Resolution 084-1997 OMB Schedule Item Number 7 Resolution No. 084 - 1997 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 493-1996 \VHEREAS, Resolution Number 493-1996 heretofore enacted for the purpose of receiving Unanticipated Funds. contains erroneous information, and now, therefore. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors. now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that thc following item in Resolution Number 493-1996: Revenue: 125-270004-331-200-97094 125-000000-381-001-97094 Total Revenue Appl"OPI'iations: 125-270004-516-120-97094 125-270004-516-210-97094 125-270004-516-220-97094 125-270004-516-230-97094 125-270004-516-520-97094 Total Appl"Opt-iations: Pl'ett'ial Set'vices Dt'ug Divet'sion Gove.-nmental Fund Type G.-ants $49,419.00 S 16,473.00 $65,892.00 Salaries Fica Retirement G.,oup Insul'ance Opet'ating Supplies $41,375.00 $ 3,165,00 $ 7,270.00 S 4,957.00 S 9,125.00 IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: $65,892,00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD, that the Clerk of said Board, upon receipt of the above. is hereby autJlOrized and directed to make the necessary changes. as set forth above. :Y \C5 .. -..J Z . , PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at ai~J~meetil~fsaiddiI)ard held on the 19th day of Mareh AD 1997. ~. ~ T W - Revenue: 125-270004-331-200-97094 125-270004-381-001-97094 Total Revenue Approp.'iations: 125-270004-516-120-97094 125-270004-516-210-97094 125-270004-516-220-97094 125-270004-516-230-97094 125-270004-516-520-97094 Total Appmp,'iations: (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ~~~ ITEM#7.DOC 1,J1,/~7 Page I of I I','et,'ial Services Dl'Ug Divet'sion (;ove,'nmental Fund Type G,'ants $49,419.00 $ 16,473.00 $65,892.00 Sala,'ies Fica Retirement Group Insurance Ope,'ating Supplies $41,375,00 $ 3,165.00 S 7,270.00 $ 4,957.00 $ 9,125.00 $65,892.00 yes ~ yes =:..' yt?r::.~.-. yc!! Jes -0 ('--' --' Ui ~