Item B1 3.12 Recreation & Open Space Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update 3.12 RECREATION AND OPEN SPACE GOAL 1201 Monroe County shall provide a recreation and open space system to conserve valuable natural resources and to provide recreational opportunities adequate to serve the present and future population of Monroe County, including permanent residents and visitors. [9J 5.014(3)(a)} N 163.3177(6)(e), F.S] Objective 1201.1 Monroe County shall ensure that at the time a development permit is issued, adequate park and recreation lands and facilities are available to serve the development at the adopted level of service standards concurrent with the impacts of such development. [9J 5.013(2)(b)3} Policy 1201.1.1 Monroe County hereby adopts the following level of service standards to achieve Objective 1201.1, and shall use these standards as the basis for determining recreation land and facility capacity: Level of Service Standards for Neighborhood and Community Parks: 1. 4.821_5 acres per 1000 functional population of passive, resource -based neighborhood and community parks; and 2. 9:821_5 acres per 1000 functional population of activity -based neighborhood and community parks within each of the Upper Keys, Middle Keys, and Lower Keys subareas. {9J 5.011(3)(c)1} Policy 1201.1.2 Monroe County hereby adopts the following - standards Recreational Guidelines as goal levels of scrvicegoals. They shall be used as advisory guidelines only, and shall not be used for concurrency purposes. Goal Levels of Service for SpecificGoals for Recreational Facilities: 1. one (1) baseball /softball field for every 75,000 functional population; 2. one (1) tennis court for every 62,000 functional population; 3. one (1) equipped play area for every 10,000 functional population; 4. one (1) picnic area for every -146,000 functional population; awl 5. one (1) mile of recreational (sandy) beach shoreline for every 100,000 functional population;. Recreation and Open Space Element 1 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Thcsc goal levels of service shall be applied to each of the Upper, Middle and Lower Keys subareas. [9J 5.014(3)(c)4} 6. one (1) football /rugby /soccer field for every 6,000 functional population; 7. one (1) basketball court for every 5,000 functional population; 8. one (1) volleyball court for every 6,000 functional population; 9. one (1) racketball /handball court for every 10,000 functional population; 10. one (1) nine hole golf facility for every 25,000 population and eighteen hole golf facility for every 50,000 functional population; 11. one (1) swimming pool for every 25,000 functional population:, 12. one (1) boat ramp for every 5,000 functional population; 13. one (1) mile bicycling for every 5,000 functional population; 14. one (1) acre of camping area for every 6,750 functional population; 15. 800 linear feet of non -boat fishing for every 5,650 functional population; 16. one (1) physical exercise course for every 15,000 functional population; and 17. one (1) mile hiking /nature trails for every 6,750 functional population. Policy 1201.1.3 Monroe County shall periodically review and revise the level of service standards and advisory Recreational guidelines Guidelines in policies 1201.1.1 and 1201.1.2 based on the most recent survey of community preferences. •• .. 1101.4.5). The Concurrency Management System shall ensure that no permit) Poliey30 -1,1 5 Monroe County shall review all legal subdivision plats to determine any dedication of property to the County for park lands. Those properties shall be Recreation and Open Space Element 2 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Objective 1201.2 Monroe County shall secure additional acreage for use and/or development of resource - based and activity-based neighborhood and community parks consistent with the adopted level of service standards. [9J 5.011(3)(b)3] Policy 1201.2.1 Land required to eliminate existing deficiencies in neighborhood and community parks shall be made available through one or a combination of the following mechanisms: 1. development of park and recreation facilities on land which is already owned by the County but which is not being used for park and recreation purposes; 2. acquisition of new park sites on a limited basis; 3. interlocal agreements with the Monroe County School Board for use of existing school -based park facilities by county residents; 4. interlocal agreements with incorporated cities within Monroe County for use of existing city-owned park facilities by county residents; 5. intergovernmental agreements with agencies of the state and federal governments for use of existing publicly -owned lands or facilities by county residents; and 6. long -term lease arrangements or joint use agreements with private entities for use of private park facilities by county residents. The same mechanisms shall be used for purposes of providing adequate land to satisfy the demand for parks and recreation facilities resulting from future residential development. {9J 5.011(3)(c)2 and 5] Monroe County shall not rely upon joint use facilities to eliminate existing deficiencies or meet future LOS requirements until interlocal, intergovernmental, or private joint use agreements are executed which demonstrate that the facilities will be available for general use to Monroe County residents to meet peak season, weekend, or time of day recreation demands. [9J 5.013(3)(c)2 and 5} Policy 1201.2.2 By January 4, 1998, Monroe County shall continue to identify potential sites which could be used for the provision of park and recreation facilities. These shall include: Recreation and Open Space Element 3 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update 1 sites which could be used to correct or improve existing parks and recreation deficiencies; and 2. sites which could be used for development of future neighborhood and community parks to serve the anticipated needs of the future population. Candidate sites shall include neighborhood and community parks already owned by Monroe County and sites as listed above in Policy 1201.2.1. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2} Policy 1201.2.3 Priority shall be given to locating new neighborhood and community parks in communities which demonstrate the greatest deficiencies in parks and recreation. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5} Policy 1201.2.4 In selecting sites for future activity -based neighborhood and community parks, Monroe County shall give priority to sites which have been previously disturbed or scarified. The County shall avoid acquiring sites for activity -based parks which will result in involve potential disturbances to sensitive natural resources including but not limited to: 1. high quality undisturbed pineland and hammock vegetation; 2. documented habitat of species designated as rare or endangered by the state and federal governments; 3. undisturbed beach /berm; and 4. undisturbed mangrove, salt marsh, buttonwood and freshwater wetlands. When park sites are acquired which include sensitive natural resources, then the park master plan (See Policy 1201.3.6-5 and 1201.3.87) and the spark management plan (See Policy 1201.-147.2-1 and 1201. -1- 1-7.32) shall designate such areas for passive recreation and shall avoid potential adverse impacts of park development and use upon those resources. [9J 5.011(3)(c)2, 3 and 5} Polley - -- Recreation and Open Space Element 4 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Policy 1201.245 Funding for land acquisition for county -owned neighborhood and community parks shall be obtained from a combination of federal, State and local and-state funding sources, including but not limited to: 1. Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program; 2. Preservation 2000 Trust Fund 3. 4. Conservation and Recreation Lands (CARL) Program; 2. Florida Forever; 3. Florida Communities Trust; 54. Land and Water Conservation Fund; 6:5. Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery (UPARR) Action Grants; 6. Federal Highway Administration National Scenic Byways Program; 7. local funds made available from fair share community park user and impact fees for growth- related needs (paid pursuant to the Monroe County Land Development 'Code); and 8. local funds as may be made available through special appropriation by the BOCC. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5] Polii part of the Monroe County Natural Heritage and Park Program. (See Future Land Use Objective 102.1 and related policies.) [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 51 <The Remainder of This Pate Intentionally Left Blank> Recreation and Open Space Element 5 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Objective 1201.3 Monroe County shall make available adequate and accessible active recreation facilities at county -owned resource -based and community -based neighborhood and community parks consistent with the adopted level of service standards and the Eerency management system. [9J 5.011(3)(b)3 }Recreational Guidelines. Policy 1201.3.1 Programming for active recreation facilities at neighborhood and community parks shall reflect the needs and desires of residents living within the service areas of such parks. Public input into facilities programming shall be solicited through neighborhood public participation programs designed to identify local preferences for specific types of recreational facilities. {9J 5.014(3)(c)5} Policy 1201.3.2 Priority shall be given to developing active recreation facilities at neighborhood and community parks which are not currently served with such facilities. {94- 5.014(3)(c)5} : • • ' , • • :, .. - y shall complete a master plan for each • • , Policy 1201.3.43 A park mastcr plan shall be completed for all new neighborhood and community parks by September 30th of thewithin one (1) year following the acquisition of real property or rights therein for purposes of outdoor recreation. Exceptions shall occur when park master plans are required as a condition of an intergovernmental agreement, interlocal agreement, joint use agreement or long -term lease arrangement; in such instances the park master plan shall be prepared prior to acquisition of property rights to serve outdoor recreation. [9J 5.014(3)(c)3 and 5] Policy 1201.3.64 Park taster plans shall be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies established in the following: 1. the Monroe County 1Parks and Recreation Master Plan (upon its adoption by the BOCC) (Scc Objective 1201.10); and 2. the Future Land Use and Conservation and Coastal Management Elements of the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan. {9J 5.014(3)(c)3 and 5] Policy 1201.3.65 Park master plans shall address the following issues: 1. public uses and facilities; Recreation and Open Space Element 6 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update 2. public access; 3. compatibility with adjacent land uses; 4. waterwaysN163.3177(6)(e)., F.S1: 5. types of recreational uses; 6. protection of sensitive natural resources; and 7. restoration of disturbed lands. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2, 3 and 5] Policy 1201.3.76 For parks which include beaches and shoreline areas, park master plans shall provide for the maintenance and /or improvement of existing levels of beach and shore access. The park mastcr plan shall , and be consistent withaddressed in the Monroc County Public Access Plan.parks and recreation management and maintenance plan. (See Conservation and Coastal Management Objective 213214.1.1.) [9J 5.014(3)(c)3 and 5} Policy 1201.3.87 Park mastcr plans shall be designed so as to avoid and /or mitigate adverse impacts of park use upon sensitive natural resources. Such areas include, but are not limited to the following: 1. high quality undisturbed pineland and hammock vegetation; 2. documented habitat of species designated as rare or endangered by the state and federal governments; 3. undisturbed beach /berm; and 4. undisturbed mangrove, salt marsh, buttonwood and freshwater wetlands. Public use shall be directed away from or minimized in such areas through controlled access and limitations on permitted activities. {9J 5.011(3)(c)3 and 5} Policy 1201.3.98 Park der plans shall-: 1. identify areas of disturbed wetlands as potential wetlands mitigation sites (See Conservation and Coastal Management Objective 201.3 and related policies.) {9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5} Recreation and Open Space Element 7 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update 2. include provisions for the removal of invasive, exotic vegetation; and f9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5} 3. Park master plans shall specify the use of native vegetation for landscaping and for restoration of areas from which invasive, exotic vegetation is removed. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 51 Policy 1201.3.9 (Previously Objective 1201.6) Monroe County shall continue to ensure access to publicly -owned recreation and open space areas and accessible facilities, including beach and shoreline areas, for all Monroe County residents and visitors. <The Remainder of This Page Intentionally Left Blank> Recreation and Open Space Element 8 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Obj c 120 4 5 and Rcfugc Land Use District. [9J 5.014(3)(c)1} s hall be reassigned to the Park and Rcfugc Land Use District. [9J 5.011(3)(c)1] Pelt land me i 0 0st bF Fegu4atieftst v o • • Recreation and Open Space Element 9 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update county with maintaining adopted levels of service for parks and recreation facilities. [9J 5.011(3)(b)2} • I , Recreation and Open Space Element 10 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update O c 120 6 • . .. 4, 1 S • " :t .. - - - -- . - - - - - ' ncighborhood and community parks (Sec Policies 1201.3.3 through 1201.3.11). These ' - 1201.11 and related policies.) [9J 5.014(3)(c)3} By January 1, 1998, Monroc County shall complete a Public Access Plan for . _ - ..- e:•--• . . - . policies.) [9J 5.014(3)(c)3} Policy 1201.10.1). This Plan shall, among other items, evaluate the need for and with one another as well as with residential arcas. (Sec Objective 1201.10) [9J 5.011(3)(c)3} Recreation and Open Space Element 11 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Objective 1201.44 Monroe County shall implement an ongoing coordination program with community groups and commercial enterprises owning private recreational facilities to make available such facilities for use by county residents. {9J 5.011(3)(b)2 and 1 M 163.3177(6)(e), F.S] By January 1, 1998, Monroe County shall develop standard writtcn agreements for summer recreation programs at destination resorts, private recreation clubs, groups on a regular annual basis. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5] Policy 1201.74.31 Monroe County shall encourage the use of privately -owned parks and recreation facilities for public recreation purposes - . • . . [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5), Policy 1201.74.32 Monroe County shall encourage, and provide planning assistance to, community groups and commercial enterprises to develop and maintain private recreational facilities consistent with County design guidelines. The County shall provide County aAssistance efforts shall be directed to areas where: 1. there is an existing deficit of activity -based neighborhood and community parks; and 2. there are no future opportunities for public recreation sites. <The Remainder of This Pape Intentionally Left Blank> Recreation and Open Space Element 12 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Objective 1201.85 Monroe County shall implement an ongoing coordination program with other city, state and federal governmental agencies to make city, state and federally -owned parks and recreational facilities available for use by county residents. {9J 5.011(3)(b)2 and 1 [§163 .3177(6)(e), F.S] Policy 1201.85.1 Monroe County shall enter into wand /or maintain interlocal agreementagreements, as necessary, with the Monroe County School Board wil -lto provide for the use of school -based recreation areas by county residents when students are not present. This agrccment These agreements shall set forth responsibilities for maintenance, expansion and operating hours at school -based facilities which will be made available for use by county residents. This agreement, and shall be reviewed on an annual basis. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5} Policy 1201.85.2 Monroe County, . - - ' . _ ! .. -- - , : • . -: • : - ' .: • locations, for the usc of existing state recreational facilities. The County shall also encourage thc construction of and participate in thc planning of new into an interlocal agreement with DNR. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5} shall continue to coordinate with State and federal entities for the potential use of State and federal lands. owned lands, and shall strive to secure the usc of new facilities for County facilities proposed for use by County residents. If ncccssary, the County shall enter into an interlocal agrccment with thc U.S. Navy. [9J 5.011(3)(c)2 and 5] Policy $.4 ' - - - . , - . - - ' - ! .. -- - - , • . . • - . ' . • Service (NPS) to determine the potential for use of NPS owned parcels for Recreation and Open Space Element 13 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update residents, such as reduced fees or special use permits for certain times or locations, for the use of cxisting NPS recreational facilities. The County shall facilities on NPS owned lands, if County residents were guaranteed a high priority in access to the facilities. If necessary, the County shall enter into an intcrlocal agreement with the NPS. [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5} Policy 1201.85.53 Monroe County through its Planning Department Staff /Scenic Highway . - . - , • . • -- - • .. - _ -- .. - will assist the Florida Keys Scenic Corridor Management entity and the Florida Department of Transportation in the implementation of the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Corridor Management Plan. (Ord. 022 -2009) • -- <The Remainder of This Page Intentionally Left Blank> Recreation and Open Space Element 14 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Objective 1201.16 By January 4, 1998Within two (2) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County shall establiskupdate and - : .: adopt a Parks parks and Reereatieff-recreation Department. [9J 5.014(3)(b)3]master plan. Policy .1 By January 1, 1998, there shall be an intordivisional agreement between the • . - Department. [9J 5.011(3)(c)1 to 5] By January 1, 1998, the BOCC, in cooperation with the Monroc County Public Monroe County Parks and Recreation Department. [9J 5.014(3)(c)1 to 5] Policy 1201.9.3 Until such time as the Monroc County Parks and Recreation Department is organized, planning and management of county owncd parks and recreation Division of Public Works, respectively. [9J 5.014(3)(c)1 to 5] Obi 1 201 > 0 By December 31, 2003, Monroe County shall complete a Parks and Recreation Plan. [9J 5.014(2)(b)1 to 4} Policy -1-20-14-0A-1201.6.1 The Monroe County Parks and Recreation Master Plan shall efkilfessupdate the following issues: 1. inventory of recreation lands and facilities; 2. demand for recreation lands and facilities; 3. level of service standards and recreational guidelines; 4. development and acquisition; 5. public surveys; 4.6.public participation programs; and 7.public access;-a 4 management and maintenance. [9J 5.011(3)(c)5} Recreation and Open Space Element 15 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Po the demand for recreation lands and facilities as determined through the public <The Remainder of This Page Intentionally Left Blank> Recreation and Open Space Element 16 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update Objective 1201.447 Monroe County shall manage all park and recreation facilities for which it has assumed management responsibility, according to management plans. [9J 5.011(3)(b)1 and 2} Policy 1201.447.1 Beginning in 1998Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County shall prepare a --parka Parks and recreation Recreation Master Maintenance and Management Plan (MMP).plans. These plans . The MMP shall of each year. They shall beevaluate and incorporate, among other factors, the following: 1. Proper management techniques consistent with the current county updated Future Land Use, Recreation and Open Space and Conservation and Coastal Management Elements Objective 210.1 and related policies). [9J 5.014(3)(c)3 and 5 }i 2. Restoration of disturbed wetland areas; 3. The removal of exotic species; 4. Regular evaluation of recreation sites including planting and maintenance of native species; 5. Regular evaluation of recreation facilities including recreational equipment and amenities; and 6. General maintenance requirements and costs. +- - •. (See Objective 1201.10); and the Monroe County Ycar 2010 Comprehensive Plan. [9J 5.011(3)(c)3 and 5} Policy 1201.147.32 The MMP shall be designed so a:,include provisions to avoid and /or mitigate adverse impacts of park use upon sensitive natural resources. Such areas include, but are not limited to the following: 1. high quality undisturbed pineland and hammock vegetation; 2. documented habitat of species designated as rare or endangered by the state and federal governments; Recreation and Open Space Element 17 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update 3. undisturbed beach /berm (particularly turtle nesting beaches); and 4. undisturbed mangrove, salt marsh, buttonwood and freshwater wetlands. Public use shall be directed away from or minimized in such areas through controlled access and limitations on permitted activities. [9J 5.011(3)(c)3 and 5} Policy 1201.447.43 For parks which include beaches and shoreline areas, he MMP shall provide for the maintenance and /or improvement of existing levels of beach and shore access. [9J 5.014(3)(c)3 and 5} Policy 204.3.2.) [9J 5.014(3)(c)2 and 5] Policy 1201.447.64 The MMP shall include provisions for removal of invasive, exotic vegetation. (See Conservation and Coastal Management Element Objective 210.1 and policies.) [9J 5.011(3)(c)2 and 5] Policy 1201.447.75 The MMP shall specify the use of native vegetation for landscaping and for restoration of areas from which invasive, exotic vegetation is removed. [Policy 9J 5.011(3)(c)2 and 51 <The Remainder of This Pape Intentionally Left Blank> Recreation and Open Space Element 18 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update nbl c 120 > 2 102.9 and related policies.) [9J 5.01 /1(3)(b)1 and 2] Recreation and Open Space Element 19 Keith and Schnars, P.A. Comprehensive Plan: Jan. 2015