Resolution 108-1997 Mayor Emeritus Wilhelmina Harvey RESOLUTION NO. 108 -1997 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE HONORABLE M. IGNATIUS LESTER, RETIRED CIRCUIT COURT JUDGE WHEREAS, Judge M. Ignatius Lester, one of the longest serving judges in Monroe County, has passed away at the age of 77; and WHEREAS, Judge Lester, retired from the bench since 1991, formerly served as City Attorney for the City of Key West, and later served as counsel for the Monroe County School District; and WHEREAS, Judge Lester was appointed to the bench of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit in 1971, and served unopposed for twenty-three years; and WHEREAS, Judge Lester served on the State's Board of Governors and, on occasion, the Board of Appeals in Miami, and since retiring, remained active throughout South Florida, often sitting for judges in other circuits as well as in Monroe County; and WHEREAS, was instrumental in overturning a state ban on gay adoption in 1995; and WHEREAS, Judge Lester was highly respected in the legal community and in the City of -r, -7 . L Key West and Monroe County in general as a man of patience, fairn~s ODd ki~nesst:NOW -... -'7" "..- - .. "-0,'" ~, FLORIDA that :J> -c ;~ :;:0 - - 1.< BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS pF MONROE CQUNTY, :::g.'- N 1::5 -' . "T' THEREFORE C: Section 1. The Board hereby adopts this Resolution as evidence of its regret and mourning for the passing of the late Honorable M. Ignatius Lester, and in recognition of his extensive dedication to the law and vast public service to the people of Key West and Monroe County, and the State of Florida. Section 2. The Board hereby requests the Clerk to forward copies of this Resolution to Judge Lester's widow, Mary Alice Pitts Lester, to express the Board's sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 19 th day of March ,1997. Mayor Douglass Mayor Pro T em London Commissioner Harvey Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Reich ves ~ yes yes yes By"B~~~ Dep C1er By