2nd Task Order No. 2 09/21/2018 TASK ORDER#2
This Task Order No. 2 is entered into on !4''' , 2018, in accordance with the
Continuing Contract for Oa Call Professional Engineering Services for sea level rise
made and entered on the 12th day of April, 2017 and Amendment No.1 dated June 20th,
2018 between Monroe County, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and
CONSULTANT Environment& Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. hereinafter referred to as
"Consultant" where design services are allowed if construction costs do not exceed
MI terms end conditions of the referenced Contract for On Call Professional En
Services apply)* *e Task Order, unless the Task Order modifies an Article of the
Agreement of which will be specifically referenced in this Task Order end the
modification shall be precisely described.
WHEREAS, (County staff, with aCONSULTANT's assistance, prepared a :_
(application to FDEP for vain- :.itit ysie of theWiliarrY_HardsT4r in the
amount of $30,000 of grant funds, with $0 local match, and submitted the grant
application to DEP;and
WHEREAS, the COUNTY has received grant agreement No, CM919 from DEP to
conduct a vulnerability assessment at Harry Harris Park;and
( ', CONSULTANT will conduct a vulnerabili anal ' ,for„ Harris
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants and
agreements stated herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency
of which is hereby acknowledged,COUNTY and CONSULT ANT agree as follows:
1.This Task Order is effective September 19,2018 and shall expire June 30,2019.
2.The CONSULTANT shall conduct the following in accordance with the scope of work
below and also in accordance with DEP Grant Agreement No. CM 919 attached as
Exhibit B.
A.Article II Scope of Basic Services,Paragraph 2.1.1 Is amended as follows:
The scope of work will include the completion of a vulnerability assessment at the Harry
Harris Park owned and maintained by Monroe County. Harry Hauls Park is a place to
spend the day at the ocean. The beach, not open to the ocean, Is a tidal pool safer for
children.The basketball courts,Kiddie playground,pavilions and BBQ grills are close to
restrooms and parking. Two softball fields host local teams. One of the most popular
features in this park is its deep water easy access boat ramp.Maximum length for Vehicle
plus trailer cannot exceed 45'.There are 15 parking spaces for vehicles with trailers for day
parking only and this feature is heavily utilized by Park visitors. This assessment will
proactively develop adaptation strategies to enhance the County's investment in an
important State goal the preservation and enhancement of public access in Plorida. This
analysis furthers the work of the County's Suatainability and Climate Plan ongoing under
the GreenKeys plan which sets forth recommendations to plan appropriate uses and
adaptation measures for areas.
Task 1:Data Collection and Project Management
Task Description: The goal is to gather data consistent with the public use for the Harry
Harris Park, examining the vulnerability of the existing boat ramp and associated public
use facilities such as playground, docks, and baseball fields, and planning for potential
improvements such as the implementation of green infrastructure to capture stormwater and
account for rising sea levels. CONSULTANT will evaluate die available existing data
which includes:
1. Previous sea level rise modelling from the COUNTY's GreenKeys Plan
2. Review of the County's Local Mitigation Strategy to the extent applicable
3. CONSULTANT will also account for related impacts to the Park such as flooding
associated with intense rainfall and high wind events based on an agreed upon set
of scenarios consistent with other climate planning work undertaken by the County
4. Building,sea wall and property elevations such as elevation certificates
5. Plans,renderings,drawings or surveys of recent construction at the site
6. Other relevant similar waterfront projects and best practices from same
This Task will also include the development of a list of available reference data for the site
and previous modelling front the Green Keys Plan to create a more detailed site specific
analytical strategy for future flood risk from sea level rise and storm surge & a "Gap
Memorandum". The Gap Memorandum will identify available and needed data sources to
complete a full vulnerability analysis for the site with project management discussion to
determine if needed data 1s available and how to close any identified discrepancies.
CONSULTANT will develop the Gap Memorandum, conduct a kick-off meeting, stake
holder meeting,and two Board of County Commissioners(BOCC)meetings to discuss the
Draft and Final Vulnerability Analysis. Some of these presentations will extend beyond
Task 1. CONSULTANT will also participate in bi-weakly calls with the COUNTY to
discuss the project and provide schedule updates. CONSULTANT will utilize a
subcontractor, lain L Deady, P.A., for support with project management, approach,
analysis and meetings.
Task 2;Vulnerability Characterization/Analysis
Task Description:CONSULTANT will define the future vulnerability to sea level rise of
the Hatay Harris Park as well as adaptation alternatives(related to existing and proposed
site improvements)to proactively promote the resilience and storm surge of the site and its
use in perpetuity as a public facility with recreational boat access use.CONSULTANT will
prepare a draft vulnerability approach utilizing the existing data identified in the Gap
Memorandum from Task 1 above.CONSULTANT will analyze various flooding scenarios
based on percentage of risk from sea level rise and storm surge. CONSULTANT will
present the draft vulnerability approach to the COUNTY via an in person meeting so that
the COUNTY is in agreement about data to be used and generated for the project in line
with agreed upon sea level rise and storm surge scenarios. Updates to key stakeholders and
the County Commission will also be provided.
The analysis output will include:
A. Flood impacts based on level of flood inundation and duration(level in inches of
impacts and days of impact)from sea level rise end storm surge. Potential
adaptation and response strategies related to proposed site improvements—
identification of a set of potential alternative strategies that could reduce or
eliminate damage to the existing or planned facilities such as:
I) adaptation strategies for existing public park operations and facilities(e.g.,
2) seawall,dock and boat ramp impacts
3) pros and cons of strategies
4) location of natural shoreline protection
5) implementation pathways for strategies such as any code or design
6) cost and funding strategies for adaptation measures
Task 3:Final Vulnerability Analysis
Task Description: CONSULTANT will utilize information generated in previous tasks
to develop a Final Vulnerability Analysis for the Harry Harris Park related to existing and
proposed site improvements with recommendations for potential site considerations and
adaptation measures to sea level rise impacts and stoma surge. CONSULTANT will
include project alternatives such as building specific measures to reduce flood risk,
seawall,boat ramp,and dock refinements as specific intervals to avoid loss of use of the
site and recommendations for natural shoreline protection. CONSULTANT will prepare
a cost analysis utilizing the approved measures for adaptation/resiliency identified in the
Final Vulnerability Analysis.CONSULTANT will prepare a repetitive loss analysis from
not implementing the approved measures identified in the Final Vulnerability Analysis.
CONSULTANT will also leverage return on investment and best practices work into the
3.Article VII,Paragraph 7.1.1 Is amended to Include the following:
'The Consultant shall be paid the below fee on a lump sum basis for the services described
Task 1-Data Collection and Prgject Management $ 11,200.00
1. An electronic copy of the kick off meeting minutes. stake :holder meeting
minutes,BOCC presentations and meeting minutes(throughout project duration).
2. An electronic copy of the Clap Memorandum which will identify available and
needed data sources to complete a full vulnerability analysis for the site with
project management discussion to determine if needed data is available and how
to close any identified discrepancies.
Due Date:September 30,2018.
Task 2-Vulnerability C2lara Mention/Analysis $ 12,200.00
I.An electronic copy of the approach and draft vulnerability analysis which will
discuss the adaptation strategies for the park along with funding analysis.
2.An electronic copy of the Stakeholder Meeting(with minutes and presentation)
3. An electronic copy of the Presentation on Draft Vulnerability Analysis to
Board of County Commissioners and minutes.
Due Date:January 31.2019.
Task 3-Final Vulnerability Analysis LUSE
1. An electronic copy of the Final Vulnerability Analysis Report that will
characterize future Impacts under various sea level rise scenarios over future
planning horizons with storm surge, in tams of level of inundation and duration
of impacts,adaptation measures or site criteria for future uses,economic costs of
alternatives, any design considerations, funding recommendations and potential
damages without adaptation measures.An Executive Summary will be included.
2.An electronic copy of the Presentation on Final Vulnerability Analysis to Board
of County Commissioners and minutes.
Due Date:May 31.2019
Total(not to exceed) $ 30,000.00
IN WITNESS WHEREOF•each party caused the Task Order to be executed by its duly
authorized representative.
WOOD ENVIItONMENT �► Notny pink-SW,a Ronda
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Office Manager
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