
i ilt 11
i ''
R. #max ■
Control System, Line item 2014-33,a
Iii 1':l
i11: 1A
-tl R e
� w !
A • = A • :. } : A } : F " a f� 1 M ! 1 � s 1 Fl .k: I!q # }; t 9 f i tl f:
_ item i AEL
item e . 00! �F ��
. .. A..;
A Security. e • r Item R
" /1
111 !11
} 1 11 11
Regional.. - Planning,
Exercise . Equipment,!e! •
ill C4
F 4t
�PR rt iN+ ry 7�
q�'"'r:•�f^RW� r-YI�WSµ''"Y����k$iA7"L�%�"±3rr
Hiring of e.. or W: :,.: or to :-: Y ". a s
-4 To assist YAh ,.
rnwagament a grant program
4 To assist w1th .l:r grant program
4 To assist with the ccmpliancy Mth reporting and data collactlon
as It may relate to the grant program
Development of operating plans for Information collection and
Processing necessary to respond: to ONStODP data calls.
costs associate with achieving emergency management that Is
Inclusive of the access and functional needs of workers and
citizens with kF-
meeting-rWated expenses, please review the OJP FinancW Guide
at htfp:/Avww.olp,[nGuldo).
Acquisition of authorized office equipment, Including parronal
computers, laptop computers, printers, LCO pr�octors, and other
equipment or software which may be required to support the
ImpIamentation of the homeland security strategy.
! •
• -
Funding is provided to perform eligible activities as Identified In the Domestic Homeland Security —
Federal Emergency Management Agency National Preparedness Directorate Fiscal Year 2014 Homeland
Security Grant Program (HSGP), consistent with the Department of Homeland Security State Strategy.
Eligible activities are outlined in the Scope of Work for each category below.
1. Categories and Eligible Activities
Urban Area Security Initiative
FY2014 allowable costs for this agreement are divided into the following categories: planning,
organization, equipment, training, exercises, management and administration cost are
allowable cost. Up to 25% of UASI funds must be dedicated towards law enforcement terrorism
prevention -oriented planning, organization, training, exercise and equipment activities. Each
category's allowable costs have been listed In the "Budget Detail Worksheet".
A. Planning
Examples of allowable planning activities include:
Developing hazarcitthreat-specific annexes that Incorporate the range of prevention,
protection, mitigation, response, and recovery activities as identif led in the national
planning frameworks
Developing and implementing homeland security support programs and adopting DHS
national initiatives including but not limited to the following:
- Conducting a THIRA process
- Implementing the Goal, National Preparedness System, and the Whole Community
Approach to Security and Emergency Management including efforts to support
strengthening of capacity among whole community partners
- Pre -event recovery planning
- implementing the 2014 National infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP) and associated
Sector Specific Plans
- Enhancing and implementing SCIPs and Tactical Interoperable Communications Plans
(11CPs) that align with the goals, objectives, and initiatives of the National Emergency
Communications Plan (NECP)
Costs associated with the adoption, Implementation, and sustainment of the NIMS,
including ImplernentIng the NIMS Guideline for Creclentialing of Personnel
Modifying existing incident management and EOPs to ensure proper alignment with the
coordinating structures, processes, and protocols described In the National Frameworks
Establishing or enhancing mutual aid agreements
Developing communications and Intaroperability protocols and solutions consistent Wth
NIMSACS that include communications support for faith -based and voluntary
Developing emergency communications SOPs and plain language protocols
Integrating emergency communications SOPS across jurisdiction, disciplines, and I"Is
of government
Conducting local, regional, and Tribal program Implementation workshops
- Developing or updating resource Inventory assets In accordance to NIMS-typed resource
definitions which are managed by FEMA!s National Integration Center (NIC) and can be
found at: hitpLIAvww.fema.govlresource-management
- Designing State and local geospatial data systems
- Developing and conducting public education and outreach campaigns, including
promoting individual, family, and organizational emergency preparedness and support for
the National Preparedness Campaign Including America's PrepareAthont and Ready
campaigns, as required by ft National Preparedness System; alerts and warnings
education; promoting training, exercise, and volunteer opportunities-, *informing the public
about emergency plans, evacuation routes, shelter locations, and evacuation plans as
well as CBRINE prevention awareness � 0
- Designing programs to address targeting at -risk � opulations and engaging them In
emergency management planning efforts
- Developing and conducting public education and outreach campaigns. Including
promoting individual, family, and organizational emergency preparedness and support for
the national Campaign to Build and Sustain Preparedness, Including America's
PrepereAthoril, as required by the National Preparedness System; the Ready Campaign;
alerts and warnings education; promoting training, exercise, and volunteer opportunities;
informing the public about emergency plans, evacuation routes, shelter locations; and
evacuation plans as well as CBRNE prevention awareness activities, materials, services,
tools and equipment to achieve planning, protection, mitigation, response and recovery
that Is Inclusive of people with disabilities (physical, programmatic and communications
access for people with physical, sensory, mental health, intellectual and cognitive
- Preparing materials for SPRs
- WHTI implementation activities including the issuance of WHTI-compliantTribal
Identification cards
the following activities'.
- Conductinglattendinp planning and governance workshops
- Engaging and expanding the participation of the whole community in emergency
communications planning, response, and risk Identification
- Participating In THRA development process
- Collecting and using data (e.g., NECP Goal Assessments, findings from national -level
exercises) to assess user needs, capabilities, and gaps, and to facilitate coordination and
asset -sharing
- Assessing emergency communIcations needs and assets and Integrating needs Into
State plans (e.g;t SCIP, SPR, and broadband plans)
. Coordinating with SWIC, SAA, and State -level p�anners to ensure proposed investments
align to statewide plans (e.g., SCIP. State broadband plan) and comply with technical
Developing related terrorism prevention activities:
Coordinafrig fusion center efforts with other analytical and investigative efforts including,
but not limited to JTTFs, Field Intelligence Groups (FIGS), High Intensity Drug Trafficking
Areas (HIDTAs), Regional Information Sharing Systems (RISS) Centers, criminal
Intelligence units, and real-time crime analysis centers.
Developing THIRAs that reflect a representative makeup and composition of the
Developing Initiatives that directly support local efforts to understand, recognize, prepare
for, prevent, mitigate, and respond to pre -operational activity and other crimes that are
precursors or indicators of terrorist activity, in accordance Wth civil fightsteivil liberties
- Developing law enforcement prevention activities, to Include establishing and/or
enhancing a fusion center
- Hiring an IT speciall st to plan, develop, and implement the IT applications necessary for a
fusion center
Developing and planning for information/intelligence sharing groups
Integrating and coordinating the fire service, emergency management, public health care,
public safety, and health security data -gathering (threats to human and animal health)
within designated fusion centers to achieve early warning, monitoring, and mitigation of
Hiring and training privacy, security, and/or fusion liaison officers (FLO) coordinators to
support fusion center operations
Integrating and coordinating private sector participation with fusion center activities
Developing and Implementing preventive radiologleal/nuclear detection activities
Acquiring systems allowing connectivity to State, local, Tribal, territorial, and Federal data
networks, such as the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) and Integrated
Automated Fingerprint Identification System (JAMS), as appropriate
Planning to enhance security during heightened alerts, terrorist incidents, and/or during
mitigation and recovery
Accessible public information/education: printed and electronic materials, public service
announcements, seminars/town hall meetings, and web postings coordinated through
local Citizen Corps Councils
Volunteer programs and other activities to strengthen citizen participation
Conducting public education campaigns including promoting suspicious activity reporting
and preparedness; individual, family, and organizational emergency preparedness;
Promoting the national Campaign to Build and Sustain Preparedness and the Ready
Evaluating Critical Infrastructure Protection (Clip) security equipment and/or personnel
requirements to protect and secure sites
CIP cost assessments, including resources (e.g., financial, personnel) required for
security enhancements/deployments
Underwater Terrorist Protection Plans
Developing and implementing a comprehensive model for preventing violent extremism in
local communities:
- including existing law enforcement agencies' initiatives and including mechanisms for
engaging the resources and expertise available from a range of social service providers,
such as education administrators, mental health professionals, and religious leaders;
- Enhancing engagement with communities to discuss violent extremism In an effort to (1)
share sound, meaningful, and timely information about the threat of radicalization to
violence with a wide range of groups and organizations, particularly those involved in
public safety; (2) respond to concerns about government policies and actions; and (3)
Increase understand for how community-based solutions can be supported
. Building expertise, Including a robust training program to Improve cultural competency
and to ensure that communities, government, and law enforcement receive accurate,
intelligence -based information about the dynamics of radicalization to violence.
kut not limited to:
- Community -based planning to advance"whole community" security and emergency
- Incorporating governmenitnon-governmental collaboration, citizen preparedness, and
volunteer participation Into State and local government homeland security strategies,
policies, guidance, pians, and evaluations
- Developing, enhancing, maintaining a current EOP that conforms to the guidelines
outlined in the CPG 101 v 2.0
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policies, procedures and pro Is
Designing and developing State, local, Tribal, and territorial geospatial data systems
Developing and implementing statewide electronic patient care reporting systems
Costs associated with inclusive practices and the provision of reasonable
accommodations and modifications to provide full access for children and adults with
Updating and Implementing SCI�P and TICP to:
- Address findings and gaps Identif ad in AARs from real world incidents and planned
exercises, NECP Goai assessments, other Stale4evel preparedness reports and
- incorporate the National Preparedness Systent and DHS Whole Community initiatives
- Address plans for implementation of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
narrowband requirements
- Describe strategic broadband planning activities and Initiatives In preparation for the
future deployment of the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN)
0 Developing or conducting assessments, Including but not limited to:
Developing pre -event recovery plans
Conducting point vulnerability assessments at critical infrastructure sites/key assets and
develop remediation/security plans
Participating Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP) activities
Conducting or updating interoperable emergency communications capabilities
assessments at the local, regional, or Statewide level (e.g., Communications Assets and
Mapping (CASMI)
Developing border security operations plans In coordination with CBP
Developing, implemeOng, and reviewing Area,Maritlme Security Plans for parts,
waterways, and coastal areas
Updating and refining threat matrices
Conducting cyber risk and vulnerability assessments
Conducting assessments and exercising existing catastrophic incident response and
recovery plains and capabilities to iden* critical capability gaps that cannot be met by
existing local, regional, and State resources
Activities that directly support the Identification of specific catastrophic incident priority
response and recovery projected needs across disciplines (e.g., law enforcement, fire
service, EMS, public health, behavioral health, public works, agriculture, information
technology, and citizen preparedness)
Activities that directly support the identification of pre -designated temporary housing sites
Activities that support the Identification and development of alternate care sites
Conducting community assessments, surveys, and research of vulnerabilities and
resource needs to determine how to meet needs and build effective and tailored
strategies for educating individuals condui assessments of the extent to which
compliance with the integration mandate of cligai laws is being achieved
Conducting Preparedness research
I fa . 0 Z 4 4
• Developing, hosting, or participating In bombing prevention/counter-
improvised explosives device (IIIED)-specific planning initiatives to include:
- Incorporating appropriate IED-specific Intelligence and threat analysis when developing
and maintaining a THIRN
- Conducting inventories and assessments of capabilities or typed resource using the
counter-JED-specific DHS National Counter-IED Capabilities Analysis Database
(NCCAD) program for use in applicable THIRAs, preparedness reporting, or strategies,
- Conducting DHS Multi -Jurisdiction IED Security Planning (MJIEDSP) workshops to
develop THIRA-based plans: and strategies that maximize the use of limited resources'
- Developing IED hazard -specific EOP annexes.
Implementing a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) to close IED-related capability gaps
identified through MJIEDSP or other planning processes
• Continuity of Operations/Continuity of Government (COOPICOG) Planning
activities, which include but are not limited to:
- Determining essential functions and activities, interdependencies, and
resources needed to perform them
- Establishing orders of succession and delegations of authority to key agency
positions and establish and maintain current roster(s) of fully equipped and
trained COOP personnel with the authority to perform essential functions
- Providing for the identification and preparation of alternate operating facilities for
relocated operations
- Providing for the regular training, testing, and exercising of COOP personnel,
systems, and facilities
- Providing for reconstitution of agency capabilities and transition from continuity
operations to normal operations
Identifying resources for medical supplies necessary to support children during
an emergency, including pharmaceuticals and pediatric -sized equipment on
which first responders and medical providers are trained
Ensuring subject matter experts, durable medical equipment, consumable
medical supplies and other resources required to assist children and adults with
disabilities to maintain health, safety and usual levels of Independence In general
population environments
Statellocal jurisdiction
Building and expanding governance structures to,
- Include representatives from multiple agencies, jurisdictions, disciplines, levels
of government Tribes, rural areas, subject matter experts, and private industry
- Integrate statewide leadership and governance structures Into broader
statewide planning efforts (e.g., statewide broadband planning activities, grants
coordination activities, needs assessments) to ensure emergency
communications needs are represented ,
- Conduct outreach and education on emergency communications needs and
Initiatives to stakeholder groups
Establishing, expanding, and maintaining volunteer programs and volunteer
recruitment efforts that support disaster preparedness and/or response
AOL =-
(VIPS); and judsdlctlon�speciflc volunteer programs and efforts.
Establishing and sustaining, Citizen Corps Councils
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Additional Planning Information
The National Preparedness Directorate (NPD) offers technical assistance (TA) that is designed to
provide grantees and sub -grantees with specialized expertise to improve their emergency plans
and planning. TA deliveries are designed specifically to Improve and enhance the continuing
development of state and local emergency management across the rive mission areas of the
National Preparedness Goal and across all core capabilities. TA provides the opportunity to
engage emergency managers, emergency planners, and appropriate decision -makers in open
discussion of options to Improve plans and planning In light of their jurilsdictlon's needs. There is
no cost to approved Jurisdictions for FEMA TA.
TA deliveries combine current emergency management best practices with practical
consideration of emerging trends, through discussion facilitated by FEMA contract specialists and
with the support of FEMA Region operational specialists. While the Invitation of participants is up
to the requesting jurisdiction, FEMA encourages requesting jurisdictions to include the broadest
practical range of Its emergency managers and planners in all TA deliveries. TA deliveries should
be made open to neighboring jurisdictions. As necessary, FEMA may also Invite other Federal
experts and practitioners to participate. Additionally, peer -to -peer representation may also be
included from other jurisfttlons that have recently used TA for the same planning Issue.
The TA catalog, showing the full range of TA available across all five mission areas and by all
providers, and the TA request form can be accessed at http-./Avww.fema.govtnaflonal-incident-
The following are allowable only within the period of performance of the contract:
. Recurring fees/charges associated with certain equipment, such as cell phones,
faxes, etc.
0 Leasing and/or renting of space for newly hired personnel during the period of
performance of the grant program-
B. Organization (SHSP and UASI Only)
Organizational activities include,
Program management,
• Development of whole community partnerships, through groups such as
Citizen Corp Councils;
Structures and mechanisms for Information sharing between the public and private
Implementing models, programs, and workforce enhancement Initiatives to
address ideologically -inspired radicalization to Violence in the homeland;
• Toois, resources and activilies that facilitate shared situational awareness
between the public and private sectors',
• Operational Support;
Utilization of standardized resource management concepts such as typing,
Inventorying, organizing, and tracking to facilitate the dispatch, deployment, and
recovery of resources before, during, and after an Incident;
Responding to an Increase in the threat level under the national Terrorism
Advisory System (NTAS), or needs in resulting from a National Special
Security Event; and
Paying salaries and benefits for personnel to serve as qualified Intelligence
Intelligence analysts. Per the Personnel Reimbursement for Intelligence
Coop emlion and Enhancement (PRICE) of Homeland Security Act (Public La
110-412), SHSP and UA SI Bands may be used to Hire new staff and/or'
contractor positions to serve as Intelligence analysts to enable
Information intelligence sharing capabilities, as well as support existing
Intelligences analysts previously covered by SHSP or UASi funding. In order to
be hired as an Intelligence analyst, staff and/or contractor personnel must meet
t least one of the following criteria:
o Successfully complete training to ensure baseline proficiency in
intelligence analysis and production within six months of being
hired; and/or,
o Previously served as an Intelligence analyst for a minimum of two
years either in a Federal Intelligence agency, the military, or State
and/or local law enforcement intelligence unit
As Identified in the Maturation and Enhancement of State and Major ilrban area Fusion Centers
priority, all fusion center analytic personnel must demonstrate qualifications that meet or exceed'
competencies identified in the Common Competencies for State, Local, and Tribal Intelligence Analysts,
which outlines the minimum categories of training needed for Intelligence analysts. A certificate of
completion of such training must be on flle with the SAA and must be made available to the grantee's
respective FEMA Program Analyst upon request. In addition to these training requirements, fusion
centers should also continue to mature their analytic capabilities by addressing gaps In analytic
capability identified during the fusion center's annual assessment
overtime costs. Ovedme costs are allowable for personnel to participate In
information,, investigative, and intel''lgence sharing activities specifically related'
to homeland security and specifically requested by a Federal agency. Allowable
costs are limited to overtime associated with federally requested participation in
eligible fusion activities, including antiterrorism task forces, ,ialnt Teno►rism
Task Forces (JTTFs), Area Maritime Security Committees (as required by the
Maritime Transporta3tion Security Act of 2002), OHS Border Enforcement
Security `task Forces„ and Integrated Border Enforcement Teams. Grant
funding can only be used in proportion to the Federal mans hour estimate, and
only after funding for these activities from other Federal sources (i.e., FBIdTTF
payments to State and local agencies) has been exhausted. Under no
supported by funding from another Federal source,
Operational overtime costs. In support of efforts to enhance capabilities for
detecting, deterring, disrupting, and preventing acts of terrorism, operational
overtime costs are allowable for increased security measures at critical
infrastructure sites. SHSP or UAS1 funds for organizational costs may be used
to support select operational expenses associated with increased security
measures at critical infrastructure sites in the following authorized categories-
• Barkfill and overtime expenses for staffing State or Major Urban
Area fusion centers;
• Hiring of contracted security for critical infrastructure sites;
• Participation In Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP)
• Public safety overtime;
• Title 32 or State Active Duty National Guard deployments to protect
critical Infrastructure sites, Including all resources that are part of the
standard National Guard deployment package (Note., Consumable
costs, such as fuel expenses, are not allowed except as part of the
standard National Guard deployment package); and
• Increased border security activities In coordination with CBP, as
outlined inI13135 ffjg;oywj ymg,00v1brant&1branh2Lo( Urmg-
At:rectorate-4hformation- AyLetinJ .
-irovided In writing by the FEMA Administrator.
.9 Vill a- 11,11.
'41 W's
related costs include, but are not limited to, the following,
Developing, Delivering, and Evaluating Training. Includes costs related to administering the
training, planning, scheduling, facilities, materials and supplies, reproduction of materials,
d sability accommodations, and equ 1p m en t
Training that promotes individual, family, or community safety and preparedness is encouraged,
Including: all -hazards safety training such as emergency preparedness, basic first aid, lifesaving
skills, crime prevention and terrorism awareness, school preparedness, public health Issues,
chemical facility incidents, mitigation/property damage prevention, safety in the home, light
search and rescue skills, principles of NIMS/ICS, volunte'er management and volunteer activities,
serving and Integrating people with disabilities, pet care preparedness, CPRJAED training, identity
theft workshops, terrorism awareness seminars, and disability -inclusive community preparedness
conferences. The delivery of the CERT Basic Training Course and supplemental training for
CERT members who have completed the basic training, the CERT Train -the -Trainer Course, and
the CERT Program Manager course are strongly encouraged.
* Conducting, hosting, or participating in training related to IED prevention, protection,
mitigation, or response to include:
* Awareness and education for the public, private sector and first responders;
* Suspicious activity Identification and reporting, including the Surveillance Detection and
Bomb -Making Materials Awareness Program (BMAP);
Contact (TP®C) and falls within the FMA mission scope and the jurisdiction's Emergency
Operations Plan (EOP), The only exception to this policy is for Countering Violent Extremism
courses. The Policy can be accessed at http,//
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tools that can facilitate the process, SAAs and TPOCs are encouraged to review the TED
Responder Trainin• Development Center available
FEMA Provided Training, These trainings; include programs or courses developed for and
4elivered by institutions and organizations funded by FEMA, This includes the Center for
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territorialTraining Not Provided by FEMA These trainings includes courses that are either State
sponsored or Federal sponsored (non-FEMA), coordinated and: approved by the SAA or their
fesignated TPOC, and fall within the FEMA miss�cn scope to prepare State, local, Tribal, and
personnel :i prevent, protect against,•.respond to, and recover from acts of
terrorismor k rw ti..
State Sponsored Courses. These courses are developed for and/or delivered by Institutions or
vvirganizations other than Federal entities or FEMA and are sponsored by the SAA or their
designated TPOC,
Joint Training and Exercises with the Public and Private Sectors. These courses are
sponsored and coordinated by private sector entities to enhance public -private partnerships for
training personnel • prevent,protect against,mitigate,•t i to, and recover fromts o
Tribes,terrorism or catastrophic events. Overtime pay forfirst responders and emergency managers
rUrban•a•`•to incorporateprivatei government-
sponsoredtraining and exercises.
er■ as � - f r •i f • ■,�s r a fi ■ - -•a :r:. _ - r _ f
found htp:/Iwww,
Training Information Reporting System ("Web -Forms"). Web -Forms is an electronic
form/data management system built to assist the SAA and its designated State, territory and
Tribal Training Point of Contact (TPOC). Reporting training activities through Web -Forays is not
required under FY 2014 HS P, however, the system remains available and can be accessed
through the F'EMA Toolkit located at http.,/A-vww,firstresponde&,dm In in order to
support grantees in their own tracking of training.
FDEM State Training Office conditions: For the purposes of this Agreement, any training
course listed on the DHS approved course catalog qualifies as an authorized course. The
Recipient can successfully complete an authorized course either by attending or conducting that
0 In order to receive payment for successfully attending an authorized training course, the
Recipient must provide the Division with a certificate of course completion; additionally, the
Recipient must provide the Division with all receipts that document the costs Incurred by the
Recipient In order to attend the course.
incurred by the Recipient In order to conduct the course,"
showing • granted for canducL
• For the conduct of training vmrkshops, recipient must provide a copy of the course
materials and sign4n sheets.
• The number of participants must be a minimum of 15 in order to justify the cost of holding
a course. For questions regarding adequate number of participants please contact the FDEM
State Training Officer for course specific guidance. Unless the recipient receives advance
written approval from the State Training Officer for the number of participants, then the
Division will reduce the amount authorized for reimbursement on a pro -rats basis for any
training with less then 15 participants.
D. Exercises
Allowable exercise -related costs Include:
Hiring of Full or Part-Ti►me Staff or Contractors/Consultants — Full or part-time
staff may be 'hired to support exercise -related activities. Such costs must be included
within the funding allowed for program management personnel expenses.
Overtime and Backfill —The entire amount of overtime costs, including payments
related to backfilling personnel, which are the direct result of time spent on the
design, development, and conduct of exercises are allowable expenses. These costs
are allowed only to the extent the payment for such services Is in accordance with the
policies of the State or units) of local government and has the approval of the State
or the awarding agency, whichever is applicable. In no case Is dual compensation
allowable. That Is, an employee of a unit of government may not receive
compensation from their unit or agency of government AND from an award for a
single period of time (e.g., 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.), even though such work may
benefit both activities. Requests for overtime or backfill must be reduced by the
number of hours of leave taken In the pay period, For the purposes of this
agreement, leave and pay period are defined according to the Fair Labor Standards
Act (FLSA).
• Travel — Travel costs are allowable as expenses by employees who are on travel
status for official business related to the planning and conduct of exercise project(s)
or HSEEP programmatic requirements as described in the HSEEP website (e.g.,
Improvement Plan Workshops, Training and Exercise Plan).
• Supplies — Supplies are Items that are expended or consumed during the course of
the planning and conduct of the exercise project(s) (e.g., copying paper, gloves, tape,
non -sterile masks. and disposable protective equipment).
• Disability Accommodations — Materials, services, tools and equipment for
exercising Inclusive of people with disabilities (physical, programmatic and
communications access for people with physical sensory, mental health, intellectual
and cognitive disabilities).
• Other Items —These costs Include the rental of equipment and other expenses used
specifically for exercises, costs associated with Inclusive practices and the provision
of reasonable accommodations and modifications to provide full access for children
and adults with disabilities.
Unauthorized exercise -related costs Include:
• Reimbursement for the maintenance andlor wear and tear costs of general use
vehicles (e.g., construction vehicles) medical supplies, and emergency response
apparatus (e.g., fire trucks, ambulances).
• Equipment that is purchased for permanent Installation and/or use, beyond the scope
of exercise conduct (e.g., electronic messaging signs),
IM76- =71- TVCX�Orl - - - "I.—V . 7970AT77rudr-71,
the Department of Financial Services, explicitly authorized by 2 CFR, Part 225,
Appendix B. While this Is an allowable purchase by DHS, please note that FDEM
adheres to Flo6da, Statues, which are more stringent than federal guidance, Such
expenditures are restricted to the rates specified for Class C meals In Seclion
112.061, Florida Statutes.
Exercise Requirements
The Training and Exercise Plan will include the State's program priorities and a Multi -Year
Training and Exercise Plan (schedule) that supports the Identified priorities and aligned
capabilities. In addition to submission of the Multi -Year Training and Exercise Plan to
hsee2@,4b&,_qov a re , all scheduled training and exercises should b entered Into the HSEEP
National Exercise Scheduling (NEXUS) System, located in the HSEEP Toolkit on the HSEEP
website hUs:ft_e_e_QJt1,_qpv.
States must complete a cycle of progressive exercise activities during the period of this grant
Exercises conducted by States and Urban Areas may be used to fulfill similar exercise
requirements, required by other grant programs. For example, HHS preparedness programs
require joint exercises between public health departments, the health care sector and medical
countermeasure authorities including law enforcement which could provide collaborative
opportunities. To this end, grantees are encouraged to Invite representatives/planners
Involved with other federally -mandated or private exercise activities. States and Urban Areas
are encouraged to share, at a minimum, the multi -year training and exercise schedule with
those departments, agencies, and Organizations Included In the plan.
Exercise Scenarios. The scenarios used in HSGP-funded exercises must be based
on the State/Urban Area's THIRA The scenarios used in HSGP-funded exercises
must focus on testing capabilities, must be large enough In scope and size to
exercise multiple activities and warrant involvement from multiple disciplines and/or
jurisdictions and non -governmental organizations, and take Into account the needs
and requirements for Individuals with disabilities. Exercise scenarios should align with
priorities and capabilities Identified in the Multi -year Training and Exercise Plan.
Special Event Planning. If a State or Urban Area will be hosting a special event
(e.g., Super Both, G-8 Summit) the special event planning should be considered as a
training or exercise activity for the purpose of the Multi -year Training and Exercise
Plan. The State or Urban Area should plan to use SHSP or UAS I funding to finance
training and exercise activities In preparation for those events, States and Urban
Areas should also consider exercises at major venues (e.g., arenas, convention
centers) that focus on evacuations, communications, and command and can W.
States should also anticipate participating In at least one Regional Exercise annually.
States must Include all confirmed or planned special events In the Multi -year Training
and Exercise Plan,
Exercise Evaluation and Improvement. Exercises should evaluate performance of
the objectives and capabilities required to respond to the exercise scenario.
Guidance related to exercise evaluation and Improvement planning is defined in the
HSEEP located at hUp§:Ossep.d_h1,q9_v.
• Self -Sustaining Exercise Programs. States are expected to develop a self-
sustaining exercise program. A self-sustVining exercise program Is one that is
successfully able to Implement, maintain, and oversee the Multi -Year Training and
Exercise Plan, including the development and delivery of HSGP-funded exercises.
The program must utilize a multidisciplinary approach to the development and
delivery of exercises, and build upon existing plans, training, and equipment.
Role of Non -Governmental Entities In Exercises. Non-govemmental participation
in all levels of exercises Is strongly encouraged. Leaders from nongovernmental
entities should be Included In 1he planning, conduct, and evaluation of an exercise.
State, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions are encouraged to develop exercises
that test the Integration and use of non -governmental resources provided by non-
governmental entities, defined as the private sector and private non-profit, faith-
based, community, disability, volunteer, and other non -governmental organizations,
Nan -governmental participation In exercises should be coordinated with the local
Citizen Corps Council(s) or their equivalent and other partner agencies. The
scenarios used In HSGP-funded exercises must focus on validating existing
capabilities, must comply with and be large enough in scope and size to exercise
multiple activities and warrant Involvement from multi pie Jurisdictions and disciplines
and non -governmental organizations, and take into account the needs and
requirements for individuals with disabilities.
FDEM State Training Office conditions for Exercises: For the purposes of this
Agreement, any exercise which Is compliant with HSEEP standards and contained in the
State of Florida (and County or Regional) MYTEP qualifies as an authorized exercise.
The Recipient can successfully complete an authorized exercise either by attending or
conducting that exercise.
In order to receive payment for successfully attending an authorized
exercise, the Recipient must provide the! Division with a certificate of
completion or similar correspondence signed by the individual in charge of'
the exercise; additionalty, the Recipient must provide the Division with all
receipts ftt document the costs incurred by the Recipient In order to attend
the ex%r.ise.
In order the receive payment for successfully conducting an authorized
exercise, the Recipient must provide the Division with an FxPLAN, AARAP,
IPC/MPCIFPC Meeting Minutes and Sign -In Sheet for exercise attendees;
additionally, the Recipient must provide the DMslon with all receipts that
document the costs incurred by the Recipient in order to conduct the
The Recipient must include with the reimbursement package a separate copy
of the page(s) from the ae-rcise Plan which identifies the participant
agencies and a printed page(s) from the State (and County or Regional)
MYTEP reflecting the exercise.
If you require food/water for this event, request must come to the Division
withln 25 days of event in the following format:
Exercise TiOw
Exercise Date:
Exercise Schedule:
EsY,,AaL-;f NymW �-if Partci;F&A�-, �,jal yviP! *6 fisit:
Estim ated Cost for food/water
Description of the Exercise:
All procurement transactions wilt be conducted in a manner providing full and open
competition and shall comply with the standards articulated in,
44 Code of Federal Regulation, Section 13.36-,
Chapter 267, Florida Statues, and,
any local procurement policy.
1. ow. .1,17r,714M
16 imlilillwiiI OWN WIN I
• the State statute.
The Division shall pre -approve all scopes of work for projects funded under this agreement.
Additionally, the subgrantee shall not execute a piggy -back contract unless the Division has
approved the scope of work contained In the original contract that forms the basis for the
piggy -back contract Also, in order to receive reimbursement from the Division, the
subgrantee must provide the Division with a suspension and debarment form for each vendor
that performed work under the agreement Furthermore, if requested by the Division, the
subgrantee shall provide copies of solicitation documents Including responses and justification
of vendor selection.
F. Piggy -backing
The practice of procurement by one agency using the agreement of another agency is called
piggybacking. The ability to piggyback onto an existing contract is not unlimited. The
existing contract must contain language or other legal authority authorizing third parties to
make purnhases from the contract Wth the vendor's consent. The terms and conditions of
the new con"ct, including the scope of work, must be substantially the same as those of the
existing contract. The piggyback contract may not exceed the existing contract in scope or
volume of goods or services, An agency may not use the preexisting contract merely as a
"basis to begin negotiations" for a broader or materially different contract.
Section 215.971, Florida Statutes
Statutory changes enacted by the Legislature impose additional requirements on grant and
subgrant agreements funded with Federal or State financial assistance. In pertinent part,
Section 215.971 (11) states:
(1) An agency agreement that provides state financial assistance to a recipient or
subrecipient, as those terms are defined in s, 215.97, or that provides federal
financial assistance to a subreciplent, as defined by applicable United States Office
of Management and Budget circulars, must include all of the following -
(a) A provision specifying a scope of work that clearly establishes the tasks
that the recipient or subrecipient is required to perform.
(b) A provision dividing the agreement into quantifiable units of deliverables
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(c) A provision specifying the financial consequences that apply if the
recipient or subreciplent. falls to perform the mWmurri level of service
required by the agreement. The provision can be excluded from the
agreement only If financial consequences are prohibited by The federal
agency awarding the grant Funds refunded to a state agency from a
recipient or subrecipient for failure to perform as required under the
agreement may be expended only In direct support of the program from
which the agreement originated,
(d) A provision specifying that a recipient or subrecipient of federal or state
financial assistance may expend funds only for allowable costs resulting from
obligations incurred during the specified agreement period,
(a) A provision specifying that any balance of unobEgated funds which has
been advanced or paid must be refunded to the state agency.
I , N
RMTOM �811111 A
W1141111WMIAW 111101,019M, =11111101111"W1111A (Q11111 . 6 0 0 a
Failure to comply
reimbursement for expenditures.
0. Equipment Acquisition
The 21 allowable prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery equipment
categories and equipment standards for HSGP are listed on the web -based version of
Authorized Equipment List (AEL) on the Lessons Learned Information System at
http.*/Ali oy all mandatory regulatory %g—J, Unless otherwise stated, equipment mustmeet e
and/or DHS-adopted standards to be eligible for purchase using these funds. in additio
agencies YAII be responsible for obtaining and mainta'Oning all necessary certifications al
licenses for the requested equipment.
period OP rmance or e Cos 0 sposal canno e ca over o ano er
FEMA grant or grant period.
11 A
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The sub.reciplent will, in accordance with the statewide mutual aid agreement or
other emergency response purpose as specified In the 'Florida Domestic Security
Strategy; ensure that all equipment purchased with these funds is used to respond
to any and all incidents within Its regional response area as applicable for so long as
this Agreement remains in effect. Prior to requesting a response, the FDEM Wit
take prudent and appropriate action to detenn ]no that the level or intensity of the
incident is such that the specialized equipment and resources are necessary to
mitigate the outcome of the incident.
The sub -recipient shall notify the FDEM Office of Domestic Preparedness at 2555
Shumard Oak Blvd., Tallahassee, Florida 32399 one year in advance of the
expiration of the equipmenVs posted shelf -life or normal life expectancy or when it
has been expended. The sub -recipient shall notify the FDEM Immediately if the
equipment is destroyed, lost, or stolen.
The recipient shall enter all equipment items with a purchase price of $1000 or more
purchased with these funds in the State Resource Management Network (SRMN)
within 90 calendar days of delivery. Recipients shall work with the Regional
Domestic Security Task Force (RDSTF) Emergency Management (EM) Planner for
access and assistance with equipment data entry.
consent of the FIDEM.
The following are allowable only within the period of performance of the contract:
• Recurring fees/charges associated with certain equipment, such as cell phones,
faxes, etc.
Leasing and/or renting of space for newly hired personnel during the period of
performance of the grant program
H. Management and Administration -no more than 5% of each sub -recipient's total award may
be expended on Management and Administration costs.
Hiring of full-time or part-time staff or contractors/consultants:
0 To assist with the management of the respective grant program
6 To assist with application requirements
. To assist with the compliancy with reporting and data collection requirements
necessary to respond to
FEMA data calls
Overtime costs - Over are allowable for personnel to participate in Information,
investigative, and intelligence sharing activities specifically related to homeland security
and specifically requested by a Federal agency, Allowable costs are limited to overtime
associated with federally requested participation In eligible fusion activities Including and -
terrorism task forces, Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs), Area Maritime Security
Committees (as required by Maritime Transportation Secufity Act of 2002), DHS Border
Enforcement Security Task Forces, and Integrated Border Enforcement Teams. Grant
funding can only be used in proportion to the Federal man-hour estimate, and only after
funding for these activities from other Federal sources (i.e. FBI JTTF payments to State
and local agencies) has been exhausted. Under no circumstances should DHS grant
funding be used to pay for costs already supported by funding from another Federal
ra Vain
deterring, disrupting, and preventing acts of terrorism, operational overtime costs are
allowable for Increased security measures at critical Infrastructure sites. FY 2014 SHSP
or UASI funds for organizational costs may be used to support select operational
expenses associated with increased security measures at critical Infrastructures sites in
the following authorized categories:
• Backfill and overtime expenses (as defined In FOA) for staffing State or
Major Urban Area fusion centers;
• Hiring of contracted security for critical infrastructure sites;
• Public safety overtime (as defined In FOA)
• Title 21 or State Active Duty National Guard deployments to protect
critical Infrastructure sites, including ail resources that are part of the
standard National Guard deployment package),- and
• Increased border security activities in coordination with CPS, as outlined
in Information Bulletin 135.
FY 2014 SHSP funds may only be spent for operational overtime costs upon prior
approval provided in writing by the FEMA Administrator.
Travel expenses
Meeting -related expenses (For a complete list of allowable meefing-related expenses,
please review the OJP Financial Guide at http:Lwww.olp.usdo[oov/FinGuide).
Acquisition of authorized office equipment, including:
• Personal computers
• Laptop computers
• Printers
• LCD projectors, and
• Other equipment or software which may be required to support the implementation of
the homeland security strategy
The following are allowable only within the period of performance of the contract:
Recurring fees/charges associated with certain equipment, such as cell phones,
faxes, etc.
Leasing and/or renting of space for newly hired personnel during the period of
performance of the grant program
Unauthorized Expenditures
a. Aztivites unrelated to the completion and implementation of the grant program
b. Funding may not be used to supplant ongoing, routine public safety activities of state
and local emergency responders, and may not be used to hire staff for operational
activities or backlidl. Funds cannot not replace (supplant) funds that have been
appropriated for the same purpose.
J. National Incident Management System (NIMS) Implementation
HSPD-5, 'Management of Domestic Incidents," mandated the creation of NIMS and the
National Response Framework (NRF), NIMS provides a consistent framework for entities
at all jurisdictional levels to work together to manage domestic Incidents, regardless of
cause, size, or complexity, To promote interoperabllity and compatibility among Federal,
State, local, and tribal capabilities, NIMS includes a core set of guidelines, standards, and
protocols for command and management, preparedness, resource management,
communications and information management, supporting technologies, and
management and maintenance of NIMS. Prior to the allocation of any Federal
preparedness awards in FY2014, grantees must ensure and maintain adoption and
implementation of NIMS. Additionally, grantees and sub -grantees will be required to
z z
z a N a a
1. Quarterly Programmatic Reporting:
The Quarterly Programmatic Repartis due within 15 days after the end of the reporting
periods (March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31) for the We of this contract.
If a report(s) is delinquent, future financial reimbursements will be withheld until
the Recipient's reporting is current.
• If a report goes two (2) consecutive quarters without Recipient reflecting any
activity and/or no expenditures will likely result in termination of the agreement.
Prommmatic Revorting Schedule
Reporthag Period jEl)oart daue to D jR DEEM no later than
January I throe h eat h i t April 15
April I through June 30 July 15
July I through Sgtembrr 30 October 15
October 1 through Docember 31 Janunry 15
2. Programmatic Reporting-BSIR
Biannual Skategic fmolgMentation Report:
After the end of each reporting period, for the life of the contract unless directed
otherwise, the SAA, will complete the Biannual Strategic Implementation Report
in the Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) bttU%LMrww d --__,Mpgrfing,o D—dh§.gov The
reportrig periods are January 1 -June 30 and July I �December 31. Data entry Is
scheduled for December 1 and June 1 respectively, Future awards and
reimbursement may be withheld if these reports are delinquent
3. Reimbursement Requests:
A request for reimbursement may be sent to your grant manager for review and
approval at anytime duHng the contract period. Reimbursements must be
requested within 90 calendar days of expenditure of runds, and quarterly at a
minimum. Failure to submit request for reimbursement within 90 calendars of
expenditure shall result in dental of reimbursement, The Recipient should
Include the category's corresponding line Item number In the *Detail of Claims"
form. This number can be found In the "Proposed Program Budger. A line item
number is to be Included for every dollar amount listed In the 'Detail of Claims"
4. Close-out Programmatic Reporting:
The Close-out Report Is due to the Florida Division of Emergency Management
no later than 45 calendar days after the agreement is either completed or the
agreement has expired.
Contractual Point of Contact Programmatic Point of Contact
Michael Day Felicia Pinnock
2555 Shumard Oak Blvd., Ste. 120 2555 Shumard Oak Blvd., Ste. 120
Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100
(850) 488-3133 (850) 410-3457
Michael.DayCS-ern , myflodda, cam Felicia, Pinnock@m.m)T2E!qaEM
M. Contractual Responsibilities
* The FDEM shall determine eligibility of projects and approve changes In scope of work.
* The FDEM shall admim.sterthe financial processes,
Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI): The UASI program addresses the unique risk driven and capabilities -based
planning, organization, equipment, training, exercise needs, of high -threat, high -density Urban Areas based on the
capability targets identified during the THIRA process and associated assessment efforts, and assists there In
building an enhanced and sustainable capacty to prevent, protect against, afTgate, respond to, and recover from
acts of terrorism.
Planning Deiiverable: Subject to the funding limitations of this Agreement, the Division shall reimburse the recipient
for the actual cost of successfully completing Planning activities consistent wiln the guidelines contained in the
Comprehensive Planning Guide Cp% 101 v.2. For additional information, please see
httUJlw till 1f2.odf or grant gu`dance (Funding Opportunity
For the purposes of this Agreement, any planning activity such as those associated with the Threat and Hazard
Identification and Risk Analysis (THIRA), State Preparedness Report ( PR), and other planning activities that support
the htallonai Preparedness Coal (NPG) and place an emphasis on updating and maintaining a current Emergency
Operations Plan (EOP) are eligible. The Recipient can successfully complete a planning activity either by creating or
updating such plan(s).
Organization Deliverable: Subject to the funding limitations of this Agreement, the Division will reimburse the
recipient for the actual costs Incurred during the periodic completion of the organizational tasks Identified in
Attachment B (Scope of Work). In order to qualify as eligible, the performance costs must fall Wo one of the
following, three categories: (1) personnel costs for intelligence analysts who meet the minimum criteria outilned In
Attachment S and who perform duties that enable information and intelt genre sharing between governmental ent.lies
that actively monitor terrorism threats; (2) overtime casts that directly relate to participation In anti -terrorism task
forces, Joint Terrorism Task Forces (JTTFs), Area Maritime Security Committees, Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) Border Enforcement Security Task Forces, and-DHS Integrated Border Enforcement Teams; or, (3)
operational overtime casts that directly relate to backfill expenses that support staking for State or Major Urban Area
fusion centers, personnel expenses for security at critical infrastructure sites, participation In Regional Resiliency
Assessment Program (RRAP) actvities, Title 32 or State Active Duty National Guard deployments that serve to
protect critical Infrastructure sites, and border security activities that satisfy the requirements of IB 135,
Training Deliverable., Subject to the funding limitations of this Agreement, the Division shall reimburse the Recipient
for the actual cost of successfully completing a training course fisted an the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
approved course catalog, -rho cats".og is available online at: h;ffirai _ i o.feMq aovl. For the purposes of this
Agreement, any training course listed on the OHS approved course catalog qualifies as an authorized course, The
Recipient an successfully complete an authorized rouse either by attending or conducting that course.
Exercise Deliverable: Subject to the funding limitations of this Agreement, the Division shall reimburse the
Recipient for the actual cost of successfully completing an exercise which seats the Department of Homeland
Security Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) standards and is listed In A) the State of
Florida Mufti -Year Training & Exercise Flan (MYTEP), and ) County or Regional TEP for the region In which the
subgrantee is geographically located. Information related to TE'Ps and HSEEP compliance can be found online at.
hItDs.//www.Illg.dhs._q9v/hqM. For the purposes of this Agreement, any exorcise which Is compliant with HSEEP
standards and contained In the State of Florida MYTEP qualifies as an authorized exercise. T he 'Recipient can
successfully complete an authorized exerc'se ether by attending or conducting that exercise.
Equipment Deliverable: Subject to the funding imitations of this Agreement, the Division shall reimburse the
Red plent for the actual cast of purchasing an item Identified In the approved project funding template and budget of
this agreement and listed on the DHS Authorized Equipment List (AEL ). For the purposes of this Agreement, any
Item listed on the AI L qualifies as an authorized item. The 21 allowable prevention, protection, mitigation, response,
and recovery equipment categories and equipment standards for HSGP are listed on the web -based version of the
Authorized Equipment List (AEL) on the Lessons Learned Information System at hth ta°Jllils.gQvl. In addition. agencies
Wil be responsible for obtaining ,and maintaining all necessary certificationscertificalions and Icenses for the requested
To receive reimbursement for performance of each category, the Recipient's
activities must be completed within the period of performance and in accordance
with the Budget and Scope of Work, Attachment A and B of this agreement.
1) 53 Federal Register 8034
2) Lobbying (Prohibitions 31 U.S.C, §1352
3) Chapter 473, Florida Statutes
4) Chapter 215, FloridaStatutes
5) E.O. 12372 and Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
28 CFR Part 66, Common rule
6) Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisl6ons Act of 1970
7) Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster Protection Art of 1973, Public Law 93-234, 87 Stat 975
8) Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470),
Executive Order 11593
9) Archeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 569a-1 et seq.)
10) 'rifle I of the Omnibus Cdme Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968,
11) Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, or the Victims of Crime Act
12) 28 CFR applicable to grants and cooperative agreements
13) Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Art of 1968, as amended,
14) 42 U SC 3789(d), or Victim s. of Crime Act (as appropriate);
15) Tifle VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended,
16) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended;
17) Subtitle A, Title 11 of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (1990);
18) Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1975:
19) Age Discrimination Act of 1975; Department of Justice Non -Discrimination Regulations,
20) 28 CFR Part 42, Subparts C,E),E, and G
21) Department of Justice regulations on disability discrimination, 28 CFR Part 35 and Part 39
22) Chapter 252, Florida Statutes
23) Rule Chapters 27P-6, 27P-1 1, and 27P-1 9. Florida Administrative Code
24) 44 CFR, Part 302
2'5) 48 CFR, Part 31
26) OMB Circular A-21, A-102, A-110, A -I 22, A-1 28, A-87 and A-133
27) Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988
28) False Claims Act and Program Fraud Civil Remedies (31 U.S.C, § 3729)
29) Fly America Act of 1974
30) Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990 (15 U.S.C. §2225(a)
31) Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000
32) USA Patriot Act of 2001
&ecial Conditions
t The Recipient shall comply vvith the most recent version of the Administrative Requirements, Cost
Principles, and Audit Requirements. A non-exclusive list of regulations commonly applicable to
Department of Homeland Security grants are listed below:
A. Administrative Requirements
44 CFR Part 13, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative
Agreements to State and Local Governments
2 CFR Part 215, Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with
Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non -Profit Organizations (OMB
Circular A-1 10)
a Cost Principles
2 CFR Part 225, Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments (OMB
Circular A-87)
0 2 CFR Part 220, Cost Principles for Educational Institutions (OMB Circular A-21)
0 2 CFR Part 230, Cost Principles for Mon -Profit Organizations (OMB Circular A-1 22)
* Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Part 31.2 Contract Cost Principles and
Procedures, Contracts With Commercial Organizations
C. Audit Requirements
1 OMB Circular A-1 33, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non -Profit Organizations
2. Recipient understands and agrees that it cannot use any federal 6nds, either directly or
indirectly, In support of the enactment, repeal, modification or adoption of any law, regulation or
policy, at any level of government, without the express prior written approval of FEMA.
3. The Funding Opportunity Announcement for this program is hereby incorporated Into your award
by reference. By accepting these funds, the recipient agrees that all allocations and use of funds
under this grant will be in accordance with the requirements contained In the Funding opportunity
4. The recipient shall not undertake any project having the potential to impact Environmental or
Historical Preservation (EHP) resources without the prior approval of FEMA, including but not
limited to communications towers, physical security enhancements Involving ground disturbance,
new construction, and modifications to buildings, structures and objects that are 45 years old or
older, and purchase and use of sonar equipment, Recipient must comply With all conditions
placed on the project as the result of the EHP review. Any change to the approved project scope
of work Wit require re-evaluation for comp4ance with these EHP requirements. if ground
disturbing activities occur during project Implementation, the recipient must ensure monitoi-Ing of
ground disturbance, and if any potential archeological resources are discovered, the recipient will
immediately cease construction in that area and notify FEMA and the appropriate State Historic
Preservation, Office., Any construction activities that have been Initiated, without the necessary
EHP review and approval Wit result in a non-compliance rinding and will not be eligible for FEMA
It you are requesting an advance, Indicate saute by checking the box below.
Advance payment of is requested.
Balance of payments will be made on a reimbursement basis.
These funds are needed to pay staff, award benefits to clients,
duplicate forms and purchase start-up supplies and equipment.
We would not be able to operate the program without this advance.
If you are requesting an advance, complete the following chart and line Item justification below.
20_ --2tI— Anticipated Expenditures for First Three Months
(list applicable line items)
of Contract.
For example
(include Secondary Administration.)
For example
UNE ITEM JUSTIFICATION (Far each line Item, provide a detailed justification explaining the need for the cash
advance. The justification must Include .supporting documentation that clearly shows the advance will be
expanded within the first ninety (99) days of the contract term. Support documentation should Include
quotes for purchases, delivery tlmeiines, salary and expense projections, eta. to provide the Division
reasonable and necessary support that the advance will be expended within the first ninety (90) days of the
contract term. Any advance funds not expended within the first ninety (90) days of the contract term shall be
returned to the Division Cashier, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399, within thirty (30)
days of receipt, along with any Interest earned on the advance)
I A It L' P L41 A I V4 M 7
11111111"MINTIM 1111111TIM11 1111 0 2aff-MMEME3 M-M-1
(2) Records that Identify the source and use of funds for ail activities. These records shall
contain Information pertaining to grant awards, authorizations, obligations, unobligated
balances, assets, outlays, Income and interest
*M407417TTSTar, MIS =77-TZ mil 1111111111 a
FM MT.; " F.14; RM M. 'RIM
(4) Compadson of expenditures with budget amounts for each Request for Payment, Whenever
appropriate, financial information should be related to performance and unit cost data.
proAslans of the applicable OMB cost principles and the terrns and conditions of this
(6,) Cost accounting records that are supported by backup documentation.
All procurement transactions s all be done n a manner to provide open and free competition. The
ReclAlant shall �,e alM t-i c-t-iXick -if iM_-rast as w6il as xrai�ticatrs ft,
may restrict or eliminate competition or otherwise restrain trade. In order to ensure excellent contractor
NZA. U_OJ1XCA_q NJ CAM-0 %PP_r_fXAM_ X-s'
requirements, statements of work, invitations for bids and/or requests for proposals shall be excluded
from competing for such procurements, Awards shatl be made to the bidder or offeror whose bid or offer
is rasp. nsive to the solicitatJon and is most advantavieous to the Re ent -considefln thepuk:e,_
MO, t
The Recipient shall maintain written standards of conduct governing the performance of Its employees
exgagel Ix tkg 2vzrf 2xi 29)xIxlst---%xx -if cimiacts, V& en�[ayeq, ifficer, ir -2geAt Sk2ll �29Cijlt% IX
lk&-C.--TJjJ UARjLck-
conflict of Interest would be involved. Such a conflict would arise when the employee, officer, or agent,
any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization which employs or is
about to employ any of the parties Indicated, has a financial or other interest In the firm selected for an
award. The officers, employees, and agents of the Recipient shall neither solicit nor accept gratuities,
lavors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts. The standards of
conduct shall provide for disciplinary actions to be appried for violations of the standards by officers,
employees, or agents of the Recipient.
least one employee on site, from Monday through Friday., B... 0 OAM to 5:00PM
IlLsr, I M
required for all of the particular work for which they are hired by the Recipient
D -bihy
MTMMT�- �!Jlllfi= �
(1) The prospective subcontractor of the Recipient, . certifies, by
submission of this document that neither 11 nor its principals Is presently debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, declared ineiflgible, or voluntarily excluded from parfidpation in this
transaction by any Federal department or agency.
(2) Where the Recipierift subcontractor is unable to certify to the above statement, the prospective
subcontractor shall attach an explanation to this form.
By -
Recipient's Name
DEM Contract Number
The Recipient hereby assures and certifies compliance with all Federal statutes, regulations, policies,
guidelines and requirements. including OMB Circulars No. A-21, A-1 10, A-122, A-128, A-87-, E.O. 12372
and Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Cooperative Agreements 28 CFR, Part 66,
Common rule, that govern the application, acceptance and use of Federal funds for this federally -assisted
project Also the Applicant assures and certifies that:
it Z. I= - 7a wl�
rf�;l 11
displaced as a result of Federal and federally -assisted programs.
2. It will comply with provisions of Federal law which limit certain political activities of employees of a
i,11tv6,-r ",-nt W�taa X.-Iricty'al
whole or in part by Federal grants. (5 USC I 601,et seq.)
3. It will comply with, the minimum wage and maximum hour's provisions of the Federal Fair Labor
Standards Act.
4. It will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that is or
gives the appearance of being motivated by a desire for private gain for themselves or others, particularly
those with whom they have family, business, or other ties.
5. It will give the sponsoring agency or the Comptroller General, through any authorized representative,
access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the grant.
6. It will comply with all requirements Imposed by the Federal sponsoring agency concerning special
requirements of law, program requirements, and other administrative requirements.
7. It will ensure that the facilities under its ownership, lease or supervision which shall be utilized In the
accomplishment of the project are not listed on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) list of
Violating Facilities and that It will notify the Federal grantor agency of the receipt of any communication
from the Director of the EPA Office of Federal Activities Indicating that a facility to be used In the project is
under consideration for listing by the EPA-
8. It will comply with the flood Insurance purchase requirements of Section 102(a) of the Flood Disaster
Protection Act of 1973, Public Law 93-234, 87 Stat 975, approved December 31, 1976, Section 102(a)
requires, on and after March 2, 1975, the purchase of good insurance in communities where such
insurance is available as a condition for the receipt of any Federal financial assistance for construction or
acquisition purposes for use in any area that has been identified by the Secretary of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development as an area having special flood hazards. The phrase "Federal financial
assistance" includes any form of loan, grant, guaranty, Insurance payment, rebate, subsidy, disaster
assistance loan or grant, or any other form of direct or indirect Federal assistance.
9. It will assist the Federal grantor agency in its compliance with Section 108 of the National Historic
Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC. 470), Executive Order 11593, and the Archeological and
Historical Preservation Act of 1966 (16 USC 569a-1 et seq.) by (a) consulting with the State Historic
Preservation Officer on the conduct of Investigations, as, necessary, to identify properties listed in or
eligible for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places that are subject to adverse effects (see 36
CFR Part 800-8) by the activity, and notifying the Federal grantor agency of the existence of any such
properties and by (b) complying with ail requirements established by the Federal grantor agency to avold
or mitigate adverse effects upon such properties.
WMM1110 Pima:
I pi�qiii I
'11111! ME
rew ftf" r-1 fe7w Tllftw-411 foue, U-Irlst, teupIT111, natial ff
disability against a recipient of funds, the recipient will forward a copy of the finding to the Office for Civil
Rights, Office of Justice Programs.
Mijill M-3151611 626TW1,101 I loll t
15. It will comply with ft provisions of the Coastal Barrier Resources Act (1107-348) dated OctDber 19,
1982 (16 USC 3501 et seq.) which prohibits the expenditure of most new Federal funds within the units of
the Coastal Barrier Resources System.
r I ''I III IIIIII 111H It I -
Please Note- FDEM reserves the right to update this check list throughout the life of t
grant to ensure compliance with applicable federal and state rules and
A q ment
I . Have all invoices been Included?
2. Has an AEL # been Identified for each purchase?
3. If service/warranty expenses are listed, are they only for the performance period
of the grant?
EJ 4. Has proof of payment been Included? (E.g. canceled check, Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) confirmation, or P-Card back up documentation which will include
receipt with vendor, copy of credit card statement showing expense charged, and
payment to credit card company for that statement)
5. If EHP form needed _ has copy of it and approval from Late/OHS been
LJ f . Goes the amount billed by consultant add up correctly?'
2. Has all appropriate documentation to denote hours worked been properly
ED 3. Have copies of all planning materials and worm product (e.g. meeting documents,
copies of plans) been Included? (If a meeting was held by recipient or
contractor/consultant of recipient, an agenda and signup sheet with meeting date
must be Included).
4. Has the invoice from consuitantfcontrator been included?
5. Has proof of payment been Included? (E.g. canceled check, Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) confirmation, or P-Card back up documentation which will Include
receipt with vendor, copy of credit card statement showing expense; charged, and
payment to credit card Company for that statement).
F. Has Attachment H (found within Agreement with FDEM) been completed for this
consultant and included In the reimbursement package"?
X 1 . Is the course DHS approved? Is there a course or catalog number? If not, has
FDEM approved the non-DHS training? Is supporting documentation Included
your •
2. Have s!gMn sheets, rosters and agenda been provided?
billing forovertime and/or backfill, has a spreadsheetbeen i-d that
attendee names, department, of hoursp` hourly■ !
I=- M-7 1 T-1 r- =I- - I
1. Have all receipts been turned in such as: airplane receipts, proof of mileage, toll
receipts, hotel receipts, car rental receipts, registration fee receipts and parking
receipts? Are these receipts itemized? Do the dates of the receipts match the
date(s) of travel/conference? Does the hotel receipt have a zero balance? If
applicable, have a travel authorization and travel reimbursement farm been
Included to account for per diem, mileage and rather travel expenses which have
been reimbursed to the traveler by sub grantee?
2. If travel is a conference has the conference agenda been included?
3. Has proof of payment to traveler been included? (E.g. canceled check, Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT) confirmation, or copy of payroll check If reimbursed
through payroll).
Match na Funds
0 1 . Contributions are fromFederal
F-1 2. Contributions are from cash or in -kind contributions which may include training
F-1 3. Contributions are not from salary, overtime or other operational costs unrelated
to training.
Q I . Have all relevant farms been completed and included with each request for
2. Have the costs incurred been charged to the appropriate POETE category?
3. does the total on all Farms submitted match?
4. Has Reimbursement Form been signed by the Grant Manager and Financial
5. Has the reimbursement package been entered into sub grantee's
6. Have the quantity and unit cost been notated on Reimbursement Budget
Grant Monitoring Process
----- . . . . .
terrorist threats since 1999 through various funding sources including (ederal grant funds. The
guidance and statutory regulations. The monitoring process is designed to assess a recipient
agency's compliance with applicable state and federal guidelines.
There are two primary areas reviewed during monitoring activifies - financial and programmatic
ric with th u h monitoring. Financial monitoring is the review of records associated with the purchase and
'a disposition of property, projects and contracts. Programmatic monitondng is the observation of
equipment purchased, protocols and other associated records. Various levels of fria ncial and
cord programmabc review may be accomplished during this process.
Desk monitoring is the review of projects, financial activity and technical assistance between FOEM
and the applicant via e-mail and telephone. On -Site Monitoring are actual visits to the recipient
agencies by a Division representative who examines records, procedures and equipment
Fr9quQnqy of annual monitoring activity:
Each year the FDEM will conduct monitoring for up to 50% of their sub -grantees. It Is important ft
note that although a given grant has been closed, it is still subject to either desk or on -site
monitoring for a five year period following closure.
Areas that will be oxamined include:
Management and administrative procedures-,
Grant folder maintenance*,
Equipment accountability and sub -hand receipt procedures;
Program for obsolescence;
Status of equipment purchases:
Status of training for purchased equipment;
Status and number of response tralnings conducted to Include number trained;
Status and number of exercises,
Status of planning activity;
Anticipated projected completion:;
Procurement Pollcy
IFIDEM may request additional moriltoringfinformation if the activity, or lack there of, generates
questions fmm the region, the sponsoring agency or FDEM leadership. The method of gathering
this information will be determined on a case -by -case basis.
Desk monitoring is an on -going process. Recipients will be required to participate in desk top
monitoring on an annual basis and as detennined by the FDEM. This contact will provide an
opportunity to Identify the need for technical assistance (TA) and/or a site visit If the FIDEM
determines that a recipient Is having difficulty completing their project.
As difficultles/deficiencles are identified, the respective region or sponsoring agency will be notmed
by the program office via email, Information will include the grant recipient agency name, year and
project description and the nature of the issue In question. Many of the Issues that arise may be
resolved at the regional or sponsoring agency level. Issues that require further TA will be referred
to the FOEM for assistance. Examples of TA include but are not limited to�
4-Equipment selection or available vendors
4Zigibility of items or services
-�Coordlnatlon and partnership with other agencies within or outside the region or discipline
%L-Record Keeping
4-Reporfing Requirements
-4 Documentabon In support of a Request for Reimbursement
The FIDEM will also conduct coordinated financial and grant file monitoring. These monitoring visits
will be coordinated with the capability review visits. Subject matter experts from other agencies
within the region or state may be called it to assist In the form of a peer review as needed.
11,11"11111111 WITITITIR!'111C VRTIT'039K�,
On-5tte Monitoring Protocol
On-sfte Monitoring Visits Wit begin with those grantees that are currently spending or have
completed spending for that federal fiscal year (FFY). Site visits may be combined when
geographically convenient There is a financial and program matic on -site monitoring checklist to
assist In the completion of all required tasks.
Site Visit Prepiration
-Ewxt of CoItact
he appotn ent s ouffb—ec-o--nbrTned wi
documented In the grantee folder.
fyr-,A ftt 2A1 tke �I sX-�vll te ItcvImeAtef 1�; t�e jmxtee fiditer
before the site visit.
on-Sito Monitoring:y �slt
Once FDEM personnel have arrived at the site, an orientation conference "'It be conductjedd
Outing this time, the purpose of the site visit and the items FDEM intends to: examine Wit be
identified, If financial iloniterinq visit will be conducted, they will Vie'r eI tk-eIr oblectiv at
11 mile -t
Each item should be visually Inspected whenever possible. Bigger items (computers, response
vehicles, etc.) should have an asset decal (information/serial number) placed in a prominent
location on each piece of equipment as per recipient agency requirements. The serial number
of the equipment (large capitol expenditures in excess of $1,000. per Rem).
must be provided to account for that particular piece of equipment. Once the tourtv[sual/spot
Inspection of equipment has been comp�eled, the FDEM personnel will then conduct an exit
conference with the grantee to review the findings, I
Other programmatic issues can be discussed at this time, such as missing quarterly reports,
payment vouchertreimbursement, equipment, questions, etc.
Post Monttorin �Vlsit
FDEM personnel will review the on -site monitoring review worksheets and backup documentation
as a team and discuss the events of the on -site monitoring.
Within 30 calendar days of the site visit, a monitoring report will be generated and sent to the
grantee explaining any issues and corrective actions required or recommendations. Should no
issues or findings be identified, a rn oni toring report to that effect will be generated and sent to the
grantee. The grantee WH submit a Corrective Acton flan w4hin a timeframe as determined by the
FDEM. Noncompliance on behalf of sub -grantees Is resolved by management under the tarns of
the Sub grant Agreement,
be included In the grantee's file,
.. .. ..t�5ai�
Af .
P,TC E This prolett"wppon muff"
disciplinary projects for the City of Ivlaml
undantheleadmWpo(MM Projeascape'
will Itwaka a tut scale exerdie, tv%&an of
planntngdocumares such as the
CEMPICOOPIWG and trabvin;a that benati,
to -related amea3ency management
tralmings.7raininpa will Include IiS, Humat
160andanyothafspechkoed courses
All Disciplines
lmtded due to staff attridan.
_.lOTFor- lUtntsapproved
On scare Security
AS Disciplines
by FEiria
Law Enforcement Survallianot JMTVJ !tits
Closed Orcult TV Project will grow 1 bml
Palms Dapartrwt the appostunhy to deploy
OCTVatIolpment In the area of safttarpts
and enhance our ablity to dater and
5trsastftSearch, and DetectIon
,Late Enforcement
Wnstipta terrorist aatMtyr.)
Esrerflanty NUnagament Planning
Coordinator j22 months). This pe ldon WA
assist vAth the lopmant/re%islon of
6 e y
citywWa amargancy management plans such
1014 3E
1as the CEMP, COO and COOP.
EmshIency NlanallementPlanner;12
months). This pasitlan will assist with
general plannlnp.resporalblUdstrelatedto
the -ants tit of the UASI rare
Physkal Protective Measures
taw Enfixtarnent
S29, .
Mlaml Beach
Pta ing
Plannim Tralning Exe-min
mS Beach
Phpi®I ProtectIve Measures
AN Discipltnts
PhysIcal Security Enhancements at CityH&O
arnl Gardera
Sumningsearch, and Detection
Mamie ALM Use & In rattan P
Screaning, Search, and Detection
Law Enfortemni
Mamie Mao Plarform upgrade
Pror lam
Phocal Protecisive MOM
Law £n' mom
m romnental Respoitse/Health and
fth Capacity VenfSadan and A,r Supply
Miaml- da
S sse-C ME
Fire Resctk
Appirmusfor ConflnedSpaces
M• da
t n"aament
CommuaityPrepam P14nnIrg
S"S S9
nal MottluRl n
All Inas
Forcible EnuvIralning Slmulatar
All D inet
security arc
Eme cy
FOC SoftwarvSustainrnent
$41 S
Infrastructure Sya ..
All Olulpleles
- 'Emer
P•23C.revs larr X 52-5- 762-VO Mtft 1-
aperatlanulC- mttunicasit
f anagemett
Palm Beach County
0 tlCooatin
E T Upgrades
$ S
Computers and Infmmatlass sharing
Intelligrme and Information Sharing
Lour Enlarrament
Resporese - [ERNE
9croer1mg,Saar and Datr ion
Resporme -CBRNE
Qperatlanal Cuasrdinanon
Law Emortem ent
WRT Enhancement • Dfav Wpmant
Law Enforcement
Enhancement amens
Pamb!e Rados; 70040WH4; IMPRESS
Raeonsil Prognim Ma"gar. This position
as3bu the Mlaml and FL Lauderdalawith
mrslonal phnnIng rwedsfeg. drjfdrd or
jw9fkations, cDw&wdon of
tJAV4G meatinM de"lopmentisfanriLml
bjdpts, str-),
t I
WebROC. Intmparable Communkatkmw
onal Info sharhq
Regional Ctizen, Corps/CERT MmrArLL
Tfmlnlng Exercla and EQWWwnt
1 '1 mi City Hall
3500 Pan tltnad n Drive
Miami, FL 33133
Master Report
Resolution R"1 11
Enactment Date: 3112115
Version- I Controlling Officaofthe ity Status; Pamed
Body, Clerk
1r R' r 1' # '► r"I
1 1" r r r•
i t<Ilil °• r # r i c R
Deference: Introduced: 2127/13
Requester: Department of Cost: Firml.Action: 3/12115
F rc-Resoue
Attachments: 15-00298 Stln nary Form.pdf, 15-DO298 Lcgislation.pdf, 15-0029g Exhibit I - Subgrant Agreement.pdf;
I S-0p298 Exhibit 2 - Agency M OA.pc f
Action History
city nrmi mi 1168e 1 Printed an 3n.12013
V'or, Acting Body Data
Action Sant. To true dad Returned Result
1 0 Mee of the City 3&15
Reviewed and
1 City Commission 3/17JIS
A motion was made by Marc David SarnolT,
seconded by Prank Carollo, that This molter be ADOPTED. The motion
carried by the following vote:
Aye: 5 - Wifiedo (Willy) snort, Marc David Sarnuff, Frank Carollo, Francis S+uamz and Keen Harde non
I Office of the Mayor 3aO/15
Signed by the Mayor Office of the City
I Office oftho City Clerk 3120/15 Signed and Attested by
City Clerk
City armion1 Pap 2 Pdntod ais Y 3 315
FIle NuInber 15-00298'
0 Z Z 0 .0 4 1 1 a A is Z
Secton 1. The recitals and findings contained In the Preamble, to this Resolution are adopted
by reference and Incorporated as fully set forth In this Section,
Section 2, The follovAng new Special Revenue Fund Is established and resources are
c.ppropOsted as -described below:
kESOUCES: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) $5,225,000.00
directly to the State Of Florida Division
of Emergency Management (FDEM)
Section 3. The Cfty Manager Is authorized (1) to accept said grant award and to execute the
necessary documents, In a form acceptable to the City Attorney, to Imp .'ement acceptance of said
grant award.
VA kv, MEN it
form of grants from the Federal Department through the Florida DEM.
9093=3- ITT1154 11 IBM I M;TT#=' 0*00-To
W. . Wmawl
Beach County Sheriffs Office, and the Village of Key Bis t-he-p"u'rp'o'se of setting forth the
parties' responsibilities, In connection with the development and s,upport of the UASI Grant Program
Fiscal Yi3ar 2014 administered by the City's Department of Fire -Rescue, an UAS I sponsoring agency�
contingent upon funding of said project being secured.
Section 6. This Resolution shall become effective- Immediately upon Its adoption and signatur
-if the Mayor.fg)
City ofmiand Page 2 of 3 1-dirld: 15-00298 (Yerslan.- 1) PrIaredon—MOIS
File Number, 16-00298 '
(ij The herein authorizagon Isfurther subject to compliance with ali requirements that may be
imposed by the City Attorney, �n clud Ing but not im Ited to those pres cribed by applicable City Charter
and Coda provisions.
(2) If the mayor does not sign JhIs Resolub6n,-1t shall'bdcb-mg We—otiv6'al the'end 6f tei�l a) Cale-WF
days from the date Was passed-and-adopted.-If-thb Mayor vetoes-this-R6solution,it-sha:l'bec6Mer
effective Immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commissiort,
CIO of.411and Page 3 of Fffe.1d. 15-00298 (Yerslart: 1) Prbded Ow 3=015
FUND TITLE: Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI)
Grant Program FY 2014
RESOURCES: Department of Homeland Security (DHS) $5,225,000.00
directly to the State of Florida Division
of Emergency Management (FDEM)
rt`: fit` 0 9 8
B��w4 r.i Y� ■ 11
Commisalon Kaoftg Datot DIstriathupectedt AR
ke Rwi ', k dt [ ! #.7 # Ey t i 11 F:1 1? 14e: l DisoussionItem
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►. Id:. 2 i.l 1E,i ► «sk
gUggot Imosid Ai glysi.8
Yes h this Itemrelated o revenue?
YJ38 Is thla:u F`k ks ;o pluise Ideattfy �r aer a�- r;',d,
Nfleral Acount/
!`. 1W this item funded * 1 r! E a r r.. e:'. r a l i l a +:,I k ;: .1 k l Bonds
Stitrt d CRpitalCo2ttVA
Nuwennocb cost-
- ` Impaott 152,2SA94Q
,e ! v-'"�
1 E F; �I�/
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'I a ,
Background Information: (continued)
United States Department w of w f Security, throughof w ia Division of
Emergency Management (DEM), has sub -granted the Urban Area Security 1111itiative ("UASI') Grant
Program FY 2014 to the City of Miami and its, contiguous partners in the amount of $5,225,000.00.
�This program targets homeland security funding to "high threat" urban areas in order to prevent,
!respond, and recover from }, or r and other disasters of .' or s d
These funds will be used, as stipulated by the grant, for the purchase of specialized equipmen
training, administrative # development of r;Homeland
Strategy,and other planning activities needed ensure a successful program.
It is now appropriate to accept said grant award, establish a special revenue project, and appropriate
said grant award therein.
r a'Iw w11 ager to execut r. ofR
a:#- f w s r w� r- • f - r: - f -, r,
►. r w _. fINTNMsr~ r f w, w w ': #: w #'
Page 2 of