1st Change Order 05/31/2018Key West International Airport Monroe County NIP Pilot Project Project No. GAKAP152 CHANGE ORDER PROJECT: NIP Pilot Project TO (Contractor): Kenmar General Contracting, LLC 1209 Truman Avenue, Unit # 1 Key West, FL 33040 CHANGE ORDER NO.: 1 INITIATED ON: May 21, 2018 CONTRACT: GAKAP 152 CONTRACT DATE: September 27, 2017 05/ 18 You are hereby authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in this Contract: Kenmar Contracting, LLC is requesting this time due to the time it is taking to procure the drywell cast iron rings and covers to complete the installation of the system, to complete the Architect's required corrections to the condensate lines, and the final cleanup to the landscaping for the completion of the work at 2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd. The original Contract Sum ............................... Net change by previously approved Change Orders......... The Contract Sum will be unchanged by this Change Order ...................... The new Contract Sum including this Change Order willbe ............................................... The Contract Time will be increased by ........................................ $ 2,012,570.39 $ N/A $ N/A $ 2,012,570.39 90 CALENDAR DAYS Signature of the Contractor indicates agreement with the terms of this Change Order, including any adjustment in the Contract Sum and/or the Contract Time. Adjusted cost and time include all direct, indirect and impact costs and time for delays, disruption, inefficiency, acceleration and all other claims. I C Ve's C f" RECOMMENDED: AGREED TO: THC IM Key West International Airport Kenmar General Contracting, LLC 5112 Date By Date AUTHORIZED: 3491 South Roosevelt Bl KeyAVd t, FL 3,40 Date R v, Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes ® No ❑ If Yes, explanation: Kenmar General Contracting, LLC is requesting this time due to delays caused by the time it is taking to procure the drywell cast iron rings and covers to complete the installation of the system, to complete the Architect's required corrections to the condensate lines, and the final cleanup to the landscaping for the completion of the work at 2601 S. Roosevelt Blvd. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes ❑ No If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds $25,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes ❑ No If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect approves the change order. Yes ® No ❑ If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes ❑No Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes ❑ No Explain: