Resolution 164-1997 RESOLUTION NO. 164-1997 C0- r-- :z: WHEREAS, the Monroe County Board of Commissione~ du-ring a regular meeting held on May 20th, 1997, met to review _the ~.equest filed by St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church for an ex~tiOri from the nonresidential permit allocation system for the const~ction of a school classroom, an addition to the parish hall ~itchen and an education center consisting of classrooms, a resource center, offices and amenities; and A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE REQUEST FILED BY ST. JUSTIN MARTYR CATHOLIC CHURCH FOR AN EXEMPTION FROM THE PERMIT ALLOCATION SYSTEM FOR NONRESIDEN- TIAL DEVELOPMENT FOR FEDERALLY TAX-EXEMPT INSTITU- TIONAL USES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SCHOOL CLASSROOM, AN ADDITION TO THE PARISH HALL KITCHEN AND AN EDUCATION CENTER LOCATED AT 105500 U.S. 17~ KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, MILE ~KE~ 105. -.~ o WHEREAS, St. Justin Martyr Catholic 105500 U. S. 1, Key Largo, Monroe County, 105; and Church is Florida, located at Mile Marker WHEREAS, the Planning Commission was presented with infor- mation via the following: 1. The request from Timothy J. Bricker on behalf of St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church dated January 29, 1996, along with its mission's statement; and a letter from Paul M. Harrington, District Director, Internal Revenue Service, dated January 20, 1995; and 2. The staff report from Timothy J. McGarry, Planning Director dated April 30, 1997; and WHEREAS, ing Findings record: the Board of County Commissioners made the follow- of Fact and Conclusions of Law, based upon the 1. St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church is a federally tax-exempt nonprofit organization; and 2. The students and staff who already live in the Keys have been counted in the original study of hurricane evacuation times; and 3. New staff are hereby required to either live in a pre-owned home which has already been counted in the hurricane evacua- tion clearance time study or they must submit an application to build a new home under the permit allocation system, in which case they will be accounted for in the ROGO reserve clearance time allocations; and 4. We conclude that based on Nos. tion, as conditioned, will not cane evacuation objectives of THEREFORE 1-3 above, that the applica- adversely affect the hurri- the comprehensive plan; NOW BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding Findings of Fact and Conclu- sion of Law, supports their decision to APPROVE the request filed by St. Justin Martyr Catholic Church for an exemption from the permit allocation system for nonresidential development for federally tax-exempt institutional uses. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of May, 1997. Mayor Douglass yes Mayor Pro Tern London yes Commissioner Harvey yes Commissioner Freeman yes Commissioner Reich yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ONR E COUNTY, FLORIDA By ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BL.Q,o..J-.J-C. ~~ DEPUTY CLER 8'1 ,.11 Resolution #