Resolution 115-1997 RESOLUTION NO. 115-1997 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENYING THE REQUEST FILED BY VIVIENNE K. SCHLEU, ON BEHALF OF GALLEON BAY CORPORATION, TO AMEND THE LAND USE DISTRICT (ZONING) MAPS FROM IMPROVED SUBDIVISION (IS) TO COMMERCIAL FISHING VILLAGE (CFV) FOR PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS TRACT A OF THE AMENDED PLAT OF DOLPHIN HARBOR SUBDIVISION, SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EAST, TALLAHASSEE MERIDIAN, NO NAME KEY, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND HAVING THE REAL ESTATE IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 00319490-004500. WHEREAS, Section 9.5-511(c), Monroe County Code, provides that the land development regulations, including the land use district maps, may be amended or changed at any time; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners on February 28, 1986, designated Tract A of Dolphin Harbor Subdivision, which is located in Section 18, Township 66 South, Range 30 East, Tallahassee, Meridian, No Name Key and has the real estate identification number 00319490-004500 as Improved Subdivision (IS); and WHEREAS, the applicant has requested a map amendment for the above described property to change its land use district designation from Improved Subdivision (IS) to Commercial Fishing Village (CFV); and WHEREAS, during the amendment process, the DevelopmentReview Ggmmi~e, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, revie~ the propOsed rand use district map amendment and recommended approval; and . - . ~ 0 ;:::0 'T' WHEREAS, the Monroe County Planning Commission, sittin~ as the 1mbl pl~ing agency, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, reviewesohe ,::: proposed land use district map amendment and carefully considered all of the e~ence':~d testimony submitted by the applicant, members of the public, and the Growth Nihagerii~nt Staff, including new information that changed its recommendation from approval to denial, and recommended denial; and WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissioners, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, has reviewed all of the above recommendations and adopts the following FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. Monroe County Code (MCC) Section 9,5-511 provides that amendments to the land development regulations (including zoning maps) are not intended to relieve a particular hardship, nor to confer special privileges or rights on any person, nor to permit a change to community character, but only to make necessary adjustments to the code. Section 9,5- 511(d)(5)(b) states that the Board of County Commissioners may consider a map amendment based on changed projections, changed assumptions, data errors, new issues, recognition of a need for additional detail or comprehensiveness or data updates, as long as there is no adverse community change to the planning area. 2, The applicant wishes to rezone this property to relieve inadequacies of her adjoining property which is zoned Commercial Fishing Village, 3, Unlike the property subject to this application, the Dolphin Estates Subdivision properties, which adjoin Bahia Shores Subdivision, may be distinguished in that those parcels zoned Commercial Fishing Special District 2 (CFSD-2), already contain commercial fishing activities. 4. Section 163.3194(1)(a), Florida Statutes provides that after a comprehensive plan, or element or portion thereof, has been adopted in conformity with this act, all development undertaken by, and all actions taken in regard to development orders by, governmental agencies in regard to land covered by such plan or element shall be consistent with such plan or element as adopted, 5, Pursuant to Chapter 9J-14,022, Florida Administrative Code, portions of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan became effective on January 4, 1996. 6. Goals, Objectives and Policies in the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan or the Monroe County Land Development Regulations regulating the use of land on Big Pine Key and/or No Name Key include the following: Policy 101.5,5: Monroe County shall implement the Non-residential Permit Allocation and Point System via the land development regulations, The following weighting categories are hereby established as guidelines for developing the specific point values in the land development regulations, The points are intended to be applied cumulatively except where specified otherwise, (7) Critical Habitat Areas- Points shall be assigned to Allocation Applications for proposed non-residential development located within critical habitat areas of the Florida Keys. Points shall be assigned as follows: Major Negative: Any non-residential development proposed on Big Pine Key, No Name Key, Ohio Key and North Key Largo, Policy 101.13.4: Transferable Development Rights may be used within the Residential Permit Allocation System to increase density, subject to the limitations contained in the land development regulations, The Maximum Net Density is the maximum density allowable with the use of TDRs, and shall not exceed the maximum densities established in this plan. 2 Density transfers to Big Pine Key, No Name Key, and North Key Largo from other areas of the County shall be prohibited, Policy 103,1.4: Monroe County shall support, wherever possible, the efforts of federal agencies, state agencies, and private non-profit conservation organizations, to acquire land for conservation purposes within habitat areas of the Key deer. Policy 103.1.14: Monroe County shall discourage tour groups on Big Pine Key, Objective 207,6: By September 30, 1993, Monroe County shall implement a cooperative program with the FWS, DNR, and FGFWFC to promote the recovery of wildlife species designated by the federal government as threatened and endangered. Policy 207.7,1: Monroe County shall regulate future development and coordinate the provision of public facilities on Big Pine Key and No Name Key, consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of this Comprehensive Plan and in order to: 1. protect the Key deer; 2, preserve and enhance the habitat of the Key deer; and 3. maintain the rural, suburban, and open space character of Big Pine Key. Pa~e 3-131 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan Technical Document: The population of Key Deer is centered on Big Pine Key and No Name Key, 7, Section 9,5-246, MCC: Commercial Fishing Village District allows the following uses as-of-right: commercial fishing; detached dwellings; and accessory uses. 8, Section 9,5-4(C-12), MCC.: Commercial fishing means the catching, landing, processing or packaging of seafood for commercial purposes, including the mooring and docking of boats and/or the storage of trap and other fishing equipment and charter boat uses and sport diving uses. 9, Section 9,5-242,...MC.C.: Improved Subdivision District allows the following uses as- of-right: detached dwellings; home occupations; and accessory uses. 10, The subject parcel is part the Amended Plat of Dolphin Harbor Subdivision, which is an established residential subdivision with deed restrictions prohibiting non-residential uses, 11. Policy 101.4,22: The Maximum Floor Area Ratio (F,A.R.) for Commercial Fishing Village Districts is ,25-.40 and for Improved Subdivision Districts is .20-,25, 12, The uses permitted in the Improved Subdivision district are exclusively residential in nature, while the uses permitted in the Commercial Fishing Village district allow for commercial and commercial fishing uses as a matter of right. 3 13, According to page 3-174 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan Technical Document and based on evidence and testimony provided at the public hearing, impacts associated with the catching, landing, processing or packaging of seafood, trap storage or boat mooring for commercial purposes create noise, odors and visual effects that may be considered nuisances in a residential area. 14, Florida Statutes Chapter 163.3194(1): provides that all development undertaken by, all actions taken in regard to development orders by, and all land development regulations enacted or amended by governmental agencies shall be consistent with the adopted comprehensive plan or element or portion thereof. 15. Florida Statutes Chapter 163.3194(3)(a): A development order or land development regulation shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, and other aspects of development permitted by such order or regulation are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land uses, and densities or intensities in the comprehensive plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government. 16, Florida Statutes Chapter 163.3194(3)(b): A development approved or undertaken by a local government shall be consistent with the comprehensive plan if the land uses, densities or intensities, capacity or size, timing, and other aspects of the development are compatible with and further the objectives, policies, land sues, and densities or intensities in the comprehensive plan and if it meets all other criteria enumerated by the local government, 17, Florida Statues Chapter 163.3164(7): "Development order" means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit. 18. Florida Statutes Chapter 1663.3164(8): "Development permit" includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exception, variance, or any other official action of local government having the effect of permitting the development of land. 19, Section 9,5-4(D-8). MCC: "Development" includes the subdividing ofland as well as a change in the intensity of use of land. 20. Section 9.5-4(D-9),MC.C..;. "Development approval, development order, or development permit" includes a change of land use district boundary, 21. Objective 101.4 of the 2010 Comprehensive Plan states, "Monroe County shall regulate future development and redevelopment to maintain the character of the community and protect the natural resources by providing for the compatible distribution of land uses consistent with the designations shown on the Future Land Use Map." 22. The Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan Technical Document states on page 2-65, "Building on the concepts for land use contained in the current Land Development 4 Regulations (Monroe County, BOCC, 1990), the Future Land Use Map series reflects a pattern consistent with the following land use districts: Residential Medium The Residential Medium land use category includes existing improved subdivisions characterized by disturbed or scarified land, Mixed Use Commercial Fishing This land use category includes established concentrations of commercial fishing uses, 23, On August 19, 1992, the Board of County Commissioners directed the Planning Staff to "correct all known inadvertent conflicts between the Future Land Use designations and the existing zoning maps," 24. Policy 1 0 1.4.22 states that Residential Medium future land use designation corresponds with the Improved Subdivision zoning district and that the Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing future land use designation corresponds with the Commercial Fishing Village zoning district. 25, Drafts of the Future Land Use map depict Tract A along with the rest of Dolphin Harbor as Residential Medium and there is no existing documentation of any direction from the county to the mapping consultants stating that there should be a change from the Residential Medium to another designation. 26, The final version of the FLUMs depict Tract A along with the rest of Dolphin Harbor as Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing. WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, after due notice and public participation in the hearing process, makes the following CONCLUSIONS OF LAW: 1, In her application and in her comments before the Development Review Committee, the applicant did not provide sufficient information to meet the criteria of Section 9.5-511, MCC, that warrants our granting the requested map amendment. Therefore, we must conclude that the applicant has not met her burden of demonstrating why the proposed land use change should be granted. (Findings of Fact 1,2, and 3) 2, Commercial Fishing Village zoning district allows "as-of-right" uses that are more intense than and incompatible with uses allowed in the Improved Subdivision district. Therefore, the occurrence of commercial fishing activities on the subject property will adversely impact the character of the established neighborhood of the remainder of the Amended Plat of Dolphin Harbour Subdivision which is adjacent to the subject property. (Findings of Fact 7,8,9, 10, 11, 12, and 13) 3. A rezoning from IS to CFV for the subject parcels constitutes "development" in that it grants the intensification of the use of land as a matter of right AND it is that 5 intensification that is inconsistent with the overall goals, objectives and policies of the comprehensive plan, especially as they relate to the use of land and associated impacts on Big Pine Key, No Name Key and the Key Deer. (Findings of Fact 4,5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20,21) 4, The intent of the 2010 Future Land Use Designations and subsequent Maps, as referenced in Findings of Fact 20,21,22,23, and 24, is to designate the Amended Plat of Dolphin Harbour Subdivision as Residential Medium in order to have future land uses remain consistent with the uses allowed under the current Improved Subdivision zoning. Consequently, a scrivener's error has occurred in the designation of the Amended Plat of Dolphin Harbour Subdivision as Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing, Therefore, the request to rezone the subject property to Commercial Fishing Village is inconsistent with the intent of the FLUM, despite its consistency with the designation as it currently exists. (Findings of Fact 21,22,23,24,25, and 26) 5, The subject property does not meet the purpose of Mixed Use/Commercial Fishing district in part because it is not part of an "established concentration of commercial fishing uses", (Finding of Fact 22) 6. The property owners of the non-Tract A portion of the Amended Plat of Dolphin Harbour Subdivision have a reasonable expectation that future uses in their sbdivision would remain compatible with the existing residential uses, (Findings of Fact 1, 14, and 21) 6 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that: Section 1, The previously described property shall remain designated as Improved Subdivision on the land use district maps. Section 2. The Board hereby directs the Growth Management staff to initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment to correct the scrivener's error that was revealed, Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change or provision of this resolution is held invalid, the remainder of the resolution shall not be affected by such invalidity. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 19thday of March A.D. 1997 Commissioner Freeman Commissioner Harvey Mayor Pro Tern London Commissioner Reich Mayor Douglass yes yes recused no yes -.......... By: . "'/';. ~"""-~"'" ,\:~..:,",~;....J '~.'_/ ~""" )". .' ATTEST: Danny L. Kohlage, Clerk ~...~~ BY 7 -r E \ \ \ (h.. n;, N ~ Street Map Monroe County fl/ qr;01lj 1 "_1/2 mile 47 4. i , �: ,/ 0 -4a s .,, --* — ,em , , raved • 4 .. , .4.-.....„,.., -7 'I x �'v t t hF 4 . it- '" . ,4 °of F it 44_4141L, I ,, , ,... - wr, _.,...1) . , N 1989 REDI Aerial Maps mgColg l?' f 1 "=boo' \ l : i \i': I . I I . I I II If .. Il:. .. I I::. .' I, H . 1:1jt--- , ~ ~i"'l-i,,-',: II I I I !I I I'" , .... ; · : I I;... I I : : ~--------------__J ~ .. BIG SPANISH CHANNEL ----- --------------- r-------________ I ---,.._ CFSD-~ --- I I --- NA I , . , I ~~ : ~~ i I . I · I I I rI I~ \ . " -'----, . I \ . \ AME !KEY I NAI i II . . .. IS N ~ Key: No Name MM: 30 to CFV "1tN/~ C -------- -------.- -....-- ---... CFV . .. - . I - ! - I . . ... - . - ! I .. I . II - OUI Property Description: Tract A of Amended Plat of Dolphin Harbor, Sec. 18, Twn. 66, Rge. 30 Applicant Name: Schleu Map # : 319 & 328 1"=400' File Number: M95094 's Arm )ine y .,,-----. '-'-., 'I ~ h ~ ~$ .'V{~ ~<~ n H . No Name Key Refuge Key ,c:z N Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan ~ Future Land Use Map p Adopted January 1996 I 1 "=2000' I (J1 q r; () 1 t.f . \ . .