Item B03 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY 7--000 Meeting Date: January 20,~_ Bulk Item: Yes X No Division: Growth ManaJl;ement Department: Planning AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Amendment to the Joint Participation Agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation, Department of Community Affairs and Monroe County regarding the development of a Habitat Conservation Plan. ITEM BACKGROUND: Last year Monroe County Board of County Commissioners agreed to pursue the development of a Habitat Conservation Plan to address the needs of the endangered species and residents on Big Pine and No Name Keys. The completion of the plan is to be a tri-agency effort by Monroe County, the Florida Department of Transportation and the Florida Department of Community Affairs. A tri-party memorandum of agreement (MOA) indicates that Monroe County, the DCA and DOT will each contribute $100,000.00 to the effort and that the DOT will be the lead, contracting agency. That is, both the DCA and Monroe County are to provide DOT with $100,000.00 towards the prqject. The joint participation agreement (JPA) is the mechanism that implements the MOA by specifically spelling out the roles and duties of each agency regarding the planning effort. This implementing JPA has previously been approved by the FOOT and by Monroe County. However, the Florida Department of Community Affairs finds it necessary to change the language in the document regarding the terms and conditions of payment to DOT. Since it is necessary to obtain signatures on the JPA from all 3 parties and having made a similar language adjustment to the terms of Monroe County's payment, staff believes that the amendment is in the best interest of the County. (The change is located in subsection 7.10 on page 5 of the JPA. ) .... PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOARD ACTION: On September 9, 1998, the Monroe County BOCC authorized execution of the MOA. On May 13, 1999, the BOCC authorized execution of the JPA. Both documents are signed by Monroe County's Mayor. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $300,000.00 COST TO COUNTY: $100,000.00 AMOUNT PER MONTH N/A APPROVED BY: County Attorney X BUDGETED: Yes X NO PER YEAR OMB/Purchasing X '-:fro~ y -:> -7 v ~ ' ,. ~"~oA~ ~y/ ~ / ./ ~ r /1!O/'1 t/ / ~~ ~. Risk Management N/ A DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR APPROVAL: To follow _~, ~~red Agendaltem#: ~ ~~ REVISED JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 MONROE COUNTY, 2798 Overseas Highway Marathon, Florida 33050 and FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1000 NW Ulth Avenue, Room 6101 Miami, Florida 33172 HABITAT CONSERVATION PLAN ON BIG PINE AND NO NAME KEYS, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA This Agreement, entered into this day of 2000, by and between the Florida Department of Community Affairs, hereinafter referred to as the FDCA, Monroe County, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and the Florida Department of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the FDOT. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, on October 26, 1998, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, hereinafter referred to as the USFWS, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, hereinafter referred to as the FGFWFC, the FDCA, the COUNTY, and the FDOl' entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the development of a Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) for Big Pine and No Name Keys; and WHEREAS, an HCP Coordinating Committee, consisting" of two representatives from each of the MOA signatory agencies (USFWS, FGFWFC, FDCA, COUNTY, and FDOT) and two citizen representatives designated by the COUNTY, was established for purposes of assisting the Contracting Agency (FDOT) in selection of an experienced professional consulting fIrm to prepare the HCP and associated documents, hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT"; and WHEREAS, the FDCA, COUNTY, and FDOT (HCP Co-Applicant Agencies) agree in this MOA to proportionally share the funding of the PROJECT, in an amount not to exceed $100,000 per agency; and WHEREAS, the MOA was signed by the COUNTY by unanimous vote on September 9, 1998; and WHEREAS, the FDCA, COUNTY, and FDOT have determined that it would be in the best interest of the general public and to the economic advantage of all three parties to enter into this JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT to facilitate implementation of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations herein, it is agreed by these parties as follows: 1.00 PURPOSE OF AGREEMENT: The purpose of the agreement is for the FDCA and the COUNTY to provide funding to the FDOT for PROJECT consultant services. All of the consultant services for the PROJECT will be completed in accordance with the attached Scope of Services. ./ 2.00 PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated cost of said PROJECT is $300,000, for which the FDCA, COUNTY, and FDOT shall participate equally in the amo':!nt of $100,000 per agency. 3.00 FDOT PARTICIPATION: The FDOT agrees to contribute funding for the PROJECT, outlined in the attached Scope of Services, as a one-time lump sum amount of $100,000. 2 4.00 AGENCY RESPONSmILITIES: 4.10 The FDOT's District Six Office will be the Contracting Agency for the PROJECT, and will be responsible for consultant selection, contract administration, consultant evaluation, and other related activities. The FDOT's "Acquisition of Professional Services" procedure will be utilized in the selection of a professional consulting firm for the PROJECT. 4.20 The Contracting Agency will be responsible for making all payments to the consultant for the PROJECT, according to the attached Scope of Services. The HCP /' Coordinating Committee will assist the Contracting Agency, in determining approval of PROJECT status reporting prior to payment. 4.30 The RCP Coordinating Committee shall ensure that the burden of the workload associated with PROJECT management is not placed solely on anyone agency. Disputes concerning this Agreement shall be handled through arbitration. 4.40 There shall be a continual full staff effort by all agencies participating on the HCP Coordinating Committee. If a Committee member can no longer serve, the agency shall appoint an interim member until a new permanent member can be appointed. 4.50 Prior to the approval and joint submittal of the HCP and Incidental Take permit application by the HCP Co-Applicant Agencies to the USFWS, decisions and specific details regarding funding of various mitigatory measures identified in the HCP may be incorporated in the Implementing Agreement. These funding decisions will be separate from the terms of this Joint Participation Agreement. 5.00 ACCOUNTING RECORDS: 5.10 The PROJECT Account shall be made available upon request by the FDCA or COUNTY at any time during the period of the Agreement and for five (5) years thereafter. 3 5.20 All costs charged to the PROJECT shall be supported by properly executed payroll, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers evidencing in detail the nature and propriety of the charges. 6.00 THE FDOT FURTHER AGREES: A. To maintain books, records, documents and other evidence according to generally accepted governmental accounting principles, procedures, and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all costs of any nature incurred by the FDOT in the performance of this Agreement as outlined in the attached Scope of Services, and to / retain said books, records, documents, and other evidence for a period of five years after termination of this Agreement. B The aforesaid records, books, and documents and other evidence shall be subject at all times to public access and inspection, review or audit by an independent Auditor State personnel of the Office of Auditor General, Office of Comptroller and other State or County personnel authorized by the FDCA or COUNTY. Upon each anniversary of this Agreement, an independent audit shall be performed of all receipts and disbursements. - C. To include standard FDOT audit and record keeping requirements in contracts and subcontracts thereto entered into by the FDOT with any party for work required in the performance of this Agreement. D. To provide the FDCA and COUNTY upon termination of this Agreement with a certification to the FDCA and COUNTY that the PROJECT has been completed in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and a report which shall specify not only the total direct PROJECT costs paid from' funds made available by the FDCA and COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement, but also the balance of any unexpended PROJECT funds. E. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement in any manner, any funds made available by the FDCA and COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement that remain 4 unexpended at that time shall be returned to the FDCA and COUNTY. Any surplus_ money shall be returned in proportion to the contributions made by the participating parties. 7.00 REQillSITION AND PAYMENTS: 7.10 The FDCA and COUNTY each agree to furnish, within twenty-five (25) days of becoming budgeted and available for disbursement, an advance lump sum deposit in the amount of $100,000.00 to FDOT, for full payment of the estimated PROJECT cost for Financial Management Number 40580612201 (Contract Number 00605). 7.20 The payment of funds under this Agreement will be made dir~ctly to the FDOT for deposit into the State Transportation Trust Fund. 8.00 TERM OF CONTRACT: Unless terminated earlier, the term of this Agreement shall commence on the date inscribed above and shall continue until completion of the PROJECT as described in the attached Scope of Services. In such case, the term of this Agreement shall continue until completion of the PROJECT in a timely fashion. 9.00 THE FDCA, COUNTY, AND FDOT FURTHER AGREE: a) This Agreement may be modified upon the written mutual consent of the parties. b) This Agreement is executed in triplicate originals. 10.00 By execution hereof, the parties covenant that the provisions of this Agreement have been duly approved and signatories hereto are duly authorized. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their hands and seals to be set to this Agreement the day and year first above written by their respective officials duly authorized. 5 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS By: Date: Steven M. Seibert, Secretary Florida Department of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, Florida ATTEST: Legal Review: Date: COUNTY OF MONROE By: Shirley Freeman, Mayor County of Monroe, State of Florida Date: ATTEST: Date: Legal Review: · . ~ . 2eeJt) "',. FLORIDA DEP NT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Date: Jose Abreu, P.E., Secretary Florida Department of Transportation, District Six, Miami, Florida ATTEST: Legal Review: Date: 6 EXISTING JOINT P ARTICIP A TION AGREEMENT L'E.F- i :_t;- _Clf"lf':l rlt="F -IF:::, r S.,.; ; .:,:_,.1_.: :' ':':':",1.:' '_:1: -: _ _ 1 '.:j'.:I:: a . _ JOL~"T PARTICIPATION AGREEl\1ENT BETIVEEN FLORIDA DEPARTl\1ENT OF COI\L\ruNITY AFFAIRS~ 2555 Shumard Oak Boule,,'ard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 l\IO~"ROE COL'1'TY, 2798 Overseas Highway l\larathon, Florida 33050 and FLORIDA DEPARTl\IENT OF TR..\.. ~SPORT A TION 1000 N\V tIlth Avenue, Room 6101 l\1iami, Florida 33172 HABIT AT CONSERVATION PLAN ON BIG PTh~ A.1tID NO NAl\IE KEYS, :MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Thi; Agreement, entered into this l~bI day of Jl1,A-V 1999. by and between the Florida Department of Conununity Affairs. hereinafter referred to as the FDCA, Monroe County. hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY, and the Florida Department of Transportation, hereInafter referred to as the fDOT. 'VIT~""ESSETH: \VHEREAS. on October 26, 1998, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, hereinafter referred to as the USFWS, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission. hereinafter referred to as the FGF\VFC, the FDCA, the COUNTY, and the FDOT entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (:\olOA) for the development of a Habitat Conservation Plan CHep) for Big Pine and No Name Keys; and 1,.'c.r: Ui ._:_1;"11''-: Mi:-lr:.,:) :-3/.:.-:\::,)..;...:::'.::.I..J,:' i_":. -: _ _ .. '.:1 .:' ',:" . .' I :....:1 i. '_'_ WHEREAS, an HCP Coordinating Committee, consisting of two representatives from each of the MOA signatory agencies (USFWS, FGFWFC, FDCA, COUKTY, and FDOT) and two citizen representatives designated by the COUNTY. was esublished for purposes of assisting the Contracting Agency (FDOT) in selection of an experienced professional consulting firm to prepare the HCP and associated documents. hereinafter referred to as the ... PROJECT " ; and \VHEREAS, the FDCA. COUNTY, and FDOT (Rep Co-Applicant Agencies) agree in this ?vIOA to proponionally sh..'U'e the funding of the PROJECT. in an amount not to exceed S100,000 per agency; and '\VHEREAS, the MOA \vas signed by t..~e CO"C'NTY by unanimous vote on September 9, 1998; and ""IIEREAS, the FDCA, COUNTY, and FDOT have determined that it would be in the best interest of the general public and to the economic advantage of all three parties [0 enter into this JOINT P.-\RTICIPATION AGREEMENT to facilitate implementation of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and representations herein, it is agreed by these panies as follows: 1.00 PURPOSE OF AGREEl\:IE:'IT: The purpose of the agreement is for the FDCA and the COUNTY to provide funding to the FDOT for PROJECT consultant services. All of the consultant services for the PROJECT will be completed in accordance with the attached Scope of Services. 2.00 PROJECT COSTS: The total estimated cost of said PROJECT is 5300,000, for which the FDCA. COUNTY, and FDOT shall panicipate equally in the amount of $100,000 per agency. 3.00 FDOT PARTICIPATION: The FDOT agrees to contribute funding for the PROJECT. outlined in the attached Scope of Services. as a one-time lump sum amount of $100,000. .., .... L c.r \ I_Ii. _ ,-i('W'l H.. - .I.",:, - - ~ i :;',"', . '.:': \. _..: .: .'.' .':': ;_'.1_ . ;::- _ _ ~ ;' :' .:: - . .- - 4.00 AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES: 4.10 The FDOT's District Six Office will be the Contracting Agency for Ll-].e PROJECT. and will be responsible for consultant selection, contract administration, consultant evaluation. and other related activities. The FDOT's "Acquisition of Professional Services" procedure will be utilized in the selection of a professional consulting firm for the PROJECT. 4.20 The Contracting Agency will be responsible for making all payments to the consultant for the PROJECT, according to the attached Scope of Services. The HCP Coordinating Committee will assist the Contracting Agency, in determining appro\'ai of PROJECT status reporting prior to payment. 4.30 The HCP Coordinating Committee shall ensure that the burden of the workload associated with PROJECT management is not placed solely on anyone agency. Disputes concerning this Agreement shall be handled through arbitration. 4.40 There shall be a continual full staff effort by all agencies participating on the HCP Coordinating Committee.. If a Committee member can no longer serve, the agency shall appoint an interim member until a new permanent member can be appointed. 4.50 Prior to the approval and joint submittal of the HCP and Incidental Take permit application by the HCP Co-Applicant Agencies to the USFWS, decisions and specific details regarding funding of various mitigator)' measures identified in the HCP may be incorporated in the Implementing Agreement. These funding decisions will be separate from the terms of this Joint Participation Agreement. 5.00 ACCOUNTING RECORDS: 5.10 The PROJECT Account shall be made available upon request by the FDCA or COUNTY at any time during the period of the Agreement and for tive (5) years thereafter. 3 l. Coi' '_Ii __l_i;"ii"i Hr t- ~.ir:..:, r ~ .:. : .:': l...'_.:.:_:<"..,.: 1_11_". __ :c J. =';:t;' '.' 1.. : .....:' 5.20 All costs charged to the PROJECT shall be supported by properly executed payroll. time records. invoices, contracts, or vouchers evidencing in detail the nature and propriety of the charges. 6.00 THE FDOT FURTHER AGREES: A. To maintain books, records, documents and other evidence according to generally accepted governmental accounting principles, procedures, and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all costs of any nature incurred by the FDOT in the performance of this Agreement as outlined in the attached Scope of Services, and to retain said books, records, documents, and other evidence for a period of five years after termination of this Agreement. B The aforesaid records~ books. and documents and other evidence shall be subject at all times to public access and inspection, review or audit by an independent Auditor State personnel of the Office of Auditor General, Office of Comptroller and other state or County personnel authorized by the FDCA or COUNTY. Upon each anniversary of this Agreement, an independent audit shall be performed of all receipts and disbursements. C. To include standard FDOT audit and record keeping requirements in contracts and subcontracts thereto entered into by the FDOT with any party for work required in the performance of this Agreement, D. To provide the FDCA and COUNTY upon termination of this Agreement with a certification to the FDCA and COUNTY that the PROJECT has been completed in compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and a report which shall specify not only the total direct PROJECT costs paid from funds made available by the FDCA and COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement~ but also the balance of any unexpended PROJECT funds. E. Upon termination or expiration of this Agreement in any manner 1 any funds made available by the FDeA and COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement that remain 4 L'c:.r I (_lr_~li 'W.! hr r !"'ilr..;) r"' :'I.'. . ,':):1,,,,1_,:,: __:":"..!.:' I II _ _ .l '.:i'.:'.:' I., 1 . _,,~, unexpended at that time shall be returned to the FDCA and COUNTY. Any surplus.. money shall be returned in proportion to the contributions made by the participating parties. 7.00 REQUISITION A.'1D P A '\'J\.IEl\'TS: The FDCA and COUNTY each agree to furnish, withm .-five (25) calendar days_ of the execution of this Agreement, an advance lump sum deposit e amount of $100,000 to FDOT, for full payment of the estimated PROJECT cost fo Management Number 40580612201 (Contract Number 00605). 7.20 The payment - ue directly to the FDOT for deposit into the State Transportation Trust Fund. 8.00 TER1\-f OF CONTRACT: Unless terminated earlier, the term of this Agreement shall conunence on the date inscribed above and shall continue until completion of the PROJECT as described in the attached Scope of Services. In such case, the term of this Agreement shall continue until completion of the PROJECT in a timely fashion. 9.00 THE FDCA, COUNTY, AND FDOT FURTHER AGREE: a) This Agreement may be modified upon the written mutual consent of the parties. b) This Agreement is executed in triplicate originals. 10.00 By execution hereof. the parties covenant that the provisions of this Agreement have been duly approved and signatories hereto are duly authoriZea. IN '''ITh''ESS '''HEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their hands and seals to be set to 'this Agreement the day and year first above written by their respective officials duly authorized. 5 [E~i CiF :::If''1[''1 HFF":; IF:> r 3/ - -- ~ - - --- .-, .- : ::;:.1)':";:_ .:. ..:<.1.):: _ _ 1 '.:".:. :: .' . ~ .' I . '_".' - . -. FLORIDA DEPART1\-IEL'f"T OF CO:\L."lL"NlTY AFFAIRS By: Date: Steven M. Seibert. Secret..uy Florida Department of Community Affairs. Tallahassee. Florida ATTEST: Legal Review': Date: COUNTY OF MONROE - .-~ ~b'):...~ r -"-- By: Wilhelmina Harvey, ~1ayor County of Monroe, State of Florida "-"~:.~i~ 5/1.5/"1-"1 '~~';;;:-'\''''' .i~''-'" ,~._ :'j':'-'~." ~" '" :-0:- ~" \....-:" .i::.~ ~l ..... -'~.. ,'. .~-'-,~.'- ,/ .....~. "-'-' . T.~ . ._". ....-".' .' l.-::~~~ ~...' ./ " ~ ,/T. ATTEST: fSE.AL) Arn:~ C~"'I !..l':~:"p":-: ~~;:~ Bf ~n-a. ~~ ' . I ~ , ........-l. ~ , __. .I~ .~. Legal ReView:~~ ( Date: S - :z '7- 9'9 FLORIDA DEP ARThIENT OF TR...\..1\lSPORTA TION By: Date: Jose Abreu, P.E., Secretary Florida Department of Transportation. District Six. Miami. Florida ATTEST: Legal Review: Date: 6 MOJ'ij'"ROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COM1\USSIONERS I . . n.. _ I _ ,,-1- CONTRACT SUMMARY '-KuttT~~~ Contract # Contract with: '[)jTJ- ~. DetAr Effective Date:_I_I_ . . Expiration Date: I I CO!'lract PwposelDescription:~A i/?" ~ tir~~ -b- UACUC~ ~ MM-~ (j CMJ D:.-A ~cJ..t, [)::5r ~ 0./ . 'IE tOOK ~ /Yvr ~ ~ ~ iA(" UY\SvJL~ 6p~t:L~,~~~' ~ ~ O--~ Contract Manager: KUvl ~^ e) r2U1~ d-sao (Ext. ) f1~ (De ent) for BOCC meeting on C7 .1/f.1J I 9-000 Agenda Deadline: _I I Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ Budgeted? Yes~No ' Grant: $ , County Match: $ CONTRACT COSTS !{)()JIY"YJ Current Year Portion: $ (Df1 CoO Account Codes: ,t/8 - 'S"!OCc; - -:-) 3-( - 3'10 - ADDmONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ rp.. Iyr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial. salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Yes No Division Director L/ 7 / {( ) ( ~ I.e; q'l Risk Management _ _ _ ( )~ Date Out J...i!...J'i1 1/>~~i'7 --- ..L. QJ;?%;!D( ) r-:' . 7" tZ -t ( ~,~t.(/'-- IL C^--- / iJ ~(U#-(,dlev. . Ich./D ~~- ~\ O.M.B./Purchasing L/iJi:i- ( ) County Attorney IJ~ @;PO Comments :-".;J-5:f,'Y i1tl.l..~:( Jt-v/(~ t!r..'i, /-I~;;t;( r ' .J ~\ ---.., -, ~ . rOO -4-' '"' (' L f ; \ ,'V' - '-,-~ -~'_.c,-\ . ~c...("-">-'~ '-- +---<-,........--.. C.-,...--~ .c;(......'-\~ l ~ -- Seb \ ~-:-c,'--'\ SLU \j ~: c.;- L - "Z. c,-c { "1-00 ).<;- 0 t:......, ,;!fSC.'LI i C> c.:: Q C S L- "'l:f' I . c" i c.......... _7'..IC'. C' ~ c. c. -, J-- ~- ()C rccC 1-- OMB Form Revised 8/30/95 MCP n