1st Change Order 04/17/2019�R eougr4—
Kevin Madok, cPA
....:...: Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller — Monroe County, Florida
yob Go
DATE: April 18, 2019
TO: Rlionda Haag, Director
Sustainability & Projects
Lindsey Ballard, Aide
to the County Administrator
FROM: Pamela G. Hanco k, .C.
SUBJECT: April 17'n BOCC Meeting
Enclosed are two duplicate originals of die following two items for your handling.
D3 Revenue Grant Agreement No. SDO05 from die Florida Department of
Environmental Protection for $100,000.00 to clear up to five plugged canals of marine debris in
unincorporated Monroe County.
D4 No -cost Change Order for a time extension under Grant Agreement No. CM919
with die Florida Department of Environmental Protection to conduct a sea level rise vulnerability
assessment of die County's Harry Harris Park.
Once the state has signed the above agreements please be sure to forward a fully executed
duplicate or*inal of each item to our oSce for the record.
P5 Initial Assessment Resolution No. XXX-2019 for Monroe County, Florida, to
collect special assessments widen the Monroe County Canals Municipal Services Benefit Unit
(MSBU) to collect funds to pay for ongoing operation and maintenance (O&M) costs for_ existing_____ __
canal water quality restoration projects on Canal 266 on Big Pine Key; stating a need for sucli levy;
setting a public liearing for adoption of a Final Assessment Resolution (FAR); providing for mailed
and published notice of the public hearing on the FAR; and providing for an effective date.
Attached rs an electronic copy ofthe subject Resolution.
Sliould you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (305) 292-3550.
cc: County Attorney
500 Whitehead Street
Key West, Florida 83040
3117 Overseas Highway
Marathon, Florida 33050
88820 Overseas Highway
Plantation Key, Florida 33070
50 High Point Road
Plantation Key, Florida 33070
x cl�
C rri
Suite; 205
Key Westjlonda .33040
"This Agreement as, entered 6h.,thie 1,411 day, of August 2018, is hereby revised as follow-s:
Pai*graph 3C 0YA change order to this agr'eeinefitis required -,w.hentasks' tim'ehnes. within tcurrent
�nt o
a . uthodz&d agreement period: pbahge-
Paragpph.3 allows the timelffies in Attachment A to be revised With a Ch4nge,1Otdet to this Agtodftjefit;
Due to late execution of the grant aardement the -vendor could not start work until January,*, an ekten§ion
was.issued to theconti-Adtor's task order; to allow time e needed to colnl6te the Work. the Granted has r"equuted, and
the Department.has agreed to revise tho tasks.end&g d0tes in Attachnidnt A-1; and
Attachment A Grant -Work Plan Oty is hereby deleted in'its entir yandTefjlked with Attachment A-1,
Grant; W
Revised Grant Work Plan, attached lipret6and made a Part of the Agre6nipht. All, refptences-in the Agreetheinit"to
Attachment A, shall hereinafter, refer to, Attachment A- 1, Revised Grant Work Plan.
All other .terms and conditi6hs'of the.Agreement'shall remain
Date:_�� 1 7 a I
N�oni Clanton, DEP Grant Manager
(L C7- , tj
Date oo
DEP Agreement # CM919
Proiect Title: Monroe County Harry Harris Park Vulnerability Analysis
Organization Name: Monroe County
Chief Elected Official or Agency Head: Roman Gastesi
Title: County Administrator
Address: 1100 Simonton St., Suite 205
City: Key West
Zip Code: 33040
Area Code and Telephone Number: 305-292-4441
Area Code and Facsimile Machine Telephone Number: 305-292-4544
E-Mail Address: izastesi-roman@inonroccounty-fl.aov
Project Manager
Organization Name: Monroe County
Name: Rhonda Haag
Address: 102050 Overseas Highway, Ste. 246
City: Key Largo
Zip Code: 33037
Area Code and Telephone Number: 305-395-9928
Area Code and Facsimile Machine Telephone Number: 305-292-4415
E-Mail Address: Haag(,-Rhondaca'Dmonroecounty-11.eov
Fiscal Agent
Organization Name: Monroe County
Name: Tina Boan
Address: 1100 Simonton St. Suite 2-213
City: Key West
Zip Code: 33040
Area Code and Telephone Number: 305-292-4467
Area Code and Facsimile Machine Telephone Number: 305-292-4515
E-Mail Address: boan-tinaamonroecounty-fl.gov
DEP Agreement No. CM919, Attachment A, Page 1 of 6
Change Order 1
FEID No.: 59-6000749
DUNS No.: 0738767S7
Location: The Project will be located at 50 East Beach Road, which is located within the
unincorporated area of Tavernier, Monroe County, Florida, 33070. Project coordinates are
latitude 25.026778 and longitude-80.493471.
All materials created must include DEP, NOAA and FCMP logos. A sample or electronic
version is required to be sent to Toni.R.Clantonna,dep.state. fl.us or 3900 Commonwealth Blvd.
MS #235 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000 to receive prior approval from the FCMP
Administrator. (See paragraph 27(A) of grant agreement for wording and details.)
DEP Agreement No. CM919, Attachment A, Page 2 of 6
Change Order 1
Scope of Work:
The scope of work will include the completion of a vulnerability assessment at the Harry Harris
Park owned and maintained by Monroe County. Harry Harris Park is a place to spend the day at
the ocean. The beach, not open to the ocean, is a tidal pool safer for children. The basketball
courts, Kiddie playground, pavilions and BBQ grills are close to restrooms and parking. Two
softball fields host local teams. One of the most popular features in this park is its deep water
easy access boat ramp. Maximum length for Vehicle plus trailer cannot exceed 45'. There are 15
parking spaces for vehicles with trailers for day parking only and this feature is heavily utilized
by Park visitors. This assessment will proactively develop adaptation strategies to enhance the
County's investment in an important State goal- the preservation and enhancement of public
access in Florida. This analysis furthers the work of the County's Sustainability and Climate Plan
ongoing under the GreenKeys plan which sets forth recommendations to plan appropriate uses
and adaptation measures for areas.
The analysis will review the aforementioned existing features within the property and identify
necessary adaptation measures to protect it from storms and future impacts from sea level rise
and other impacts/stress to maintain operations. The work will also enhance and protect the
County's financial investment in preserving its use in perpetuity as a public facility with
recreational boat access use and furthering the State's goals to preserve and protect public
Total Budget Summary:
Grant Match
AGREEMENT TOTAL I S15,000.00 S15,000.00
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
j $9400.00
OEP Agreement No. CM919, Attachment A, Page 3 of 6
Change Order 1
Task 1: ($11,200) Data Collection and Project Management: The Grantee has procured Amec
Foster Wheeler Environment and Infrastructure, Inc. (Amec Foster Wheeler) in accordance with
state law prior to execution of this Agreement. The goal is to gather data consistent with the
public use for the Harry Harris Park, examining the vulnerability of the existing boat ramp and
associated public use facilities such as playground, docks, and baseball fields, and planning for
potential improvements such as the implementation of green infrastructure to capture stormwater
and account for rising sea levels. Amec Foster Wheeler will evaluate the available existing data
which includes:
1. Previous sea level rise modelling from the GreenKeys Plan
2. Review of the County's Local Mitigation Strategy to the extent applicable
3. Amec will also account for related impacts to the Park such as flooding associated with
intense rainfall and high wind events based on an agreed upon set of scenarios consistent
with other climate planning work undertaken by the County
4. Building, sea wall and property elevations such as elevation certificates
5. Plans, renderings, drawings or surveys of recent construction at the site
6. Other relevant similar waterfront projects and best practices from same
This Task will also include the development of a list of available reference data for the site and
previous modelling from the Green Keys Plan to create a more detailed site specific analytical
strategy for future flood risk from sea level rise and storm surge & a "Gap Memorandum". The
Gap Memorandum will identify available and needed data sources to complete a full
vulnerability analysis for the site with project management discussion to determine if needed
data is available and how to close any identified discrepancies.
Amec Foster Wheeler will develop the Gap Memorandum, conduct a kick-off meeting, stake
holder meeting, and two Board of County Conunissioners Meetings (BOCC) to discuss the Draft
and Final Vulnerability Analysis. Some of these presentations will extend beyond Task 1.
Amec Foster Wheeler will also participate in bi-weekly calls with the Grantee to discuss the
project and provide schedule updates. Amec Foster Wheeler will utilize a subcontractor, Erin L.
Deady, P.A., for support with project management, approach, analysis and meetings.
1. An electronic copy of the kick off meeting minutes, stake holder meeting minutes, BOCC
presentations and meeting minutes (throughout project duration).
2. An electronic copy of the Gap Memorandum which will identify available and needed
data sources to complete a full vulnerability analysis for the site with project management
discussion to determine if needed data is available and how to close any identified
Requests for payment must be made within 15 days of completion of the deliverable.
Due Date/Frequency/Performance Period: June 30, 2019
Performance Measure: The Department will review the deliverable(s) to ensure it meets the
specifications provided in the Task Description, above.
DEP Agreement No. CM919, Attachment A, Page 4 of 6
Change Order 1
Funding for Task l:
Grant Funds
Match Funds
$ 11,200.00
$ 0.00
$ 11,200.00
$ 0.00
Task 2: ($12,200) Vulnerability Characterization/Analysis: Amec Foster Wheeler will define
the future vulnerability to sea level rise of the Harry Harris Park as well as adaptation
alternatives (related to existing and proposed site improvements) to proactively promote the
resilience and storm surge of the site and its use in perpetuity as a public facility with
recreational boat access use. Amec Foster Wheeler will prepare a draft vulnerability approach
utilizing the existing data identified in the Gap Memorandum from Task 1 above. Amec Foster
Wheeler will analyze various flooding scenarios based on percentage of risk from sea level rise
and storm surge. Amec Foster Wheeler will present the draft vulnerability approach to the
Grantee via an in person meeting so that the Grantee is in agreement about data to be used and
generated for the project in line with agreed upon sea level rise and storm surge scenarios.
Updates to key stakeholders and the County Commission will also be provided.
The analysis output will include:
A. Flood impacts based on level of flood inundation and duration (level in inches of impacts
and days of impact) from sea level rise and storm surge. Potential adaptation and
response strategies related to proposed site improvements — identification of a set of
potential alternative strategies that could reduce or eliminate damage to the existing or
planned facilities such as:
1. adaptation strategies for existing public park operations and facilities (e.g., buildings,
infrastructure, parking)
2. seawall, dock and boat ramp impacts
3. pros and cons of strategies
4. location of natural shoreline protection
5. implementation pathways for strategies such as any code or design requirements
6. cost and funding strategies for adaptation measures
Deliverable 2:
1. An electronic copy of the approach and draft vulnerability analysis which will discuss the
adaptation strategies for the park along with funding analysis.
2. An electronic copy of the Stakeholder Meeting (with minutes and presentation)
3. An electronic copy of the Presentation on Draft Vulnerability Analysis to Board of
County Commissioners and minutes
Requests for payment must be made within 1 i days of completion of the deliverable.
Due Date/Frequency/Performance Period: June 30, 2019.
DEP Agreement No. CM919, Attachment A, Page 5 of 6
Change Order 1
Performance Measure: The Department will review the deliverable(s) to ensure it meets the
specifications provided in the Task Description, above.
Funding for Task 2:
Grant Funds
Match Funds
$ 2,800.00
$ 9,400.00
$ 2,800.00
$ 9,400.00
Task 3: ($6,600) Final Vulnerability Analysis: Amec Foster Wheeler will utilize information
generated in previous tasks to develop a Final Vulnerability Analysis for the Harry Harris Park
related to existing and proposed site improvements with recommendations for potential site
considerations and adaptation measures to sea level rise impacts and storm surge. Amec Foster
Wheeler will include such measures as building specific measures to reduce flood risk, seawall,
boat ramp, and dock refinements as specific intervals to avoid loss of use of the site and
recommendations for natural shoreline protection. Amec Foster Wheeler will prepare a cost
analysis utilizing the approved measures for adaptation / resiliency identified in the Final
Vulnerability Analysis. Amec Foster Wheeler will prepare a repetitive loss analysis from not
implementing the approved measures identified in the Final Vulnerability Analysis. Amec
Foster Wheeler will also leverage return on investment and best practices work into the Analysis.
Deliverable 3:
1. An electronic copy of the Final Vulnerability Analysis Report will be completed that will
characterize future impacts under various sea level rise scenarios over future planning
horizons with storm surge, in terms of level of inundation and duration of impacts,
adaptation measures or site criteria for future uses, economic costs of alternatives, any
design considerations, funding recommendations and potential damages without
adaptation measures. An Executive Summary will be included.
2. An electronic copy of the Presentation on Final Vulnerability Analysis to Board of
County Commissioners and minutes
Requests for payment must be made within 15 days of completion of the deliverable.
Due Date/Frequency/Performance Period: June 30, 2019
Performance Measure: The Department will review the deliverable(s) to ensure it meets the
specifications provided in the Task Description, above.
Funding for Task 3:
Grant Funds
Match Funds
$ 5,600.00
$ 5,600.00
DEP Agreement No. CM919, Attachment A, Page 6 of 6
Change Order 1