Item L4BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: February 20, 2013 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes _No x_ Department: George R. NeuRzent Staff Contact Person/Phone #: T. Colonna 4512 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval of shared goals for our 2013 governing session ITEM BACKGROUND: Once again, I am requesting from my fellow commissioners their interest in projects within their district. We can then look back next November to see what progress we have made on these important projects within our districts. Attached is a list of project submitted from 12 years ago by a previous commission under `goals of interest". PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Attached is a list of projects submitted 12 years ago by a previous commission under goals of interest." CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: INDIRECT COST: DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCE: COST TO COUNTY: BUDGETED: Yes No SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included x Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 7/09 Agenda Backup for Item L-4 On January 7, 2001 then Commissioner, Nora Williams suggested to the board in an agenda item that the Board of Monroe County Commissioners, at the annual November organizational meeting every year, suggest to formulate a list of goals (they can be 1-2-3 year or long-term projects, upon which the board has mutual consensus, and then examine Staffs progress as the year proceeds. I've included in your back-up for review the list of goals suggested by the commission 13 years ago. If you feel as strongly as I do, patience should summarily be removed from staff's recognized code of virtues. I truly believe it is in our constituent's best interest to suggest, as representatives of our districts and this county, quantifiable and measurable goals, objectives. We, the commission and staff, should be graded upon accomplishment, annually. The County Administrator would like to propose and receive, as soon as the appropriate data is received, projects for the upper, middle and lower keys. Projects to run in parallel with long-time ongoing projects such as wastewater, storm water, repaving, etc. If we choose as a commission to take the tactical as well as a strategic approach of proposing and doing projects that we agree upon and that are in the best interest of the environment and economy I feel we can shorten the timeline on providing meaningful community benefits. Let's have annual transparent discussions on these issues of importance. Then... agree to agree rather than agreeing to disagree. Then direct staff to proceed in all due haste. I believe that we can accomplish so much more in a shorter period of time by showing agreement and working together rather than the trench warfare approach of the past. Sincerely, George Neugent Revised 3/99 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ADD -ON Meeting Date. December 13, 2000 Division BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: COMMISSIONER NELSON AGENDA ITEM WORDING. Approval of the Board of County Commissioners to initiate discussions with the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the purpose of reviewing the FEMA Inspection Program and for the County to postpone the implementation of the program for ninety days, until the new County Commission can have an opportunity to review the program with FEMA. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County has entered into an agreement with FEMA which has been promulgated through the code of federal regulations for an insurance inspection program. There is now a new County Commission that has not had the opportunity to work with FEMA on this program and it is appropriate that they have such an opportunity to represent the concerns of the citizens. This is significant because of the five County Commissioners, three are newly elected, and there has been a Florida Circuit Court ruling which could impact the ability of the County to enforce the program, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: As stated above. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval. TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ❑ No ❑ BUDGETED: Yes ❑ No ❑ AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY COUNTY ATTY ❑ OMB/PURCHASING ❑ RISK MANAGEMENT ❑ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DIVISION DIRECTOR NAME: bomMISONEhMURkA_Y NELSON DOCUMENTATION INCLUDED. ❑ TO FOLLOW: ❑ NOT REQUIRED: X DISPOSITION AGENDA ITEM #: ADD -ON List ol'2001 Goals fur the Board of Monroe UountN C•omntissioncrs. 4 A) Restructure COlii1l\ Government for a leaner, more efficient operation. reducing top -heave management positions and saving tax payer dollars. 1 ising good business practices. create a county gm,ernment that is both efficient :AND responsive + 13) Hold,"town meetings" throughout the hey, commwlities 'xith minimal ~tali present at locations requested by constituents. These meetings niav_ be c\ cnim-l" m Saturday mrnnings for grcateat accessibilit}. ! u) Oialw community and highway beautification a priority, sturtin, in Big fine Ker, ,�rrnd create a Commission position responsible for progress on this issue, and consideretting redevelopment standards that reflect local community character D) il'rul) rill ('rnnmu111Kc,i's"I1('PIn-oicrl 117 13ii, Pine (r1rc1 begin ('on1n1r1n1K(w.s 1nrogrunls elseii'ltere. Follow community directions provided in the CommuniKeys program for creation of community greenspace, conservation areas and recreation needs. (For those ol'you who are not yet familiar with the ConununiKcys program. this is a series of public forums that take place in each area of the Keys, which %ti ill present to us the community's consensus, to the extent that there is one, for future direction for their community. We've thus far had a great turn -out for the beginning of this process in the Rig Pine Key area, and are starting up the next area in Tavernier.) I,;) ,Set up a budget workshop in Marchrfor us to get together and discuss our goals r for the year. Traditionally, we have met individually with the County Administrator in the spring, at the start of the budget season, to discuss our issues. With the budget being such a concern for so many of us, it seems wiser for us to get together. C F) Work to streamline the building permit process without spitting on the Comp Plan: offer more consistent, caster and more reliable service. Set up a means for measurement of progress. Set up an extensive post card system that -Vvill provide homeowners and contractors with a reasonable Nvay to complete small projects in an efficient manner. G) Find ways to make ROGO points more accessible to the less wealthy so that nee\ construction is more possible for the working people of the county: While we have made some progress on this is in the past two years, there are a host of additional steps we could consider this year, including points or portions of'points for xeriscaped native landscaping (and perhaps for not lining yards with plastic. or not using exotics), fur clearing less of a property than allowed, etc. 6P 11) Get a grant program in place to keep %%astc\%atcr pro.1ccts I'm nI drivIllg out Lill of our citiZenS. l Ise all of' the power ol' the County C'OI111111SSIon, State and Federal Representatives. Senators, and the President of the I Inited Statcs to Lind nlatchinil) l'unds for oul vv astewater proiccts 1) JWocate the provision ol'municipal services into areas actually served, \%Ith particular emphasis on Public Works and Growth Management Pro\ ide a cent] al service area for Key Largo. Decisions upon llm� cxtcnsl\CIN to Inlplcnlcnt thls goal should be influenced by cost/benefit analysis. I) Move the offices of'C'ountN Conlnlissioners into the district served (with approval ol'the impacted Count), C'oininissloner) K) Continue our work to address thc,,affordable housing crisis, includillg consideration ol'fieing affordable housing to future commercial development. avoiding, gentrification ol�the existing alfordahlc housing stock, redeveloping --- existing properties for affordable housing. etc. Make sure we break ground on our Key Largo affordable housing project this year. else mechanisms sorb as land trusts, private illWSUnent, the Monroe County band Authority and Habitat for Humanity to provide housinso for our teachers, police, firefighters, tourist industrN workers, and our children graduating Ii-onl high school who are entering the work force I.) Address the issue of the commercial moratorium to provide Sonic support and relief'to our existing businesses, including expansion to meet code I-CClllii'emelltS and handicap access. M) Renew our commitment to the expenditure of' Infrastructure Sales Tax fiends to benefit unincorporated Monroe County. t/ N) Create a County Commission liaison with our State Representative to maxinu/c grants and state actions. 0) Board ol'County Commissioners to initiate discussion With FEMA for the purpose of reviewing the FEMA inspection program and to postpone the implementation of the program for 90 days. I') Promote the Florida Keys Marathon Airport and expand its services. Q) I Ipdate and simplify, to the extent possible, County Codes. R) Work to submit agenda items and back-up materials as computer dOCtllnent5, in hopes of eventually presenting such materials on the web ul a timely fashion prior to meetings. S) Make water reuse a priority, even if only for limited park and median use, where cost-effective or where costs are not excessively burdensome for local citizens. "C) Get BOCC meeting minutes posted online immediately after their approval at the following BOCC meeting..(Catch up on Year 2000 immediately!) c ^M1 To: Nora Williams From: George Neugent 1. Continue to move forward with the in -place effort on wastewater, stormwater with emphasis on water reuse. 2. Restructuring local government with continued downsizing to reduce the cost of operation of Monroe County Government. I Completion of Communikeys Project and Habitat Conservation Plan for Big Pine & No Name Key. 4. Determine from voters, residents and property owners as to what the future commitment of the residents is to land acquisition for protecting community character of unincorporated Monroe County. 5. Establish a more logistically located serrvice center for unincorporated Monroe County. 6. Highway beautification through -out Monroe County starting in Big Pine Key. 7. Finalize the structuring of Fire and EMS. 8. Land acquisition for Big Pine Key Park 9. Big Pine Key Swimming Hole land lease with DEP for park. For the BOCC's consideration George Neugent Comm Murray Nelson -2- Reawm to bequest <t 90 Day Stay 6. Loss of "A" zone downstairs enclosures will severely impact housing for our police, firemen, teachers, tourist industry workers and our low income minority workers and prevent them from finding appropriate living quarters. This would cause an exodus of our working citizens, threatening our economic vitality. 7. The Florida Keys has very little land to build affordable housing to replace removed downstairs enclosures, unlike Texas and Louisiana which create 40% of all repeated flood loss claims. 8. That the counties in Florida that account for the majority of flood claims are all located on the west coast of Florida and are not treated in the same negative manner as the Florida Keys. 9. That only homes and businesses located in "V" zones should be subject to inspection as they represent the only property that is subject to wave action. F FGMA90DAY, 12/12/00 Commissioner Murray Nelson Plantation Key Govt. Center 88820 Overseas highway Tavernier FL 33070 PI (305) 852-7175 FAX (305) 852-7162 Reasons to Request a 90-Day Stay 1. Judge Payne has ruled that the County has no authority to mandate removal of illegal downstairs enclosures that were built prior to 1996. 2. That the current Monroe County commissioners do not understand and ------------- are not a party to the existing PEMA mandate. 3. Homes in flood zones should have the same right to flood proof their downstairs enclosures as commercial owners do. 4. It is an economical reality that it is cheaper to obtain alternate insurance on an illegal enclosure that is rented for low cost housing, than to pay for removal and lose the supplemental income. 5. The cost to Monroe County to implement the inspection program will be an enormous disservice on taxpayers already burdened by additional taxes for waste water, storm water and higher property values with little result in the removal of downstairs enclosures. Commissioner Murray Nelson Plantation Key Govt. Center 88820 Overseas Highway Tavernier, PL 33070 PH (305) 852-7175 FAX (305) 852-7162 Recommended FEMA Advisory Board 1. Monroe County Commissioners Murray Nelson & Dixie Spehar 2. State Representative Ken Sorenson 3. U.S. Representative Peter Deutsch 4. U.S. Senator Bob Graham 5. U.S. Senator Bill Nelson 6. Governor Jeb Bush 7. Islamorada Mayor Jim Mooney 8. Marathon Mayor Bob Miller 9. Key West Mayor Jimmy Weekley 1 O.Key Colony Beach Mayor Ed Sheahan 11.Layton Mayor Carol MacLaren 12.Ocean Reef Club PAC David Ritz 13.Monroe County Administrator Jim Roberts 14.Monroe County Attorney Jim Hendrick