Resolution 163-1997 MONROE COUNTY OFFICI~L RECORDS Reo Jun 02 1997 11:58~M D~NNY L KOLH~GE, CLERK Public Works FILE # 1 0 0 6 8 7 2 RESOLUTION NO. 163 -1997 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 646 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ACCEPTING CERTAIN CULVERT EASEMENTS WITHIN THE JOLLY ROGER ESTATES MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING DISTRICT BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA that section 1. The temporary and permanent easements which are part of the following lots and described in Exhibit A pp.1 - 48 are hereby accepted: a. ) Lot 1- Block 1 b. ) Lot 1- Block 2 c. ) Lot 1- Block 17 d. ) Lot 1- Block 18 e. ) Lot 1- Block 3 f. ) Lot 5, Block 9 g. ) Lot 5, Block 10 h. ) Lot 1- Block 16 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board held on the 20th day of May , 1997. Mayor Douglass yes Mayor Pro Tern London yes Commissioner Harvey yes commissioner Freeman ves Commissioner Reich yes ( SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE OUNTY~_ FLORIDA By ~~\j, ON\, De ut lerJ(J By B I' ~ NlO I'M ro~ lOCL. 1SCJ1 IS MI!1 #~ ooM ....:1# I-j~ !i.m GRANT OF EASEMENT I. .We D~1l1 0 c. (b({A'w Nand P~6-<rt 6. f!JlJsf?J'1 as PttoP~Tt1 C(.l) ,,)~S C'r and husband and wife. whose address is LOT I (bU)CJ(. I -svu...'1 I<OC:re1Z. esm11;;'~ hereafter Grantor(sJ, do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Rorida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West, Fl 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Rorida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 1 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed west 25' along the southern end of the canal to a point t~ence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-way 11ne of Legrand Road, thence east 25' along the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing approximately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of exc:Jvated ecrth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the crea described above to jt$ conditicn immediately prior to construction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Exhibit A Page 1 FILE #1 006 B 7 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 648 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at ;:;=u~n ~~beIOW ~~ ~..t~~0~ Witness I J Date Olf ;t.S q b STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE /#/l,T,:h.~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this c?--1J^-'day of ~~~1. . 199..k. 'fLVbJ./>t.d-~tjlf J/41.-tJ"lr/7u te} /Jle." ~NI Sf. N bAYS ~-<-_.@ ~ Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Seal "',\<"""\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\""\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"1' iconcUlvertu! '; ~~.,.y "IJ. " Denise M. Bays ~ : ' · " Notary Public, State of Florida ~ , : \.. i Commission No. CC 526975 ( ~' '~OFf\.o My Commission Expires 0 1/23/00 ~ :~; '.800-J.NOTAllY. PIa. N<<8y SeIvice A lIoDdina Co, ( , '1(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((('1((((((((((((((((( ~ Page 2 006872 FIL'& tl peal 649 BR\!::L 4 5 9 )> .... .... c n ::r 3 m :J .... OJ ~ )> ~ o ~ (JI q t-3c... t%jo 3:r ~ ~!< 0 Q ~:oQl 0-; G)m ~m-c ~:DS; (JI Q t/)mz t%jcn :3:~ t:tj-; zm ..... 0 t-3cn Q 01 q PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - - ,- - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I ~~ ;.-- I Z"~55 , I . i I Ir- 1m I ~ I I ~ I 101 I m I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .!3LACK8E~~ ROAD --------- I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ CANAL f7 ~ b> ~) - CANAL ~ . ~ @ I\) ,O! (JI o Page 3 ( I\) O! ~ CANAL ~ ~ CANAL ~ e @ e - ~ z. m )> CD ~ 5 6 3: -f (') m ::tt: ^ Z -f :tI:: (J) -.. .... I' :~~:~~ C> 0 f{::~~ .. ....0"... , , 006ai~S0 ~1'L'& ~1..S 9 i?G* BR*1..4 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. . We DM I D c... ~R.AW,J and fJrc&&'t s (bu~ ~'1 as ftlOPG"2..Ji./ OWN~ . or and husband and wife. whose address is " U)T I I!,L.OC.K I :rot..t..~ (.(06-e:lf.. t;:S ~ hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-ot-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for sur=ace and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over across and upon the following described property, to wit; a ' portion of Lot 1 in Block 1 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed west 10' along the southern end of the canal to a point t~ence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-w~y I1ne of Legrand Road, thence east 10' along the northerly right~o~-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta1n1ng 250 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose ot locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction ot the culvert. , Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners I Association for no monetary consideration. Page 4 , \ FILg #1 0 068 7 2 8K#1459 PG#1651 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of fhe restoration work as described above. \ Witness \ ~~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. '{we have caused this instrument to be executed at MOi0R..Oe CO UN~ on the date indicated below. f~~ S~ Date 0 r.J / ~ ':) ICJ b , Jf~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE /i' T~er foregoing instrument was 9cknowfedged before m, e on this ~ ~/v day of ~'~(-I .199~. y2e~~j(j~'V 7l> /1V2~ , ':DE'" I SE ~ t3A" s .J,--1< u ~, Jt;, t3 (1.< f"'ld Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Seal jconcu/vertl I' ~\\\\'\'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\""I'" , t1-VP < .: ~~lt~ Denise M. Bays < : . .. 'Co Notary Public, State of Florida ~ . : ~ ~ Commission No, CC S26975 ( :' ~OF fl.\) My Commission Expires 01/23/00 ~ :: 1-800.3.NOTAllY. FIa. NOIary Service It Bondin. Co, ~ ,,~( ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((/.'(((((((((((((( " '. page 5 , \ )> .... .... c 0 :T 3 CD :J ..... )> ... 0 q tOe... I~~ ttj 0 m-f ~G) 8m" ttj:IJS; ~mz t/)(IJ ttj-f :3::)> ttj-f ~m 8(IJ c.n Q ... o q c.n q ... o q WILE #1 0068 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1652 PIRATES ROAD ------------1------------ I I I J I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I J J ______-~~CKBE~~ROA~------- I I I I I Iii IG) I:D I~ 10 m I:D 10 I> o I I I I I I I I ~ ~ , CANAL ~ @ ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ ~ 'I-I'" CANAL ~ I\:) [3> CANAL ~ o I\:) c.n I\:) 101 q ,01 Page 6 8 o 9 z~ ...m 0> -en ~~ :tIm >z F; "01 6 ~ ~ g :tt: ^ :tt: ?1;:> '%,1 0 ,', z'> C> ~. '1Il.,~...: V()<' "'" , .-^/ ."XjI.'.c ~~./"- , FILE #1 0 0 6 B 7 253 BK#1459 PG#16 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. .We A.A.""/~(ft?/'~,~ and !2..,H"A-,... 11 t?/J.",~ os or and . husband and wife, whose address is '7 ~ q :r 8 'J c..v 6"1 /,1,. P II.", Ie ~ . 1:1 tIf hereafter Grantor(sJ, do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political 3 J" ~ ,. subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real properly owned by melus in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 2 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed east 25' along the sout~ern end of the canal to a point, thence south 25' to a p01nt on the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence west 25' along the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing approximately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connec;ing rwo dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of excevated ecrth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. jf the construction required the reml?vd of O!"1)' tr~e,~ c. Shi'".Jbs. tM: County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. I>.age 7 PILE #2006 BK#2 459 872 PG#l654 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. ~_.~ 1~i~' , Itness -v' ~ C.C)~ ,/ ~~" 9/ (')Ie< 'l Date ~(f{ (9ft STAT[: OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Th~r:~oing instrument was acknowledged before me on this /0 ~ . 1991L. day of )oRtdrtiJ tutllt'IfAl S Typed Notary Name & Number 1~-a~ Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertl ""..._.... .,--.- ",.,-:;"~:'f~J;;:,'- OOROTflV WIllIAMS, I f:r t:'t~ MY COMMISSION' CC 433975 ! ~.~;;r~ EXPiRES: FebnBy 4, 1999 I "'t.~p.'F';..,-t,l Bonded ThIU NolllIy PublIc lJncIerM\t8rs I; fit'" ,,",,'''~'i . .: '. Page 8 . . ' )> .... .... Q 0 :r c.n 3 q m :J -+- )> ..&. 0 q t-3c... t%jo 3:. ..&. ~~ 0 q ~:D~ 0-1 G)m ~m-o t%j::D); c.n ~mz q (J)cn t%j-i :3:)> t%j-l zm -. 0 t-3cn q c.n q FIL& #1 0 0 687 2 BK#1459 PG#1655 PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I . ' /)(-> ;/' x,. I x.~./';(;< y'/',-v I r- r ..... I m I I ~ I I ~ I Ie I m I I I _______~~CK8~~~ROA~_______ I I I I I I 1 I I I I I ,; I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ CANAL f7 ~ b> ( CANAL ~ l\) c.n l\) ,O! q '!O! Page 9 &> CANAL ~ ~ CANAL ~ e @ e - ~ z. m )> OJ m 5 6 s: ~ (") m :tt: ^ ~ :tt: (J} ..~ :0.: ,. ./:',,,",/11 ~,<,<;:<' f'.... 0 ~.''''..''',,/~' ~ \~>~:':;~4 ....:.<._6... ~ ,../.;... FILE ~l 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1656 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. .We fi..,,/Vr;{/ t O~oJ"Jand (J....,.... If"..., t 1)~.'f!-4'~ as . or and . husband and wife. whose address is ::7" 4 I 8'1 1..; ~ '/ }J 4 P'# I _ 8 e ~ F" ~ J 1 "" f hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County, an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County, Florida. described as foHows: A permanent easem~nt 'eor snrfa.::e and ',~l....b-=-':l~f'~_::e con.:>~ruc"Cion installa'cion and for ingres~1 and eg.cess by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over across and upon the following described property, to wit; a ' portion of Lot 1 in Block 2 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed east 10' along the southern end of the canal to a point t~ence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-w~y 17ne of Legran~ Road, thence west 10' along the northerly r1ght~0~-way 11ne of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta1n1ng 250 square feet, more or less. ' and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining, over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the ri~ht of entry upon. inspection. passage ovtir. e);cavaticn. plac~:ment of culvei1. pipe. dej.josii d eXCl:lvatec earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer aH its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 10 FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1657 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at ~, ~ / ~:;;at~n~jC'z;, _ : ~_n -:-:t ' f~~ r2h'l Witness ~ Date - {If, (711:. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE l1~rt:I( W'-(I{\4A45 Typed Notary Name & Number ~'e;;; olng imtrume;,! was acknowledged before me an this -P- day of / . 199.f..... ~~~ Nota Signature & Seal jconculvertll DOROTHY WILLIAMS MY COMMISSION' CC 433975 .~g EXPIRES: February 4. 1999 ...:(,l Bonded ThIu NolIIY PubIc lJnd8lWI\t8llI , u\" Page 11 . . )> - -t- C o ::T 3 ro :J -+- )> '1:jc... t%jO ~r !:( :D~ t%j 0 -f 2:G')m .8 m-o 1:1j:DS;;: ~mz mC/J t%j-i :3::)> t%j-i 2:m t-3C/J OJ q ~ o q OJ q ~ o q OJ q ~ o q en q FILE: # 1 0 lZl 6 872 BK#1459 PG#1658 PIRATES ROAD ------------I~----------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _______~~CKB~~~ROA~------- I I I I IfTl Ie;) I~ IZ 10 m ':0 10 I~ - I I I I I I I I ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ I\) ,01 ~ 8 ,Z . CANAL ~ ~ (0 9 CANAL ~ o 01 q I\) 01 Page 12 ....m c3> -(JJ ~~ :-am 3>Z F~ -02 5 L ~ g :tt: " :tt: ?Y:> ../ )1'.,(1 ~Y0> I> 0 ~/) '~ .'X.'.A .,: ./- FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 5 9 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. (A); It '"11m $, t=b'lli .We I as " or husband and wife. whose address is hereafter Grantor(sJ. do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Rorida. described as follows: and and A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a p~r~io~ of Lot 1 in Block 17 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, sa~oint being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot~. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed east 25' along the northerly end of the canal to a point, thence north 25' to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence west 25' along the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing approximately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. pcssage over. deposit of exc=vated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition imml?diately prior to construction except that. jf the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 13 ;... . F'ILEI #10068 BK # 1 7 2 459 PG#1660 '1f IN WITN~~/W~;;4a, uS~th,iS in$,trument to b,e executed at ~U 11 - "4l / {2A /LA on the date indicated below. )jI~' ,,;.{ ~ );/UiOv " .~~:....-. .1 2..15' lfhau" ,-})it.~ Witness Date ?,1oU dOl /99t. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ~aing instrw"ent 'f''"' acknowledged before me on this d O~ay of . 199k. / ' " ~'-_J-~ Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertlJ u.~PUbl/c, Barr!,!','''' ,..,~ "'in,''''' . '"7 Commlssl . '. ""eorgl8 on ExPHl.oe, r.~",u::lt 31,1991 Page 14 )>. ..... ..... c n :T 3 m :J ..... )> ~'- ~o :3:r ~!< ~:Df{2 0-1 G)m t<m-o ~:JJS; rnmz ~(J) :3:~ ttj-l 2:m 8(J) .- o Q 01 Q .- o Q 01 o ~ILB #1 00687 2 BK#1459 PG#166:~ PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - I , , , , , I , I I I I I Ir- ,m I~ ,~ Ie I m I , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~LA~K8E~~ ROAD --------- I , , I I I I I I I . I \..--....i : I I I ' , I I I I I I I .- o Q ~ ~ 01 o CANAL ~ (;) -- CANAL @ f3> ~ ~ ! l' ~~ ~.:'-' I\) ,o.! Page 15 01 Q I\) O! ~ e CANAL I e> @ l3> @ CANAL ~ @ z. ,m )> CD ~ 5 6 s: -f 0 m =It:: ^ ~ =It:: (J) ;.~ ~""A~A ;-" )I ,If ;;>~;;$I> 0 p'. .~. ".' -.' ~~:.;: :.:::~i: GRANT OF EASEMENT FILg #1 0 0 687 2 BK#1459 PG#1662 I.l..JLU'Nn-t s. Bill' ,We as , or husband and wife. whose address is .,. hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: and and A permanent eas€;~.a:t~t~ f.or surface and sub"'surface construction in~tallation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, ~ts agents and assigns, to go over across and upon the following described property, to wit; a ' portion of Lot 1 in Block 17 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed east 10' along the north7rly end of the canal to a point, thence north 25' to a po~nt on the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence west 10' along the southerly right~o~-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta~n~ng 250 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing, constructing and maintaining. ov'~r and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end l..c.nc:..ls and includes the right of entry UPO;"l, inspection. passage over, excavation, placement of culvert, pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. . Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners I Association for no monetary consideration. Page 16 .. ' FILE #1 00687 2 BK#1459 PG#1663 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. aused his instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. ~) .j~:~ 4 ~ ' I Witness Date ?/J1L.;,(0 JtltJ? STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ~~,~ Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signoture'& S oj " jconculvertl '. ~ Pubic. Ben1en County, Goorgla' My Comml8slon expires August 31, 1998 i if Page 17 )> .... .... c 0 01 :r C! 3 m :J .... )> .... 0 C! cr. q t"Cc... !~~ trjo~ zG)m I-3m-o trJ::D~ ~mz men trj~ :3:)> trj~ zm l-3en .... o C! 01 C! FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 6 4 PIRATES ROAD ------------r----------- I I I I I I I I I I ! I I I I I I I I I I _______~~CKBE~~ROA~------- I I ~ @ CANAL . ',", ~ @ f3> 8 ~;:A:tlAL ~ C0 z~ , ~ F I L 6: # 1 0 0 6 8 7 2 ,GR0T OF, EASEMENT BK#1459 PG#1665 I. .We /~L ~.:t..rj?s asTol hr 11 }./.~ or 1)j,;f"S/91. 4H"J1 husband and wife. whose address is 'I ~!.A:'J] hereafter Grantor(sJ. do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a politic01 subdivision of the Stote of Rorida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Ronda. desclibed as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, cC,":'o~s, and upo:::. t:he ft"'llcwirlq described property, to wit: a portion of. I!ot, 1 in Dlo::k :'0 a..,. shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the PUblic Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 5. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed west 25' along the northerly end of the canal to a point, thence north 25' to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence east 25' along the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing approximately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is mode aport of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of 0 culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of exc::vated earth andstorcge of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the ("reo d!?scribed ~;':-c'\e;,. Ii; c;;iriditiun immcdiate-Jy prior to construction except that. if the construction required tile removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 19 , . , STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE PILE #1 00687 2 BK#1459 PG#1666 Date re me on this _US,.., day of D The foregoing instrument was acknowledged ...eg,~,,- .199.(9. ". ,_. i.u,,', l~ICHAEl w. GROSS ,.. -" ..~'PtJb!Ic. WashtGnaw County, MI , t ~~on Expires Dee. 101 19Q6 ?"Y~~d~O~ry Name & Number '''"1.,,. -'t,: l> jconc'J)ve/ilf Page 20 )>. ..... ..... c 0 :r en 3 q m :J ..... )> ~ 0 q en 0 t-3c... t%jo :S:. ~ ~!< 0 q ~:D~ 0-1 G)m ~m'"'C l'1j::D~ >mz men l'1j-l :S:J> t%j-l 2:m ... 0 t-3Cf) q 01 q FILE #1 0 0 6 872 BK#1459 PG#1667 PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I J I I I I I I I I Ir- 1m I (i) I I $! I J a I I m I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~LACK8E~~ ROAD --------- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ CANAL l7 ~ :Y.7.,y,x-: ~c'/;.( KY,//. ';(;/; '/\ b ($) CANAL ~ @ ~ . l\:) I~ Page 21 ~ 8 CANAL ~ @ ( &> €\ CANAL ~ €> UI o f\) ! O! I z~ m )> OJ ~ 5 5 s: -f 0 m ::'It: ^ Z -f ::'It: CIJ ..... "\; , . v " -" :::~,:;~~ C> 0 ~~.:~::?: .. :..: _~ ,1 .. ~.. ."- /J'u. ~/lIA)J ~-' ID?? r (/ ;? i~. l-f TTA/ ~ F f"7 FILE # 1 (21 (21 6 8 7 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 668 L .We and /P;JP't ~ /t;1'I])~V/~1.. r.... ~~s~~~:n:iJ:e~os~ ~~dress T~~r#.&~/J~~:() ~ lI;/Oj' hereafter Grantor(s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County. a political:; subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface constrIction installation and fo:.: ingress alu,i egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the fOllowing described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 18 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed west 10' along the northerly end of the canal to a point, thence north 25' to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence east 10' along the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing 250 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the rea! pro~er.y iust -jfO::icribed a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entl)' upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners I Association for no monetary consideration. Page 22 FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1669 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. ~;-} J!Jj}~k~ ' 12:121 Witnrs . / · J (C\.\'1~ -UJ 6 Wi ess Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ""~,...,. ~~~:~::trument,7~l.dnOvAedged bei '. ", .:',.,:tari ~~i'~1 'Wss\lt-r:n;yj Ctlunty, MI ( J ~. _..--,0'<'" -"~'.~.,;v.<(u.. _, ilssion Expllis Oac. 10. 1998 "'w'oJ, '~' ,";'p~ ! ,': ~. (7f,~clNotary Name & Number ,,'f ,~,;~; ~ ;..~ t ,,, '., \ ~1tc#1cuIJertl ~ " l' " e on this L day of '. Page 23 , . )> -... -... c o ::r 3 CD :J -... )> tUc... I~~ t%j 0 m-l ~G) t-3m\l t%j:IJ~ :t:'mz men t%j-l :3:J> t%j-l ~m t-3en 01 Q .. o Q en q .. o Q en Q .. o Q FILE #1 00687 2 BK#1459 PG#1670 PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -,.... - - -- ~ - - - - - - - I I I I J I I I J J J , I J I I I I I I I BLACKBE ,.JRD ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - t I , I 'hi lei) :IJ )> Z C m :D o )> - c ~ ~ @ CANAL CANAL [7 ~ @ ~ (;9 @ CANAL - CANAL ~ ~ @ @ I\) ,02 en Q I\) O! Page 24 (0 8 G z. ...m 0> -(JJ ~~ :Um )>z F@ OaJ 6 r:- OO; g =tt: " =tt: ~;. ')}1 :.; ;/,,'> c> 0 ~;<"i , /'/ ..Xj.... ~~.JI'_ FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 ' BK # 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 7 1 GRANT OF EASEMENT I, ,~e~4I.md ~~~dJ- as~~or and - 6 husb d and wife, whose address ~ "I'iq ~ ~ ,Lrk' FL. - 30tf"z hereafter Grantor(sJ, do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a { political subdivision of the State of Rorida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, Fl 33040. hereafter County, a temporary easement for the cons1ruction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Rorida. described as foHows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 3 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed west 25' along the southern end of the canal to a point, thence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence east 25' along the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing approximately 625 square feet, more or less. o:Jd mere ponic:;loriy shown in Attachment A which is mode apart of the easement. This eesement is grented only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two deed-end canols and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of exc=voted eanh and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the cC:Jstruc::on of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must res:'cre the area described above to its condition immediately prior to ccnstruction except thot. jf the construction required the removal of ony trees or shrubs. the County is not req:;ired to repiece such trees or shrubs. Page 25 . ,- FILE ~1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK~ 1 4 5 9 PG~ 1 6 7 2 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. /:zi: ~t!t Date 1~1) 0lS; ('1% ~~~ Wit STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE g The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this R 5~ _..I.J.lA~ - . 199-1a. ~"" ( Typed Natary Name 8. Number ~ary~IO~ jconculvertl '. ~ - - -J . Page 26 01 q t-3c.... t%.10 :3:. ... ~~ 0 0 ~:Il~ 0-; G)m -<m-o ~:JJS;: 01 q C1Jmz tz:jcn :3:~ tz:j-; zm ... 0 t-3CIJ q 01 q FILE #1 006 B 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1673 PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - I J J J J , ' : I I I ~:h I r 'I ! I r- I I m I G)I .J;D' I :t> I ,~ I I m I J J _______~~CK8E~~ROA~_______ J I J I I I I J I I I I J I I I I I I I ~ CANAL ~ ~ b ($} CANAL ~ ~ ~ I : I !----' o ; I\) 01 ~ e CANAL ~ @ ( 6--, "Y , ~ :<<~.)I,-,...>. ii)<"j; ,/ '/.7/ ~ f J 01 o I\) ,01 Page 27 ~ (~) CANAL ~ @ z~ m :t> CD ~ 5 6 s: -f (") m ~ " ~ ~ (J) ..." .to' , .. y", ~, / }f , ,...,(.."... 0 "-'.'/:. C> 0?:S: '0 :.("," ._, .. ,. ."..... FILE #1 0 068 7 2 BK it 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 7 4 GRANT OF EASEMENT ,I,. ,WeY~d4and 4L4.>~dc.L as~~.4or ' ~ .' // husba and wife. whose address is ' 1 ({q I ,.J-TlC. r::-.L.. ,::S30v-;Z hereafter Grantor{s). do hereby conv~y and release to Monroe County. c political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Modnroe County, its ~gents and assigns, to go over, across, an upon the follow1ng described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 3 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed west 10' along the southern end of the canal to a point thence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-w~y line of Legrand Road, thence east 10' along the northerly right-Of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing 250 square feet, more or less. and mere particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. , Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 28 FILE #1 0 0 687 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 7 5 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE 1 The ,egOing instrument 105 acknowledged before me on thi.;?~ of d.l. ~ ,1994? J- Jt~ ~ ~"" cJ A o~~ Typed Notary Name & Number Notary Signature & Seal jconculvertll ",CA .111' y. r _'Ill Page 29 u,Cant., '11100 EIpns 05101/2000 , ' . , . >- .... ...... c o ::T 3 m :J .... )> 1tjC- I~~ trJ 0 m-i zG) 1-3m"1J ttJ ::D S; ~mz c/)w ~~ trJ-f zm I-3W OJ q ~ o q en o ~ o q OJ Q ~ o Q en Q FILE #1 0 0 6 872 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 7 6 PIRATES ROAD ------------1------------ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I BLACKBE ..JRD ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I IfTi IG) :IJ )> Z C m :IJ o )> c ~ @ CANAL ~ @) b> cv CANAL ~ @ I\) 101 ~ CANAL [;:> (0 ~ 8 G z. CANAL ~ @ en o I\) O! Page 30 ...10m 0)> -(I) -1m -<s: :em )>z F; "as 6 6 -I (') ~ ^- ~ ?Y:> ~'X~ j'~ C> 0 .. ".r'" ...i'" ..: "5';<~ :;:2~~ FILE #1 0 068 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1677 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. R~A//lAlI:> f?IfAtlAl .We and as 0/,(/ IV e--~ . or and husband and wife. whose address is :l 3.s-r 3 (, ~ ~R ~ A/ J;:) ?) tJ hereafter Grantor(s}. do hereby convey and release to Monroe Couniy, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter Couniy. a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe Couniy, Florida. described as foJ/ows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the fOliowing described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 5 in Block 9 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 5. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed east 25' along the southern end of the canal to a point, thence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence west 25' along the northerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing approximately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particularty shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of excavated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the constructicm. the Couniy must restore tM,: area described above to its condition immediately prior to oonstruction except that. if the construction required the removal of any trees or shrubs. the County is not required to replace such trees or shrubs. Page 31 FILE #1 0 068 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1678 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused this instrument to be executed at on the date indicated below. Witness ~., "..,..'. .. --"""'", A/#1~""'- \11. ,.' ' ___."'~~ ~ c. Witness Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE ( 7 ~" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of Mav , 1996 . , - Vi ana 13 ec~wd" Typed Notary Name & Number g~ (J~ Notary Signature & Seal jconcu/vertl '. ",III", ~~'l.f.:v.r~~ DIANA L. BECKWITH g*i "~\*1 MY COMMISSION II CC432656 EXPIRES ~.~~~-:~ April 10, 1999 ":>':P,'f.,r.-'t-- BONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE,INC, Page 32 01 0 8c... t%jO :3:,- -'" ~~ 0 q ~:Ilf!l O-f Ci)m t<m\J t%j:OS;: 01 >mz q m(J) t%j-f :3:)> t%j-f Zm -'" 0 800 q 01 q FILE #1 00 687 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 7 9 PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ir- 1m I~ I)> Z 10 ,m I I _______~~~KB~~~R~~_______ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ CANAL ~ ~ ~ @ CANAL ~ <9) I\) Io.! 01 o Page 33 ( , r:;.::..X tx'~'" (').h '-'" .~./'. ~ CANAL ~ [;9 CANAL e @ @ I\) O! ~ @ z. m )> CD ~ 5 5 s:: -f 0 m :tt:: " ~ :tt:: CJJ ;-.. X-":II",'";tt " -',/ t,/( ,/0 0 .':/,- I> ~f:if FILB #1 00687 2 BK#1459 PG#1680 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. ,~~AI-lJAlD 3~A/)IIL.We and as OWA/e=-~ . or and husband and wife. whose address is ,..2 &' S- "7 ~ L E--6R ,CIA/I) 1\ tJ hereafter Grantor{s). do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement fc~ surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 5 in Block 9 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Southwest corner of aforementioned Lot 5. Proceed north 25' to a point at the southern end of the canal. Thence proceed east 10' along the southern end of the canal to a point thence south 25' to a point on the northerly right-of-w~y l~ne of Legran~ Road, thence west 10' along the northerly r1ght~0~-way 11ne of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta1n1ng 250 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating, establishing, constructing end maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon, inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert pipe. deposit of excavated earth, placement of fill, storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. , Upon completion of the construction of the culvert, the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 34 PILE #1 0 0 6 872 BK#1459 PG#1681 Witness Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this {7 L" day of Ma,v . 199L. , 1)'ana. TIed: IAJ j t ~ Typed Notary Name & Number Q~8~ Notary Signature & Seal jconcUlvertlJ \'''''''' S"''?-.if\y.!P.t-~ DIANA L. BECKWITH ; :.: MY COMMISSION" CC432656 EXPIRES ..~j April 10. 1999 ,,~~. BONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE, INC. Page 35 , , ' " )> .... ' .... c 0 ::T 3 m ::J -+- )> "OC- I ~~ t%j o-i 2:G)m '~ m-O t%J :D ~ ~mz tn(J) t%j-i :3:)> t%j-i 2:m ~(J) OJ Q ...A. o Q en Q ...A. o Q OJ Q ...A. o Q 01 q FILm #1 00 687 2 BK#1459 PG#1682 PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - - - - , I I I I I I I I ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ [3> CANAL ~ C0 _______~~CKBE~~ROA~------- [?> ~ CANAL - ~ @ ITi G) :D > Z C m :D o > c I\) 01 I\) 101 Q ,O! Page 36 ~ CANAL ~ 8 G z~ o ...A.m 0> -m ~~ :12m >z i-l im -m 5 6 -I (") =tt: ,,- =tt: ?f9~ r~l>O ~& ?~ to. FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1683 GRANT OF EASEMENT QJllti;,J7f::.,we and as . or and . husband and wife. whose address is /7/2..-'/ 61u,"- /~~ j(.,I, ~~4'I&F( y~ hereafter Grantor(s}. do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a politico(:3 3C' subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, a temporary easement for the cons1ruciion of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Florida. described as follows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of ~ulvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and ass~gns, to go ove~t ~cro~s, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 5 in Block 10 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 5. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed east 25' along the northerly end of the canal to a point thence north 25' to a point on the southerly right-of-way' line of Legrand Road, thence west 25' along the southerly right~o~-way line,of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta~n~ng approx~mately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particulcriy shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This ecsement is grcnted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connec:ing two deed-end ccnals and includes the right of entry. passage over. deposit of exc=vated ecrih and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the ccnsrruc:ion of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the area described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. jf the construction required the removal of any frees or shrubs. the County is not required to replcce such trees or shrubs. ';~~ Page 37 FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#l459 PG#l684 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I{we have caused this instrument to be executed at ..--.. on the ,date in~dicat. d below. ~/11/ (J./ n;;;;;; ~. ht.4u-<.- "'-: =-=- ' VW~~~ ( Witness Date 1/JtJ/fb STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The Je~g instrument was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of { . 199.,L. dl Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertl ". DOLORES A. Z1CKERT MY COMMISSION' co 6111267 EXPIFIE8: November 17. 1991l Bonded 1'IlnI NOlIIy PIlIllIo UndIrMlterI Page 38 , )>,' .... --... c o :r 3 m :J .... )> 8c... t%lo 3:. ~!:( ~:D~ 0-; G)m t<m-o ~:DS; rnmz ~~ tz:j-; zm 800 FILE#1.006872 BK#1.459 PG#1.685 1 i I CJ1 ; I q CANAL . 1 ~ 1 . . ~{ 1 ~ I 1 ~ 1 I I I l\) 01 l\) I 01 q , 011 Page 39 ..... o q 01 o ..... o q ..... o q PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -,-- -- - - - - - - - - - - I I ) : . , I I I I I I 1 I Ir- m I, Ci) ':D I~ 10 1m I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~L.ACKBE~I?. ROAD --------- I I I I I I I I [;? ~ ~ CANAL CANAL f7 ~ ~ @ ~ S> (@ - (~) CANAL fj!> €> e z. m )> to ~ 6 6 3: -f (1 m =It: ~ ~ =tI: en .., '\".1' ../~J;:,..,~t .../ ,( ,/0 0 t/)<;, c> ~-." 0." .: j<X;': t./~?~.." .- :.< ..,~ ".. 4- I~'/: FILE #1 00687 2 BI\#l459 PG#l686 , f ' .,. GRANT OF EASEMENT , >- 'J?<-'I). ':ANe and as i. . or and . F husband and wife. whose address is: /71 Z-V Gte- 4. Th~.x:;;. tu., ~"",,~~'..0,-(~""f-( )-(...", hereafter Grantorfsj. do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political '3~("'<f~- subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for surface and SUb-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over across and ~pon the foll~wing described property, to wit; a ' port~on of Lot 5 ~n Block 10 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northwest corner of aforementioned Lot 5. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed east 10' along the northerly end of the canal to a point t~ence north 25' to a point on the southerly right-of-way l7ne of Legran~ Road, thence west 10' along the southerly r~ght7o~-way l~ne of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta~n~ng 250 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end canals and includes the right of entry upon. inspection. passage over. excavation. placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. . Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners' Association for no monetary consideration. Page 40 WILE #1 00 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1687 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. "we have caused this instrument to be executed at ~ on t~e dote indicated below. Q,~A~ C~-~J~_.u, U- '~~ {j ~(/ Dote 7AclA? Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE Thea f01gOing insfrumen! was acknowledged before me on this ~ day of () L( '/ . 199-'... Typed Notary Nome & Number jconculvertll ,"i-.':;.\riJk" DOLORES A. ZlCKERT t~ "t\ MY COMMISSION' CC 510287 - l~i EXPIRES: November 17. 1999 .it-.... Bonded TIInI NotIIy PllIIIo ~ Page 41 )> .... .... c o :r 3 m :J .... )> tt;lc.... !~~ t:r:jo-l 2:G)m 8m-o t%J::CS; ~mz men t:r:j-l :3:> t:r:j-l 2:m t-3(J) ~ o q 01 q FILE #1 0 0 687 2 BK#1459 PG#1688 01 q PIRATES ROAD ------------,------------ 1 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 _______~~CKBE~~ROA~____--- 1 1 I I 1111 lei) :D > Z C m :D o >- c ~ o q ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ 01 q ~ o q 01 q ~ (i) CANAL ~ ~ @ ~ CANAL ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ I\) 01 I\) CJ.! I q O! Page 42 o 8 G z. ....m 0> -en ~~ :'tJm >z l-t len -m 6 6 -t (') ::tt: ,,- ::tt: ??"' '~,,>:./.1 0 'Y-x~ C> ~:y;i ~;.('x; ,/' >.':;;: \' ,. ~rLE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK# 1 4 5 9 PG# 1 6 8 9 GRANT OF EASEMENT I. .We and as or ~JlJtJl,LM 1i1./.YClJf1land husband and wife. whose address is hereafter Grantor(sJ. do hereby convey and release to Monroe ounty, a p litical subdivision of the State of Rorida, whose address is 500 Whitehead Street. Key West. Fl 33040. hereafter County, a temporary easement for the construction of a culvert over and across the real property owned by melus in Monroe County, Rorida. described as foHows: A temporary easement for ingress and egress for the purpose of culvert construction, by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property t to wit: a pC"rtion of !,!:,t 1 ir. Bloc;~ 16 as Shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida, and being more partiCUlarly described by metes and bounds as follows: ' Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 5. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed west 25' along the nort~erly end of the canal to a point, t~ence north 25' to a p01nt on the southerly right-Of-way l~ne of Legran~ Road, thence east 25' along the southerly r1ght~0~-way 11ne.of Legrand Road to the point of beginning conta1n1ng approX1mately 625 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of the construction of a culvert connecting two deed-end canals and includes the right of entry, passage over. deposit of exc:Jvated earth and storage of materials and equipment necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction. the County must restore the aree described above to its condition immediately prior to construction except that. jf the construction required the removal of any trees or shrunCi. the County is not required to replece such trees or shrubs. Page 43 ~ILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1690 IN WIT ESS WHEREOF. ({we have caused this instrument to be executed at E.:' E.5T FLO RID A- on the date indicated below. Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrumen~ was acknowiedged before me on this .;(8'~ day of tJ}A Y . 199k.. 3U5AN M tlJI)E ~e..513'5(" Typed Notary Na e & Number jconculvertll . Notary Signature & Seat Q) Susan M, Hyde it * MY COMMISSION /I CC513156 EXPIRES : November 29. 1999 . IONDED 'M\U TIIOY FAIN INSURANCI:.INC. " Page 44 . .. I. . )> .... .... c n :T 3 m :J .... )> FILE #1 00687 2 B.K#1459 PG#1691 t-3c... t1.10 :3:. ~!< !:c~ 0-1 Ci)m t<m"'tJ ~:cS; rnmz t1.1~ :3:l> t1.1-i ~m t-3(j) ~ o q OJ q ~ o q .... o q OJ q PIRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - --. -,- - - - .. - - - - - - - I I , , I : , 1 I , I ., I I .1 r- II m I, ~ ,)> z Ie ,m I I , BLACK8crJRD ROAD -----------~----------- , I , I I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ CANAL '[7 ~ ~. ~ @) CANAL ~ ~ ~" ~. ~:" "'.:; I I\) OJ I\) ,O! q lOll Page 45 ~ CANAL ~ @ ~ @ CANAL ~ €> e z) m )> aJ m 5 6 3: -i (") m ~ " ~ ~ (D .., "" , . '" ... ;;. ",' ~ ;# .' -,,("/, 0 ...'.''/:. t> ~.;~:::~: :.~:.:;..:: , . .. ~ 4 FILE #1 0 0 6 8 7 2 BK#1459 PG#1692 GRANT OF EASEMENT I, ,Wil and:m' as ,or '(h}rW h1. LYoNs. Tt-. and ~ ,,~, husband and wife, whose address IS, S').l 'ELftKBdtlt> ((){t(): 1~-jftL Ko/: Fi. hereafter Grantor(s), do hereby convey and release to Monroe County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida. whose address is 500 Whitehead street. Key West. FL 33040. hereafter County. an appurtenant easement or right-of-way for a culvert over and across the real property owned by me/us in Monroe County. Florida. described as follows: A permanent easement for. surface and sub-surface construction installation and for ingress and egress by Monroe County, its agents and assigns, to go over, across, and upon the following described property, to wit: a portion of Lot 1 in Block 16 as shown upon the Plat of Jolly Roger Estates as recorded in Plat Book 5 on Pages 34 and 35 of the Public Records of Monroe County, Florida and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Commencing at the Point of Beginning, said point being the Northeast corner of aforementioned Lot 1. Proceed south 25' to a point at the northerly end of the canal. Thence proceed west 10' along the northerly end of the canal to a point thence north 25' to a point on the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road, thence east 10' along the southerly right-of-way line of Legrand Road to the point of beginning containing 250 square feet, more or less. and more particularly shown in Attachment A which is made apart of the easement. This easement is granted only for the purpose of locating. establishing. constructing and maintaining. over and across the real property just described a culvert connecting two dead-end c...::nals and includ:::s the ri~'ht of entry upon, inspection. passage over, excavation, placement of culvert. pipe. deposit of excavated earth. placement of fill. storage of materials and equipment as may be necessary or useful for the construction of the culvert. Upon completion of the construction of the culvert. the County agrees to offer to transfer all its rights and interests under this grant of easement to the Jolly Rogers Prop- erty Owners I Association for no monetary consideration. Page 46 .. ... \ ~ iJi _, FrL~ #1 00687 2 BK#1459 PG#1693 This easement will expire and terminate automatically upon the completion of the restoration work as described above. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I/we have caused EST l-L..oR t bA Date STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me on this c:?g-!-h day of ~A'I . 199~. SUSAN M:8~J)c ~t 5t31~~ Typed Notary Name & Number jconculvertl N ary Signature & Seal . Hyde . '''''s .....~'~..... CC513156 ~1'\1lL- It-lfiiJ~\ M'l COMMISSION 1# "" 1999 i.1 :'. Mcw8mb8r '''' ,_.~.""" INt, W. :Ii 'ItlIIlImN fMll Ifl')UIV"'"-' '>tf~;~ eolClElI ......,,, '. Page 47 '" . . . . )> -+- -+- C n :T 3 m :J -+- )> IU'- ! ~~ t:tj 0 m-l 2:G) t-3m-o ~ :JJ S; ~mz men tLj-l :3:l> ~-I 2:m t-3en 01 q ..- o q 01 q .- o q .- o q FILE #1 00687 Z BK#1459 PG#1694 PiRATES ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -1- - - - - - - - - - - - I I I I I I I I I I . I 1 I i I I I I I I I I I BLACK8E ,JRD ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - - - - - - - - I I I J 1111 IG) I~ IZ q~ IJ:J 10 I~ I I I I I I I , ~ @ CANAL [7 @ ~ <i) CANAL ~ @ I\) ,o:! MONROE COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS ~ CANAL ~ ~ CANAL ~ @ 01 o I\) U! Page 48 (0 8 Q z ~ -.m 0)> -en ~~ :am )>z F~ -m 6 ~ -f g ~ ~- ~ 7"/;. ".~~.'1 rY",} I> 0 'x' v-:' ;< , /',( .';<jA ~":...ll'....