Task Order No. 07/DSR No. 2 02/01/2019Page I of 2 Mf NROE (:COUNTY HURRICANE IR A EWP - fJ1:BRIS REMOVAL, February �11, 20N, J�%j III I III,,, �--NVIR IN vff c�h pa� 1'y caused the I der tc) be execut�,-,cf by 4s ckq M Wffr'R Adventy re E ,;,nvirr)in " By By: Dale Date WOOD ENWRONI,\NENT AND W F'R AS 1"RUCTURE SOLtrnONS, INC. By� 01128Y20119 Date MONROE COtJNTY [XREG� OR SLISTAINABILITY AND PROJECIrS 5)/nda Ha MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE COUNI'Y ADIWINSTRXrOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: Digitally signed by Cynthia L. Hall DN: cn=Cynthia L. Hall, RomFfll Gastesh Date o=Monroe County 130CC, ou, email=hall- cynthia@monroecounty-fl.gov, c=US Date: 2019.02.13 09:10:19 -05'00' P,i,,qc 2 nS 2 11 dP JtiJ) jju ''.. Ill ill �14, 'M � �,� 1.. Ir I F, 1�111 ''Irr A. Aesponse Time The Contractor proposes the following time frames in which services can be provided without unwarrant delay or interference, The Contractor will mobilize the appropiriate number of personnel and equipmel crews as required immediately upon an agreed to timeframe with Monroe County,. The Contractor participate in a kick-off meeting with the County Debris Manager and other agencies as necessary prudent, prior to mobatioln. The Contractor will begin mobilization of equipment, operators, and labore immediately upon receipt of a Task Order Notice to Proceed and an agreed upon :start time that shafl me - all requirements of the County. B. Proiect Mobzation Team The Contractor staff will establish the site location(s) in the disaster area for the temporary field office, off loading or staging sites,, and TOILS (Temporary Off loading Sites)/TDMA (Temporary Debris Management Area) asagreed and approved by the County. C�. Measurement Prior to beginning the debris removal phase, trucks and trailers used for the purpose of transporting debrls will be measured by the Monitoring: firm. The Contractor will provide appropriate measurement farms as specified by the County. �D. Compliance Measures The Contractors Safety Officer or its Operations Manager will conduct a safety briefing and safety equipment check prior to equipment operation to ensure compliance with the Corporate Accident Prevention Plan. E. Quality Assurance and Monitoring The Contractor will provide daily canal grid projections to the County showing where work crews will be located. The Monitoring firm will verify and document productivity and safety compliance, Other personnel from Federal and State Agencies may observe contractor crews at work and provide their input, concerning quality, efficiency, effectiveness and completeness of the work in progress. 477*1573 -,IM 7 T71-9=, # : p, vl I", F-trie-ofle-r-f- wri, or 477F= adequate to ensure the debris has been removed from the canais. I 01.111 mo . . UNKOXIMUMINS' WWW4105WORSAR 11 "I'll I colored placards provided by the Contractor and a Company logo. M%ld"lir, 1 11111 1 1 A IN 'M 1 1 P (�:) effective operation as possible. All construction and demolition materials will be sized using heavy equipment to erI maximum loading and safe transport of materials. This operation specifically entails the recovery and removal (pick-up and hauling) of all eligible debris from the TOLS to TDIVIA sites and then directly to a final disposal site. The equipmentand personnel utilized for each operational phase will vary by the, type, quantity and', location and proposed disposal and/or reduction ryiethod of the debris. In all operations, regardless of type of debris, appropriate personal protective equipment for personnel is critical and will be employed. 4 1,0 MA W Awl A will then be transferred to final disposal sites. The Contractor will/may mobilize barges and additional small watercraft from existing marinas and public/private access points. In areas of shallow water depths and tidal movement, we propose to use smaller watercrafts that are configured to work in these draft environments. Manne debris shall be removed, handled, transported, and disposed of in accordance with best practices, and all applicable federal, state and local laws and codes, 1. GENERAL DEBRIS REMOVAL:,BMPs There are a number of general BMPs that should be employed for debris removal projects regardless of specific access or removal methods. 0 Avoid collisions and contact with all wildlife. Report sigdeand marine mammals, and distressed or dead birds, sharks, rays, and marine mammals to the appropriate State or Federal agency. 0 All removal operations should!, take place during daylight hours. Night operations may require establishment of additional location specific BMPs in consultation with resource agencies and landowners. . Avoid all bird and turtle nesting or aggregation areas or marine mammal haul -out locations, 0 Ensure no nesting: birds are adjacent to debris, in the footpdnt of vehicle traffic, or in the path of debris to be removed by dragging, 131� To limit disturbance to birds and other sensitive wetland and intertidal -associated species, work crews should efficient time frame. Equipment and personnel should work as closely together as is feasible during recove operations to minimize disturbance, rather than spread across the entire site. Avoid all unnecessary contact with wetland vegetation or soils on foot or by vehicle in transit to and from deb removal site. Use established pre-existing access/egiress routes where feasible such as p;re�existing roads, pat�hs, trails waterways. It pre-lexisting access/egress routes do not exist, it may be necessary to establish tempo ac:cess/egress corridors to provide guidance and rninimize traffic in wetlands and other sensitive habitats du clean-up operations. 2 1 Pa g e a Historic artifacts of any type (e.g., pot shards, arrowheads, ship timbers, and bottles) should not be collected and should be reported to the approphate agency. 0 Staging areas for sorting or storing recovered deb�s should not be located in wetlands or intertidal areas it possible. Remove all equipment and materials deployed to facilitate debris removal operations at conclusion of operations. The Contractor shall follow all applicable local, state, and Federal documents for IVIPs as well as the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Best Management Practices For Vessel, Aircraft, and Debris Recovery and Removal Operations dated April 2018. J. TOLs/TDMAs OPERATIONS The Contractor and Monitoring firm shall keep records of the amount and: type of waste, received, waste sent off -site for disposal or recycling, and waste left on -site. Such records are required for demonstrating that the management site has been operated in accordance with applicable regulations and orders. These records should be kept at a location designated by the site manager and made available for review by County staff upon request. Management sites should have: Storm -water controls, such as silt fences, to prevent discharge of contaminated runoff into water bodies where Such discharge may cause violations of County standards (example: turbidity); Some method to control the offsite migration of dust, wood chips or other debris residuals from vehicular traffic and from the handling of debris and ash; Some type of access control to prevent unauthorized dumping and scavenging; and, 0 Spotters to correctly identify and, segregate waste types for appropriate disposal Ali reasonable steps must be taken to minimize the release of: contaminants from the disaster debris at the management site. If contaminants are released into the environment, the eintlty operating the management site must take immediate steps to contain the release and inotify the County within 24 hours. 11 111"Nol MUMMIES[ stir -toll Mbl.3126!,mt7wilillilLoLwir;w�&&'-JVatulKiw *f the material, fhe County recommends the following guidelines for managing the volume reduced material: In accordance with National Fire Protection Association, mulch and chip piles should not exceed 18 feet in height, 50 feet in width, and 350 feet in length, Piles should be subdivided by fire lanes having at least 25 feet of clear space at the base around each pile. These piles should not be compacted. 3 1 P a g e • Smoking should only be allowed in designated areas well away from the combustible material. • Possible uses of the size reduced material include. (1) a soil amendment where it is disked into the soil or mixed with potting soil; (2) as mulch for weed ; tention, soil temperature control, erosion control, or slope stabilizabon; (3) fuel-, (4) feedstock for compostingi operations; (5) animal bedding material; and (6) pulp wood. • Use of the size reduced material as a soil amendment must be at normally accepted agronomic rates as determined by industry practice. Recommendations, for appropriate application rates by the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences3 (IFAS) may be used, and can be obtained from the local IFAS Agricultural Extension ageint. • The use of mulch must be considered beneficial rather than disposal. Mulch must not be placed in water bodies or wetlands. The Contractor shall deploy personnel and equipment to establish the TOUTDIVIA at locations identified in conjunction with the County. The operation may include, but is not limited to the building of roads, erecting of fences, construction of containment areas, and placement of inspection towers. The Contractor shall provide all specified equipment, operators, and laborers for offloading sites, TOL,S/TDMA management and debris reduction operations. Offloading Sites/TOLS/TDMA team will ensure locafion(s) will be fully operational complete with ingress and egress points, inspection towers, water runoff protection, and containment berms and/or geotextillie if necessary. The inspection of every load, in and out, is critical to, the documentation of the overall process. The Offloading Sites, TOLS/TDMA inspection towers provide a location for load verification and documentation programs of all incoming and outgoing debris. Once idocumented, all debris is processed in accordance with applicable local, state and federal rules, standards, and regulations. Maintenance/fuel vehicles will be assigned and manned as needed to provide an adequate supply of fuel to maintain equipment operations. The Contractor shall follow all guidelines as identified in the(Florida Department of Environmental Protection Guidance for Establishment, Operation, and Closure of Disaster Debris Management Sites dated October 4, 2016. K. SITE SAFETY PLAN The following information will be utilized to create a location specific site management plan and site safety plan. • Site Access - Separate points of ingress and egress should be established if possible. Temporary acceleration and deceleration lanes should be established adjacent to, the primary road leading to and from site access points, approved by the County. All temporary roads leading to and through the debris -staging site should be constructed and maintained for all weather use. • Inspection Towers — (Man lifts or scaffolding may be utilized instead) Inspection towers shall be constructed to facilitate observation and quantification of debris hauled for storage at debris staging sites. One tower shall be placed at point of Ingress for use by Monitoring firm, and one tower at the point of egress to ensure all debris hauling trucks are in fact empty upon leaving the site. One tower may be utilized if ingress and egress point is the same. L. DEBRIS STORAGE AREA Debris may be segregated into 7 main areas as follows unless otherwise instructed Iby the County: Vegetative debris - Vegetative debris will be cleaned of C&D debris to the extent possible to facilitate compliance with requirements for reduction of vegetative debris, Construction and Demolition (C&D) Debris - C&D debris will be dampened prior to dumping and periodically as needed, to comply with Local, State and Federal EPA standards. White Goods -Refrigerators, Freezers, Dryers etc, 4jia,,-a g (:, The Contractor will meet with the County and the Debris, Management Monitor to finalize and test the processes for inspection and documentation that are to be used during the response and recovery phase of debris removal., At all times, the Contractor will provide the County access to all work sites and disposal areas. The Contractor, the County and the Debris Management Mon, i:l tor will have in place at the Offloading Siteis/TDMA personnel to verify and maintain records regarding the contents and cubic yards of the vehicles entering and leaving the Offlioading Sites/TDMA. The Debris Management Monitor shal�l coordinate data recording and information, management systems, including but not limited to: * Prepare detailed estimates and submit to County * Implement and maintain a disaster debris management system linking load ticket and TD,MA information, including reconciliation and photographic documentation processes. * Provide daily, weekly or other periodic reports for the County noting work progress and efficiency, current/revised estimates, project completion and other schedule forecasts/updates. • Provide written and oral status reports as requested to County and Debris Monitor, • Review documentation for accuracy and quantity • Assist in preparation of claim documentation II,IWWMrF.Mr*TWIkVIWI =Wsraffl M STM Na10 l 9 01 W-1 1 -11 a 11,99#111, - ana ITIUSI Ve 5UPPHeCW*LJ , I m State and Federal agencies to ensure that eligible debris collection and data documenting approprfate�y address concerns of the likely reimbursement agencies. day that the report is validated, if a subcontractor is involved, that subcontractor is, asked to produce a plan to prevent further occurrences. Monroe CO 11jI rty wood.� DSR #MC-17-0012 k I Crsdoe Sarnirrredandl Ramrodl, Uttle 1bfchr Keys Sena { Canal Location ation Mai t�r 1 INNER, �,rr,,.t�d� uuuuuuuuoui �tti r, l r �LIIM�III�� i� nu, I wx r t . rw x Vi �,.it Ka.r r oc y +� 20 1DGY� E^ j �, � REMOVAL � IXRIM� ( NA 'G0 m r.in a. OIOIOIOIOIO� � ,'+II�'Ij�r � .d" � •,• yH li.+d , r �U rm i.N v ; 7, rc, sw2 (.. � 1,',. , i f� r i�:, I � ��( ;: '� �' i is � ;w i � I l ,�; t i ��. ' �'s � I; i I( s- s f,. � �� -. u 2,500.00 40 $100,000.00 X 2 001 SMALL DECK BARGE CLAY 002 MED FLECK BARGE DAY 4,000,00 , 20 $80,000.00 003 LARGE DECK BARGE DAY 6,000. 00i 0 $/.4o 004 SONAR BOAT DAY 1,500,00 20, $36,000.00 005 SELF LI AIJER DAY 1,300.00 20 $26,000.00 , N $ 6 *SO"'�/t IlSR2/b'S 3 006 DIVE TEAM CLAY 3,600.00 ," 60 $216,000.00 X 3 007 TURBIDITY BARRIER LF 30.00 J 500 $15,000.00 0 00 TD'MA DAY 500.00 20 $16,000.00 Qh $1602/I MANAGEMENT SIt MARINE DEBRIS 009 FROM CANAL - CY 26,00 500 $13,000.00 J TDMA 010 WAZ-MATUNITS TO EA 200.00 10 $2,000.00 TDMA 01.1 MARINE DEBRIS Cy 35.00 500 $17,500,00 TDMA—(FINAL 012 TIPPING FEE f N/A 10,000.00 1 $10,000.010 ' a REIMBURSE $531,500,00 TOTAL