Item C02 BOARJ) OF' C"OtJN'l"N 'OMNIISSI(),Nl�,.'I S ,AG'ENDA, IT SUMMARY Mecting Date: Decertflier H, 2013 Division: Public Works 1311 hen,i: )°'cs x N o ---------- SIZ111TOMACI PCI-S(M/Phone Bob Stone 797-1458 M,'EINDA ITEM NVORt')ING: APPI-ON'di l"Or Monroe Counly Board of County lo am/ard bid and exrecute oontracL lo Mack Hre Prolection, Inc. l'or "I"uH Maintenance 1"i re I"rotectl(Al sy sty ms- ITEM BACKC11OUND: 0n Octc�ber '301, 201113, tw,o bids received fi,)r this project, 01le NlaxilflUS Fire PrOteCtiOn, Inc, with as base bid of' $14.J50, per quarter and die other Croni Mack 1""ire Protcction, Inc, Nvith as basc bid of' S4,3001 per CIL""HIC1.1 AfIrCl- I°CAJC\A, of Hds received, Black 1-1re Protection. Inc, wjs fo)tjjid U) he' SUbstwitially corif'orming ill their response as weil as the lo%vcstw respoillroOdesihle bidder. ­SL1hStM1i�ffl)` C0414'0m,ii rig" iS Lifilized due to tile 66flowino, Black I-'Ire Protection,, In,c. pd two originals and tw'o copies oCfficir bid resporlse, One oliginal response conrains all el-rcir ihat the crtlacr correct origina oe,,,,, not; dilat being. the original containi'ng �Jje erl.()r, lisled 111C (jUanedy 1ec M fo)r the urrav Nelso Go ri vi. a aatcmar aS S`)()0. wh0on i cflicted, With 111,C to)M1 hase bid of" S4.."300 and since Purchasing utilized this original, the conflict pres ents i(sQ fl 11' irl, l'c Purchasing Department's T'abulat'ion Sheet, '1Jils is in ci,,wrast with the qLK111Cdy f e of $2501 forklurraN,, Nelson Govt. Center shtmml on the correct Original ol' which is ini agrecnient with 1he toud quarterlN base bid ot $4 '3010� In addition, 1311ack 1"ire PI-MeCti011 MC, 1111-10LIgh they (lid sign it, overlooked �,vrifing their C,on:ipany mame ;.at the toll of'the Drug 1'ree Workplace [orai locate(I wvitjjjjj 1l,je original response that contains 1he error rwted above, J-heir (-'0111pany nanie does appeqaj- of, ti-le DrLW�� ["ree Workplace fornl included with the ori gill'al C( rreel response, l)t,je to �,At [east One Original response behig accurate and thaw nowd technicall errors beitig, aiirwr, it is requested of' thc 130(,,'(' to ""ave these irregUlarilies and deem it lo be in the Count)"S best mtcreM, to Lnvard this bid o Black I`ire Protection, file. PREVIOUS RELEVANT 1301("C' ACI ION: On � iy 15,. 2013,, NAC130CC approved t(') advertiso fim lids I'Cul the inspecliom- testing. mailarclu'llice a,tnd repair c)f Fire Protection Systerils, (,',ON'f'll,A("'1'/A(;'IZEENIEN't' (711AM"IES: N/A ST,NFF RE(I"OMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL C'OST: $'17.2001.fats/ BUDGETED: Yes X Nua DIFFE�141,"'NTL'U, OF LOCAL PREFERENCE': N/,/\ COST 'TO COUN"I'A S1"" "00 ,00 SOURCE OF FUNDS: a'd V(florem & 304 JNG: Yes No X ........................ REV[ NI II PRODUC AMOUNT 1"ER, MON'rut AMI)UNT PER YEAR APPROVED BY: County Atty M/Purchusing Risk managen] ()N� Crit DOCU N1 E NTATI ON: ITICIU x Not Required'.., DISPOSITION:-- ............. ...............—.............. .......... ACENDA ITEM Revised 71)(K) MEMORANDUM waiv: N()VEMBER 14, 201,3 To : EDENT PIERCE, PUBLH,,'�. WORKS DIVISION DIREC."I'OR FROM BOB ',31'ONE, MIDDLE KEY OPERATIONS I)IRECTOR RE: FULL N1ALN'TEN,ANC,,E FIRE PROTECTION ......................­­­­­......................................................... On (kuAxr 30. 2013. two bids were raceived f(:)r this pr(ject, One ft,�otn Maxiinus Fire Protevion, Inc. vvid'i a kise hid or $11150 per quaner and the offier frorn Black l'ire flrotec6on. Inc. \vith as buse bid ol'$4,300 per quarter. After reviem, of tAds received. 13hick fire 11nmecdon, hice vvas found to be substanindly conAmming in their respcmlse as well as the lowen responsible bidder. "SUbSt11rfl6aH'v conhaninj" is WAzed due to the fidloming; BAk Fire Protection,, hic. provided two origin.,ds, and, two cop�cs of their bid wponse. Oncoriginal resp)nsc contAns im error. That the cqher correct c riginal does not. that bcin& Te odglal conudning the vior dust. d tl1C (jUarterly fee Or the Murray Nekon GWL AnWr as $200. which conflicted with the total quarterly base bid of $4000 and shce PurchaNg LKHzed Ovis otighal. the codlkl pmserus Nseffin the PurchasinL,, Deparn-nent's AbAtion Slicer. '['his is, in contrast "ith g the quarter 1,v, i*ec or S250 Ar Murray Nelsori Govt, Center shown oin the correct original of"which is in agwcment mith the total quartedy basQ Hd of$1301 In addition. BWck Fie 10mection Inc, At1mugh INQ LHd sign A. overWoked im-iting 0ierr (`orru earn y nani,e at the top of the Dmg Free Workpkice 6ot-al goicated. withhi thic orignial response th,,it contains the error noted ,,,ibo,\x. Their (Inipany name does; appear (m he IXug Free \Vorkplacc l`(,"irni included with the original correct respins, Due tart ;atleast oneMiginal response being acuHate and Me med technical errors beirig n,iinor. it is requested oC fl'le [U)C(T to "Uvc these 4mguQuies aml drurn it U) be n) tile COUtIty'S bICSI interest to award (his bid to f1lack Fire Protect4m, Inc, Flease let une Icnnvv if there Eire aiiy qtiestimis or rnoxe iriformation is desired. BU DG ET AN 1) FI NANCE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT TABULATION SHEET OPEN DATE: OCTOBER 30, 2013 AT 3:00 PM, TITLE: FULL WkiNTENANCE PROGRAM FIREE PROTECTION SERVICES RESPONDENT #1 BID AMI INT BLACK FIRE PROTECTION, INC. One Annual Inspecdon and Rom, temp, of the Fire l'unip and (3) 71tree Quarterly fire sprinMer systeni inspections and leoing per the latest edition of NFPA 25: Nt mme Cotulty 1""Mcntion 5%1 (Mgc Wwd SUMMM CoMyr. Key NUM, H. 33040, llurvq Government Centu OW Nowt "fin, me &ROMM coAr. Wer Wkhng 530 \Vh tdw-ud SG, S,350d,400 cost/yr, 33040 Monr(,)e County (.'oLWflRA1Sc Annex/OkfJail 502 Whk6ead Q MWIAN CoAjr. 33M) Marathon Government Annex Mbs"SyCOAW SWUM COMY". Wmhom IT, 31050 Mantation Key J0 53 1 j"h R&I AW S300/1.200 COSL/�Z-. jonender FL, 33070 Marathm Jai 39H 1 Ocem,Orms,,, $300d.200 cost/y'r, MUN)w 11 . 33050 The following buiNings W require (1) One Annual Inspection and (3) Tlarge Quarterly Fire SpdnMer Systema Inspections and festing per N FPA 25 M',onroe Cm,int� 'bn RM"Namw R MCI %210,,A,()00 CoSt/yr. Ke; Wesh 11. 33040, 1 Mcmroc County MAMMA BWj M ukwmd $200/800 Cost/yr, Kcu %Vo. FL, 1300 Dcp�. of juvenfle Juske RIL,dkfing 5503 (ollege Road SKYLU) COSUY1% K,c� Wvsl H- 3 W40 Bayshme Manor 5200 Ofllcoe Road S�501600 cc,St/yr %W FL, 31040 Fremnan Jusdcu [Udg. M12 Haning Sim SMW LMW COAjr, (Tesd ng schedukd anmnd (Ourt I learhigs) Q Wes. R. 3301) Munay Wson Governrnen'� Cerocr M2050 (hencus lk hq, S2001800 Cost/Yr. Kq I m"m FL, 3037 (inch Key We Ukmse 10 Unwh An smwmm cosVyr, (AHwh Kel. Fl- 330% Mg Nne We Won �1,90 tour Dur Bh J, S2010/800 cos[/yr. B" Pow Kq.R. BOW Stiocl< Wand FIre Station 61 W)Y" AA smwmm COW. Slock kdand, H- 33GH) WHI,\ PIR],ORWU; 4%U V, (hqAn h It W lmx NMI WAY Y711, (is RHAAAAS IF Ito Iq NITYASAW "I w7mlm IF V0WV( 1Wj%S ITOW (UH-WR N=Aw 61 WEY, W R1, 1, Fwal Qurterly AMA/ Yewk 2. Repim Wake. prior approval requKRI) dwhg numul Wum of 810 un t (ru 5:00 p.ni. Monday uhrough fri&iy $1L)L )Q--per hcmr for 1'echnician And shall be $EL Q9 per hour li-,)r 1'echi'lician and I'M Per Repairs Or emergency calk other Van the h(:,mrs hswd above diu6ng cwdngs, "cekends arml 6a4days Sj_,5I QQ lrotln- O r I hchn A Ann_,J)C�' And OmH be Z ,2�50 per I wur 1-or Techn i6,,in and I M jr,,)er 2 Fhere are no additknal wals for travel,ordeage., nwals., or lodging. dj 'I he Cost of pons (mckiding 460A and wilt tax) awl aH he We nianulicturers cost plus Freight, engineering, p,cmi0s, equipment and sales tax QH he reimbursed at the annoum chaTed ono,. Ile nmnWhamek in"We inum"compmr; all rupwMs Ar pa.ymen't for any jnuI, Nvhich exceeds $50(00 and ma) be m1wed at di c discretion u�W the Owner For any part, regardless of the cost, RESPOND,ENIT #2 BID AMOUNT MAXIMUS FIRE PROTECTION, INC. One Annual Inspec6on and flow test of the IF& Pump and (3) Three Quarterly fire sprinider system insImclions and testhtg per Ile hdnt edhion of NFPA 25: Monroe (,�ounty 1)ctenficm Ccriler 5MI CO QC %Wd &L=1 C04Q. kc,, Wcs�, � 1- 330,40 1 larvey Governinent ('eroer ENO �njman A Cnu STURN comir. Ke') 330) 1,este r H t,t i l d i 530 %Wwhemf A SUMM muyr Kcti W'Q'Sn' FL. 33M Vkmroe (Anm1yCbur1NnNc Annex/Oki Jail S02TVhhchcadSt st"ROO co all-, 33010 ,Manathon (ioverrmicnt Annex 490 61"'Sk-ct,t,CWn slt�100 00 cos'l/yr% 3309) Planlation Key ,WH 53 Hi, h KAH And sc wam) CUAY, 3300 Marathon Jail, 39KI MaUl RMCC st I WMAJ C010% 0:,iralhon, 1 1- 33050 Ile k4wwhw bu=gs will require (1) One Annual Inspection and (3) Thove Quarterly Fhw Spdnkkr Sys= hmpmHuns and testing per N F'PA �25 M on roe C()u n I y Wil Witiuve, 5(w "WwWad St al $I loom) cosuyr. Kc> %kcm. H. 3=01 3 Mon= Coumy WHY AM& My 595 tea WRId S 3.A 00,00 ccrsCyr' K c'.a \k C' F 3 30M) Dept, of Juvcnk Justice FWHdkg W UWWW Road S,3JOOPO cost/)I-' Kc� Wcm H- 3W) Bayshowc Manor �200("oHogc Rood $11 MEN COSQ% Key NA cs�. t L, 33040 Freetn"in JusticQ 131dg M12 Heming Simet %3j UTOO cosVyr. (TeOng Awduld anmnd Wirt I Wcst' H 33410 NAunay TWO= Government Center HC050 O%crscas ShImcm) coskyr, I my, rl" 33037 Umch Kay Fit I We W(Vuh AN, cowyr Qmh KO, H- 33050 f3ig Pine Fire suafior� 3 90 Kc�, Dcw 11 d, S�3, 00,Q) cost/yr. BQ Pke Ky JA , 33043 Stock lskmd Fire Suit�on 61 MI To AN.. S3 100 00 cost/yr, Suock khmd. � L. W40 W711"A P0?H'W(II'(Vu O 'Wlt lw,�AflOh CM, \1 /A R WE f TH RIMH SEE 11 IM 10. W TAXIMI 10 M HN q AL MWO WA I W11;Rh W A17ER WHOM R?SAW IUW RI, 1. T."oW Quartcrl� ScrOce $110010-0" 1 ReMdm Owine^ prkir approval required) duHng nonmal Ws of 81M wn I o 5:00 AII MOIRkl); th-C)Ug'Ih FIICkt�, F)cn- hOUr k)r Tcc1rno6,m And SO he hour for 'Fechnician and p lelper 3 Repaks 1"or cn'icrpency calls other the hom hmed Am dining evenings, weckmixis anti h(didays S 300.00 pcHmur Rw 14duddwi. And shWI be $jZaMQ,Tcr MR' for Technician and I IcIper 4 There am no add AMC coms Mr tmve I,inileage, uled Is, or I odging", i.1, The Cost of pans (nchrdbg WOH. and sales tax) SO he the munAcTurers unfit Pik's F'reight. cangincerhig. pernihs. equipment and sales tm.wdl be Arnbumal at We amoullt chargQd only. The manuNcUuM inv(dee must accompany all requests R)r paynien, ficv any part, vdlich excecds $500,00. and may be mquemed at the discretion or ow Owner Rw any pan, regardless of dw cost. Bid Ccimm�ttee Presenj; Erie Coughkn - Purchasing Office, Ahce Steryou-AAA"RAW Works Members of the Fjbhc Wevul; Orby Block-Black ire Protection, Inc. I hereby certify that A& is a true and correct cgy al said bid op ing and that aH bodders hsted We We be" Sec ed against the State of Flonda CawNted & 5uspended Vendor listings. AH bids listed above weire rec16ved by .the date and time spe6f ied, Bid Opened By: Emie, Coughlin- Purdhcisonq Manager 5 'AAlemolum Pqcj,,[, RrIlASO Sid FOIGI !JECM)NI"(WEE, HYD DOCITNIENTH "MMOMMOMOROWN B13)T,O. lvl(,,)",NROE COX.N'TYROARD OF O)INTY COMIMISSIONE&S GATO RMIDINCr ROOM 2-231 1100,151MONTON STRIEUK.'T U."N"WES-T,FLORID A, 31.*441 BID A�FIRCM., 2 ... ....... ............. 1"'laving "-;arrflxjj� WKINWINVA"I th-C INOTIL, 3IpCCifICRAi'0OS,, bid and an l da, �,.bereto w9l(xhimi,Contrucl DOC'Umero, &')r the scrivices FU11, NIAWENAWX PROGRAM FIRE MONRCW R-ORMA Atuhalirgg x e fivilifiat Lb all, Iocal conditijorn mclirigluoir a ag the tither ,f, and having; f1wilifiAliz 4uso-If with, itsamortal availability, Fedcral" Smut" and L'mal l s, ordill"amms, it pod ui latiocs Itt"fedir,%, pnfonname, of thr wvtk, dimm hicretry pmr,"M to sevis.ve, anti ',Lfl inicidentids necessmy w, perf"mm And ormtplow, said wotk in a WKkinmi-filre mi,anmr, ir, NAb sj^&I xv(" am't other co"Iltract docigitcsits isstiml iftmricto, rhic following Indidirgs, will rvpilife", �:mm It., Annual lospmd nd ROW Ust C ' thep and (3) 'Thm,L fted,v Ortog Lv eAttion 0 NVPA 25: N40MM,CiDiaray C"offegrRood 7zz Gqviocrmnomt C"cotc,,,r $AY')T nximan A viettibit J CIC)SU,yr, Im nu wtvt,n 'rW),so.) 110(hikebruari Stan KxyWom,11 TXW Momoic CoLinty( ouldmume " h"itt'head SU're"I Aancm)Old )ail West R YOM M cm YT arathon OvIlim"strerm, IID marabon.H"33MA") mmemr." 'v "ml No FU * LL FIVIRF FM, R,(A,"FA:"rV')N SYS'n'?"WS I'VI 111)NRIDE('01LIN TY KOMI,)A,, Page Adidetmium, Nllc,,u,I Rievisal M arathoo i '! 0. d.A a Ih m"ire° „w °....,„ J cmo/yr. �...,, "rhe,following ba , '1,Mquir (1,)Ow AUNUM LaImpectift ad �� tz � I Mica me,C.,r"wU t Main 9X)Why I IS���� KxY tmt,M ill ) Key lArgia,FL Y'V)3'7 e C"OURMO"'CA36%l'y"IMAT Aft 6 et"'IMAR ��i N�;'� ,�Y ��i��' tl" °�� rr ul" AFT ff RIMAL '(dRIUNESS�RAAR W"o. 7 f14 "AIM „M� �r� ) N ��.. q. IR W Tt 40 "w �VmR.'"l�lY u I " &P � ! � .,,,�,, (�c.' i ry,FLOF Pap Z WaWn A,I Rx"vised Sid Fuml 2 Reqmfts(rotftirxi,pnot ulpirlxxxrval rtmquired) ch,irting normnitl %criork inp Ism omar rs cf`8-,1(X)um. to 5�,.(,K) pm, Mouday ffirmugh Frid r . .... jxr hour for Tedi,inixilkn A',M,10UN"r-1W'R.rrTFN 01,31" A� shall be jwr hotv for Technician and Hrd;xr. 6, ................... AMOCTIN"T'WRn,'TEN OLIT 3, Rrtmix% for evtwx? hr,gency calls cetutr than t , , kwum Ikmd We dub g vve-nings,'viver S ftsir per hot"'T, And shall bie [X.-r hotirt"or"rimiudiaJamn and lboar tv� ................... Al m, m wW ...... wirrri,,N cm.j"T ["hiereare no adtfifirmid caW for IraveQ We yaw memb,,or Wgkmg� ,J� ne cost (it, paas, (excludung, freight luml i4jes tax) skuk"Ll II*, t1w, mil"I"Aufacturc"Is ums phis _j IF,xvight, capnemming, peanits, cxjt,,drxmnI aryl Aaltvs, L&W, T"Vill biwe'teirn'twum'd, It drrr fn`V4DjCC MCW 41CANNItpmly Q VOTIM ROW,' may meet for any pam vVI"lich $50C,11.00, and, immy be mpelami at the mar screticm, of du: Chweer Q any p1m,", mpummm of Me owl, ............ I acknovivie4ge r ipt (, Addentla Nkx, (s) .......... .............................. hwvc invhxku�i 6xii-13kirl, mvhic iniclud'im I, Bid Fkxxn 2. NaIwr" Collusion Affidalv,tt 3;1 j.,c)*7YiItA,and Climflict(A'In'txv.,ma clllmue I gm 4,, [.>rug,Ftrx,, Workplacc-Rxm 5, Lx)c.;d Prefermce Rvrin, 111, "Wition, I I,,Iave rrr rrr m clurent vcr o"'t, 6, Camumajor's Lirxuxse i;twx !;,t,,TfTiMjs INK)NIR1,1ft t�',N)LINTY,FT-JORIDA Page 3 Addemduin Nlicw.I Revism4l,Bid F(mm 7, Copy of'Busixiess 'Nx Rmnciplt fusurance AgtftLg S,iiixtetncant All as steard �m t1w, 1n,%tnx:,ajfwn tc�Biciders,Pitisgraph,4,, OQk"MA Ntailing Midward A reas lc�le-Pholle "'4 Dkiler ................. % 4' w itrwevc --=14L�....... ...... .......... 40 Print Name ............ !"Y I z IIIIIHM!"MINE ll� FIMA, MAINFIENIANCE,1"P"Al"XIFILIAM MIKE F'04,s MKMl,l(R,CYF",(X)KJlNt)r,FIAVIDA Plage 114, FILED Novem be.,r09,E 2011 m- Of Stalt� Article FIRE ,kaide 11 �3461 -,,IPDFRI T II- 4.41.. 3331�� jkrtkte I . . kwvdAch US w ywabcal is o I ctmnl:ao A,N'Y ANDA1.1, It did he, nti"om p:Jb`m, IY,D an is Worked to ii.ma �!;;; M Article Gov � 09� ' ' .° )J M 41,1 NW ° 1l 4�, TER I horn ti ., MUN16 �Qj Ana". / �titclle ' r��°'�[1Y r,)c1c'1d o '�ou''ld ir �m t nr w �fiwts , 4,,xi crcrin � rc kum I an't wow"'Im di tt i;'ifioi ina ic,,"a " �1m�.,md, in A a") dic F)mq'iftii "a c.Sstait c("misaitu e"S for in sA> 7� 15 5, F,S� I the im o. mar an to file an amitual repyrt S"t Bali �y t i'Imm 11,1 cdc"rider ytmr kdowings frNivisfit"m of, and tvaml '11gunµ MCI Of0celu(d), I'lu"V: .��� � ��.������ of tt i�Vare 31319 Thk: Nrll Tidt SEC,' URBY BLACK, d 1/1;9/201 4�ul._POPIAO'll d r'lpll9#VlQ'L"Ir- rl r%�j1%"lir" ;'w U'Irl r Mrq' a IF Po„M IM R„o*POO "W II D M M,.JOM'Mi 0 ALAI , w per'IVaIV is Irh'at hiehit has nix, employed, reuiriIGned cv otherwivw Ilmad 4wt I lwm�its b IN"mdf any bramr` C41mumrr)w office om mmm loyce in QkAun of Mon 2 uk. NJr >Imma cx:No fl 0 119t,"PO o n 1 ("'ommnty of"fi ccr(A-m.°nr [AlD),Ip c in Yk abmm u ' Ncbmin,3 ofC)rdinance No, 10- 1@ c.yr, or vi"cFl41lmmtion I pmm immiron the Ox mr y rrm xy, in its 4 iH xrit;ilc ml mIi� .°V' and mmuy also, in i �,,w;r m�cxft, 1�d� iI the l."mmIlrTim,, cm' pmrclufse ricc, MIS° othv mlvt,,,I�eb I"mw>cGb"Pd'eq the RM mmmc mlml ('.)f Ially filch �m�mlPm� �'!wVil;�'m"tl ���,��', m��mi��f m gitt, of' Imki to the fk rrrcr � � y .µnilyg, yT II!k°; 4"b W 1S P .. rq 4 k1 H; mMIJ iT rO F n A&PEA RED REFOIA F, MF,„ the stinI4,Ac Ir iumed �wbm ubfi fix beilfng, sm iiN,k�" jr by tn "'Fi mA '"ignA IM'lm (awnc of bub yWuml sigabig) W the spiwim,pvxry Wed mbc° 4 iir mmmm LIf'm i day of �a 2 .w�, ,.. .. M � k B)ii ,sass Aral�� cc &� NIA ti�m� �.,�� �V�����' 'r U�ro�" " r% l;f� l�✓1nkr"i P,W"f'y °l P"'qs M1 M 1 IN mil � my C"a'n l7 s µ b, pp , .. w�, w W....,. .,.,. Y,�'a, flo"011 I CJIt0,WlV6"Ir t"M%-A,l it r mr,:, iI iW c.iko&vAairll 0 1 1 mlv o- H,f H)AN, AFF UDAVTT .......... r, 47 Me c"'lity 16. �0 ...... amhmds pmd,"Y'f�,kf djejK)"Sweand Say ft w Y, 7z........ .................................... �j �a v n ..... , ,, e ""!,� .. ...... cI,f fl, f im-) c)f �7 IQ ilw bidilcr making dw PnrmW kw <tcscrilmml in Buhr, 4 cm"ic IRN Calling f6i' tvicu for" &le 7, /nl, w"mi the%w,ld ppmopoial with fidl r,,mkthcwrk`y, t do sc� Ise pd"m im qhi.� b"i'd ivive bit:,en arTi'vod at COHUSiMl, yMxmmn A le Ilrrw' Io , icrf rvariczing, a,s tc1 ,(mTy muncr retaing 11"'W sucAl phcm,Imiltil mmy tlxjhcr bidder lcj�r%rittt atiy cornpc4ilitsm-, unlw�s lodwarlmise n-miquired two Imww, dw prRes whuh, have Ibeein qtwltrd in lthis, bid have, not been IkIIwcrrwirq,,!,JY disirA,f,,:K&xl L,�Y the.,t,,�id(kr and lwiil r14o't, krm"I'Wing"I'y try disclo wwsi kr,W the biclkler pri,cIr b0 op mmir dires,dy or ind0cly,u)any mmll,,�ev bid"Ide"'r cov", an,,v and mji aucirnpt lIwas bmr�, mock, c'Nr will, fx, irksde b dic bilmer to imfuct, i"ury, OT co,rTh"Pration to !'Imlinvit, ar not tx:i,sjubu6I,a bid fiw the purplix �iof rearicting fixmvIxlition; Me mamummm cummmul ul ch'i's affldsv ir,ate truxr and ccrrrix,�,,,Rs vnm,, with Ifulll k,,nowkxigc ghat C"o'clu'vy 11"T'llic's upicy'n fible trurb, rzwf flic,%laft"In'cnis in tllhis affidIsAt in f Said ............ --(�........../',""',� KTA rE(m OF .................... 10 RE PORE the mull"14"wity" APPMR fill'st ar siwir,.�wn by tric, lbl(Aslac- auk" Signing) id"fixix! t6s,"bew sigivivirc-, in the wp=! �xu,116&,d, ,A)c ave cmttki's, day 121......... 641(),]"Aft Y S rEONIAVE N,�s MY Cw.vmMs%h,',)'lrw ............................... ... ......... ........ . .................. 11 U L U tlet tli"I/.d,I;,r"UIOIAO 411 1,,, Ir T" , .Ili)'q,I w6 I 1111'1'V, I( .,1 @".��, F4`�v .e i 1,mNV PA0P4F'�0E r k,rr,hlNT"N FY.0 Rr [a�la �Inc urlIrr ve, 1"'11rr° 4J, 'tcf ruI'(,kairk.,kv yard t P„rA,,�rru ru,rr¢.ail.r. !8� s 87 1 l fIa��. NvR,mv rill INMIu 4r"rv, , 111fub fir,€ a ,u,lek4l ld� ""utof r f ,{ ',"1 r[11ot� rr,Ia%'v�ul der,rrlrlr w°w aj, truQ�i II,rr1 a l r ""I IIr:;. Now"iN,m rka uw of a a:'M,rtvQNd mbmww A pi l+rPubarulwd in Wmr,,lja,r mmi ,pOo Ng Tv rrhArurm Ur o M be y rr Vfri rrrrdapr",rp3� .lka,°�', "r;rfbl�0"YV,rintr'r, �. �rrikwwin cr plo ev, A>rrlrr IW dm%nh kua°fVr:u g rr[ame 0 Harr wNnNa Lu,",v, r�r� �rrr.d�urn,,r ,.�rrrYuiro. arlY'rru,rourr;riiurrir,4,; rr:rllr Irr,,c w lirk",'i r7rw, an, isNM(ir'4u'rlb k" r, Ug r,reUpaWing. r°d"a9a NC17iN,rrr„rbV,`d. mui r,N"Vryqu r6;rn.Kl"'.r'rrrrr"e PMgMMY %1nd If,,, wui irNwkr,;'bti�`troll uurt�rw� 4wu RrrS1�1"w'd rrp'r�ur r"or dnug,,A I,u".r eraNllirur�rt@1r. in l ill"69r17j4NHJrg aw N..r,51YI`V6Wh v:,s or ?wdr iu irCr� 4)Uirr !„vrt; Ian';Jr" hu ,M1 u:y:k�r � kY1 llf'1r, r6tik9",rll°1?w,plr ?�1�0°�.VT6s"�r� IYr.�(,.lrld,4"N�,J,rrra L�� Qru Ov ,uarier crrr tr rho duo rw°nrai0hmyr,r , thw, ,y rvl awdwa,kbJng rrd€ awr1rr31V9idrr�,mk.z rPf ioi,°y"AQ r 1%dnrr ,U I,krpde1 lid. the Cml'kitFk;4,( udi UFYr h �,r`k9�� �V4rfif;a �b.nk IY[i." A'("Ih""vrr nt and '1o^r'71,V IfJk'91Ntfy Ihel fJV Fr. ) ro`„r,u14d✓ir-,T4rirrl 40 im pGbra aQf,l 1, vor fAA;b G">;nve N"11dr" e Rio ny 'rD4YU"rr nn WC hapYFu9d Nf r? 1F4wll da ^o rtrr4dlrno or of ,.h k7f, r m1.8'"Wkd W,r.,Ltlrf.c Nw of OIrr, 1I MAd ,'NWe )r my 0rr1lN W a Nor4 h Yim "w"N,rrl mg I the J'10 Wcr than �iv (",cha f., f"U r rr7,r`UV<"dl7b or9r' 'to'krr h"d:r(o Ae ii "iIEPVd rlrrl rrru Or m': in rr clr"uY' ,Anrtsc, flssPr "tfn k upr Yk:"Vrffr1�14,,,klltNrl t'tl'^0W PlV'S111,r ti4,r4„h k w6ifYG`hOr frd r.rJ'ke r"tV p r'4 ,d, �e;gyl1JtVImirlr" , iR ,,,Zr'"c% se'.fVrrJhyi .J who V` °,k'rr"m J49a� rr,i , 'Ywuinae l� r a aklPorr,, k M y,y,,kJ-ti°fla.O,u,wW Pyrr,r;h ouurlU+v'u°urwarrw" Or ilkh•r W" ron A,,IhOI;, tper',on ajuthuGK'P;' d ;L ,16 n k),W ,r.k1-291r,,.m zr,1'" Ov"' Ifv;Gr fi"'d r om'ab Lhe 'flbrP ve' IN:,r�X.kk1�°1"rru°Il�:i�n, „w ar 4 i'r 1"d 1 4 "D LOCAL F"lRFlF"5A0',,AIII E VOKV1 A, AMS CKOng a Ono, N'wnw N,-,anc oill0dor RcsPolljJc"'i j& vemWr have m vand mcQ Wr he hmme" Wx P""vd ttJ filhe !�llc")rlflroc Couni'I' 'ax k'n"v,"J" 'Jrin al' Ivfn(v' to ow oqmo"I�e'r'm" V'lclllufc'sl t6r�nl('[o dWldJijw1wcw`"tiWJ,w fi;Pk:,,asc, fiwnysh VG^lrv'Jhc'r have is physmal Nmww/'� Cciulcy firu'pr(, whkll thli venjIlfiIi 'orl' of very o""-' hl"�ing it th,, 0,vcmkjvpnnw wonvwor IT w qWumloa %p, ,r"40W gvqWy wmkx"a umsmown h� tInec"lky ow Ulu&ahnor W"o %mog amd kwww"'! J'Mwv1(.lv of Rao; ku am hwumm d ku pid us the Id4m1m;LAW, fn" ;?Wh Ne wbuarxwr fqwmW lel Nurdwr Nunc `�k,'`nalwwe "Ind" Rc"pomAicr SlAW)JI, VIM NWO� ruc, Cjmt H'w" f kl"", I "I'Hl I b"""'l to, rn'(" (o �,o Via' vdhcl'`'c Inunc, vvh- tkifl I t: v),"t, Now I sm., INchmewe Pmm Aw Ow mwpmn dwmm"MMMA %wan Pubb"', t`O Sea I - dt L PAO"fly"I'l,[ I,j........'.50'"I"I"A V I r",t a t L'I, t f 6 J t VAA aa),,,0,4 f Y il C44,V V l A llidder'dRespoluleWs iA,,, r kc r ff,)t Fri n tr cvN s"a t 0 n �Tkjlklr! [Jly pc),hc-y in I 1�1 04191,01110 f nu e iI C I'll C n�'l I n, (sn"M AAANY "WkwNg ll'fl10fOjYll"ll() lli'AmO-kre'd, Skrl,apjct, hrnflt anct Conyloc I Irermims $3 OUNOW unvosct" Fxpamkd ANN%4 V,'(,�nnagc, LTm)'t A4'(AAi'R,(',)E I RD O,F ("Of ONTY All AST NAMED AS A I')D/ L 1,NSUREO (,PNALL 14-A 54WAstandbg an3 OnNuun Wsmann: ;vqwmrtwMs maked t,fedll di�,,fetwd,, an,(J, kjok) Ow ( (4 INI Y and use UH NT"W" clectleil q,puinjtc,,,J ndtictur,,, h,,','urvtdll ss k orn, ',lxid O)f aln,�y "A"'aiti'vs, ay,,6,flrcs f)r cm,rses of ;'ickoil, (is) avv', pral pnweelngs, im oter pnwecdhp rdmhg M my ypi:, of w9up, AcUbg dnUty [0,q, daInage, 111m, jxnah) aw husbess intenmpx%, and, (,J6 j any )r flu,/,,ii vrut',, a 4crfxd uji,,t6nmi, rcspecl a or usiminind by. an) Doi eninAmi party by easssn oil m n'[, Lvwwahrr wit 1A) any, act"Aly of CIANIRAVIOR twaly olk umpk"xi aguls. sub-contruckiN or ;Aher WhondurkpAlto, venn ot-liitn,n I (H) "f"'Alk'd (,)NTRACIO�',, cO' it', agents, 40-comaruclom air othcr Whan, or IC; CONTRACTOW duNWI A rv4ml A any of1he Wigathins that 11 urulauken u-ndor thin luniv, or this t-pt Ary thif MuKRO. "atnWS of udow lb"Mon. PnWenjings, costs CW (at, av vt,, (PYRAC1011"ns). %Ar eb We JErns, ullyns," i4au've's '("J acl�i,,,q,l_ prxcehng& mmw ci o%pcm&,, mime Ko cvmas in +;rtit duruqA the tenla A wit 011S SCOntin vOH ,ixvv,,,v Ths, a�,xpwati,o,in ro,4 �fij(,, Hf this /WRIIAIRK or rnn;r eudkg itsmikaHon of thy AORLENWN] in lhc vvum Tal tk iemwc P; dvW"d w s"peWd as a rwmh of Mc- ll,/,'4.,),ntf,,naci(,,,,),,i',,,k to PuAmse kjr ni�viirfiut n nllf, relipvir (11 the C Asnowcur sUH indeninify the Gntlira� Vrorl)"i an', arlj l Al, in4, rvsolltkt,,,,; "llu,,11, W, Ad6r,, ($10pol of renumow, paW ky aw dw ;W !n&wr;HlWWv, AW Wc I hv cxwln or IWI&R, n Hi mo was Knited hy WwaL to Wywnk by the unmumv rmpkvrnous ummM,"J, rloflmn Ohl", Isk 1nwernm4"Norl ,Jv'tH avrVkc, Ark", tor etirhcr of the A: L!,/-tJlvlt IN) 1 t latmlc'rsAwld rlu: nrDsiiram......... fhar vviiP IN mand""itopv uf Ott" c"t"rlrttlaa:'r �a tcl M t:ck vtq"&r, 61( Vul�,' �Ur all d'f, "0 .......... V,UIA,"VAIMWI 0 IMPIRIM"Ol"r- 11 T,mr,", V`rltll"�I C"',T,VkOl'D M,(�,Nft,Of,COUNT)(, F'Lli�)RIIDA ........... ...........­­­............. LN—S'll"RAONA I ha v novilwad he atxpvc vividl the fM,.qvntkr narmod twlcaw, The fiflblwing doditsictiblei, apply bo A ommolmdWg pWAy, Pf"A'W"y DHDUCIIHLU,� GL2012FSCO0522 Gqnqj@j LiablIft, ............ r .d.31.000. 00 per clai -Bus4alas s Au t a ded coverag(,.,, .1 MON.= ........... CINtims Nfultz lec,,urren.ce r-rank K Furman, Im 4a,4?.f �40 19, ............................ 13,14 East Adowi,tic ftuloamd Pompwo Boadq R.33060 „i,Z CERTWICATE 00ESFSKA” W r.Y OR W.GWrIVELVAMEIRD, IEXTENCY OR i ER 'rHr-- COVEMAGE AFFORDED I 'rw P0iL1C3ES ISELOW, THIS CIUMM.CATE OF I SURA,00 I INO''T 1 I STF"I"Ih 11 A lCOM "'1i BETWEEN T" , ISIUMING I S RS), Awl"IHORRIE R INr r 'TA OVIE CM PRODUCER,AND II, C I 'r rr° I I. V- , t �N� r4rfrrr ite 1 ��4°�IVrr I�iNr �'����"� h9 ll6 I Sr��,�E t �li� (i" �� rr tr roro rr � ,w � ��I �5 'WAIVED,I ,� il���+u.�� tr IrN4r beripris and condRions ofl P1011ty,, (, ffthr POHC� m°ray mquile mn,81vXkwwnwwt, Ir rr4 ar im,11his Lsrtllft4ralp,does IN10r r.Ir1114'er Huhtr rrz 4IPrr4 ( r rrrr m, Furman rrmrr4Yur Loveless 1314 first Atlarr� c Hilv iiif P,, Box 1927 �ur4r � r� 11��Iwrr 1 m� lua � Pcmpano RrwIR4, FL..... �...e4r �Got ®ea.. ormr�lrru�r � rar � � wrrrr c 24082 81wr, Fire , ion I�.>wror! n,gp! err � ,r '��,., i r � Ind " .,,. 3461 NW 7 5th T r Nr rrce rru wN4lrerrslrr uro Lauderhill Ne 3331 � r:�at ,,, , " .",newm ���„� ,�o owww" .�� .,,..me�" ,."."r � r C N N ""m N` 1 11 B,° ,A rr� /1 4 I r1 N"IN' MBFJ . r441''a 0tii "`1i44144""4 r'44 Ir r4-N4i 4 sigLUa fEs((.1i4 VI 4R,Nra rrN 4i a"Q, 1!riCr rrl4rr,.Nra4 V rlrisIl.n V:bEErrk U°. 4RI6''4t"k, T'Ii .Wr'4p41E1D 0Q4, ,,1)r u,l F V a4R VHIF IAI4f 14";Y Irir1Ikd775TE 0404f;-Alf",Ild QYHlh4EMAE1hr, 4i1f,71'YPA i�,41R z:r0I 0MiG;IN ANY O6!, i("'i'llifiR° ("1YulCU1MEN7 V1011„1 RES(111I I�„1T lrz('b 'w"i 1VP pd II4F. r4'GrIII Oz.M�r6 P&M 4m` Vn'x4 CMI r')"i MAY fli-I 1YiNk, 11;44' urrIIC D4'r:zr' klf�i""dl�l4"S� 4r W TRW, N°Nr44014 G 4V4'rRpfi'r( r TO w01k 11Vr4' Uh PAS EXCLU'>.NI trNS AND( f ky4 IpVNu p¢4' 4 V> "nVHtl 1[fl M""A"I .PI O II Y N°s�'iO i4 Mwjky 1N a I q N W491f i I'mr, rum' w lh r�lhhgr � � wF� NI IINur4 ru�� ur �131uroorlr4m.N, ioiNilN'r �, r4,PI0.rNu„zfOV,,�rdr.NNNag4�r4t. .i� ilrlLrr4ul 1 m`r��i roA 14rrdsrr e sJlrrr�9P4,Ia�Narl, c ; r r4Jm�r4 4rr4 mzwlli 4444p„ IV�4zr.41Y4r� � 4' G�4ftl, ,P„ 4�ll� dz3l ,"�Ivrp4ffi,44 Itm U z� u ti u�rlw� awr r 5,010 air rr r�rrwrzNv� 0', r4, �44 a_ M� u� �' 011, 4' 0A,�r w^J � 1�4J1 irAdrF rdl:f e41C 4I10 4 r">*k P I fi �rT Pf ' j 01 ftlm'KX Y'w tl14rrN I'NFN dYf ' Y >' a O00,4r I Asap . la�u �" I z,wzmiD Ir rm�mmlr�wurrmimmalmu'r�� 1 �.�zr "rawN""�Ir u "�rld ywliwrrz � ,.,.. rN � I'+4V °rmfrV�Nl4kr.r rl,4rr.rlYrm fr G�N.4�mPz4�Ir 9 C'd u6f l ti u 1 f 1%a XMMrI 1N NM1 RY l F wue ponce�� 4 I III �." N( /rWr4rt �NN1rNW4;s . � Az r v�f.� � � ° � n w4 w mr4z��v i rdla4,ff N N t)'p 7 dMdr 44pr rFr�>I""r AAr 1 r 4 AikY41NA"4C r _ 1 04#rlrrA VI NArr r 1,J��" ...,.V.,, ...m.... .,� ",.�... ,," ........ ..... m, H....... , „ ,, �J Ofr�N�IlN41�4. 4 4rR r- N4w++M"^Y p 1 6W9 1''�➢;d l4a ..wf dY `o6i Yr�J',� fie . 1 P f ,4'i� ll44 NVaArdili Nk°H�_. " .�,�, ,�,M ." .a.,w. ���, ,ba,w s,� 4� ~ 4 N41 YdiU'�IIN4�16N � � WNr "b okih� i GI ll Pi1 ip44 4I r�'u� I,ANY r� x d z f JI� 4d41r� P I 4 W$ ti-1 N„trr l4 rwi f�hi�Or 4 14zrrrr I naa4� �reF;� �� riR4V4,m4Ji4kd4� pN4, 2ASPfi: YzzrP'.Wi�iAw4Pafz II DO,,gwm rr, 4rrrrmNr4NiIz FIB 1 4 r4r4 f r1 rwasr idwr�i�a�INn�i u,�`ou4ww (I 9 !4�VN�iri;4q 4,r iNAA Fta Nli,il.r e'wzrrnn ,,, ._ , ,,,..._._.... _ _.... r ,, .,, k �'r� ....... �,m,,, ., ,..,, ,..� d ur arr z.4 aararwr s4lri N ANr " ""ry,r rlm 01@ Dpirl HATK°4rrSe 4INN A VOMI,f 4rV!rfl"`m N,,,d iAwgw, ".,,,.. ..„.. ,.., :. n r" Li4 ,�aiiPo,�rA �iY�z"P,z�,�aV +irrrc�:aw�Iliurrvmi�v mom;�w,oreu�a�aM�ar 14`w�wR,vliriui ire��m>r,�f�romp�dia�ui�e�ej� rvN l r pNrj "m�r'y includes "r.rr4 .Nsr pjNI rerr rilcr „ Nrl I°.v,wrt rcl.,r"ulna„ 1Nrricrdwr, Ur vtIlYmualJ c.clom :rr,uaaO opimrationg and pow Irwrltrad knjory Lia r.r,r wµy CERTIFIC..... . �. " ... .,.MM m. _.,_..... � - Lti T�NW colillrr,4ty" COMMA IWil4K l4r'rUYr0"Vr" myth4""' to SHOULD OF THE ABOVE IDESC.Or r4r41D P044OCIStlrNrr CANCELLED Ii,rllElr'nw"1rR r"HE 1EXPIV i41,10N DA''re rl" m,'r!Icw, wo'TK,,, , WU 4r: r4r"P..I(V1,wRL11L) Od0ti4 tl".m,r18rrr%'4a Corrr'rty err.- of County o r� 31 rw"r � n �rw�l4r�lmru lN�� � r�rrlr M w"""r ,� ..._�,���.�...,...., �.. ..� .......,I N 1 111u 0 Simontion Stz eve„N: I rr,yu Kest, Fl. 330410 43 r r'rre, rVne 1N4arNrge°KS A1 �z4'". AI ws"mraw Ord SOY ��o�f k'i "iwV49✓ , rrr J, r N%N" (' %1, �Uh Y I MM %I WHIP kddK'rr,u 11 a° ""t i ;r �, >""' �'E Vi�eo-rra M"il MW"� kH"r.Ps"M 1"Rof "Vrr P a "It F I I I R IA U)A try U IV°.lot 11�1",1'�I )lU 111"I lv v`14 U x I, ["s" r� S111V (All I'AlII"F V,IR'Jr- N IN It I flh'rcIli "F'irc flrolf iii°°Trion, 1111°, 14iY", 1< '75ttio .I"r rr ar c, A r"r r1Ve k i N F1 1 33 AAAA601 111INChtoIIHSits' 1 {" N,l `'S , ,A,,r l (4.W', !' 1�4h.: . , 0r 4ci(,N r" hinw' .t to -rtwu ;C Irtr'Vf,A', Rnpump IN, ,4ffi1bo h? w"arkl,[Y IAwa$r;°, M`,P„L rPt.,mu YU'. i-CIr,Ikl 1�61i,A r`P'�,'ik, �`o,;a 1 0 ,, "'+,(;r'1 �1,, ��F 7,'I� " ,r;d,i ,�`�1G1�,�2°'V i�i..... r6�> >>,NGai�, �'�4� , �a;„',9Pld�J1r,d�i f e ,1,�'r4�i,��,L�r�„ 'aw q"r t'1idt' `1 W pq'fl l' f('h," P, rs ,611. ua fim Ok"Erc,rt rtgr"wrjc(" Oki lanks VPiUdj`"irEPi ;mum 7:udw wan). COMAYy , i.ifmi.md v wip,. If _ P°,i'rrli f, lr',lre(,q 41 %wJ r AN�r" 1I1'wrr'rnciaf ail Wiill"'vi€r k�%.kr�0 (uorT-i, a+a r�� � �� w xiU u r M4 a A1p)N U1lKf V I'J11 �� � r� vs r) Pm117 sd4m'm v sw k WISHD ! OF `^rIAM FIRE MARMIAL, 1461 lire 7St1,o[ I e ir,r, a ee Vol t, ,r,tti"Ct•r'r��fP 1 f 9 `,p! a)Vj NI Fro 10 (i 'F o, prll'kIc r: 3ffc6(" h�V" ""In Sul,^iM,,, Vf,l lr %. "a a.I',,,,. r,Qi 71an 01 Ydw n .3a`m ?w 4'iPPm g EPf, � a`f ll''I I >lI,"'ci cx lJll,,,�v pfiYf l;ov >}�it 5;k ink ,lin", ti,r" a Ira-,RGwPtj"n"1 0 1,10 t..l,.A IC' I ;t11aK" n ',A h g.Ef,mi , ;'kio i:m Wind p!%"M 'r" Flu: 1 fir . .11 ,."r,� �,� �•i Nwv,` �1/'1Vf ?frl � 45r 2. fppf'� �.[71'f e3 4� O J"rFo rf?to6 trr j ti S Allxiirnws , N m -1 00 VMAluse Isai II°°IkL, 3Z , l ,9 —9m ' 3 1 14,11, VN[,XD OCTOBER 1,2010 THROU,113HsFP"rrmF3,ER 30,2014 Riummalpt : b, ur(:.1'. im l e,r I,°VJ,l1 rw' 16;;iYJ �l^' 7w1 ti. ,�111 "I�Y1w sP�ill��hl��im N'da�@�"� �rI VY 19i ��. Tjjjr�' i C' IIIjg qPH, U���hA Ptusin'ess, ° ww wmw!l, ,7rty, .,G jtlu � u 7i1 � i it rt 09.P, .4,1, 71;70114Fr,a:;i! SusWmas Maw Rooimn wed on's m bs, V arm md.�sPoam'uwarc�IV'uxu�mrw,m;�,mm i�m�7Pm of Mchirmwrowm w wu uu qlu w" 1 m Y Vmw�Nnrtlm!„kll�4' d �i1"9� imwf ! S 1NrzCPn 1pa imw w�'°7,r&1 mq dmw WYU am"am ditu am6d"a "V . e® .. ,, , no JJud ....._.... ,. m ........ . mIS RECEIPT IPT MIJST BE POS 1 l C > MI14",,'JIIUS11,.Y 114 YOUR PLACE OF IBLISIIINESS TIUS Sir .OME'S ArAX RECEFT This, !rp 1"c"l�r"be,a'Plav ege I'"'-fe tyusifim&js v",rmlhkrm rDw oc wri4a"awrr"I, wmy ufm real' 're, :7ou mu.sa m&,o &H a y pli, n, r° INHEN ' UIDAT wmry �8wmdwoa w�7°u' arra �w 1N" 4'uusaviV h"s Fw Ilmxw lwurrm°slUrakarwrerrcww!fomo uG osiMein w, Lm.wwrves , sr"46 >.I!wmlu °,w9u 9wruume, Itkm,� rhang d of ',[ v h6viviia° r9auirve,# �N"' df�'wA! S''m mVo''k Ilndk! WUYm'P thal sDar';1I aW UAi'm ICJ", ��w r Fa;r�.arumµ!1ur,wrtia,:.+w wowoN�r w�l,m�m, am Puwr�J'uamwa rusua�um;�im,wl(Iti�urtw, . Receipt 0 YO 9„2 .ro9uu1L0 u32 1,A 3 - 2014 IICII YOF LAUDERHILL CERTIFICATE OF LISE 'rf��o lenigaqe in or man,age the businessucctsplatiorl Nstled below Firvit n, October 1,, 21ID13 thiratiligh Septembler 30, 2014 Narrule of III usiness B liiu s ii r ve III imbeir 1,513140 BLA11C,K IFURE PROTECTION, INC 3461, NIN75 TEIR LAUDERHILL , Fl. 33319 lluslnoess C�asse!!; N Hl, 44G' uSak:" "'DI"41, f) Business Ad�:Iress!� 34161t, hl''IN 75 TER, This, licertificate of uw. . m, ust be conspicutmsly displa,ifled to the piublic view irlimide (,,neair cash register or, entrairice) at �thilie businilless lr),c',,rltllDn' except for r,ental mvits "which do not have an on-skil.v business office,, 5 '40 MONROL', COUlOrl" BOARD OFCOLNTY CONVOISSION1 RS C()N FTZ A(�T S U N4 Tv'l A R Y Contradwith: Black Fire Protedon. Inc Contri,,ict 4 PWD 71-1 -2013, 1,11�,Cfive llae�� December 11. 2013) L,q)iration Date: CorlLnuct Ildl Mahuenance Prog Protection .......... C'ontram Nlanager: Bob Stature; 607T3945 McdAbs - 9 or 16 ---—------------ (Name) (Ext.) (fkpammenMop 0), k r BOCCnneoing m Dec. 11. 2013 Agenda Deadline: Nov. 25. 2013 c o NTR, C V C'O Sl S JbUd Whr We of Anvacu S ROOM Curma "Year Pordon: S- 1 2ADROO lAdgeWd? QsZ No Account C'o(,ics',,,� 9.1-2 05..Q] irant: S N/A 19120501530460 N/A, .. ........ ......................... ADDRIONAl. WSTS IRmitnated Onlying CON; STIO00jr For: N/L,firoemance & R air . .......... �j) olnlk)­:"i","� salaries, etk"') (No� included in dcMar va4tc ablcwc�,) (es maimen"ince, utihties. 1, NTRA 1( F R F V]F,W' Clanges Date Oul Dute In Needed Reviewer C s 0 Dkision Direwr WE] No Risk Nlan,,,,igenwra J .......... Ycs[ N RMJWPurchas�ng Ale -s[........ N(Anuuy Uoruey ....... ........... f .......... ......... ............................. ........................... ..........................----- ---------- -- .......... ................................... ...... ........ . ............... OM B h',)rm Reviwd 2�27,0 MCP ,�2) vuu mauitename PrOgOm - �ire Prorecuon " sterns AC"REEMEN'T FULL MAINTENANCE PROGRAM --- FIRE PRO'TECTION SYSTEMS MONROE COUNTY, FLDRIDA "I'li-is (2 two year Agreement is m,'ude and entered into this 1 Cu, day ot' Decen-lber, 211W")w between MONROE' ('111OUNTt", FLORILM ( "t:ltYNTY"), a political subd,ivisiori cif the Stalr of 1"lorida, wbost address is 1100 Sinionton tfeet, Ke.y West, Florida 33040, and BLM."'K FIRE Pl�(")TU',C"HOK, IN(.,' ("("ONTRAC"TOW"'). a ["Iorida cm-1mrathmit, whose addiress is 3461 'NW 7501 "Verrace, Lauderfffll. FT 33319 WHEREAS, COUNTY desires to j,11spection, testing, maintenance and repairs per NITA 25 for tue prwiection Systems including associated pipi,ng ar�d equipment located ill Monroe COLIvity'. and WFIEREAS,, CONTRAC"YOR. desires is able w provide inspection, tesdrig, repairs per NFPA 25 1(,)r fi ire, p,n,,)tecdon systems including associated piping and eu,juipnwnt localrLd in Monroe County; and. WHEREAS, it suves a legitinime pubfic purpose ft),r CONTRAC,"I"OR to provide inspection, testing, maintenarwe and 11,epairs per, NFPA 25 for fire protection syslems h1cluding vient locaLed In tvlonroc County, now the refore, associated piping arid,equipi IN CONSIDERATION of iffie mutual proar ises and covenants contained herein, it, is agrved as fbllows: 1. TIM ACtREFAffAl The Agreement consists oft is &cujijej,rt, the bid dociaments, exhibits., and any addenda c)nly. 2. S(,'Ok!Lt, (ILIME WO_R LM A. The (2ontractor shall ftm'.fish all labor, imaterials, equipment, tools, transportatiom services, and incidentals, and pej,,j,i)j-m all the work niece ,sar.Y per tfie latest edition of NF'PA 25 1'(,,)r the lire s'uppresion sprinkler systerns 4icluding associated piping and equipnient It cornpliance with this agreement and the L,ocal Authority Ha�Vring Jurisdiction. B, Provide a complete prograni including insj,)ection, testing, miaintenance and repairs in acc,ordance with all guidelines issued per die latest edition of N"'H`A '215 for tbe fire suppression sprinkler s.ystenis includiing associated piping and equipment at the li'�a6htieS listed iri Paragraph 5.1) belmx: Total Service Coverage. Contractor is to, provide all parts, labor and trarisporlation required to provide for the inspection, testing, maintenance Page 1 of 15 ttm mamteriance vrogram t-Rre ajrotec,,uon ,)ystems and repairs per NFPA 25 111(j sche(lulios as well as kiceping the ea uipirn,ent hi proper operafing condition to protect agairist unpredictable repair expenditures as well as ensure reliabihty and ef"ficiency, Rep,drs shall be basied on the Fee sefied Lille rates fi.n labor and rnaWhals as outlined inthis Agreeinen.t. 'Elie Contractol- shall, docurnent each (,,ni-site !service call and furnish the ovy'ner with as cla py showing tin ae in and out, al e ,ijnd a brief'des m npti on ol' activity. Work, orders 46r, on-site system, preventative inaintenance vvill fisl t'he inspeciion date, individual to report to, equipn-wnt identification, equipment location, work to be perfonriea], and any spiecial instructions, I All (10CUrnentation shall b�e submiitted day the Contractor to the Owner's rlepresentative oil site aUld a copy with the Contraic(or's invoke ror payment, 2. 24-11our Emergency, Service - 7 days a week: "Fechnicians to I'lespoild twenty-four hours as day, seven days an week to ansure proper Wid reliable operation of'systems as designated Cor the facififies listed in Ntragraph 5.1) below, In tile event ofarl Operatiollal failuire, emergericy response firnle shall he no greater than eight (8), hour's ftom COUnty notification to be (m) s.ite. 3. Additional Serviees; The Contractor shall include! written findings, corrective actions, and recommenida,fions within the Quarterly Inspection Repoirts, Whenever penniffing and/or erqineering services are required f'or repairs/replacenients, 'the Contractor shall subrnit to the C"ounty the Contracta,)r ' r 's actTaal certifill docu�nie nted costs for such services and shall invoice the l for reimbtirsement, of'only such osM ts. 3. QLA-LF-ry U& IMGIIIALAM The Contractor shall mect, the Owncr on a stnni-annual 1,,)asis to evaluaLe systen, perf'brirriance and Owner's satisfaction with thy: quality of service that is being prolvidied, Contractor is to schedUIC a ineeting with the Owner at the beginning of the contrm:,t year and an update meeting six nionths into the contract year with the following being part of"the agenda. Contractor shall compile and subinit t(,.) the Owner for approval, all rnaimenance., testing criteria and Procedures for all covered sysu°ms and equipment as required by NYVA and recornmerided by the ManuflictLirler. "The testing a,md jimintenance criteria and procedtires sha,11 be for miatted Laider major heidings, of' which is then be In into a bar/Gnatt chart schedWC, Utilizing Microsoll."t Scheduler or equal, showing the Page 2 of 15 t8.m fvufl n tena rice vrograirn-Hre vrotecuon�)ySTenl-s C',ontractor"S sdraedtfle(j sil 6sii m and the (asks to, be, accomplished in ordler to c�)II,[111cle the contract's Scope. 4. REPAIRS, A Rejxiirs for nortmil workinig hours between 8:00 a.in, u,rnd 5:001 pmi, Mor,mday through 1111fiday, excluding hol,m�lu,,iys, sliall be, $100,00 per hour ["or tecfiinician mind shaH be $175,00 per hotu k)r techi 6cian and helper, L."ITICI-p;CIAC,'y SerViCC Calls after how's s,[ated above, incu udi,ng holid,kys, shall be $1 50.00 per hour For technicial'i and shall be $261001 per hour For technician and fielper. 'j,'he cost ofparts (excluding fireight and sales uix) shall be the cost Plus 15%, Freight, engineering, permits, equIpi-nent and saics t,a,x will be reimbtused a( the Zffliou,nt charged ordy. The man uj'�Ic tLj I,t,-'s invoice must accompany all requests for payment for any part, which exceeds $500,00, and may b ; requested at the discretion or the Director, Public or Facilities Mainter-Mice, or his designee, f(:)�r any burl, rcgumrd less o�r the c(.,)st, Imiglit invoices over $5010.00 111LISt ,icconipany all orders that require shipping or traxisportation of paiis whether the part is under, warranty or not, and may be requested at the discretion of fhe Director, Public Work.s I'acififies Maintenance, or his designee, for any fi-eighl charge, regardless oft mug cost assiociated ffierewith, E�k V N/I t4,' TOR�LPS TO,.�'OLN TRA�C � A. ouN"r,rs perl'ormance and oblig,,ition u,) pay under this agreenlefil, is confingen� upon aruILUII 1j)Pr'()PTiAtiOn by the Bo,.Lrd of(-,ounly Conitilissioners. 13, COUNIN Shall paY 41 accordance with the Florida Local (Jovernti,�ienl Proinpit Payrnent Act, hivoices fOr scIICdLILCd testing will be pzdd on a quailerly schedule in arre,irs- Paymem m,A/ffl be made after completion of scheduled testing and upon submisslon of ki proper invoice by CONIRACIJI)R, Payment for rep turs Nkill be rnade after acceplable coinplefion of the repairs and upon submission of a proper ilivoice by CONTRAC,71170R. C', CONTRACT'Oft shall submit to CO�, YNIN invouces With SUPI)Orting docurnentation 'k and cticceptable to the , at conapletiorl� of'the �vork./rcpair by the CONTRA("VOI , approval by an appropr'iate COL)NTY representative, Acceptability to the ("Ierk is based. on generally accepled accounting principles and sucli laws, rules zind reg,flafions as may goven',ji the Clerks disbursal of funds. D: The f()jJ()WiIIg bUildlllgS Will require: ............. 0-tic "Ann,i,ia i,i sp,c"c"t"i,4,it,i, a,a"d,..........flow test of the Fire 111unip and (3) Tfiree Quarterly fia r e sprinkler system inspections and testing,per the latest edition of NFPA�25�:_—_____ .......... ............ Page 3 of 15 ru" m mmmwi'9.rmgV" m- Pme PIr mc JIon.";wymR9' s Monroe Comity [..ctent000~u Center 550t CoHege Road Key Wmq FL 33,040 Harvey Government ��nt �r 1200 Munan Avom �._... �.m'$'20Q,Lffl,..u:u:st/yr, try c b FL A'MO, Lester Building .5:ttt Wht lchead ti-e t �IT �����.��� 4:r)st/fir, Key West, F'L 33040 AnncMd .lAI Key Wem, F 1, 30k 40 AR4b'&i'r"JD COUR HFARIN,GS) MOW G oveuwuuruient Annex 490 630Sved, Man 'tar,altnnonn,.FL 3 050 M. 'n't tion Key,lail 53 t Iligh Point Ra.okid Trnver n icT,FL 33070 a.raV,i o�n .fail 3981 Ocean enice Nh.mhoN FL 3M, The Collowing buildings wHI require (1) One Annual Inspection and (3) 'Nree Quarterly fire sprinkler u�� i secli�u � a testing per ,.. _ �n... .... ��..�... ..m ..of NFPA ... 14muoc Couuuuty N4W:n Clurthouse 500 Wtnatchcad, Street � _.,.� �m ��ty�'1 �U�t� cost/yr., Key W met, FL 3 40 Mortroe Comity Slvriff 25 CIRge Rmad Q .".",,' ost/yr. r' duuo ni ti-ation Bldg. Key West,A L 3 tt 401 Dept, Way"Juv enfle Jus6ce F30di n.g 5503 3 Mkge Road � _" ����������.._.co t/yr, .Key West,4 1 33040 'u� t. kge tnn�� � �tfD� Ba s��c��re Manor r 5 stt� �..._� .. ,...._. CO Fmcman Ju mle Mg. 302 tnnontnW Street OSt yr, Key ,1eM�,� �F V 3D4 �..... ...._. �..�r %wr y Nelson Goovenunnm nt Center S1000.00 �c ost.y r' Key Largo, fit, 33037 Conch Key 1, re Station, tDo:°,)rich A . �.....__. �k MR) ... ost�'vr. Conch Key, Fl. 33050 e 4 of 15 FLM MWFITenance Progra�l) -t-�re �V'Ore(MW ,�ystems Lo Big Pirle Fire Suition M) Key Doer Blvd, Bi g P i ii e K eye �Fil 3 3 014 tokl 3 S A V (c Isand Fire Stalion 6 1802nd $—!A Stock lslajid, FL 330401 pVlfl!-N PERFORMING 4 NNUAL JNNPI�X(JONS, VOR SOME MONROE'COUN1,1, pRjA9ARjL YTHE COURMOUSI'S",IT U4 Y BE NE(,'ES'Y4R YT0,501EDULE INS'Pt"ClIONS BEFORE OF A FTER NORAPIL BUSIN11.55'IRXRS 111'e, toud Cluarteri), servicle arnoUnt of contract shall be F"our "I"housatid Three Hundred Dollars ($4,300,001) bear all annual aniount of" Seventeen Thousand 1),vo Hundred Dollars Irs ($17,200.00). T101,11 Coniperlsation to C()WRAC"FOR, for addifional services i repa under this Agreein,ent shall 1,�()t ��.,xceeci $250,000,001 unless pre-approved eniergenicy Nvork requiring additional Ruids is implernented, Conlractor shallsubmil all invoices svith MeApplicat ion for Pia, inentfirin attached. "Y There shaH beno additional Chargev to the Oovnerfior travel, mileage, meals, or /odging. 6. rER,M Off A(,MEEMEN'T "I"his (2) 'two year Agrem ea' shal c l omm en ce oil L)ecernbier 11, 2013, wid ends upor� Deceunbier 10,.201 15., unless tenni naled earfier under paragraph 20 of this Agrelemem. The COUNTY shall have the option to rienew this Agreement for up to an additional _Yrcar periolds at ternis and conditions inutually agreeable to the parties, th,ree (3) one exericisable upon written noitice given at least '30 days, prior to the end of the irtitial lean', Unless the cointext clearly, irkhcute�s otfierwise, refererjee�s to the "terrn" of fl-iis Agreenient shall rylean the ir6 I ial �erm i two, (2) years. the Conb-W, amouni may, be ac"justed annually, in accoj,,-dwic Nvi'di the percent hange in the, U.S, Deparu-nent of Commerce Consmner Price Index (01-U) JV17 all �1rban Consumers as reporied by the I �,S- Bureau ot"Labor Statistics and, sh,all b�e biased upon the CP1-U annUalized computation ,tt L)eiceniber 31 (4'the previous year, 7. M"CEP"T"ANCE OF CONTRACTOR has, and shall iriaintain throughout the teen of this Agn.,,,ern('�,,lit, appropriale liceirisies. f)j-()0f 01' SUCh ficenses aad apipirovals shall l-,) submitteld to the COUNTY upon reqUeSt. 8. L11NANCL_ A I,Rk�&I R D rot' OL j: C shall o,uaintain all tiooks. records, and documents directly pemiinent wi pefformancc under ffiis Agreeniera in, accordatice wiffi geiierally accepted accounting principles consisterattly applied. Eiach l)a,rty u'.) this Agreement or their authirrized representatives shall have reasonable an.d timely access to such recor-dis Wul vau,:h offs party taw this Agreernenl fi)r pubhe records purposes during the term,of the Agreen-iient and Page 5 of 15 ry amtename k°rograrr - U- re virotecuon,�)'YSTIENIIS luur fi,)W' YCaTS R)HOWilIg tl'uC, tCrrn�1riation offi,is Agreefnent� if n] auditor uditor efriployed by the COLVNI"Y' or Clerl', deterrnines that monics paid to ("ONTIZACTOR pin'suant to this Agreenaent were spent for purploses flot authorized byr this Agreieriient. ffic t.I '11CUlate d purSLIarlt toe Sc. IU , ,"T A shall repay the monies toged,wr with interest C, ONIT"11, NC ( 55,03, FS, running, fi,oni the datc jje monies %vere paid. to, CONTRACTORI, 9. Li(ji 'Ll'Ic" ikcguss Nrsuant, to I-Iori(Ja Statuw §1 0,0701, C,oxatractor and 'its subconcractors shall complY %vith all public �records laws of the State off lorida, including but not limited to : A, J��I'eep and inaintain public records that cwdinarily and necessarily would be required by Monroe °ounvy in the performance of this Agreei-nent. R I)rovide the Public, with access to public records on the same terms a111d c�:')rididons that Monroe C ounty would pr°ovide the records and at to era diat does not eswe(l the cost provided in F"lorida Slatutes, Chapter 119 or aIs (AheMise! provided by law., C, Ensure ffiat public records that are exempt Or conFidenfial and exempt From PLIII)IiC r(,x.on.'Is disclosure requirenients are not disclosed except as authorized by law., D. Nper all requirenients I'6'r retaining pubfic records and tra:nsfcx, at no cost, to N4ollroe County all public records in possession of the contractor upon terrnillation of this Agreenient and destroy any duplicate pUblic records that Wle exeinjil r confiderifial rind exempt from public reccirds disclosure requirements, All records stored clectronically niust be provided to ori.roe County in as fiorilitat that is corripatible with the inFornuation: technology systerns of Monroe County, kiL , N, 10. ) ,I 11 C [. ) I LA JOLLE—Si-S L LND Ill FA CW LIABIL'try, Notwithslariding an)� mirfiTnunii jasurance requiremcnts prescribed, elsewhere. in this agreement, Contil-actor shafl defend, ind can uart , and bold the CIOUNTY and fl'ie (.,,(')'[,TNT'Y's elected and appointed officers and ernployees hanniess From and against"0) ,any Clail'T's, adjoris cn, ca]LISCS Of LICtiMI, Oi) aTIY lifigation, adillinistra0ve procceding,s, appOlate proceed�ngs, or other proceedings 'retating to zmy typc of injury (including deatIO, loss, damage, fine,, penalty or business interruption, and (iii) any reasonable costs or expenses that may tx asserted, against, in,itkAed with respect to, or sustained by, any indeninified par by reason, of, or in coruiection Nvith, (A) any activity of COWRACTOR or any w,)f its emp filar yees, agents, sub-contractors, or other invitees during the term (.,Pf this AGREEMEN'r, (B,) the lieLfliggrice or willful MiScOrIdUCt Of CONFIRACTOR (.n any ()fits employees, agen,ts, sub-c(,mtractors or other invitees, or ((.,") CONTRACTOR's default in respelet of any ()f the obligations that it undertakes under the ternis of' this AGRT,"FNEN"r, except to the extent the clainis, actions, causes ofactioii, litigation, pnXieedings, costs 0", expensO, arise from the intentional or sole negfigent acts Or omissions Ofthe, COUNTY or any of its eniployees, agents, c(,'),ritractors or invitices ) Insofitr ,�N the Claims, actions, causes Ofactioll, litigati011, (other than CONTRAC."'I"OR � I I procez(fings, e0sts or expens�:Is rellate to evients or circumstances Lhat occur during the Page 6 of 15 111M Pvunmenanc,e @jrograrn- we vrOTRcuon-`)ysTerns term ni of' 'this AGIUl"EM11,,NT, t1mj,,, section will survive the expiration or the germ Of dus AGREI,.`MFNT or any eafli'er twangy inatiori of this AGFGF`,'N4EN'l`, y➢jc., exLe,11, of Jjjt)jjjty is ill no way hiniled tawm reduced, or lessened by d1C, 41SUrance reqUireaients contained elsewhere within t1lis agreenient, Failure ol' CON BRA C"TOR to coni�'fly with the reqlLlireffierws ol'this se(.,°,fion shall be, cause l'or irnivediate temiination o'f this agreeme[IL. I)r,l()I' tag eXeCUliOtl Of' thiS ,t�,!,reement.l (.`0TQ`RA,CT0R shall ffirrfish the C11 ertificates d)flrlsurance indicating the mirlinium coverage lirnRadons in the FoHowing arnounts� WORl RS C0N1PFNS,,%T[0N AN[) FMITA)YEWS LIAM-ITY UNSURi\NCE. Where applicable, c.overage to apply for afl eniployces at a nium statutory limits as requirelf.1 by Florida 1,aw, and tinipk,)yeir's Liabiflity coverage in 'the ai-M)unt of' $10 0,00 bodily injuna by, accident. $!W-�900.00 hodily ii�jury by diseasse, p�,,IHCY .—Y21_0 Q—-— - lhnits, and $10 000.00bodit), ill_jLir,,,)� t),Y ("Ii,se,9,,4e, ea,chen,lployee� ("OMMERCIAL AUT()M0B11,1:,,. VF'1HK,1,,E LIAMLITY INSURANCE Mowr velliello liability insurance, inn cluding applicable nio-f1ufll cioverage,, with lunits of liability ofncmt less tharl L5100 )IQ.,,L)Q per aggregate 0C1CU1*j,eT1CC,, corribined single limit ft$r Bodily h1ju'ry Liability am id Property, Damage Liabifit , Coverage shall include all owned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles, and all hired vehicles. ff single lirnits ,xre provided, the rninfllltlin acceptable fin-tils are Sj! per person, S300,00(00 per occurrence., and $L� (L(L(LQ. V property dam, Cloverage sh,,01 hickideall o"ned vehicles, all non-owned vehicles, and all hireld vehicles, CIMMEIRCIAL GENTIAM.., 1JAMIATY, Cornnwrcial general liability coverage with lirilits Of liability of"not less than"IL-3(Q,.t�fLO.ILQ pt',-raggregante occurrence comI)ineld singte hinit t1or Bodily InJuT-y Liability and Property Dajna,ge Liability. If sirtgle lin-tits are provided, the minimurn acceptable fimits are Vo 000.00 per per,son, S3010 0010, 01 per occurrence, and $50000010 rmroilcrty danmge Aft)NROE 10)[WIT BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONE95 MUST BE' NAMED ADDIHONAL, INSURED - 4DD RI'DE]i #I- WITH RESPECT TO L1,4BILITY AIZISM"; 011T OF OPERATIONS PREFORA11"U) FOR 771EA1, B)" OR ON HE,71ALF OF ('0jVTR,41(70R. BUT ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF DM14GES CATSE"V BY THES' C'0NTR.4CT0R'S NEGI 1GE')W`E ON A,LL LIABILITY POLK"IES E,LVCEPT WORKER'S CIOMPENS'ATIOAFA-A'D EAIPLOYEWISLMWILITY. CF`1R'T1F-lC,M'ES ()F INSURANCE, Original Certificates of' Insurance shal.1 b provided u) the ("'OUNTY at the tied e ofexecution of'this Agreernent and cerdfied copies provid-ed if,requested. Each policy cerlificate shall be endorsed with a provision that no�t l,ess than thirty (30) calendar daYs' written notice shaUl be provided to the COLTN"I"Y before any policy or coverage is calaceled or restricwd, The underuriter 01'SUCh insurance illall be qwdified to, 6,) K[Siness in the State of Florida b�, C. It' requested ,� the lounty, Adniinistrator, the insurance coverage shall be priniary instirance with respecl to the COUNTY and its officials- ADD RIDER #3-except to tie extenl any loss, clairli or action is caused by the negligence o one (,,)r niore lm)f the adclitional irons ure& Page 7 of 15 a"Lffl rwamteinance aorograrn • we Frotecru,)n bysmils N A dNDER ANN CIM."'UMSFANCE'S OR '111FORY RF UABLE EIT"HER, PA11"I"N" L1 L' FOR, ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRI"k,"T, INCIRF-MAL, P1JN1'11vL OR "IF, EXEMPLARY DAMAGES (1-NiCLUDUNG, WITHOUT' LIM11"ATION,, LOSTPR(.1) 1 W SAVINGS OR LOSS (")F K)OD WILL) SUFFERED ("'W 1N(.JJR,RED IN 0 WH11 PER-FORMAN(.1", OR NON-PERf"ORMANCL", LINDER 11,11S AGREEMEN'T, 1"W"N IF' A PA R FN' HAS BE'll,"'N ADVISED OF "HIF" POSS11311,11'Y (1)]" St,[,(Ili DAMAGES. THL.' AMOUN'T Olt L."ACH PARIA"S TO TFIE OTHE'R PART'Y UNDI R THIS A CR t`,.4,,M FINT' WILL BE CAPP11D AT AN[) UND11"R NO (.`.,'1R(__'UM,STANCES \VILL E`XC'F'F1D, S250,000, ILNON-WAIVER Notwithstanding the provisions of Sec, 768.28,, Flori.da Statutes, the participation (:)f COUNTY and CIONTRACT(")R in this Agreenient and the, aoquisition of any ccm'.IxllerciaD liability insurance cowrage. self-instuance coverage, or kxal government fiability insurance paol coveragc,, shall rwt be deerned as wuiN,rer of jMjjjUrji'ty to the extent a-,)f liability coNi'lerage, nor shall any Agreen-mit enteried inlo by Lhe, COUNTY be required to contain any provision fcn wallvel'. 12. 1NDEPV,,'N"DLNifQM_ Mall firnies and ft,,ir all purposeS Wilder thk agreement CON"I"RAC"I"OR is an independent contractior (and riot an employce of the D. of County Com.rnissioners ot' Motiroe C,OlUnty, No staternent le,)ntahied iri this agreemetit shall be coristrijed so as to find C ON TR A "'FOR or any of his eurployees, sub-contractors,, servarrits, c)r agents to, be employees, of the Board of Comity Commissioners oMon me Coiwiq. 13. NONDISC1 ("'ON'TRACTOR agiws ffiat there will be naa discrir-nination against any person, and it iis expi-essly imiderstood that tiport as determination b,y as cmr'j, l)f C0111plCtM j Urisdiction that discriniination has occurred, this Agreetnent mAomatically terminates without any further action orr d-le p""111 of axiy paily, effiective the date, of the o:mirt order. CX)NTRAC1"0R agrees to comniply witil, all Federal and 11orida statutes, and all local ordinances, as a,pplicable, relatirig to nondiscriminatJon, These include but are not Hinited to 1) "Fitile V1 of the Civil Rights Act of '1964 (PL 88-352) which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color or national origin" '21) '11"ide, 1"N', of the Edtic,afion Amendment of 1972, as amended ('20 D. ss� 1681--1683, and 1685-1686", which prohibits discriminatim on thebasis olfsex; 11) Section 5014 of the Rel-mbilitation Act of' 1973, as amended (20 USCI S. 794)1, which probibits diserimination, on the basis sal" handicaps; 4) nie Attar Discrimination Act of 1975, as amen,ded (42 1,,.JS,C ss, 6 101-6107') vy,hich priolfiihits discrilininatiori on the basis of ate 5) "I'he Drug Abuse of and 'FfeatnienL Act of 1972 (PL 92-2 fit"), as atneri,&A, relating to notildiscrimination on the bas,is of" data abt.1se:, 6) The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse ancl Alcoholism Prevention, Treatment and Rehabili'll'ItiOD Act of 1970 (PL, 91-61 1(1),, as amended, relating to niondiscri.,mination on the Page 8 of IS �-w manteiiiance�IrogrLlrll - 4-we d•,rotecnon 1,7YS.Tems basis of alcohol �abusc, cm- alce4jolism; 7) The Pk,&Iie Health Service Act of 1912, ss. 523 and 527 (42 USC s,,, . 690dd-.3 and 290cle-3), as atnended, relating to corffidenfiality of alcohol atid drug abuse paliew, records; 8) Title VIJI of the Civil Rhghts Act of 1968 (42 kjS(.-I' s et scq,), as anwrideid, relating to nondiscrimination, in the salt.,, rental or financing (,& 1,1()usa.Iig; 9) T'he Aniericatis with Disabilides Act of 1990 (42 US(.` s. 1201 Nole')" caw ii-iaybe aniended froin finie t.o finic, relating to ,,,oil(jiscri minati on �oin the basis ot, di,s,ability; 10) Any other nondisciltnination pro visions iti any 1"ederal or state statUtCS which inay apply io ("'OUNTY and CON'T RAC 11"VOR to, or the sttl��cct matter of, this Agreernent, 14. M EN I I-�BCA 2�M tLA(--'-'T 4LSS�IGN CONTRLAC'FOR shalil, not assign or subcoritract its obligations tinder this tigreement to others, except in wrifing aund widi the prior writtcn approva� of' the Board of (,'ourily C01111-nissiol.jel-s of Monroe County and which approval sball be sub.11VIct to Such (110116tions and provisions as (he Board may reasoriat)ly deems necessary. I iis paragraph shall be Incorl:)o rated by reference into any assigninerit or subcoi�aracl and arny ,assignele or sub shall comply with all of the pr,ovisions of this agrelonlent., Unless expressly, provided ((:)r therein, such approval shall in no nwanner or event be, deemed to inipose any caul dhiolial oblig,'stion upoll the board. %W 15. N It 1�,I C kLSSI I E, .1.11 RE�ILI NTS In providing all services/goods Pursuant t(,) this agreement, 'ill TRAC'"I'OR shall abide by all, pavys Of dha ["'edcral and State gov ernnieral, ordinances, rLdes and regulations pertaining to,, or rep ulating the provisions of, such services,, including those now, in effecl and hereinafler adopted. (",ompliance \vith all law..; includes, but is riot litnited to, 'tile inmi,igration 8wss, of` the 1"ederal and State ,caws emment. Any violation of said statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations s,hall constituite a uiaterial breach of this agreement and shall entitle the Board ,to ternainate this Agreement, CON"I I RAETOR shall possess proper licenses to perforin work in aacwrdance with thesic specillications throughout the terin oftlds Agreenient. 16. p I :"L CLSLR 11 �kNLt(`IQaE—IIE-I. )—F —INDILK-111SIT CONT'RACTOR represerrts that it, its dii ectors, principles and employees, presently havie ru.") interest and haalli acquire no iraerest, eithier direct or ilidirect, %hich would clonflict in wiy manner Nvith the, rM-fOrmance of ,;ervices required by this contract, as provided ill Section 1. 12.3111 et. seq- Florida Stati,ites, COUNTY agrees that, officers and ernployees o,fthe ('(1)UNTY recognize and will be required to cornply with, the staridards of cond=t far public officers and enijilloyees as delineated in Section 112,313, Florida Statules, regarding, bit not hrniteid to, saficiUGMI or accept4ance ol"gills; doing business with one's ageiacyt unaulboriZed conipensation; misuse of PL:jj,)jjc position, c(.,)nI1icting ernployrnent or and diisclosure or use of ertahl int'ormadion. (70UNTY and CON ACT(),R warrant that, in respect to ksclfl it has neither employed nor retained any company or person, other than a N,)na fide employee working soMy f*(,)r Page 9 of 15 o--uu maintenance �,rogran)- we n,rorecvon,.,3ystems a, to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has riot paid or agreed (o pay any person. , i �, isl ct inhfide employeeworking,compa p soMy for it any fve, m gft onideration c(.)ntingent upon or resuhing from ffkur award or n-iaking of 1his Agreenient, For ffic breach or violafior� �of thet lin,xvisiort., the CONTRACTOR, agrees that the ("OUNIN s,halt have the ri ght io wrinhiate this /%greemont without hability and, at its dkcretiori, to oft`.~�et fr(, m monies owed, or otht,aT,'Nvise recover, the fifll airnoti,lit of'siijch. flee, conamissio'n, percentage., gift, or consideration, 17. NO PLEDCA, (YE' CREDIT 01114TRAC"I"'OR shall riw pledge the ("OUNTY"S criedit or make it a guarantor of payment or surely f6r any contract, debt, obligation, judgmerit, Hen, or any 66rrn of indebtedness. (''0 TRA('I'114 TOR further warrau, anep nd rriesents that it has no obligaon ti or indebtedness that would irripair its abiifty to fulfill the terms t.)rthis contract, 18, NOTIC I REM ENT' Any notice required or perinittled under this agreeii'ient sli,,all be in 'Arriting aFId hand defiverield or rnafled, postage prepaid, to, the other party by certified iriail, refurned recc�ipt reqUeste,d, to the t'ollmving: LOf FOR j.j'01 Nry Monroe County Khi�)y Black Facilities Maintenance Department 3461 NW 75" Terrace 3583 Souh, Roosevelt Bou[evard L,auderhifl, ET, 33319 Key West, F'L 33040 And County Aummey Plost Office Box 1026 Key West, FL 33(MI, 1026 R 'LNXES COUNTY is exerlipt fi'om paynieM, of" Ilorida Stale Sales and Use taxes, CONTRACTOIZ shall 11i"A ht,, exen,ipted by vit-tuc of 1111-le CICA-flNITN'S eXemption ftorn paying sales tax to its Suppliers f6ir rriaterials used to fulfill its obligations under this contract, nor is O.,,)NTRACFOR authoriied, to use tfie COUNITY"S "Fax Exeniption Nutriber in securing such mate'rials. CONTRACTOR shAt be res,ponsibile for any amid 111 Lixes, or payments of'wid1holdhi, relav,.A to services rendered under this agrecrrient,, 20. TERMINATION Page 110 of 15 i-ua maintenance vrogran-� - i-ire virotiection >ysTvITIS A, The C()�;�fl-lf I may tern'6nate this Agreevneiit with or )Aajtjjt�atjt cm se prior R) the ofw,-,)rk. B. Ihe COI.JNTY or 1( NTIZACTOR n-iay terminale this ,kgreenient f6r cause vvith sieven (7), (Lay,,, tjotiee tagC'I0N`FIZA(,,`FCW� CZIUSe shall constitute a breach of,' tI ic obfigations of citf,U' J'arty to perfc)mi the obligations enumerated �,nider this Agreement. C. [�ither of the parfics herm niay cancel this agreernent without cause by giving the other 1,,,)ar,ty si KIty, (60) days w,ra iteri, floc iCe 0 i'ilrS intention to do so. 21 i . (..L,',O.VERNING' COSI'S AND FF j ["hils. Acl,reenieapt shall lie governed. b f and constrUed, in accordance with the lmvs, of the Stme (,),FFIor,kLzi applicabile to Agreerneilts made and to be perfbi-med entfi,ely in the Suite. In the everlt that any cause of action or adniin,islrativc, proceeding, is instituted for the ell fol,cen'tent or mterpretabon of this Agreement, the COUNTY and CONIRM 1 0 R agree that verme will lie in the appropriale corm or before the appropriate adnainisti-alive body in Monroe GI)III'lly, Florida. 22. MEDIXTHI.)N The COUNTY and C(,')N,rR,A('-'R-)RI agrele thaq, in the eve oh`conflicling interprelations of tlw tennis or as lerm of this Agriicietnent by or betwee�ri any of them, the issue shall hie SUbniitted to n',iiediation prior to Che institution of any othier adi-ninistrative or legal proccedi,rig, Medivition proceedings ini�'Wed and I conducled PUNLJallt to this Agreemlent shall he in a,cconhwnce vvith 1he 11orida Rtfles of(,"ivil ProecdLITV alld USUdI and custoniary procedures rCLIUired by the circuit court ot"Mon,roe COL1,11ty, 2,3. S,'F,VrlRABtlryy 11' any terni, coveriant, condition (,)I' I)RIV[SIMI $,)it' this Agreoment (or the application thereoit" to pansy. eimffllstanicc, or person) shall be declared invalid or imenforceable to extent by a court of the rernaining ter are s, covienants, condi6ons anid p rov 1' ,ion reed,sof this Agrelent. shall no a t be ffectied thereby-, and each remain4igtcnn. s covenant, condition ai id proviision of d,iis Agrele[I'llent shali be valid and Shall be enf"orcicable lothe [011est exteW permitted bY lawtmless the enfibricement oif the ren:iahing terms, Covenvints, condifions an(I provisions of this Agreement WOUld prevent, tlie acco,jjjPljsj,u,nera oil the original intent of this Agreement,, The COIJNTY and lace any st�ricken provision with a CON"IRACTOR agree: to reformi Ihe Agreement to rep vvision. ii provision that comies as close as Possible to dle intent offfie stricken T)i 24. AIV�F(LRNE S mid co ~ rRACTOR agree that irl tile evem all, aUSe of action or adnii iisLrativc P rocQviding is irtifiated or def inded by any 1,-)arty relative to the enforcement (,,n, interprewtiOn ofthis Agreen-lent, the prevaifirik, party shall be entitIcd to reasoinable attoinley I'Ces in biith Ifiall ,ind appellate proceedings, 11"ach parly agrees to Pang e 11 of 15 run mainteirtance vrograrn - V-we VU'OMCUon°�)y��reirns pay its own cokjrt c()sts, irrvestigafive, and out c�,C-pockct expenses %kl`ncther it is tbe prevailing [)arty or nca, through all levels ol'the COLVI f3YSM11- 25. ADJUDICA"TH" OF DISPUTES,L)LILD.1 IGLIETUENTS ('01UNTY aild CONTRACA"OR agree Lhat all disputes wid di&,igrcen,)Cnt,,.; shaR be atternrRed to be resolved by nx,,ct and conl7cr sessions bCt%�recn representatives of C',0UNTY and CIONIRACOR. ff no resolution can be! agreed, upon within 30 day-s lin, the issue or issu es sha ll i)c discussed at a public ,iflerthe firs� mect and conIer sess ic meecing cwf dic Boaj-d of' Courity Commissioners. It' the iSSUC or issues are still not resolved to the salis tea ction, (J COUNTY and CON"TRACT()R, then any party sliall have the right tda eek such reliLf or rc:aiedy a,s may 'be provided by this Agreement or by Florida lavv. 26. �LQfl�-FOEJIA !L) In the event aany or legal procceding is instituted againm cither l,)culy rehiting to the fi.mmatioll, CXMIdOtl. perf'ormance, or breach of, 'this Agrcemcrlt, COUNTY and C,,0N'TRACT0R agree to participaw, to the extent required by the o1her par�, in all 1")roccedi figs, hearring 0, processes, meefings, and other activities related io the substance of I'his Agreement or provision (,,)f die services under this green it. C',0LJN'TY arid C"C)NTRACTOR speciflically agree that no party tad this Agreement shaH be required to cater into Faun ar[`)itrafion proceedings related tda this Agreement. 27. BINDING EFFECI ,Me terns s., covenizints, conditions, and provisions or this Agreement shall bind and inure to the bei'iefit (,)I:* COUNTY ami CONTRACTOR and their respective legil representatives, successor's, and assigim 28. ALY�-HQRFTY Fach party rcj")rcscms and Warrants k� the offier tliat the execution. deh , and per-ronnance of' this Agreenient have been duly autliorized by all necessary COUNTY and cwporate action, as, required by ki"1% _L)R.,S rA All) CONTRACTOR arid C(A Tq`-FY agreethat each sbaH be, arid is, eMpowered to apply for., wauk, and obtain J"ederal and state I.`unds to f"urthel-, the purpose c& this Agreement, provided that all applications, requests, grant proposals, and fitn(fing solicitations shlall -be apProved by ca- ch patty, prilor to subtilission. 301., PRIVILECES AND IMMUNITIES Page 12 of 15 t-u i mamvenance vrograrn t or vrozerrvon"Aystems A,ll (,)f the privileges and 4YHTII,urlides froni habilily, e(..,nipfions Froni l,-jws, ordinances. and rules and pensions anA reficf', disability, wo,rkers' conipensration, and other benon.efit s which apply to the activitV 01" oflicers, agents, or enlipleiyees (,)I' any ptkfic agents or ernployees of the ('01 JNTY, Mien performing 'their res'pective f'anctions tmdej° this Agreernent within 11w territorial firnits of' Lhe COUN'TY sball -i,pply to tile swrle degree and extent to the perfiornialice of su,ch 1"unctions and dul'ies �of such officers. taglents, volLinteers, or en,11-,uIoyees outside the territorkil Hinits ol'the CC)1,J'NTN, , 31. LEGoAl, 013LA -LLQNL.,�LN 11 ThiS ApITO-Mellt is not iniended to, nor shall it, be constwed as, refit eving ,.iny participating entity from any obligation or responsibility irnposed upon the tzmlity by law except to the extent ol'acwal aad kniely performance thcrelol'by any parLicipating enfity, in whi,ch case t,l,nie pe i1bri.,nai ice Tiray e of'Rried in safisfaction of the obligation or resl',)onsibility Further. this Agireemerit is not inuarided to, rior shall it be conslrued as, authorizing the delegation ol' the COTIStitllfiOnal (,)r Statutory dwies of the (7,011"TNTY, except (() the extent pern-tifted by the, I'lorida constitution, staie slatLile, and case la%v. 32,. NON-RELIANCE BY NON-PAXTIES No persori or entity shafi be eraitled to rely upon [tic: ternis, or iny of' them, of ti'lls Agreement to enforce or atterript to enTorce any third-party claini or entiflenient W or [)en wndcr, and the CO(JN'TY an(l the efit ol' any service or prograrn contemplated here 11 1" R (,,)r any agent, C01MRACT(W agT,ee that neither the (-1 01 pNTY nor die CONTRAC' '0 ofilcer, or ernployee of either shall have the authority to inflonn, eciunsel, or otherwise indicate that any particular individud or grouP of individuals, enfity or critifies, 'have entillernents or benelits undt:r this Agreement separate auid, apart, inf`erior to,, or superior to the conunurnity in general or I'm the purposes contemplaed in this Agreement. 33. ATTES"FA,rIONS CX.)N,rRACT0R agrees to rare tuts. SUCh (10CLIVIICTIts as the C'OUNT'Y nviy rVasonabiy reqrfire, W illCIU(ie as Pkiblic Fntity Statement, an F"thics Statement, and as Drug-Free Workplace Slateimenl, 34. NO PERSONAL LIABILITY No coverlant or agreement ccmtained herein shall be dwinr l to be a tat. vie nan't or agreement of ny mernberr, oflicer, agent or ernployee (& Monroe C',ounty in his or her �idividual capaci�y, and no mernber, of"ficer, agent or employee Monroe Count)�, stud be hable personally on this a� reenient or be st,Ra (,,ct to ai,'iy persional fiability or accountabifity by reascm ('.d"the execution of'this- Agre curie nt. 35. EXECUTION IN OUNTERPARTS Page 13 of 15 Uh riviamitenarice Vrogrcu[Tl - �We vrotemon`)ystevns This Agreernent I'I'MY be CXICCU ted in any nutnber of countexparts., each ol'u,Nrhich Shall 1, be regarded as an original, all of' whi�ii taken together sbAl constitute one and itie sm ne execute this Agreenient by, si4gpiing anIV su,d,,I jj�jst�-ujiwnt and an�,� of1he parties iiereto in, Y COUnterparl. 3 6. C_C1 �jll I—FAMNU; Section headings hwi-e beiti-ni q'nserted in this Agreenlent as a aiatter of c(,,)nveTijenc(-,,, of r6crence only, and it as agreed that such sicciion headings are not a part of this Agreement anal will not be used in the inter pretati oi n ofany pr(,)�rjsjorj of this Agrcc�mint. 7. Ell W-31 I I—C EI��DIFDFK—C!R LIM 'N'T N, ()LtM TIQN SjjVF.L.ME "A person, or afflliWe who has been pilaced, on the convicted cIbRoNing a conviction fbr a ublic entityczInw Tnay not subITIA abid on a retract Lo provkle any g0ods or services to as public eri6ty, nuay not submit as biid oi!ll, at contract with as pa,ibhc entity, 6or the construction or repair of a, public building or pubbe vYork, may tu,)t submit Gads.on leases ofival property to a public may not be, awirded or perfi,)rni work as as C onstruction Manager, supplier, subcontractor, ori consuhant under a contra ct. with an,y public entity, and niiq not transact bUSirICSS With 811Y Public entity in excii oil' the threshold ainowfl provided in Section 287.0 17. flor C`A'FEI'GxORYT`WO for perilod 0'365 11joir-Iths, fi-om tfiva dalle of being p[aiced on the convicted vendor list." 38. MLJTLJAL REVIEW "I"bis agreeim-nit has been carefidly reviewed by Contractor and the Count)( therefore, ffiis ag,reement is not to be construed, against,either parly on the busis of"authorship- 39. INCORPORA,11[ONj)F B ILI) L(LL LN�ENTS The ternis- and conditions of the bi(I docitmients are hworporated i re6cl-ence in this contract agreevnenL Remainder of page intentionally lell blank Page 14 of 15 �-uu mvwiienance vrograrn- �­we vrolectmn )Ystems 40. ANNI.,�Al,� ,,kt't'RoP'l�IA"F'10N "I"he COL111ty's performancean(J obligation 10 pily Uncler this agreerneni is contingcra UP0111 an annual ,appropriation by the Board of COwlly C",oninfissio=1_.S1r In the event that the (.I I I ounty lunds On which this Agreement is dependetit are withdrawn, this Agreement is leniiiinated wride the County has no flulher obligation under the ternis of this Agrecine.nt tio the Contractor heywid that already incurred by the terniinatimi dale, EN WIT"NESS WHERF"OF, COUNTY and C IONTRACTOR hereto have, CXCCLIted d"fis Agreernient un U'w day and (late first "TiUCTI above hi fbUr (4) counterpails, Crjefi' of, VV]vich shall, with out piz-ocst"or accounting for the other couxitcrpar s, be deemed an (.)riginal coral-act. (SEAL,') 110,ARI) OF "OUNTY C0MMJSS,t0,NF",R,S Attest: AMN HEAV11.JN, C"LLIRK OF W)NIZ01""' ('01 INTY, 1'L,011)A j3y',� By ............................... Nputy Clerk- Maycir Date- Willics-90s Cor CONTRAC"R R': 'Z' �Iignat dc (,'Nfjperson authorized t%u sigllatlire legafl bind t,orpafi oron Date-, 2 7 Daul Ad(lrcss: 174, r "5' sigmfture 7 L�Jephone Number 4 C, V VI ',XA M LORENA COk,'WEA Mp Y COMMM"KM 9 EE t222M NMI EXPMES AU)Vjst I 8_VLJS 4w ....... . ..... Fle~' khmusenommm, z n 4 Page IS of 1S M Nf"^ ACC>RD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 11/8/2013 THIS-C T Nell ATI N ISSUED S MATTER OF NINFORMAIIDN ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON ""h" E CERTIFICATE LDER.ITTHII CERTIFICATEDOES NOT NR TN L-Y OR NEGATI1VIELY AMEND, T" OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE P01-0ES ��"=REP'�"S-' '�,n I[S TIFI aT FIN SURA C m" N T ONSTNT `r 'A II TA� T" I ENS THE N LNN G 9 SURER( )„ ALN I IZED ITATI OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERT19CATE HOLDER. IMPIORTA T. Nff'N:Nwr rrNk uT TN"RO-1—der Is n ADDITIONAL NI41SU „ Vie pofinr ('N ) must be endorsed, If SUBROGATNON IS WAIVED, subNrn 'N 'Nuns e terms,and conditions of klln d cy:,cerlam n:poUcIies F n y require our endoirsement, A staternent on NWs ceiiI does not confer OgIAs tothe cerfifficate NTaaNd r''41 RR u of:such er darsement( ). aNra r '°r° Angola Crow,M L.T S' " �. Fu , Inc. �a�(n�r ��,__�_...�_.� ��� �ArMm�.. rz(.���_��.��_ �P. 0,, 'Bow 1,927 INSURE SN.AFFORDING COVERAGE 9 AIC# r 1 bN�nnURERAn Gotham rnsur nnrrr u pp ru,y ,...._ " 7 rA _Pompano 1-1-nub tea ..Ohio �" _ Insurance.....�_ ...u Blackd Fund ��� Protection IncInc� n� uau�lr: �..� n r�,r� Citrus nxrT .........._ �.W.. _ 14W 75th 'Terrace R"i uNu r a a . _.,., INFAURER N WW H AVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INREV00N .mm �. MM .. � ._" � - . . � ,I ""�I�""q�" "� _' IgN,Nq 1 3�'m1�"�� r .,r��� "L2 "N �a i�:�a mN`� hr�r �.. �r"r.���.�.N�c PN,.u�.W� a�l:u��or5r.� � sR n� Ll,.ar�N�a uT .�(T NINN R r I. NNNn rNITT (�N. aL�rIL (�. r Nau INDICATED, NOT'�dk"GIHSTAN"NN�MG ar,114Y P�r[-QIlIU R I ENT, TERIti�1 (.ANC CO NM DON OF ANY (,'0N'T�w'.A N OI 01HIER DOCUMENT NTIHI RESPECT 'Fast "IVH C THII C 1E INN N((d'CTE MANY BE WNwED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE NN,NN`a"B.NNA,kNwaC„IE AFFORDED I THE PO(..F01E a KEN'SCIRIBED dNlEREIJN * SLJBJEC.N.'TO ALL 7'HE TERMS, ....EXCLUICAOINS AND. dTIJNY%PNII *a OF SUCHTbk,I:nNNN� u.°kNJ§N9 &CFWM eW NtiAhN: EfiC tl ANN.NVYNd N ILNN` A4Nq CIAIMS t kN�� urN ra r OLK EFF r��TnJCY XN Lb CNT 1rYP OF MSIUR.A CE C�uN('"�Vd0..un��n�4 � � ..L EI�M�udM"�'Yy Nr�6N�CAA��M"� - GENNERAN.InRAUNAaNWs'ry EACH(XICURRENCE Nw 2,000,0010 A w (N T5 NFL rTT� .. rrlau,un.dat AaF�:rTh c.uAau(.tlT'°A tl?WV NN A�rrruTr,L"Ti"rTp ( A tikC3CR N.A 14�, J u P ��.k Ra RNllbtl-°A T'N NN N iT APTR ti „G ✓ u, ' T N N.Z'" TT „------kpFN I .1-11'4 YIT..IP.N .. ...._ r0010f,., h p /` . 0 (AGr R ( ,au ... .. A 00D,..00, a�u i 11 ACt,IX vREC.CATi'C C GW1 e�AF.. a --_e �FN..ur(„N�Frr 41,P � b, ...,0 n ra SnoMn(a AEWInINNSR�uN�'��ud�r)BUX LS I�ri JP w fiarRwamEN.... .. ...... .. CNVN.. . 00 RPog kJ(IFerrrcA.on) ''... S Ai�4"d JC4 n 1 V A N SONIN q ._ hTT'GArdNN,A N��Ua�ynvrWMNti r,aT , nNT. SAT/ �CkT.i /'TAN4AT ......... _ u � JRY N r' .,.. uAC Vln gA9k@,T � F.RbA'GbARIfdA.'rngT�Cor'ra .x..wTwvreC "( .... X AA6 T AUTOSAUTOS �,.�.gr.wm m¢Nenn, .... _ N daranuAkr.(raTMu Aa T ( C4(A6nR mAa,n T UMBRELLA N..IAB ;I N'N . _.. n Aa G d(A t t CT M ,.... "��. ... m.,.... 4rA'R.'n rk D,IFI .... �_ _ _. WC.) o- C.b E o(T 11 owlN .......�.. .�. ..�."�._w...__._.....__.,�.� ..._.�_.�._...e� �.��..�.... r......_�_ gip^ ,.� ",' Fes" gwIl� TNCnN ^� 6,"AGnC� ll �rAVIhR- P0..rn'MC,N�C~s°AA@AaUTXILd"M"hf YIN i � YNT"ATNhNaA 1T.Nw..:.... ,�. �,..."m OF 1zrWA JMRER, EXC rai R Are., LamnAARwNA a r✓T / T T .nAT r .cTT ( (" , (T T Abe i� ��rdarn.l�tiar.ur�R.xa.R�rRrrCA �� � Iw�a F n F �+R�uAaa a Rr�Fnr � 10 00:0 ( aaundatowrItlhNIHN T0C.,CR94 [.A, Gau, A"u^aF rArrF�AYtl.�C, uP yes, de sa o- A I e rurF:er OP p P(At P"k. �....... .. __ . 6A CnC"Yr4 ka A;'a� _ _ I Iru IR ,F 4pN" "& nA r RnRN,.. N dfiN N DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS A LOCATIONS W'vFHIC d.,ES (Mupch ACORD tOl Addiri�ovoaf Rei%minks SI is more some Rs;rceaCuahra cI) Monroe Count commissioners are Nita as additional insured with a t C�a°a+�a:ra r� r~a � County 1�iability c,overageonly r si nT out of rn mratio n.r performed for Itliern, by or on behalf oIf cantra t r , but only o tlie extientof damages nrrw,used by the contra,-,,.tor',' riegligence except gunk r"rT Compensation and employer's liability, as per written contract. CERTIFICATE HOLDER A ELLATI c oun-ty--c ommi s s T(.CI e rs @ mon r o SHC:bIN.N4LD A04Y OF THEABOVE DESCRIBED OLlICIIE CANCELLED,BEFORE IGM THE XPIfRAT"ION 0A,rE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DEL WNI RED IN ACCORDANCE WNT ,rll E POL11C r PROVISIONS. Monroe County Board of Courity Commissioners, G,ato BuildingRoma 2-2 1. AU11140RIZEDI REPRE ENJAUTVIE 1100 Simonton Street Key West, 'L 33040 TTn r•'a Tanrnr , ' A(, ii ( 10106 Q 1988-20,101 AGORID CORPORATI04,, AIR IN'k3hts reserved,