Item M01 R~vised 2/95 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/19/00 Division: Mayor Freeman Bulk Item: Yes No Department: BOCC-3 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Resolve that the U.S. Air Force consider available options other than the development of a massive commercial airport for purposes of conveyance of the Homestead Air Base in order to minimize negative environmental impacts of the project to the Florida Keys. ITEM BACKGROUND: The. U. S. Air Force and Federal Aviation Administration are accepting public comment on a recently released environmental impact study on the re-development of Homestead Air Force Base. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST CENTER # COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing_ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTORAPPROVAL:~~~a.,- ayor Shir ey Fre an DOCUMENTATION: Included: y.. To Follow:_ Not Required: Agenda Item #: /-/l1/ . DISPOSITION: Mayor Shirley Freemen RESOLUTION NO. -2000 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES OF THE HOMESTEAD AIR FORCE BASE OTHER THAN A COMMERCIAL AIRPORT. WHEREAS, the citizens of Monroe County enjoy an unique community character and are stewards of an unique and fragile environment. WHEREAS, the unique character of the Keys, particularly the Upper Keys, can be substantially affected by land use decisions in southern MIami-Dade County; WHEREAS. the use and enjoyment of Keys waters depends in large measure on the tranquillity and peace of those waters and the airspace over those wateB: WHEREAS. the fIShing industry in the Keys. including guided flats-fishing, requires tranquil and peaceful waters to maintain its economic viability; .. WHEREAS, the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base as a commercial airport would cause a significant increase in the frequency of jet flIghts, and thus incidents of noise intrusions, over the Upper Keys: WHEREAS, the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base as a commercial airport would change land use patterns in south Miami Dade County. thereby creating adverse pressures on land use and the comprehensive plcn in the Upper Keys: WHEREAS. the redevelopment of the fonner Homestead Air Force Base as a commercial airport has the great potential to increase pollution in Bisccyne Bay; WHEREAS. Monroe County depends upon the federal government to protect the interesfs of the Keys in the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base: now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, supports the conveyance of the former Homestead Air Force Base tor development alternatives other than a commercial airport. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Soard of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of January. 2000. MayorShirley Freeman Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nora Williams (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Deputy Clerk By Mayor/Chairperson jre$ilihOfb Airp rt. laos i\.oO C, , . 0 p . :' ~ll\ ji I , - - \)Vl\ J '. . \}, /# cau.se concern ~ in Upper Keys By HARLEN BROWN Citizen Upper Keys Bureau HOMESTEAD - The dawn- ing of the new ptillennium could bring a major commer- cial airport to the former Homestead Air Force Base, and place the Upper 'Keys directly under the corridor of hundreds of daily cargo and commuter flights. Some Florida Keys officials and environmentalists worry the report is true, its verydis- that pollution, noise, conges- mting t appo' . ........ tion and .wUOr~eeI:1_ q~~ j'ar~o, ~id ev~nr. ~~ to the . county's fragile ~ and '~de who fishes 'Biscayne tem soon could be arriving Bay or Florida Bay should daily, too. . ., ' attend the public h~arings on In the just-released en~n- . the report, which are sched- mental impact study on the uled to begiD the first ~eek of base's redevelopment, the U.S. February. ,.,' Air Force and Federal "I believe they are doing it Aviation f\~stration ~ay quickly.. --to .'tn~mize t~e that. conv~rtmgthe .(Ild chance of opposition orgamz- Homeste~d ~ir. ba.se int~ a ing," Farago said. "I feel it is a commerCIal arrport IS not ~- . big issue to the Keys and plan ly to cause significant nOlSeto'.make some presentations and water pollution problems there on the, impact of this for the adjoining two national study before the hearings. In parks. . fact we are going to try to get It recommends a number of the~ to hold hearings in the measures to help .reduce the Keys as well as Miami and airport's envlronme~tal Homestead,". impact, including relocating ; Although the report was pro- flight corridors away from posed in 1997 to study the Biscayne and ~verglades impact of a comm~rcial ~ort national parks, which are to ,on the surrounding. enVIron- the east and west .of the base.ment, three other redevelop- I A north-south corndor, howev- ment plans were subsequently er, could place the Keys along proposed and examined. the flight path. All three none of which Alan Farago, chairman of includes ~ airport, would the Sierra Club M~ami Group, have less impact on the envi- was not ha~py WIth the 88- ronment, the report found. page executive summary of One redevelopment proposal the report made available last was offered by the' Hoover week. ..., Environmental Group, headed His group and other enVIron- by Lacey Hoover Chase of mentalists hav~ protested ~e North Key Largo. Chase's plans of Miami-Dade ~fficials group presented plans to c~n- to allow Homestead Air Base vert the base into a eco-tounst Development IDe. to run a theme park. called WetLands, commercial airport between which would include a large two national parks. . aquarium and marine "[The report] has essen~lally research facilities. declared war on our national Three major space compa- parks and we are ready to go nies proposed building a pri- to wa~," Farago said. "I think vate spaceport on the old base, this is going to be a knock- from which to conduct one or down, drag-out battle, and if See AIRPORT, Page 9A NORA WlWAMS: County commission- er says Keys lack the size and money to have the political clout needed. .AIRPORT ".J . . '" . .' r.' : .;nr'Frompage)*! two launches of satellites per week. A third proposal came from the Collier family of Naples, which offered to relinquish its mineral rights in the Big Cypress National Reserve for the right to build a $17 mil- lion office park with hotels and golf courses on the air base site. . Roy Cawley, a spokesman for the Collier family, fears an airport would require costly buffers to prevent damage to the ecosystem. "It looks like a huge amount of money will have to be spent to deal with the environmen- tal impact," he said; Indeed, the report offers a number of, t:'eCOmmendations for cutting back on the air- port's impact, including relo- cating flight corridors away from the national parks. That, however, has become a matter of immediate concern for Monroe County residents and conservationists, since those flights could be diverted over the Keys and Florida Bay. "Doesn't anyone care about Monroe County?" asked Mary Barley, an Islamorada resi- dent and chair of the Everglades, F-Eundation. "Here will have an impact on lIE l"1 'C'-h . ha ' since it will cause more poIlu' .'~r.-:'ri'.n!rJ!t.. lng t ,t. tiOD, more congestion ane' . happens. in South' more noise," County MayO! 1:'7 'da has Shirley Freeman said. r ton' an' Commissioner NorE impact on the Williams echoed those senti. ments. Florida Keys, and "This is of tremendous con this will have an cern to the people of MolU'()( County," Williams said. ! impact on us since Williams said many haVE it will caUSe more long Suspected that flights: would travel directly over Key pollunon,. more Largo. i congestion'dnd "Our problem is we don't' have the political clout to be . more noise. " truly considered, and that's: 'n.. . .. not . acceptable, " Williams' - Shirley Freeman s~d. "What ~ey have to do is :; ty qwt pretending that we are . coun mayor..., not a'-'critical part of this r . equation. We are important. i.' we are again. We are going to We just la~ the size an~ ~e T.: get th~ brunt of the noise and money to, ~,ve ,the po"litical r pollution. pull we need. ,.: ,,~~~, ~ "If they can't. . impact Miami-Dade ... . and '~ Biscayne Bay and the Homeste~d offiCIals are ;. Everglades, they are going to 'p~eased WIth the plans for the . fly over us," Barley said. 8lrpOrt. ' . ! "Ocean Reef; Key Largo and Th~ see it as a major eco- 'i Islamorada are going to be a nomIc boost to the South~' part of that flight pattern." Dade area, which has suffered " Monroe County officials considerable financial set- I have not taken a public stand ,backs, since ,Hurricane ~ on the planned conversion. Andrew struck in 1992. , But they say the Florida Keys After the public comment is ' has a significant stake in the received on the s~dy, the Air ,. matter. Force and FAA will present a i "Everything that happens in final draft and make a recom- ; South Florida has an impact mendation by the end of the! on the Florida Keys, and this year. 1 Mayor Shirley Freemen RESOLUTION NO. -2000 A RESOWTION SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT ALTERNATIVES Of THE HQMESTEAD AIR FORCE BASE OTHER THAN A COMMERCIAL AIRPORT. I WHEREAS, the citizens of Monroe County enjoy an unique community character and are stewards of an unique and fragile environment ~ WHEREAS, the unique eharacter of the Keys, particularly the Upper Keys, can be subsfantially affected by land use decisions in southern Miami-Dade County; ,.J WHEREAS. the use and enjoyment of Keys waters depends in large measure on the tranquillity and peace of those waters and the alBpace over those waters: Jj WHEREAS. the fishing industry In the Keys. including guided flafs-fishing. requires tranquil and peaceful waters to maintain its economic viability; .. \.5 WHEREAS. the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base as a commercial airport would cause a significant increase in the frequency of jet flfghts, and thus incidents of noise intrusions, over the Upper Keys: Co WHEREAS, the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base as a commercial airport would change land use patterns in south Miami Dade County. thereby creating adverse pressures on land use and the comprehensive plan in the Jpper Keys: 7 WHEREAS, the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base as a ::ommercial airport has the great potential to increase pollutIon in Biscayne Bay; ~HEREAS. Monroe County depends upon the federal government to protect the nterests of the Keys in the redevelopment of the former Homestead Air Force Base: now. herefore - 8 "'~r *- '-"p II __ /bJ,~""k~~ ""J .~., ~ ",,* stfAf ... ~ ~~ Nt ~ ...~... ~ ~.r ~ ,q,..:, ~~ "'"//4U/1( , "*1t'c ~.. fb Qlr fII,.Jt,y --1~ ~ ~" Itf1p.r "'.r)~; . l' BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, supports the conveyance of the former Homestead Air Force Base for development alternatives other than a commercial airport. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County. Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the day of January. 2000. MayorShirley Freeman Commissioner Wilhelmina Harvey Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Mary Kay Reich Commissioner Nera Williams (SEAL) Attest: DANNY LKOLHAGE, Clerk By Jre$ilirlClfb BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairperson II~ (JE' n ftJ1t'1JJ9f tlQrJillC/J-MNf' -df IJJ" ~; ~ IIN! F44 / lit rtce;,i1t; ,-A1ic Nywf ,., 4f GX ~ ~ .., ~~ ~; ~}, Jf8r LA ...edM iilpd- ~ .. ,~ f'" I"rN ~~-", ~1iJ:r'" ~~"11~. ""1fJ'~ ., AcNrI~-w' .'~,$", N IdJ) 1r &lfA~ I~