Resolution 404-2018 RESOLUTION NO. 404 - 2018 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPOINTING FORMER COUNTY COMMISSISONER GEORGE NEUGENT AS MONROE COUNTY'S REPRESENTATIVE ( "DIRECTOR ") AND COMMISSIONER DAVID RICE AS THE ALTERNATE REPRESENTATIVE ( "ALTERNATE DIRECTOR ") ON THE RESTORE ACT GULF CONSORTIUM; AUTHORIZING THE PROVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES. WHEREAS, in July 2012 the United States Congress passed the "Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf Coast States Act of 2012, and the President signed the Act into law, known as the RESTORE Act, to establish a trust fund for deposits of 80% of administrative and civil penalties exacted from parties responsible for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill for distribution of the funds among the affected states; and WHEREAS, the RESTORE Act contemplates that Florida's twenty -three (23) affected counties will form a consortium of local political subdivisions to help distribute civil fines collected from the responsible parties under the Clean Water Act, and WHEREAS, it has been established that there are 8 disproportionately and 15 non - disproportionately affected counties in Florida, with Monroe as one of the 15 non - disproportionately affected counties; and WHEREAS, on September 21, 2012, Monroe County joined the Gulf Coast Consortium by approving the Interlocal Agreement and authorizing Resolution No. 246- 2012 to participate in a consortium of counties to develop a state -wide plan for expenditures of the discretionary, competitive funding available to the 23 disproportionately and non - disproportionately affected counties of the State of Florida: and WHEREAS, on September 21, 2012, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 250A - 2012 appointing Mayor George Neugent to be Monroe County's representative or "Director" on the Consortium's Board of Directors to act on behalf of Monroe County; and WHEREAS, from 2012 to the present, Commissioner Neugent has represented the Board of County Commissioners as a Director on the Gulf Consortium and from 2012 -2017 further served as an elected member of the Gulf Consortium's Executive Committee; and WHEREAS, from 2012 to the present Commissioner David Rice has served as Monroe County' s alternate Director on the Gulf Consortium; and Page 1 of 3 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes Commissioner Neugent's twenty years of elected service on the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners dealing with many environmentally sensitive issues and his environmental expertise gained as a result of over seventeen years of service on the Florida Keys Water Quality Steering Committee and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council; and WHEREAS, Commissioner Neugent's term on the Commission ends in November 2018, the Board of County Commissioners recognizes the value of his continued service as Monroe's Director, and that of Commissioner Rice's service as Alternate Director, on the Gulf Consortium's Board of Directors, on behalf of the citizens of the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida enthusiastically appoints (former) Commissioner George Neugent as its Director and Commissioner Rice as its alternate on the Gulf Consortium's Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida authorizes administrative and technical support and the payment of travel expenses for (former) Commissioner George Neugent to carry out his responsibilities as the County's Director on the Gulf Consortium's Board; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida hereby appoints Commissioner George Neugent as its Director on the Gulf Consortium. 2. Staff is authorized to provide Commissioner Neugent with appropriate administrative and technical support needed for him to perform these duties on behalf of the County. 3. The Clerk is authorized to pay and /or reimburse Commissioner Neugent's reasonable travel expenses associated with this appointment, provided he submits the appropriate paperwork consistent with state law, county ordinance, and rules for travel on official business. 4. The Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida hereby appoints Commissioner Rice as its Alternate Director on the Gulf Consortium. 5. The Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this resolution to Craig Diamond, of the Balmoral Group, Manager of the Gulf Consortium, 165 Lincoln Avenue, Winter Park, FL 32789. Page 2 of 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 20 day of November, 2018. Mayor Sylvia Murphy Yes Mayor Pro Tem Danny Kolhage Yes (� j Commissioner Michelle Coldiron Yes y �� � �, c, . Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes :. A ' \ .;.:k m Commissioner David Rice ; Yes t .. - . v,, ( , b TI c�KEVIN MADOK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS mss 3T V ` ;+ —'> OF MON ' E CO • TY, FLORIDA By: By: %. .. � _ 4rf riiAiae' Deputy Clerk / M.or Sylvia Murphy l ir -OE COU ATTORNEY '•P'OVED 0/711M / /. PEDRO J. ERCADO ASSISTANT 0, . • .. •'NEY Date i -tbr$ ____________4_ o: ` --- rrl c-)! t Cr) ... ,,:;jam 'flr " -- i c) : F?_;_ t R y Page 4 J.jC ourr `1� / OQ;5:; \i0pF �OI ,// Kevin Madok, CPA a } o .�' • �. Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe County, Florida November 29, 2018 Craig Diamond, Manager of the Gulf Consortium %Balmoral Group 165 Lincoln Avenue Winter Park FL 32789 Dear Mr. Diamond, Attached is a copy of Resolution No. 404 -2018 appointing former Commissioner George Neugent as Monroe County's Representative ( "Director ") and Commissioner David Rice as the alternate Representative ( "Alternate Director ") on the RESTORE Act Gulf Consortium; authorizing the provision of administrative and technical support and reimbursement of travel expenses. This Resolution was adopted by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners at a regular meeting, held in formal session, on November 20, 2018. Should you have ' questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 292 -3550. Respectfully Submitted, Kevin Madok, CPA, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex- officio to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners By: Pamela G. Hancock, D.C. cc: File KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West, Florida 33040 Marathon, Florida 33050 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 Plantation Key, Florida 33070 305 - 294 -4641 305 - 289 -6027 305- 852 -7145 305 - 852 -7145