FFY2016 - FYR41 (2016-17) 01/18/2017.......... ......
��sma IN PRIM"',
. . . .. .......
pucfmr au111».�»111 1000 PM I I I Aveinue
GOVE'R'NOR M i,mioni,l FL, 33 172 �� 5 810101
Sepiteirnibleir Vll* 21016
MAY 0 4, 2JD17
N illlr� � 4,� [1, Il I'llillull, A5, R l" ll)�( 1�11 II� x�� III "III I ....
J � � I � �2IkII
Coingm, tulatlovis, biasIdon youir appIliC.AiOrl fDr fedeiral aSSISOI]Xe I thly# Fe..dler-M Trairisit
AchninistiI 'tion 5310 Program, the Fliairlda Depairt.rnIan't int Trainsportation FireIlght
Passierigeirs aiiI LogMaIcs 1.1611 hiereby irnakesthe (liar' rurrl lgrant award to MONROE C."10LIP(TY
BC)ARD Off,,,C01 J114TY COMP MB."5110NEIRS.
Attin, Sheryl Graharn, Sr, Dircmtor
AddileSIS: 11010,Sliar onton Street 2-257
Key ftst. FIL 3310401
FEIN: 59 60100749
DUNS: 0738767571010100
FrA Girant # 1001-20116-46
Blelow air le the lers'Urnated, not actuM project coua.5 lof your award,
Capitai IUt ern Desmiptlon
(4) Glavat 20' Standa ird C*I Smoiline,
m0 3 geak plositiorts, 9 a imbLi IMly Sle*S,
TTUPS-11.-CA-GIR 1151655,0100 each)
B '1 0 ra"M t ed
Totall caplu$ Weral stat's tmcg�JAPPICY
lcmt Share 51mra SAlam
$2w,0(XY(X) 1 $2108,000.00 � $26PODO.C.H.) I $2.6,100R,00
Please notettOs award Isfor aPasseinger vehidlie(s) anid/or mother capitW eqli,Alpiryiie:rit,,Ico.q..,its,
Thie ViWiue of thle Feld erM awairidshould 'ble ic-icnis idle rield as irmn-casl-i assEst ance-A non,feldeiral entlity
as ideflinpid by 0MR r1rculiv A-133, fbr fisc,al year beIginintng before December 26, 21014, 12
CFR Part 2CA thereiqfter, as a:Sublrecilj::Aipinilt of Uiis Fedie.rO awaiiI be subiect to thle. auft
requIremmeta I stablishield by OMB Circulark.1.33, forftvcal ye,cm,.5 beginning before Diecernberli�,
Sheryli Director,
Siuwpterrlper V, 2016
Page 2 of 7
20.14, and 2 CT"R Part 200, ithereafter. IM de tipirirnlMng Fielideral all wards exper-Wed Illy@ afisiii:;z I yea: ir�,
the rioii-v.-Federal eritity rinaist MnAider all solurces of Federal auviairids,, including nion cash
contritm,fth:r s.
rtmp w ILAW I.A111 vLh(deA, pW.gM&j&jW3,prqjpd to successful appitcants
acq.:zrd1!ng to thie Diepa rtrine n t.!s QW1,0 'o p ngs L r IL _ _
your affency will be resi Onslkfle to provilde a 10% Illiocal rinatich arils the total proje."d Cost, IIf
ac-tual 'cusill Y�.'jire greater than ithiii!!!! esth"natied total cf.:)st, 6Vw�,Hll bethe, resporWbRIty dfyo ur, �agenof
to l:u-cvidie thie difference. IIf ac'UiaY costs iarre less thian thie estftalted totail icosit, Ittrle diffiereince wifi
reimMrm lin O-ie DepartimenCs general program fi.md aind WHI be usedt,D advainice any rir:1.1naWing
gnar�'t requiests.
Rystqatng below the A�,.,jenry reaffirrm its assurances to FTA and FOOT as stated fn EA[bits F,
and 1 1 pf Its a pilkiation. � A , , .9 0 a Dwng
p jpncV,rjcknowtpdqe-san,da, mestoth f If % f
1. Malintatna iCin�irrsirnui-wpty'Traiiisp,o�rt-ali,on Coordination ICTO Agreernient anid an Annival
Opeumt1ing Reploin, JAGR) With Its resp'ecthre caunty O.jk,O.n& Lh qlj,'...;kha mah.lclt.
1 Namethe Departrneint as an linsuiv airme ceirtif frate Ilioldeir an vehiclesobtained throiqo� i
this pirograrn and PTIDV[de evidence of Ertsuirancie, coveirage to, the DepartMent.
t Use
3 2.u.A.. ar 1 k apuvm t-'..mai �Lf a 2f 1 b f ignmmy (Attaichment 11.).
4. Submft ainAnnual lnwentioiryof 'aill oppirating equipment acigulired tiliwot.igh thie grant
diuring thie usc-.�.fdl life 'of the ve4"rJde.
5. Subirnit Mgne�id,Startdaird LailbbyIng Forml, if grant awards issuied to the redpient eiqu;'Os or
exce, P,r:is the amount of $1 DOO, 00-01
& Rg
-r.tLL1MQ.,R'j, to Departmiain't (Attachiment 2).
7. ENERIFY )I'EiNDiDRS/C,O,NT�[�',qAlt�"IlP'OR5,,
7.1 S11,911 Udfl?e tihie U.S. I0tmpar-tmpr#t of Homeland Servrlty",5 r-Vc.yjf)rsVsh-m to verify
the employment eliqlbUlty of 'all n e w employees, hireidby the Vrim' dor1r..'rintructoir,
during the term qfthe--." R:','wtract; amd
Z2 Shaff expressly require any subcontrarfors perforrnfnir.7 lwoirk ar prnviding sendcps
pursuant to thestate rontruct ta, likewilsem utflize the U-& DePim tfNefli' Of
P.-k,uneland S�.-,wudty's r- Vadfy systein to iver�f'thip emplayment elij-71biflitv of all niew
empip re(,��s hiredby the subirantractor idtain, Ithe f
$ 9 :Eorftrad term
sheiryl Gir-alham, e , Director
septiernblar 1", 210126
Page 3aV7
I imAy 0 4i� ?.() 171
lfthibft 1, 'inu IExhil,bit 2 totills IIly0fice of Graint Award (MOGA proy,lide the iripqU[ired FedipiriM Award
Identiflcatiloin and iinfoirginaboneeded tic� cornp�y wlth� the sl� ag[p niudit requililr6glilf -W)IMM
ideteiirirriiliinil:T�ig amanuits W fedlen iral awairids expeirided lin ��R fisca Veaiii-ViDuir Apnicy miust ciawmiloighall
soluircles of federa� awards,, liinicilludbiig irmairicaslhii cointribuUmls. ljg)U�%L DEVELOP1
Accepted ��by:
----------------- --
.......... . ...... ------------------ . . ...........................
f7a be rxinspiered and grwaldbv uOle per5an inthadzeld, Ica proapr rprunr4i'vajodc, Pirmie renuitip to FDOTOLT(fict 6 - dMadbJ
OcIfflibmient Oct/
. . . ........... . ...........
Mrs. IDIIlorii��!rse (3. FIN ainboin,, Date
District sk
Moidal irk,velopment i OffiCe Mupigpy
AtTadmenti (7�
Dk V
Einc, Agenicy FV%, AgeoryVear Mg. TraiiuCifflanid FCXIT�i Orilve
....... . . . . ...... ................ . .................. I . . ............................
IF01.111 DIAIS:
CFD,A Nio.: 20.ill; 1.3
CIF DA llfle: EM-11 mnc l IMlobflfty of Sleii*llors anid lndiv� divabr- wilth Disp.,flb[lffies
C,FDA Program .w w, w.. E.C.I. —OV . ....... ... . .....
nay ardling Floc ddia IDepairtment of
Award Amotint. "refer to the Vehicle/FqUipenlent deUverynotice packoge, fear actual purrhim-se
Researdh & Not Appikal..Ae
Indfirect ClDst No't Apj)Hcal::oJie
............. - ........ . ........................ . ........ ........................ . . ....... WARIDED l:.)LhRSUANTT0 11--SS AGREEMENT ARE SIIJ,BJE,C,,T'T,D TI-iE
..................... . ... . ................... . ... . ................................................... ...................................... ............... . ....................................... . ......................... . ........................ . . .................................
........................................... -11 ........... ....... . ....... ! ! ............ �l Mium .. . ....... . ...............
2 CF11 Pairt 210(..) - Lfi-Ifforin Adrnlhnistirahvle Riequireirneints, Cost Pii!iindples & AudIt Rl�:IqWrlernenU foir
MANN'. P- Q ([
UMB IDriculair A-13I, Aud frscu Staties, Lacal rlov,VPMents anid NoiR Profit Orgunizations
. .. .... .. .. .... .. ...
OMB 101rcular A 1.33 Cornr.fl[ance 5t,sIpplieirnent
wwwvv jI�kPhDuS.f!-,P OM6 d. C..Wars
. . ....... . ........................... . . Li I ........... �j . ....... . ...................
..................................... . ......... . ........... ..- 1..................,.. . .... . ....... . . . .......................... . ................... . ........................... . ..................................... . .. . .....................
. ..... . ......... . ..................... I I . .....
0 M B'Cl ITU lia r`,A 817, Cost PrInciptes fo. rS,tate, tociat and Indlian'Tr(bial Governments
wvv%vm�- Reho , � h.-Whirs
- --.1--h ................ ---A�2p � . �ov Ca .... . ............ I . ...... . ....... -..,
10108 Orcular A-11.0, Uniform Administrative Pilriquireaim entsfor Grants aind Agreements �%elth
Mstitutfons of Higher Education, hfospitir,,JL5 and I0MIer Non-Pro,fit Organizations
.w....... .w......w.�Etink: ....t.m.0 rCt,a Iar's
. iUPSC BID: Forrint,fla Grantsfai the Enhan~nc IMlobflftv of'Senilmrs and EirdIO&.sals Mth
. .. . ..............
e xhtm�l
FT A Oiriclutar 90710.1..GEntminceid Mlob'dity of Seirkii,irs airnd pindhddui,-,fls %Alil h DisabHlMes Piriap t r&rn
Guldianicle aird Apphicatiurn Mstructlans
............................ 11 . 11,6 t 9. s ................ i �n a lat o 1 1 9 h n IC
F:�ipderM Flurdng Accountab4fty aind Transpareincy Act (II:::;FATA) &.wb awaird Reporting Systern
(FS R 5)
............... . ..... . . . .......... . qy
WIV'W Sdotj.!pv
Single AuditRequiremen
T'P,w of resioluircies alwardied fl v,oulgh tf'w Flodida Delp �a rtirn ir.,n,i t o�if rrarts,portatloii
(Depairtrneir,�t) 'to ttiw Siui:weclpiera rnay 1::iie slubject to �iuidi�ts airidjoir rnionitioring Iby the
Dlei,:caif°'tr-'r,nE�ir--iit.'n--iieifol6omw ing r-)eqluiremen,tsr of-iotI[io,,rnitthle tmient, to cor'lliduict
of-, arrainige for Ili* cloiriduct of addftion,M at,16ts ci evMw.-idoins, oftedeiral as or 16rnnit ttiiie
atdtiiicn-fty of any State agency inspectioir geine4l, the State of Floirlda Auditor GeirmrM oir ariiyott'eir
StaU.! off licial. 11'iiie Subireiclpiera sl,*R ic,Dirrnppy wlltf-al[t auldit arild aludilt rep oirtfnp.,.; ar1equir-lernients as
sp,'wecffied below.
�abriu aididition to revIews of aluldfts coirndiucted Jin aicicordaincie wliflh cor-daOAAB Circulliair A- ' I "' 3 3 ' for
fiscal yeairs biegiirmiirig blEfOrr Dieice!wiber- 216, 20,14, anid Ln aicinice witl-ii 2 �CFR Raii t
2010, Subpairit F - Audit Rir..!quireirnernts, for' Fiscal years Eoeeiiru--flirq on o,r after Dect..�imbeir
26, 21014, moinitaflinig .., proceidiures may Ipnicluide bUt not IN'Tilted to, cirmsfte visits tivy
[)epairtirnent staff air--W/oir ott-ver proiciedures iirwWiding, revlewLng anrequired
Plerfoirmaince ar-uid fiinwxii'fl ii q:wirts, foPlowilrqf:w, eir;suring corrective action, ailrlud issulr)g
rnainageimeirvt decWiDns r irl 'weakinessps folund tfu'ougl'i ak.,Wits wheirf Chose flindings
pv tailn to Fedier'M awards piroVideid thrm.,mg�h the [)epartrrvcirat by this Award, By
accepting this Aw,F..ird, the Subreicipient agirees to cvm�l;::4y airird colo: erate fi.�HWtt,� any
P y
moinitoririg deemied ap;Droprillate by thie Diepartiment rt.m
Subreciipieiriit furtheir aigrelus 'to coirirlpty and coq::wate wlitl-,n any Inspectlinirils, reviews,
iirwesflgatlioins, or aiudks deleirned' neicessary 1::)y ttiiie Depar-tir"neint, State ofFilioridia Chdief
FlnanciM Officeir (C:,FO)l or State of Florida Auditior, Giemreral,
b. The Subirecipient, a noiraF'edeu al eintity as defined by OMB OrciWar, A]133jor f[scal years
biegh,mhng Ibefoire E )eccein,i6cr 26, 2101.4, ar-aid Fim lutefined ib"M Part 2010, &.uI[::qiart F
Aludlit Requirernients, for'.Fiscal years begirming on air after ICEeiceir-61::welr 26, 20114, as �a
subirecipi[ent of a Federal awarid awardeid throt,igl--a fl-iair IN qpairtirneirrt, is subject to the
ftnlllloWlu°n Iregiuplrernients�:
pin ti--iiie eveint tl'ie Slubireiclipient expends a tiOtM aMIDILVI't Of Federal award., s cquall
to or iirie exicess of the ld,,iaeshollid le.5tabUsfimid by CHOIB Clrci,flair A-1,33, fioir fisc,,M
years tneg'pmnruipun, Italaufore. Decernbeir 2.1610 20141 aridestabilished by 2 CIFR Paif t 2,
Subpairt F Audit Requireiments, for fiscal years beginining on or afteir [)ecerrrber
26, 21014, Che Subrecilpient mii ist have a F"lederal sir�qle oir prograirn-specific zn,iidlit
fo�r sucl a f1sic-a6 yearcoirioducteid in accioirdairmr..!! Wid ItIlIP pN'OVWOIIIS aaf OUB Circular
A 133,,for fisical years Ipusuginining befoirie [.)ecembeir 216, 21C.',1134, anict in accicn,claince
wibh the pelf invllsllicorns of 2 GFRPart 2100, Ss,ilbpairt F AUffit IReiqiuiii,-ier'ir,,aei[--its,,foir" fiscal
yeaii 5 begiiniriing oiri oir after Decernberu 16, 201.4. E A-0bit 1, tio this Agreernent
p r cvVI idles the Ir.,aqmu6reid Fiederal award ideintification iiurlforcratlraulnl neeideid Ilay til'w
Suibireicill:.,)ieiirnt to furthleir cornIplywith Chle requilirements of It Circular A-L]V3,
,%v w Iv,. ftliot-,gov
for fisc:M yelains bleginning bleforeDecernbleir 26, 2014, ziind the requirrmirinio.mts of 2
OFR Pairt 200, Subpart IF -... Audit R: eqiulrim:!^rnienks, floir fisf.:A years bieI&Kirlig oii"t oir
aftill Dieceirnbeii-- 26, 21014, In idle, te-,, rvn in ing FedierM a:-Iwards expended in a fiscal
yii the Subred,plient must consider afl siolurces olf 1"iederM awards bas'ed on
when the -.aicdvitv related to the Federal awaird ocicii.rrs, Indiudiing the FedeirM
awiard pirovililed as noricash assistance tf,iirciugh tkne Dir:�partirneint by this Award,
The deterr-nination of ain"munts, of Fiedie,41 raw airids explended slI-iiiouild be i
accordance with ttiie guideiines f.--.,,stabLlsIIed ibly OrOB Circular A-1.33, for fisclail
yeau'`S blielginning before Decembier,26, 2101.4, and estabfisl,md by 2 M Plain, 2100,,
Subpart IF -- Audit for fislcW yeiairs beginning on, cn, after II:::') c unber
26, 2101.4, An, aUldfit conk ducted Idly tamer State of Ffoirida Aviditinir (`.`.eineir-al in
aiccuirdarxe witih tl,me provisio: ins ielf' OMB i A 133,, for fiscM years bileginining
beforeII! ecernbic.,,r,216, 201114, and Lrr accordairice with 2 OFT
Part 21DO, Subpaii--t F Auldit IRequuirements, foirflscO years bier giii a-idng on or lafter
Decernix..�ir 26, 210114, wi:Rryieet the requiremir.,ints Of thispairt.
�In cioniriiection wid-ii the, i,-aiudit rec.1t.dreirineruts, ihe Sutvieci;::niienit shaN fWhlil tkiie
t ,
requirernents retative to tKe! aulditee responsiWiftilles as; provided iri CIMB Circular
A- 13 3, for 6 sc a I yea u s beginining before December 216, 2103.4, and as provided ini
2 CFR P,art,2100, Subpart IF Auldit ReqUiriernents, for fiscM l beglininiinjg oin or
after Deicernbeir 26, 2,01,
HL In the elvent the Subrecilpient experilds Wss d-iiain tl'ie threO'mlid estaidliNhed by
(.)MiB Dircluilar A 133, forfiis,41 years Il,uumrginining Iblefore IDeicm,urrntaelr 26, 20'A, l
esta b Iiished i.,ry 2 CFR Part 2100,,Sub�pairt F Aludit Requirernients, for fisc:M Years
v -ds, the 5�..lbreci Iloirlitis
beg:hining on i lafter December 216,, 2014, in Fle' dieW awar ip
exempt frorn Feideirai aii reqii..iirernieints 'for fisical year-. I iloweveir, thie
Sudireicipient rinust Provide a single aiudit vxprnpUr..),n statement tc) thip....
Departrnierft at .F—D....0....... .1..".. i...n... g!?,e--..P.ftt, C#O
room Nteil- thain infi"ieUtonths after
tfie eind of the SubrecOeint's audit Iplrpofor° ealch applicable l year,
iv, Thip, Subirlecipill must OecltronlcalRV siubmft to th'e FeideraI[ Audit Clew ft-,a,ghouse
(FAC) at hup : harvesteii',,(,:�Ierg l reporfing pack age a!S 11 ...............................
. ............. S. I thip
............................ M.,
required 1::uy iOMB Circutair A-1.33, for fiscA years Ipuegprnrrlirg beruireDielcernbleir 26,
201.4, anid as reliqUired by 2 CHR IPart 2100, Slubpart iF Audit Re1quirewirlents, for
fisicai yc.�.airs beginning inn or after Deciembr..air 26,, 201.4, witf-riin U--se eadier iof 310
cMenidar days aftler receipt W the auditor's report(s) or l rinonths afteir Chilua
i of the audit perill The FAC;w is th(.* repository of record ton,, audits reqUired
by C)MB Ciricutar A-1.33,, for fiiscM years 1:-)eginininig, before Decil-.:Wl bier 26, 21014,
and for auldits rieliqUired Ip, y 2 CFR:Ipart 200, Sul)part F Aii.l Ri(i.-,quilrernents, fuir
fiscalylears beginning lon or afteir Declembeir 261, 21014, arlid CINis Award. 1l' lowever,
Che IDcpmiairtirnent Irequires as clopy c)f the auldit Irepm' uirtilnig packiage ako ble
sLibirl to FDO lin..k.Aud.t "? t witill'-fl,n the elairlier- of 131C.) Wenciar
a p C�
.......... I ................. I
days after recept Of the audltioi's rieport(s) or irdine rriiioirahs after the end lof the
W %wr W, ("(1(yj ()V,
aludit pp ieriold as requilred by ii TOB Circular A-1.33, frxr fiscal years bleginning befn..�re
December 26, 2014, and al. r1equired lby 2 M Pairt� 200, Slubpairt F -.. Auldit
Requireirrients, f(.)T- fiscal years begl[ni Ong on or afteir M,:Icernbeir 26, 201C
V, Up oreceipt, and within six niointfns,,, the Department milli review the
SlUbineldipierit's aludit repiortling ipackag ge, includlirii,liz, correlcithee acdon plains and
rruiraageirne;n t' letteirgip, to the extent necessary tin, deterimine Mletl,wrflirnely and
appropiriate aiction un ;:.uH defideiri,r..,ies; has beein talken piertaliniirug W thie Fiederal
awarld provided tfirougt,,m the Dir..-.-?p@irtrn,ent, i.:)y this Aw aird. if the Subirecipierit falls
to Ihave ar� aludit cloinducted in accoiridairiciri.,,, witl-n C)MB Orin.glair. A 1.33, For Fiscal
years bir,--?,jginniriig before Decernl::rier,26, 2014, anid tin accioridance with 2 CFR Pairt
2100,,, S!ubl::iart lF -... Audit, Requirements, for, f1scail years L�e!giinniing i or afteir
l'..)e1ceiiinbleir 26, 2014, thie,, E)elpairtrneint may hrinplose aiddldionM cioriudiltlons, to
reirneldy in,011-11COrnl:Aiance. if the Department deteriminies d,nat nonicornplizince
caniniot be riernedied' lby hnpios[nig a1d61tk.)iru,,.,0 condiitioins,, tl'ue Dip, partirneint rniay
take a1p;,nolpriii-ate actions to enforce cornpHanice.
Vii. As a cininditi,on of recielvingthis Federal' award,,, thip Subirielcipient shaH pierimit the
Delpairtirnent, oir its designee, V1 ae CF01 oir State of i. Auditor General access
tio O"m Subre.,cip[eint's records indluidiruig firiainciM strut emei"ifts, tl"iie iridiepiendeii it
auditar's winirlding papers and project records as necessairy. Rieco,rds i to
unresolved audit finiffiings, appeals or litip S
ation � lwW be retaiiined lumrntifi the acti'Ira
is cornplete or thc.!! dispute is riesolved.
Viii. The [)epairtmient"s ciontact infDrM1tfD11i f0l" reqLHirerne..,rits hinder this part its as
Office of Coi7iq:.Arolleir, MS 24
605 Sluwainnee Stireet
T'E,Iiih--iihassee, Florida 12399-041!ic
................................. I .- @ q.f 10 Rus
c. Tkie Siubrecppiernt shall Iretaiin sufficiie.int reciords dernionstiii its cornp4anice with dl-ie
terrins of U-6s Agrernient foir a ! eriod of five years friDirn the idat'tl-iie at,jidlit rep(.vt IIs
issued aind sNaLl allow thie 1'.)PIpartmv t,, or Its diesignee, the CK.) or State of Fioridia
reciairids upon
the aludift wiuirkling papeirs are made avO,MWe to the Department, or ipts diesignee, thip
CIF0,, cur, State o,f Foiruld,aALditor,Geii-i'eir,ai'Ljp)on requiestfOra period offive years from the
date ttie audit Irepoirt is ir,5iued unless eXteinded ilin Wirldinr ., by the Departmemit.
w %v w 1'6) 1 " g1 v
R/ 9
IMEX"HURr"r, 13
Procurement Process Overview
1"his iInforrnation is hint and t Iprovidle plidance oin t e piroicesses for pirocuireirnients 41--mri sinjig ih u ,
!stataind rr..:aiderat dioll,ars, fllirolcuireiimeruts sl-wUld be lin acclardainicle with Chapteir 287, Florida Statutes
(R'S,), Chialpteir, iCiCOA, IRradida Administrat We Cuidle (F,A.1C )and the Fedaim. I
(IFTA) Best Practices IFlirociurfimeira Marusiaik Additibrially, ge agria pilli lic refer inicle 5 1 prohibilted
wl-iilern proicuii ennients invidIve feldarM furn dsfrefipreiare., 49 UR1.836(c)(1)(2) and I C4,220,1F, Ch
VF, Sec':'tfon 2.ol(4)(g)].
Ttdrd Parly Coiritiracts refli to as recilpilent's ccintiractwith as viii orcinntractor,, ipunicMuudimng
procuremeint 1:q purichasiv, arder car purdhase 1:'uy credift caird, which Is fin anicleid Mitih IGruaaderaal
assistaricie awairdeld Iby FTk
burn agency sficiWd submit thehr procureinnient reqUIP-St tID the District Illiepureser'stafive foirappirovM
pr[or to cm rnp�liefiinjr ., fl-,* puirchase-To compliete, the pwocureirnent ii eqluest, the ageiriaicy shcm.glid foiiiiaw
these stq:n::
L DietPirrnine the Fuinding Sokircie (Le . . .... rederal, statle, cnr liocM funds)
Deterimlinle tyj:.'.ae of proiciuriernent b6iling (!Exarrq::flesare toicateid limn the Pirocuirr....mient
Guidance for TrianisQ,Agiendes IHarod blook)
Professional Eingliniielering Slervicas
Rio, I Ung Stock
Materials aind St,ppfies
Micro Piurchase . ........ Priociurer-neints less tl-uarl $2,500
Sma[l lPiurchia,,r,.,,s -.. Procuiriernents gireateir tl--uiain $2,50O but liess than $35,0010
Compedtive Pricicuireirneiruts — Prod urerneintrw greater U'iian $35,0010
Other rr,etholds Hstield lien the Procurement Gulidarme Foir TrarisitAgencies Ma ink.,W
�4. Einsiurett-nat A potemflA Mll aiciciept the aippHicM:Ae fedlear',A cllausir.-us fl'tat
reel to to the, proictmrierrient.
5. Cornplete thle Subriecipier-it: Procurement Cl-neickfist
CID( MPIlletie the appropirlate ti pairty cheickElst from the Prociun..mneint Guidance flar"T's-ansft
Age ncles I Lal nidbook The cheddist slhilcxk natiatip.-wheire thle apipticablle i can Ible found in the
For prolcurpmerents that are categorlized as a "Sirnah Ruirchase", is sample'Veiridlor Srndl Fluirchasie
Wftuir N tnicated ilrn the Plirocuireirnient Cluldaince for TrainMt Ageiruides lklaindb'010k. Agencies i
utifiziethis lietteir as a teirnp:Aate W"Hero third party agi"leei'viiie�rit!i/icciuitii-airts, airc,, nec:iessairy. PhIls wHI
einsure d'iiat the thLrd Ipaarty (viendor Iow, contractor) aicclqpts the appliliciable fiedeiral clalurses,