Resolution 162-2001 Board of County Commissioners RESOLUTION NO. 162 - 2001 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA FOR GLOBAL WARMING RESPONSE PLAN WHEREAS, there is increasingly convincing scientific evidence that global warming is occurring and is caused by the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation; and WHEREAS, greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are at the highest level in 400,000 years, and the ten hottest years on record have occurred since 1980; and WHEREAS, 79'0 of Florida's rapidly increasing population live in coastal counties extremely vulnerable to sea-level rise; and WHEREAS, sea-level rise is happening now and may double in speed as a result of global warming; and WHEREAS, Florida's economy and quality of life are highly dependent on tourism, recreation, and agriculture and, as a result, will be significantly affected by coral reef damage, drought and wildfire, severe storms, and other impacts of global warming; and WHEREAS, adopting common sense energy efficiency and renewable energy measures will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby benefiting communities by saving money, protecting local environments, and creating jobs; and WHEREAS, further delay in taking action will expose Florida's citizens to unnecessary costs and risks; and WHEREAS, twenty-five other states have or are developing global warming action plans to protect their citizens and identify cost-effective options that reduce greenhouse gas pollution; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1. Florida's Governor and Cabinet should instruct the relevant agencies to develop a FLORIDA GLOBAL WARMING ACTION PLAN that: 1) sets specific greenhouse gas emission reduction goals and is an integral component of a comprehensive clean energy plan for Florida, and 2) identifies strategies to minimize the risks posed by sea-level rise and other global warming effects. Section 2. The United States government should provide international leadership in negotiating refinements to the Kyoto Protocol rules that ensure the treaty will be environmentally effective, fair, and enforceable by committing to substantial reductions I domestic greenhouse gas emissions. Section 3. Elected officials should endorse the Earth Day 2000 Clean Energy Agenda which calls for clean air, clean power, clean cars, and clean investments through a nationwide transition to energy efficiency and renewable energy. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of April, 2001. Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tem Nora Williams Commissioner Murray Nelson missioner Dixie Spehar ioner Charles McCoy ~ ~ yes yes yes yes yes .KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ~~ ,e< !t-~d- Mayor tlalrperson - c.A~~ Deputy Clerk jdresglobewarm 0 \D ~t a:::: .::r LLJ 0 ~..::: ,,J U sa < I.. W ::X:. . >= a::: ::E: -1(.)1- ex: 8c::% c:: ,,". - :::> C) II') .(,)0 u... ".J .u ~_:::c:w c :z: ::.,......Jo LU => ::;: U 0:: . -, :.:;: :z: ~ o 0 w_ e :::E AWiOVEO AS TO FORM G Y