2nd Change Order 08/27/2019 MONROE CouNTYANGwERiNG1 PRojEcT MANAGEmEyr CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Cudjoe Fire Station No. 11 INITIATION DATE: 07/08/2019 CHANGE ORDER NO: 02 TO CONTRACTOR: (West CPR#002) West Construction, Inc. CONTRACT DATE: 08/15/2018 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)....................................... $3,884,185.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders..................................................... $26,000.00 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was......., $3,910,185.00 The LQontract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be(iincre�ased)(decreased) $1,972.19 (unchanged) by this Change Order.................... The new(Contract Sum)_(Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is.... $3,912,157.19 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (Las ha_nge ) by............................. 0 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is................. 11/12/2019 Detailed description of change order and justification: There is one issue that re wires this change order: 1) The water heaters ecified in t/'Lgb d.documents for the Fire Station is an AO Smith 80 al. 240 sirup hale r'nod'ewl. The powerservice rat the breaker erne/is desicned for 208 v single ahase.T The AO Smith model cannot be converted to 208 v without voiding the wa rranly, The r conaraaended water heater is a State 8t)c r . 2()8 v siracrle, base model wvlfich will match the available nower�:t the vanet Mus offer heat pump ca mbilities which will be raaarc/a more eraer efficient and therefore higher scoring arnder FQBC standards. This change order is 0.05% of the original contract price. Not valid until signed by Owner Architect it applicable),and Contractor CEI: none Date CONTRACTOR: 8° 13 DIRECTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT ate COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: ;.�� . '?.- �� r a,. ..� 27 AUG 2019 Ro r an Gastesi Date Kevin Wilson Christine Hurley Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes ® No ❑ If Yes, explanation: The original design recommendation for the AO Smith model was for a 240V single phase model. The standard design for the electrical service is for 208V single phase. Since the AO Smith model was very specific to the 240V requirements, it would not be suitable for this installation. The recommended model is a very high efficiency, heat-pump based model that will work with the electrical system design and provide higher FGBC scores. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes ❑ No If Yes, explanation of increase in price: o Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5% of contract price(whichever is greater). Yes ❑ No If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: o Project architect approves the change order. Yes ® No❑ If no, explanation of why: . • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes ❑No Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes ❑ No Explain: