02/03-18CICd(Oflle circuRcoun Danny L. a Circe Phone: (305) 5-366 50 Clerk of the Circuit Court FAX: (305) 295-3663 e-mail: phancock@monroe-clerk.com TO: Peter Horton, Manager Monroe County Airports ATTN: Bevette Moore Airport Business Administrator FROM: Pamela G. Hanct 111_�f Deputy Clerk DATE: May 28, 2003 At the May 21, 2003, Board of County Commissioner's Meeting the Board granted approval and authorized execution of Purchase/Service Order No. 02/03-18 between Monroe County and URS to prepare Passenger Facility Charge Application #8, for the Key West International Airport. Enclosed is a copy of the above mentioned for your handling. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact this office. cc: County Administrator w/o document County Attorney Finance File PURCHASE I SERVICE ORDER FOR MONROE COUNTY To: URS Purchase Service Order No. 02/03-18 Re: PSA Agreement, Dated 1-1-02 Resolution No. Project Name: PFC Application # 8 - Key West International Description of Services: Prepare passenger facility changes (PFC) application for Key West International for projects at Key West and Marathon Airports for the Analytical Phase (Phase 1) and the Implementation Phase (Phase 2) of the PFC application for submission to the Federal Aviation Administration. (See attached detailed Scope of Services) Multiple of Direct Salaries Lump Sum x Reimbursable Expense Days to Complete Start Date 7-15-03 Completion date 12-15-04 -,+- $ 37.5~.OO ~2~~ ......'" n' ,-- 0("')' ~?J;-c: -I f-' --< () -' ... -1-'-- ....,. ]",.>- .- G:jT; > ' Fee this Service Order Payment for Services shall be in their entirety as per PSO. Prepared by: .~~ Mifford A. Reisert Recommended by: ~1t Date: 1-1 S -D'3 4/11/03 Date: Appro/e9lby. ~--. / / A../~/u ///. ~aV /'-.:> " .= C:.;;;:J - <..0.) r :E ,.." ;vo. Cl -..: N " 00 0 ::0 -u :":::J ::J: r"l N c; C) N :::0 -..I Cl Date: 4/11/03 County Commissioners N:ldeidresIC502520.55\PlXl310203-18. WPD ,1 ,._ SCOPE OF SERVICES , to. PASSENGER FACILITY CHARGE APPLICATION OBJECTIVE AND APPROACH . 'The objective of this project is to formulate and implement a Passenger Facility Charge (pFC) application that will minimize funding benefits to aid in the development of the Monroe County (County) Airports. The process for accomplishing this objective will consider current requirements for ailport development or rehabifitation, future short-range aviation demands and facility needs, the current capital improvement program (CIP). and available funding sources. A Iwo-phased approach is Proposed to meet the ol>jective of this project. The first phase is to analyze current and future short -range requirements plus the eligibility and available of sources of funding. The second phase is to prepare the PFC application for submittal to the FAA. PHASE I. ANALYSIS OF PFC PROJECTS The approach for analysis of potential PFC projects consists of the following major tasks: Task I. I Analyze Pertinent Airport Data In the first major task. the Consultant will gather and analyze pertinent airport liIcility and operational data that will efIect the determination ofPFC projects. The data will be requested from the County so as to be available for preliminary analysis prior to interviews of Key County officials. nata to be analyzed will include at least the fOllOwing: · Status of current PFC collections and expenditures for each of the Monroe County airports · Current CIP I · Proposed CIP under development in the current airport layout plan study Status of environmental/noise programs and approvals . List of airlines currently operating at each airport and their current market shares . Current and projected levels of enplaned passengers . Existing airline agreements N04.ne-."",..--_._..._ ....__... ___ "' . . , Task I.2 . Historical capital expenditures and fedenllstate grant receipts for the past three years, as well as status of pending airport improvement program (AIP) grant applications Statellocal enabling legislation pertaining to the.airport sponsor's ability to im),ose a PFC. . . Histori~a1 and current airport revenues, expenses, and net incomes available for capital improvement projects. . Historical and current airport rates and charges schedules, lease terms, etc. ,. Consult with Key Airport Officials (Meeting #1.} The Consultant will meet with key airport officials to discuss the analysis of data col/ected in Task 1.1 and gain an understanding of the airport's unique circumstances and objective for the PFC program. Key officials to be interviewed include the following: Task 1.3 . . Director of Community Services Budget Directors Director of Airports Airport Managers Legal Council to the airport Other individuals who may have key input to the PFC program . . . . . Analvze Potential Capital Development Proiects This is the most important task in the Analytical phase. The Consultant will identifY projects eligible for PFC funding. The Consultant will recommend priorities based on evaluation criteria developed jointJy by the County and the Consultant on the basis of individual circumstances and priorities of the airports. The Consultant will develop a spreadsheet which identifies PFC eligible projects on a priority basis. The results of the analysis of capital improvement projects will include the fol/owing: . . . . . . . Task 104 Project descriptions Project justifications Project objectives . Estimated project imp.lementation and completion dates Financing plan (esti~ted project costs) Other data required for PFC application Attachment B forms Draft CIP including potential PFC and other projects . Coordinate Proiects with FAA (Meetin$J #2) The Consultant win meet with the FAA AiIports District Office (FAA-ADO) to coordinate potential PFC projects and obtain FAA approval for their inclusion in the PFC application. N:\DE1DRES\C$02no.5"99000~ WPn ~ .., .,t Task 1.5 Analyze PFC Funding Potential This task will provide a revised estimate of the PFC proceeds available to the airports based on a pay- as-yo~-go approach. The Consultant wil~ also briefly review 'several altemativ~ financing scenarios' and detennirie the PFC potential based on leveraging the PFC funds. A preliminary prioritized listing ofPFC projects will be prepared based on the following data: ... . Forecasts of aviation activities '" . Projections ofPFC proceeds . '. . Eligibility for PFC funding . Eligibility for AlP funding . Eligibility for State funding . Airport net income . Other local funding . Task 1.6 Detennine Financial Plan This task is the development of a financial plan based on potential PFC projects selected for each of the County's airports and the identification of the types, sources, and availability of project funding. The financial plan wiIl incorporate potential PFC proceeds with each airport's other funding sources. The culmination of this task will be a financial plan to be sent to the airlines as part of their required notice of PFC programs. It will also be used to explain the PFC program at the required airline consultation meeting and the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). Task 1.7 Coordinate and Consult with the Airlines (Meetimz #3) In this task. the Consultant will assist the County in preparation of the written notice infonning the airlines of the airport's intent to implement a PFC. The Consultani will also assist the County in meeting with the airlines to provide the project description, explain the project need, and present the financial plan. Task 1.8 Coordinate Final Draft PFC Application with the County (Meeting #4) . The Consultant will consolidate the results of comments by the County, the FAA, and the Airlines into a final draft PFC application. T6e Consultant will meet with the County to verilY the contents of the application and the financial plan prior to the final coordination meeting with the FAA. TaskI.9 Coordinate Financial Plan with FAA (Meeting #5) The Consultant will meet with the FAA-ADO to discuss the final draft of the PFC Application and obtain agreement on the prioritized listing ofPFC projects and the financial plan. UAn"~~~_~___.~~.___ A - -. , ,-",I"" . . PHASE II, IMPLEMENTATION OF PFC PROGRAM The approach for completing the implementation of the PFC program consists of the following tasks required to complete the PFC application. .. Task III Apply for the PFC In this task, the Consultant will assist the County in preparing the documentation and completing the ~~~e applications to impose a PFC and to use PFC revenue., The Consultant will assist the County with submittal of the PFC Application ta the FAA to ensure approval of the PFC in a timely fashion. ,. " Task II.3 Presentation to BOCC (Meeting #6} The Consultant will assist the County in presentation of the PFC application to the Board of County Commissioners. I .''''f''\C'tn.f:''t'\~C'''Ift ~~if"""" c:;