Item E3E.3
C ounty of M onroe
Mayor Sylvia Murphy, District 5
Mayor Pro Tem Danny Kolhage, District 1
Michelle Coldiron, District 2
Heather Carruthers, District 3
David Rice, District 5
County Commission Meeting
February 20, 2019
Agenda Item Number: E.3
Agenda Item Summary #5152
BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: Tourist Development Council
TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Ammie Machan (305) 296-1552
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to advertise a Request for Applications for FY 2020
Capital Project Funding
ITEM BACKGROUND: A copy of the application and list of revisions are attached.
TDC approved same at their meeting of February 5, 2019
TDC Capital RFA
Effective Date:
Expiration Date:
Total Dollar Value of Contract:
Total Cost to County:
Current Year Portion:
Source of Funds:
Indirect Costs:
Packet Pg. 1209
Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts:
Revenue Producing: If yes, amount:
County Match:
Insurance Required:
Additional Details:
Maxine Pacini Completed 01/15/2019 9:35 AM
Christine Limbert Completed 01/28/2019 4:45 PM
Kathy Peters Completed 01/28/2019 4:57 PM
Board of County Commissioners Pending 02/20/2019 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 1210
DATE: February 5, 2019
To: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners
FROM: Monroe County TDC
RE: Permission to Advertise FY 2020 Capital Project Funding Application
Each year the TDC Administrative Office advertises a Request for Applications (RFA) for Capital
Project Funding.
This application has been revised to include funding for Public Facilities under the conditions set
forth in F.S. 125.0104(5)(a)(6.).
The following documents are attached:
RFA Schedule
List of revisions made to application
Flow chart explaining the process of funding public facilities
Copy of the application for approval
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Packet Pg. 1211
FY 2020
ADVERTISE RFP:February 26, 2019
DAC WORKSHOPS:February 26and 27, 2019
DEADLINE:April 24, 2019
DAC DEADLINE:June 14, 2019
DAC APPROVAL:June 25and 26, 2019
TDC APPROVAL:July 30, 2019
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Packet Pg. 1212
Revisions to FY 2020 Capital Application
Page 6 and 7: Added section on Public Facilities
Page 8: Updated State Statue to include updates to beach/beach park facilities and
public facilities
Page 9: Added section requesting contact information for President of organization
Page 10: Added check box for Public Facilities, revised check box for Beach/Beach park
facilities to include “channel, estuary or lagoon”
Page 13: Added funding request information for Public Facilities
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Packet Pg. 1213
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Packet Pg. 1214
All respondents must use the current application downloaded from the website
Use of any other application will result in your application being rejected.All directions within
the application must be followed or it will not be accepted.
All applications should be received no later than 5:00 p.m. (close of business day)
All applications submitted in response to this solicitation should be addressed to:
Monroe County Purchasing Department
1100 Simonton Street, 2Floor, Room 2-213
Key West, Florida 33040
Any applicationsnotsubmittedin a sealed envelope or boxwill be rejected:
A.(1) USB flash drive with complete copy of application as a .pdf (all attachments must be
merged into one document:Please DO NOT include the instruction pages) and……..
B.One (1) signed and marked as ORIGINAL paper copy PLUS
C.The correct number of paper copies for the district for which you are applying:
District I requires5paper copies of application
District II requires 5paper copies of application
District III requires 4paper copies of application
District IV requires 6paper copies of application
District V requires 4paper copies of application
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
All inquiries and correspondence should be made to the Monroe County Tourist Development
Council. Contact Maxine Pacini or Ammie Machanat (305) 296-1552. All email correspondence
should be addressed to
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1215
This application is intended for applicants whose facility has a primary purpose of promoting
The Monroe County Tourist Development Council (TDC) administers the four (4) cent bed tax
collected for the purpose of promoting the Florida Keys as a tourist destination. Each year, the
TDC advertises a Request for Applications (RFA) forcapital project funding through the TDC.
Projects must be owned and operated by either a governmental entity or non-profit
organization. Individuals and for-profit organizationsand companies are not eligible to apply
for Capital Projects funds. Applicantsmust be registered to do business in Florida.All
applications will be reviewed by the appropriate District Advisory Committees (DAC’s), who shall
make recommendations on funding the project to the TDC. Upon approval of recommended
funding allocation by the TDC, the administrative office will coordinate with the project
coordinator to establish anagreementfor the project, and will present the proposed agreement
to the County for final approval.
This applicationmaybe funded up toaseventy five (75%)reimbursement of funds
expended by any individualnon-profitorganizationand as a reimbursement ofup toone
hundred percent (100%) of funds expended by governmental entities.The applicant must
show that all funds (100%) are available for the project at the time of application so that
there is no delay in the progress of the project, and that TDC funding is not used as
matching funds.
All information furnished or disclosed as part of the application process is considered public
record by the laws of the State of Florida.
The applicant shall not lobby, solicit or act to influence the advisory committee members and/or
the TDC board membersin any way that may have an effect on the outcome of the competition,
discussion or negotiations leading to the allocation of funding, or an award of an agreementas
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
reviewed andapproved by the County Attorney’s office. Such action maylead to withdrawal of
the application from consideration.
Commencement of Project:No portion of the project for which you are seeking TDC funding
may commence prior to the approval of an agreement by the Monroe County Board of County
Commissioners.Once your agreement has been approved by the BOCC then the project work
described in Exhibit A must commence before the end of the fiscal year in which it is funded.
Example:FY 2020funding would be between October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, or
between the date the BOCC approved youragreement and September 30, 2020. Proof that the
project commenced within the fiscal year funded may be requested by the TDC administrative
office.For projects requesting $19.999.99and under please see page 6.
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1216
Prior to filling out application, please go to www.sunbiz.orgto ensure that your organization is
registered to do business in the state of Florida. Only applicants that are duly registered will be
accepted.Print out and attach as Exhibit A.
Cost of preparation and submission of the application is the responsibility of the applicant.
Applicant shall complete, copy, sign (by an authorized officer) and submit the correct number of
copies of the application to the Monroe County Purchasing Department. (Please DO NOT use
three (3) ring hardbinders, soft binders or spiral binding; no binders are preferred.)
Completed Application: The application shall be considered complete upon receipt and
should stand alone with no other information being provided after-the-fact other than any
additional information that may be requested by the TDC administrative office, or questions from
the DAC at the allocation meeting.
All attachments should be noted as such in the top right hand corner of each sheet –please do
not use tab inserts.
Applicant shall familiarize itself with referenced online materials noted in this application (sample
Any part of the project for whichthe applicant wishes to seek reimbursement from the County,
must NOT commence prior to the date of County approval.
Be advised that if your organization is awarded funding you will be required to enter into an
agreementwhich delegates you to maintain accurate and complete documentation of the
project. You will be required to obtain a signed amendment to the agreementbefore making any
substantive changes to the project or you may nullify the County’s obligation to pay. You will be
required to comply with the following reimbursement procedures outlined in the sample
reimbursement packet which can be found at:
The recipient of TDC capital project funding shall designate a project manager ifno licensed
architect, engineer or general contractor is involved in the project.If the project is performed by
County or City personnel, the project manager shall be the Engineer, Building Official or
Construction Manager of that local government.
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Taxes:The TDC/County is exempt from Federal, Excise and State of Florida Sales Tax.
Maintenance:The applicant shall be responsible for all maintenance and operational costs of
the premises improved or constructed with the use of funding from the TDC/County. The
applicant shall be responsible to the TDC/County for the safekeeping and proper use of the
property entrusted to applicant's care, to include any and all insurance for the value of the
equipment and any maintenance or service contracts relating tosuch equipment for its service
life. Any disposal of assets procured through funding under this agreementshall comply with
chapter 274, F.S. or chapter 617, F.S., dependent upon the type of entity funded under this
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1217
Permits:Applicant shall be responsible for securing all federal, state and local development
approval and permits necessary to complete the project.Award of funds under this application
donot indicate any development approval by the County and applicant shall be required to
comply with all County concurrency requirements under land use laws of the County and State.
The TDC/County shallreimbursenot for profitsfor the cost of permits required to complete the
physical bricks and mortar portion of the project as outlined in the scope of services(Exhibit A)
of the final agreement.Applicant shall submit for reimbursement for permits within the last
segment of their proposed project.The TDC/County will not reimburse for permits obtained prior
to approval of a funding agreement bythe BOCC.
Insurance: Applicant shall provide the TDC/BOCC with current insurance certificates as per the
requirements set forth within the funding agreement. The TDC/County shall not reimburse for
the cost of insurance relating to the project for whichthe applicant is receiving funding.
Performance Guarantee: A successful applicant shall warrant, by signing this application, that
applicant has the financial capability of completing the project as planned without the need to
request further funding from TDC/County for same.Applicant shall warrant by signing this
application and confirm in writing (in the form of bank statements; signed letter from the bank
stating that funds are in the bank for the specified project; documentation provided by a financial
institution of a line of creditassigned to the specific project within the application) that applicant
has the funds in place at the time of the application for grant funds to be able to complete the
project prior to seeking reimbursement of TDC funds. Applicant may be asked to provideproof
that funds are available to complete all outstanding TDC grants in addition to this application.
Applicant may also be asked to provide proof that funds are available if requesting an
amendment to the agreement.A governmental applicant shall provide a line item budget for the
project in question, and proof that the budget has been adopted by the governing board of that
entity.The applicant by signing the application certifies that: applicant, its principals, and any
previously owned business is/arenot and have never been in default to Monroe County under
the terms of any contract.(Default means failure to fulfill contractual obligations where County
had to take legal action to obtain remedy or where a bonding company had to make good for
In-kind services:Non-Profit Organization’sfunding obligationshall be 25% or more of the total
project cost with an option of up to 50% of this funding obligationin the form of In-kind services.
In-kind servicesmeansdonated/free/volunteered labor; materials; goods;services.Applicant
shall provide a schedule of values for each unit of in-kind service and/or goods at the time of the
application. Volunteered labor, as a component of in-kind services, will be calculatedat a
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
reasonable hourly ratefor the type of work/service being performed (e.g. an architect who
volunteers to paint will be able to seek reimbursement for the reasonable rate for the painting
work performed not the professional rate of an architect). Should funding be allocated,
County/TDC reserves the right to deny the application of certain in-kind services and goods and
to negotiate a revised schedule of values for permissible items. For example, county will not
accept as in-kind, the waiver of governmental fees, or in-kind towards the acquisition of property.
The amount of in-kind services you note within your application shall be entered into your final
agreement. Applicants will beable to request additional allowable in-kind services after
submission of the application, butonly if the Applicant does not receive the full TDC funding
requested in the application.In-kind services will not be reimbursed to the applicant.
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1218
Project Quotes and Bidding Process:
Governmental Entities:An applicant which is a governmental entity shall comply with the
procurement regulations and policies to which it is subject.A copy or link to these policies will
need to be submitted as part of your reimbursement request.
Not-for-Profits:Work under $50,000 requires threewritten quotes or a notarized statement as
to why such written quotes were not obtainable for the work to complete the project.Work
$50,000 or more requires a competitive bid process. These will need to be submitted as part
of your reimbursement request.
Construction and Other Contracts:Applicant, by signing the application, warrants that, if
awarded funds for the project, all contracts, for construction or otherwise, to complete the project
shall be met in compliance with all applicable laws and County purchasing policy and to comply
particularly with F.S. Chapter 255, Chapter 274 and Chapter 287.Applicant further agrees to
provide TDC/County and their designated representatives with:
a)Accessto the project premises for inspection of the progress of the project;
b)Documentationincluding copies of all sub-contracts/Request For Bids verifying
compliance with purchase/construction/architectural contract requirements of the
County \[Notice to owner: list of sub-contractors must be provided to County\];and
c)Accessto all records concerning the project.These records must be retained by
applicant for a minimum of four (4) years after the termination date of agreement.
This requirement may be for a different time period than that required by other
government agencies. All records must be kept in accordance with Generally
Accepted Accounting Principles.
Termination for Default/Convenience:The TDC/County reserves the right to terminate any
agreementif, in its opinion, there shall be a failure at any time to properly perform faithfully any
portion of the project as funded by TDC/County according to the plan presented with the
application, or as modified and accepted in writing by TDC/County. Further, TDC/County
reserves the right to terminate payments under this agreementshould the anticipated funding
become unavailable for any reason.Should termination occur under this provision, TDC/County
shall give applicant thirty (30) days notice prior to termination.
Payments:Applicant shall submit all documentation required by the County Finance
Department in accordance with instructions from said department, prior to payment of any funds
awarded.The TDC Application for Payment forms provided in the TDC reimbursement
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
package shall be used.Ten percent (10%) of everyprogress payment shall be withheld by
County until certification of completion of project.
Design/ArchitecturalCosts:Finaldesign plans and architectural costswill be paid upon
completion of the physical bricksand mortar portion of the project outlined within the
agreement.Applicant shall submit for reimbursement of final design plans and architectural
services within the last segment of their proposed project (Exhibit A).This is to ensure that TDC
dollars are used for completed projects that areopen to the public.No portion of the final design
plans or architectural drawings for which you are seeking TDC funding may commence prior to
the approval of an agreement by the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners.
Applicant may submit a preliminary plan within their application to provide the District Advisory
Committee and TDC with an idea of the proposed plan.
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1219
Acquisition of Property:Applications for acquisition of property will only be considered if the
applicant can confirm availabilityof funding for one hundred percent (100%) of the purchase
price through a bank statement showing that the entity has funding set aside in a line item for
the purchase of the property, or that a loan from a financial institution has been fully approved;
there are no liens on the property; and a clear title of ownership will be held by the entity
requesting funding upon the closing of the purchase of the property. A clear title in the name of
the contracting entity will be required to submit for reimbursement of the TDC funds allocated.
The property shall be used for a minimum of ten (10) years as a tourist facility. The County will
evaluate non-compliance of use as a tourist facility and upon request by the County the
applicant shall pay a prorated reimbursement of funding allocated. The purchase or down
payment of the property may not commence prior to approval of a funding agreement between
the County and contracted entity. No in-kind services apply to the purchase of property, and
payment will be madein one reimbursement check upon completion of the requirements set
forth within the funding agreement. A Restrictive Covenant on the property will be required to
secure TDC/County funds.
Acknowledgements:Applicant shall be required to display an appropriate public
acknowledgment of the support of the Monroe County Tourist Development Council in a publicly
prominent area of the project.
Funding Allocations: DAC recommendation on funding allocations shall be limited to
recommending allocations which do not exceed the amount requested by the applicant.
Funding requests may be denied, or reduced to a lesser amount than requested by the
Projects Requesting $19,999.99and Under: Projects requesting $19,999.99and under may
enter into a “Streamlined Process” (this eliminates the requirement fora formal contract to be
entered into with theBoard of County Commission which allows a faster start time for your
project; insurance documentation; and County Engineer Department approval of work
completed)whereby the applicant will swear or affirm that the work will be completed in
accordance withthe Streamline Process.Upon approval by the TDC, the administrative office
will provide the applicant with a commencement date; project summary sheet; and
reimbursement package.Applicant will be required to comply with reimbursement procedures
outlined in the sample Project Summary Sheet, which can be found at
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Public Facilities:TDC Capital funding may be utilized to acquire, construct, extend, enlarge,
remodel, repair, improve, maintain, operate, or finance public facilities, if neededto increase
tourist related business activities and in accordance with the conditions as set forth in F.S.
125.0104(5)(a)(6.). These conditions include:
1)The use must be approved by a vote of at least two –thirds of the BOCC
2)An independent analysis, performed at the expense of the TDC, must demonstrate
the positive impact of the infrastructure project on tourist related business in the
3)No more than 70% of the cost of the project may be paid by the TDC
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1220
Applicants submitting an application for a Public Facility should complete the section on Pg. 13
pertaining to Public Facilities, the application for the project will be submitted as one application
with twosegments. The first segment of the project should include the request for the
independent analysis “study”, including an estimated completion date and funding request
(100%) for the study. The second segment of the project should include the physical portionof
the project. The applicant may request and may be allocated up to 70% of the total project cost
for this segment. Upon approval by the DAC and TDC, an agreement including both segments
will be placed on a BOCC agenda and must receive a two –thirds vote to utilize the funds. Upon
approval by the BOCC,the applicant will be responsible for coordination of the study and will
receive 100%reimbursement of the total cost of the study segment of the project, subject to the
cap on expenditures for that segment as set forth in the agreement. If the study shows a positive
impact of the project on tourist-related businesses, the remaining segments of the project will
move forward as set forth in the agreement. If the study does not show a positive impact of the
project on tourist-related businesses, then the remainder of the agreement will terminate.
Regardless of the outcome of the study, the applicant will be reimbursed for the cost of the
study, subject to the caps on expenditures set forth in the agreement. For more information on
the process, please refer to flow chart:http://www.monroecounty-
“Public facilities” means major capital improvements that have a life expectancy of 5 or more
years, including but not limited to, transportation, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, potable
water, and pedestrian facilities.
Public Record:All information furnished or disclosed as part of the application process is
considered public record by the laws of the State of Florida.
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1221
This application is intended for applicants whose facility has a primary purpose of promoting
All capital projects funded by TDC shall be owned and operated by either a governmental
entity or non-profit organization and open to the public.Individuals and for-profit
organizationsand companies are not eligible to apply for Capital Projects funds. Applicant
shall provide proof of property ownership, long-term lease or service contracts for consideration
of funding, and should show sufficient expertise or financial capability to operate such facilities.
Tourist DevelopmentCouncilcapital project funds may be used in Monroe County as follows:
1. To acquire, construct, extend, enlarge, remodel, repair, improve maintain, operate or
promote one or more:
Publicly owned and operated convention centers, sports stadiums, sports arenas, coliseums or
auditoriums within the boundaries of the county or subcounty special taxing district in which the
tax is levied;
Auditoriums that are publicly owned but are operated by organizations that are exempt from
federal taxation pursuant to 26 U.S.C. s. 501(c)(3) and open to the public within the boundaries
of the county or subcounty special taxing district in which the tax is levied; or
Aquariums or museums that are publicly owned and operated or owned and operated by not-for-
profit organizations and open to the public, within the boundaries of the county or subcounty
special taxing district in which the tax is levied;or
Zoological parks, fishing piers or nature centers which are publicly owned and operated or
owned and operated by non-profit organizations and open to the public; and
2. To finance beach park facilities, or beach, channel, estuary, or lagoonimprovement,
maintenance, re-nourishment, restoration and erosion control, including construction of beach
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
groinsand shoreline protection, enhancement, cleanup or restoration of inland lakes and rivers
to which there is public assess as those used relate to the physical preservation of the beach,
shoreline, channel, estuary, lagoon, or inland lake or river.
3.To acquire, construct, extend, enlarge, remodel, repair, improve, maintain, operate, or
finance public facilities, if public facilities areneeded to increase tourist related business
activities and in accordance with the conditions as set forth in F.S. 125.0104(5)(a)(6.)
Authorized uses of revenue must be in compliance with Florida Statute 125.0104, as may
be amended from time to time.
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1222
This application is to request funding from the following District(s):
District I:Key West -(shall encompass the city limits of Key West)
District II:Lower Keys -(city limits of Key West to west end of Seven Mile Bridge)
District III:Marathon -(west end of Seven Mile Bridge to Long Key Bridge)
District IV:Islamorada -(between Long Key Bridge and Mile Marker 90.939)
District V:Key Largo -(from Mile Marker 90.940to the Dade/Monroe County line and any
portions of mainland Monroe County)
Organization Name Here
(Registered business nameexactlyas it appears on Attach as Exhibit A
The Monroe County Clerk of the Court now accepts electronic signatures on agreements. If
funding is awarded, the final agreement will need to be sent directly to the President of the
applicantorganization (as listed above) for electronic signature. The email cannot be forwarded
to another email address.If a person other than the President will be signing the agreement,
documentation in the form of approved minutes, resolution or by-laws of the organization
identifying said individual as an authorized person to sign on behalf of the organization must be
provided. It is the responsibility of the applicant to notify the TDC Administrative office of
any changes to the contact information provided below.(If the applicant is a governmental entity
that is unable to provide an electronic signature, alternate arrangements will be made for obtaining signature by the
TDC Administrative office)
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Please provide a contact for general correspondence for this project. The person listed below
should be able to accept responsibility for receipt of information, other than the final agreement
Name & Title:
Telephone/mobile no.:
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1223
Project Title Here
LOCATION OR ADDRESS OF PROJECT:Provide physical (postal service) address, RE# and
legal description (lot, block, subdivision) and attach map.
TYPE OF APPLICANT:Non-ProfitGovernmental Entity
Publicly owned and operated Owned and operated by a non-profit organization
Publicly owned and operated by a non-profit organization
Convention CenterSports StadiumSports ArenaColiseum
Auditorium AquariumMuseumZoological Park
Nature CenterFishing Pier*Beach or Beach Park Facility, channel,
estuary or lagoon
Public facilities in accordance with conditions
set forth in F.S. 125.0104(5)(a)(6)
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
ImprovementRenourishmentRestorationErosion control
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1224
If the TDC/County requires a Conservation Easement Deed or mortgage note requiring
repayment of TDC monies in the event of transfer of ownership or change in use of the
premises, would you be agreeable to executing same?
Code Enforcement:Does your organization/property have any outstanding code violations
and/or fines/costs or liens?(Please note that pursuant to Section 2-25(e), Monroe County Code, organizations with
outstanding code compliance fines are not eligible to receive grants or contracts from the county until such time as the fines are
resolved through payment or settlement.) Yes No If you have answered yes, please explain
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1225
Please only complete the sectionof page 12 or 13which corresponds to your type of application
Non-Profit Organizations
Payment maybeup to75%reimbursement of thetotal cost of each segment of the project, subject to the
maximum reimbursement amount ofexpenditures for eachsegment(if the project work is segmented)as
set forth in the agreement. Applicant must be prepared to pay the entire cost ofeach segmentofworkin
advance of seeking the up to 75%reimbursement. For purposes of this applicationno more than fifty
percent (50%) of out of pocket cost for non-profits shall be of in-kind services and materials,andno in-
kind services shall be reimbursed.If theTDC Funds Requested are allocated at less than 75% of the
total project cost, only then may the organization request to allow additional in-kind services after
submission of the application, which must be enteredinto yourfinal agreement. The project maybe
broken down into 2 or 3 segments. When one segment is completed, reimbursement ofthe TDC portion
of that completed segmentcost can be applied for through the TDC. For acquisition of property see
important information on page 6.
Total TDC Funds Organization ConfirmedConfirmed/Available Organizations
Project Requested:Out of Pocket In-Kind Hard Dollar Funds:Financial
Cost:(Up to 75% Cost:Services(Total Project Cost Investment:
of Total (Total Project (Up to Less In-Kind (Out of
Project Cost less 50% of Services)Pocket Cost
Cost)TDC Funds Out of Less In-Kind
Requested)Pocket Services)
In the space below list all in-kind services and goods and their values. These values are subject to
negotiation withTDC/County. Please refer to page 4 of this application.
Governmental Entities
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Paymentmay beup to100% reimbursement of the total cost of each segment of the project, subject to
the cap on expenditures for that segment as set forth in the agreement. Applicant must be prepared to
pay the entire cost ofeach segment in advance of seeking up to100% reimbursement. The projectmay
be broken down into 2 or 3 segments. For acquisition of property see important information on page 6.
Total Project TDC Funds Governmental Agency Out I have highlighted the line
Cost:Requested:of Pocket Costitem in budget for this
(Up to 100% of (Total Project Cost specific project. Enclose
Total Project Cost)less TDC Funds portion of line item budget as
Requested)proof of funding for Exhibit
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1226
Public Facilities
Segment #1 Study
Payment will be100% reimbursement of the total costof the study segment of the project, subject to the
cap on expenditures for that segment as set forth in the agreement.Applicant must be prepared to pay
the entire cost ofthissegment in advance of seekingreimbursement. The project may be broken down
into additional segments. For acquisition of property see important information on page 6.
Total StudyTDC Funds Governmental AgencyOut I have highlighted the line
Cost:Requested:of Pocket Costitem in budget for this
(Up to 100% of (Total Project Cost specific project. Enclose
Total StudyCost)less TDC Funds portion of line item budget as
Requested)proof of funding for Exhibit
Estimated completion date for study:
Segment #2 -Project
Payment will be up to 70% reimbursement of the physical project segment, subject to the cap on
expenditures for that segment as set forth in the agreement. Applicant must be prepared to pay the entire
cost of each segment in advance of seekingreimbursement. The project may be broken down into
additional segments. For acquisition of property see important information on page 6.
Total Project TDC Funds Governmental AgencyOut I have highlighted the line
Cost(not Requested:of Pocket Costitem in budget for this
including (Up to 70% of Total (Total Project Cost specific project. Enclose
study):Project Cost)less TDC Funds portion of line item budget as
Requested)proof of funding for Exhibit
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1227
TDC requires confirmation in writing that project funds are in place at the time of this application
for grant funds (see Performance Guarantee on page 4)Encloseproof of funding as Exhibit B.
In the space below list thespecific items/services, andthe estimateddollar amount for each of
those items/services that your requested TDC funds will be spent on(please do not include
contingency feesor warranty fees as part of your budget):
a)Original use of structure and date of construction:
b)Present use:
c)Proposed use:
d)Insert or attach photograph of existing site(Enclose as Exhibit C):
e)Historic designation:Indicate whether the property has been listed in the National
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Register, is located in a National Register district, is a locally designated historic landmark or is
located in a locally designated historic district. If located within a historicdistrict, provide the
official name ofthe district.This information is available from the planning agency having
jurisdiction over the property.
All Capital projects funded by the TDC shall be owned and operated by a governmental entity or
non-profit organization. Applicant shall provide proof of property ownership,long-term leaseor
service contractsfor consideration of funding, and should show sufficient expertise or financial
capability to operate such facilities(Enclose as ExhibitD).
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
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2.Ownership or other interest in property by applicant:
a)Official records reference for ownership documentation
b)If not owned by applicant, provide long-term lease of property, or service contractand
provide notarized consent letter from owner for use of property as outlined in this
3.If proposed project calls for transfer of title of real property to County, at leasttwo (2)
current real estate appraisals and one (1) environmental assessment shall be provided
(Enclose as Exhibit E).The TDC/County shall ascertain, prior to acceptance of any donation
or prior to purchase, that the property will pose no environmental hazardor liability for same, to
County.The TDC/County must also ascertain permissible governmentalinterest in the transfer
of title.Indicate any such proposed title transfers here.
4.This paragraph applies only to an acquisition funding request, but you will still need to
complete items 5 through 13, whether this is new construction or renovations, additions or
exhibits.Indicate the area of the property to be acquired in acres:
In evaluating applications for acquisition funding, an important consideration is the
appropriateness of the size of the site to be acquired.Determinations of the appropriateness of
site size will be made on a case-by-case basis and will depend on the characteristics for which
the property is considered to be significant.Sufficient property should be acquired to assure that
the historic relationship of a structure or archaeological site to its surrounding environment is
preserved.However, it is important that no more property than is necessary to achieve
established preservation objectives be included in the acquisition project application.As this
factor is crucial to favorable consideration of your grant application and will have substantial
impact on the cost of the required application documentation, we encourage prospective
applicants to consult with the staff of the TDC Administrative Office prior to initiating the required
5.Protection of property:Indicate any type of state or federal protection currently afforded
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
the property.It may be that more than one type may be applicable.Provide citations for
applicable local protective ordinances.Include copies of property-specific restrictivelegal
instruments in an attachment. By signing and submitting this application, the proposer warrants
that all restrictions are disclosed.Failure to include every restriction on the property may result
in immediate termination of any agreementand demand for return of any monies paid
thereunder(Enclose as Exhibit F).
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6. Is the property threatened by imminent destruction, deterioration or other loss which may
includedemolition, vacancy, severe deterioration, loss of structural integrity, encroaching
development, adverse environmental conditions, vandalism,etc.?Be specific regarding the
nature of immediacy of the threat.If so, describe in detail:
7.a)Are there any building restrictions on the site?If so, describe. Attach copies of all
recorded easement and restrictive covenants. By signing and submitting this application, the
proposer warrants that all restrictions are disclosed. Failure to include every restriction on the
property may result in immediate termination of any agreementand demand for return of any
monies paid thereunder(Enclose as Exhibit G).
b)Is the proposed project compatible with the County'sand/or the Municipality’s
Concurrency Requirementsunder the existing and proposed Land Use Comprehensive Plan?
Yes No
Describe below how you haveascertained such compatibility.(Note:If your description
does not provide information about existing permits and/or review by the County Planning
Department, your application shall be rejected.Please list all permits required to complete this
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
c)Does the site contain endangered or threatened species of flora or fauna?
Yes No If yes, attachexplanationas ExhibitH
d)Indicate whether or not the projectwillbe accessible to the handicapped per
Chapter 553, Part V, Florida Statutes and the Americans with Disabilities Actof 1990, Public
Law 101-336, as amended.
Yes NoIf no, attachexplanationas ExhibitI
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
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e)Explain how your facility will utilize recycling within the work of your proposed
f)Public accessibility and use:Indicate the extent to which the property is currently
or will bescheduled to be open to the public each year (hours per day, days per week and
weeks per year) upon project completion.Estimate the number of persons who will use or visit
the completed facility annually. For archaeological projects, if the site will not be accessible to
the public, estimate the number of persons annually who will be exposed to the interpretive
materials and reports resulting fromthe project.How was this estimate derived?
8.Describe present physical condition of site:(attach legal description per property tax
records).Indicatethe present condition of the propertyby checking the appropriate term below:
Excellent:The property is habitableand occupied; no repairs are needed.All
physical evidence indicates that the property is under continuous maintenance.Application is
for expansion and enhancement.
Good:The property is habitable and occupied; onlyreplacement orcosmetic repairs
are needed (e.g., peeling paint, missing ornamental features,windows, doors,some
deteriorated mortar, etc.)Property is maintained but in need of minor repair.
Fair:The property is habitable but may be vacant.Boththe structural integrity
(foundation, framing, etc.) and weather tightintegrity of the property (siding, walls, roofing, etc.)
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
are in jeopardy because of prolonged neglect.
Poor:The property is uninhabitable and vacant.Major structural repairs are needed.
Weathertight integrity has been lost.The property is derelict, abandoned and not habitable
without major rehabilitation work.
List any specific factors or problems which contribute to the present condition of the property.
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9.Status of Project Planning:(Any work initiated prior to the approval of an agreementby
the Monroe County Board of County Commissionerswill be at applicants own cost):
Not yet initiatedInitiated
Schematics completeDesign developmentcompleted
Construction documents completed Permits have been obtained (if
10.Name and Address of Project Consultant (architect, engineer, contractor, etc.).
Enclose preliminary plans or architectural documents completed to date -1 set(Enclose as
Exhibit J).
11.Has an agreementfor architectural services or construction services been executed?
Yes(costs will not be reimbursed by TDC)No
Project does not require architectural services
12.It is the County's policy not to fund operations and maintenance costs of facilities.
Describethe means by which the structure(s) affected by this project will be maintained
subsequent to restoration/rehabilitation. Include sources and estimated amounts of funding for
such maintenance.
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
13.Estimated Project completion date
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
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14.How will the project enhancetourism in Monroe County?
15.Applicant must demonstrate the ability to complete the project as proposed and to
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
maintain and operate the project as a viable and long-term tourist attraction that is open to the
Included in this demonstration should be a proposed operational budgetand marketing
program to promote this facility as a tourist attraction.(Attach as Exhibit K)
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
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(Enclose as Exhibit L)
I,, of the city of ,according to
law on my oath, and under penalty ofperjury, depose and say that:
1)I am , the applicant making the
application for the project described as follows:
2)The prices in this application have been arrived at independently without collusion,
consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition, as to any
matter relating to such prices with any other applicant or with any competitor;
3)Unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this
application have not been knowingly disclosed by the applicant and will not knowingly be
disclosed by the applicant prior to application opening, directly or indirectly, to any other
applicant or to any competitor; and
4)No attempt has been made or will be made by the applicant to induce any other
person, partnership or corporation to submit, or not to submit, an application for the purpose of
restricting competition;
5)The statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full
knowledge that Monroe County relies upon the truth of the statements contained in this affidavit
in awarding agreementsfor said project.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have read the forgoing application and that the facts stated herein
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
President's/Mayor’s Name Typed President's/Mayor’s Signature
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Sworn to and subscribed before me thisday of20
personally appeared , ,and
known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing document.
My commission expires: Notary PublicState of
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1234
(Enclose as Exhibit M)
The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that:
(Name of Business)
1.Publishes a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.
2.Informs employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business’s
policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and
employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for
drug abuse violations.
3.Gives each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that
are under application a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1).
4.In the statement specified in subsection (1), notifies the employees that, as a condition of
working on the commodities or contractual services that are under application, the employee will
abide by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of
guilty or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 (Florida Statutes) or of any controlled
substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no
later than five (5) days after such conviction.
5.Imposes a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance
or rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee’s community, or any employee who
is so convicted.
6.Makes a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through
implementation of this section.
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the
above requirements.
Applicant’s Signature:
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1235
(Enclose as Exhibit N)
Organization Name Here(herein after “Organization”) hereby covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold
harmless the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners and Monroe County Tourist Development Council
(herein after “BOCC/TDC”) and the 3406 North Roosevelt Blvd. Corporation or any of its officers and employees
from and against any and all claims, liabilities, litigation, causes of action, bodily injury (including death), personal
injury, and property damage, and another other losses, damages, costs, expenses (including but not limited to fees
and expenses arising from any factual investigation, discovery or preparation for litigation), and the payment of any
and all of the foregoing or any demands, settlements or judgments arising out of, or in connection with,Project
Title Here(herein after “Project”) being funded by the BOCC/TDC.The Organization shall immediately give notice
to the BOCC/TDC of any suit, claim or action made against the Organization that is related to this Project, and will
cooperate with the BOCC/TDC in the investigation arising as a result of any suit, action or claim related to this
a.)Non-Waiver of Immunity. Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec. 768.28, Florida Statutes, the
participation of the BOCC/TDC in reimbursing/funding any portion of the Project and the acquisition of any
commercial liability insurance coverage, self-insurance coverage, or local government liability insurance
pool coverage shall not be deemed a waiver of immunity to the extent of liability coverage, nor shall any
contract entered into by the BOCC/TDC be required to contain any provision for waiver.
b.)Privileges and Immunities. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemptions from laws,
ordinances, and rules and pensions and relief, disability, workers’ compensation, and other benefits which
apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any public agents or employees of the BOCC/TDC,
when performing their respective functions related to this Project within the territorial limits of the County
shall apply to the same degree and extent to the performance of such functions and duties of such officers,
agents, volunteers, or employees outside the territorial limits of the County.
c.)RESTRICTIONS ON AGREEMENTS FUNDED BY BOCC/TDC. The Organization shall include the
following term in all agreements funded by the BOCC/TDC for this Project:
Hold harmless/indemnification.Contractor acknowledges that this agreement is funded at least in
part by the BOCC/TDC and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the BOCC/TDC and any of its officers
and employees from and against any and all claims, liabilities, litigation, causes of action, damages, costs,
expenses (including but not limited to fees and expenses arising from any factual investigation, discovery or
preparation for litigation), and the payment of any and all of the foregoing or any demands, settlements or
judgments (collectively claims) arising directly or indirectly from any negligence or criminal conduct on the
part of contractor in the performance of the terms of this agreement.The contractor shall immediately give
notice to the BOCC/TDC of any suit, claim or action made against the contractor that is related to the
activity under this agreement, and will cooperate with the BOCC/TDC in the investigation arising as a result
of any suit, action or claim related to this agreement.
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
President of Organization/Mayor’s Name Typed President's/Mayor’s Signature
Sworn to and subscribed before me thisday of20
personally appeared , ,and
known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing document.
My commission expires: Notary PublicState of
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1236
Print off this page, complte and include as part of applcation
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
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(Enclose as Exhibit P)
1.The following supporting documents are attached.
a)Print out of “Detail by Entity” (Exhibit A)
b)Documentation from bank of confirmed project funds (Exhibit B)
c)If applicable: Insert or attach photograph of existing site (Exhibit C)
d)Proof of ownership; long term lease or service contract (Exhibit D)
(Include consent of owner for use of property as described within this application)
e)If applicable: Enclose at least two (2) current real estate appraisals and one (1)
environmental assessment (Exhibit E)
f)If applicable: Enclose citations for local protective ordinances (Exhibit F)
g)If applicable: Enclose copies of all recorded easement and restrictive covenants
(Exhibit G)
h)If applicable: Enclose description of endangered/threatened special of flora or fauna
(Exhibit H)
i)If applicable: Enclose ADA accessibility explanation (Exhibit I)
j)If applicable: Enclosepreliminary plans or architectural documents -1set (Exhibit J)
k)Proposed operation budget and marketing plan(Exhibit K)
l)Notarized Non-Collusion affidavit and verification (Exhibit L)
m)Signed Drug Free Workplace Form (Exhibit M)
n)Notarized Hold Harmless/Indemnification form (Exhibit N)
o)Applicant has printed and completed the W-9 form included within the application
(page 23)(Exhibit O)
p)Notarized Attachments and Certification form (Exhibit P)
q)I have read the Capital Project Funding Process and Importation Information
provided on Pages 2-8of this application
I swear and certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct, and that I am the
Attachment: TDC Capital RFA (Capital Project Funding Application)
duly authorized representative of the applicant.
President's/Mayor’s Name Typed President's/Mayor’s Signature
Sworn to and subscribed before me thisday of20
personally appeared , ,and
known to be the person named in and who executed the foregoing document.
My commission expires: Notary PublicState of
Monroe County Tourist Development Council FY 2020Capital Project Application
Packet Pg. 1238