Item C09County of Monroe
Mayor David Rice, District 4
IleOI1da Keys
t t 0.
Mayor Pro Tem Sylvia J. Murphy, District 5
Danny L. Kolhage, District I
P f,<
George Neugent, District 2
Heather Carruthers, District 3
County Commission Meeting
April 19, 2018
Agenda Item Number: C.9
Agenda Item Summary #4044
BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Project Management / Facilities
TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Raymond Sanders (305) 295 -4338
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for submission of a Department of State, Division of
Historical Resources grant application by Project Management for funding of a project to re -roof and
provide a dry enclosure of the historical jail within Jackson Square in Key West. The Special
Category grant in the amount of $500,000 will provide 50% funding with Monroe County affirming
its ability to provide 50% matching funds.
ITEM BACKGROUND: The Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, provides
state funds for historic preservation through a competitive grant program. The purpose of this
program is to provide funding to assist major local, regional, and state -wide efforts to preserve
significant historic and archaeological resources and assist in the development and fabrication of
major museum exhibits that will promote knowledge and appreciation of the history of Florida. The
project associated with the grant application is for re- roofing and protecting the historical jail in
Jackson Square by ensuring the building envelope is secure and dry. Staff will seek TDC, Florida
Sheriff's Association, Old Island Restoration Foundation, KWAHS & Monroe County in kind
project management monies for the match portion of this grant.
The application is for the grant period of July 1, 2019 — June 30, 2021. This application period
opens April 1, 2018, with an application deadline of June 1, 2018, with notification of grant award
on July 1, 2019.
STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval as stated above.
Special Category Grant Application
Monroe County Historic Jail - Histroric Structure Report
Effective Date: 04/19/2018
Expiration Date:
Total Dollar Value of Contract: Up to $500,000
Total Cost to County: Up to $250,000 (Seeking TDC, Florida Sheriff's Association, Old Island
Restoration Foundation, KWAHS & Monroe County in kind project management)
Current Year Portion: N/A
Budgeted: N/A
Source of Funds: Grant
Indirect Costs: $0
Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts: $0
Revenue Producing: No
Grant: 50%
County Match: 50%
Insurance Required: N/A
Additional Details:
If yes, amount:
Ann Mytnik
03/29/2018 7:21 AM
Cary Knight
04/02/2018 2:32 PM
Kevin Wilson
04/03/2018 3:20 PM
Patricia Eables
04/03/2018 4:41 PM
Budget and Finance
04/04/2018 10:14 AM
Maria Slavik
04/04/2018 10:19 AM
Kathy Peters
04/04/2018 10:21 AM
Board of County Commissioners
04/19/2018 9:00 AM
Special Category Grant Application
Application o be subinitted via onl ne y eli n in Spring 2018
A - Organization Information
<Display applicant information read only>
a. Applicant Name (org or individual)
c. Phone number (with extension if applicable)
d. Principal Address
e. Mailing Address
f. Website
g. Org Type (e.g. nonprofit, school board, etc.)
h. Org Category (e.g. public library, SOE, etc.)
i. County
i. DUNS number
1. Designated Project Contact*
The project contact is the applicant organization's primary contact for the application review process. In
addition to being available to answer questions from Division staff regarding the proposed project and
application, the project contact is usually the individual who will be administering the project, if it is
<Select from Organization Contacts>
First & Last Name
Phone Number + Extension
Email Address
2. Authorized Official*
Provide the name and contact information for the person authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the
organization. This is often an Executive Director, President, board member, city manager, county
administrator, etc.
<Select from Organization Contacts>
First & Last Name
Phone Number + Extension
Email Address
3. Applicant Grant Experience and History*
31. Has the applicant received previous grant assistance within the past five years from
any source ?*
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
• Yes
• NO
3.2. If yes, for each grant specify the year of the grant award, grant number, grant project
name, the granting entity, the grant award amount, and its current status. Make sure to
include any grants awarded by the Division or other State grants.
4. Proposed Project Team*
Please list those persons who will be directly involved with the administration of the grant should this
application be successful. This should include the Project Contact listed and all other individuals who
will have a role in the execution of the grant project. Please list below the individuals' names, roles or
titles within the applicant organization (if applicable), and percentage of work time dedicated to grant
Key Project Project Role o
Person or Title �o of Time
5. Applicant staffing and hours*
Select the option that best describes your organization.
o Organization is open at least 40 hours per week and has at least one paid staff member in
a management position
Organization has some paid staff but they are not full-time
Organization is open part -time and has volunteer staff
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
Grant Project Name
Open /Closed
4. Proposed Project Team*
Please list those persons who will be directly involved with the administration of the grant should this
application be successful. This should include the Project Contact listed and all other individuals who
will have a role in the execution of the grant project. Please list below the individuals' names, roles or
titles within the applicant organization (if applicable), and percentage of work time dedicated to grant
Key Project Project Role o
Person or Title �o of Time
5. Applicant staffing and hours*
Select the option that best describes your organization.
o Organization is open at least 40 hours per week and has at least one paid staff member in
a management position
Organization has some paid staff but they are not full-time
Organization is open part -time and has volunteer staff
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
B - Project Information
1. Project Type*
Select the project type for which grant funds are requested. If you are unsure of which type to select,
please refer to the definition beneath each project type.
• Development Projects
Development activities geared at preservation of properties open to the public, including:
restoration, rehabilitation, reconstruction, and site - specific planning required for these activities
Exception: Activities on religious properties are limited to building exterior envelope, excluding
accessibility upgrades, and structural elements of the building.
• Archaeological Research Projects
Archaeological research projects including: research and field investigations tied to large area
surveys or excavation, analysis and publication of findings.
• Museum Exhibit Projects
Museum exhibit projects for Florida history museums, including: research of exhibit content,
exhibit design, fabrication, and installation.
• Acquisition Projects
Acquisition of a single historic property or archaeological site, or group of such, in which all the
resources have the same owner. For archaeological sites, an exception to the single owner
provision may be made if the archaeological site extends on land that is contiguous, but owned
by different property owners.
2. Project Title and Location Information*
The title should reflect the name of the property, site, area, museum, or exhibit, and the goals of the
proposed project. The title should be consistent with previous applications /awards. (For example, Smith
House Rehabilitation, South Mill Archaeological Excavation, etc.)
2.1. Project Title*
2.2. Name of Property (if applicable)
2.3. Street Address (primary location where the proposed project will be carried out)*
2.4. City (location of the proposed project)*
2.5. Primary County (location of the proposed project)*
3. Additional Counties Served
Select any additional counties the project will serve.
<include options to select additional counties>
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
C — Historical Significance
1. Historical Designation
Indicate the type of historical designation currently held by the historic resource. For properties or sites
that have been listed in the National Register or are contributing properties or sites within a National
Register District, provide the date that the property, site or district was listed. Should you have questions
regarding the National Register status of a property or site, contact the Division's National Register Staff
at 1.800.847.7278 or 850.245.6300.
1.1. Type of Historical Designation*
• Individual National Register Listing(s)
• National Register District - Contributing Resources
• Determined Eligible by the National Park Service or Potentially Eligible by the
• Individual Local Designation
• Local Designated District - Contributing Resources
• None of the Above
1.2. Historical Designation details.
Provide the name of the property, site or district (as it is listed in the National Register) and the
date of designation or listing.
Property Name Date Designated
2. Historical Significance
2.1. Explain the historic significance of the property, site, or resource(s) that is the subject
of the proposed project (Maximum characters 1500).*
2.2. For Historic Structures and Archaeological Sites, enter the Florida Master Site File
(FMSF) Number (ex. 8ES1234). For Multiple site forms, just separate with a semicolon (;).
If no FMSF form exists, applicants may be required to complete one as part of the
requirements in a grant award agreement.
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
2.3. For Historic Property, Indicate Year of the Original Construction (enter Year only)
2.4. For Historic Property, Date(s) and Description of Major Alterations (Maximum
characters 300)
2.5. Indicate Current Use of Historic Property and Proposed Use (Maximum characters
2.6. For Archaeological Sites, provide the Cultural Affiliation of the Site and Dates of Use
or Occupation (Maximum characters 300)
D. - Project Specifics
1. Scope of Work (Maximum characters 5000)*
In the space provided below, briefly describe the scope of work for the project for which funding is
requested. List the work items that will be completed during the grant period using the funds requested
and the required match.
2. Tentative Project Timeline (remember this is a 24 month grant period)*
Please specify the start and end month and year below; indicate all major elements of the project for
which funding assistance is requested, the anticipated time required to complete each element, and the
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
planned sequence of these activities. Grants, if awarded, will begin July 1, 2019 and expire June 30,
2021. Projects should be completed within 24 months.
Work Item
3. Development Projects*
Starting Date Ending Date
3.1. Provide the estimated total square footage of the structure (the house or building, for
example): *
3.2. Provide measurable quantities for each work item listed in the Scope of Work (square
footage, linear footage, unit counts, etc.):*
For example: square footage of floors to be refinished or walls to be repainted, linear footage of
trim to be replaced, etc. If an element is not measureable in square feet, provide quantities
(example: replace 15 door knobs):
3.3. Will you be hiring or contracting with professional architectural or engineering
services to assist with the restoration work ?*
NOTE: Professional architectural and engineering services are REQUIRED if the Scope of Work
includes structural work, code - required upgrades, occupancy classification change (such as from
residential to museum) and work that affects life safety (fire protection and egress).
• Yes
• No
3.4. If no professionals are projected to be hired, explain why. (Maximum characters 500)
4. Archaeological Research Projects*
41. What is the size of the archaeological site(s) to be investigated? Alternatively, what is
the estimated quantity of artifacts projected to be analyzed? (Maximum characters 500)*
Please specify in 4 of acres or artifacts.
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
4.2. Will you be hiring or contracting with professional archaeological services ?*
• Yes
• No
4.3. If no professionals are projected to be hired, explain why. (Maximum characters 500)
4.4 Statement of Objectives /Research Design (Maximum characters 500)*
Summarize the research objectives of the proposed project and describe the methods and
procedures to be employed. Discuss projected research of historical documents, field study
techniques and sampling designs, techniques of analysis to be employed, plans for report
development and distribution, and curation plans for the archaeological specimens and records
5. Museum Exhibit Projects*
5.1. Explain why this exhibit is important for raising awareness of Florida History.
(Maximum characters 500)*
5.2. Indicate the type of exhibit proposed*
If the exhibit is designed to travel and you have already received commitments from
participating institutions and venues, please upload them in the Support Materials section of this
• Permanent
• Traveling
5.3. Collections (Maximum characters 1500)*
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
Describe how artifacts will be used and what conservation measures will be implemented. If
objects are to be loaned from other institutions, please upload letters of confirmation from the
lending institutions in the Support Materials section of this application.
5.4. Statement of Objectives /Methods (Maximum characters 500)*
Describe how the exhibit will be produced and what methods will be used to achieve your
project goals.
6. Acquisition Projects*
6.1. Full Purchase Price of Historic Property (executed option or purchase agreement)*
6.2. State the Appraised Value of the building /structure or the Appraised Value of the
footprint of the archaeological site*
6.3. Second Appraisal (if property is valued over $500,000)
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
E. — Budget and Match
1. Rural Economic Development Initiative (REDI) Reduction of Match Requirements*
Applicants with projects located in counties or communities that have been designated as a rural
community in accordance with Section 288.0656 and 288.06561, Florida Statutes, may request a may
request a reduction of match to 25% of the requested amount. (State agencies, state colleges, and state
universities are not eligible for a REDI match reduction, regardless of project location.)
1.1. Are you requesting a reduction? Is my project in a REDI Community?
• Yes
• NO
1.2. Are you a state agency, state college, or state university?
• Yes
• NO
2. Project Budget and Match*
2.1 Grant Funds and Match*
List your work items and associated estimated expenses and how they will be paid (from match, the
grant, or both). Only include expenses that are specifically related to the project. Refer to the program
Guidelines for examples of non - allowable expenses (available at /grants). Expenses may
include an actual amount to be paid or the value of an in -kind contribution.
Special Category grants require a 100% (i.e., 1:1) match unless exempted as per the program Guidelines.
Organizations applying for projects located within REDI Communities are eligible for the match
reduction (to 25% of the grant amount request); exception: applicants that are agencies of state, state
colleges and state universities are not eligible for the REDI match reduction.
Round amounts to the nearest dollar. Rows must have a value in Grant Funds, or Cash Match, or In-
Kind Match. If all three columns are 0 or blank, the row will not be saved.
The amount of grant funds requested in this application will be the total in the "Grant Funds" column.
The total amount of the "Cash Match" column must equal or exceed 25% of the total combined match
(cash and in- kind).
Work Item
Grant Funds
Cash Match
In -Kind Match
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
Grant Funds Requested:
Total Match Amount:
Total Project Budget:
2.2. Additional Budget Information /Clarification
Use this space to provide additional detail or information about the proposal budget as needed. For
example, where the relationship between items in the budget and the objectives of the proposed project
may not be obvious, provide clarification regarding the necessity for or contribution of those work
items to the successful completion of the project.
3. Completed Project Activities.
Provide a summary of the project - related activities completed at the time of application submittal. Such
activities may include architectural studies or plans, preservation planning activities, archaeological
research accomplished such as research design or previous excavation or site assessment work, or
museum exhibit research and design. Should they have already been completed, your printed
architectural project schematics or construction documents or your museum exhibit research and design
schematics must be uploaded in the Support Materials section of this application. You cannot be
reimbursed for any work that is completed before the grant period begins.
Activity Description Date CostNalue Delete
4. Operating Forecast (Maximum characters 500)*
Describe source(s) of funding for necessary maintenance, program support, and /or additional expenses
warranted to sustain the proposed project after the grant period.
F — Property Information
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
1. Property Ownership.*
Enter name of the Property Owner and choose the appropriate owner type. If applicant is not the owner
of the property, the applicant must secure Property Owner concurrence. The applicant shall provide a
letter from the Property Owner that documents that the applicant has the permission of the Property
Owner of record to conduct the proposed project on the owner's property and that the Property Owner is
in concurrence with this application for grant funding. This letter shall be uploaded in the Support
Materials section of this application.
1.1. Does your organization own the property ?*
• Yes
• No
1.2. Property Owner*
1.3. Type of Ownership*
o Non -profit Organization
2. Threats or Endangerment (Maximum characters 1500)*
Discuss the immediate endangerment to the historic property, including existing or potential threats of
loss or damage to the property, site, or information, as consequence of issues such as inaction,
deterioration, mass movement, impending demolition, or encroaching development Documentation
material, such as newspaper articles or public notices, are to be uploaded in the Support Materials
section of this application.
G — Protection and Impact
1. Local Protection*
Indicate the level(s) of local protection currently afforded the project historic property or site and upload
a copy of the local protection documents in the Support Materials section of this application.
1.1. Local Protection Level(s)*
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
2. Annual Visitation*
2.1. What is the estimated or anticipated Annual Visitation for the project property or
2.2. What is the basis of these estimates? (Maximum characters 200)*
3. Anticipated Economic Impact (Maximum characters 1500)*
Explain the direct economic impact this project will have on the surrounding community. Include any
information regarding number of jobs it will provide, if known.
4. Benefit to Minorities and the Disabled (Maximum characters 1500)*
Describe any direct benefit the project will have on minority groups and /or the disabled. Include any
alterations to the site that will make the site more accessible to the public. If project includes media
content, describe accessibility methods to be used (e.g. voice over, closed captioning, etc.)
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
Local Ordinance Design Review
Preservation or Conservation Easement
Protective /Restrictive Covenant
Maintenance Agreement
2. Annual Visitation*
2.1. What is the estimated or anticipated Annual Visitation for the project property or
2.2. What is the basis of these estimates? (Maximum characters 200)*
3. Anticipated Economic Impact (Maximum characters 1500)*
Explain the direct economic impact this project will have on the surrounding community. Include any
information regarding number of jobs it will provide, if known.
4. Benefit to Minorities and the Disabled (Maximum characters 1500)*
Describe any direct benefit the project will have on minority groups and /or the disabled. Include any
alterations to the site that will make the site more accessible to the public. If project includes media
content, describe accessibility methods to be used (e.g. voice over, closed captioning, etc.)
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
5. Educational Benefits and Public Awareness (Maximum characters 1500)*
Explain how the proposed project will educate the public on issues related to historic preservation,
Florida history, and /or heritage preservation.
H — Support Materials
1. Non - Profit Status*
Choose file: I Upload file
2. Substitute W -9 Form (available at DFS website https : / /*
Choose file: I Upload file
3. Documentation of Confirmed Match*
Consult the program Guidelines for suitable documentation evidencing match
( /grants /)
Choose file: I Upload file
4. Letters of Support*
Choose file: Upload file
5. Photographs*
Choose file: Upload file
6. Representative Image*
Upload a single representative image of the property or project that will be used in the application review
meeting. For historic properties, this should be an image of the front of the building.
Choose file: I Upload file
7. Architectural Drawings (for Development Projects only, if available)
Choose file: I Upload file
8. Appraisal(s) and Purchase Documents (for Acquisition Projects only)*
If your appraisal values the property at more than $500,000, submit a second appraisal with the first, togel
with all required purchase documents, as one file.
Choose file: I Upload file
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
9. Archaeological Supporting Documents (for Archaeological Research Projects only)*
Curricula vitae for principal investigator and other key personnel.
Choose file: I Upload file
10. Exhibit Supporting Documents (for Museum Exhibit Projects only)*
Include curriculum vitae for all key project research and exhibit development personnel, if known. If
objects are to be loaned from other institutions /individuals or the exhibit is designed to travel, include
letters of confirmation /commitment.
Choose file: I Upload file
I L Documentation of Threat or Endangerment*
Choose file: I Upload file
12. Local Protection*
Provide copies any documents that provide local protection of the project site as identified in question G. ]
Choose file: I Upload file
13. Owner Concurrence Letter*
Provide a letter that documents that the applicant has the permission of the owner of record (if the Propert
Owner is not the applicant) to conduct the proposed project on the owner's property and that the owner is
concurrence with this application for grant funding. Note that, for other than Acquisition or site - specific
Archaeological Research projects being undertaken by an eligible applicant, the owner must be a Non -prc
Organization or agency of government.
Choose file: I Upload file
14. Optional Materials
Applicants may attach materials not specifically requested by the Division that support the application
To add a support material enter a title and optional description. Then select a file and click the
Upload File button.
Choose file: I Upload file
Description (optional)
Additional details about the support materials that may be helpful to staff or panelists
I — Review and Submit
1. Review and Submit*
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code
r I hereby certify that I am authorized to submit this application on behalf of
and that all information indicated is true and accurate. I acknowledge that my electronic signature below
shall have the same legal effect as my written signature. I am aware that making false statement or
representation to the Department of State constitutes a third degree felony as provided for in s. 817.155,
F.S., punishable as provided for by ss. 775.082, 775.083, and 775.084.
1.1 Signature (enter first and last name)*
Special Category Grant Application (Form DHR002), Effective xx/xxxx
Chapter 1A- 39.001. Florida Administrative Code