3rd Change Order 04/04/2019 MEMORANDUM TO: Board of County Commissioners From: Assistant County Administrator Date: April 3, 2019 RE: Change Order Attached is proposed Change Order#3 for the Scenic Hwy Overlooks. This change order increases the final contract sum by $24,791.25 as well as a 135 day time extension. The date of substantial completion as of this change order is April 18, 2019. Monroe County ordinance 004-1999 provides authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specific limits after providing the Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority. Signature sist t County Administrator Kevin G. Wilson Print Name is MONROE COUNTY/ENGINEERING/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Scenic Hwy Overlooks INITIATION DATE: 03/25/2019 CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Toppino&Sons, Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 03/21/2018 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sung) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)...................................... ...—..$762,854.75 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders...................................................„.$ 0.00 The (Contract Sump(Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was............ ..$762,854.75 The(Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be('orrcreas,ed) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order—...—-$24,791.25 The new(Contract Sum)_(Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is._....„......$787.646.00 The Contract Time will be (ncr'ea ed) (decreased) (unchanged) by......................................... 135 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is........................... 04/18/2019 Detailed description of change order and justification: There are three issues that re airs this than e orde 1) A no cost chap e order for a 2 daytime extension due to s e,-ial events at the project,site that adiust the substantial completion date from December 04 2018 to December 0 . 2018. Substantial completion of the original proiecIt wwas ra�nted bv Monroe County on aecember 8 2018 and a reed to bv FDOT. 2) On or about,December 21 2018 a severe storm with hi h winds and waves, struck fie luf✓ast and dams ed one set cif newwl com feted starts on lie Holds Street bier,necessitating a repair. The has been designed and approved, The cost of the re air has been negotiated with the contractor and is the basis for the pLoposed increase in Contract Sum. 3) The additional time for the contractor to evaluate the dama e ore a design„ have the design reviewed and anproved by the Count "s consultants and implement the repair will extend the contract time to no later than April 18, 2019. Remainder of page blank. Signature a e follows. Not valid until signed by Owner Architect it a lioabl and Contractor CEI: D CONTRACTOR; D to DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT h i ate COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: Ro err astesi Date K in Wilson Christine Hurley Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes ® No ❑ If Yes, explanation: A special event, the Key West Triathlon, was scheduled to take place at Higgs Beach with the swimming event crossing under Reynolds Street Pier. Construction was impacted due to set up for the race on 11/30/18 and the race event on 12/01/18. This change order is for the time lost due to this special event. On or about December 21, 2018, a severe storm, with high winds and waves, struck Key West and damaged one set of newly completed stairs; necessitating a repair. The repair has been designed and approved. The cost of the repair has been negotiated with the contractor and is the basis for the proposed increase in Contract Sum and Time. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes ❑ No If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5% of contract price (whichever is greater). Yes ❑ No If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect approves the change order. Yes ® No ❑ If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes ❑No Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes ❑ No Explain: The damage to the stairs on the Reynolds Street Pier was caused by an Act of God (severe wind and wave action). The stairs were originally designed to re-use the existing Reynolds St. pier structures. This was a cost saving strategy, which may have contributed to the failure at the joint between the new stair structure and the old pier. The damage was not the cause of faulty design. The repair has been designed and reviewed by the County's structural engineering consultant to reinforce the original pier supporting the stairs.