Item M2X0 1XII V 10101131105 10 1-01 94 Meeting Date: January.21, 2015 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes No X Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Christine Hurley 289-2517 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to consider an ordinance by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners amending the Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan by creating Policy 202.8.6 to improve the water quality in the artificial canals characterized as having poor or fair water quality within the 2013 Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan by providing for organic material removal, by public entities (county, state, or federal),, of previously dredged artificial canals to depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean low water and backfilling to a depth of six (6) feet — eight (8) feet and to allow the implementation of two (2) demonstration canal restoration pilot projects by public entities (County, State or Federal) to remove organic material from previously dredged artificial canals to depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean low water without backfilling and conducting water quality monitoring. (Legislative Proceeding) ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County in association with State and Federal Agencies has been working together to develop a management process for addressing the restoration of the canals in the Florida Keys, including: • Implementation of the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (CH2MHILL 2000) and Monroe County Stormwater Master Plan (CDM 200 1); and • Completing the Monroe County Residential Canal Inventory and Assessment project, providing an inventory of existing canals and a broad overview of potential technologies (MACTEC 2003); and • Development and implementation of a comprehensive Canal Management Master Plan. In March, 2012, the Canal Subcommittee of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) Water Quality Steering Committee initiated work on Phase I of the Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP): • Develop a basic conceptual framework for canal restoration and management that is comparable to the frameworks used in the County's existing wastewater and storrnwater master plans; and • Identify a short-list of high -priority canal restoration projects which can be implemented by the County and other Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) participants over the next several years. In 2013, AMEC Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc, completed the Monroe Counly Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) for Monroe County, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the FKNMS WQPP Steering Committee and the WQPP Canal Restoration Advisory Committee. One of the recommended management strategies included in the CMMP is the removal of accumulated organic material from sorne of the canals that exhibit fair to poor water quality. Organic removal consists of removing (dredging) the decomposed weed wrack material present at the bottom of a canal. Currently, the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan prohibits new dredging and does not allow maintenance dredging within areas vegetated with scagrass beds or characterized by hardbottorn communities (e,g, benthic communities) except for maintenance in public navigation channels, The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan also limits maintenance dredging to a depth of minus six (-6) feet mean low water. This amendment is being proposed to evaluate the technologies recommended in the CCMP, including the removal of organic material from deep canals, as the organic material on the canal bottom consumes large amounts of dissolved oxygen and depletes the viability of a canal's ecosystem as well as the adjacent near shore waters. On September 17, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held a public hearing to review and discuss the proposed amendment regarding canal restoration and recommended revisions to the amendment to include: a requirement for a public hearing before the BOCC for development approval for organic material removal by vacuum dredge to depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean low water; water quality monitoring for a 2 year period to determine organic removal project effectiveness and water quality reports from the Water Quality Committee before expanding the Comprehensive Plan to other canal projects or private applicants. The BOCC voted to transmit the amendment to the State Land Planning Agency. The goal of the proposed amendment was to provide the County the ability to issue permits for the removal of organic material below -6ft mean low water for water quality improvement projects, using various strategies, such as backfilling. To ensure the proposed amendment fully addressed the restoration strategies to improve the water quality in the canal systems and complete 2 demonstration pilot canal restoration projects; this clarified amendment has been drafted for BOCC consideration to transmit to the State Land Planning Agency. On December 12, 2014, the State Land Planning Agency issued its Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) report on the proposed amendment. The ORC report includes one objection that the policy does not establish criteria for using a method other than hydraulic dredging and a recornmendation to address the objection by revising the "policy criteria to clarify that the purpose of the public hearing is to provide a decision point for the BOCC and inform the public regarding rationale as to the reasons that the preferred mechanism (hydraulic dredging) will not be utilized." In response to the ORC Report, Monroe County has revised the proposed policy to clarify the purpose of the public hearing. If the BOCC votes to transmit the proposed comprehensive plan amendment to the State Land Planning Agency, the State Land Planning Agency will then review the proposed amendment and issue an Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report, addressing any issues with internal consistency, data and analysis, or consistency with the statutes or the Principles for Guiding Development, Upon receipt of the ORC report, the BOCC will have up to 180 days to adopt the amendments, adopt the amendments with changes or not adopt the amendments., PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On September 17, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing to review and discuss the proposed text amendment regarding canal restoration, recommended revisions and voted to transmit the amendment to the State Land Planning Agency. On October 17, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing to review and discuss the proposed text amendment regarding canal restoration and voted to transmit the amendment to the State Land Planning Agency CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A I I I it] 1W W MUNN dr.11W13201INUM, COST'TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty AZ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DOCUMENTATION: Included X Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEME Rick Scott GOVERNOR D E, 4� FLORIDA DEPARTMENTef ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY December 12, 2014 The Honorable Danny Kohlage, Mayor Monroe County Board of County Commissioners 530 Whitehead Street, Suite 102 Key West, F L, 33040 Dear Mayor Kohlage: Jesse Panuccio EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR The Department of Economic Opportunity has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment for Monroe County (Amendment No, 14-3ACSC), which was received and determined complete on October 28, 2014. We have reviewed the proposed amendment in accordance with the state coordinated review process set forth in Sections 163.3184(2) and (4), Florida Statutes, (F.S.), for compliance with Chapter 163, Part 11, F.S. Review comments received by the Department from the appropriate reviewing agencies are also enclosed. The attached objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report outlines our findings concerning the amendment, We have identified an objection and have included recommendations regarding measures that can be taken, to address the objection. The County should act by choosing to adopt, adopt with changes, or not adopt the proposed amendment. Also, please note that Section 163,3184(4)(e)1, F.S., provides that if the second public hearing is not held within 180 days of your receipt of the Department of Economic Opportunity report, the amendment shall be deemed withdrawn unless extended by agreement with notice to the Department of Economic Opportunity and any affected party that provided comment on the amendment. For your assistance, we have enclosed' the procedure's for final adoption and transmittal of the comprehensive plan amendment. Florida Department of Economic Opportunity I The Caldwell Building f 107 E. Mattison Street I Tallahassee, FL 132399-412,0 866TILA2345 185D.245.7105 1850.921.3223 Fax I www,FforidaJobs.oEg I hmDL.Ivvitter._Qom/rt-DE0 I WWW. face book cQm/FLO ED An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Ali voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTYTrDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. The Honorable Danny Kohlage, Mayor December 11, 2014 Page 2 of 2 If You have any questions related to this review, please contact Rebecca Jetton, at (850) 717-8494, or by email at Rebecca.Jetton@deo.myflorida.com. Sincerely, Ana Richmond W"6- 911ma Enclosures: Agency Comments Procedures for Adoption cc: '-4hristine Hurley, Growth Management Director Mr. James F. Murley, Executive Director, South Florida Regional Planning Couincil MONROE COUNTY 14-3ACSC PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Q. Consistencv with Cho nter 'L63 Part 11 a 380, Part I k����ter The Department has the following objections and comments to the proposed comprehensive plan amendment: Objection: Monroe County has proposed revisions to objective 202.8 and the supporting policies that address dredging within the Florida Keys, The focus of the proposed amendment is to allow maintenance dredging to depths greater than 6 feet. These strategies have been proposed in order to improve water quality in the Florida Keys. Policy 202.8.6 states that hydraulic (vacuum) dredging shall be considered the preferred method and requires a public hearing before the Board Of County Commissioners if hydraulic dredging is not proposed to accomplish the organic material removal. However, the Policy does not establish criteria for using a method other than hydraulic and does not establish the purpose for the public hearing. Authority: Section 163.3177(1), 163-3177 (4)(a); 163.3178 (2)(b); 380-0552(7)(a), (b), & (e), Florida Statutes (F.S.) Recommendations: The County should revise its policy criteria to clarify that the purpose of the public hearing is to provide a decision point for the Board of County Commissioners and inform the public regarding rationale as to the reasons that the preferred, mechanism (hydraulic dredging) will not be utilized. Additionailly, the County should adopt meaningful and predictable criteria for evaluating the method of dredging to be used. Such criteria could include, as a minimum, landward access to the canal, availability of mooring locations for equipment/barges, overhead obstructions, and composition of material to be removed. Comment 1: Adopt a lone term goal to backfiff canails that are deeper than 6 feet whenever economically feasible and funding permits. Comment 2: identify the canal that will be monitored at the tenth year interval and that the County will Pay for the ten-year monitoring plan and activity, n A 1 • , b Rij I, Section 1633284(4), Florida Statutes ZZ2NE NUMBER OF COPIES TO BE SUBMITTED: Please submit three complete copies of all comprehensive plan materials, of which One complete paper copy and two complete electronic copies on CD RO,M in Portable Document Format (PDF), to the Department of Economic Opportunity and one copy to each entity below that Provided timely comments to the local government: the appropriate Regional Planning Council; Water Management District; Department of Transportation; Department of Environmental Protection; Department of State; the appropriate county (municipal amendments only); the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (county plan amendments only); and the Department of Education (amendments relating to public schools); and for, certain local governments, the appropriate military installation and any other local government or governmental agency that has filed a written request. SUBMITTAL LETTER: Please include the following information in the cover letter transmitting the, adopted amendment: Department of Economic Opportunity identification number for adopted amendment package; Summary description of the adoption package, including any amendments proposed but not adopted; ordinance number and adoption date; Certification that the adopted amendment(s) has been submitted to all parties that provided timely comments to the local government; Name, title, address, telephone, FAX number and e-mail address of local government contact; Letter signed by the chief elected official or the person designated by the local government, ADOPTION AMENDMENT PACKAGE: Please include the following information in the amendment package: Effective: June 2, 2011 (Updated March 11, 2013) in the case of text amendments, changes should be shown in strike-through/underline format; in the case of future land use map amendment, an adopted future land use map, in color format, clearly depicting the parcel, its existing future land use designation, and its adopted designation; A copy of any data and analyses the local government deems appropriate. Note: if the local government is relying on previously submitted data and analysis, no additional data and analysis is required; Copy of executed ordinance adopting the comprehensive plan amendment(s,); Suggested effective date language for the adoption ordinance for state coordinated review: The effective date of this plan amendment, if the: amendment is not timely challenged, shall be the date the Department of Economic Opportunity posts a notice of intent cleterming that this amendment is in compliance. If timely challenged, or if the state land planning agency issues a notice of intent determining that this amendment is not in compliance, this amendment shall become effective on the date the state land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining this adopted amendment to be in compliance. No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be issued or commence before it has become effective. if a final order of noncompliance is issued by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution affirming its effective status, a copy of which resolution shall be sent to the Department of Economic opportunity. List of additional changes made in the adoptedi amendment that the Department of Economic opportunity did not previously review; List of findings of the local governing body, if any, that were not included in the ordinance and which provided the basis of the adoption or determination not to adopt the proposed amendment; Statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes not previously reviewed by the Department of Economic Opportunity to the ORC report from the Department of Economic Opportunity. lq Eifective; June 2, 2011 {updated March 11, 2013) I- � Ftff4.r1T.rW17-. From; Hight, Jason <JasonRght@MyFWC.corn> Sent; Thursday, November 20, 201411:28 AM To: DCPexternalagencycomments; hurIL-y-christine@monroecounty-fl.gov Cc: Wallace, Traci; Chaibre, Jane; Krueger, Marissa Subject: Monroe County 14-3ACSC (Monroe 14-2 ACSQ Dear Ms!. Hurley, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) staffhas reviewed the proposed comprehensive plan in accordance with Chapter 163-3184(4), Florida Statutes. We have no comments, recommendations, or objections related to fish and wildlife or listed species and their habitat to offer on this amendment. If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact Jane Chabre either by phone at (850) 410. 5367 or by email at PA/C -'ons vationPlarmiq&Servscest�hf�.cnr , If you have specific technical questions, please contact Marissa Krueger at (561) 882-5711 or by email at Maris Xrueger((i).iU s , AKc.conl. Jason Hight Biological Administrator IJ Office of Conservation Planning Services Division of Habitat and Species Conservation 620 S. Meridian Street, MS 5B5 Tallahassee, FL 32399-1600 office: 850-413-6966 cell: 850-228-2055 Eubanks, Rax From: Stahl, Chris <Chris,StahI@dep.stateJI.us> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 10:36 AM To: DCPexternalagencycomments Cc: Craig, Kae; santamaria-mayte@monroecounty-ft,gov Subject: Monroe County 14-3ACSC — Proposed To: Ray Eubanks, Department of Economic Opportunity Re., Monroe County 14-3ACSC — Review of Proposed Comprehensive Plan; Amendment The Office of intergovernmental Programs of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Department) has reviewed the above -referenced amendment package under the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. The Department conducted a detailed review that focused on potential adverse impacts to important state resources and facilities, specifically- air and water pollution; wetlands and other surface waters of the state; federal and state-owned lands and interest in lands, including state parks, greenways and trails, conservation easements; solid waste; and water and wastewater treatment. Based on our review of the submitted amendment package, the Department has found no provision that, if adopted, would result in adverse impacts to important state resources subject to the Department's jurisdiction. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, Chris Stahl Office of Intergovernmental Programs Florida Department of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Blvd., MS 47 Tallahassee, FL 3 23 99 -3�000 (850) 245-2169 ii SOUTHFLORIDA November 21, 2014 Ray Eubanks, Plan Processing Administrator State Land Planning Agency Caldwell Building 11017 East Madison, MSC-160 Tallahassee, FL 323991 Ik/F A AT Vubject: Monroe County, DEO # 14-3ACSC Comments on Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment Package z 11 1 1 i AMU. - Sincerely, Dean Powell ksalm'dr,1I RM C, Christine Hurley, Monroe County Rebecca Jettoni, DEO Terry Manning, SFWMD Jim Murley, SFRPC 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 - (56-1) 686-BBM o FL WA-fs 1-8W432-2045 Mailing Addrm: R OBox 24680, West Palm Beach, FL M416-4,680 - wwwsfKrnd,pv OFFICP OF THE COMM'ISSIONBA (850) 617-7700 THs CAPITOL 400 SOUTH i" ONROE STREET TAjzAaAs$ I;, Fl= RIDA 32399-0800 FLoR DA DEPARTMENT 0-F ACRICULTURE AND E'0NSU 1ER SE: V ice, s November 24, 2014 VIA US MAIL(Santamaria-mayte@monroecounty-fl.gov) Monroe County Growth Management division Attn: Christine Hurley 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite #400 Marathon, Florida 33050 Clear Ms. Hurley, The Florida Department Of Agriculture and Consumer Services (the' Departmental") received the above - referenced proposed comprehensive plan amendment on October 27, 2014 and has reviewed it pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes to address any potential adverse impacts to. important state resources or facilities related to agricultural', a+quacultural, or forestry resources In Florida if the proposed amendment(s) are adopted. Based on our review of your county's submission, the Department has no comment on the proposal. If we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 55"10-2289, Sincerely, r 5tormle Knight Sr. Management Analys el Office of Policy and Budget cc: Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (SLPA #: Monroe County 14-3 ACSC) 1-800-HELPFLA Firlda www.FreshFromFlorida.com orida.com 91V WIT Department ofEconomfe Opportunity Community Planning and Development 107 East Madison Street Caldwell Building, MSC 160 Tallahassee, Florida 32399 SubJect: Comments for the Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Monroe County, 14-3ACSC The Florida Department of Transportation, District Six, completed a review of the ProPosed Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Monroe County, 14-3ACISC The District has reviewed the amendment package per Chapter 163 Florlda Statutes and' has found no impacts to transportation resources and facilities Of state importance. Please! contact Ken Jeffries at 305-470-5445 if You have any questions concerning our response. Sincerely, Ken Jeffries Transportation Planner Cc: Harold Desdunes, PE, Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 Aileen Boucle, AICP, Florida Department of Transportation, District 6 Lisa Colmenares, AICP, Florida Department of Transportation, District to Mayte Saintamaria, Monroe County w%vw.dot.siatejj.us 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ORDINANCE 2015 8 9 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY 10 COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 11 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CREATING POLICY 202.8.6 TO ALLOW 12 THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CANAL RESTORATION PROJECTS BY 13 PUBLIC ENTITIES (COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL) WHICH 14 INCLUDE THE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC MATERIAL OF 15 PREVIOUSLY DREDGED ARTIFICIAL CANALS CHARACTERIZED 16 AS HAVING POOR OR FAIR WATER QUALITY WITHIN THE 2013 17 MONROE COUNTY CANAL MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN TO 18 DEPTHS GREATER THAN MINUS SIX (-6) FEET MEAN LOW WATER; 19 PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF 20 CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO 21 THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF 22 STATE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY 23 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 24 25 26 WHEREAS, water quality issues involving manmade canals have been evaluated by the U,S, 27 Environmental Protection Agency (Kruczynski 1999), the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary 28 (FKNMS 2007), and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP 2008); and 29, 30 WHEREAS, the Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) was completed on 31 September 20, 20,13; and 32 33 WHEREAS, the Canal Subcommittee of the FKNMS Water Quality Steering Committee 34 initiated work on Phase 1. of the CMMP to: 1) develop a basic conceptual framework for canal 35 restoration and management that is comparable to the frameworks used in the County's existing 36 wastewater and stormwater master plans, and 2) identify a short-list of high -priority canal restoration 37 projects which can be implemented by the County and other WQPP participants over the next 38 several years; and 39 40 WHEREAS, canals with poor water quality have the potential to cause significant harm to near 41 shore marine waters upon which the community depends; and 42 43 WHEREAS, within the CMMP, approximately five hundred canals were examined and ranked; 44 171 canals received a Good water quality classification, 180 received a Fair classification, and 131 45 received a Poor classification; and 46 Ord. No. -2014 Pagel of I WHEREAS, since the canals discharge directly into near shore Outstanding Florida Waters, in 2 the FKNMS, where DEP adopted a "zero -degradation" policy for marine waters, addressing on- 3 going canal water quality impairment is, of utmost importance; and 4 5 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 26 th day of August, 2014, the Monroe 6 County Development Review Committee considered the proposed amendment; and 7 8 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 27th day of August, 2014, the Monroe 9 County Planning Commission held a public hearing for the purpose of considering the proposed 10 amendment and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners; and 11 12 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 17'1' day of September , the Monroe 13 County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing, considered the staff report, and 14 provided for public comment and public participation in accordance with the requirements of state 15 law and the procedures adopted for public participation in the planning process, and recommended 16 revisions to the proposed amendment and voted to transmit the comprehensive plan text 17 amendment to the State Land Planning Agency and Reviewing Agencies as defined in Section 18 1.63.3184(l)(c), Florida Statutes for review and comment; and 19 20 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 17'h day of October, the Monroe 21, County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing, considered the staff report, 22 additional information clarification from staff and provided for public comment and public 23 participation in accordance with the requirements of state law and the procedures adopted for 24 public participation in the planning process, and 25 26 WHEREAS, at a regularly scheduled meeting held on the 17'h day of October, the Monroe 27 County Board of County Commissioners repealed Resolution Number 2 1 0a, - 201.4 and considered 28 a clarified proposed amendment regarding canal restoration and voted to transmit the 29 comprehensive plan text amendment to the State Land Planning Agency and Reviewing Agencies 30 as defined in Section 163.3184(1)(c), Florida Statutes for review and comment; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the BOCC makes the following Conclusions of Law: 1) the ordinance is 33 consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development in the Florida Keys Area of Critical State 34 Concern; 2) the ordinance is consistent with the provisions and intent of the Monroe County 35 Comprehensive Plan; and 3) the ordinance is consistent with the provisions and intent of the 36 Monroe County Code; and 37 38 WHEREAS,, on December 1.2, 2014, the State Land Planning Agency issued its Objections, 39 Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) report. The ORC report includes one objection that the 40 policy does not establish criteria for using a method other than hydraulic dredging and a 41 recommendation to address the objection by revising the "policy criteria to clarify that the purpose 42 of the public hearing is to provide a decision point for the BOCC and iqform the public regarding 43 rationale as to the reasons that the preferred inechanism (hydraulic dredging) will not be utilized;" 44 and 45 46 WHEREAS, as a response to the ORC Report, Monroe County has revised the proposed 47 policy to clarify the purpose of the public hearing. Ord. No. -2014 Page 2 of 5 I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY 2 COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: 3 4 Sectionl. The Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan is amended as follows: 5 (Deletions are str-ieken three and additions are underlined.) 6 7 Objective 202.8 8 By januafy 4, 199-7,—Monroe County shall � maintain Land Development Regulations 9 which implement county policies preventing the continued loss of benthic resources, to improving water quality and controlling pollutant discharges into surface waters from dredge 11 and fill activities. 12 13 Policy 202.8.1 14 Monroe County shall support state and federal policies and regulations concerning the 15 permitting of dredge and fill activity, except in those instances where more stringent 16 regulations adopted by Monroe County shall be maintained. 17 18 Policy 202.8.2 19 No new dredging shall be permitted in Monroe County. 20 21 Policy 202.8.3 22 No maintenance dredging shall be permitted within areas vegetated with seagrass beds or 23 characterized by hardbottom communities, except for maintenance in public navigation 24 channels. 25 26 Policy 202.8.4 27 In order to facilitate establishment and prevent degradation of bottom vegetation, maintenance 28 dredging in artificial waterways shall not exceed depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean 29 low water. This policy does not apply to the entrance channels into Key West Harbor and Safe 30 Harbor. 31 32 Policy 202.8.5 33 All dredged spoil resulting from maintenance dredging shall be placed on permitted upland 34 sites where drainage can be contained on -site. 35 36 Policy 202.8.6 37 Due to the physical.,, structure, depth, and orientation of existing canals, water quality problems 38 have been caused which cannot be improved with wastewater treatment and stormwater 39 management practices alone. To implement the 2013 Monroe County Canal Management 40 Master Plan and improve water quality in artificial canals, the County is developing canal 41 restoration projects to i=rove tidal flushing, increase dissolved oxygen concentrations as 42 identified in the surface water guality criteria in Ch. 62-302..530, F.A.C.and remove 43 accumulated nutrients and decomposing organic material. 44 45 Canal restoration projects, developed to determine the effectiveness of water quality strategLes 46 of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Proram, which are 47 performed or funded by public.entities (County, State, or Federal) for organic material removal Ord. No. -2014 Page 3 of 5 1. and backfilled to a depth of Eft - 8ft, or an alternative depth as determined by best available 2 scientific data and authorized by the state and federal permitting agencies, from artificial canals 3 characterized as having poor or fair water quality within the 2013 Monroe County Canal 4 Management Master Plan are exempt from the provisions in Policy 202.8.4. 6 Two (2) demonstration pilot canal restoration projects will remove .....decomposing organic 7 material from previously dredged artificial canals (down to, the bedrock) without backfilliDL. 8 To, evaluate the effectiveness of this removal strategy, without any backfilling, and to 9 determine if water quality can be restored and maintained, water quality monitoring of these 10 two (2) organic removal pilot projects shall be conducted at a two (2) year point of time and a 1.1 ten (10) year point of time after completion of the pilot projects. After the two (2) year and ten 12 (10) year monitoring, the County shall request a water quality report from the Water Quality 13 Protection Program (WQPP) to determine the pilot proiects' effectiveness in imp'fovlU 14 dissolved oxygen Concentrations, as identified in the surface water quality criteria in Ch. 62- 15 302.530, F.A.C., in the two (2) organic removal pilot projects canals. If the WQ�PP, does not 16 provide the water quality report, the County shall fund and conduct the water quality report. If 17 the water quality report for the two (2) year monitoring indicates improved water quality, 18 additional canal restoration projects, beyond the two (2) pilot projects, to perform orRanic 19 material removal to depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean low water without backfilling 20 to Eft-8ft may proceed. 21. 22 Upon determination of the two (2) pilot projects' effectiveness and an amendment to this 23 Policy, the exemLion to the provisions in Policy 202.8.4 may be expanded beyond public 24 entities (County, State, or Federal) for organic material removal of previously dredged artificial 25 canals characterized as having poor or fair water quality within the 2013 Monroe County Canal 26 Management Master Plan. The organic material removal shall be allowed to depths greater 27 than minus six (-6) feet mean low water, iLpermitted by Florida Department of Environmental 28 Protection or the Water ManaLyement District and the Armv Corn of Enaineers. 29 30 For this policy, hydraulic (vacuum) dredging shall be considered the preferred means of 31 removal of the organic material, If hydraulic dredging is not proposed to accomplish the 32, organic material removal, a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners 33 (BOCC) shall be...required prior to issuance of a county permit. The BOCC shall hold a public 34 hearing on the request to use an alternative dredging methodology and shall consider the cost 35 rationale, compatibility, complications and public comments. The public hearing shall provide 36 the applicant the opportunity to address the issues regarding the roposed canal restoration p 37 project, including but not limited to, sediment size, logistical/accessibility limitations, 38 obstructions and/or equipment constraints. The BOCC may grant, grant with conditions or 39 deny the request to use an alternative dredging methodQloy . ,y- 40 41 Policy 202.8-.6.7 42 No "after -the -fact" permits shall be issued that violate Monroe County dredge and fill 43 regulations. All illegal structures and fill shall be removed and damages mitigated. 44 45 Ord. No. -2014 Page 4 of 5 I Policy 2 Monroe County shall develop a schedule of monetary penalties that provides for fair and 3 equitable penalties for all dredge and fill violations. Penalty revenues obtained from these 4 violations shall be set aside and used specifically for water quality enhancement projects, 5 6 Section 2. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, item, change, or 7 provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by 8 such validity. 9 10 Section 3. Reveal of Inconsistent Provisions. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in 11 conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. 12 13 Section 4. Transmittal. This ordinance shall be transmitted by the Planning and 14 Environmental Resources Department to the State Land Planning Agency pursuant to Chapter 163 15 and 380,Florida Statutes. 16 17 Section 5. Filing and Effective Bate. This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the 18 Secretary of State of Florida, but shall not becorne effective until a notice is issued by the State 19 Land Planning Agency or Administration Commission finding the amendment in compliance, and 20 if challenged until such challenge is resolved pursuant to Chapter 120, F.S. 21 22 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, 23 at a regular meeting held on the day of -, 2015, 24 25 Mayor Danny L. Kolhage 26 Mayor Pro Tee Heather Carruthers 27 Commissioner George Neugent 28 Commissioner David Rice 29 Commissioner Sylvia Murphy 30 31 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 32 OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA 33 34 BY 35 Mayor Danny L. Kolhage 36 37 (SEAL) 38 39 ATTEST: AMY HEAVILIN, CLERK MONROE COUNT LTTORNE A y D 1 40 OVE' ) O.FCRM: 41 STEVEN T. WILLIAMS 42 ASSISTANT COUNT ATTORNEY 43 DEPUTY CLERK to S_ 44 Ord. No, -2014 Page 5 of 5 2 3 (�4-xv- 4 MEMORANDUM 5 MONROE COUNTY PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 6 We strive to be caring, professional arid, air To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Through: Christine Hurley, Growth Management Division Director From: Ada Mayte Santamaria, Senior Director of Planning & Environmental Resources Michael Roberts, Sr. Administrator/Environmental Resources Date: December 17, 2014 Subject: AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AMENDING THE MONROE COUNTY YEAR 2010 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN, CREATING POLICY 202.8.6 TO ALLOW THE IMPLEMENTATION OF CANAL RESTORATION PROJECTS BY PUBLIC ENTITIES (COUNTY, STATE OR FEDERAL) WHICH INCLUDE THE REMOVAL OF ORGANIC MATERIAL OF PREVIOUSLY DREDGED ARTIFICIAL, CANALS CHARACTERIZED AS HAVING POOR OR FAIR WATER QUALITY WITHIN THE 2013 MONROE COUNTY CANAL MANAGEMENT MASTER PLAN TO DEPTHS GREATER THAN MINUS SIX (-6) FEET MEAN LOW WATER; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE STATE LAND PLANNING AGENCY AND THE SECRETARY OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE MONROE COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Meeting: January 21, 2015 Create Policy 202.8.6 to facilitate canal restoration projects and 2 demonstration projects in order to implement the 2013 Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan and improve the water quality in the canal systems of the Florida Keys. Monroe County in association with State and Federal Agencies has been working together to develop a management process for addressing the restoration of the canals in the Florida Keys, including: • Implementation of the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan (CH2MHlLL 2000) and Monroe County Stormwater Master Plan (CDM 2001); and 11 • Completing the Monroe County Residential Canal Inventory and Assessment project, providing an inventory of existing canals and a broad overview of potential technologies (MACTEC 2003); and • Development and implementation of a comprehensive Canal Management Master Plan. In March, 2012, the Canal Subcommittee of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) Water Quality Steering Committee initiated work on Phase I of the Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP): * Develop a basic conceptual framework for canal restoration and management that is comparable to the frameworks used in the County's existing wastewater and stormwater master plans; and * Identify a short-list of high -priority canal restoration projects which can be implemented by the County and other Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) participants over the next several years. In 2013, AMEC Environmental & Infrastructure, Inc, completed the Monroe Count), Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) for Monroe County, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the FKNMS WQPP Steering Committee and the WQPP Canal Restoration Advisory Committee. Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP), Sept. 20, 2013 Water quality issues involving manmade canals have been evaluated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Kruczynski 1999), the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS 200?), and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP 2008). As summarized in the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan (2011), these issues include anthropogenic (caused by humans) pollutant loadings from on -site sewage disposal and stormwater runoff, and accumulation of nonanthropogenic materials such as senescent seagrass leaves and other organic flotsam ("weed wrack"), leading to elevated levels of nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, hydrogen sulfide, and bacteriological water quality indicators such as fecal coliforms and enterococci. Kruczynski (1999) provided the following summary of water quality issues related to existing Keys canals: • the water column of many canals over six feet deep is stratified and bottom waters are oxygen deficient; • because they usually violate Class 111, Surface Water Quality Standards, canals were excluded from the State's previous Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) designations; • canal systems and basins with poor water quality are a potential source of nutrients and other contaminants to other nearshore waters; ® improving flushing of degraded canal systems may improve the water quality within the canal, but may also result in adding additional nutrients to the adjacent waters; and • Seagrass beds located near the mouths of some degraded canal systems exhibit signs of undesirable nutrient enrichment and eutrophication, such as increased epiphyte load and growth of benthic algae. N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 The CMMP describes the current situation, as follows: Canals with poor water quality have the potential to cause significant harm to near shore marine waters upon which the community depends. Water quality impairments within canals are most often associated with low dissolved oxygen (DO) as a result of accumulated organic matter or lack of flushing. However, some evidence indicates that nutrient enrichment from surrounding development has lead to biological imbalances (e.g., algal blooms) that further exacerbate the problem. Approximately five hundred canals were examined and ranked using a combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools and water quality field reconnaissance to develop the best possible assessment. In total, 171 canals received a Good water quality classification, 180 received a Fair classification, and 131 received a Poor classification. Since the canals discharge directly to near shore Outstanding Florida Waters in the FKNMS, where DEP adopted a "zero -degradation" policy for marine waters, addressing on -going canal water quality impairment is of utmost importance. These projects are important to protect the near shore water quality of Monroe County, which has extensive resources and protected areas including four National Wildlife Refuges and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. '7m Florida Keys Management Areas G,lf Of Mexico NATIONALPAP.F: * STATE RECR.FATION ARFA 7-EiwO de N=W r^R!: Ii-Log Frey Swre RerrlaamArm '- Il iZ 7;ado¢sl Pah +- Iky Tw PNanmal Pat1 STATE MSTORIC SITE 1+ faun Ise,• Saar Hix C 5u! N ATICN AL _XfARr;E SA'�CTUAY-Y 1 S Fm 7ad-y r r�lo Store Humor Sw ]ier LatFo Navoml \Usme Sattxo�• Lroe }sn• tiavoasi 1Ssvvme Sm�aey' STATE 7'MEM ATER ULHAEr OGIC4L PRESERVE _ 16- Sm Pu& Stm iiadexs w ArrhmlopuI Pre v NAIIONAL RTlDi REFI.'GE Cmro Lake R',F, Rd SITE - a m Ml - Navomt Iser Lac R'iEdlife P ISTATE wGEOlACF-I � �- R"tadeg F;eg Fmvl Reef Sate CxaiapW Sur Ca R-W. H_M...l R"elAifr_t u STATE BOTA:%:1L Sr E Wiley Kist 140o R'd&* Retap Salt Boaamral Sire 9- Li�lsue lin Sop Bormiril Sire STATE DpAmR�K AQLCk2'IC PBfSEs?\F '.sr b� C-1 Reel Sww Park .a Bsra+ve Bar' Ca¢d Sword Aq=m Pteune HammMF :2-n.ti;. tPrrk Lgk Honda Sk2 _�- m A4=&Pe­ ,Uaiao.aan,wra;�:.e w.xnr t�..tre'an ast Baku Smrk Slmd Bq Pim Rey S--�—d K y Chun Y: B_ Ch Ciidjm Sey . SU&ffI They -------------- L ----.... Sold: .&. S J`' • �-.• a •.• • a f ♦'+ 1C,% i Flonda y . 4 Bm io . 3 ]famcwabe F:r. LmE F:n xrch F:e}' k Fey F:[y sec IOLOMETERS eLES +! a +! m w 3 The benthic resources of the Florida Keys include over 1 million acres of seagrass and the only living coral reef in the continental United States (the 3rd largest living coral barrier reef in the world). Existing Comprehensive Plan Policies One of the management strategies included in the CMMP is the removal of accumulated organic material from some of the canals that exhibit fair to poor water quality. Currently, the Monroe County Comprehensive Plan prohibits new dredging and does not allow maintenance dredging within areas vegetated with seagrass beds or characterized by hardbottom communities (e.g. benthic communities) except for maintenance in public navigation channels. The Monroe County Comprehensive Plan also limits maintenance dredging to minus six (-6) feet mean low water. Policy 202.8.2 No new dredging shall be permitted in Monroe County. Policy 202.8.3 No maintenance dredging shall be permitted within areas vegetated with seagrass beds or characterized by hardbottom communities except for maintenance in public navigation channels. Policy 203.2.3 Effective upon plan adoption, Monroe County shall: 1. Prohibit new dredging in the Florida Keys; and 2. Prohibit maintenance dredging within areas vegetated with seagrass beds except for maintenance dredging in public navigation channels. This amendment is being proposed to allow the implementation of canal restoration pilot projects by public entities (County, State or Federal) which include the removal of organic material by vacuum dredge from artificial canals characterized as having poor or fair water quality within the 2013 Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan to depths greater than minus six (-6) feet n I mean low water. As detailed in the CMMP, many of these canals were originally excavated deeper 2 than Eft, subsequently the accumulated sediments extend well below the -6 MLW limit contained in 3 the 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Evaluating the demonstration project for the removal of organic 4 material from deep canals is important as the organic material on the canal bottom consumes large 5 amounts of dissolved oxygen and depletes the viability of a canal's ecosystem as well as the 6 adjacent near shore waters. The physical removal of accumulated organic sediments can reduce the 7 consumption of oxygen and improve water quality. On August 26, 2014, the Monroe County Development Review Committee reviewed the proposed amendment and recommended approval to the Monroe County Planning Commission. 12 On August 27, 2014, the Monroe County Planning Commission reviewed the proposed amendment 13 and recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners, with a specific amendment to 14 limit the organic material removal by vacuum dredge and the exemption to the dredge depth of 15 minus six (-6) feet mean low water to projects performed or funded by public entities. 17 On September 17, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) reviewed 18 and discussed the proposed amendment regarding canal restoration and recommended revisions to 19 the amendment to include: a requirement for a public hearing before the BOCC for development 20 approval for organic material removal by vacuum dredge to depths greater than minus six (-6) feet 21 mean low water; water quality monitoring for a 2 year period to determine organic removal project 22 effectiveness and water quality reports from the Water Quality Committee before expanding the 23 Comprehensive Plan to other canal projects, oc• private applicants. The BOCC voted to transmit the 24 amendment to the State Land Planning Agency. 25 26 The goal of the proposed amendment was to provide the County the ability to issue permits for the 27 removal of organic material below -6ft mean low water for water quality improvement projects, 28 using various strategies, such as backfilling. To ensure the proposed amendment fully addressed the 29 restoration strategies to improve the water quality in the canal systems and complete 2 30 demonstration pilot canal restoration projects; this clarified amendment has been drafted for BOCC 31, consideration to transmit to the State Land Planning Agency. 32 33 On October 1.7, 2014, the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners held a public hearing to 34 review and discuss the proposed text amendment regarding canal restoration and voted to transmit 35 the amendment to the State Land Planning Agency. 36 37 On December 12, 2014, the State Land Planning Agency issued its Objections, Recommendations, 38 and Comments (ORC) report on the proposed amendment, The ORC report includes one objection 39 that the policy does not establish criteria for using a method other than hydraulic dredging and a 40 recommendation to address the objection by revising the "policy criteria to clarify that the purpose 41 of the public hearing is to provide a decision point for the BOCC and inform the public regarding 42 rationale as to the reasons that the preferred mechanism (hydraulic dredging) will not be utilized." 43 In response to the ORC Report, Monroe County has revised the proposed policy to clarify the 44 purpose of the public hearing, 5 2 111. PROPOSED AMENDMENT 3 (Deletions are stfieken thfe and additions are underlined.) 4 5 Objective 202.8 6 By jantiar-y 4, 1997,Monroe County shall adept maintain Land Development Regulations which 7 implement county policies preventing the continued loss of benthic resources, improve water qunlit 8 and controlling pollutant discharges into surface waters from dredge and fill activities. 9 10 Policy 202.8.1 11 Monroe County shall support state and federal policies and regulations concerning the permitting of 12 dredge and fill activity, except in those instances where more stringent regulations adopted by 13 Monroe County shall be maintained. Policy 202.8.2 No new dredging shall be permitted in Monroe County. 18 Policy 202.8.3 19 No maintenance dredging shall be permitted within areas vegetated with seagrass beds or 20 characterized by hardbottom communities, except for maintenance in public navigation channels, 21 22 Policy 202.8.4 23 In order to facilitate establishment and prevent. degradation of bottom vegetation, maintenance 24 dredging in artificial waterways shall not exceed depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean low 25 water. This policy does not apply to the entrance channels into Key West Harbor and Safe Harbor. Policy 202.8.5 All dredged spoil resulting from maintenance dredging shall be placed on permitted upland sites where drainage can be contained on -site. 31 Policy 202.8.6 32 Due to the physical structure, depth,_. and., orientation of existing canals, water quality -problems have 33 been caused which cannot be improved with wastewater treatment and stormw.ater management 34 practices alone. To implement the 2013 Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan and 35 improve water quality in manmade canals, the County is developing canal restoration projects to 36 improve tidal flushing, increase dissolved oxygen concentrations as identified in the surface water 37 quality criteria in Ch. 62-302.53O F.A.C. and remove accumulated nutrients and decomposing 38 organic material. Canal restoration projects, developed to determine the effectiveness of water 39 quality strategies of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Water Quality Protection Program, 40 which are performed or funded by public entities (County, State, or Federal) for organic material 41 removal by maintenance dredge and backfilling to a del2th of Eft - 8ft from artificial canals 42 characterized as having . ......... poor or fair water quality within the 2013 Monroe County Canal 43 Management Master Plan are exempt from the provisions in Policy 202.8.4. Two (2) demonstration pilot canal restoration projects will remove decomposing organic material down to the bedrock by maintenance dredging without backfilling. To evaluate the effectiveness of EI this removal strate2v, without anv backfillin2, and to determine if water aualitv can be restored and 2 maintained, water quality monitoring in accordance with the surface water quality criteria in Ch. 62- 3 302,530, F.A.C., of these two (2) organic removal pilot projects shall be conducted 2 two years and 4 ten (10) years after completion of the maintenance dredge pilot projects. After the. .2 two year 5 monitoring period and ten (10) year monitoring, the County shall request a water quality report from 6 the Water Quality Protection Program Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee to determine the 7 pilot projects' effectiveness in improving dissolved oxygen concentrations, as identified in the 8 surface water gu.ality criteria in Ch. 62-302.530, F.A.C., in the two (2) organic remov.al..pilot projects 9 canals and whether water gunlit y has been restored and maintained. If the water quality report for 10 the two (2) year period indicates imroved water guality, additional canal restoration projects, 11 beyond the two (2) pilot projects, to perform organic material removal by maintenance dredge to ri 12 depths greater than minus six (-6) feet mean low water without backfilling to Eft-8ft may proceed. 14 Upon determination of the two (2) pilot projects' effectiveness and an amendment to this Policy, the 15 exemption to the rovisions in Policy 202.8.4 may be expanded beyond public entities (County, 16 State, or Federal) for organic material removal by maintenance dredge from artificial canals 17 characterized as having poor or fair water quality within the 2013 Monroe County Canal 18 Management Master Plan. The organic material removal shall be allowed to depths greater than 19 minus six (-6) feet mean low water if permitted by Florida Department of Environmental Protection 20 or the Water Management District and the Armv Corr) of Envineers. 21 22 For this policy, hydraulic (vacuum) dredging shall be considered the preferred means of removal of 23 the organic material. If hydraulic dredging is not proposed to accomplish the gEganic material 24 removal.,_a public hearing before the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) shall be required 25 prior to issuance of a county permit. The BOCC shall hold a public hearing on the request to use an 26 alternative dredging methodology and shall consider the cost, rationale, compatibility, complications 27 and public comments. The public hearing shall provide the applicant the opportunity to address the 28 issues regarding the proposed canal restoration project, including but not limited to, sediment size, 29 to istj cal /accessibility limitations, obstructions and/or equipment constraints. The BOCC may grant, 30 grant with conditions or deny the req.ues.t to use an alternative dredging methodology. Policy 202.8-.6.7 No "after-the-i77ct" permits shall be issued that violate Monroe County dredge and fill regulations. All illegal structures and fill shall be removed and damages mitigated, 36 Policy 202.8-.7.8 37 Monroe County shall develop a schedule of monetary penalties that provides for fair and equitable 38 penalties for all dredge and fill violations. Penalty revenues obtained from these violations shall be 39 set aside and used specifically for water quality enhancement prqjects. Section 373.403, F.S. Definitions. —When appearing in this part or in any rule, regulation, or order adopted pursuant thereto, the following terms mean: (8) "Maintenance" or "repairs" means remedial work of a nature as may affect the safety of any dam, impoundment, reservoir, or appurtenant work or works, but excludes routine custodial maintenance. N (13) "Dredging" means excavation, by any means, in surface waters or wetlands, as delineated in s. 373,421 (1), It also means the excavation, or creation, of a water body which is, or is to be, connected to surface waters or wetlands, as delineated in s. 373.421(1), directly or via an excavated water body or series of water bodies. (14) "Filling" means, the deposition, by any means, of materials in surface waters or wetlands, as delineated in s. 373.421(1). Section 403.061, F.S. Department; powers and duties. —The department shall have the power and the duty to control and prohibit pollution of air and water in accordance with the law and rules adopted and promulgated by it and, for this purpose, to: (24)(a) Establish a permit system to provide for spoil site approval, as may be requested and required by local governmental agencies as defined in 's. 403.1822(3), or mosquito control districts as defined in s. 388.01 ](5), to facilitate these agencies in providing spoil sites for the deposit of spoil from maintenance dredging of navigation channels, port harbors, turning basins, and harbor berths, as part of a federal project, when the agency is acting as sponsor of a contemplated dredge and fill operation involving an established navigation channel, harbor, turning basin, or harbor berth. A spoil site approval granted to the agency shall be granted for a period of 10 to 25 years when such site is not inconsistent with an adopted local governmental comprehensive plan and the requirements of this chapter. The department shall periodically review each permit to determine compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit. Such review shall be conducted at least once every 10 years. (b) This subsection applies only to those maintenance dredging operations, permitted after July 1, 1980, where the United States Army Corps of Engineers is the prime dredge and fill agent and the local governmental agency is acting as sponsor for the operation, and does not require the redesignation of currently approved spoil sites under such previous operations. (37) Provide a supplemental permitting process for the issuance of a joint coastal permit pursuant to s, 161.055 or environmental resource permit pursuant to part IV of chapter 373, to a port listed in s. 311 .09( 1) (this list includes Key West), for maintenance dredging and the management of dredged materials from maintenance dredging of all navigation channels, port harbors, turning basins, and harbor berths. Such permit shall be issued for a period of 5 years and shall be annually extended for an additional year if the port is in compliance with all permit conditions at the time of extension. The department is authorized to adopt rules to implernent this subsection. 403.803 Definitions. —When used in this act, the term, phrase, or word: (2) "Canal" is a manmade trench, the bottom of which is normally covered by water with the upper edges of its sides normally above water. (3) "Channel"' is a trench, the bottom of which is normally covered entirely by water, with the upper edges of its sides normally below water. Section 403.813, F.S. Permits issued at district centers,; exceptions.-- (1) A permit is not required under this chapter, chapter 373, chapter 61-6,91, Laws of Florida, or chapter 25214 or chapter 25270, 1949, Laws of Florida, for activities associated with the following types of projects; however, except as otherwise provided in this subsection, nothing in this subsection relieves an applicant from any requirement to obtain permission to use or occupy lands owned by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or any water management district in its governmental or proprietary capacity or from complying with applicable local pollution control programs authorized under this chapter or other requirements of county and municipal governments: (f) The performance of maintenance dredging of existing manmade canals, channels, intake and discharge structures, and previously dredged portions of natural water bodies within drainage rights -of -way or drainage easements which have been recorded in the public records of the county, where the spoil material is to be removed and deposited on a self-contained, upland spoil site which will prevent the escape of the N. spoil material into the waters of the state, provided that no more dredging is to be performed than is necessary to restore the canals, channels, and intake and discharge structures, and previously dredged portions of natural water bodies, to original design specifications or configurations, provided that the work is conducted in compliance with s. 379.2431(2)(d), provided that no significant impacts occur to previously undisturbed natural areas, and provided that control devices for return flow and best management practices for erosion and sediment control are utilized to prevent bank erosion and scouring and to prevent turbidity, dredged material, and toxic or deleterious substances from discharging into adjacent waters during maintenance dredging. Further, for maintenance dredging of previously dredged portions of natural water bodies within recorded drainage rights -of -way or drainage easements, an entity that seeks an exemption must notify the department or water management district, as applicable, at least 30 days prior to dredging and provide documentation of original design specifications or configurations where such exist. This exemption applies to all canals and previously dredged portions of natural water bodies within recorded drainage rights -of -way or drainage easements constructed prior to April 3, 1970, and to those canals and previously dredged portions of natural water bodies constructed on or after April 3, 1970, pursuant to all necessary state permits. This exemption does not apply to the removal of a natural or manmade barrier separating a canal or canal system from adjacent waters. When no previous permit has been issued by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund or the United States Army Corps of Engineers for construction or maintenance dredging of the existing rnanmadc canal or intake or discharge structure, such maintenance dredging shall be limited to a depth of no more than 5 feet below mean low water. The Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund may fix and recover from the permittee an amount equal to the difference between the fair market value and the actual cost of the maintenance dredging for material removed during such maintenance dredging. However, no charge shall be exacted by the state for material removed during such maintenance dredging by a public port authority. The removing party may subsequently sell such material; however, proceeds from such sale that exceed the costs of maintenance dredging shall be remitted to the state and deposited in the Internal Improvement Trust Fund. Rule 40E-4.051 Exemptions, From Permitting. Exemptions from permitting under Chapters 40E-4, 40E-40 and 40E-400, F.A.C. are set forth below. The performance of activities pursuant to the provisions of the exemptions set forth in this section does not relieve the person or persons who are using the exemption or who are constructing or otherwise implementing the activity from meeting the permitting or performance requirements of other District rules, Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Department from taking appropriate enforcement action pursuant to Chapter 403, F.S., to abate or prohibit any activity otherwise exempt from permitting pursuant to this section if the Department can demonstrate that the exempted activity has caused water pollution in violation of Chapter 403, F.S. (2) Maintenance of Systems. (a) The performance of maintenance dredging of existing manmade canals, channels, basins, berths, and intake and discharge structures, where the spoil material is to be removed and deposited on a self-contained, upland spoil site which will prevent the escape of the spoil material and return water from the spoil site into wetlands or other surface waters, provided no more dredging is performed than is necessary to restore the canal, channels, basins, berths, and intake and discharge structures to original design specifications, and provided that control devices are used at the dredge site to prevent turbidity and toxic or deleterious substances from discharging into adjacent waters during maintenance dredging. This exemption shall apply to all canals constructed before April 3, 1970, and to those canals constructed on or after April 3, 1970, pursuant to all necessary state permits. This exemption shall not apply to the removal of a natural or manmade barrier separating a canal or canal system frorn adjacent wetlands or other surface waters. Where no previous permit has been issued by the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund, the Department, the District or the United States Army Corps of Engineers for construction or maintenance dredging of the existing manmade canal, channel, basin, berth or intake or discharge structure, such maintenance dredging shall be limited to a depth of no more than 5 feet below mean low water. Mr I Rule 18-21.003 Definitions. 2 When used in these rules, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: 3 (46) "Private channel" means a channel that is dredged or maintained by private entities to provide access to 4 or from such locations as private residences, marinas, yacht clubs, vessel repair facilities, or revenue- 5 generating facilities, 6 (50) "Public channel" means a channel that is constructed or maintained by a public entity such as a federal or 7 state agency, local government, or inland navigation district listed in Chapter 374, F.S., or that is part of a 8 public navigation project, public water management project, or a deepwater port listed in Section 9 403.021(9)(b), F.S. 10 (52) "Public navigation project" means an activity primarily for the purpose of navigation which is authorized I I and funded by the United States Congress or by port authorities as defined by Section 315.02(2), F.S. 12 Rule 62,-312.020 Definitions. (7) "Dredging" is the excavation, by any means, in waters of the state. It is also the excavation (or creation) of a water body which is, or is to be, connected to any of the waters listed in subsection 62-312.030(2), F.A.C,, directly or via an excavated water body or series of excavated water bodies. Rule 62-312.400 Intent. (1) Part IV pertains to Outstanding Florida Waters, exclusive of all artificial water bodies, within Monroe County, as identified in Rule 62-302.700, F.A.C., and is in addition to all other applicable Departmental rules relating to environmental resource permit or grandfathered dredge and fill permit applications under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S. Artificial water bodies shall be defined as any water body created by dredging, or excavation, or by the filling in of its boundaries, including canals as defined in subsection 62-312.020(3), F.A.C., and borrow pits or waters resulting from rock mining activities. (2)(a) The Environmental Regulation Commission finds that the waters of the Florida Keys and other Outstanding Florida Waters in Monroe County are an irreplaceable asset which require special protection, (b) Further, the Florida Legislature in adopting Section 380.0552, F.S., recognized the value of the Florida Keys to the State as a whole by designating the Keys an Area of Critical State Concern,, This rule implements Section 403.061(34), F.S., and is intended to provide the most stringent protection for the applicable waters allowable by law. (3) Pursuant to Section 380.0552(7), F.S. (1986 Supp.), the specific criteria set forth in this section are intended to be consistent with the Principles for Guiding Development as set forth in Chapter 28-29, F.A.C. (August 23, 1984), and with the principles set forth in that statute. However, the criteria in this rule does not apply to all waters within the Florida Keys, These criteria do not apply to artificial waterbodies within the Florida Keys, as described in subsection 62-312.400(1), F.A.C. In addition, the four foot water depth restriction for piers which do not provide commercial marine supplies, or services and which are designed to rnoor between three and nine boats are not applicable within the Outstanding Florida Waters that are within the boundaries of the City of Key West or within Everglades National Park or areas north of the Park within Monroe County, Docking facilities in those areas shall instead be subject to the three foot depth restrictions specified in paragraph 62-312.420(2)(a), F.A.C. However, all other provisions of this part are applicable in those areas. Rule 62-312.410 General Criteria. (1) Subject to the provisions of the mitigation section of this part (Rule 62-312,450, F.A.C.), no environmental resource permit or grandfathered dredge and fill permit under Part IV of Chapter 373, F.S., shall be issued for any activity in Outstanding Florida Waters in Monroe County if such activity: (a) Alone or in combination with other activities damages the viability of a living stony coral community (Scleraoctinia and Milleporina), soft coral community (Alcynoacea, Gorgonacea and Pennatulacea), macro, marine algae community (Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta), sponge bed community (Porifera), or 10 marine seagrass, (Hydrocharitaceae and Cymodoceae) bed community. This prohibition shall not include algae unattached to the bottom, nor shall it include algae growing landward of the mean high water line or growing as an epiphyte or periphyte on woody plants. For the purposes of this Part a marine seagrass bed or marine macroalgae community means an area dominated by the listed biota having an area] extent of at least 100 square feet. This paragraph does not imply that the Department cannot restrict the impact on smaller areas for such species based on other Department rules; (b) Has been initiated or completed without benefit of an environmental resource permit or dredge and fill permit required by the Department. (2) Subject to the provisions of the mitigation section of this part (Rule 62-312,450, F.A.C.), no permit shall be issued for the placement of fill in Outstanding Florida Waters in Monroe County unless expressly authorized by this rule or unless the Department determines that under applicable rules a permit may be issued in the following situations: (a) Filling for projects which have been proposed by a governmental entity, public authority or public or private utility; or (b) Filling for any other projects located within the landward extent of wetlands identified solely by vegetative dominance as described in paragraph 62-340.300(2)(b), F.A.C. Such areas do not include open waters or wetlands identified by vegetative dominance as described in paragraph 62-340.300(2)(a), F.A.C,, or by the provisions of paragraph 62-340.300(2)(c) or (d), F.A.C, Rule 62-312.450 Mitigation. Notwithstanding any of the prohibitions contained in this rule, the Department shall consider mitigation pursuant to Section 373.414(l)(b), F.S., and applicable Department rules to determine whether the project may otherwise be permittable. In any application for mitigation, the applicant shall demonstrate before issuance of any permit for the construction of the intended project that the proposed mitigation will be effective. Mitigation shall not be permitted where it appears after due considerations that construction of the intended project will cause irreplaceable damage to the site. I. Invitenem, A. The proposed amendment is not inconsistent with the following Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Monroe: County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. Goal 101: Monroe County shall manage future growth to enhance the quality of life, ensure the safety of County residents and visitors, and protect valuable natural resources. GOAL 202: The environmental quality of Monroe County's estuaries, nearshore waters (canals, harbors, bays, lakes and tidal strearns,) and associated benthic resources shall be maintained and, where possible, enhanced. GOAL 203: The health and integrity of living benthic resources and marine habitat, including mangroves, seagrasses, coral reefs and fisheries, shall be protected and, where possible, enhanced. Objective 203.2: Monroe County shall protect submerged lands vegetated with seagrasses by implementing regulations which will further reduce direct and indirect disturbances to seagrasses. I I Objective 203.6: Monroe County shall coordinate development and implementation of programs and regulations to protect the living benthic resources of the Florida Keys with other federal, state and local authorities with jurisdiction over marine activities within the Florida Keys. GOAL 204: The health and integrity of Monroe County's marine and freshwater wetlands shall be protected and, where possible, enhanced. B. The amendment is, not inconsistent with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida Keys Area, Section 380.0552(7), Florida Statutes. For the purposes of reviewing consistency of the adopted plan or any amendments to that plan with the principles for guiding development and any amendments to the principles, the principles shall be construed as a whole and no specific provision shall be construed or applied in isolation from the other provisions. (a) Strengthening local government capabilities for managing land use and development so that local government is able to achieve these objectives without continuing the area of critical state concern designation, (b) Protecting shoreline and benthic resources, including mangroves, coral reef formations, seagrass beds, wetlands, fish and wildlife, and their habitat. (c) Protecting upland resources, tropical biological communities, freshwater wetlands, native tropical vegetation (for example, hardwood hammocks and pinelands), dune ridges and beaches, wildlife, and their habitat. (d) Ensuring the maximum well-being of the Florida Keys and its citizens through sound economic development. (e) Limiting the adverse impacts of development on the quality of water throughout the Florida Keys. (f) Enhancing natural scenic resources, prornoting the aesthetic benefits of the natural environment, and ensuring that development is compatible with the unique historic character of the Florida Keys. (g) Protecting the historical heritage of the Florida Keys., (h) Protecting the value, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and amortized life of existing and proposed major public investments, including: i. The Florida Keys Aqueduct and water supply facilities; ii. Sewage collection, treatment, and disposal facilities; iii. Solid waste treatment, collection, and disposal facilities; iv. Key West Naval Air Station and other military facilities; V. Transportation facilities; vi. Federal parks, wildlife refuges, and marine sanctuaries; vii. State parks, recreation facilities, aquatic preserves, and other publicly owned properties; viii. City electric service and the Florida Keys Electric Co-op; and ix. Other utilities, as appropriate. 12 (i) Protecting and improving water quality by providing for the construction, operation, maintenance, and replacement of stormwater management facilities; central sewage collection; treatment and disposal facilities; and the installation and proper operation and maintenance of onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems. 0) Ensuring the improvement of nearshore water quality by requiring the construction and operation of wastewater management facilities that meet the requirements of ss. 381.0065(4)(1) and 403.086(10), as applicable, and by directing growth to areas served by central wastewater treatment facilities through permit allocation systems. (k) Limiting the adverse impacts of public investments on the environmental resources of the Florida Keys. (1) Making available adequate affordable housing for all sectors of the population of the Florida Keys. (m)Providing adequate alternatives for the protection of public safety and welfare in the event of a natural or manmade disaster and for a postdisaster reconstruction plan. (n) Protecting the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the Florida Keys and maintaining the Florida Keys as a unique Florida resource. Pursuant to Section 380.0552(7) Florida Statutes, the proposed amendment is not inconsistent with the Principles for Guiding Development as a whole and is not inconsistent with any Principle. C. The proposed amendment is not inconsistent with the Part 11 of Chapter 163, Florida Statute (F.S.). Specifically, the amendment furthers: 163,3161(4), R& — It is the intent of this act that local governments have the ability to preserve and enhance present advantages; encourage the most appropriate use of land, water, and resources, consistent with the public interest; overcome present handicaps; and deal effectively with future problems that may result from the use and development of land within their jurisdictions. Through the process of comprehensive planning, it is intended that units of local government can preserve, promote, protect, and improve the public health, safety, comfort, good order, appearance, convenience, law enforcement and fire prevention, and general welfare; facilitate the adequate and efficient provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, recreational facilities, housing, and other requirements and services; and conserve, develop, utilize, and protect natural resources within their jurisdictions 163-3177(1), F.S. - The comprehensive plan shall provide the principles, guidelines, standards, and strategies for the orderly and balanced future economic, social, physical, environmental, and fiscal development of the area that reflects community commitments to implement the plan and its elements. These principles and strategies shall guide future decisions in a consistent manner and shall contain programs and activities to ensure comprehensive plans are implemented. The sections of the comprehensive plan containing the principles and strategies, generally provided as goals, objectives, and policies, shall describe how the local government's programs, activities, and land development regulations will be initiated, modified, or continued to implement the comprehensive plan in a consistent manner. It is not the intent of this part to require the inclusion of implementing regulations in the comprehensive plan but rather to require identification of those programs, activities, and land IN 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 development regulations that will be part of the strategy for implementing the comprehensive plan and the principles that describe how the programs, activities, and land development regulations will be carried out. The plan shall establish meaningful and predictable standards for the use and development of land and provide meaningful guidelines for the content of more detailed land development and use regulations. 163.3177(6)(d)l.e., F.S. - Conserves, appropriately uses, and protects fisheries, wildlife, wildlife habitat, and marine habitat and restricts activities known to adversely affect the survival of endangered and threatened wildlife. 163.3177(6)(g)l., F.S. - Maintain, restore, and enhance the overall quality of the coastal zone environment, including, but not limited to, its amenities and aesthetic values. 163.3177(6)(g)3., F.S. - Protect the orderly and balanced utilization and preservation, consistent with sound conservation principles, of all living and nonliving coastal zone resources. III. PROCESS The Planning Commission shall hold at least one public hearing. The Planning Commission shall review the application, the reports and recommendations of the Department of Planning & Environmental Resources and the Development Review Committee and the testimony given at the public hearing. The Planning Commission shall submit its recommendations and findings to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC). The BOCC holds a public hearing to consider the transmittal of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment, and considers the staff report, staff recommendation, and the testimony given at the public hearing. The BOCC may or may not recommend transmittal to the State Land Planning Agency. If the amendment is transmitted to the State Land Planning Agency, it then reviews the proposal and issues an Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report. Upon receipt of the ORC report, the County has 180 days to adopt the amendments, adopt the amendments with changes or not adopt the amendment. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends APPROVAL of the proposed amendment. VII. EXHIBITS 1. Monroe County Canal Management Plan (CMMP), Sept. 20, 2013 1 Monroe Count' y� Y Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) Prepared By: AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Prepared For: Monroe County, EPA, the WOPP Steering Committee and WOPP Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee September 20, 2013 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �, � AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Table of Contents ExecutiveSummary................................................................................................................... iv 1.0 Background..................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 Purpose of Document.............................................................................................................1-1 1.2 Review of Stakeholders..........................................................................................................1-1 1.3 Situation and Need..................................................................................................................1-2 1.4 Summary of Historic Efforts...................................................................................................1-4 1.5 Public Benefit and Participation..........................................................................................1-13 2.0 Project Goals and Objectives....................................................................................................2-1 2.1 Overview of Scope..................................................................................................................2-1 2.2 What Defines a Canal?..........................................................................................................2-1 2.3 Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee.........................................................................2-2 2.4 CMMP Objectives....................................................................................................................2-2 2.5 Management Goals for Priority Issues.................................................................................2-3 3.0 Updated CMMP Database.........................................................................................................3-1 4.0 Keys -Wide Canal Water Quality Ranking................................................................................4-1 4.1 Overview...................................................................................................................................4-1 4.2 Process for Determining A Water Quality Classification...................................................4-3 4.3 Canal Ranking andNeed for Water Quality Improvement.................................................4-5 4.3.1 Water Quality Summary .................................................................................................4-5 4.3.2 Canal Ranking Scoring Sheet.......................................................................................4-5 4.4 Results......................................................................................................................................4-7 5.0 Best Management Practices for Canal Water Quality Improvement..................................5-1 5.1 Homeowner Stewardship.......................................................................................................5-1 5.2 Restoration Technologies......................................................................................................5-4 5.2.1 Weed Gates/Air Curtains/Physical Barriers................................................................5-5 5.2.2 Organic Removal.............................................................................................................5-6 5.2.3 Canal Backfilling..............................................................................................................5-7 5.2.4 Culvert Installation...........................................................................................................5-7 5.2.5 Circulation Pumping........................................................................................................5-8 5.2.6 Integrated Technology Application...............................................................................5-9 1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) amvQ AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 6.0 Adaptive Management Process................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Background..............................................................................................................................6-1 6.2 Evaluation of CMMP Adaptive Management Objectives..................................................6-2 6.2.1 Define Programmatic Issues and Goals......................................................................6-2 6.2.2 Plan and Prioritize...........................................................................................................6-3 6.2.3 Implement.........................................................................................................................6-3 6.2.4 Monitor..............................................................................................................................6-4 6.2.5 Evaluate............................................................................................................................6-4 6.2.6 Adjust................................................................................................................................6-5 7.0 Project Funding Mechanisms....................................................................................................7-1 7.1 Recurring Grant Programs.....................................................................................................7-1 7.2 Grant Application Checklist....................................................................................................7-1 7.3 Information Necessary to Complete Applications..............................................................7-2 7.4 County and Municipality Funding Sources..........................................................................7-3 7.5 2012 RESTORE Act Funding...............................................................................................7-3 8.0 Future Needs...............................................................................................................................8-1 9.0 Literature Cited............................................................................................................................9-1 TABLES Table 1 - Residential Canal Attribute Table Table 2 - Canal Ranking Scoring Sheet Table 3 Residential Canal Water Quality Summaries FIGURES Figure 1-1 Florida Keys Location Map Figure 6-1 Adaptive Management Framework APPENDICES Appendix A Residential Canal Homeowner Questionnaire Appendix B Glossary of Canal Attributes Included in CMMP Database Appendix C Poor Water Quality Ranking Sheets ATTACHED CD Google Earth Pro Canal Layer GIS Shape files Canal Attribute Table (Excel) ArcGIS Map File ii Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY amec'9 This comprehensive Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) Phase 2 was commissioned by Monroe County, with financial assistance from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), and with approval from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP). During development of the CMMP Phase 2, goals and priority management issues established during the initial Phase 1 CMMP process were reviewed and updated. In addition, the CMMP Phase 2 provides an expanded framework for identifying and correcting water quality impairments within the entire Florida Keys canal network. Approximately five hundred canals were examined and ranked as part of this effort using a combination of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tools and water quality field reconnaissance to develop the best possible assessment. The CMMP development process was directed by the WQPP's steering subcommittee known as the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee consisting of federal, state, and local agency members. This CMMP Phase 2 report is intended to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the entire CMMP process, combining results from Phase 1 and Phase 2 into one document. Canals within the Florida Keys have recently received considerable attention from regulatory agencies because many are associated with poor water quality. C anals with poor water quality have the potential to cause significant harm to near shore marine waters upon which the community depends. Water quality impairments within canals are most often associated with low dissolved oxygen (DO) as a result of accumulated organic matter or lack of flushing. However, some evidence indicates that nutrient enrichment from surrounding development has lead to biological imbalances (e.g., algal blooms) that further exacerbate the problem. In addition, other water quality problems bacteria have also been identified. including contamination from fecal coliform In response to the documented water quality issues related to the Keys residential canals, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 2008 developed the Florida Keys Reasonable Assurance Document (FKRAD) for the purpose of addressing both anthropogenic nutrient loading and diminished DO concentrations within the canals. Through the implementation of the FKRAD prescribed management activities (Wastewater Management, Stormwater Management, and the adherence to Regulatory Guidelines), it was expected that Monroe County would not be required to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) to address either the nutrient loading or diminished DO concentrations in the residential canals. In the 2011 FKRAD update, the DEP acknowledged that due to the varying nature of the residential canals within Monroe County, the actual improvement in water quality from the implementation of the three above referenced general management activities is unknown. Furthermore, the 2011 FKRAD stated that without addressing the poor circulation, weed wrack, organic sediments, water depth issues, and DO concentrations, the canals will likely not achieve um Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 DEP Class III Marine Surface Water DO standards. Since the canals discharge directly to near shore Outstanding Florida Waters in the FKNMS, where DEP adopted a" zero -degradation" policy for marine waters, addressing on -going canal water quality impairment is of utmost importance. It was identified by the WQPP Canal Subcommittee that the first step to address this problem was to prepare a CMMP to provide an updated water quality assessment of all residential canals within the Keys, develop a methodology to prioritize need for water quality improvement, and identify appropriate restoration options. One of the main objectives of the CMMP was to prioritize the residential canals within Monroe County related to need for water quality improvements. A process was developed utilizing water quality assessment data and physical conditions of the canals that influence the ability to improve the water quality and benefit the public. The canals were classified by water quality characteristics into "Good", "Fair", and " Poor' categories. Those canals receiving a " Poor' classification were scored and ranked using specific canal attributes in order to provide a list of high priority canals which were suitable for consideration of various public works restoration projects. In total, 171 canals received a Good water quality classification, 180 received a Fair classification, and 131 received a Poor classification. This included canals in all municipalities. Canals receiving a P oor classification were considered as potential candidates for certain restoration technologies. A preliminary technology selection process was developed utilizing the identified source(s) of water quality impairment and the canal characteristics. This preliminary technology selection will need to be field verified with an engineering evaluation in the future in order to develop the most appropriate and cost effective restoration(s) for each canal system. Restoration technologies reviewed in the CMMP include removal of accumulated organics, incorporation of weed gates or similar weed barrier structures, addition of culverts, construction of pumping systems, and backfilling. The physical removal of accumulated organic sediments can reduce the consumption of oxygen and release of nutrients from deeper water. Weed gates provide a low-cost method of minimizing the introduction of floating debris that often accumulates and causes low DO and odor problems within dead end canals. In certain locations, addition of new culverts can provide a low-cost solution to flushing of dead end canals, while pumping requires more equipment, but can be implemented as needed to improve circulation. Backfilling is one method that can be used to eliminate deeper layers of colder saltier water which tend to be associated with low DO and elevated nutrient concentrations. In some cases, multiple technologies may be used in combination to improve the ability to achieve water quality goals. Public participation is the key to the successful achievement of goals and objectives for water quality improvement in the canals. I n addition to the implementation of the above discussed restoration techniques, there are many best management practices (BMPs) that can be easily implemented both by homeowners and business owners to protect water quality and require only minimal use of public funds. BMPs vary from careful selection of fertilizers and landscape plants to proper disposal of fish waste. I n addition to providing various BMPs, the CMMP encourages public participation by providing homeowners with links to on-line information about canal restoration efforts. The CMMP provides an adaptive management process to aid in current and future actions. Adaptive management is an iterative process where project goals are periodically re-evaluated so the plans and priorities developed as part of the CMMP are consistent as new information becomes available. Adaptive management also includes committee -based processes to review iv Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation elements of the CMMP and make necessary adjustments. This adaptive process is imperative to the success of the CMMP. Several cooperative funding programs may be available for projects that could be contemplated as part of the CMMP and include those from municipalities and agencies such as USEPA, DEP, United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), National Oceanic and A tmospheric Administration (NOAA), and The Nature Center (TNC). Program eligibility requirements are varied, but include use of innovative technologies, assistance with achievement of TMDL goals, or simply reduction of non -point source pollution within impaired waters. Funding amounts can range from several thousand dollars to several million. R ESTORE Act funding is another significant source of funds for projects considered under the CMMP. While the CMMP provides a comprehensive overview of the water quality conditions in the Keys canals, this information will require updating over time. New information will become available on effective technologies that should be incorporated into restoration planning. Implementation of water quality improvements and protection of the Key's aquatic ecosystems will require the full cooperation of all stakeholders and coordinated planning efforts. v Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 1.0 BACKGROUND 1.1 PURPOSE OF DOCUMENT amec,9 This report was produced as the final deliverable for the Monroe County Water Quality Protection U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Grant No. OOD03712. The project description was to prepare a comprehensive Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) database, update priority management issues and goals for the Keys -wide CMMP, and prepare Keys -wide canal ranking criteria. The effort was referred to as Phase 2 CMMP. The updates are based upon the work completed under a Phase 1 CMMP which was initiated under Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Grant # S0607. The final deliverable for the DEP Grant was submitted on June 21, 2012 entitled `Monroe County CMMP Phase 1 Summary Report' (AMEC 2012). This Phase 2 C MMP report is intended to provide the reader with a comprehensive overview of the entire CMMP process, combining results from Phase 1 an d Phase 2 into one document. 1.2 REVIEW OF STAKEHOLDERS The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) was established by Congress in 1990. Under its authority, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) manage all waters as well as natural and cultural resources surrounding the Florida Keys. The Sanctuary's Water Quality Protection Program (WQPP) was mandated by Congress and developed jointly by EPA, NOAA, the State of Florida, and Monroe County. In 2012 t he WQPP Steering Committee convened a Water Quality Canal Subcommittee to manage and ov ersee the implementation of canal water quality improvements. The WQPP Steering Committee recently formalized the Subcommittee which is now known as the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee. The CMMP was overseen by the WQPP Steering Committee and the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee (members shown in bold) who represent the public interest and routinely conduct public meetings regarding the various aspects of program implementation: • U.S. EPA • U.S. National Park Service • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • NOAA • DEP 1-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 • South Florida Water Management District • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) • Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority • Florida Department of Health • Florida Keys Environmental Fund • Monroe County • Municipalities • Village of Islamorada • City of Marathon • City of Key Colony Beach • City of Layton • City of Key West • A citizen knowledgeable about the WQPP 1.3 SITUATION AND NEED The Florida Keys (Keys) located in Monroe County, Florida stretches 110 miles from just south of Miami, Florida to Key West, Florida. As the only tropical archipelago within the continental United States, the Keys after World War II became a popular destination for tourists and residents alike. To accommodate the post war demand for seaside living, Keys developers converted the coastal mangrove wetlands which dotted the archipelago into waterfront property. Because residents desired homes adjacent to the water with dock space for boats and developers needed a source of fill material for construction, dredged finger canals became an essential characteristic of Keys life. Today, residential canals are a permanent part of the Keys landscape. Pnvc.•.PaL �n�_,or au�r��-rn-,r �nor�.. . amac, Construction of residential canals in the Keys was initiated in the mid-20th century, before resource managers fully understood their impacts on I ocal water quality and the broader coastal ecosystems. D epending upon how much fill material was required at the time of development; contractors routinely dredged the canals to a depth in excess of 20 feet. Most canals were designed as long, multi -segmented, dead-end canal networks which maximize waterfront property but resulted in little or not idal flushing. Without adequate tidal flushing, the canals from their onset accumulated oxygen consuming sediments, nutrients and organic matter. 1-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 From 1950 to 1970, studies of residential canals that focused on water quality were conducted throughout Florida. These studies determined that canal construction created significant water quality and biological degradation within both the canals and the coastal halo. In addition to the findings published in the aforementioned studies, residents of the Keys have witnessed as teady deterioration of the water quality within their canals. A few signs of the water quality degradation reported by the residents included the darkening color of the water, objectionable odors, floating sludge, and periodic fish kills. Water quality degradation not only presents aesthetic and ecological problems, but a publ is health threat as well. Previous studies concluded that degraded canal water results in not only the deterioration of the environmental quality of receiving waters but also impacts the adjacent benthic communities including seagrass and coral reefs (Lapointe and Clark 1992; Lapointe et al. 1994; Lapointe and Matzie, 1992). Subsequent studies attributed the decline in canal water quality in Monroe County specifically to the anthropogenic nutrient loading from both on -site waste water disposal and storm water run-off. amec,9 In response to the documented water quality issues related to the Florida Keys residential canals, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in 2008 developed the Florida Keys Reasonable Assurance Document (FKRAD) for the purpose of addressing both anthropogenic nutrient loading and diminished dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations within the canals. Through the implementation of the FKRAD prescribed management activities (Wastewater Management, Stormwater Management, and t he adherence to Regulatory Guidelines), it was expected that Monroe County would not be required to establish Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs) to address either the nutrient loading or diminished DO concentrations in the residential canals. In the 2011 FKRAD update, the FDEP acknowledged that due to the varying nature of the residential canals within Monroe County, the actual improvement in water quality from the implementation of the three above referenced general management activities is unknown. Furthermore, the 2011 FKRAD stated that without addressing the poor circulation, weed wrack, organic sediments and water depth issues, DO concentrations in the residential Keys canal will likely not achieve Class III Marine Surface Water DO standards. Since the canals discharge directly to near shore Outstanding Florida Waters in the FKNMS, where DEP adopted a "zero - degradation" policy for marine waters, addressing on -going canal water quality impairment is of utmost importance. It was identified by the WQPP Canal Subcommittee that the first step to address this problem was to prepare a Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) to provide an updated water quality assessment of all residential canals within the Keys, develop a methodology to prioritize need f or water quality improvement, and identify appropriate restoration options. 1-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. ame t, Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 1.4 SUMMARY OF HISTORIC EFFORTS In order to effectively understand the water quality issues related to the residential canals within Monroe County, the unique history and characteristics of the canals must be understood and addressed. This section summarizes relevant guidance documents and peer reviewed publications on the canal systems and near shore waters of the Florida Keys as they pertain to water quality. The following annotated bibliography summarizes the documented issues related to water quality within the project area, as well as the recommended or ongoing course of actions taken on behalf of the interested parties to remediate the impaired conditions: • In Kruczynski's 1999 report titled "Water Quality Concerns in the Florida Keys: Sources, Effects and Solutions" the author provided the following background information on a number of water quality issues and potential management actions in the canals and near shore waters of the Keys: o Water quality problems due to on -site sewage disposal practices and stormwater runoff have been documented in residential canals. Water quality parameters that are degraded include nutrient enrichment, fecal coliform contamination, and biochemical oxygen demand. o Long, dead-end canal systems, deep canals of any length, and poorly flushed basins accumulate weed wrack and other particulate matter. o The water column of many canals over six feet deep is stratified and bottom waters are oxygen deficient. Because they usually violate Class III Surface Water Quality Standards, canals were excluded from Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW) designation. o Artificial aeration of canals does not eliminate the sources of excessive nutrients in canal waters but may result in better mixing which may facilitate nitrogen cycling. o Improving flushing of degraded canal systems may improve the water quality within the canal, but may also result in adding additional nutrients to the adjacent waters. o Canal systems and bas ins with poor water quality are a potential source of nutrients and other contaminants to other near shore waters. o Seagrass beds located near the mouths of some degraded canal systems exhibit signs of eutrophication, such as increased epiphyte load and growth of benthic algae. 1-4 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amec,9 o Vessel generated turbidity (re -suspended sediments) is a growing concern in many areas with high boat traffic including canals and open waters. o There are no definitive studies on the geographic extent of the impact of human -caused nutrient enrichment. Scientists agree that canal and other near shore waters are affected by human -derived nutrients from sewage. Improved sewage treatment practices are needed to improve canal and other near shore waters. Impacts further from shore that may be due to human -derived nutrients may be reduced or eliminated by cleaning up near shore waters. Kruczynski (1999) also provided an overview of an earlier project that was conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to evaluate water quality conditions in finger fill canals located in Florida and North Carolina (EPA 1975). The 1975 study found that, during the rainy season, canals with poor flushing characteristics often exhibited pronounced density stratification, with a deep layer of high -salinity water essentially trapped beneath an upper, lower -salinity layer. The resulting stagnation of the lower portion of the water column was found to encourage oxygen depletion and the release of nutrients from canal -bottom sediments. that canals greater than four to five feet deep regularly experienced water quality standards for dissolved oxygen (<4 mg/1). The study reported violations of State In 1999 Monroe County evaluated a group of stormwater-related water quality problem areas, which were summarized by CDM (2001) as part of the Monroe County Stormwater Master Plan. CDM (2001) identified the following eight locations as high - priority stormwater management problem areas, based on i nformation from earlier surveys and site visits by trained personnel: o Campbell's Marina, Key Largo o Marathon Marina, Vaca Key o Boot Key Harbor drainage, Vaca Key o Alex's Junkyard, Stock Island o Oceanside Marina, Stock Island o Safe Harbor Area, Stock Island 1-5 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. ame t, Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 o Garrison Bight Marina, Key West, and o Key West Bight, Key West. Ten medium -priority stormwater management problem areas and ten "other' problem areas were also identified in the CDM (2001) report. CH2MHILL (2000) provided an addi tional summary of known water -quality problem areas, focusing on wastewater -related sources and bas ed on information from three earlier reports: a 1992 Phase I Report of the FKNMS Water Quality Protection Plan, a modified list of problem areas proposed by the South Florida Water Management District in 1996, and a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) developed between Monroe County and DEP in 1997 regarding future wastewater permitting practices and the elimination of existing cesspits. The CH2MHILL (2000) report identified and prioritized a total of 45 hi gh priority water quality "hot spots", or problem areas that would be addressed in the near future by the installation of central community wastewater systems as part of the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan. As one component of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, which was funded by US Army Corps of Engineers and the Florida Department of Community Affairs, URS (2001) developed a Canal Impact Assessment Module (CIAM) which provides a comparative tool for evaluating the relative impacts of wastewater and stormwater discharges into tidally -flushed dead-end canals, and for assessing the relative impacts of wastewater and s tormwater management decisions on nut rient concentrations in representative canals. (Pathogens and fecal coliforms were not included in the module, due to a lack of relevant data.) The CIAM was part of a larger carrying capacity analysis model (CCAM) that was developed to assist state and local jurisdictions to determine the ability of the Florida Keys ecosystem to withstand the potential impacts of additional land development activities. The CIAM is based on a s teady- state, spreadsheet -based tidal flushing algorithm that estimates pollutant concentrations in canals based on pol lutant loads from stormwater and wastewater discharges and t idal fluxes from near shore waters. To develop the algorithm, data acquisition efforts targeted previous canal water quality studies, near shore water quality data, and the magnitude of tidal fluctuations. The module was applied to ten canal systems that were selected based on t he availability of water quality data and the presence of representative sources of wastewater and s tormwater pollutant loadings, including residential and commercial 1-6 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 sources. Only canals with one opening were considered; plugged canals (with no openings) and canals with multiple openings were not evaluated. The URS (2001) report provides the following overview of the strengths and limitations of the assessment module: "The CIAM is set up as a canal -specific spreadsheet model. It assumes a long- term steady-state influx of pollutant loads and volumes. It does not include or account for a number of variables that may have a significant impact on observed canal water quality. Some of these potential factors include: • Sea level rise; • Water column stratification; • Wind effects; • Thermal gradients; • Surge tides associated with tropical storms or hurricanes; • Interactions between the benthic/sediment zone and the active water column; • Nutrient uptake/release by marine plants • Washed in seagrasses and similar sources; • Direct input of water volumes and pollutant loads attributable to precipitation or atmospheric dryfall deposition; • Water volume losses attributable to evaporation or transpiration; and • Direct pollutant inputs related to marine vessel discharges and illicit discharges. Based on the wastewater and stormwater management systems that existed at the time the CIAM was constructed, the module estimated that wastewater represented about 80% of the nutrient (Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus) load, 50% of the BOD load, and 25% of the TSS load entering the canal systems it evaluated. In terms of hydrologic inputs, wastewater represented about 25% with the remainder coming from stormwater. Under a future "Smart Growth" scenario that was also evaluated using the CIAM tool, much of the onsite wastewater sources were assumed to be eliminated and the bulk of the pollutant loads to the canals became stormwater based. U nder this scenario the wastewater portion of projected nutrient load fell to about 10% of the total, while BOD, TSS, and hydrologic loads were reduced to 5% or less of the total. On average, nutrient concentrations were approximately 50% lower in the Smart Growth scenario, BOD concentrations were reduced by about a quarter, and TSS concentrations showed a minor reduction (6%). Loads discharged from the canals to near shore waters were also projected to be reduced in the Smart Growth scenario, but to a lesser extent. Exported nutrient loads were projected to fall by about 45%, BOD by about 20%, and TSS less than 5%. For all canals, model results predicted that pollutant concentrations would tend to be highest in their interior sections, located farthest from the canal mouth. • Because of the unprecedented (for Florida) scope of the Carrying Capacity project, the project's co-sponsors requested the National Research Council (NRC) to provide a critical review of several of the project's draft work products. The NRC (2002) committee 1-7 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 report did not address the canal assessment module. I t did, however, provide the following broad overview of the Carrying Capacity project: "The contractors did an admirable job of working with the data available. Time and money constraints aside, however, the task was perhaps too ambitious an undertaking for the data and level of knowledge that currently exist for Florida Keys ecosystems. In its present stage of development, the CCAM is not ready to `determine the ability of the Florida Keys ecosystem ... to withstand all impacts of additional land development activities' as mandated by Florida Administration Commission Rule 28.20-100. Significant improvement of the CCAM is required in several key aspects if it is to be useful as an impact assessment tool. Endeavors such as the CCAM tend to obscure significant scientific uncertainty and project an unrealistic understanding of complicated environmental issues. What is needed and what the committee would like to express in this review, are expert opinion, common sense, and stakeholder consensus. The CCAM has important information to bring to the table, particularly where its modules have been based upon good and reliable scientific data. In the end, however, the decision to be made will be social not scientific. Once management has been implemented, science can make further progress toward understanding the natural system through modeling endeavors such as this one." Regarding canal -related issues, the report noted that "canal water quality is an important issue for near -shore environments and is a major public concern" (NRC 2002). It also noted that "little detailed information is available concerning the depth and cross-section characteristics of canals, their flushing characteristics, or ambient water quality data." While these comments do not provide guidance on technical aspects of the CIAM, they do provide a valuable viewpoint on the importance of stakeholder consensus and social decision -making in the overall resource management process. The importance of stakeholder consensus and decision -making has been emphasized further by the development and implementation of County -wide master plans for the management of wastewater and stormwater discharges in the Keys. Documents prepared by CH21VIHILL (2000) and CDM (2001) have summarized these plans, which are now being implemented in a num ber of the highest -priority water quality problem areas. As noted by URS (2001), the pollutant load reductions that will be achieved by the continued implementation of these plans are projected to lead to substantial water quality improvements in the existing canal systems. 1-8 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amec,9 The FKNMS (FKNMS 2007) published as even -step canal management strategy, focused on reducing water quality problems in canals and reducing nutrient loading to other surface waters from canal systems, as plan. The strategy notes that while many water quality problems in canals are linked to local stormwater and wastewater discharges, others can be due to a canal's structure and orientation. T hese physical features can lead to low flushing and the buildup of weed wrack, which consumes oxygen and releases nutrients as part of its overall sanctuary management it decays. T he FKNMS" (2007) strategy proposes uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-- uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu buuu uuuuuuu uuuuu. �uuuuuuuuuuuuu�, to inventory and characterize canals and investigate technologies to determine whether it would be worthwhile to implement corrective actions, such as weed gates and aeration systems, to improve water quality. It notes that plans for implementing improvements in canal circulation and flushing would have to be dev eloped in coordination with plans for dealing with stormwater and wastewater pollution from cesspits and septic tanks. More recently, DEP has funded the development of Reasonable Assurance (RA) plans for the surface waters of the Keys, as an alternative to the development of TMDLs. RA plans were developed for the Upper, Middle and Lower Keys by CDM and URS (2008a, b, c). The RA plans note that "halo zone" waters surround the Keys out to 500 meters offshore, and "near shore" waters extend from 500 meters out to 12,100 meters offshore. These are classified as Class III waters (whose beneficial uses include recreation and the propagation and maintenance of a healthy, well balanced population of fish and wildlife) and Outstanding Florida Waters (OFW). The primary pollutants of concern for these waters are nutrients (nitrogen and phos phorus), and F lorida water quality standards require that "in no case shall nutrient concentrations of a water body be altered so as to cause an imbalance of natural populations of flora and fauna." T he reports note that, because far -field sources dominate the nutrient concentrations in near shore waters, the recommended water quality target in the near shore area is defined to be an insignificant increase in nutrient concentrations above natural background levels at 500 meters from shore. "Insignificant' in this case is defined as less than 10 pg/I for total nitrogen and less than 2 pg/I for total phosphorus, and background is defined as the Halo Zone condition in the absence of anthropogenic loads. Another recommended water quality target is that the near shore ambient nutrient concentrations at 500 meters should average less than the ambient concentrations measured at the time of OFW designation. These water quality goals are relevant to the canal management process because canal management efforts are expected to support their achievement. 1-9 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 The Florida Keys Reasonable Assurance Documentation Update of 2011 (CDM 2011) outlined extensive waste water and s torm water restoration activities to address the nutrient impairments. However, it states that DEP recognizes that even after the restoration and management activities detailed in the RAD are completed, water quality in many canals will likely not achieve Class III marine standards, as required by regulation. The varying nature of canals with poor water circulation, weed wrack, organic sediments, and/or water depth was the cited reasons. The Little Venice neighborhood on Marathon Key was selected in the Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan as the first phase of wastewater improvements for the Marathon area because of its high development density, inadequate cesspool and septic systems, and known water quality problems in the canals. Briceno and Boyer (2009) conducted the Little Venice water quality monitoring project, with funding support from EPA and FDEP, to detect changes in water quality as a function of the remediation activities. The project included two phases. Phase 1was executed prior to remediation, from May 2001 to December 2003. Phase 2 began in June 2005, when construction of the wastewater collection system was mostly completed, and lasted until to May 2009. A "Before —After Control -Impact" (BACI) experimental design was used to assess changes due t o remediation. Observations and sampling were performed in three remedied canals (112th St., 100th St. and, 97th St. canals), in one control (reference) canal lacking remedial actions (91st St. canal) and a near shore site for comparison purposes (Briceno and Boyer 2009). Water samples were collected weekly for bacteriological analysis including enumeration of fecal coliforms (until November 2007) and enterococci. Weekly field parameters measured at both the surface and bottom of the water column at each station included: salinity, temperature, and DO. Weekly water samples from each station were analyzed for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and chlorophyll a (CHLA). Additionally, monthly grab samples were analyzed for ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, soluble reactive phosphate, silicate, and total organic carbon (Briceno and Boyer 2009). Non -parametric Mann -Whitney tests indicated statistically significant (p<0.05) declines in TN as a result of the wastewater treatment system while TP, DO (surface and bottom) and CHLA concentrations increased in almost all sites. These changes were partially related to region wide variability as well as local condition and/or remediation actions. At the time of this study, State of Florida Rule 62-302.530, for Class III marine waters, specifies that DO "shall never be less than 4.0 mg/1". Prior to remediation, this threshold was exceeded in 57% and 67% of sampling events for surface and bottom water samples respectively. For Phase 2, the benchmark was exceeded 45% and 54% for surface and bottom DO, respectively. In spite of this improvement, low DO concentrations continue to be an issue of concern in Little Venice waters (Briceno and Boyer 2009). 1-10 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 �7 - amec The Florida impaired water rule at the time of the Little Venice study stated that an estuary is impaired if the annual mean CHLA concentration is greater than 11 pg/l. Using this as a benchmark, annual mean CHLA concentrations for all canals and the offshore site were well below State standards during both Phase 1 (1.33 pg/1) and Phase 2 (2.14 pg/1). The overall increase during Phase 2 was statistically significant (Briceno and Boyer 2009), presumably due to regional factors unrelated to the remediation effort. The Florida State standard for single counts of fecal coliforms in Class III -Marine waters is 800 CFU per 100 ml; the EPA recommended standard for Enterococci is 104 CFU per 100 ml. During Phase 1, 0.4% of fecal coliform observations exceeded the State standard, and 6% of Enterococci counts exceeded the recommended EPA level. Fecal coliform analyses in Phase 2 indicated that 1 % of observations exceeded the FL State standard. After 4 years into remediation (Phase 2), 4% of Enterococci counts exceeded the recommended EPA level, suggesting a slight improvement in water quality (Briceno and Boyer 2009). Bacterial count distribution along the year corresponded to both climatic conditions and site location. Higher counts occurred in the rainy season. In addition, the heads of the canals, having longer residence times, had significantly greater bacterial numbers than did the mouths. S tations in worse condition in Phase 1 ex perienced greater improvements following remediation, a result emphasized by Briceno and Boyer (2009) as having potentially important implications for other canal remediation projects. Overall, Briceno and Boyer (2009) interpreted the water quality monitoring results as providing encouraging signs of improvement in water quality in Little Venice as an outcome of remedial actions advocated by the Monroe County, the EPA, the DEP and the community of Marathon. Since the completion of the first phase of the waste water improvements at the Little Venice neighborhood, Monroe County and as sociated municipalities have undertaken an extensive effort to provide wastewater treatment throughout the entire Keys. A summary of the percent connected by wastewater service area is provided below. Currently the average percent connected within the County is approximately 77 percent. It is anticipated that implementation of the wastewater treatment plans will be complete by 2015. Efforts to install stormwater management systems are underway and w ill increase in numbers as new projects are completed and as additional funding becoming available. Cana/ Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Service Area EDUs Connected Percent Connected Ocean Reef (NKLUC) 1,884 1,884 100% Key Largo (KLWTD) 14,572 11,923 82% Islamorada 8,483 1,055 12% Layton (FKAA) 351 351 100% Duck Key / Conch Key (FKAA) 1,454 1,167 80% Key Colony Beach 1,502 1,502 100% City of Marathon 5,812 4,607 79% Cudjoe (FKAA) 8,600 0% Big Coppitt (FKAA) 1,726 1,417 82% Bay Point FKAA 437 420 96% Stock Island 2,750 2,650 96% Key West 24,075 24,075 100% Total 71,646 51,051 77% Sources: Status of Wastewater Implementation, Monroe County, July 201 Monthly Utility Update, City of Marathon, August 2013 hftp://fi-monroecountv.civicplus.com/DocumentCenterNiew/5974 hftp://www.ci.marathon.fl.us/download/download.php?id=5159 1-12 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �� AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. eO Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 1.5 PUBLIC BENEFIT AND PARTICIPATION The Florida Keys canal network is a vital economic element within all Keys communities because it provides access to a host of Florida's most valuable and unique natural resources. While the canals provide access to the resources, they are also a conduit for direct introduction of pollutants into surrounding waters which can negatively impact the near shore marine environment upon which the community depends. Because of the close proximity to water of all the Keys landmass, nearly everyone living or visiting the Florida Keys will have some impact on the surrounding water quality. This CMMP is intended to provide the public with an understanding of the issues affecting water quality within the Keys and will identify opportunities for water quality improvement through public participation. In addition, the CMMP describes various opportunities for public involvement throughout the stakeholder planning process. Florida is the only state in the continental United States to have extensive shallow coral reef formations near its coasts. Coral reefs create specialized habitats that provide shelter, food and breeding sites for numerous plants and animals, including spiny lobster, snapper and other commercial and recreational species. The Florida Reef Tract (FRT) stretches 358 miles from the Dry Tortugas National Park off of the Florida Keys to the St. Lucie Inlet in Martin County. Roughly two thirds of the Florida Reef Tract lies within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) (FDEP, 2013). The aforementioned portion within the Monroe County is the only section of the Florida Reef Tract that is located within the Gulf of Mexico's waters. As such, the stakeholders within Monroe County are charged with the responsibility of managing North America's only barrier coral reef. Furthermore, the socioeconomic importance of the reef to Monroe County was documented in a 2007 -2008 socioeconomic study performed by the FKNMS which concluded that more than 33,000 jobs and $2.3 billion dollars in annual added revenue are directly attributed to Florida Reef Tract (National Marine Sanctuaries, 2013). Information concerning canal water quality improvements is being disseminated through Monroe County's website http://www. monroecounty- fl.gov/index.aspx?N ID=598. A homeowner questionnaire has been prepared and is included in Appendix A or can be accessed on the Monroe County website for interested canal -front homeowners to provide feedback on their canal water quality conditions. The public is welcome to attend the WQPP Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee meetings held periodically. a 1-13 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �� AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. eO Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 2.0 PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 OVERVIEW OF SCOPE The CMMP scope covers a comprehensive water quality assessment of the entire Florida Keys canal system to include the following elements: • Review of project history • Define project goals and objectives • Update of CMMP database • Implementation of adaptive management process • Development of Keys -wide canal ranking criteria • Overview of sustainable BMPs • Research project funding mechanisms • Evaluate future needs 2.2 WHAT DEFINES A CANAL? The CMMP is intended to provide the Keys community with an understanding of how the canal systems are affected by the surrounding environment and how improved management practices can benefit water purposes ur For the p p quality. .... � „ .... ...... .. �� �� " P of this CMMP the term canal refers to a l� manmade residential waterway system,f usually linear, with a common outfall or � mouth providing landowners with navigational access to the adjoining near. r ,, shore water body. Most Keys canals are associated strictly with residential `I development as described in Section 1.3. During the completion of the CMMP it was noted that the list of residential canals that, were to be evaluated also included some non -canal features, which have been labeled in the database as `other' water bodies. `Other' water bodies refer to canals that were not developed or not maintained, or are natural features such as embayment's and retention ponds.................................................................Q..:,..°..,.,..,.,..,.,..,.,..,.,..,.,..,.. 2-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Canals are often connected with `boat basins' or marinas where multiple vessels are docked at the same time. For the purposes of the CMMP, marinas are assumed to be commercial operations and are not included in the residential canal assessment. Boat basins, depending on their size, connection to a canal, and proximity to residential properties, may or may not be included as part of the canal systems evaluated in this CMMP. While they are not technically canals, boat basins share many of the same attributes as the adjoining canals and al I of the Best Management Practices described in this CMMP will apply regardless of their inclusion in this report. Although some boat basins are included, boat basins associated with the Keys canals are not comprehensively identified and ranked as part of this report. Further assessment will be required to fully inventory and assess all of the boat basins in the Keys. 2.3 CANAL RESTORATION ADVISORY SUBCOMMITTEE As discussed in Section 1.2, the WQPP Steering Committee established the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee (Subcommittee) to provide scientific and objective oversight to the CMMP project. Subcommittee members consist of representatives from the following agencies: • Federal: EPA, NOAA • State: DEP, FFWCC • County: Monroe County • Cities: Islamorada, Key of Colony Beach, Layton, Marathon, Key West • Other: Florida Keys Environmental Fund The Subcommittee meets regularly to review progress on the project and to recommend the appropriate action as necessary to facilitate implementation of various project tasks. 2.4 CMMP OBJECTIVES Phase I of the CMMP developed a s et of project goals and objectives that were initially approved by the Subcommittee in 2012. These goals and objectives were reviewed by the Subcommittee again as part the 2013 Phase 2 CMMP and were approved without change. An objectives statement was developed to provide a very brief summary of the overarching goals of the canal management effort, capturing its overall intent in a few sentences that will be readily understandable to policymakers, resource managers and the interested public. A draft objectives statement, which was taken with minor modification from the 2000 Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan, was used as the starting point. After some discussion of wording changes that would make the statement more applicable to canal management issues, the Subcommittee adopted the following objectives statement for the CMMP: 2-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amac, "The objective of the CMMP is to provide an ecologically sound and economically feasible funding and implementation strategy for improving and managing the environmental quality of canal systems in the Florida Keys. The plan will provide flexible and cost-effective solutions that improve canal management practices throughout the Keys and satisfy the existing and future needs of the community. It must address affordability and equity issues, reflect key stakeholder concerns, and satisfy environmental and regulatory criteria and guidelines." 2.5 MANAGEMENT GOALS FOR PRIORITY ISSUES Priority management issues and associated management goals were developed to guide the CMMP canal restoration process. The priority management issues that were identified and adopted by the Subcommittee are as follows: • Water Quality — Eutrophication and DO -Related Issues • Water Quality — Organic Material (e.g., Weed Wrack) • Sediment Quality • Habitat Quality • Public involvement in the canal management process The initial goals for the identified priority management issues were developed based on discussion with the Subcommittee during a meeting held on April 27, 2012. The Phase 1 goals for the priority management issues were reviewed with the Subcommittee during the December 2012 kick-off meeting for Phase 2 CMMP. No changes to the list of issues were proposed. The following are the goals for the five priority management issues adopted for the CMMP. The goals are intended to be protective of living resources, technically defensible, quantifiable (where possible), readily measurable, and challenging but achievable. Issue 1. Water quality — Eutrophication and DO -Related Issues Goal: Restore and maintain water quality conditions in canal systems to levels that are consistent with the State's current water quality criteria for Class III waters. Class III criteria are applicable to the canals which includes use for fish consumption, recreation, propagation and maintenance of a healthy well balanced population of fish and wildlife. The State water quality standards are detailed in Florida Administrative Code 62-302. 2-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �, � AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Issue 2. Water quality — Organic Matter (e.g., Weed Wrack) Issues Goal: In canal systems whose location makes them susceptible to receiving large inputs of seagrass leaves and other `weed wrack' from near shore waters, install cost-effective barriers to prevent or substantially reduce those inputs to levels that do not contribute to eutrophication, hypoxia, or other water and sediment quality issues within the canals. Issue 3. Sediment quality Goal: Reduce the incidence of anoxia, problematic sulfide levels and sediment toxicity in canals where these issues are present, and prevent these issues from developing in canal systems where they are not yet present. Issue 4. Habitat quality Goal: Protect aquatic and benthic canal habitats that currently support native flora and fauna, and improve water and sediment quality in other areas to levels that are capable of supporting them. Issue 5. Public Involvement in the Canal Management Process Goal: Create and maintain a constituency of informed, involved citizens who understand the environmental and economic issues involved in managing manmade canal systems. 2-4 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �� AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. eO Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 3.0 UPDATED CMMP DATABASE The purpose of the GIS database is to provide a central location to store information for the residential canals in Monroe County so that an evaluation of potential water quality impacts and selection of an app ropriate treatment technology can be made. The GIS database also provides a mechanism to automatically assign attributes based on spatial location. 2012 Update to the 2003 Database The canal layer that was developed for the 2003 Water Quality GIS Database required significant updating due to software updates and compatibility issues. Multiple changes were necessary; the most significant of which being the lack of a spatial reference assigned to the canal layer. T he DEP Albers HARN spatial reference that was utilized during the digitization of the canal features was assigned to the layer; allowing the layer to map properly in GIS environments with a different spatial reference. The canal features were digitized utilizing six inch resolution aerials obtained from the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The modifications to the original canal layer were captured as auxiliary layers to facilitate identification of the modifications. Distinct layers for added canals, deleted canals, and merged canals were created. Additionally, the added canals that were commercial/industrial (marinas) were extracted from the added canals layer and allocated into a unique layer. Additionally, a layer identifying boat basins was created. The EPA data warehouse STORET was accessed to obtain all surface water quality samples for the Florida Keys. The tabularized sample data was utilized to develop a po int layer containing the sampling type and results in an attribute table. The latitude and longitude provided in the tabularized data was utilized to provide spatial reference for the data points. The water quality data collected between 1996 and 2011 as part of the Water Quality Protection Program was obtained from the program website and incorporated into the database as well. Additionally, the point layer summarizing the Environmental Resource Permit applications provided on the DEP geo-data directory was utilized to identify bubble curtains and weed gates. 3-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 The canal database contained many attribute columns from the 2003 Canal Inventory and Assessment that were considered no I onger necessary and w hich made the attribute table cumbersome to review. The following list contains the attributes being selected to remain in the updated CMMP database. An explanation of each attribute is provided in Appendix B. • Canal Name • Bayside vs. Oceanside • Area (acres) • Length (feet) • Area to Length Ratio • Perimeter (feet) • Description of near shore feature (channel, shallow, spoil area) • Canal outfall water body • Energy at mouth • Number of convolutions • Number of mouths • Orientation of mouth(s) • % developed • Historic water quality monitoring data • Distance to FKNMS monitoring station • Sewage service area/WWT District/connection status Summary of Deficiencies Identified in CMMP Phase I Phase I of the CMMP identified several data deficiencies in the project geo-database, primarily lack of depth information, absence of organic thickness, and limited canal specific water quality data. In order to address these limitations, a countywide bathymetric survey was completed as documented in the June 13, 2013 Bathymetric Survey Report (AMEC, 2012). The bathymetric survey quantified the organic thickness and canal depth utilizing a single beam dual frequency echo sounder. In order to obtain canal specific water quality data, a countywide field survey of the canals was completed. A summary of the canal field survey methodology and resulting ranking criteria is provided in Section 5. Phase 2 Update to the Database Numerous attributes were added to the project geo-database to further characterize the water quality and physical conditions of the residential canals in Monroe County. The following is a summary of the attributes that have been add ed to the database. An explanation of each attribute is provided in Appendix B. • Tidal Range • Degree of Stagnation • WBID • WBID impairment for dissolved oxygen • Number of parcels • Aerial observation of seaweed 3-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 • Existing water quality treatments • Dissolved oxygen and turbidity readings from 2013 surveys • Water quality summary from 2013 surveys • Date of 2013 surveys • Phase 2 Category • Canal Ranking Number • Recommended Technology o Weed gate o Culvert o Culvert maintenance o Backfilling o Organic Removal o Pumping • Municipality or Unincorporated Monroe County • Field comments • Canal bottom elevation (minimum, maximum, and average) • Average thickness of sediment Table 1 provides a copy of the updated database for the residential canals in Monroe County. The updated CMMP database can also be viewed through an associated CMMP Google Earth KMZ file made available on the Monroe County web page or GIS shapefiles provided to Monroe County with the CMMP deliverable. 3-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 4.0 KEYS -WIDE CANAL WATER QUALITY RANKING 4.1 OVERVIEW One of the main objectives of the CMMP was to prioritize the residential canals within Monroe County related to need for water quality improvements. A process was developed utilizing water quality assessment data and physical conditions of the canals that influence the ability to improve the water quality and benefit the public. The process included identifying the canals with water quality that does not currently meet the State of Florida's Class III Marine Surface Water Standards. The impaired water quality in these canals poses a direct threat to sensitive near shore resources and could result in regulatory enforcement if corrective action is not taken. In order to meet the applicable water quality standard, each canal with water quality impairments could potentially require the implementation of one or more restoration technologies. amec,9 The 2012 GIS canal inventory database of Monroe County residential canals indicated approximately 500 canals for potential water quality assessment and prioritization. A Keys -wide canal water quality ranking process was developed that consisted of the following: Completion of a Water Quality Assessment of the approximately 500 canals Assignment of a Water Quality Classification of Good, Fair or Poor to each canal Ranking Scoring Sheet applied to Poor Water Quality canals to further assist in prioritizing need for water quality improvement. A detailed description of the process is presented in the following sections. Water Quality Assessment Due to the large number of canals and pr ivate communities throughout Monroe County, neighborhood canal networks were clustered together based on their proximity and common physical characteristics. Representative canals were selected from within each cluster for detailed water quality data collection and analyses. The similarities of the physical characteristics of the canal clusters were verified through review of the GIS Canal Layer and Canal Inventory Database as well as the 2013 Monroe County Canals Bathymetric Survey data. 4-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amec Phase 2 of the CMMP included an extensive field survey to collect water quality and biological data that could be used in the ranking process. In addition to performing an assessment of the selected canals, a "drive by" of each canal within the clustered network was performed to verify the similarities of their aerial interpreted characteristics. The "drive by" process provided field personnel with the opportunity to assess additional canals within the clusters if they determined that the selected canals were not representative of each individually clustered canal. The initial water quality assessment of the canals relied upon an ev aluation of the following data sources: 1. Available water quality data 2. Empirical observations recorded during the Phase 2 canal assessments 3. 2013 Monroe County Canal Bathymetric Survey data a .- Although additional sources of information were used to assess the water quality within each canal, the primary method for determining a canal's water quality classification was through the measurement of dissolved oxygen (DO). The DEP 2010 standards for DO concentrations in Class III marine surface waters state that DO shall never be measured at less than 4.0 mg/L. Furthermore, the DEP has stated that any Class III water body which displays DO levels less than 4.0 mg/L should be classified as impaired. Class III surface waters includes the residential canals located in Monroe County. The Phase 2 CMMP canal assessments measured DO at various intervals throughout the canal's water column with the use of a calibrated YSI 556. DO measurements were recorded on field data sheets in both mg/L and % saturation. In addition to recording the water quality parameters provided by the YSI 556, professional scientists recorded visual observations detailing the absence or presence of biological indicators of water quality. Due to their specific sensitivities to environmental change, algae, sponges, and t ropical fish were specifically targeted for observation during the canal assessment process. The following describes the process by which sensitive resources were used as indicators of water quality within the canals: a. The presence of blue-green algae and brown macro -algae were used as modifiers to indicate sub -standard water quality. A Ithough blue- green algae are not uncommon in residential canals, excessive algal blooms which result in algae covered substrate, floating mats, and green tinted water columns were used as an indication of diminished water quality. 4-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 b. The inability of green macro -algae (small plant -like organisms) to out compete blue green algae in nutrient enriched environments made the observance of these small plant -like organisms a useful indicator of good water quality. c. Due to the extreme sensitivities of sponges, seagrasses, and reef fish to changes in water quality, their observed presence within a canal was an effective indicator of good water quality. The third tool in summarizing canal water quality was clarity of the water column. "Water Clarity" was used as a modifier to adjust a canals water quality summary based on an elevated turbidity reading or visual observation with the use of polarized sunglasses. 4.2 PROCESS FOR DETERMINING A WATER QUALITY CLASSIFICATION The initial step in the classification process involved a review of the DO readings collected for each representative canal. Based on the above referenced regulatory guidance for Class III water bodies, the lowest reported DO concentration within each assessed canal was determined to be the appropriate value for determining a canal's water quality classification. Due to the DO limiting conditions that exist within residential canals and the variability of a single monitoring event, the primary ranking was either confirmed or modified based on the biological observations performed during the Phase 2 CMMP canal assessment. The following describes the process by which a canal was given a Water Quality Summary of either: Good, Fair, or Poor: • Good: If a canal displayed DO readings above 4.0 mg/L and di splayed no negative biological characteristics, the canal was field classified as having Good water quality. • Fair: If a canal displayed DO readings above 4.0 mg/L but displayed negative biological characteristics, the canal was field classified as having Fair water quality. • Fair: If a canal displayed DO readings between 3.0 and 4.0 mg/L but displayed positive biological characteristics, the canal was field classified as having Fair water quality. • Poor: If a canal displayed DO readings between 3.0 and 4.0 mg/L and but displayed negative biological characteristics, the canal was field classified as having Poor water quality. • Poor: If a canal displayed DO readings less than 3.0 mg/L, the canal was field classified as having Poor water quality. 4-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Water Quality Summary Classification Criteria amec,9 DO Conditions Biological Conditions Water Quality Summary > 4.0 m /L Positive Good > 4.0 mg/L Negative Fair 3.0 — 4.0 mg/L Positive Fair 3.0 — 4.0 mg/L Negative Poor < 3.0 mg/L N/A Poor Due to unique conditions which prevented direct or visual access to a few residences or a restricted area within Monroe County, some canals could not be monitored nor assigned a Water Quality Summary based on representative canal data. If a non -assessed canal was located within a DEP Water Body Identification area (WBID) that had previously been denoted as being impaired, the canal was given a Water Quality Summary of Fair. As a result of the aforementioned process, five residential canals on the 2012 canal list were not ranked during the Phase 2 CMMP. Please note 14 "other' water bodies were given a `Not Applicable' (NA) water quality summary because they were not residential canals and the Water Quality Summary methodology did not apply. Example of a Good Water Quality Canal Example of a Fair Water Quality Canal Example of a Poor Water Quality Canal Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �,� AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 4.3 CANAL RANKING AND NEED FOR WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT 4.3.1 Water Quality Summary The Water Quality Summary allowed the canals throughout the Keys to be ranked by need for water quality improvement. The canals designated as Poor water quality canals were determined to be in most need, followed by the Fair water quality canals. The canals designated as having Good water quality were of least need for water quality improvements. 4.3.2 Canal Ranking Scoring Sheet AMEC created a C anal Ranking Scoring Sheet to assist in selecting canals for restoration funding. The Phase 2 scoring sheet built on the initial scoring system developed during Phase 1 where organic matter accumulation was identified as a significant canal water quality factor. Canals that routinely received seaweed loading throughout the year consistently displayed the lowest oxygen levels of the Phase 1 assessed canals. Based on the findings of the Phase 1 CMMP, the previous ranking system divided "Severity of the Problem" into three subcategories: DO readings, seaweed loading, and organic matter accumulation. Several additional factors were considered as part of the Phase 2 ranking. The WQPP Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee, Monroe County and E PA approved the revisions to the scoring sheet. The approved scoring sheet was comprised of six categories: Category 1: Severity of the problem Severity of the problem was broken out into the three sub -categories based on the findings described in Phase I of the CMMP which detailed both the potential extent of the problem and the influence of the contributing factors: Sub -category 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to + 5): Scoring was based upon the presence or absence of a water quality problem and to the degree at which a problem existed. If there was no observed issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem existed then sub -categories 1 B and 1 C were skipped. If DO was measured in excess of 4 mg/L, there was no observed odor, and turbidity was below 1 N TU's, the canal should be scored a 0. If either DO was measured between 2 mg/L and 4 m g/L, there was a noticeable odor, or turbidity was between 1 and 3 N TU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO was measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Sub -category 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring was based on the potential entry of seaweed loading into the assessed canals. Canals that do not receive seaweed loading received a score of 0. Canals that receive seasonal loading received a score of 3 and canals that receive continuous inputs of seaweed were scored a 5. 4-5 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Sub -category 1C) Organic Matter Accumulation (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring was based on the presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 2013 bathymetric data). Canals that displayed a measured organic layer thickness of less than 0.5 feet received a score of 0. C anals that displayed a m easured organic layer thickness between 0.5 and 1. 0 feet received a score of 3 and canals that displayed a measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5. Category 2: Habitat quality (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring was based on the habitat characteristics of the assessed canal. ( Guidance: the observed presence of tropical fish life within a stabilized canal was utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae was used to adjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal observations were used in the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics). Category 3: Potential for achievement (scored from -10 to +10) The category was defined as the potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal. Scoring values from 0 to +5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to - 10) could be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Category 4: Supplemental benefits (scored from -10 to +10) The category was defined by the potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or near shore zone. Scoring values from 0 to +5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential to provide improvement and/or protection in the halo or near shore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or near shore zone. Category 5: Project constraints (scored from 0-10) This category was defined by a project's implementability. This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to +10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties in implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Category 6: Public benefits (scored from 0 to +10) The public benefit criterion was related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of +4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of +7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Although all six categories were scored, severity of the problem, habitat quality, and potential for achievement were weighted greater than the remaining categories due to their importance in determining the need for improvement. An example scoring sheet included as Table 2 shows the weighting factors the criteria. we Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amec Following classification of canals into their respective water quality categories, canals with Poor Water Quality Summaries were further prioritized for need for restoration utilizing the numerical ranking from the Canal Ranking Scoring Sheet. 4.4 RESULTS Upon ranking of the residential canals related to water quality as part of Phase 2 of the Monroe County CMMP, 171 canals received the ranking of Good, 180 canals received the ranking of Fair, and 131 canals received the ranking of Poor. Table 3 shows the Water Quality Summaries. The results of the Canal Ranking Scoring for the Poor Water Quality canals are also shown in Table 3. The completed scoring sheets are included in Appendix C. The results of the "Keys Wide Ranking" for each residential canal in Monroe County can either be viewed through an associated CMMP Google Earth KMZ file made available through the Monroe County web page or through the GIS shapefiles provided to Monroe County with the CMMP deliverable. Please note that the majority of the water quality assessments were performed during the winter season. I t was assumed that a P oor water quality determination during the cooler winter season would be conservative and that the same or worse condition would exist during the summer. This assessment would thus identify the canals with the worst conditions. Some of the canals evaluated as having Fair water quality based upon the cooler season data my show greater impairment during the summer months and f all into the Poor water quality category. Evaluating the seasonal influence on water quality was beyond the scope of this grant. 4-7 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �, � AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 5.0 BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR CANAL WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT The Best Management Practices (BMPs) described in this section include things that homeowners can implement to assist with limiting impacts to the canal water quality as well as restoration technologies that will assist with water quality improvements. The restoration technologies focus on increasing DO levels through reducing organic loading to the canals and/or and improving canal flushing. The restoration technologies currently included in the CMMP are technologies that have been permitted and implemented in the Keys. In addition to the traditional BMPs discussed in this document, the potential for deploying alternative technologies appears promising; however, additional research on their applicability to residential canals and their impact within the coastal halo needs further investigation. 5.1 HOMEOWNER STEWARDSHIP Educational Programs and Outreach Numerous resources are available to assist both homeowners and business owners throughout the Florida Keys with BMPs. T he Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) maintains an extensive database of technical BMP literature epestateefleus/water/nonoint/usetm). One publication in particular is written specifically for waterfront homeowners and is applicable to nearly all Keys residents (hftp: //www. d ep.state.f1.us/water/non point/docs/n on oint/w o ®ook®finale f). All homeowners, waterfront or not, have an important role to play in the achievement of water quality restoration goals for the Keys canals. This will be true regardless of the success of local projects like those proposed in this CMMP or regionally significant projects such as improved wastewater or stormwater treatment. Individual homeowners and business owners can assist the community simply by adopting, at a minimum, the following BMPs: • Follow label instructions on all yard chemicals and maintain appropriate application setbacks along shorelines • Ensure that lawn care professionals practice appropriate level of care when applying chemicals or working around the water • Prevent grass clippings and other yard debris from entering stormwater systems and canals • Prevent fertilizers from reaching impervious surfaces like sidewalks or driveways where runoff will carry it into the stormwater system or nearby canal • Reduce overspray to driveways and sidewalks from irrigation systems • Avoid cleaning fish or disposing of fish carcasses in canals • Limit potential for soil erosion by adopting proper landscaping practices (Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Program) • Wash vehicles in locations where water will not run into storm drains or nearby canals • Service vehicles routinely to prevent oil, antifreeze and other vehicle fluids from leaking 5-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amec'9 The Florida Yards and Neighborhoods Program, administered by the University of Florida Institute of Food and A gricultural Science (IFAS) is also a useful resource for Keys residents interested in improving canal water quality. This program offers helpful advice from identifying drought -tolerant Florida -Friendly Landscape plants to small-scale homeowner construction projects like backyard swales and rain gardens. T he Florida Yards and N eighborhoods Handbook are available at http://fyn.ifas.ufl.edu/materials/FYN Handbook vSept09.pdf. The Monroe County Extension Service and the Nature Conservancy can assist homeowners with the appropriate plant selection which will reduce the amount of water, fertilizer, and other lawn chemicals needed to maintain a healthy landscape. The web address for the Monroe County Extension Service is http://monroe.ifas.ufl.edu/. Management of Boats, Boat Basins, and Marinas Throughout Monroe County, residents and tourists alike utilize the finger canals, marinas, and boat basins to store and maintain their personal watercraft. One of the basic water quality improvements boat owners can implement is correct containment and disposal of sewage. Y Monroe County has contracted with Pumpout USA to provide pump out services to recreational vessels anchored in waters throughout the Florida Keys within unincorporated Monroe County. Boaters can call (305) 900-0263 to schedule a pu mp-out or register on-line for routine pump -out service from Pumpout USA at www.po-keys.com. B oaters utilizing the service will be provided with a sticker to be displayed on the vessel indicating participation in the pump -out program and an orange flag to be flown when in need of a pump out. This service also covers recreational boats located at docks along the canals and is free to the public. In addition, there is more than 30 other pump -out facilities, including both mobile and I and based operations, located throughout the keys. The following link provides the locations of these pump -out facilities: http://www.monroecounty-fl.gov/DocumentCenter/Home/View/l 155. Boat maintenance is a necessary activity that must be conducted properly to minimize the potential of degrading local waters. Without proper precautions, contaminants originating from boats and boat maintenance activities can be transported to the local Keys waterways either through stormwater runoff or by direct discharge from the boats or boat maintenance activities. In order to improve Boater awareness, the FEP established the Pitch In and Pump Out program (http://www.dep.state.f1.us/pitchin-pumpout/) to encourage operators of marinas and boa t enthusiast to assist in the protection and cleanup of coastal waterways. Utilizing the following BMPs and maintenance guidelines which were developed by the DEP, marinas and boat owners can substantially reduce the amount of potential contaminants originating from both their commercial and recreational activities: 5-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Maintaining Marinas and Boat Basins • Sweep or vacuum around hull maintenance areas, roads, and driveways frequently • Sweep parking lots regularly • Plant turf or other vegetative cover between impervious areas and manmade basins or canals • Use porous pavement where feasible • Install oil/grit separators and/or vertical media filters to capture pollutants in runoff • Add filters to storm drains that are located near work areas • Place absorbents in drain inlets • Use chemical and filtration treatment systems only where necessary • Install fish cleaning stations that include adequate disposal of fish parts. Improperly disposed fish waste is a major source of pollutants within the Keys canal system and Monroe County is addressing this issue as part of the Comprehensive Plan. Proposed language for the updated Monroe County Comprehensive Plan related to fish cleaning in canals states: Policy 202.2.2 Within one (1) year after adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan, Monroe County shall evaluate options for reducing the amount of fish and lobster cleaning offal that is discharged into canals. This evaluation should include public facilities such as marinas and private areas such as private backyard docks. Options to be considered, shall include, but not limited to: (a) requiring that drains from fish cleaning tables be plumbed to a central sewer system; (b) requiring that carcasses be macerated for chum (put in bags and frozen for a subsequent trip), deposited in an air -tight container for routine refuse pickup, or hauled away by a commercial chum or trap fisherman on contract; and (c) implementing an educational signage and awareness program. Recreational fishermen and waterfront homeowners can assist Monroe County with this effort by providing proper disposal of fish waste. Boat Cleaning and Operation • Wash boat hulls above the waterline by hand and remove boats when feasible from the water for cleaning so debris can be collected and disposed of properly • Attempt to wash boats frequently enough that the use of cleansers will not be necessary • If using cleansers, select only those that will have minimal impact on t he aquatic environment • Switch to long-lasting and low -toxicity or nontoxic antifouling paints • Avoid in -the -water hull scraping or any abrasive process done underwater that could remove paint from the boat hull • Ensure that adequate precautions have been taken to minimize the spread of exotic and invasive species when boats are transferred from one waterbody to another • Minimize the impacts of wastewater from pressure washing 5-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. ame t, Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 • Restrict boater traffic in shallow -water areas Establish and enforce no wake zones to decrease turbidity, shore erosion, and shoreline damage As part of the DEP's effort to promote the use of the above referenced BMPs, the Department has established a Clean Marina Program (CMP) which details numerous ways boat owners and commercial facilities can protect water quality by implementing proper boat and boat storage maintenance. The CMP is a voluntary designation program with a proactive approach to environmental stewardship that applies to boatyards which repair recreational and small commercial vessels for Florida's waterways. Participants receive assistance in implementing BMPs through on -site and remote technical assistance. To become designated as a Clean Marina, facilities must implement a set of environmental BMPs designed to protect Florida's waterways from nonpoint sources of pollution. These BMPs address critical environmental issues such as sensitive habitat, waste management, fish waste management, storm water control, Will prevention and emergency preparedness. This information is available at http://www.dep.state.fl.us/cleanmarina/files/Clean Marina Action Plan Guidebook.0 5.2 RESTORATION TECHNOLOGIES Many of the Keys canals exhibit water quality impacts that will require the implementation of physical and mechanical restoration technologies. The restoration technologies presently under consideration during the Phase 2 CMMP focus on improving the canal water quality conditions of related to reduced dissolved oxygen and lack of flushing. They include: • Removal of accumulated organics from within canals • Weed gates, air curtains or other physical barriers to minimize additional organic accumulation in the canals • Culvert connections to facilitate flushing • Pumping systems to facilitate flushing, and • Backfilling to prevent occurrence of deep stagnant zones. The following sections provide a brief description of each of the above listed technologies along with the type of canal conditions where the technology is most suited. The canal attribute table includes a preliminary selection of applicable technologies for each canal. The methodology employed in the technology selection process is also discussed below. This selection is only preliminary and will require a s ite-specific engineering evaluation to determine the best restoration for each canal. 5-4 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 5.2.1 Weed Gates/Air Curtains/Physical Barriers Technology Description Weed gates can be either comprised of mechanical devices or air curtains that physically block seaweed from passing through the device. Weed gates are designed to prevent floating, wind - driven flotsum from entering and accumulating in man-made canals where it typically sinks and f ouls the water. Many of the existing homeowner installed weed gates consist of a floating arm that contains hanging flaps often made of rubber. The gates are placed at a canal mouth to prevent floating seaweed from entering the canal. The gate swings open when applied with slight pressure to allow access for boat traffic. An alternative design is a static amac, weed barrier comprised of pilings and plastic netting coupled with a section of a submerged air discharge hose that creates an air curtain allowing boat traffic. The design of the weed gates should consider the natural movement of seaweed along the shoreline and configured parallel to land such that dead zones adjacent to the canal are not created where seaweed can accumulate. System components consist of pilings, plastic netting, air hose, air emitters, and a regenerative blower. A staging area and a power supply (electric or solar panel) for the regenerative blower are required. Some maintenance is required to ensure continued effective operation. Application Technologies that reduce the input of seaweed loading into a canal are most applicable to canals that are subject to high loadings of seaweed and flotsam. The orientation of the canal mouth and location in relation to open water affect the susceptibility to entry of wind driven weed wrack. The configuration of the canal also affects whether the weed wrack will exit the canal or be trapped in a `dead end' canal section. A review of aerial photography was utilized as a preliminary method to indicate whether a canal experiences weed wrack loading. However, aerial photography only provides a single snapshot of a canal, and may not identify potentially impacted canals if the photography is not collected during the appropriate time of year. 5-5 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amec The primary method for a canal to be selected for the consideration of the installation of a weed wrack gate was if seaweed accumulation was visually observed during field site visits, if the canal already had an existing weed wrack gate that was not functioning properly, or if homeowner interviews indicated the presence of weed wrack loading. Additional homeowner feedback concerning the weed wrack loading in their canals may increase the number of canals in the database that should be evaluated for installation of weed gates. 5.2.2 Organic Removal Technology Description The decomposition of the weed wrack material that has settled on the canal bottom can consume large amounts of dissolved oxygen, and can deplete the viability of a canal's ecosystem and the adjacent near shore waters. O rganic removal consists of removing the decomposed weed wrack material present at the bottom of a canal. Due to the fine particle size of the decomposed weed wrack material, mechanical excavation of the organic material is not feasible. Therefore, a hydraulic dredge is the preferred means of removal of the organic material. A logistical limitation of the use of the hydraulic dredge is the large volume of suspended sediment and extracted water that requires stabilization, and the space requirements associated with the stabilization process. Typical hydraulic dredging projects utilize constructed dewatering stabilization cells that are built with earthen berms. However, it is anticipated that space limitations in the residential canal neighborhoods will require an alternative method to dewater the dredged material such as geo-tubes. Geo-tubes are comprised of specially formulated geo- textile that allow for dredged material to be placed into the geo-tube, and for the entrained water to be dec anted from the dredged material. Several site characteristics must be evaluated prior to implementation of an organic removal project. These include assessment of navigational capacity to allow access of the dredging equipment, available space for dewatering staging area, access of transportation vehicles to the staging area, and characterization of the sediments to determine appropriate disposal options. 5-6 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. ame t, Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Application As discussed in section 3.0, AMEC conducted a Keys -wide bathymetry survey which provided approximate soft sediment thickness data for the canals evaluated in this CMMP. Canals with a soft sediment thickness greater than 0.75 feet were considered potentially suitable for organic removal. Additional site -specific information such as percent organic content will be necessary to verify potentially suitable canals. 5.2.3 Canal Backfilling Technology Description Canal backfilling would be performed in order to decrease the depth of a c anal to promote flushing and reduce/eliminate stratification. Prior studies have indicated that approximately only the upper 6 f eet of the canals will naturally flush in the shallow Keys near shore environment (Kruczynski 1999). Filling in of abrupt changes in depth or sink areas to six or eight feet would assist in eliminating stagnation and increasing circulation. Flushing is typically hindered by the fact that both the canal sill and the waters surrounding the Keys are typically shallower than the canal bottom. This difference in depth hinders mixing in the lower depths of the canals. This option would work best in canals where there was sufficient energy, either from tidal fluctuations or wind force, to promote flushing at the canal mouth once the deep stagnant zone has been eliminated. Application A canal was considered to be t he best candidate for backfilling if it was observed in the bathymetric survey to exhibit an average canal bottom depth greater than 10 feet. Due to the high unit cost of backfill, further hydrodynamic evaluation is suggested to determine the quantity and placement of fill that is required to provide adequate flushing for a canal prior to initiating the backfilling activities. 5.2.4 Culvert Installation Technology Description Culverts could be i nstalled between canals or between canals and thin land strips to improve flushing within them in a similar fashion to flushing channels. Based on canal - specific hydrology, larger or smaller diameter culverts may be more applicable. Culverts could be installed in any lithology, but would still need an energy source to induce flushing such as a channel at the outfall mouth. 5-7 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 amac, It is recommended that culverts be equipped with manatee grates to prevent entry of wildlife or humans. Culverts are prone to clogging and require maintenance. Application An inspection of the canal and shoreline features was completed utilizing aerial photo review. A canal was selected as a candidate for the installation of a flushing culvert if it was apparent that a connection between that canal and another or the near shore waters could potentially increase flushing. Field verification of the applicability of a culvert installation will be required at each proposed canal location. The GIS database also contains information on existing culverts that were noted during field visits that required maintenance or modification to work effectively. 5.2.5 Circulation Pumping Technology Description Pumps can be installed to promote water circulation within a canal. Water can be pumped into a ` dead end' canal from a mangrove creek or near shore open water area to increase turnover of water in the canal system. Pump installation must be designed to prevent adverse secondary effects such as resuspension of sediments or bottom scouring. Diffusion emitters can be utilized to prevent excessive velocity and to assist in mixing. Pumping systems must be designed in such a way that they do not produce negative impacts to the near shore waters which are designated Outstanding Florida Waters. An alternative design is to pump water out of the `dead end' of the canal and discharge it to adjacent wetlands for filtration. Circulation studies by a qualified engineer would be needed t o provide an effective design. In order to design a pumping system certain design criteria are required. These include the volume of water in the canal, the mixing characteristics within the near shore waters, and the flushing provided by tidal movement. Application Canal physical features available in the canal attribute database that were identified as contributing to water stagnation were utilized to calculate a `degree of stagnation' for each canal to select locations that may require the installation of a circulation pump. The `degree of stagnation' was calculated by first normalizing the values for area, length, number of convolutions, and area to length ratio, where normalization was calculated by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation for the respective attribute. A weighting factor of 0.25 was applied to the number of convolutions and the area to length ratio. The sum of all the normalized values was then divided by the number of mouths and a tidal factor. The tidal factor was determined from NOAA tide datums, and set to equal 1 if the average tidal range of the canal was greater than 1.5 feet, 0.75 if the average tidal range was between 1.5 feet and 1 foot, 5-8 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 and 0.5 if the tidal range was less than 1 foot. The calculated value of `degree of stagnation' was then normalized, so that canals that exhibited a degree of stagnation greater than one standard deviation above the mean were considered to be s ignificantly stagnant, and that increased circulation through a circulation pump (or culvert) would be required. Site specific engineering evaluations of the applicability of pumping at these selected canals will be required. 5.2.6 Integrated Technology Application The selection of the appropriate and m ost effective restoration for each canal may involve multiple technologies and will require detailed site -specific engineering evaluation. 5-9 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �� AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. eO Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 6.0 ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT PROCESS 6.1 BACKGROUND In June, 2012, the Subcommittee elected to proceed with an adaptive management process using the following programmatic objectives as a framework for the Phase I CMMP: • Definition of goals • Planning and prioritization • Implementation • Monitoring • Evaluation • Adjustment. The above objectives were approved without change by the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee during the Phase 2 CMMP review process. As part of the adaptive management process (Figure 6-1), each objective is periodically revisited and evaluated to determine if adjustments are necessary. Figure 6-1. Adaptive management framework (Source: DOI and DOC, 2009) Refine goals and indicators • Ecoloarcal • socioecanamic • Partnership performance GOALS ADJUST -- — -- — -- — -- - PLAN and PRIORITIZE • Goals l Z • Policies + Strateges �� • Strategies • Actions 1 \ • Practices • Science • Priorrfize `short and �1 \\� •Actions long farm • Locations - Resources ti� • Align partner Z resources EVALUATE IMPLEMENT 1 • Actions • Coordinate partner • Ecosystem change activities and resources • Science far sufficient • Partnership performance unplementalion • Quarterly and annuafly _.__._.._.__. __.__.-. MONITOR • Action • Ecvsystem change • Partnership performance 6-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �� AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. eO Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 6.2 EVALUATION OF CMMP ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES Each of the adaptive management steps are provided in the following sections as approved by the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee. 6.2.1 Define Programmatic Issues and Goals o Issue 1. Water quality — Eutrophication and Dissolved Oxygen -Related Issues Goal: Restore and maintain water quality conditions in canal systems to levels that are consistent with the State's current water quality criteria for Class III waters, whose designated uses include human recreation as well as the propagation and maintenance of a healthy, well-balanced population of fish and wildlife. o Issue 2. Water quality — Organic Matter (e.g., Weed Wrack) Goal: In canal systems whose location make them susceptible to receiving large inputs of seagrass leaves and other `weed wrack' from near shore waters, install cost-effective barriers to prevent or substantially reduce those inputs to levels that do not contribute to eutrophication, hypoxia, or other water and sediment quality issues within the canals. o Issue 3. Sediment quality Goal: Reduce the incidence of anoxia, problematic sulfide levels and sediment toxicity in canals where these issues are present, and prevent these issues from developing in canal systems where they are not yet present. o Issue 4. Habitat quality Goal: Protect aquatic and benthic canal habitats that currently support native flora and fauna, and i mprove water and sediment quality in other areas to levels that are capable of supporting them. o Issue 5. Public Involvement in the Canal Management Process Goal: Create and maintain a constituency of informed, involved citizens who understand the environmental and economic issues involved in managing manmade canal systems 6-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 6.2.2 Plan and Prioritize Phase 2 of the CMMP involves an evaluation of all of the approximately 502 Keys canals in the GIS canal inventory database based on available water quality data and other quantitative and qualitative information. Field data and other new information collected as part of this phase was discussed in Section 3. Prioritizing such a large number of canals required identification of geospatially similar canal clusters which were typically organized by neighborhood canal networks. Representative canals were then selected within each cluster for detailed water quality data collection and analysis. Water quality parameters characterized as part of this task included the following: Dissolved oxygen concentration Presence and type of algae or other biological indicator species Water clarity Dissolved oxygen concentration and relevant biological indicators were used to develop the following canal water quality classification system discussed in Section 4.2: Water Quality Summary Classification DO Conditions Biological Conditions Water Quality Summary > 4.0 mg/L Positive Good > 4.0 mg/L Negative Fair 3.0 — 4.0 m /L Positive Fair 3.0 — 4.0 mg/L Negative Poor < 3.0 mg/L N/A Poor Canals with Poor water quality were determined to bet he most in need of water quality improvement followed by those with Fair and Good rankings. 6.2.3 Implement Monroe County, municipalities and property owners, will be responsible for implementing the canal restorations. The overall direction and oversight of the implementation of the CMMP will be by the members of the WQPP Steering Committee and its Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee (shown in bold), which include the following partners: • U.S. EPA • U.S. National Park Service • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers • NOAA 6-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 • DEP • South Florida Water Management District • Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FFWCC) • Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority • Florida Department of Health • Florida Keys Environmental Fund • Monroe County • Municipalities • Village of Islamorada • City of Marathon • City of Key Colony Beach • City of Layton • City of Key West • A citizen knowledgeable about the WQPP. Recommended BMPs were discussed in Section 5. The results of implementation of those restoration efforts can be evaluated and adjusted using the program's goals, objectives, strategies and operational procedures. 6.2.4 Monitor As noted by DOI and DOC (2009), monitoring is critical to document changes in environmental conditions and allows tracking of the outcomes of management actions and progress toward goals. Additional baseline monitoring has been conducted as a part of this evaluation, but has been limited to water quality field data and physical characterization of each canal. Additional more extensive field collected data and I aboratory-based water quality analyses are recommended to provide further quantitative data which can be used to evaluate performance of future restoration projects. A comprehensive water quality monitoring program is currently being evaluated by the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee. 6.2.5 Evaluate Evaluation includes assessing the effectiveness of management actions to achieve desired outcomes, adequacy of available information to detect changes in the managed resources, and the capacity of the management program and its partners to implement programs and actions. Evaluation criteria will consist of the following: • Review FKRAD implementation progress • Review updated water quality response variables as available • Review WBID impairment status • Evaluate changes to biological diversity within canals • Evaluate performance criteria developed for new BMPs • Review participation from stakeholders •1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Formal evaluations should be performed periodically (e.g., every year) by the Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee, with the results reported to the WQPP Steering Committee to provide regular updates to administrators and s takeholders on the effectiveness of the canal management program. 6.2.6 Adjust As noted by DOI and DOC (2009), the outcomes of the evaluation step can be used to develop short- and long-term adjustments for management actions and partnership performance. Short- term adjustments may be made to management actions or strategies or partnership capacity to implement projects. Longer -term adjustments may include modifying goals and management strategies and adjusting long-term monitoring programs. It is recommended that the adjustment process includes the following steps: • Refine methods based on outcome of BMP implementation activities • Evaluate the cost effectiveness of BMP implementation activities • Revise approach based on new technologies and improved scientific methods • Adjust stakeholder responsibilities • Develop revised goals. 6-5 Cana/ Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 7.0 PROJECT FUNDING MECHANISMS 7.1 RECURRING GRANT PROGRAMS Attainment of sufficient project funding is one of the most challenging steps in any restoration project. Once a lead agency is determined for a particular project, multiple federal and state grant programs are available to support potential water quality and ecosystem improvement projects considered for the Florida Keys canals. Each program has different eligibility and matching requirements, but most can be appl ied to the various water quality or ecological aspects of any project considered in conjunction with this CMMP. Agency managers for each grant program should be contacted to provide the details necessary to write a successful proposal. The table below identifies grant opportunities have been i dentified as potential funding sources for Keys canal projects. Additionally EPA and DEP have special project funds that are available for canal restorations. Required Required Minimum Project Project Grant Program Agency Deadline* Match Objective Stage EPA Reduce Non - Section 319 /DEP May, 2014 40% point pollution Conceptual EPA Mar/Jul/Nov Reduce Non- 60% Design TMDL /DEP 2013/2014 50% point pollution / Permitted South Florida 0% Habitat Coastal Program USFWS April, 2014 (encouraged) Restoration Conceptual Community - Based Matching TNC/ Habitat Grants Program NOAA April, 2014 50% Restoration Conceptual National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Habitat Grant Program USFWS June, 2014 25% Restoration Conceptual Urban Waters Water Quality Small Grants** EPA January, 2014 $2,500 Improvement Conceptual *2014 deadlines are estimated and programs resources are not guaranteed ** This grant applies only if project is considered a demonstration 7.2 GRANT APPLICATION CHECKLIST Many of the requirements for the above grant programs are similar, although each grant application has its own format and should be reviewed and completed on an individual basis. The elements below are provided as a quick reference to assist with assembling multiple applications: 7-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 u Applicant Contact Information u Project Location Details u Type of Project u Project Objective u Project Synopsis u Project Description u Expected Project Benefits u Project Work Plan u Project Monitoring Plan u Project Budget u Amount Requested u Applicant Matching Amount u Cooperating Partners/Match u Benefits to Community L Community Involvement L Project Milestones L Project Deliverables L Project Team u Required Forms u Literature Cited u Appendices 7.3 INFORMATION NECESSARY TO COMPLETE APPLICATIONS The project information in the checklist can be obtained largely from the information provided from the descriptions developed for each project considered. More detailed information such as project milestones and deliverables will need to be dev eloped from the available project information when available. Specific budget information will need to be provided using the individual grant formats. Information on the project team will also need to be assembled prior to submittal. The particular grant applicant will need t o determine the amount of matching funds and cooperating partners available for their respective project. Requirements for funding match range from 0% to 50%, and additional points may be awarded for providing more than the minimum amount. Community involvement and benefit is also generally encouraged and will need to be considered when completing the applications. Most applications require only conceptual plans and a r easonably well -developed budget. However, the TMDL grant program requires projects to be at the 60% design stage, permitted, and ready for construction. The projects described herein would need to be dev eloped accordingly to meet the TMDL grant program requirements. Specific forms are required for many of the applications and they provide specific details about how the information must be formatted. Generally, however, the information requested is very similar among grant programs. 7-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 7.4 COUNTY AND MUNCIPALITY FUNDING SOURCES Funding for canal restorations can come from Monroe County and the five municipalities located within Monroe County (Village of Islamorada, Layton, Key Colony Beach, Marathon and Key West). Specific project scopes will need to be developed with the appropriate managers of each government agency. 7.5 2012 RESTORE ACT FUNDING The passage of the "Resources and Ecosystems Sustainability, Tourist Opportunities, and Revived Economies of the Gulf coast States Act of 2012 (RESTORE Act) could provide a significant portion of the funding required to accomplish a multitude of projects geared toward Keys canal water quality improvements. There are three different RESTORE Act funding sources or `pots' that are potential sources of funding for canal restoration. The Federal Council pot is potentially the largest of the pots. Monroe County submitted a project entitled "Monroe County Canal and Stormwater Water Quality Improvements" to DEP (who has been assigned the task of vetting Florida's projects) for evaluation for funding. The canal restoration project budget requested was $27.5 million. The process of selecting projects to be funded through the Federal Council has not been finalized as of the date of this report. A second pot, the RESTORE Act Local Pot funding, will provide Monroe County with approximately $2 million when funds become available. Monroe County has created a RESTORE Act Local Advisory Committee to review, rank and recommend projects for the use of these funds. RESTORE Act Local funding covers a broad range of eligibility requirements. Monroe County has ranked these in order of project type preference as follows: Monroe County RESTORE Act Local Advisory Committee Ranking of Allowable Uses Use Rank Restoration and protection of natural resources, ecosystems, fisheries, marine and wildlife habitats, beaches, and coastal wetlands 1 Mitigation of damage to fish, wildlife and natural resources 2 Infrastructure projects benefitting economy or ecological resources 3 Promotion of tourism in the Gulf region, including recreational fishing 4 Workforce development and job creation 5 Coastal flood protection and related infrastructure 6 Improvements to state parks affected by Deepwater Horizon oil spill 6 Implementation of federally approved marine/coastal management plan 8 Promotion of consumption of seafood harvested from the Gulf Coast region 9 Planning Assistance 10 7-3 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �, � AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 Monroe County RESTORE Act selection criteria are as follows: • Proposals will be evaluated based on t hese criteria: 1) need for and benefits of the project; 2) cost-effectiveness and financial feasibility; 3) technical feasibility/probability of success; 4) timeliness of implementation and completion; 5) consistency with approved public plans/public support; and 6) project management capacity. • Applications received by the due date, and which meet at least one of the allowable uses, will be reviewed and scored by the members of the Monroe County Local Advisory Committee. • The Committee will meet in one or more noticed, public meeting(s) (dates to be determined) to discuss, evaluate and rank project submissions. • The list of ranked projects will be presented to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners which will make the final decision on project awards. The third pot is the "Gulf Consortium pot." This funding will bypass the state of Florida and go directly to the 23 counties of the Gulf Consortium. The application procedures have not yet been developed. When the procedures are determined, applications can be s ubmitted for funding for Canal Restoration projects. 7-4 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 8.0 FUTURE NEEDS While this CMMP provided a comprehensive assessment of all Keys canals and includes a framework for future progress, there are various elements which were either outside the project scope or warrant further investigation. A list of data needs is provided to assist in future additional work efforts and planning. • Additional effort to identify and characterize boat basins should be considered as well as certain canals which were inaccessible during the CMMP evaluation. • Further assessment of canal bottom sediments to determine organic content and impact on canal water quality would assist in better evaluating the need to remove these materials. • Water quality investigations should be ongoing and expanded to include more frequent and seasonal data collection and analyses to determine correlations between water quality conditions and t ime of year and t o evaluate the impact on the CMMP Water Qualify Summary Classifications. • Significant weather related episodic events should be investigated to determine potential migration of deep canal water and effect on the coastal halo. • New and emerging water quality standards should be incorporated into the CMMP process. • The CMMP database and canal rankings should be periodically updated with new information. • The Canal Restoration Advisory Subcommittee should consider enhanced coordination of water quality collection efforts conducted by the DEP for WBID impairment determination purposes. • Restoration projects implemented as a result of this CMMP should be evaluated closely to determine their effectiveness based on both water quality and ecological response factors. Prior to project implementation, it will be important to determine a comprehensive baseline condition. T he evaluation should consider a w ide range of parameters including water quality conditions (both field and analytical), homeowner survey data, ecological field surveys, habitat surveys, and assessments of both stormwater and wastewater inputs within the project area. • Emerging technologies should be evaluated for feasibility and effectiveness for improving canal water quality. • Greater homeowner and public outreach programs should be implemented. • Research funding sources for canal restorations and submittal of application packages. • Research into development of a methodology for canal restorations to become a part of mitigation banking would provide a long term funding source for canal restorations. 8-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) �, � AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 9.0 LITERATURE CITED AMEC Environment & Infrastructure 2012. Monroe County Canal Management Master Plan Phase 1 Summary Report. AMEC Environment & Infrastructure 2013. Technical Memorandum Task 1 Bathymetric Surveys of Residential Canals. Briceno, H.O., and J.N. Boyer. 2009. Little Venice water quality monitoring project final report. USEPA, Atlanta, GA and FDEP, Ft. Myers, FL. 81 p. CDM. 2001. Monroe County Stormwater Management Master Plan. Monroe County. K ey West, FL. 304 p. CDM. 2011. Florida Keys Reasonable Assurance Documentation Update. FDEP. Tallahassee, FL. 52 p. CDM and URS. 2008. Central Keys Area Reasonable Assurance Documentation. FDEP. Tallahassee, FL. 149 p. CDM and U RS. 2008b. Northern Keys Area Reasonable Assurance Documentation. FD EP. Tallahassee, FL. 136 p. CDM and URS. 2008c. South -Central Keys Area Reasonable Assurance Documentation. FDEP. Tallahassee, FL. 126 p. CH2MHILL. 2000. Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan, Vols. 1 and 2. Monroe County. Key West, FL. 219 p. DOI (U.S. Department of the Interior) and DOC (U.S. Department of Commerce). 2009. Strengthening Science and Decision Support for Ecosystem Management in the Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed. A Revised Report Fulfilling Section 202f of Executive Order 130508. DOI and DOC. Washington, D.C. 58 pp. EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). 2008. Strengthening the Management, Coordination, and Accountability of the Chesapeake Bay Program. EPA, Annapolis, MD. 122 PP. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (2013). Florida's Coral Reefs. Website Accessed August 28, 2013 tt e// . epestate.fl uus/coastal/habitats/coral/ FDEP. 2011. Site -Specific Information in Support of Establishing Numeric Nutrient Criteria for Florida Bay — Draft. FDEP, Tallahassee, FL. 52 p. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary; National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (2013). Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Socioeconomic Factsheet. Website Accessed August 28, 2013 ttp://sanctuaries.noaa.g v/science/socioeconomic/p fs/fk f i.p f 9-1 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 FKNMS. 2007. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Revised Management Plan. FKNMS. Marathon, FL. 382 p. Goodwin, C.R. 1991. Simulation of the effects of proposed tide gates on circulation, flushing and water quality in residential canals, Cape Coral, Florida. U.S.G.S. Open -File Report 91-237 Kruczynski, W.L. 1999. Water quality concerns in the Florida Keys: Sources, effects and solutions. Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Water Quality Protection Program. Marathon, FL, 65 p. National Research Council. 2002. A Review of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study. National Academies Press. Washington, DC. 180 p. NRC (National Research Council). 2011. Achieving Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Goals in the Chesapeake Bay: An Evaluation of Program Strategies and Implementation. National Academies Press, Washington, DC. 241 pp. URS. 2001. Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study, Canal Impact Assessment Module. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL and Florida Department of Community Affairs, Tallahassee, FL. 173 p. USACE and S FWMD. 2004. Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement - Florida Keys Water Quality Improvements Program. USACE, Jacksonville, FL and SFWMD, West Palm Beach, FL. 214 p. USACE and SFWMD. 2006. Florida Keys Water Quality Improvement Program: Program Management Plan (Final). USACE, Jacksonville, FL and SFWMD, West Palm Beach, FL. 114 P. USEPA. 1975. Finger -fill canal studies: Florida and North Carolina (EPA 904/9-76-017). USEPA, Washington, DC. 232 p. USEPA. 2001. National Management Measures Guidance to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Marinas and Recreational Boating (EPA 841-B-01-005) USEPA, Washington, DC. 209 p. DOI (U.S. Department of the Interior) and D OC (U.S. Department of Commerce). 2009. Strengthening Science and Decision Support for Ecosystem Management in the Chesapeake Bay and its Watershed. A Revised Report Fulfilling Section 202f of Executive Order 13508. DOI and DOC. Washington, DC. 58 pp. 9-2 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 FIGURES z p 76 Y • � • J Y r� e c0 a c o cv N or � m l - C �a :tm r_ � O N O Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 TABLES TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database prepared by AMEC Evlrenment Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 1 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE --------------- --------------- NINE, Illm REFERENCE. The Inventory III listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 3 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory III listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 4 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified N the 2003 CIS Database prepared by AMEC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended N 2012. Page 5 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory III listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 6 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE N t bat . to enter r, a I a Asp. dre to fine h a, odd art a strange N, fig,rati, And-gh What displayed .... tort bi,l,gi,sl di—sity the DO — slightly dinnsh.d J,d ... loped What mind To wN.. National Wildlife Nedra. Neighborhood on s.P.r Th. short art oddly shaped anal displayed pw—do,r q,ality and ,,tai,.d a sig,ifi—t dr, ... t of floating algal Tate Canal displayed good —er q,ality Canal is .ry shot and arr— mth a jetty Canal displayed good bi,di—sity and —o,r q,ality Ranked . Good A long deep md. What mth Wtr—ly poor st.r q,ality Canal I, shont and end, in a sTall boat basin Dissol o.yg.n I —le appeared s,ffi,i.nt for son T.as,rd int—al Aerator appears to be Water q,ality pard—ter, displayed Wfir—ely — DO readings and Nor,bined mord presenNe of hire green algae Wndl reqnres restoration Canal displayed poor ater anal ty hara,tensti,e at its pper ele,stions Tarind at dead end Canal syster, displayed great —ter q,ality flora and Nand hara,tensti,e Syster, is NonneDed Old nafthal hannels and ,I,efts Ando,gh the anal displayed slightly dininisided DO and lots of hire green algae the Wndl did ontained posifli biologi,al hara,tensti,s Minor a ... Trial of organi,s del to Pool, Hater Tanna Resident says the bottor, onto,r goes fror, 12-24 feet based on loWtion States arable N,Tdin effe,ti,e Canal displayed Wfir—ely DO at Canal sh—ed poo—ster q,ality is deep and has a seal a ... —lation probler, Poor fl,shing REFERENCE. The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 CIS Database prepared by AIMED Environment Infrastructure, Inc, as amended in 2012. Page 7 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE Carat has pr.,i,,slyb... rst,r.d id--rit still displays slightly dininsh.d —1 Wl ... as Tai,t.,a... ®®® Slightly dininsh.d DO Carat display.d g,,d bi,l,gi,al harat.,sti,s: ld-- it did display slightly dininsh.d DO I. -Is REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 CIS Database prepared by AMEC Envlrenment Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 8 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE A ... I displayed good at,, quality and f ... . h,,,,t,,i Los Canal displayed good cater quality dba—b—ti,s Canal displayed good at,, quality hdrd,L.nsfl,s Residents state that in the --i-tin. organic Tats begin to flesh up off the b,ft— Net a canal It is a retention send DEC mn.d land'? DEP—ned land?? Due to the anals po,i,itvto the channel and its relative larqe idth and short loran the canal displaved qood ster qualitv charachenstics DEP—ned land?? Although the ,ater quality par—eters indicated good dissolved o.ygen levels the canal Taintains a ,eed crack probler, The canal is code and relatively short mind lots of Tangro,es throughout Area displays good ,ater quality but no fish observed The canal displayed good ,ater quality charactenstics do—er seal accur,ulation ,as noted at far reaches Canal displayed good cater quality charachenstics This is Little Venice duch ,as last of a A.Lensive Tontoring prograr, to docur,ent WO prover,ent to smer installation Carl of Little Venice Canal displayed good ,ater quality,ould sor,e fish Canal displayed good cater quality charachenstics Ca nal d is pla yed go od ,ater qua lity R e si dent state s that cl arity I s usua 11 y v ery good This card I ,as Lee e - dev el cps d and the r, outh ha s s Ined in K ey Cal ony Be son I s trying to get it opens d REFERENCE. The inventory is a listing of the residential canals in hound ed in the 2003 G IS Database prepared by AM EC Env i re nm out Infrastructure, Inc, as amended in 2012. Page 9 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE ®-� REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 CIS Database prepared by AMEC Evi--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 12 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 13 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 14 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE ------------- ------------- REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 15 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified N the 2003 CIS Database prepared by AMEC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended N 2012. Page 16 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory Is a listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 17 of 18 TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE REFERENCE. The Inventory III listing of the residential canals Indentified In the 2003 G IS Database Prepared by AM EC Evl--t Infrastructure, Inc, as amended In 2012. Page 18 of 18 Table 2 Canal Ranking Scoring Sheet Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Canal Number (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack Of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilling Excavation, Pumping,, Alternative Treatment, Not Required: Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Taal Score Comments If there is no observed issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4 mg/L, there is no observed IA)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below l NTTs, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 0 If either DO is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there is noticeable odor, or turbidity is between l and 3 NTTs the canal should receive a scoreof 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds NTTs, the canal should scorereceive a of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the potentialryo gin ent of load in the assessed canals. 5 0 Canals that receive seasonal load ing should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Meter Accumulation (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layer thickness between 0.5 and 1.0 feet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 2013 bathymetric data). 5 0 Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+S) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics of the assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae should 3 0 be used to adjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal observations bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive a scoreof 3. should be used in the scoring process based on their known water quality Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive characteristics.) score of 5. 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the project canal (scored from -lot.+30) Scoring values from 0 to represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 2 0 protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores In to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. 4) Paential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -lot. +10) Values from 0 to +5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 1 0 protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or nearshore zone. 5) Project"implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 1 0 difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to +10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties in implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. 6) Public benefit (scored from Oto 10) 1 0 The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 0 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ_SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 1 OCEAN REEF CLUB State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB 2/11/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 2 OCEAN REEF CLUB State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB 2/11/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 2 OCEAN REEF CLUB ADDED State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB Ref 2 Added 2 Fair UNINCORPORATED 2 OCEAN REEF CLUB ADDED 2 State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB 2/11/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 3 OCEAN REEF CLUB State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB Ref 5 Good UNINCORPORATED 4 OCEAN REEF CLUB State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB 2/11/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 5 OCEAN REEF CLUB State Road 905 X OCEAN REEF CLUB 2/11/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 6 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 9 Good UNINCORPORATED 7 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO 5/10/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 8 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 9 Good UNINCORPORATED 9 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO 5/10/2013 Good - UNINCORPORATED 10 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO 5/10/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 11 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 10 Good UNINCORPORATED 12 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 10 Good UNINCORPORATED 13 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO 5/10/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 14 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 13 Fair UNINCORPORATED 15 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 10 Good UNINCORPORATED 16 KEY LARGO 112 X KEY LARGO Ref 10 Good UNINCORPORATED 17 KEY LARGO State Road 905 X KEY LARGO 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 18 KEY LARGO State Road 905 X KEY LARGO 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 19 KEY LARGO State Road 905 X KEY LARGO No access NA UNINCORPORATED 20 KEY LARGO State Road 905 X KEY LARGO 2/11/2013 Poor 45 UNINCORPORATED 21 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Poor 80 UNINCORPORATED 22 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/11/2013 Poor 81 UNINCORPORATED 23 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/11/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 24 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 5/9/2012 Fair UNINCORPORATED 25 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 26 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Poor 101 UNINCORPORATED 27 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO Ref 26 Poor 90 UNINCORPORATED 28 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Poor 67 UNINCORPORATED 29 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Poor 92 UNINCORPORATED 30 KEY LARGO 106 X KEY LARGO 2/11/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 31 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Poor 81 UNINCORPORATED 32 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 33 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Poor 96 UNINCORPORATED 34 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO 2/12/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 35 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO 6/11/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 36 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO Ref 37 Poor 80 UNINCORPORATED 37 KEY LARGO 105 X KEY LARGO 6/11/2013 Poor 84 UNINCORPORATED 38 KEY LARGO 104 X KEY LARGO 6/11/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 39 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO Ref 41 Poor 94 UNINCORPORATED 40 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO Ref 41 Poor 93 UNINCORPORATED 41 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 6/11/2013 Poor 93 UNINCORPORATED 42 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 6/11/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 43 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 44 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 45 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 5/9/2012 Poor 75 UNINCORPORATED 46 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 47 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Poor 79 UNINCORPORATED 48 KEY LARGO 103 X KEY LARGO 6/11/2013 Poor 67 UNINCORPORATED 49 KEY LARGO 102 X KEY LARGO Ref 52 Poor 74 UNINCORPORATED 50 KEY LARGO 102 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Poor 81 UNINCORPORATED 51 KEY LARGO 102 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 52 KEY LARGO 101 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Poor 79 UNINCORPORATED 53 KEY LARGO 101 X KEY LARGO Ref 52 Poor 91 UNINCORPORATED 54 KEY LARGO 101 X KEY LARGO Ref 52 Poor 101 UNINCORPORATED REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 1 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 55 KEY LARGO 102 X KEY LARGO Ref 51 Fair UNINCORPORATED 56 KEY LARGO 101 X KEY LARGO 4/17/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 57 KEY LARGO 102 X KEY LARGO 2/19/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 58 KEY LARGO 101 X KEY LARGO No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 59 KEY LARGO 99 X KEY LARGO 4/17/2013 Poor 82 UNINCORPORATED 60 KEY LARGO 100 X KEY LARGO 4/20/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 61 KEY LARGO 99 X KEY LARGO Ref 60 Fair UNINCORPORATED 62 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 63 ROCK HARBOR 99 X ROCK HARBOR 4/7/2013 Poor 69 UNINCORPORATED 64 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 65 Poor 95 UNINCORPORATED 65 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR 4/17/2013 Poor 84 UNINCORPORATED 66 ROCK HARBOR 99 X ROCK HARBOR 4/7/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 67 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 70 Fair UNINCORPORATED 68 ROCK HARBOR 99 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 69 Good UNINCORPORATED 69 ROCK HARBOR 99 X ROCK HARBOR 4/7/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 70 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR 4/17/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 71 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR 6/11/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 72 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 74 Fair UNINCORPORATED 73 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 74 Fair UNINCORPORATED 74 ROCK HARBOR 98 X ROCK HARBOR 4/7/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 75 ROCK HARBOR 97 X ROCK HARBOR 6/11/2013 Poor 73 UNINCORPORATED 76 ROCK HARBOR 97 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 75 Poor 87 UNINCORPORATED 76 ROCK HARBOR ADDED 97 X ROCK HARBOR No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 77 ROCK HARBOR 96 X ROCK HARBOR 4/17/2013 Poor 69 UNINCORPORATED 78 ROCK HARBOR 96 X ROCK HARBOR 5/9/2012 Poor 97 UNINCORPORATED 79 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 81 Poor 68 UNINCORPORATED 80 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 81 Poor 89 UNINCORPORATED 81 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR 6/11/2013 Poor 89 UNINCORPORATED 81 ROCK HARBOR ADDED 95 X ROCK HARBOR Ref to 82 Poor 87 UNINCORPORATED 82 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR 6/11/2013 Poor 99 UNINCORPORATED 83 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 82 Poor 102 UNINCORPORATED 84 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR Ref 82 Poor 103 UNINCORPORATED 86 ROCK HARBOR 95 X ROCK HARBOR No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 87 ROCK HARBOR 94 X ROCK HARBOR No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 88 ROCK HARBOR 94 X ROCK HARBOR No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 89 ROCK HARBOR 94 X ROCK HARBOR 6/10/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 90 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER 4/17/2013 Poor 62 UNINCORPORATED 91 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 90 Poor 78 UNINCORPORATED 92 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 90 Poor 78 UNINCORPORATED 93 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER 5/10/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 94 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 90 Poor 63 UNINCORPORATED 95 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 96 Fair UNINCORPORATED 96 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER 5/10/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 97 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 96 Fair UNINCORPORATED 98 ROCK HARBOR 93 X ROCK HARBOR 5/10/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 99 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 96 Fair UNINCORPORATED 100 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 96 Fair UNINCORPORATED 101 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER 5/9/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 102 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 103 Poor 76 UNINCORPORATED 103 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER 5/9/2013 Poor 79 UNINCORPORATED 104 TAVERNIER 93 X TAVERNIER Ref 103 Poor 68 UNINCORPORATED 105 TAVERNIER 92 X TAVERNIER 5/9/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 106 PLANTATION KEY 91 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 107 Good ISLAMORADA 107 PLANTATION KEY 91 X PLANTATION KEY 5/9/2013 Good ISLAMORADA 108 PLANTATION KEY 91 X PLANTATION KEY 7/29/2013 Poor 81 ISLAMORADA 109 PLANTATION KEY 91 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 111 Fair ISLAMORADA REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 2 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 110 PLANTATION KEY 91 X PLANTATION KEY 5/9/2013 Poor 62 ISLAMORADA 111 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 5/8/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 112 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 5/8/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 113 PLANTATION KEY 91 X PLANTATION KEY 5/9/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 114 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 5/9/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 115 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 114 Fair ISLAMORADA 116 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 5/9/2013 Poor 80 ISLAMORADA 116 PLANTATION KEY ADDED 90 X PLANTATION KEY 7/29/2013 Poor 56 ISLAMORADA 117 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 5/8/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 118 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 5/8/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 119 PLANTATION KEY 90 X PLANTATION KEY 6/10/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 120 PLANTATION KEY 89 X PLANTATION KEY 4/20/2013 Poor 86 ISLAMORADA 121 PLANTATION KEY 88 X PLANTATION KEY 4/20/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 122 PLANTATION KEY 88 X PLANTATION KEY 7/29/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 123 PLANTATION KEY 87 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 123 Added Fair ISLAMORADA 123 PLANTATION KEY ADDED 87 X PLANTATION KEY 5/8/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 124 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 125 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 126 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 127 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY 4/5/2013 Poor 43 ISLAMORADA 128 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 129 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 127 Poor 40 ISLAMORADA 130 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 131 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 132 PLANTATION KEY 87 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 137 Poor 62 ISLAMORADA 133 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 134 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 135 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 136 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 137 PLANTATION KEY 87 X PLANTATION KEY 5/8/2013 Poor 62 ISLAMORADA 138 PLANTATION KEY 86 X PLANTATION KEY 4/5/2013 Good ISLAMORADA 139 PLANTATION KEY 86 X WINDLEY KEY Ref 138 Good ISLAMORADA 139 WINDLEY KEY ADDED 85 X WINDLEY KEY Ref to 139 Added 2 Poor 82 ISLAMORADA 139 WINDLEY KEY ADDED 2 85 X PLANTATION KEY 7/29/2013 Poor 61 ISLAMORADA 140 UPPER MATECUMBE KEY 83 X UPPER MATECUMBER KEY 7/29/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 141 UPPER MATECUMBE KEY 83 X UPPER MATECUMBER KEY 7/29/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 142 UPPER MATECUMBE KEY 83 X I UPPER MATECUMBER KEY No access WQ est Fair ISLAMORADA 142 UPPER MATECUMBE KEY ADDEE 82 X UPPER MATECUMBER KEY 7/29/2013 Good ISLAMORADA 143 UPPER MATECUMBE 81 X UPPER MATECUMBE 7/29/2013 Poor 85 ISLAMORADA 143 UPPER MATECUMBE ADDED 81 X UPPER MATECUMBE No access WQ est Fair ISLAMORADA 144 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 77 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 7/29/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 145 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 76 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/5/2013 Poor 87 ISLAMORADA 146 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 76 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY No access WQ est Fair ISLAMORADA 147 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 76 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/5/2013 Poor 87 ISLAMORADA 148 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 76 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/5/2013 Poor 99 ISLAMORADA 48 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY ADDEE 76 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 7/29/2013 Good ISLAMORADA 149 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 75 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY Ref 150 Fair ISLAMORADA 150 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/4/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 151 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 75 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY Ref 150 Fair ISLAMORADA 151 LOWER MATECUMBE ADDED 2 75 X LOWER MATECUMBE 7/29/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 151 LOWER MATECUMBE ADDED 75 X LOWER MATECUMBE refer to 151 Added 2 Fair ISLAMORADA 152 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X I I LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/4/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 153 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY Ref 152 Fair ISLAMORADA 154 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/4/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 155 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 3/8/2013 Fair ISLAMORADA 156 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY Ref 155 Fair ISLAMORADA REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 3 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 157 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 4/20/2013 Poor 102 ISLAMORADA 158 LOWER MATECUMBE KEY 74 X LOWER MATECUMBE KEY Ref 155 Fair ISLAMORADA 159 LONG KEY/LAYTON 68 X LONG KEY/LAYTON 3/8/2013 Good LAYTON 160LONG KEY 68 X LONG KEY Ref 159 Good LAYTON 161 LONG KEY 68 X LONG KEY Ref 159 Good LAYTON 162 LONG KEY/LAYTON 66 X LONG KEY/LAYTON Ref 163 Fair UNINCORPORATED 163 LONG KEY/LAYTON 66 X LONG KEY/LAYTON Phase I Fair UNINCORPORATED 164 DUCK KEY 61 X DUCK KEY 3/8/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 164 CONCH KEY ADDED 2 63 X CONCH KEY 3/8/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 164 CONCH KEY ADDED 3 63 X CONCH KEY 3/8/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 164 CONCH KEY ADDED 63 X CONCH KEY 5/10/2012 Fair UNINCORPORATED 165 GRASSY KEY 57 X GRASSY KEY No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 166 GRASSY KEY 57 X GRASSY KEY No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 166 GRASSY KEY ADDED 60 X GRASSY KEY 3/7/2013 Poor 97 MARATHON 167 CRAWL KEY 56 X CRAWL KEY 3/7/2013 Good MARATHON 168 CRAWL KEY 56 X CRAWL KEY 3/7/2013 Good MARATHON 169 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 170 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Fair MARATHON 171 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 172MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 173MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 174MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 175 MARATHON 54 X MARATHON 3/7/2013 Good MARATHON 176MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 177MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 178MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 179MARATHON 55 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 180 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON 'other' water body NA MARATHON 181MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 182MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref175 Good MARATHON 183 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 184 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Fair MARATHON 184 MARATHON ADDED 52 X MARATHON Ref 184 Fair MARATHON 185 MARATHON 54 X MARATHON 3/7/2013 Good MARATHON 186 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Fair MARATHON 187MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref175 Good MARATHON 188MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref175 Good MARATHON 189MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref175 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 190MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref185 Good MARATHON 191 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Fair MARATHON 192 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good MARATHON 193MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref195 Good MARATHON 194MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref175 Good MARATHON 195 MARATHON 54 X MARATHON 3/7/2013 Good MARATHON 196 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON 5/10/2012 Good MARATHON 197MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref195 Good MARATHON 198 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Fair MARATHON 199MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref192 Good MARATHON 200 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON 5/10/2012 Fair MARATHON 201MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref175 Good MARATHON 202MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref203 Good MARATHON 203 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good MARATHON 204MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref203 Good MARATHON 205MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref213 Good MARATHON 206 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Good MARATHON 208 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good MARATHON REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 4 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 209 MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref 212 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 210 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref 213 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 211MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref208 Good MARATHON 212 MARATHON 54 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 213 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 214 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref 213 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 215 MARATHON 54 X MARATHON Ref 212 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 216 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref 213 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 217 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref 213 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 218 MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref 213 Good KEY COLONY BEACH 219MARATHON 53 X MARATHON Ref 213 Good MARATHON 220MARATHON 51 X MARATHON Ref223 Poor 105 MARATHON 221MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref227 Good MARATHON 222MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref227 Good MARATHON 223 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON 5/15/2012 Poor 88 MARATHON 224MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref208 Good MARATHON 225MARATHON 52 X MARATHON Ref208 Good MARATHON 226 MARATHON 52 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 227 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good MARATHON 228 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Fair MARATHON 229 BIG PINE KEY 29 X BIG PINE KEY 1/30/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 230MARATHON 51 X MARATHON Ref232 Good MARATHON 231 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON Ref232 Good MARATHON 232 MARATHON 51 X MARATHON 3/5/2013 Good MARATHON 232 MARATHON ADDED 51 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 232 MARATHON ADDED 2 51 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 233 BIG PINE KEY 29 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 229 Fair UNINCORPORATED 234MARATHON 51 X MARATHON Ref232 Good MARATHON 235MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Ref237 Poor 94 MARATHON 236 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Good MARATHON 237 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Poor 90 MARATHON 238 BIG PINE KEY 29 X BIG PINE KEY 1/30/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 239 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Fair MARATHON 240 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Ref 239 Fair MARATHON 241 MARATHON 49 X MARATHON 'other' water body NA MARATHON 242 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Poor 101 MARATHON 243 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Phase I Poor 72 MARATHON 244 MARATHON 48 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 244 MARATHON ADDED 48 X MARATHON 3/3/2013 Good MARATHON 244 MARATHON ADDED 2 48 X MARATHON 3/3/2013 Good MARATHON 244 MARATHON ADDED 3 48 X MARATHON No access WQ est Fair MARATHON 245 MARATHON 48 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Fair MARATHON 246 MARATHON 48 X MARATHON Ref 245 Fair MARATHON 247 MARATHON 48 X MARATHON 3/3/2013 Good MARATHON 248 MARATHON 48 X MARATHON 3/3/2013 Fair MARATHON 249MARATHON 48 X MARATHON Ref250 Good MARATHON 250 MARATHON 48 X MARATHON 3/3/2013 Good MARATHON 251 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Good MARATHON 252 MARATHON 47 X MARATHON Phase I Poor 71 MARATHON 253MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Ref251 Good MARATHON 254MARATHON 49 X MARATHON Ref264 Good MARATHON 255 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY 1/30/2013 Poor 59 UNINCORPORATED 256MARATHON(SPLIT) 49 X MARATHON Ref264 Good MARATHON 256MARATHON 49 X MARATHON Ref264 Good MARATHON 256 MARATHON ADDED 49 X MARATHON Ref264 Good MARATHON 257 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Fair MARATHON REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 5 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 258 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 79 UNINCORPORATED 259 BIG PINE 31 X BIG PINE 3/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 260 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Fair MARATHON 261 No Name Key 34 X No Name Key Phase I Poor 74 UNINCORPORATED 262 BIG TORCH KEY 26 X BIG TORCH KEY 3/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 263 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 3/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 264 MARATHON 49 X MARATHON 3/4/2013 Good MARATHON 265 No Name Key 34 X No Name Key 3/6/2013 Poor 90 UNINCORPORATED 266 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Phase I Poor 115 UNINCORPORATED 267 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 277 Poor 105 UNINCORPORATED 268 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Ref 257 Fair MARATHON 269 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Ref 257 Fair MARATHON 270 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 277 Poor 91 UNINCORPORATED 271 MARATHON 50 X MARATHON Ref 257 Fair MARATHON 272 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 277 Poor 101 UNINCORPORATED 273 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 3/6/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 274 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 277 Poor 95 UNINCORPORATED 275 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 277 Poor 101 UNINCORPORATED 276 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 277 Poor 101 UNINCORPORATED 277 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 111 UNINCORPORATED 278 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY 1/28/2013 Poor 91 UNINCORPORATED 279 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY 1/30/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 280 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 281 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY 1/30/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 282 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 103 UNINCORPORATED 283 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 282 Poor 103 UNINCORPORATED 284 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY 1/28/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 285 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY 3/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 286 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 5/10/2012 Poor 86 UNINCORPORATED 287 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 288 Poor 112 UNINCORPORATED 288 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 1/28/2013 Poor 112 UNINCORPORATED 289 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY 1/28/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 290 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 106 UNINCORPORATED 291 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 289 Fair UNINCORPORATED 292 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY 1/30/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 293 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 97 UNINCORPORATED 294 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY 1/28/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 295 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 297 Poor 105 UNINCORPORATED 296 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 294 Good UNINCORPORATED 297 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 115 UNINCORPORATED 298 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 294 Good UNINCORPORATED 299 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY 2/1/2013 Poor 121 UNINCORPORATED 300 BIG PINE KEY 31 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 299 Poor 111 UNINCORPORATED 301 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 294 Good UNINCORPORATED 302 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 294 Good UNINCORPORATED 303 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY Ref 294 Good UNINCORPORATED 304 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 307 Good UNINCORPORATED 305 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 307 Good UNINCORPORATED 306 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 307 Good UNINCORPORATED 307 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY 1/31/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 308 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 307 Good UNINCORPORATED 309 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY 1/28/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 310 RAMROD KEY 27 X RAMROD KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 311 RAMROD KEY 27 X RAMROD KEY 3/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 312 CUDJOE KEY MERGED 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 314 CUDJOE KEY 22 X CUDJOE KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 6 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 315 322 BIG PINE KEY 32 X BIG PINE KEY 3/7/2013 Poor 84 UNINCORPORATED 316 CUDJOE KEY 22 X CUDJOE KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 317 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY 1/30/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 318 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY 1/31/2013 Poor 66 UNINCORPORATED 319 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 320 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY 4/5/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 321 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 322 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 341 Good UNINCORPORATED 323 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY 4/5/2013 Poor 72 UNINCORPORATED 324 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 336 Fair UNINCORPORATED 325 SUGARLOAF KEY 20 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 318 Poor 71 UNINCORPORATED 326 CUDJOE KEY 22 X CUDJOE KEY 1/31/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 327 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 328 SUMMERLAND KEY 24 X SUMMERLAND KEY 4/17/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 329 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY Phase I Fair UNINCORPORATED 330 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 341 Good UNINCORPORATED 331 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 341 Good UNINCORPORATED 332 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 329 Fair UNINCORPORATED 333 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 334 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 341 Good UNINCORPORATED 335 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 336 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY 5/11/2012 Fair UNINCORPORATED 337 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 329 Fair UNINCORPORATED 338 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 341 Good UNINCORPORATED 339 LITTLE TORCH KEY 29 X LITTLE TORCH KEY 1/30/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 340 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 329 Fair UNINCORPORATED 341 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 342 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 343 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 344 CUDJOE KEY 21 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 329 Fair UNINCORPORATED 345 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 88 UNINCORPORATED 346 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 347 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 348 BIG PINE KEY 30 X BIG PINE KEY No access WQ est Fair UNINCORPORATED 349 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Poor 88 UNINCORPORATED 350 RAMROD KEY 27 X RAMROD KEY 3/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 351 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY 4/5/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 352 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 353 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 88 UNINCORPORATED 354 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 84 UNINCORPORATED 355 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 356 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY Ref 365 Good UNINCORPORATED 357 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 84 UNINCORPORATED 358 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY Ref 365 Good UNINCORPORATED 359 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 74 UNINCORPORATED 360 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 361 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY Ref 365 Good UNINCORPORATED 362 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 74 UNINCORPORATED 363 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 364 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 78 UNINCORPORATED 365 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY 5/31/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 366 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 367 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 78 UNINCORPORATED 368 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED 369 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 349 Poor 78 UNINCORPORATED 370 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 355 Fair UNINCORPORATED REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 7 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ_SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 371 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 372 Poor 94 UNINCORPORATED 372 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Poor 90 UNINCORPORATED 373 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY 4/6/2013 Poor 97 UNINCORPORATED 374 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 372 Poor 92 UNINCORPORATED 375 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 373 Poor 97 UNINCORPORATED 376 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 372 Poor 95 UNINCORPORATED 377 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 372 Poor 94 UNINCORPORATED 378 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 373 Poor 91 UNINCORPORATED 379 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY 4/5/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 380 CUDJOE KEY 23 X CUDJOE KEY Ref 373 Poor 78 UNINCORPORATED 381 SUMMERLAND KEY 25 X SUMMERLAND KEY Ref 379 Good UNINCORPORATED 382 SUMMERLAND 25 X SUMMERLAND Ref 379 Fair UNINCORPORATED 383 SUMMERLAND 25 X SUMMERLAND Ref 379 Fair UNINCORPORATED 384 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 1/31/2013 Poor 86 UNINCORPORATED 385 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 1/31/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 386 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 387 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 388 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 1/31/2013 Poor 48 UNINCORPORATED 389 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 390 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 391 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 392 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 393 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 394 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 395 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 396 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 397 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 398 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 396 Fair UNINCORPORATED 399 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 400 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 385 Fair UNINCORPORATED 401 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 402 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 403 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 404 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 402 Fair UNINCORPORATED 405 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 402 Fair UNINCORPORATED 406 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 407 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 408 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 403 Fair UNINCORPORATED 409 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 412 Good UNINCORPORATED 410 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 413 Fair UNINCORPORATED 411 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 412 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 413 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 414 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 1/31/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 415 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 412 Good UNINCORPORATED 416 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 411 Fair UNINCORPORATED 417 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 414 Good UNINCORPORATED 418 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 413 Fair UNINCORPORATED 419 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 412 Good UNINCORPORATED 420 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 414 Good UNINCORPORATED 421 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 412 Good UNINCORPORATED 422 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 414 Good UNINCORPORATED 423 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 429 Good UNINCORPORATED 424 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 414 Good UNINCORPORATED 425 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 429 Good UNINCORPORATED 426 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 'other' water bod NA UNINCORPORATED REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 8 of 9 TABLE 3 RESIDENTIAL CANAL WATER QUALITY SUMMARIES Canal —Name Mile Marker Bayside Ocean side Island—Name/Community Area Survey_Date WQ SUMMARY Canal Ranking No MUNICIPALITY 427 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 429 Good UNINCORPORATED 428 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 429 Good UNINCORPORATED 429 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY 4/18/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 430 SUGARLOAF KEY 17 X SUGARLOAF KEY Ref 431 Good UNINCORPORATED 431 SUGARLOAF 17 X SUGARLOAF 4/18/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 432 SADDLEBUNCH KEYS 15 X SADDLEBUNCH KEYS Ref 433 Fair UNINCORPORATED 433 SADDLEBUNCH KEYS MERGED 15 X SADDLEBUNCH KEYS 5/11/2012 Poor 86 UNINCORPORATED 435 SADDLEBUNCH KEYS 14 X SADDLEBUNCH KEYS Ref 433 Poor 76 UNINCORPORATED 436 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 443 Fair UNINCORPORATED 437 BIG COPPITT 10 X BIG COPPITT 1/29/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 438 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 444 Good UNINCORPORATED 439 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY 4/19/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 440 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 443 Fair UNINCORPORATED 441 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 444 Good UNINCORPORATED 442 BIG COPPITT 11 X BIG COPPITT Ref 439 Good UNINCORPORATED 443 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY 5/31/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 444 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY 4/19/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 445 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 444 Good UNINCORPORATED 446 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 444 Good UNINCORPORATED 447 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Ref 443 Fair UNINCORPORATED 448 BIG COPPITT KEY 11 X BIG COPPITT KEY Refer to 447 Fair UNINCORPORATED 449 BIG COPPITT KEY 10 X BIG COPPITT KEY 4/19/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 450 ROCKLAND 10 X ROCKLAND Ref 437 Good UNINCORPORATED 451 BOCA CHICA KEY 7 X BOCA CHICA KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 452 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY No access NA UNINCORPORATED 453 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY No access NA UNINCORPORATED 454 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY No access NA UNINCORPORATED 455 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 456 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 466 Poor 86 UNINCORPORATED 457 KEY HAVEN 5 X KEY HAVEN 1/29/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 458 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 466 Poor 71 UNINCORPORATED 459 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 466 Poor 86 UNINCORPORATED 460 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 461 KEY HAVEN 5 X KEY HAVEN 1/29/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 462 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 463 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 'other' water body NA UNINCORPORATED 464 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY No access NA UNINCORPORATED 465 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 466 Poor 79 UNINCORPORATED 466 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 4/19/2013 Poor 81 UNINCORPORATED 467 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 466 Poor 74 UNINCORPORATED 468 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 466 Poor 70 UNINCORPORATED 469 KEY HAVEN 5 X KEY HAVEN 1/29/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 470 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 4/19/2013 Poor 51 UNINCORPORATED 471 KEY HAVEN 5 X KEY HAVEN 1/29/2013 Fair UNINCORPORATED 472 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 475 Poor 100 UNINCORPORATED 473 KEY HAVEN 5 X KEY HAVEN 1/29/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 474 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 475 Poor 100 UNINCORPORATED 475 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY 4/19/2013 Poor 101 UNINCORPORATED 476 GEIGER KEY 10 X GEIGER KEY Ref 475 Poor 100 UNINCORPORATED 477 KEY WEST 3 X KEY WEST No access WQ est Good KEY WEST 478 STOCK ISLAND 4 X STOCK ISLAND 1/29/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 479 STOCK ISLAND 4 X STOCK ISLAND 1/29/2013 Good UNINCORPORATED 480 KEY WEST 3 X KEY WEST WQ est Good I KEY WEST REFERENCE: The inventory is a listing of the residential canals indentified in the 2003 GIS Database prepared by AMEC Environment Infrastructure, Inc., as amended in 2012. Page 9 of 9 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 APPENDIX A RESIDENTIAL CANAL HOMEOWNER QUESTIONNAIRE 1 Y � Residential Canal Homeowner Questionnaire 1. Homeowner Information: Name (Optional): Email address: Canal Location/Home Address: Telephone M 2. What issues or concerns do you have with the water quality of your canal? o Seaweed/flotsam o Unclear water o Bad odor o Fish kills o Do you swim in your canal: Yes No o List other 3. Are there certain conditions or times of the year when the water quality in your canal is worse (such as a certain wind direction or a seasonal influence)? Please specify: 4. Is there, or has there been, any treatment systems associated with your canal? o Yes ► •, 5. If yes to #4, please indicate the type of canal treatment system: o Aerators o Weed gates or bubble curtains o Culverts o List other 6. If yes to #4, is the system still operational? o Yes o No , please specify why not: Is the system effective? o Yes o No , please specify why not: Comment: 7. Do you think your canal needs additional water quality improvement? o Yes Comment: 8. Would you be willing to contribute to the cost to install a water quality improvement system? o Yes o No Comment: 9. Is there a Homeowner Association or other organization in your neighborhood that may be willing to manage and pay for the operation and maintenance of a water quality improvement system? o No o Yes Name of Association: Name of President: Phone: Email address: Comment: Return to: Rhonda Haag, hgag-rhondan-monroecountLfl.gov, telephone (305) 453-8774 Canal Management Master Plan, Monroe County, Florida Nl j1� Background In November 2012, Monroe County, in association with AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc., was awarded an EPA grant to complete a Canal Management Master Plan for the entire Keys. The effort is underway and is scheduled for completion by September 2013. The management plan will prioritize the water quality problems in all of the Keys canals and provide recommendations for appropriate remedial measures for each canal. The Master Plan will be a t ool for all Keys managers to assist in planning and budg eting for canal water quality improvements. You can assist in the effort by completing the attached questionnaire. Please return the attached questionnaire to: Rhonda Haag Sustainability Program Manager Monroe County, Government and Cultural Center 102050 Overseas Highway, Ste. 212 Key Largo, FL 33037 Bus: (305) 453-8774 Cell: (305) 395-9928 If desired, contact your County Commissioners about this program: David Rice Board of County Commissioners District Four Marathon Airport Terminal 9400 Overseas Hwy, Suite 210 Marathon, FL 33050 Phone: 305-289-6000 occis monroecounty-fleov Heather Carruthers Board of County Commissioners District Three/Mayor Pro Tern 500 Whitehead Street, Suite 102 Key West, FL 33040 Phone: 305-292-3430 occis3 monroecount�-fleov Danny Kolhage Board of County Commissioners District One 530 Whitehead Street; Suite 102 Key West, FL 33040 Phone: 305-292-3440 occis1 monroecounty-fleov George Neugent Board of County Commissioners District Two/Mayor 25 Ships Way Big Pine Key, FL 33043 Phone: 305-872-1678 occ is2 monroecounty-fl Sylvia Murphy Board of County Commissioners District Five Commissioner Murray Nelson Center 102050 O/S Highway, Suite 234 Key Largo, FL 33037 Phone: 305-453-8787 occ is monroecounty-fl Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 APPENDIX B GLOSSARY OF CANAL ATTRIBUTES INCLUDED IN CMMP DATABASE Canal Attribute Descriptions Included in Google Earth Layer Attribute ID Description Source / Methodology A numerical sorting index so the the canals can be A count index that was created using excel's fill feature once the updated GIS database had SortIndex ordered sequentially. been imported into excel. A text field identifying each canal. Naming convention is the number of the canal followed by the area the canal is located. Edits completed in 2012 consisted of adding and merging canals. Therefore certain canals Original canal name assigned to the canal features in the 2003 database. The re -digitized X Canal —Name may be named ## Area Added/Merged features created in 2012 we assigned the canal name using the spatial join feature in ArcGIS. A point file identifying the mile markers for US 1 was used to manually assign a mile marker to X Mile Marker US 1 mile marker that the canal is located near. each canal by proximity A polyline feature of US 1 was used to split a shoreline polygon feature, and the polygon features located north of US 1 were used to select all of the canal features that were north of US 1. The selected canals were exported as a separate layer titled bayside canals. The attributes of the layer was exported to excel, and a VLOOKUP function was writtten to X Bayside Indicates that the canal is located north of US 1 populate the column with an X if the canal was listed in the Bayside canal layer. A polyline feature of US 1 was used to split a shoreline polygon feature, and the polygon features located south of US 1 were used to select all of the canal features that were south of US 1. The selected canals were exported as a separate layer titled Oceanside canals. The attributes of the layer was exported to excel, and a VLOOKUP function was writtten to X Oceanside Indicates that the canal is located south of US 1 populate the column with an X if the canal was listed in the Oceanside canal layer. Island—Name/Community The name of the island or community where a canal is The text to columns feature was utilized to isolate the island name or community name utilized Area located. in the Canal Name attribute A canal was selected as a candidate for a weed gate if it was identified as exhibiting weed Indicates that a canal is a candidate for the installation wrack in the aerial imagery, during the 2013 field surveys, or in homeowner surveys. Canals X Weed —Gate of a weed gate that exhibited a good water quality summary (WQ_summary) were excluded. A canal was selected as a candidate for a flushing culvert through inspection of the shoreline Indicates that a canal is a candidate for the installation and canal geometry features. Canals that exhibited a good water quality summary X Culvert of a culvert (WQ_summary) were excluded. Indicates that a canal is a candidate for the The potential need for maintenance of an existing culvert was identified during the 2013 field X Culvert_Maint maintenance of an existing culvert surveys. Canals that exhibited a good water quality summary (WQ_summary) were excluded. A canal was selected as a canidate for backfilling if the bathymetric survey identified an Indicates that a canal is a candidate for backfilling to average canal bottom elevation (Ave EL) was less than -10 feet NAVD. Canals that exhibited X Backfill increase flushing a good water quality summary (WQ_summary) were excluded. A canal was selected as a canidate for removal of organics if the bathymetric survey identified Indicates that a canal is a candidate for the removal of an average organic thickness (Ave_Org_Thick) greater than 0.75 feet. Canals that exhibited X Organic Rem accumulated organics a good water quality summary (WQ_summary) were excluded. A canal was selected as a canidate for a circulation pump if the calculated degree of Indicates that a canal is a candidate for the installation stagnation (Deg_of_Stag) was greater than 1. Canals that exhibited a good water quality X Pumping of a circulation pump summary (WQ_summary) were excluded. Describes existing treatment measures located within X Existing_Treat a canal Existing treatment measures identified during the 2013 field survey. Included in Google Earth Layer Attribute ID Description Source / Methodology Calculated using the ArcGIS calculate geometry feature for the canal features that were re- X Area ac Area of the canal in acres digitized in 2012 This is the longest distance from the mouth to the furthest end of the canal. Distance does not include Manually measured values from the 2003 database that were incorporated into the updated X Length_ft shorter length of fingers with the canal system. database using the spatial join feature. Calculated using the ArcGIS calculate geometry feature for the canal features that were re- Perimeter_ft Perimeter of the canal in feet digitized in 2012 Calculated using the field calculator feature in ArcGIS, where the inputted formula was A_L_Ratio Ratio of area to length A_L_Ratio=Area_Ac*43560/Length_ft. This is the numerical value that was assigned (visually) based on number of 90 degree turns. A full 90 degree turn has a value of 1; a 45 degree turn has Manually measured values from the 2003 database that were incorporated into the updated X Num_of_Convolutions a value of 0.5 database using the spatial join feature. Number of mouths opening to open water. If the canal Manually measured values from the 2003 database that were incorporated into the updated X Num of Mouth is plugged the number is 0 database using the spatial join feature. Calculated value that was determined using normalized values of area, length, number of convolutions, and area to length ratio. Number of convolutions and area to length ratio were multiplied by a weighting factor of 0.25. The sum of the weighted normalized values were Degree of stagnation, a calculated value used to divided by the number of mouths and a tidal factor. The calculated values were normalized, X Deg_of_Stag estimate the degree of flushing. and a value greater than 1 is assumed to represent canals that are stagnant. Minimum elevation of the canal bottom in feet relative Bathymetric survey data collected in 2013. Calculated by taking the minimum of an array that X Min —El to NAVD 88 was generated by the canal name in excel. Maximum elevation of the canal bottom in feet relative Bathymetric survey data collected in 2013. Calculated by taking the maximum of an array that X Max —El to NAVD 89 was generated by the canal name in excel. Average elevation of the canal bottom in feet relative Bathymetric survey data collected in 2013. Calculated by taking the average of an array that X Ave —El to NAVD 90 was generated by the canal name in excel. Bathymetric survey data collected in 2013. Calculated by taking the difference between the average elevation of the high point array and the average of the low point array that was X Ave_Sed_Thick Average thickness of sediment in the canal in feet generated by the canal name in excel. WBID DEP assigned Water Body ID Spatial join of WBID layer provided by the DEP. An attribute for DO impairment was assigned to the DEP WBID layer. The attributes were Indicates that the WBID that the canal is located in is exported to excel, and a VLOOKUP statement was written to populate the column with an X is WBID DO_Imp impaired for dissolved oxygen the WBID was listed as having an impairment for DO. Date that the canal was surveyed for the 2013 field Survey_Date survey. Manual entry. A qualifier category to idenitify canals that are not typical residential canals. Such as boat basins, Canal —Category natural channels, canals that have been filled. Manual entry. Water quality summary based on the findings of the Manual entry. The determination of the water quality summary is provided in section 5 of the X WQ_Summary 2013 field survey. CMMP Phase 2 Report. Water quality ranking that was determined for canals that exhibited poor water quality based on the 2013 X WQ Ranking field survey. Manual entry Manual entry. A - canal with weed wrack problems, B - canal with limited flushing, C - deep Phase-2—Cat Field observation modifier for the 2013 field surveys stagnant canal, D - Good water quality Lowest measured dissolved oxygen (DO) in the canal's water column with the use of a calibrated YSI X DO_mg_L 556 in mg/L during 2103 field surveys Manual entry Measured turbidity in the canal during 2013 field X Turb_NTUs surveys Manual entry Field Comm Relevant notes obtained during field surveys. I Manual entry Included in Google Earth Layer Attribute ID Description Source / Methodology A parcel layer for Monroe County was spatially joined to the canal layer, and a COUNTIF X Parcels Number of parcels bordering the canal function was used to determine the number of parcels that bordered a canal. A polygon feature of the wastewater service areas provided by the DEP was spatially joined Service Ar Wastewater treatment service area with the canal layer. Percent connected for the wastewater treatment Updated reports for June 2013 were used to calculate the percent connected by service area. Percent —Co service area A VLOOKUP statement was written to determine the percent connected for each canal. A polygon feature of the wastewater service areas provided by the FDEP was spatially joined WWT_Distri Wastewater treatment district with the canal layer. The municipality in Monroe County were obtained through Tigerline, and spatially joined to the canals. If the join did not populate the municipality name, then the canal was identified as Municipality Unincorporated and incorporated municipality being located in unincorporated Monroe County. Distance to nearshore FKNMS water quality Dist_NS_WQ monitoring station Manually measured and entered values. Indicates whether an inspection of the aerial imagery was completed in order to identify the presence of Aerial —inspection weed wrack loading Manual entry. A weed wrack loading layer wascreated by tracing the extent of the visible weed wrack. The Percent of the canal surface area that exhibited weed weed wrack loading layer was spatially joined to the canal layer, and the percent covered by Weed Loading wrack loading weed wrack was calculated using the field calculator feature in ArcGIS The tidal range for the bay side and ocean side of each WBID was determined from NOAA Tidal range of the nearshore waters for the canal in tidal station datums. Separate VLOOKUP functions were developed for bay side and X Tid_Ran_Ft feet oceanside canals to lookup the tidal range by WBID number. Determined for the 2003 database and incorporated into the updated database using the Canal_Outf Name of the outfall at the canal systems mouth spatial join feature. Visual observation from aerial photos of the shoreline Manually measured values from the 2003 database that were incorporated into the updated Percent_ Developed that was developed database using the spatial join feature. This describes the energy of the body of water into which the canal outfalls, for example, Florida Bay is generally low energy as opposed to Tavernier Creek Determined for the 2003 database and incorporated into the updated database using the Energy_of_Outfall which is medium energy. spatial join feature. Type of nearshore feature: channel, shallow, spoil Determined for the 2003 database and incorporated into the updated database using the Nearshore area spatial join feature. Station number of the bay watch water quality Determined for the 2003 database and incorporated into the updated database using the Station —Nu monitoring program spatial join feature. Orientation of canal mouth that was visually assigned based on the direction (heading) you would be facing Determined for the 2003 database and incorporated into the updated database using the Orientation if you were driving out of the canal to open water. spatial join feature. HO_Questionnaire Indicates whether or not a homeowner questionnaire has been completed for the canal. Manual entry. Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 APPENDIX C 4w it POOR WATER QUALITY RANKING SHEETS Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 20 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilling Excavation, Pumping, Alternative Treatment, Not Required: Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.15 mg/L If either DO is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there is a noticeable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B)Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading (Plugged Canal) Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 Not measured duet. assessibility Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal g 3 0 steep cat wallsmataro Pa Nly lined wit. mangmvesinafrwareas observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canalsthat are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 0 2 0 The presence of a plug will prevent adequate tidal flushing. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) potential exirts fornegatively impa Ring the ValuThe esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 0 1 0 earshore environment if the Proposed renoation protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or efforts do not succeed. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 1 1 1 TheProPosed renoation techniques may require that the plug be removed. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 tas Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 45 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 21 Recommended Technology: Excavarind, Backfilliing, Pumping, Alternative Treatment (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 0,12 hi at 10 bter elow wa absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 5 5 25 surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 0 5 o canal aces notrecei�e organicioaang from seawee Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 0.88feetof omanicacwmulation data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 2 3 6 onesiae ofth--1 is lined with mangroveswhne me isiinea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. maiodty whh resmentiaihomes observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 10 Relatively deep but not overly long and discharges -take surprire protect ion within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 oismargesinm an area of Lake Surprire surrounded by the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects mangroves earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Noohseruea issues, Access notknown at mistime difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 1. Parcel conminea 93 he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score BO Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 22 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilliing, Pumping, Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO Measured at 2,08 mg/L at S feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 measured 1.40 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae q 3 12 Presenre of blue green algae ana boat basin within If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. the canal observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 3 2 6 Although it isa -ight canal, the presence ofasmal boat basin may reduce the potential for success protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 6 1 6 There is only one additional canal near the area where the mouth of the zssessed anal is bated. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B otherthan access, there al, pearto be no issues im pa Ring the implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 28 Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 81 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 26 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Backfilliing nd Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,64 mg/L at S feet below the water's surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 canal does not appearto receive seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeaveage measure a thiD:ness is e imatea at 1.02 fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score In a a ditiontothe canal being e.h,,Iy Iined with Ifa canal Is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 onaetewalls,fl—mgalgal mats were observed should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. wxhinmecanal. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Although the canal has multiple fingers, the canal is Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 relatively shore and hasan ­1­ depth frof canal of 12 et. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 The neighborhood hasseve.zI canals with mouths in Dore m t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects proximity cad, other. nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindlcating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 70 parcels The pu bile be nefit crite rion is re lated to the nu m her of use rs affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 use rs(parcels) wou Id be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 101 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 27 Recommended Technology: Weedgate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culvert, Alternative (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Treatment Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. absence ofpro degree a a problem and to the de at problem exists. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.64 mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and 1.Ofeet should receive a presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 5 5 25 3.5feet oforganicacwmulation data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 2 3 6 oneside ofuem i islined with mangmveswhlle me isiinea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. maiodty whh resmentiaihomes observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 10 Relatively deep but not overly long and discharges mm take snrarire protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 0ismargesinm an area of Lake Surprire surrounded by Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or mangroves earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B No observed issues, Access notknown at mistime difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 1. aar<ei conmined 93 he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 90 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 28 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilliing, Culverts, Weedgate, Excavation, Alternative Treatment Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO was measured at 2,46 mg/L at B feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Thickness of.y-ic layer wasmeaswea at 0.41 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae q 3 12 Pa Nly lined wits, mangroves. observeafioating If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. all matsmmnghontcenai observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 EMremely deep canal with one convolution and a =mail boat barn protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 coan line is heavily developed anathere are seveai Prrotection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or neighboring cenais earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 umicea presence of mangroves along one side of anal. Access has not been determined. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 28 parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 61 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 29 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilliing nd Excavation a Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3.0 m g/L at 3 feet below water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Aote trial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading issues Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Thickness of.r is y,, measured at 1.41 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. topical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue ,teen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined entirely with concreteb lkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 10 2 20 shore and might canal protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 coantinenear—thisheavilyaevelopea protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasnot been determined,there appearto be no complex issues related to permittin difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 zs Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 92 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 31 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity Is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.8 mg/L at 2feet below water th—mir ce If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.98 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal q 3 12 onlya tewmangmvesanalimxea observeaaquatic lifr Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 5 2 10 Depth is notan issaeana flushing appears to be p. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 Although the area surrounding the mouth has been developed, there are no a aaitional canals protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or aischargning inm the nearshore zone nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 aresenee of afew mangrovesmay require additional permitting requirements difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 73 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of usersaffected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 81 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 33 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0 hi at 10 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 N. observed seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layermeas.rea at 1.11 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a Qom bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 canal is parciallyli.eawith mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 tnng narrow canal that's aveage elevation is 8.89 fret protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) The assesrea canal is l."'d lust north of a Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or g 1 B mangrove wetla.a. Also, there is..ly one aaani..a protection n the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have de leterio us effects within the halo or ca.al di —ring inm the nearshore..... earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, the main This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 impediment m permitting is likely m be the present difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. .f mangroves Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 62 Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 96 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 36 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended Technology: Excavation nd Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2.72 mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 1.49feetof organicacwmulation Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae y 3 12 canal is loafed acrossDr. mangrove-1-d should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 geiativeiy seorc anal wire no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or y 1 4 Seveai anais aisu,arge inm tee ame nearseore protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or environment earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B No oeservea issues, Access notknown at thistime difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 7aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score BO Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 37 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,72 mg/L at 7 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 no Deserved seaweed iozaing Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 5 5 25 organic iayerthia:ness measure a at 1.29 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal q 3 12 canal is entirely a eveiopea but does aisa,arge acros from mangmvewetiana observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 It I, reiativeiy deep cvnai teat easno convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 4 1 4 canal di--, inm tee �me nearseore zone as protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or seveai other cvnais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Aimoage access�aesoe. been determinId, no know t at this time difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 z6 aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 84 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 39 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.51 mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed iozding not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organicmidcnessmeasured at 2.46feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 5 3 15 Likely lined entirely with concrete se —I or ewkheaa should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 shore cvnai wxh no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 Nearbycvnais ,iso influence nearshore protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or conditions arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B NODeserved issues, Access notknown at mistime difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) o 1 0 2Fareeis he public be nefitcriterionls relatedtothe number of users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofOmeans 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 94 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 40 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.51 mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organicthidcnessmeasured at 1.76feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 5 3 15 nicely lined entirely with concrete seawall or bwl:heaa should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 shore canal wits, no convoluhons protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Nearby canals may also influence nearshore es from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 4 1 4 conditions.Also, the mouth issurrounded on either p otection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or side by canals arshor Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Noobserved issues, access not known at this time difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 1Fareels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 03 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 41 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,51 at 2 feet bter elowthe wa surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed i.-mg not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the organic thickness not provided;however, Measured organic layer thickness between 0.5 and 1.0 feet should received score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 .eighb.d.g cv I, maintained layers in excess.fl f..t Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 u.ea with c. to b lkheaas or docks should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 sh- cv.ai with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 Neighboring cv.ais aisu,arge loth the same protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or nearshore.... earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not be determined, there This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B appeart. be n. apparent issues rein dt. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. permitting. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 1Far�ei he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 03 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 45 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Pumping, Organic Removal, Backfill, and Culvert Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3.24 mg/L during Phasel If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcnessmeasur.d at O.63 feet. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 unea with �o to bulkheads or docks should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 4 2 B Extremely long canal with multiple convolutions and fingers. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 Neighboring canals aisu,arge ium the same protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or nearshore.... earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not be determined, there This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B appearto be no apparent issues rela dt. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. permitting. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 1. z43 Panels he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 15 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 47 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilliing and Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.3 mg/L at 10 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No seaweed related issues Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measured at 0.74 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 the banksare parcially lined wxh mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 10 A long deep canal with multiple convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 The nearshore zone has been heavily developed an there are neighboring canals discharging inm the protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or ramearea earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 The presence otmangrovesana benmicresources may imp implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 1.2 Far�els he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 19 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 48 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,06 mg/L at 6 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 weed wrack Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measured at 1.17 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 1 3 3 canal is parcially lined with mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 2 2 4 The utilization of the canal as a boat basin may deminish impact of me­h... protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or ali t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 3 1 3 canal discharges lnmanearshore zone that has bee developed with single family homes. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, the This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 presence of mangmvesand benthil resources may difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. make permitting ditflwh. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 3Farcels he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 67 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 49 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.6]mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minor seaweed loading in reference cenai Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 0 5 0 organicthilcnessmeasurea at 0.28teet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae g 3 9 unea witna 1-inahon of vegeation and 6wkheaas If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 Sh-canalwithnoco1-h— protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 Nearshore mangrove weuana loafed m the..nho the protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or anal mourn. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B No o61ervea issues, Access not known at thishme difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 2aar�eis he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 74 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 50 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.28 mg/L at l0 feet If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measured at 0.85 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 1 3 3 Pa Nly lined whh mangroves ana conrains should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. seagasses observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 1. Although canal is not long, it does have multiple small fingers protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or althe halo Or nearshore zone. Analogous L Ot0-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo Or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 5 1 5 The canal dismarges inmanearsbore zone that has been partially developed wim singleramily homes. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 1 1 1 Thepresenre of seagrasses within the mnai sy may make implementability dil difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 so Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 81 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 52 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,67mg/L ata depth of 12 feet If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 0 5 0 organiclay.rthidc..ssmeasurea at 0.23 fi.thiu: Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 u..a..tirelywlth .o..r.t. s.awall should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) A relatively short canal that has multiple fingers. Th Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 additional fi.g.rsr.ay impact the renoatio.s effectiveness. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or Protect I n the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that wou Id have deleterious effects within the halo or 5 1 5 The nearshore zone hash... heavily developed wit single family homes. arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there are This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B .o 1,.... issues related m the permil and difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 29 panels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 79 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 53 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.6]mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Mi.., seaweed loading in reference ce.ai Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 orga.i1thidc..ssm.as.r.d at 0.83fe.t Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 unea with hwkh.ads should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 shore ce.ai with no .o.�oi.tio.s protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuCanal esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 discharges into the same nearshore zone as n.igh6ori.gca.aIsa.dth...arsh... zone hash... protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or developed with single family homes. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Noohserued issues, Access..tk.... at thi, u., difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9aar<.is he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected bythe project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 91 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 54 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Weedgate, Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.6]mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Mi.., seaweed loading in reference ce.ai Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 orga.ilthidc..ss measured at 0.l.3sfe.t Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 unea with hwkh.ads should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 shore ce.ai with no .o.�oi.tio.s protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuCanal esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 discharges into the same nearshore zone as n.igh6ori.gca.aIsa.dth...arsh... zone hash... protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or developed with single family homes. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Noohserued issues, Access..tk.... at thi, u., difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saar<.is he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected bythe project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 101 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 59 Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 0,21 hi at 3 ft below the absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 5 5 25 water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 no Deserved seaweed loading Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 organic iayerteia:ness measure a at 0.93 feet data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accord) ngly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae q 3 12 Pa NIyvegeatea eankanathe ce I easan should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. accmm�iation of einegreenaigae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 Canal was conrnnctea wire one convolution protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 canal di--, di—lyacrossDr. mangrove a protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) othertean accessaname minimaipresence of This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B ang rovest6ere are no known issues. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q umxea numeer of parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 82 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 63 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts, Pumping Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3,32mg/L at S ft below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No Deserved seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layermeasarea at 0.94 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Alteoage tee canal is partially vegetated, tee large Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 4 3 12 presence of Laudon eluegreen algaeaauce the should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. canals eaeirat value observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water q uallty characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 3 2 6 ree anal mainainsan active marina nearrcs end protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or Prrotection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 5 1 5 oismarges inmanearseore envo-onmentteat receives inPats from reveal neigeeodng canals earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Tee presence of a marina may compliate tee This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 implementation of tee Pro posed renoation difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. tec6nigaes Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 124 Panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 69 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Key Largo Canal Number 64 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Excavation, Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.95 mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading in reference canal Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organicthidcnessmeasured at t.tsteet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 unea wxh hwkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 Sh- canal wim no mnvoiuh— protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuCanal esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 1 1 1 dismarges into me same nearshore zone as neighhoringcenaisandthenearshore zone has In...protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or developed wim single family homes. arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B No observed issues, Access not known at thistime difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o aaar<eis he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 05 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 65 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.85 mg/L at 3 feet below water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 nnini—I iouaing Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic iayermia:u11s measured at O.6sft Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 2 3 6 nnua, ofthe ceuai is iiuea with mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 oddly shaped mnai with only minorconvoiutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) aesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 canal aisu,argesium an area that hasouiy peen aeveiopea protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or `_Nly earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 The presence of seveai mangroves within the mnai may im Ithe proposed rertoation difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 3a parcels he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 84 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 75 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,52 hi at 15 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading issues Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.30 tees Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 5 3 15 unea entirely whh concrete walls and mainaines aeep,+aterpocl:ets should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Portions of the canal that are more shallowerthan Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 othersappe 1dingood condition. Also,canalonly has one m inorconvolution protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 Nearshore area where the canal discharges is only developed Prrotection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or parcially earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Ahhongh access hasnot been determined,there appearto be no issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 39 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 13 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 76 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Excavation, Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.52 mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 Minor seaweed loading in reference canal Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organicthidcnessmeasured at o.53feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae q 3 12 with the exceptionofine emance, the canal is line u p canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. entirely with concrete walls observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 Although the canal has no convolutions, then moot is oddly shaped protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from Oto+S represent lowto moderate potential, whilevaluesfrom+6to+10 represent above-averageto high potential,to provide improvement and/or 2 1 ] Canal discharges into an area that has been partially developedandwhere two additional canals also protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or aisd,arge earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Noohserued issues, Access notknown at this time difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 34 panels he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score B] Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number ]] Potential Restoration Recommended: Culverts (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 2.4 at 9 feet below water absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and 1.Ofeet should receive a presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric 5 0 data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae q 3 12 All gh.-ly lined with steep concrete/lime mcl: should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. walls,me canal displayed diverse fish population observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 A relatively shallow canal that currently has 2 mouth and few convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 9 1 9 No neighboring canals and only a few nearby protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or residences arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) No obvious issues related to however, This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 ] per.iting; cess ha snot been determined, could require going difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. beneath existing roadway Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 1. z69 parcels whhin me condo community he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected bythe project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 69 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 78 Recommended Technology: Excavation, Backfill, Weedgate, Culvert (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. absence ofpro degree a a problem and to the de at problem exists. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2.34 in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the observed seaweed loading but does not ap pearl Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 4 5 20 be major Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 organicthidcnessmeasured at 0.96feet data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or bluegreen algae 5 3 15 With th,--ph.. of ti,e dpa lined emao ti,e islioea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. canal entirely wrc6 concrete will observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) E#remely deept canal maintains multiple fingers. Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 Exi,tingaeamres opa rineffective in achieving t lion goals. protectIon wi projec gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects projec thin the project Analogous t 0to-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) all esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 Supplemental benefits are difflwlt to measure bare the techniques t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects on proposed nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or e 1 8 No observed issues, access not known at this time dlfflcu lty of access. Scon ng ranges from 0 to+10, with O l ndlcati ng significant dlfflcu hies l n l m pie mentation and 10 i ndlcati ng re lative ease of l m pie mentation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 6s Parcels The pu bile be nefit crite rion is re sated to the nu m her of use rs affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 use rs(parcels) wou Id be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users wou id be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users wou id be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 07 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 79 (For acriterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Backfill, Weeds — Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3.69 in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minimal seaweed loading bared on reference canal Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organicthilcnessmeasurea at 0.32feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 3 3 9 Ones id, ofine canali, vegetated should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 Relatively short and rtaight canal that is only partally developed. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 Nearshore zone hasonlypartiallybeen developed protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although a�eess hasnot been determined, thereare no known issues at this time. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q vFar�els The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 68 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 80 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, culverts, Pumping, Alternative Treatment, Not Required: Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3,69 at 6 feet bter elowthe wa surface in the reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 3 5 15 seaweed loading observed during the tune 11,2013 site visit in the refrrenre canal. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organ! cs Mater Accu mulation(scored from 0to+5) See ri ng l s base d o n t he Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic layer thid:necc wacmeacwed at 0.85 feet. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 canal is lined entirely with seawall and hacan abundance of binegreenalgaepresent observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 Scoring bared on the relative shortnessand staightness of the canal protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 oicmargec inmanearchore environment that has been developed pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or relatively nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B All Although access hacnot been determined,thereare known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of l implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 21 Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 89 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 81 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts, Pumping, Alternative Treatment, Not Required: Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3,69 at 6 feet bter elowthe wa surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 3 5 15 seaweed loading observed during the June 11,2013 sit"kit Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic layerthidcne—, measured at O.68 Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 canal is lined entirely with seawall ana hasan abanaanceof blaegreenalgaepresent observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 Scoring bared on the relative shortnessand staightness of the canal protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 oismarges inmanearshore environment that has been developed pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or relatively earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B Although access hasnot been determined,thereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 25 Parcels he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 89 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 81 Added (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,89 at 3 feet bter elowthe wa surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Receives seaweed loading ona season al basis Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 2 5 10 organic layerthicknessnot measured but organic loading anticipated Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 3 3 9 shore canal mat dismarges inm mangrove island should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 8 2 15 The canali,1-ightand not overly long protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The wart line is heavily developed with residential homes.Also, neighboring canals dismarge withina protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or dore proximity earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 e All Although access hasnot been determined,th... known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 8] Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 82 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culvert, Excavarind, Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,89 at 3 feet bter elowthe wa surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Receives seaweed loading ona season al basis Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layermeasarea at 0.55 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 canal is entirely lined with concreteb lkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 8 2 15 The canali,1-ightand not overly long protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The wart line is heavily developed with residential homes.Also, neighboring canals aikharge withina protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or uore proximity earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 The presenre of contaminants wnhinthe sediment may impaR disposal difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 3t parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 99 Lobster Lane Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 83 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Weedgate, Excavation, nd Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,89 at 3 feet bter elowthe wa surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Reference ca nalrereive, seaweed loading ona seasonal basis Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcnessmeasuredat0.87fi— Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 8 2 15 The canali,1-ightand not overly long protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The wart line is heavily developed with residential homes.Also, neighboring canals discharge withina protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or dore proximity earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B All Although acres hasnot been determined,thereare known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 3t parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 102 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Rock Harbor Canal Number 84 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Weedgate, Excavation, nd Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,89 at 3 feet bter elowthe wa surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Reference ca nalrereive, seaweed loading ona seasonal basis Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measured at 0.78 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 the canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or e 2 15 The canali, 1-ightand of medium length protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 The wart line is heavily developed with residential homes.Also, neighboring canals discharge withina protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or dore proximity earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B All Although acres hasnot been determined,thereare known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 zs parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 303 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 91 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Backfilling nd Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2.3 mg/L at B feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No Deserved seaweed loading in reference cenai Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic iayerthia:ness measure a at O.65 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined wxh �on�ret ewkheaa should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Althought tee canal is deep wire an aveage depth o Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 19 feet, it isa rPoIativeiy shore ­1 with no nvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe 5 1 5 canal isioataa�ong side additional cenais mataiso aisu,arge int halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or protection In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects nearshorezone. arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B appeart In, oeservea issues,I—dt. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease oflmplementation. impiementaeiiity. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) a 1 q 16 parreis he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score ]B Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 90 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Backfilling Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2.3 mg/L at B feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. No observed seaweed loading Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and 1.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 organic layer thickness measured at 0.21 fret Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined wxh concrete hwkheaa should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Althought the canal is deep with an aveage depth o Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 20 feet, it isa remIativeiy shore canal with no nvolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe q 1 a canal isloatea along side additional canals matalso aisd,arge into halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or protection In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects nearshorezone. arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B appearto be ohsereed issues relateam difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease oflmplementation. implementahility. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 18 parcels he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 62 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 92 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Backfilling nd Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2.3 mg/L at B feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No Deserved seaweed loading in reference cenai Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic iayerthia:ness measure a at 0.76 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined wxh �on�ret ewkheaa should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Althought tee canal is deep wire an aveage depth o Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 23 feet, it isa rPoIativeiy shore ­1 with no nvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe 5 1 5 canal isioataa�ong side additional cenais mataiso aisu,arge int halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or protection In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects nearshorezone. arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B appeart In, oeservea issues,I—dt. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease oflmplementation. impiementaeiiity. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) a 1 q 21P-111 he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score ]B Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 94 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Backfilling nd Culvert Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2.3 mg/L at B feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No Deserved seaweed loading in reference cenai Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic is , thia:ness measure a at 0.33 tees Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined wxh �on�rete ewkheaa should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Althought tee canal is deep wire an aveage depth o Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 20 feet, it isa receIativeiy shore ­1 with no nvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe 5 1 5 canal isioataa�ong side additional cenais mataiso aisu,arge int halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or protection In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects nearshorezone. arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B appeart In, oeservea issues,I—dt. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease oflmplementation. impiementaeiiity. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 21 parre1s he public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 63 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 102 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,03 mg/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.55 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 tnng narrow deep canal whh no observed nat—I fratures observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 Denrely populated canal with a small convolution at me emance protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or q 1 4 The coanlinehasbeen aenselypopulateaanatwo aisu,arge into the pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or additional canals samearea earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasnot been aeterminea,th... All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 so aar<els The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 76 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 103 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,03 hi at S feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.72 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 tnng narrow deep canal wI h no observed nat—I fratures observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 Denrely populated canal with a small convolution at me emance protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or q 1 4 The coanlinehasbeen aenselypopulateaanatwo aisu,arge into the pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or additional canals samearea earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasnot been aeterminea,th... All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 9s Far�els The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 70 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Tavernier Canal Number 104 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing, Pumping Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,03 mg/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.55 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 IT—narrow deep canal whh no observed nat—I fratures observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) In addition to maintaining multiple fingers and Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 2 2 4 nvoluh—, the presence of a boat basin near the arof the canal may impact the effectiveness of me protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. rermation Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The coanlinehasbeen aenselypopulateaanatwo additional canals aisu,arge into me samearea pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasnot been aeterminea,thereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 so Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 68 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 108 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1.12 mg/L If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organiclayertbidmess is measured at 2.03 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 small barn is lined whh �or,�rete bwl:heaas. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 4 2 8 site-illremaina boatbasin protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Inaeasedtidal fluxthat involvesa canal with a Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 0 1 0 nna may haven negative impact on the r,earshor protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or zone. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 e Ahhough access hasr,ot been determined,th... no known issues related to pmlect implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 1Far�els The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 81 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 110 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Backfilliing nd Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,49 mg/L at 9 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organiclayertbidmess is measured at 0.51 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Althoughthecanal is partially line with buttonwood Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae q 3 12 ana whitemangmves, an abundance ofbluegreen should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. algae wasobserveagmwing inure canal. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 4 2 e In addition to having multiple convolutions, the Cana incluaesa marina as one of its residents protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Inaeasedtidal fiuxthat involvesa canal with a Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 0 1 o nna may haven negative impact on me nearshor protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or zone. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B nhhough access hasnot been determined,thereare no known issues related to pmlect implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 3s Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 62 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 116 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO was measured at 2,97mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic is , thia:r,ess was measure a at 0.61 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae q 3 12 unea mostly with concrete b lkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 S-ight canal that discharges into a rtmng channel whia, shouia polin iy impact the reswts protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 Caoai discharges inmaoearshore environment that has been developed Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or only parciaiiy earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Ahhoughacress hasoot eeeoaetermioea, thereare no known issues related to pmlect implementation. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 st aareeis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score BO Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 116 Added (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Recommended: Pumping Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. pro degree a absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0.02 mg/L If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric 0 5 0 organic layerthidcness not measured. data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 3 Inaaationm poorvismility,me canal ismostlylinea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. whh cnncretebwkheaas. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) The canal mnsirts of multiple fingersand Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or a 2 e convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 2 1 2 the effect of increasing me flushing ofa boat basini protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or own. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasnot been determined,thereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q is Panels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 56 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 120 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Culverts, Backfill, Pumping, Excavation Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,73 hi at 7 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic layerthidcnessmeasur.d at O.67 feet. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae q 3 12 Inaaationm poorvismility,me canal ismonlylinea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. whh cnncretebwkheaas. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or a 2 e The canal mnsirts of multiple fingersand convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) The mouth of the canal discharges into the bay near Values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or B 1 8 a largermangroveweuand.Also,there are no protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or additional canals within the area. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access hasnot been determined,th... known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 zz3 Panels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score B6 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 127 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culverts, Aerator Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3,71 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 canal is currently plugged Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic is , thia:oess was oot A-. be measured Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 canal isai triiy developed and the —din.. ofinepiaggea mnai isoot sairhierormadoenre observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 3 2 6 improvement win require the removal of the ping protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 0 1 o genorioga piaggea mnai may havea snore term impact me Prrotection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or negative on nearshore environment arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 0 1 o 1he1e1toatioo ofa piuggea mnai wouia require regular,, - difficulty difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 73 aar<eis he public be nefitcriterionls relatedtothe number of users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofOmeans 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 43 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 129 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culvert Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3,71 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface in the reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 canal is currently piuggea Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 0 5 0 organic is , thia:nr-ss was not A-. he measured Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 Th--ition ofthepl.gg:, mnai knot suirahiefo manneiite up canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 3 2 6 improvement win require the removal of the plug protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) aesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 0 1 o genoringa piaggea mnai may havea shore term impact me protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or negative on nearshore environment nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 0 1 o Therer[oationofapiuggeacanai wouia require regulatory approval difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 22 aaroeis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 40 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 132 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,17 mg/L at S feet below the water surface in the reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic la , thickness was measured at 0.37 tees Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Almoagh me canal is lined with a concrete bulkhead Ifa canal IsIned withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 mere were indi-ions mature b-thiczone may should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. includeseagassesand green macro algae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water q uallty characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 4 2 B the largesize canal is also being used asa In —earn protect ion within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects B 1 B The canal dismargesinm a largely undeveloped area of Plantation Key earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) The potential forseagassesm be present would This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 subnantNly impact mmp eiiementabiiity of the difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to +10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties in implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. pureed Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 331 The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 62 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key Canal Number 137 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Backfilliing, Culverts, Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,17 g/L at S feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic la , thickness was measured at 0.29 tees Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Almough me canal is lined with a concrete bulkhead Ifa canal IsIned withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 mere were indi-ions mature b-thiczone may should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. includeseagassesaud green macro algae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water q uallty characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 4 2 B the largesize canal is also being used asa boat barn protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects B 1 B The canal dismargesinm a largely undeveloped area of Plantation Key earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) The potential forseagassesm be present would This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 subnautNly impact mmp eiiementabiiity of the difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to +10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties in implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. pureed Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 3s Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 62 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key (Islamorada) Canal Number 139 Added (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Organic Removal and Aeration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at L6l mg/L in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measured at 1.22 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The boat basin is lined with �on�rete bwkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 5 2 1. The small basin was construRed with one convolution. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 2 1 2 The effect of increasing me flushing ofa boat basini protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or own. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although acres hasnot been determined,thereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 q9 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 82 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Plantation Key (Islamorada) Canal Number 139Added 2 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Organic Removal and Aeration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at L6l mg/L If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic is , thid:nr-ss measured at 0.29 ieet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 The Boat Basin is lined with �on�reteb lkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 There are no �onvoiations. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 2 1 2 Theenea of increasing me flushing ofa Boat basini protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or own. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasnot been determined,thereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 st aareeis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 61 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Lower Matecumbe Canal Number 145 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at L52 mg/L If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layertbidcness measure a at 0.73 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 2 3 6 eoat basin,+as mostly lined with red mangroves. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 rbe boat barn basa choke point nearm mourn. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 rbe etfea of incroasea flashing basnot been determined. protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Altbongb access basnot been aeterminea,tbereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating re lative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9Farcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 85 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Lower Matecumbe Canal Number 145 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 2,99 mg/L at 6 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.n feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score canal lineda -ld eutiremeut with te up canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 bulkheads anath—,+asap observed acwmuiation should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. of blue green algae. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water q uallty characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 2 2 14 The canal was 1—t—ea with only one convolutio protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) all esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 The canal aisu,argesium an area of the coanliue that is..Iypa NIyaevelopea pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t Oto-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasuut been aetermiuea,th... All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of l implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 37 Far�els The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score B] Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Lower Matecumbe Canal Number 147 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,72 mg/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No observed seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layertbidcness measure a at 1.08 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. downward. Accordi ng ly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 Narrow deep canal d no observed1.t I teatw�anaan abnnaanrx of binegreenalgae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or Scoring 2 2 14 The canals elevation is 8.6J and there are n convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 6 1 6 rbeaaiarxnt coanline basonly been minimally developed Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Altbongb acrxss basnot been aeterminea,th... All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 19 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score B] Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Lower Matecumbe Canal Number 148 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed ate g Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,89 mg/L at S feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 0 5 o seaweed loading wa s not observed during the April s, 2013 field visit Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organ! cs Mater Accu mulation(scored from 0to+5) See ri ng l s base d o n t hence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 5 5 25 Theorganiclayerwas measured 1.68 teetthid: Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Thecanal is lined with entirely with cenaete Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 ea,wiisana there is an abundance of blue green should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. algae. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The canal was construRed with no convolutions but there are individual slips protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe 8 1 e The canal dischargesinto an area of the coanline that has developed protection In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t Oto-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor onlyparciallybeen arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B All Although access hasnot been determined,th... known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of l implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 23 panels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 99 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Lower Matecumbe Canal Number 157 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,95 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 5 5 25 The organiclayerwas measure a at 1.56 teetthia: Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue ,seen algae 3 3 9 one shleofthecanal islinea with red mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The installation of the culvert would enhance fiushin within the oddly shaped canal protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 9 1 9 The canal aisu,argesinm an area of the coanline by protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or pmteRea a rock jetty nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access hasnot been aeterminea,thereare known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of l implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 9s Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 102 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Grassy Key Canal Number 166 Added (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO was measured at 2,79 mg/L at B feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 INinorseaweed accumulation in me rearof me canal Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organ! cs Mater Accu mulation(scored from 0to+5) See ri ng l s base d o n t hence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 5 5 25 Theorganic layerwasmeasured at 1.12 feet thid:. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score The canal symm is mostly lined with concrete Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae q 3 12 bulkheads and displayeaalargeaccumulatiou of blu should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. green algae. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 10 The canal was construRed with multiple fingersat the norchean end of the island. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or B 1 B Theadiarentcoar[linehasbeen only pa Nly developed. Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access hasuot been determined,thereare All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 3s Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 97 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Key Canal Number 220 (For acriterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Organic Removal, Culvert, Weeds — Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,65 mg/L during Phase I in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 5 5 25 Su6sTantial week wad: issue in reference ca nal Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Omani, la , thickness was measured at 1.13 ieet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score The canal is only Partially lined with ,on,rete If a canal Is Ined with a tom bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 6wkheaas whnea large Porcion hasremainea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. vegehted with mangroves. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 Short narrow canal that has only been partially developed. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 The nearshore zonemme wen Dime canal hasnot been developed. Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 The largenumb,, f mangmvesmay,q.irealarger mitigation tort than similar canals. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 10 Panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 105 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Key Canal Number 223 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at L65 mg/L during Phasel If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 5 5 25 Su t-tial week wrack issue Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic iayerthid: was measured at 0.97 ieet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score The canalis only pa Nlylined with concrete If a canal Is Ined with a tom bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 6wkheaac whnea large porcion hacremainea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. vegehted with mangroves. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 5 2 10 The oddly shaped canal may impaR the effectivenes of its rermation. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 The canal disd,arges inm thesame nearshore two protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or environment ac aaationai canaic. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 The largenam6erof mangmvesmay,q.ireaiarger mitigation tort than similar canals. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 25 Pareeis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score BB Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Canal Number 235 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Backfill, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,04 mg/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 4 5 20 subr[antial weed. —I, observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measured at 1.34 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 4 3 12 TTecanal is lined withamis flip ap and concrete. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 5 2 10 Problem is related to seaweed loading but the canal does included small boat basin. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 Nearshore environment includes the presenre of boatbasins. t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t Oto-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects multiple nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Noknown issues related t. m 11mentability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of l implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 3Paree11 The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 94 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Canal Number 237 Recommended: Weed gate, Backfill, Organic Removal (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 2,04 mg/L at S feet below the absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. q 5 20 Subrtantial weed wrack observed Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 organic iayerthia:necc measured at 0.59 feet data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae g 3 9 Thecanai is lined whha is of-g-tion ana bwkheaac should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. concrete observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 arobd- is related m seaweed loading protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or q 1 4 Nearshore environment inciudecthe presence of boatbasins. Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bea applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or multiple earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) No known issues related to implementability other This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 ] than the limited presence of mangroves on one side difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. of the canal Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 20 aareeic The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 90 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Canal Number 242 Recommended: Organic Removal nd Backfilliing a (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 2,69 hi at B feet below the absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 5 5 25 water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric 5 5 25 organic iay.rthia:o.ssm.asu..a at 1.14 feet. data).score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 Th.sm.sofm. moaiare �ined.otireiy wxh .00.r.t bwkh.aas. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 rh. moat maioaios numerous moaaiarhom.s. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 The moat aisu,arg.siom an area of the.oaniio. thathasonIyparcia�Iyb... developed. Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been assesred, there appea This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B the no issues r.iata t the,,...,.d,d difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. temnoiogies. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 zoo aar<.is he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 101 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Canal Number 243 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) a Recommended: Pumping nd Backfilliing Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at less than4 mg/L during Phase absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 I. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 organic iayerthid:nessmeasu..d at 0.56 feet. data).score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 Theshles ofthe mnai are lined entirely with co t bwkheaasanaare biuegreenaigae. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. 1overeain observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) The canal is used as a marina for large boats and Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 3 2 6 mnrnuchon vessels. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 The continued use of me canal asa marina may Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous L 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or reduce the potential forsupplemental benefits. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been assesred, there appea This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B the no issues related t the,,...,.d,d difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. temnoiogies. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 20 Parcels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 12 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Marathon Canal Number 252 Recommended: Weeds —and Backfilliing (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at less than4 hi during Phase absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 I. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Based on r.sia.ntsana op.amrs comments. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 0 5 0 organic iay.rthia:n.ssm.asu..a at O.a6 feet. data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 Th.sm.s ofm. canaiare �ined.ntireiy wxh concret bwkh.aas. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or a 2 B serves asa rh. canal boatbasin. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 The canal aisu,arg.sinm an area of th. coaniin. thathasonIy NIyb... developed. Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Pa arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been assesred, there appea This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B t_ no issues r.iat.a m the recommended difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. temnoiogies. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q t3 Parcels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 11 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 255 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO was measured at 2.8 mg/L at S feet below water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 seaweed loading appeared m ini—I Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and 1.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 0 Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 nnorethan one canal siaeis lined with mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 5 2 10 Although canal is not eMrem ely deep, it does have mutiple fingers protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 Limited due m the presence of her. that pmteRs the protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or anneI earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been assesred, there appea his criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B m he no I"."relatea t. reeo..enaea difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. technologies. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 ss panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 59 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 258 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Culvert, Backfilling, Pumping Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3,88 mg/L at 3 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 4 5 20 observed seaweed loading problem, but only porcions of me anal mainaineaa wee a wad: Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic la , thickness was measure a at 0.36 tees Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordi ngly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 2 3 5 canal is parcially lined whh mangrovesana Hasa aired should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. eonnedionma mangrove wetland. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 Although the anal's avenge depth isappmximately filet, it waseonrnadea with mwtiple flngers. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 8 1 e rheassesrea anal aismarges inmacoasTalarea mat hasbeen money lefrunaevelopea. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 9 1 9 Previous etforcsm renoreme anal nave been permitted difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 ss Panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 79 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name No Name Key Canal Number 261 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Culvert, Culvert Maintenance, Backfill, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at lessthan 4.0 hi during Phase I fthe CMMP. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Minimal seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measured at 0.95 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 2 3 6 the canal is lined wxh Pine trees should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) In addition to maintaining multiple fingers and Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 2 2 4 nvoluh—, the presence of a boat basin near the arof the canal may impact the effectiveness of the protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. rermation Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ali esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The c.-Iinehasbeen denselypopulatedandt aisd,arge into me t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects additional canals samearea earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 Plied, on NO Name xey typimlly receive additional tiny difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 ttz Panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 14 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name No Name Key Canal Number 265 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,44 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. a 5 20 Fxi,ting mutt... partially limits the amount of seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 organic layerthidcness was measure a at 0.37 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Although the canal is partially lined with nat—I If a canal Is lined with a tom bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae q 3 12 features, meaccamalation of all mats substantial should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. decreased its quality. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water q uallty characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The rtaight canal is only sparsely populated and is muat ea neara nature preserve. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or B 1 B There are no additional canals loateaalongtheeas[ side of the island. nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 ab"t' iooatea on NO Name uey are swtiniea re than the surrounding keys difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of l implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 22 aarcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 90 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 266 Recommended: Excavarind, Backfilliing, Culvert (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at lessthan 2.0 hi during absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 5 5 25 Phase I If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, orturbidity is between 1 and 3 NTU'sthe canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/Lor turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score off. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from Oto+S) Scoring is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 5 5 25 observed ce ntinuous seaweed lozaing Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 organic layertbidcness measure a at 0.86 feet data).score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 5 3 15 Narrow anal wxb no observed nataalteamr�ana should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score amid: weed wad: observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6 to +10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 3 2 18 The anal dism­ sboula enhance flushing protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 5 1 5 The mourn otme anal aismarges into the manner Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or nearan aaiacent anal earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Altbongb access basnot been aeterminea,th... All known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 3J Panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 115 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 267 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS m g/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 loading ap geared continuous but weea.—I, was not mid: Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measure a at zl3 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaac should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal is short and rtaight wim only a few home bated on it. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 The nearshore zone receives inputs from numerous protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 12 Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 305 2.1 is parts larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 270 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS m g/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 loading ap geared continuous but weea.—I, was not mid: Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at O.s9 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 TTe canal is lined entirely with concrete bwkheads should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 The canal is short and rtaight wim only a few home bated on it. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 The nearshore zone receives inputs from numerous protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 91 21. is part a larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 272 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS m g/L at S feet below the water surface in the reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 loading ap geared continuous but weea.—I, was not observed m be mid:. Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measure a at 1AG feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaac should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 The canal is short and rtaight wim only a few home bated on it. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 The nearshore zone receives inputs from numerous protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 301 212 is parts larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 274 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culvert Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS m g/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 loading ap geared continuous but weea.—I, was not mid: Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 organic layerthidcness measure a at 0.95 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaac should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 The canal is short and rtaight wim only a few home bated on it. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 The nearshore zone receives inputs from numerous protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 to camels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 95 214 is part a larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 275 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS m g/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 loading ap geared continuous but weea.—I, was not mid: Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measure a at 2.26 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaac should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 The canal is short and rtaight wim only a few home bated on it. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 The nearshore zone receives inputs from numerous protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 301 215 is parts larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 276 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS m g/L at S feet below the water surface in reference canal If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 loading ap geared continuous but weea.—I, was not mid: Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measure a at 1.19 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined wxh concrete bwkheaac should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal is short and rtaight wim only a few home bated on it. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 The nearshore zone receives inputs from numerous protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B There are no known issues related to implementability difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o sFareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 301 21. is parts larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 277 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts, Pumping Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at LS mg/L at S feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. a 5 20 loading ap geared co ntinuous but weea.—I, was not mid: Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic iayerthiu:ness measure a at 1.15 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. topical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae g 3 0 various Parts ofthesyltl. eith lined with bwkheaas If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. mangmvesorconaete observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 1. The synem hasnumI—, flngersana convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ales from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 The i.tcznai sysmm isme Dory cvnai mat aismarges inmaParciaiiy developed nearshorezone Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 The large stand of mangroves, may require mitigation difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 ss Pameis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 111 277 is parts larger system of canals Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 278 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culverts, Pumping Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured 1,78 mg/L at 9 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 organic layerthidcness measure a at 1.03 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 5 3 15 canal is lined with �ou�rete bulkheads and brown should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. cmalgae wasobserveagmwiug whhiume canal. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 4 2 8 The intensly developed canal y,tem includessevera flngersaua multiple couvolutious. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Due to the canal configuration, it is not possible at Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 0 1 0 this timem determine what if any impact the canal protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or mahou may have on the nearshore environment nearshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there are This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 8 uo known issues related mimplementability at this dlfflcu lty of access. Scon ng ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 l ndlcati ng significant dlfflcu hies l n l m pie mentation and 10 i ndlcati ng re lative ease of l m pie mentation. hme. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 494 Panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users wou id be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users wou id be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 91 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 282 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 2,57 at 3 feet bter elow wa surface, Turbidity measured at 3,92 If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Fxining treatment measures limits im pact of seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Theorganiclayerthickness was measure a at 1.29 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score canal is al entirely lined with concrete f a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. ALLOrd ng y, the presence of brown algae or b lle�reen algae q 3 12 bulkheads. Al- the presence of brown macmaI should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. wasnoteaasgmwing inure canal. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 canal is relatively shore with Dory two convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 The wart line is lined with residential homes which win temper the renoations impactomsid, the cana protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or itself. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Neighborhood is rtmngly behind the idea of canal This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 noahon but a where would require landowner difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. approval Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 he public be nefitcriterion is relatedtothe number of users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofOmeans 0-9use rs(parcels) would be positively affected bythe project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected bythe project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected bythe project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. U parcels overall Score 103 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 283 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of problem and to the degree at which problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 2,57 at 3 feet bter elow wa .,face arefer nd t.,bidien cety x,ed at 3.92 in the nal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Fxilh.g treatment measures limhsim pact of seaweed loading. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 The.rganiclayerthickness was measure a at 1.29 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score canal is alm.n entirely lined with co.crete f a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. ALLOrd ng y, the presence of brown algae orb .e�reen algae q 3 12 bulkheads. Al- the presence of brown macmaI should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. was.oteaasgmwi.g inure ca.al. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 canal is relativeiy shore with only two convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 5 1 5 The wart line is lined with residential homes which wintempertherenoationsimpactoutsidetheI— protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or itself. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Neighborhood is strongly behind the idea of canal This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 noahon beta culverc w..ld require landowner difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. approval Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q nparcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 1.3 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 286 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Culverts, Backfill, Pumping Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at p.sa mg/L If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 o Fxining treatment measures limits im pact of seaweed loading. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measured at 0.82 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 5 3 15 canal is al entirely lined with concrete bwkheaas should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 10 Canal was developed with multiple fingersand convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 Thecoar[linehasonly Parcianybeen developed. protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Neighborhood is rtmngly behind the idea of canal This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B noahou but wlverc would require land owner difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. approval Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 7t parcels he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score B6 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 287 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,56 mg/L at a depth of 8 feet belowthe water surface in the reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 5 5 25 sabmnrial weed wad: observed in refrrenre anal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthidc was measure a at 0.83 fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined entirely with concrete bwkhead,. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 8 2 16 The anal mainta ins no convolutions and discharges mma rtmng channel. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 The anal discharges into the same nearshore zone neighboring anal, and the coartline protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or d,aact kh,zIly taps floating seaweed. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 0 1 0 There are no knowni„ne, related m permitting or implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q z6 Faael, The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 112 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 288 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,56 hi at a depth of 8 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 5 5 25 substantial weed wad: observed Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measure a at 0.84 fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is lined entirely with concrete bulkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or e 2 16 Canal was conrtruRed with no convolutions and di,1ha esinma rtrone channel. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 The canal discharges into the same nearshore zone neighboring anal, and the coartline protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or d,aactedrtially taps fixating seaweed. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 0 1 0 There are no knownissnes related m permttting or implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 3J panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 112 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 290 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate nd Organic Removal a Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,32 mg/L at 4 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Althoagh the threat of sea wee a loading is c—t—, ir[ing treatment measures have parcially mitigated the observed problem. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a sc e of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Theorganiclayerthid:ness was measure a at 1.02 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score f a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. ALLOrdngy, the presence of brown algae or blle�reen algae 5 3 15 The canal is lined entirely with concrete bulkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal was const—ld with no convolutions and discharges inm a channel with a strong current. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Several canals discharge into the same nearshore Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or ali t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t Oto-10 bed applied t that would havedeleterious effects withinthe haloor pro ec Ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projec s 3 1 3 onmemana the accumnlan—fseaweeaalon nVlthe aaiacent coastline is d,aactedrncofine ast t canals loation. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access has not been determined, there are All known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) a 1 q t3 parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 106 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 293 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 0,59 mg/L at S feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Fxi,ting treatment m easures nave pa Nly mitigated the observed seaweed loading problem. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measure a at 0.73 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score f a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. ALLOrdngy, the presence of brown algae or bue�reen algae 5 3 15 canal is entirely lined with concrete bulkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal was construRed without convolutions and discharges inma channel witba rtrong wrrent. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 3 1 3 The assesrea canal discharges inm the reme protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or nearehore:one as sevealaaational canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 9 1 9 All Although access hasnot been deter mined, thereare known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q t9 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 97 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 295 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 0,17mg/L at 3 feet below the water surface in the reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Existing measures nave assist"a in th—d-tion of seaweed loading. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TT"organiclay"rthickn"ss was measure a at 1.26 to"t. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 5 3 15 Th" anal is entirely lined wits, concrete b.Ikh"aas. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 9 2 18 A snort canal that was construRed without any onvolutionsana aisu,arg"s inma Wrong wrrent. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 Canal discharges into the same nearshore zone as "veal a aaitional anal, and the accumulation of protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or seaweed along m" coar[lin" is d,aaor"dsho. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 9 1 9 nhhough ac""ss hasnot been a" t"rmin"a,th"."are no on.issuesrelated top ql implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saaa"Is he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 105 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Key Canal Number 297 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 0,17mg/L at 3 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Existing measures nave assist"a in th—d-tion of seaweed loading. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TT"organiclay"rthickn"ss was measure a at 1.26 to"t. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 Th" dual is entirely lined with concrete bunch"ads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 9 2 18 The canal which was construRed without any convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 4 1 4 Canal discharges into the same nearshore zone as "veal a aaitional analsaua the accumulation of protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or seaweed along the coar[lin" is d,aaore iltic. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 9 1 9 Ahhough ac""ss hasnot been a" t"rmin"a,th"."are no known issuesrelated top ql implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 is Faa"Is he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 115 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 299 Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts, Pumping, Alternative (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Treatment, Not Required: Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 0,09 hi at 3 feet below a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a pro 5 5 25 water surface and turbidity was observed at 10,14 NTUs If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 5 5 25 canalrerelve, signiflant seaweed loads Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 5 5 25 Th—ir is layerthidcness t.s7feet data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is entirely lined whh �or,�ate seawalls should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 aeiativeiy rtaight anal that discharges ir,m channel protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 Surrounded by reveal nearby canals that discharge �nm the same area. Also, seaweed acwmuiates protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or along the coastline. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B No knawnissnes related m p11 ining;however, ess has not fully been determined difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) a 1 q zo parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 121 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 300 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Weed gate nd Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of problem and to the degree at which problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 0,09 mg/L at 3 feet below water surface and turbidity was observed at 10,14 NTUs in the reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading in the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Fxining a theannnal loaang. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Tbeorganic layerthidcness 1.23feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal is entirely lined wxh �on�ate seawalls should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 15 aeiah iyrtaight anal that discharges into drannel protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 Surrounded by reveal nearby canals that discharge mm the same area. Also, seaweed acwmulates protection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or along me coastline. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B or lcnawn issues related m permhting;however, ess has not fully been determined difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) a 1 q 20 parrels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 111 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Big Pine Canal Number 315-322 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 0,65 hi at 4 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 nainorseaweed loading Deserved during sit isit Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciaye hidcness was measured at 0.79 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Aithoagh tee cenai wa =.only lined with vegetation If a canal Is lined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 1 3 3 including red.angmves, mid: all mats were should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. obs ,dflo h.gi.the mnai. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 2 2 14 Heavily vegetated multi -fingered canal mat dismarges inma nrong manner. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 6 1 6 The mnai dismargesinto an area mat has only been aeveiopea. Prrotection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or parciaiiy earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 The signitiant presence of.angmves may omplicate permitting. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o zaa.eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 84 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Sugarloaf Key Canal Number 318 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,53 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 canalrereive, very minor seag—,loading. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measure a at 0.91 fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accord) ngly, the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 1 3 3 The densely vegetated canal has an accumalatiun of bluegreenalgae. If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) The developed canal was con D—d with Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or e 2 16 partially no convulntions and discharges dire-ly inma channeI with a s[mng current. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 Canal discharges into a nearshore zone that is mortl undeveloped and only receives inpu bs one protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or additional canal. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cos[, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing uti llties or 6 1 6 Theabnnaance of mangroves may impact permitting. difficulty ofaccess. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In lm plementation and 10 indicating relative ease oflm plementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 2Fareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 use rs(parcels) wou Id be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 inoicafes that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 66 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Summerland Key Canal Number 323 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,31 mg/L at 6 feet below the water's surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 Theorganiclaye,thickness was measured at 0.80 fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 1 3 3 The canal is densely vegehted and the,,ference canal eaaanacwmulation of elnegreenalgae. If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Although, the partially developed canal was Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 5 2 10 Red with no .nvolutit., and discharges dill'D into a channel with a-ong.,,,nt, tee protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. residents inRude.mme,aal fl—n—n. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or B 1 8 Ca nal discharges into a nearshore zone that is m tl undeveloped and only receives inputs Dr.one p otection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or additional canal. arshor Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 Thepresen,,of.mmerial flsherman may im ,t anal re to -ion activities. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) a 1 q is Parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 72 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Sugarloaf Key Canal Number 325 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,53 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface in reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 canalrereive, very minor seag—,loading. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data).score 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measure a at O.68 fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 1 3 3 The canal is densely vegetated and therefrrenre canal haaanaccmm�lation of binegreenalgae. ua canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) The developed canal was con D—d with Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 partially no convulnurn, and discharges dire-ly inma channeI with a s[mng current. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 6 1 6 Canal discharges into a nearshore zone that is mortl undeveloped and only receives i"i""bom one protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or additional canal. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cos[, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing uti llties or ] 1 ] Theabnnaance of mangroves may impact permitting. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In lm plementation and 10 indicating relative ease of lm plementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q vFareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 use rs(parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 inoicafes that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score ]3 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 345 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Nino.sea weed ioadine in the reference ce nai. Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter l indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Theorganiciayerthidcness was measured at 1.08 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined witha�on�ret, hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no cenvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 Thecanaidisd,argesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Aithoaeh access has not peen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 is aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score BB Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 349 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthidcuess was measured at 1.12 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The ceuaiis eutireiy lined witnaconcrete bulkhead. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no eou�oiutious. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 TTecanaidischargesintauearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous ceuais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not peen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 14 aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score BB Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 353 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthidcness was measured at 1.19 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined witha�on�ret, bwkhead. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 TTecanaidischargesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not peen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q lz aareeis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score BB Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 354 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weeds —and Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthidcness was measured at 1.03 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiisentirely lined witha�on�ret, hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 TTecanaidischargesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not peen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 7aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 84 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 357 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthidcness was measured at 1.07 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined witha�on�ret, bwkhead. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 TTecanaidischargesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not peen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saareeis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 84 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 359 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed ioadine Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickness was measured at 0.88 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined wimaconcret, hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 Thecanaidisd,argesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Aithoneh access has not heen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 74 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 362 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surface in the reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed ioadine Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickness was measured at 0.84 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined wimaconcrete hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 Thecanaidisd,argesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Aithoneh access has not heen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9aar<e1, The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 74 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 364 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed ioadine Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickness was measured at 1.48 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined wimaconcret, hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 Thecanaidisd,argesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Aithoneh access has not heen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 13 aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score ]B Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 367 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickness was measured at 0.53 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined wimaconcret, hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 Thecanaidischargesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not heen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q is aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score ]B Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 369 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weedgate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,23 mg/L at S feet below the water surfae in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickness was measured at 0.61 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination ofeither rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward.Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 5 3 15 The cenaiis entirely lined wimaconcret, hwi:head. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 2 2 14 The short canal was con D—d with no mnvoiutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or althe halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 Thecanaidischargesintanearshore environment matreceives loading from numerous cenais. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not heen determined, there are known issues related t implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 21 aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score ]B Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 371 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Culvert, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,13 mg/L at 10 feet below the water surface in reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Resident mtedthat the loading wasseasonal in reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter i indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measured at 0.53 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 canal is lined wxh numerous mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 Although it is extremely deep, the canal is short with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or q 1 4 The mouthof the canal discharges into an area that in dore the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects �s proximitymsevealaaiacent canals earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 Permitting and mitigation regwrementsassociated mangrove difficult faccess. Scoring from 0to+10, with O indicating significant difficulties In implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. y o granges g signi p g re p Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q tt panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 94 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 372 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Culvert, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,13 hi at 10 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Resident mteathat me loading wasseasonal. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measure a at 0.55 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 canal is lined wxh numerous mangroves. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 the canal is short and was construRed with no convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or q 1 4 The mouthof the canal aikharges inm an area that in dore the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects �s pmximitymsevealaaiacent canals earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 Permitting and mitigation requirememsassociatea mangrove y o granges g signi p g re p difficult faccess. Scoring from 0to+10, with O indicating significant difficulties In implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 0 9Far�els The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 90 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Canal Number 373 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate nd Organic Removal a Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,37mg/L at 3 feet below the surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 obsereea buildup of seaweed uearthe rear ofthe cauai. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthiacness was measure a at 1.6z fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae q 3 12 TTecauaiismostly lined with concrete bulkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal was const—ld with no convolutions and aisrar ages in the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or all t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous L Oto-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 The mnai aisu,argesiumauearshore environment th. ivesinputs from neighboring cauK earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. All here are Ahhoughacress hasuot dt determined, tility. known issues related to implementability. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 11 aareeis he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score W Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 374 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Culvert, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,13 mg/L at 10 feet below the water surface in reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Resident mte t the loading wasseasonai in reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter i ndlcated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclaye hia:ness was measure a at 0.54 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 2 3 6 canal ispa Nly iinea with mangroves. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 Ti,e canal is In with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The mouthof the canal aikharges loth an area that in dore the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects �s proximitymsevealaaiacent canals earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 Fermrung and mitigation regwrementsassociatea mangrove y o granges g signi p g re p difficult faccess. Scoring from 0to+10, with O indicating significant difficulties In implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 tt aar�eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 02 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Canal Number 375 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate nd Organic Removal a Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,37mg/L at 3 feet below the surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 obsereea buildup of seaweed uearthe rear ofthe cauai. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthiacness was measure a at 2.03 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae q 3 12 TTecauaiismostly lined with concrete bulkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal was const—ld with no convolutions and aisrar ages in the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or all t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous L Oto-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 The mnai aisu,argesiumauearshore environment th. ivesinputs from neighboring cauK earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. All here are Ahhoughacress hasuot dt determined, tility. known issues related to implementability. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q is aareeis he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score W Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 376 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Culvert, Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,13 mg/L at 10 feet below the water surface in reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Resident mteathat the loading wasseasonai in reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter l ndlcated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganic yerthickness was measure a at 0.74 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 canal is lined wxh numerous mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal is In with no convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 4 1 4 The mouthof the canal aikharges into an area that in dore the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects �s proximitymsevealaaiacent canals earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 Fermrung and mitigation regwrementsassociatea mangrove y o granges g signi p g re p difficult faccess. Scoring from 0to+10, with O indicating significant difficulties In implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 14 aar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 95 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Key Canal Number 377 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO measured at 1,13 mg/L at 10 feet below the water surface in reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 3 5 15 Resident mtedthat the loading wasseasonal in reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter l indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measured at 0.89 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 3 3 9 canal is lined wxh numerous mangroves should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 Although it is extremely deep, the canal is short with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) alesfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or q 1 4 The mouthof the canal discharges into an area that in dore the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous t 0to-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the halo or Protecton In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects �s proximitymsevealaaiacent canals earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 6 1 6 Permitting and mitigation regwrementsassociated mangrove difficult faccess. Scoring from 0to+10, with O indicating significant difficulties In implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. y o granges g signi p g re p Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q t6 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 94 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Canal Number 378 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate nd Organic Removal a Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,37mg/L at 3 feet below the surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 observed buildup of seaweed uearthe rear ofthe cauai. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiciayerthiacness was measure a at 2.19 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a cold bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 2 3 6 TTe mnai is mostly vegetated wits, mangroves. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or e 2 16 The canal was const—ld with no convolutions and aisrar ages in the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or all t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous L Oto-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 The mnai aisu,argesiumauearshore environment mat receives in puts from neighboring canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 8 difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. All here are Ahhoughacress hasuot dt determined, tility. known issues related to implementability. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q vaar,eis he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 91 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Cudjoe Canal Number 380 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfill Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,37mg/L at 3 feet below the surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 observed buildup of seaweed uearthe rear ofthe cauai. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickness was measure a at 0.53 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 1 3 3 The mnai is mostly vegeatea. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or e 2 16 The canal was const—ld with no convolutions and aisrar ages in the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) esfrom Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or all t the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous L Oto-10 bed applied t that would have deleterious effects within the haloor pro ec ion In gous negative scores ( )can pp le projects 2 1 2 The mnai aisu,argesiumauearshore environment that receives in puts from neighboring canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B All Although access has not been determined, there are known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefh (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 q 14 aaReis he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 78 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Sugarloaf (Lower) Canal Number 384 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culverts, culvert Maintenance Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,82 mg/L at 2 feet below the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 1 5 5 Minor seaweed loading observed. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 Ti,eorganiclaye hid:ness was measured at t.ts fret Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. topical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Almoagh the anal is loafed adiaeentm US 1, the If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue ,teen algae 1 3 3 anal,y,mm is almone entirely lined with should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. mangroves. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) The existing problem appears di—ly related to the Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/Or 2 2 14 buildup of organic matterand reduced flushing assonated with the buildup of vegetation at the protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. culverc.. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) Values from 0to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 There are numerous anal, that di,charge inm the protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or near,hore envo-onment. earshore zone. Constraints 5)Project "implementability"(scored from 0-10) Although there are numerous mangroves within the This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 ea,alre moaiflation ofine exiting treatment may —M in the implementability of the difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to +10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties in implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. pmlett. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 2s Farrel, The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 use rs(parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 86 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Sugarloaf (Lower Sugarloaf) Canal Number 388 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Culvert Maintenance, Alternative Treatment Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 3.04 at 2 feet below the water surface If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed load) ng l n the assessed canals. 0 5 0 No Deserved seaweed issues Canals that receive seasonal load) ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and 1.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 0 Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae g 3 0 onside of th. anal is lined with mangroves while the islin.a ewl:h.aas If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. om.rsm. with concrete observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 Enhancing .xild 9 culvert should improve flow but the canali, oddly shaped protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 Th. surrounding c ,dine is heavily developed protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 present. of mangroves may require mitigation and additional permitting requirements difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 24 parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 48 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Saddlebunch Keys Canal Number 433 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended Technology: Culvert Maintenance nd Organic Removal Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,48 mg/L in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter Indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTe.rga.iclayerthick.ess was measure a at 1.04 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality(scored from Oto+S) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (6 uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score up canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue-green algae 4 3 12 Alm..gh me m 11,a .,fly ...I ea,vege tea should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for l mprovement and/or 6 2 12 The long and narrow canal was con D—d with no c.nv.lutl.n,. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 Theca.al aisdrarges i.m the nearshore.... at tw l.ati.ns. Prrotection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or sepaate earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, the This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B prese.re.f an exini.g treatment measure should difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. r.�.�r.aethe aifnwhy in permltti.g the pr.ie.t. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 76 panels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score B6 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Saddlebunch Keys Canal Number 435 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended Technology: Culvert Maintenance nd Organic Removal a Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,48 mg/L in thereference canal in reference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not Deserved in reference ceuai Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerthickne„wa, measured at 0.56 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics ofthe assessed canal. (Guidance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score Ifa canal is lined withacombination of either rip rap, concrete sea wallsor downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blueseen algae 4 3 12 Thecauaii, mo,tiy lined with �uu�rete Bulkhead,. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canaseels that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive e of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or B 2 16 The short canal was const—ld with no eunvoiution,. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or Prrotection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 3 1 3 Thecanaidi,charge, inmtheuear,horezone that rece.ve, input, firm ueigheodug ceu K earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B Although access has not Been determined, there are All known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 2 1 2 76 aar<ei, he public benefit criterion is related tothe numberof users affected bythe proposed project.Avalue ofO means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 76 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 456 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a pro odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet below the water surface in the reference If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, canal. or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minor seaweed observedacwmulating in the reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter i ndlcated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measured at 0.82 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 4 3 12 canal is mostly lined with concrete bwkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 shore canal with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 4 1 4 the canal dischargesinto an area that receives in put from numerous canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access hasnot been determined, thereare known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating re lative ease of l m pie mentation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score B6 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 458 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a pro odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet below the water surface in the reference If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, canal. or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minor seaweed observedacwmulating in the reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter i ndlcated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 Theorganiclayerthickness was measured at 0.47 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 4 3 12 canal is mostly lined with concrete bwkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 shore canal with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 4 1 4 the canal dischargesinto an area that receives in put from numerous canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or e 1 B All Although access hasnot been determined, thereare known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating re lative ease of l m pie mentation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 71 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 459 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofa problem and to the de at problem exists. pro degree a pro odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet below the water surface in the reference If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, canal. or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minor seaweed observedacwmulating in the reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a e of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter i ndlcated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayerthickness was measured at 0.56 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is Ined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 4 3 12 canal is mostly lined with concrete bwkheads. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or 6 2 12 shore canal with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 4 1 4 the canal dischargesinto an area that receives in put from numerous canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access hasnot been determined, thereare known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating re lative ease of l m pie mentation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o JFareels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score B6 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 465 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or a problem and to the de at problem exists. absence ofpro degree a pro odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet below the water surface in the reference If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, canal. or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the pote ntial entry of seaweed loadi ng i n the assessed canals. 2 5 10 Minor seaweed oeserveaacwmuiating in the reference canal. Canals that receive seasonal loadi ng shou Id receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. prese nce of accu m u lated organic matter i indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiciaye hiacness was measure a at 0.51 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 1 3 3 canal is pa NIyvegetated with red mangroves and aisu,argesinma island. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. mangrove observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 shore canal with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 6 1 6 the canal aisu,argesatreaiy inma mangrove isiana. protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not peen determined, there are known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saar<eis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 70 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 466 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, Culverts Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet belowthe water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 2 5 10 INinorseaweea observed accumulating in the canal. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 5 5 25 TTeorganiclaye hickness was measure a at 0.82 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. downward. According ly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal o 3 o The canal lined almon entirely with mangroves and coura�uesuumemus uatualfrathres. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 4 2 B Oddly shaped canal was construRed with 2 fingers and mwtiple couvolutious. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or Prrotection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or 4 1 4 The canal rnucture aisu,arges ium an area that receives iuputsfiom numerous canals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 5 1 5 Thee#eusive uatualfeatures ofthe canal synem may make permitting dil difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 3s aarcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 81 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 467 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofpro degree a pro a problem and to the de at problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet below the water surface in the reference If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, canal. or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 seaweed loading Deserved on aerial prom. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 Theorganiclaye hickness was measured at 0.37 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 1 3 3 canal is pa NIyvegetated with red mangroves and aisd,argesinma island. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. mangrove observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 shore meal with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 2 1 7 The canaldischarges dire Iyintoa mangrove island. Also, there may ee seagrzsses loczted directly p otection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or outside the canal. arshor Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B All Although access has not Been determined, there are known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 to parcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 74 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 468 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A) Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence ofpro degree a pro a problem and to the de at problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 5 5 25 DO was measured at 1,74 mg/L at a depth of 5 feet below the water surface in the reference If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/Land 4mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, canal. or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 18) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 3 5 15 seaweed loading Deserved on aerial prom. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a score of 3. presence of accumulated organic matter indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 0 5 0 Theorganiclaye hickness was measured at 0.49 fret. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal Is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 1 3 3 canal is pa NIyvegetated with red mangroves and aisd,argesinma island. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. mangrove observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 shore meal with no convolutions protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide improvement and/or 2 1 ] The canaldischarges dire Iyintoa mangrove island. Also, there may ee seagrzsses loczted directly p otection in the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or outside the canal. arshor Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 8 1 B All Although access has not Been determined, there are known issues related to implementability. difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Oindicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 0 1 o saaroels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 70 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 470 Recommended: Backfilliing, Culverts (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO was measured at 2.9 mg/L at 10 feet below absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 the water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 1B) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0 to +5) Scoring Is based on the Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a score of 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 0 5 0 seaweed loading not observed. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on thence Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 0 5 0 The organiclayerwas measured at O.as feet. data).score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae 2 3 G canal is lined wltha combination of concrete bwkheaasanamangmves. should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receivescoreof3. observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) The canal was -It, with multiple fingers and Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 5 2 1. convolutions. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 3 1 3 The impact of meincreasea on tiaalflasl, on me has been determined. protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or nearshore zone not earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although one side of the canal is lined with This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 mangmvesand access l—, beendetermined, there_- ­ i here are no additional ssues known related to difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from Oto+lO, with Olndlcating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of Implementation. implementability. Benefit 61 Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 94 aarcels The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 51 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 472 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration a Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing, nd Culvert Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,13 mg/L in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 4 5 20 ob—d seaweed wad: problem withi.th,ce I. seaweed isespeaproblem inure summer Dour= I. in ththe reference cenai. Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scor ng is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a sc oreof 3. presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Theorganiclayer,w, measure a at 0.86 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score ua canal is lined with a combination of either rip rap, concrete sea walls or bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receiv eof3. downward. Accordingly,the presence of brown algae or blue green algae should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal 5 3 15 canal lined whh �on�rete sea,wiisana observed presence ofbmwn maom�igae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal was construRed with no convolutions and aisl,arges into the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 Aiargeportionofthe surrounding �oaniine is protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or uninhabited arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there are This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B wrrentiy no known issues related to difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. impiemenrabiiity. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 21P-111 The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 100 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 474 Recommended: Weed gate nd Backfilliing a (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 2,13 mg/L in thereference absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the observed seaweeawradcp1.bI1m tbinthecanai Canalsthat receiveseasonal loadingshould receive a scoreof3. potential entryofseaweed loading in the assessed canals. 4 5 20 espeaaiiy in mesnmmermonmsin me reference anal. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layerthlckness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from Oto+S) Scoringls based onthe Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a presence ofaccumulated organic matter (as indicated bythe 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 Theorganiciayerwas measure a at 0.86 feet data). sc e of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal iinea wxb �on�rete seawaiisana presence of brown should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. maom�igae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canalsthat are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 The canal was construRed with no convolutions and aisl,arges into the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 Aiargeportionoftbe surrounding �oaniine is protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or uninhabited arshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Alt6oug6 access has not been determined, there are This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B wrrentiy no known issues related to difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. impiemenrabiiity. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 21P-111 The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 100 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 475 Recommended: Weed gate, Excavation, Backfilliing (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. DO measured at 2,13 hi at 7 feet below the absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. 3 5 15 water surface. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the ob—dseaweed wad: problem withinme canal Canals that receive seasonal loading should receive a scoreof 3. potential entry of seaweed loading In the assessed canals. 4 5 20 espedany in the summer months Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layer thickness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a presence of accumulated organic matter (as indicated by the 20f36athymetric 3 5 15 TTeorganiciayerwas measure a at 0.52 feet data). score of 3. Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score If a canal Is lined with a coin bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 canal lined with concrete seawaiisana presenre of brown should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. maoro�igae observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water Canals that are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive quality characteristics.) score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Although canal has multiple fingersand convolutions Scoring values from Oto+S represent low to moderate potential, while valuesfrom+6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for Improvement and/or 6 2 12 the presence otou`aweed appearsto be the main ce of impairment protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 Aiargep-ionofth. surrounding e aline is uninhabited protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or 2 1 2 Aithonghryrtress has not been determined, there are enllY no known permitting issues difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating re lative ease of implementation. Benefit ii Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 10 1 10 93 pameis The public benefit criterion is related to the number of users affected by the proposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. overall Score 101 Scoring Criteria for Potential Keys Canal Restoration Sites Area Name Geiger Key Canal Number 476 (For a criterion that cannot be scored due to a lack of relevant information, a value of zero will be assigned) Potential Restoration Recommended: Weed gate, Organic Removal, Backfilliing Technologies Severity of Problem Score Weighting Factor Total Score Comments If there Is no observed Issue associated with the degradation of water quality, the canal should receive a score of 0. If no problem exists proceed to Criteria No. 2. If dissolved oxygen (DO) is measured in excess of 4mg/L, there is no observed 1A)Water Quality (scored from 0 to+5) Scoring is based upon the presence or absence of a problem and to the degree at which a problem exists. odor, and turbidity is below 1 NTU's, the canal should be scored a 0. 3 5 15 DO measured at 2,13 mg/L in thereference canal. If either DO Is measured between 2 mg/L and 4 mg/L, there Is a noticable odor, or turbidity Is between 1 and 3 NTU's the canal should receive a score of 3. If DO is measured less than 2 mg/L or turbidity exceeds 3 NTU's, the canal should receive a score of 5. Canals that do not receive seaweed loads should receive a score of 0. 113) Organic Matter Loading (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the potential entryofseaweed loading in the assessed canals. 4 5 20 observed seaweeawadcpmblemwhhintheanal especially in mesummermonmsin me reference anal. Canalsthat receiveseasonal loadingshould receive a scoreof3. Canals that receive continuous Inputs of seaweed should be scored a 5. Measured organic layerthlckness less 0.5 feet should receive a score of 0 1C) Organics Mater Accumulation(scored from Oto+S) Scoringls based onthe Measured organic layerthlckness between 0.5 and l.Ofeet should receive a sc e of 3. presence ofaccumulated organic matter (as indicated bythe 20f36athymetric data). 3 5 15 Tbeomaniclayer,w, measure a at O.65 feet Measured organic layer thickness greater than 1.0 foot should receive a score of 5 Habitat Quality 2) Habitat Quality (scored from 0to+5) Scoring is based on the habitat Canals that are predominantly lined with natural features (i.e. mangroves or characteristics oft heassessed canal. (G uldance: the observed presence of vegetated banks) should be scored a 0. tropical fish life within a stabilized canal can be utilized to adjust the score canal lined with conaetebalkheaas-di, ence of If a canal Is lined with a com bination of either rip rap, concrete seawalls or downward. Accordingly, the presence of brown algae or blue seen algae 5 3 15 brown macmalgae was observed in the reference should be used toadjust the score upward. Additional flora and faunal bulkheads, and natural features, the canal should receive score of3. canal observations should be used In the scoring process based on their known water quality characteristics.) Canalsthat are lined entirely with concrete seawalls or bulkheads should receive score of 5. Potential for Achievement 3) Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat quality within the project canal (scored from -10 to+10) Scoring values from 0 to+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from+6 to+10 represent above -average to high potential, for improvement and/or B 2 16 Theshort canal was con D—d with no convolutions and aisa,argesinm the ocean. protection within the project canal. Analogous negative scores (0 to-10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the project canal. Supplemental Benefits Potential to provide improvement and/or protection in water, sediment or habitat qualitywithin the halo or nearshore zone (scored from -10 to+10) ValuesfromOto+5 represent low to moderate potential, while values from +6to+10 represent above -average to high potential, to provide Improvement and/or 2 1 2 the anal aisu,arges into the same nearshore zone protection In the halo or nearshore zone. Analogous negative scores (0 to -10) can be applied for projects that would have deleterious effects within the halo or as reveal aaational anals. earshore zone. Constraints 5) Project "implementability" (scored from 0-10) Although access has not been determined, there are This criterion accounts for factors such as cost, complexity of permitting Issues, mitigation requirements, and potential complications with existing utilities or B 1 B currently no known issues related to difficulty of access. Scoring ranges from 0 to+10, with 0 indicating significant difficulties In Implementation and 10 indicating relative ease of implementation. implementability. Benefit 6) Public benefit (scored from 0 to 10) 4 1 4 12 parrels he public benefitcriterion is related to the number of users affect edbytheproposed project. A value of 0 means 0-9 users (parcels) would be positively affected by the project, a value of+4 means 10-44 users would be positively affected by the project, a value of+7 means 45-79 users would be positively affected by the project, +10 indicates that 80 or more users would be positively affected. Overall Score 100 Canal Management Master Plan (CMMP) AMEC Environment & Infrastructure, Inc. Project Number 6783-12-2465 September 20, 2013 ATTACHED CD GOOGLE EARTH PRO CANAL LAYER GIS SHAPE FILES CANAL ATTRIBUTE TABLE (EXCEL) ARCGIS MAP FILE