Item C1 3.15 Energy & Climate Monroe County Comprehensive Plan Update
GOAL 1501
Monroe County shall coordinate with the municipalities of Key West, Key Colony Beach,
Islamorada, Layton and Marathon; regional, State, and federal government agencies,
nongovernmental organizations and private organizations to exchange data and develop
coordinated strategies to address energy conservation and impacts from climate change.
Objective 1501.1
Monroe County shall coordinate and collaborate with municipalities and other public and
private entities to address energy conservation strategies and unique climate change
impacts, including adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Policy 1501.1.1
Monroe County shall maintain existing mechanisms for exchange of ideas and
data, and participate in new forums, to facilitate comprehensive and coordinated
strategies promoting energy conservation and addressing climate change impacts.
Policy 1501.1.2
Monroe County will participate in cooperative efforts such as the Southeast
Florida Regional Climate Change Compact in order to maximize efforts to
facilitate the exchange of ideas and data and coordinate policies promoting energy
conservation and climate change resilience.
Policy 1501.1.3
Monroe County will continue to coordinate with, and seek the support of, other
counties and State agencies such as the South Florida Water Management District,
South Florida Regional Planning Council, and State partners, to ensure that the
latest data and approaches to energy conservation and climate change resilience
are available to the County.
Policy 1501.1.4
Monroe County shall seek the support of agencies, such as the National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS),
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the U.S. Department of
Interior, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), as well as universities and
not - for - profit organizations to coordinate support for updating, exchanging and
analyzing data regarding potential changes in climate change vulnerability.
Policy 1501.1.5
Monroe County will support local and regional modeling and monitoring
programs, as resources permit, to assure the most current locally specific data is
considered in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code
updates. This may include but is not be limited to programs designed to monitor
surface water quality (including temperature), sea level rise, hydrologic and
geologic conditions, groundwater quality and levels, precipitation and
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groundwater withdrawals from resources that the County depends upon (including
those outside County lines). The County shall make such data available to the
publ ic.
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Objective 1501.2
Recognizing the critical role of Monroe County to promote awareness on energy and
climate issues, the County shall encourage collaborative intergovernmental practices that
serve as a model for the municipalities and other entities to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions (GHGEs) by at least 20% below the 2005 levels by 2020. Monroe County shall
measure progress towards achieving reductions for its own facilities and operations every
five years.
Policy 1501.2.1
Monroe County shall promote the adoption of policies and strategies across all
County departments to reduce GHGEs and become more resilient to the impacts
of climate change. Monroe County shall employ such strategies as establishing
video conferencing capabilities to allow residents and employees to participate in
meetings without having to drive long distances; evaluating the feasibility for
installation of renewable energy systems on County owned facilities; and
increasing the use of alternatively fueled vehicles.
Policy 1501.2.2
Within one (1) year after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall develop a procurement policy that incorporates energy saving
principles for its own buildings, facilities and services.
Policy 1501.2.3
Monroe County shall share information and technical data regarding the most
efficient technologies to minimize GHGEs with other agencies and utilities
operating within Monroe County.
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GOAL 1502
Monroe County shall incorporate the best available data and science, into its policy and planning
decisions for infrastructure, recognizing the uncertainty associated with long range climate
change predictions.
Objective 1502.1
In conjunction with future updates to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan and land
development regulations, the County shall update the data and assumptions related to
climate change impacts to infrastructure based on the latest scientific predictions and
observed (monitored) impacts. Monroe County shall also consider climate change
impacts such as increased temperatures, sea level rise, potentially shifting habitat and
ecosystem types and the need to withstand increased storm surge in evaluating public
infrastructure decisions.
Policy 1502.1.1
Prior to incorporating a new project to the Capital Improvements Element,
Monroe County shall assure that it is reviewed for recommendations to increase
resiliency and account for the impacts from climate change, including but not
limited to, sea level rise go sW rn stirtalMonroe County shall evaluate financial
expenditures to fund repairs, reconditioning of deteriorating infrastructure and
new infrastructure improvements within or proximate to vulnerable areas to
manage public investments appropriately. Monroe County shall focus on level of
service standards, as one of the points of analysis, to assure that infrastructure
useful life and service expectations can be met in the face of climate change
Policy 1502.1.2
In the capital improvements planning process infrastructure decisions shall
consider the most energy efficient technologies available. This analysis shall
include the useful life of the infrastructure and the cost savings related to reduced
energy needs, operations and maintenance saved from such efficiency goals.
Polio 1502.1.3
Within five (5) ve after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall identify actions to promote and support increased energy efficiency
measures and the proportion of electricity generated by alternative and renewable
energy, including, but not limited to solar, wind, biofuels and other sources.
Monroe County shall incorporate these actions into its facilities and operations as
well as its fleet. Monroe County shall coordinate with Florida Keys Electric
Cooperative and Keys Energy.
Polio 1502.1.4
after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall identify criteria to define adaptation action areas (AAA), or a similar
concept to be defined by the County, which may include infrastructure. Within
five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County
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shall identify proposed adaptation action areas (AAA), or a similar concept to be
defined by the County. Pursuant to Chapter 163, F.S., AAA are those areas that
experience coastal flooding due to extreme high tides and storm surge, and that
are vulnerable to the related impacts of rising sea levels for the purpose of
prioritizing funding for infrastructure needs and adaptation planning. In the
AAAs, strategies will be developed to address vulnerabilities from these effects as
well as the rate of impact and available adaptation options. In conjunction with
later updates to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County shall update
existing, or map new, potential impacts of sea -level rise for consideration in long -
termplanning decisions.
Itv .150.2
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall initiate an inventory of existing and planned infrastructure up to the
2030 horizon, based upon the vulnerability mapping identified in Policy 1502.1.4,
for capacity to accommodate projected sea -level rise over the life expectancy of
that infrastructure. Monroe County shall identify the infrastructure within those
areas, its useful life and any retrofits or capital projects necessary to address the
impacts of sea level rise. These state ies ma include defense, accommodation,
or and retreat projects,
to address the impacts of sea level rise. Monroe County will consider
developing design criteria, in conjunction with a broader asset management
planning process.
W ithin five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall consider incorporating a planning, design and permitting standard
for infrastructure and public facilities that may include a sea level rise assumption
of 3 " -7" b 2030 as develo ed by the Southeast Re ional Climate Com act.
Monroe County shall ensure that new, renovated and replacement public facilities
and infrastructure, such as streets and bridges, water and wastewater treatment
plants, police stations and fire stations, and any other public facilities that the
County has authorit over, are desi ed in a manner which considers
life of The County shall also consider the
potential impacts from climate change, including rising sea levels and shoreline
stabilization needs, on its infrastructure and public facilities.
Policy 1502.1.8
Monroe County shall exchange data regarding locally - specific vulnerable areas
and land use strategies /policies with the Florida Department of Transportation, the
U.S. Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration
relative to ferry, airport, transit, bridges and transportation systems.
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Policy 1502.1.9
Monroe County shall coordinate with appropriate agencies to monitor changes to
minimum road elevation standards which may be specific to Monroe County due
to its unique exposure to climate change and sea level rise impacts. This could
also include enhanced stormwater management requirements and resurfacing
requirements for certain transportation segments.
Policy 1502.1.10
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall review land development regulations that address stormwater
management considerations for sea level rise impacts. To the extent practicable,
Monroe County shall incorporate green infrastructure or passive alternatives that
maximize land preservation over impervious or "active" infrastructure. Such
alternatives could include the reconditioning and reuse of septic tanks, increased
use of rainwater harvesting techniques, such as cisterns and other water storage
techniques. Monroe County shall determine if land development regulation
amendments are needed to address increased retention requirements and other
topographic or infiltration considerations which may influence stormwater
management requirements. Monroe County shall also consider the ability to meet
water quality requirements related to stormwater management regulations and if
there are any impacts from climate change that may jeopardize the County's
ability to meet those requirements.
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GOAL 1503
Monroe County shall address energy and climate issues in the built environment by: encouraging
green development practices; reducing waste; enhancing transportation choices; and educating
the community about the need to reduce energy use and prepare for climate change impacts.
Objective 1503.1
To address the impacts of GHGEs and climate change, Monroe County shall promote
energy efficiency across all sectors of energy use, public and private sector, in the built
11.61 after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall include more energy efficiency requirements into the Land
Development Code as appropriate. These practices may include climate change
impacts as a factor in determining appropriate levels of development in vulnerable
L hin seven AM after the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
Count) ma include climate change impacts as a factor in determining
appropriate levels of development.
Policy 1503.1.3
Within (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall update the Land Development Code to increase bicycle and
pedestrian - friendly development with more transportation options and increase
the construction of energy efficient and climate resilient structures.
Monroe County shall review the most updated FEMA maps IIIMM
and evaluate floor elevation requirements, as necessary, for all new
construction in vulnerable areas.
Policy 1503.13 moved under Obj 1502.1
renewable energy, including, but not limited to solar, wind, biofuels and other
seurees. Monroe County shall incorporate these actions into its facilities and
Policy 1503.1.5
Consistent with the Lower East Coast Regional Water Supply Plan, Monroe
County shall encourage FKAA to continue expanding water auditing programs to
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increase the scope of the audits and identify opportunities to reduce system leaks
and promote water conservation retrofitting.
Policy 1503.1.6
Within one (1) year after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall develop policies to increase water conservation, which may include
the adoption of a recognized standard such as the South Florida Water
Management District's "Water Star" or EPA's "Water Sense" programs.
Policy 1503.1.7
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall determine the appropriate climate change considerations (including
but not limited to, emergency management, flood risk, storm surge, threats to
potable water supply, the potential for changing habitat and landscapes, the need
for shoreline stabilization and the potential impacts to infrastructure necessary to
serve proposed uses) to evaluate when reviewing land use amendments.
Policy 1503.1.8
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall develop a shoreline stabilization strategy to protect and enhance the
built and natural environments from erosion and sea level rise impacts prioritizing
natural green infrastructure approaches. Monroe County shall assure shoreline
stabilization strategies are found to be in the public interest in light of that area's
vulnerability to climate change impacts. Monroe County shall also consider
public access to beaches, minimizing adverse impacts to coastal processes and
resources, impacts to neighboring properties, and the values and functions of
beaches and coastal /marine systems, relative to shoreline stabilization strategies,
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Objective 1503.2
Monroe County shall work cooperatively with municipalities and transportation agencies
to identify and evaluate transportation strategies to address energy and climate issues.
Policy 1503.2.1
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall evaluate the need and opportunities for additional policies to reduce
vehicle miles traveled ( "VMT ") by 2030. Such policies could include offering a
range of transportation choices in new development or redevelopment projects;
incentivizing connectivity between differing modes of transportation to increase
modal split and linking residential and employment center land uses to reduce the
need for single vehicle trips.
Policy 1503.2.2
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall determine Upper and Lower Keys publicly accessible locations
appropriate for electric vehicle charging stations and encourage a mix of
alternative fuel sources such as electricity and biodiesel for vehicles. Monroe
County shall also encourage the inclusion of such charging stations in appropriate
zoning categories.
Policy 1503.2.3
Monroe County shall continue to coordinate with the City of Key West to
increase ridership and reduce wait times on the Lower Keys Shuttle with the goal
ofpromoting energy conservation and reducing GHGEs.
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Objective 1503.3
With the objective of becoming more resilient to climate impacts and promoting new
green industries, Monroe County shall promote public awareness of the relationship
between energy conservation and addressing climate impacts and economic benefits
derived from them.
Policy 1503.3.1
Monroe County shall work with the construction industry to assure input on green
and energy efficiency standards so that local contractors are informed and can
participate in their implementation through development, redevelopment and
public infrastructure projects. The County will seek opportunities to partner with
other local governments and agencies to implement this policy.
Policy 1503.3.2
Within one (1) year after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall incorporate appropriate green building or climate resilient
specifications into competitive bids which may include sustainable building or
green building code accredited individuals on design teams and incorporation of
green building practices, as appropriate, for all projects relying upon County
Policy 1503.3.3
Monroe County shall seek ways to enhance sustainable business development
opportunities focusing on sustainable tourism, educational and institutional
research -based tourism, green technologies and construction strategies.
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Objective 1503.4
In coordination with the next update to the County's emergency management policies,
Monroe County shall coordinate with municipalities, the Florida Division of Emergency
Management, and other applicable agencies to further review and incorporate sea -level
rise considerations and climate change.
Policy 1503.4.1
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall review its post- disaster redevelopment plan and land development
regulations to include, as appropriate, consideration of climate change impacts,
repetitive loss structures and shoreline stabilization needs.
Policy 1503.4.2
In coordination with the next update to emergency management policies, Monroe
County shall determine any impacts to hurricane evacuation timeframes
exacerbated by a 3 " -7" increase in sea -level rise by 2030 on transportation
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GOAL 1504
Monroe County shall further protect natural systems and habitats by incorporating climate
adaptation and mitigation strategies in its land acquisition policies. This goal will include
consideration of the need to address natural resource protection and restoration requirements, the
likelihood of natural resource impacts such as shifting habitats from a rising sea, potential threats
and loss of marine ecosystems and habitat, ecosystem -based approaches to exotic species and
vegetation management and the need to protect, manage and restore native habitat.
Objective 1504.1
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, the County
shall revise its land acquisition and preservation policies to consider the climate change -
related values of natural areas for sequestering carbon and providing climate adaptation
and mitigation benefits such as the resource's strategic capacity to absorb floodwaters
and address coastal ecosystem migration.
Policy 1504.1.1
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall identify and evaluate natural resources, including coastal and marine
environmental, resources that may be vulnerable to climate change impacts and
consider mitigation and adaptation management strategies to address those
Policy 1504.1.2
Within five (5) years after the adoption of the Plan, Monroe County shall
determine if any additional or revised land acquisition or land development
regulations are needed to implement land acquisition or preservation programs
that prioritize the benefits gained from protecting and enhancing natural lands in
mitigating the impacts of erosion of shorelines. Monroe County shall encourage
the state and federal government to acquire lands which provide natural resource
protection for listed species and which address natural resource impacts such as
shifting habitats from a rising sea.
Recognizing the unique impacts that climate change has on the County's reef
system, primarily warming ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and changes
in marine estuaries and brackish systems affecting juvenile species, Florida's reef
fish and invertebrate populations and associated fisheries, Monroe Coun shall
coordinate on an ongoing basis with ,
a tint res onsible for monitorin im acts to c . Monroe
County shall vtiork with these agencies to implement land -based strategies to
mitigate those impacts such as minimizing sedimentation, storm water runoff, and
other water quality impacts to the Florida reef system. The County will also
participate in updates to existing programs and strategies (e.g. Florida Keys
National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program and the existing
marine protected areas in the Florida Reef System) to optimize their effectiveness
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and make them more robust in the context of creating resilience to climate
Policy 1504.1.4
In coordination with relevant agencies, including the Florida Keys National
Marine Sanctuary, the County will contribute to and participate in the
development and implementation of a marine zoning plan(s) or other appropriate
tool(s) which incorporate resilience -based concepts to provide maximum
protection for all reef types and associated habitats in the Florida Reef System
with consideration of the connectivity between reefs and their associated nursery
Polic 1504
i fter the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe
County shall consider revising its natural resource restoration policies based on
identification of vulnerable areas to encourage planting and proper long -term
maintenance of native flora throughout the County. This will include, but not be
limited to, a review of current County buffer requirements within the Land
Development Code to encourage a balance of trees, understory, shrubs, and
groundcover, reducing pea -rock and turf grass on rights of way whenever possible
and utilizing native ground cover, plants, and trees.
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