09/05/2018 Agreement A(3REE NVEMI—B EIVIiEN
ft MU Id % Dpa&nmhuf Shte,"DhAsbn chHLitorraj Re-Anin-a hcrpjjjaJL7gnuns d SMMfPbd M5Q - e''nefmTeml
t aum lie umnl nMMm wFu P,N od,mhGrantre."The G node:has beun awardinxI a S fnall Matching(3'�mnf by the I.)fyfi0on,grant¢-tj,vnber 119Jinn.DXJ010 for thel"'Ivim-tl`
INA mWe C WQ C ultuml Resource!Aze-s Y�Mit I I in the amuuni ("G ran t Ai,ward Aniount"). The D ivision
emem Wo dsis A p epinent�KHMu3nit to L file�tern 3()90,cirm�nined in t1iie 2019 C erlm-a I Appopria dons A,Ict"H�B 51001,1.a ws of
F bddL I%e Diddwi has Q a WdWy to adtrdnister ffiis grant in aLTcrdan�%^kmftb Se.-tion 2167.06117,Ficnidir S'I a tu tes.
In consideraticin of Iffic mutual rov.mrwn jand pronllws cl.w'0mined hereb�„fim'a prm.ties agre"ma.as fr..A.Jinvw"'„
L Gy,ant beuu.,ctvxdusiw ly for the"'MLn'vx!(..burLty Wmd Roomm aim mmmuH,be
p ubllic tlpurjxne for vvjjjcj,,j tjjc.% fj3Tj,jr Were f.qyprorydatevIl
"HwGm MW 9W]imufurrin dhe folbvving SCOple f Wrxw k:
(31cant hinds%vill be used fiD cxinduct an archae.)Icugiical SWqy d Moo=WMHM-Ls Ln MXXIrae ty with hfgh
RTChaledogwal ske densityr cm-high rxwtcroaal fix�Imearthing cultural rernain.s inclu&g pniduch1cm,ofK.;JS da,LI
layers for zordrig rnap oveTIBYS-,and a fy,a.iasrbflfty'Fdu of imlential hgshnic dL-Arlicts in the Indlan Mcnza .ma
Subd!M�siaa and im IXick Key.'Ihc-survey wE0 rainift in a&ul arx"haiecfll saarvey re part and
nxnv or updated Flodidd,Idadu Ske Re kuns.'V ie rr,?, ork shall ccniforrn tn Clupfer?A 4�6,
)U!awks asKmblal Wdi ithe Ppun�jlectsbafl zncel the rLYpAn27v1en!Lsom forth at this apeernent,
payvnen�s Ito bide a Ywarided
.......................... ......
Pa i
yinent DdIverablie Ddivwnable
Nuniber N'turnbler De�xriptkjn lunaunt
Provide inne(1)cop y Coe OWY opme
Of d ile I A,32 pannit Jul '
appucab'F)"One(1) 1 Al2 pwwM of
COpyr of 111e apphicab,le);Lonle
CRIldianlials of the copy(if ffif,�
ard,m wbgkLRI o f
cors.iltauH.and field COYLIR11havu and Odd WA00
upera dc'mm staff,ar,"Id cy[xi-aficrustaff;and
One(1)rupy OF thie
04T C9 Me
MWqy Mwe 0 We MWWy unwbw to be
Dviricnz for review, D%iskin for ruwtow,
provide:e og x'.'
clectvwaic avid,nm�(I�i PrIertrank.and
ha rd rupy of ffie draft klUd ccj?9e'Gt
Pqp:III Uhe draft
2 a pclhz Aog cf xml: ism"
icl sulr vey
1tr ,mt rmirrainilrve rqrIol edlo 1�14,400
droll cagiforin to confann tia(lwa�ptex
Cha 1piteir I A 4.0, '1 A46,FIDdIla
rli'frfilla Adn*116stmtive Ca die,
AdmMaMm Co&
]Prmdde one(1)
OlClichoinic and im"Ie(3)
a szrivey One(1)dlectranic a nd
rEpolirt,incl'U'r3trig crip(1)llhwId Of
pfiGtographs and the final,
lr[Lap:4(Mr&I'llin�g Ills &vdsaedof,,i.cat wi vey,
ChiaptPr 3 A 465, rqxrt�rIELI,dhig
3 ShAla Ommigmpm mcl
AdmikiIiIstralvole Gxhm maps,vmrdoiI,Inmg ix)
[ni addlItlori,a Siragle Chapiter IA-415,Fhjikla
Ax,,dill[Fwmsilwall be Administrative i a
cmripifet-,dlby thic Single AtMit Farm;
Grantft airol and trhi Ph iiial Pro ig I,im-i
stinnitted kkxng mth Repler�
the Fhal Frogrem
Repcwt Pdar ho Una I.
............ ............. .......... ..................-—----
be C.'rantee has priaivkledan lisffiria led Blwlget b ased Ltrman naa sanah&expenchim Yes jxrjec,!Ixi!�[to
U,part cr!�!,0&Aigzamm bud W&d Attachinimt A.),aj d mmstbe inic an red idlizing ffie terrin of tj 11115
Agreernent,as stated irli Slecfic)n 2 1(lds Agireerment.
2. a'mmalamuuo w to it I
AlX(XdiImce%v�If%the primr.i�sIons inif So,,tjorj 3�3 �rjlif titis jk Crintrairt extermicins mainl nliIII,ble granted willm,Grantix�6
W WTMW&M19mull wHAtien i'mStificatical,md Ow Dymm approws SwAIII extionsicnii The Grartw's written,rcirlijest for
Sillich,exlension be!!�mIi[nidttml trI i Dllvis�cirt no Latm,than thiEfty(301)daysJ)dLa"tO the tellfflil Illhba�JfltEll)fthI5
Aarm'mrm'u[and I raj Malblmmft wM be va[ld u.mffl a%viitlai. by bialiflit partics as mqWre d in Sediciiiii'7
allild K�dirm 15 Of this AggieemmmL
3, Condut "T'he parfies are legally bcnun.ci'Iaiy the req Wreimirmis,of difis Apetinen.l. Each pwrtyl'scoijj,ItTaw,t
irnanager,mwnec�briomr,vvill be Impons6ble f[UMMUM019 ILS p0huma me mWw M Apwmm%aW mM MuMMial
ambd Inal pazQ Arty,notice(s)cir o4hipy,conantinicajors j.rii regard�o ill.his aptivimerit shAJ Ibe dirm7ted lo cn dielivervd.
(ul dw othm party,II ccmtraclt immager byUJIMing dw hbmwWm Mm Arky dlainge in the contaict infbimnation bielvAl
sihalllbie,mAlbrinifirilled in vaitingi tin,the rientract days inif the chainp,
FDF� IlIc Division of I lisk c,arical Resia U rces:
YaAa Ricx1r,lignim
Floficb�Department of Suite
RA.Chay, RuirldMg
500 SmAh Bronicnigh,ShmiII
Mahnom FL 3Z1 9
For the Grantee.
il—) `_,o� P
mt -m
�&l LQ, �6�p
Gtamll Paynxielii1s� AU grant 1!iamenlin arc imiNuestiod onNno I'lia
ldvilllh llallmamlaUbm tha,t the dehvurmk4e has been complekxi and documeintabion avidm ing aH expensee incurred in"
adiiewing 11m,i!mripletioal Uf fficl,delheximWe.11�e imal �:;:l clan ill atmrcl shaD not micilcm-i Ilhe Grant Allrard Amolunii,, illAud,ii diah
E�e pid !�iy dic DiNmorli ir�ii�xm midim fi)!I'l the G�11�dNev`:S minhiluln peribnn,amc a!:5�i!: t firrflii by,Vie teli Iris i1ild crmdidms
Of 111i&.AvrwmimL'Dc grant Fl: YM,Mt rd�jecfvfle ls ctfflated Mom,
a ii If Pay mni ills%M lw a!!l mdc,ltl 11 w amcm S 11,11mitified,livith&e Ddilderablies in Secillicm I of fis agrmment,
kil, All pay meiias wili J�rre rn�a(fi-hi accordance wililll ffic coaipleHon let those Deliverobles
5 Electronic Nyments, Me Grantee can cl�ome to use dc�!twniiz 6,11111111cls transfer(FFI)to mclehile grant payliments,AH
granteu-,iii&hingto zecrivie their av,,lnd C,irvugh electrclinickind:i traiLeferxmiast submk a Dirvcil���l I liepc6lAuthoriza 11 ion
fbirrilri to Ow[!Ionch Department of R,zandal Savices,If 12PI'lias alreacb,"teen net U1!.w,for tfv:m organization,die Q,zroLse
L eat on hes accci 1,111P
x8ani l
inithilarLmitiort farin !I�IILR)!I���ilid!&C,fg!iiis:!Q,MA'�ILy�LqgnLAA,'Z�
information lvdaming IPrcl pay,inent Stutu!",is'atco Ilmr~rulld[�4e.
6, Florida Su]Isfioule Foirrin VYI�9.A Forw1ii V%419 is roquired filmn W Y QcW3P that receims in payiiine,W
tile ciomd'Laxpyier ldmtific�fliun Num],xT(M q),and officr mi,ated informinifion in arder tal mpurt�acmirate ill
irdbrwaflon,fill the firiternal Reilenue Service(MS)A a register qm'access a Horida Substilluile Form%V-9 vW,t
copy of the G!rX11t,e11!'6 Florida SubsLitwbe Emma W-9 rittuil!bib suiximiWed
RiD 111lhe Dildsion,as vaquired,in aldvanicie of ar'ssilth the exemikerl,Agreement.
7, Amioridiinienl to Agreement, Either rmrty�May requeA riwifflficati�!m,OfthEl'pn3lVlqO11S of thisAgreemitent kiy rontacttng
the DkiriMcm to request an Arnpriidrtlel to,Lhe Contraid. Chlinges wilichare agrecidupon Shiall]!m valid oiitl)l,whon in
w1iloilthi&511plied by each of Ulleparb�es, and alfactiled to the arigimat of this d%grminimL Ifel'u�auigesElli�'eirnplemii!:,nted
l�lwntilen app%�%,M, ibiel orlm,�i",,o6on 6 subject to ailid the granill,dward is miviel 40
p ardal aml compliete Hunid I to tllhii..State ol!Plinrida and lennffialiofl Of this
ib Fiiiianii!1fll Consequen ices,17w Ole,plarlotimil O'iafl spr�u]Y'Ill falflowb lig fir�yiandal conseflLm"iceshmi faihue ILI �,4!rfz;ill Ill 111111P
minimum IeM oli'moiicEs rukpj��pztfl)y ffi.�;Apimerimirlf ini acc",daiimiii!tie witfiSections 215,971 Orld 287.058, Ffori&i Stalliwia5
a. Ajq adiliartaki funids vylffl be rcharwd 11in die Staite of Rw:,kla Y anly Ddiver�A41e is not satlsfkjcoonilyl Compleled
b. Ra3irryients;vifl bc�%kl�thjwld fix E1111110 to Cumplete Serillims as idmfiffi!A iiiiii,ffiel SCq!le i Wilink and DcEverablte%
pnrde dccurnmi�ailinn thmihel delivetabile has bm conq!�&Aed,or demonsiralle ffie appoll use cl�tj�fiunicis,
C. If the gran1lice Iiiias�pcnil lemlfl ari dis Grant Awa!irid Anilmurt hi staiti!111"4incls tocomip4efe the Scope ri I'Viork,thic final
payintent mdl�bel redi.lii!ed byl an amalmil i rio thc differern ice betiveli,,m spenll:si!,ac dollaii,,!;1;armi�:l the Grant Awaril
d, I Di wi::ion n wyl zed use�ndividiulxl playiner fts by,
blotedur'sStandairds and Cuide�nes or ofi,wii indixtry ndards aj!!lpkable to thel prx�ect.
"I lie Dhisicmdiau irmfixe,tiotM grilint funding hir flie Prcl in dirmt proPordien 1110 inotdi G!XnL�fll��Ijtllkms not milat by the
enicl i the gras"it pariml.1his redurfian duffl 1ue calictilated by dhiliding die aictual matildi,ammmit by 111he icquired mattli
arriiimint, ndilcaited in the Agreerneftl arid mtflfiplying the 1'lroduct lily the Grant Atmard �aniatm�i� XtdlrMed bi the
Agroment Ptlirsuar&fi!�Seir6on Graritee shri refundto the )ivision any'exce,&q Fasids piil oi it pricrg loa reduchion of
to'IA graAll[funding,
9, &Ildifiomal Special(lionditions,,
Sulivey d7,1nld 111111u)mIliglbl-flrwxcs,
1 Me GIM11111"Pe d 1arining pr�:cts to I E)qIzm u f ncra or mne w and
qTmlva�,�In lkx t�o thel exceuCian ofan I psiontiacts,
2, For me ind P110jects,the I antee 51 11,2�N Follow lfii,� �C I131acturia and
ainAolu lbica surmyl guiddmm as m6filed U11 111I away rrilmts imuld Imkninmu
110, Credit Linia(s)to Acknoilwl1111,,Idgie Grant Funding.Flsub-um It 111cil sedion 28115,25,Ffimli&j Slialufm in,piahkizing,
aldvertisivig or dt=dbinIgffic 5purwr5fil:[)of fliie 1,�nrqm t1hie Grnntiar 441 inc"uide the fuNuvving sfalmnenta
a. 117his priqeIlL�5 srk�lrisored in part by ffie Depaii kment lot SLIIN� DMmimn of�ristul tical Riesources anct 1111D Stalle I
Horida,"Ant vanafian Ini No an igLogic Inust recInVE, )DIX ap�!�=%Iifl in ivOiIing by i!f1c,j�hv I
I 1 11 U
Ix. AfhAtit"-pedfic projects mud!i"Mcludic a Pro'ect i�JeWifiCUUW m6M, lodl the arorenentilioned hriguage Chat Trust ble.
r4iiced on sits, 11 cagg of priffpiiatffin and erecilim�W 11 e Frc�mct klenliziatilon s�p, arr a1nm flv pnoj,j:Kt casj�3
RicuHne maintenanire rosLs of Prqed signs are not Mliov,,�Itbla project costs,A phofcV1,IA1l Of Hile affirmnsinhioned,i'm'gn
Krust Immabndi to the Dhi'Niori as scoi i as ft is erected.
Eri cl vin III ra vice of F un "[11111::,Grantee shl 9 Olin Ael a bIMin,g cord ract for a t least a'pa'[I Of thel Scxye of�,V ark Eiiyl
Sep L on be�r 30 of t1he grar Li[�poll iol eNcept�:V:I fllm%ec�,I
of Envi,imbranice Deadifine: I he anctamlibrance deafflLine fin6iwLed abow mzqli�ble exibmided by writtAul
ar. pproval of lhv�11)ivi�l Yo be ehg6k Far lhns exiensiml,ffgl Grantive must demicia"Istrate lo the E)htsjoj�tj,wt
onC1UT11)Mm of g,'!Iant furmhq:,and the required uw:flch II
1,41inding coniiimrt(�i isadi�evatilleby ffiemd of the
fair exfen§u!Xin Of OW IWELIMInIiIance deadkm
mus!1iL!AibrnRfcd tcil the E)q�Iiarftznunt no k0w tharl fiftem'MI5)1 prior�u the kildicMed
above filiel ma,&I'mill exterdkni of flie en unbraince��ieriod�hall be 11hirtyl I days.
b 111-Mrm-kiminim Di Exce ill,
imFor���Iln4vcts not LwU1,011,19 conillract!!Wrvices thi:1,Grwr�sle and Ule DePaKtnniinit
12. Gi%trif 111
dtxurnimt die coripleticii!u III6i:Rnyl&Alvendfle-W IaLski:�,expensus and aidiAtiles L�ul lumarred Ifivh ug Lhat risportiling pericid All
tiermIrlsorigmni nx� nn� Q9
a N rst Pro ncrl Pro gress Rep ort is,d ula��y C I k1liobar3 1, fior U v JxThoid ending September,30.
III Slownd PriliNjed 111"almissis Report'usl diuv,by I,Imauai) I
:11 1 y 3,1, fi>r bw pefiod endirig E J'Keunbe!I�31
c. T1 i I rd Proj sic t �ulrIG
ogr IIss R e F o 11sdulo byAn130, ror dw fxaiod mrdlnig NU n!1IL
II L FIrial Repiart rantee mucteihnit a Final ReFmt to ffie Division, Cnls milmTh of dIir Gri:lint Period Evid;
DMIC15CL fullh 6 Se-fio 12 above
3. Nlailxll%Jvtg Funds."I he Cianitee is ri 1xv prolvidel a 11011'3w matich,Of 111he mquired makh,��a n&imiiumi zij%
Irtatch 1111111IIt be m mst�inaticii,, ni, II', mia), lilliII1ude in WO smikes,volunwer Libor, dionated mateeriak�, ani!]
addifilerial I For projiods,luimtLd h R��mzfl ErciriolyiiC Dovielor,mment 1ru6ath,1iI!:I cj!g�otws ur cl��Unrxuuiuties dIat have
b(mm mial�oiqdace th Sechu-15 288,0556 and 288.06561,17mij&sillialrdill!5,(j,11',:Iniltees ma,y mquest a iieductIon,
of th:!m:1111rJ1 anummii%a vvaNiil�l fbill(Fie nvadl mnounl.Qantea�ih,Iit are(Irtifield Lcica�115-1,6liarmitimil"(I G)argmAzadimns
anii]mainSoroet MIMI 0%mi-hitaLkam art nut ruqUiIed wi FITC111i rilluvich.The Grawilee must suinnit c1cruirmantatkm
that the rnu dinurn nw*,�h mquimnents have been miet aniii]prmile uo iffili. au nun dolmnimast!cm,evii,jenic"wig lmxxnslas
III icurrod tu COM131y, with thz requirement
abOVe,'fl ile GT131111 Cowl)[,k11111i'm 11 Jealidline w.-,fhe e Li evvq len 111113!1 IRY I it and nu tching h mids I i Inle been plain neap aI id expaidied
lla[F 4
aiccoidance,vmffh ffm.�m�irk descAucx]in flip.Scope of'Work,detailefl In ffic ESI-i111,ltfuJ Pnmpd Budget ff the Gyzrltrm,m
finds it riitxmiaz�,tID mImnit an midernsion afthe Girar�t Cornpletion Dc,,wl[file,art Ampi'm1mrmt to Ifiie Appink
executed as Im,Sixticm 7"arxi t1w�,tiPahtimis fit,15cc.firm 15 must bire mela g .mnewrit inimst be
1,13. Extiesuflon of the(3,nmnl Coutpletion Deadline,Ami extAlmskmi afthe campletion dilkainust be,reiqr[asited Ialt least.
(1)),days prior to the end of the('irant Period and may,nol exrv%j 3�)days,unIcss t[w.Grantt,'m can Cleady dFuncuLstrau."
An exiliwnuating circuinsiltartce js one thak is'beyond.tiwe control Cd the Grant pp,,and(n:,ffiat
preveds timely,cc�ni'pk.,Uan ind the Prqlect mich ua..ma 314tural disaster,dea,11%cir rwTiowi illyric'ss,of tim individual
ACPV"thlE IDDIVIPICIjIlft cd th e Pirl ad,Riga fion nala ted tir)the P rujimt,lul f RHure Of U'Re culltrad,01'cm archillecit ft,)powide lhe
wvkcm fim wNch fficjr CMIh-RiCtPd U)jr),iromida Am emmviriad.cilg does not'indlude Faffure to read or
uridpi,sta g�d the mictrodirdstrTa bvt miquirmnelIN of a pan t or falluire tiorai5e!Rifficzimt,[nal td1111.11g,funchl"Cfi"Ingelu to the
cidginia I cornpkthani deadine shall be walid only�,vhen rfxp,n�c*ed in wifing,approvoi by,the Division,arid an Amendinen't
to ihe Age"minprit Ims bLesjj E.�xecutml by bodil pwrticsi and alffmichad to HieOrignal of this AgmtmmiL
Grant Expenditures, ""rarltw agAM5 to"'Fmd all gx ant flu Ids remiAdrcd under t[6 a g irwraent ScAply
for the mirror ea, which they wme a utimalizerd andl af)P�oprfived,E xPUldit"ITs sIM11 bP in,comphanire W1111,the Sh te
guiddhies ft-w alloimall-Ae P roject ccxio m mitlined in IhL Dippartinel�,t air F'ka Ind"A Sam vkieq�Rz.,Fermce Guide ffir'A tim W
Ex rAm iditwes(mvi5ed,IJI Q/20 11),which are h cluirpior,ated by referrs mcip. nid Garr:"ya w-A Eable(11 dale.a ll[
follcming categcmdw of ex my'dill'ums are norl-aflowable form
exPrIlIdAusx1 cg grarit hwixis and as o-nitHbutions ha reqt9red motchic
a. Expemiclifturr,for mrk not indIuded[n theS cope,of IdVnir k of dhe executpdGrant Avm iedl Agreemen
L CkXifs,d gmu6-andsomicesriolt PICCLured m,mccardanirip witim pirorumnim'rt procedurej,set fwffi bt the(3rant Award
Agnmirnicirm,a nd C]tplea 287 ic&thg,.'Florida Stal u ter;
c, Expwmw;incurred oir ob Hgated prior to or a Fier thp Q mit Picnind,as indicatmi 411 thic Giranl Awn rdl Ajppement„
id, Experms mmida led wilith hkby'b g Lyr Iftern piling 1110 mfluenice FiNicra L Stater or 4)cmt legisladmi,iffire�udldzd b rwimdh'
Ur"MI y State agimicy';
e,, for wrilirk not ccinsistent Wth b,iie a,Ipplicable hLokoric BS IDUldruned in the Secm,-,tuy
orr ffie Inberior"s,Guidehnies a vaibb�le at hit:
and phirable Industry at mama
f� C-0am.'s for pi'rw ecir"having as thim,
j �r prima'ry,Imarpme IhiefUlffilmeraof Federal regullatolry
mcl tin frulnemits,sjxxifirafly�,crasts irg consultation artict InJUS'ifflon Kneasumes required underSiaction 1106 of thip Nalinn,W
HkInfic Pre afifoi a Art Y'l 966,b3:9 an�cqide%j air irindev Seclicci 2167,1031,
F',� N'DiMAS fflreOKI zit DCI:Mtk�s ar Efistorlic Propertim that to pirivatear L&cr,.ess,,
wl lich sha U Include restdah,ig accew an.tiu e bams of sex,racv,cdkcjir, Tcligion,",a U arm i miigin6 disalbtlfty,,age,
preZ.,,rnanry,handicap,or nia i litalstzitu!�
EntpyL'mftimient 1cmd,bmderages,, jplaicjueaa,avwrards,iLm,ggt.-,,
I. Casiit�;i)ir value of damation.5 Or rn kind Qintxib�.iUort,;win t doc-uniented in,accim"dm%irre vvith!thc]pIrvirvisims of the[""'rant
Indirecil costµ includIng Grani*e overhead,managernmil exTAttgm-,ge"Crall CIrVrathig,crpsls lmid othey,riwts that am
not tead.ily identaflablie as Piqxnd�11tim%for the mate,,ials arucl services reguirml Wct�!1111101ete the wark kknfifilEd VIA thl�
l�w of Work,in dre Crant A%vard,Agpwmmat Exampliess of ind�mrt cxrtz include�irentimmigage�
�Wxvicas,ingurance,a(Mcoundn?",inlernict servirce, cx�[xmnseq ass3diated tic,wcurit systent% non.grant ridated
admirdstraidwe andl cli(TrIcIl wmllafftig,markefixtro arid hindraiAng acLiiiwar.;
Ic Arfininktrafrive exFmicklmo-S Such as Impmrifturms that me d[nxi'ly altributable to of thi.�!grant,amboted
Prqed and incefinip;the reparting,and amimiatcd MqUirmilemIts of the Grant Award Ap;rpernent.,,wbether,grjant:
axpcildfluxas,cir matich c�iratdbutkims,Wfikh'Ln a Agregate ccrEmM 5%,of the grarit.avrard mmouni[;
L Cxalvee opumfirroll SUr)j%H't OR,,OrprallIM.16(m saharkes ImIcIt ffirm.dy rehited tiogrant zidivild nr';trav'd
�Ipeiir djmm��ar mjPpjj(e�5);
mi. InsuirancV cc*ft:
n. cap�ld n'on-historic p0F*.sjf&Iq;or ncynirbid.slodc addifimo Loa Ififtaric Pirop4[-L-y aExceptiowl.-Pre-
approwd iterns uf vmrk fol�ir MuRmrn F'xhdbit pru�jiecjs);
irirpprow,Ennentsi ito the kiltnior of RI Propleq-tim(Excej*iun�m airs to friitirrurry,eli-nnientsof tiliestruirtural
SYSILM'. [;xwniP1c--flnc.hv1v:kxindaucirk rippadrs,M�Iin'to c r P I
I dul ruls,Road bewirig TA*AH Frainrung, roof fraz lijjg,
nuLux Lq,repairs,arid wifficlow Land exterior dwr zPplair,;utdl rt"=xa tion pirachicie's i IM iAdai t1bie biudc1hig,
Arilidope); Vi
p. P Ccidie-rdeqtuied Accr,�5jbilityr irwrvineras fiDir Rph ID US Pivoperhes�'9
q, Vehluar cinwIaLicilri DVOP�airfYcx-h-um flic JWO'Nxty'to sulig sitrei
1xirkbrit1g,(`Exlcrpid,�Ni]pT[MdSiD0%oft(Ale-requirnd handica! ped parkwlq-,"'pad(si)�
Siidewalqj,Pithsa vvalkwayi;i larwirb, ape featunzarid aoansuirill planbh& Lirrigaiti1w�",�Apms and,1tP lig hthig
(Excer"Aicns�edt-�Kalk vequired ici lures the cude-requtmNl handicappal pairkirig P Imid(s)i ffie acca,,'siblel ar I
I mcl'ML xi,Han of Nees Ix.psing an irnin e(hate.
to thp hisliaric,orarrhals,'Alogical resixinx,anid lirnitied.sau 4ghfing recip..'T'd
Diwskwi); tu all�ff approved by,Uxe
s. Fell and ga�Ls(Exiception:resao iri L)rhi klind:re Mcernevit i darna
P ,g�ed or m6sffig fiff5tDrIC fiZICES,FjatL-,-,, Dri
uAxtcrnsr of them*:
t. Flun'dtLure and E',qj1QjjjX[T1vn[i i(a)Expeniditurmfiyr roluiJiture wid
,but rialit hn��fted to� tablEs.,
sariang,rugs,artirl nia't-,i and dwaraficus,�Andalw tint-latMerills,ccffilplutvrq�,canaera.5,priniters,sciannian',
aipi hnicii l gtNids(Lnduir�ng lima�b iriciLi i itertaps,or blocksliclvkz),new,ciri repLaclexnan I Qw,;mxjrk%is ph
P 3
hunihi:ue;plorta Ib[P Ughdrig, hxt'arm,1xilirtable sourtid or prc, jgjrLa,m,,spedially ffxttkr and eqii tellIt VISU31
uviit�ficgasl sta!Uunrk and 11coustical treatments and prior
appiroval loas lx.vn granted Ely Lfic Divisiam(b)i ffspecial eqUipiffient is ffie Pircwject,It
be rented furdw grarift terrri lu"ams R cwi tv shollw ffi3t airilijuiring the ecl,%flipinienL61 1-Miting,
quiPlimmil It ap,pruvull h W Exvm,prcnided by,the DivisLon iaas pa A of dip,Iiits.mjucr%guar scriired i the hme of
qjpkaldrx-L If the vi"flue cifspemW equipment is to be usix1m,a in-atch contribuffixi,thle value Of the zniaitch
cicx1tu ibluti(xii.hall be hirrijiLed,11,01 RXb cost cif rentailfor die Cy"rairit.Period a,t dre inarkell,rate for aiachi rental ki itlie re
u, or hostjrq ii ferunices,biAnunit-,iNorkshap5 or arm sentailticriz,and
i expenefitures,including'allcm of far
iteins of ii a]ppircw.-d by,ffile Dfviricciu
adjuhilituitive rlwarscirujg�j,Contiraded,larri subcontracted einiplayrix�etflileir our work c,ii-sinter cir rpnirci,ciff-
17. UVIC611821tark and Unearned Fiandsand A]GLDWable C0519-1[n,roam aidaricr tvith Secdcwh 215.971,Ffli stalutics,flyz
l MA refundia the State l Fh-Jddaarky,balancei of unlobligaited'fLuriclis vAii,ch has beeri advnnced or paid to fluei
(3ril Inarlditica funds Plaild in ex ,s of ffie airuxu at to iwhich the IrPKIPiffll is crititiml,under thie fiernis arid cwtilfflons
'fixide'A to the state agenc Fi w0t. tj,tq,
inust be M ez P Pi
i iertk znay,exT�Lmid fUilds cilialy for aUlawab If,l
Eircm abBgatkxu�inctu-Ped durtig thictqxafh.�d 3,P�Tecrrwllt rAnad.ExPendt urvs of tg-ate asm—bince must
be Ln comphanice"if I I w5�ru le�,ai id rvgula ft is t�j,(hplex hi tums of Sta fie fund,,�includuig,but;11("u lirrifted
fil the Reft.7,ence Guidejbr Smife F
18 Repayment.AH rcfun&or rlftstr)bip rnade itc,thp Depli,'u Mient lander,thii N�reeincnf aveo playab[e tio
the orlder of ffv.� Df state"arild r1ruil u-1 dfte�ll x to the firguyyiingaddree�:Florida
Altr,ndciru Grarrts Prograrr,Sti imdr,Division i 1-jig ii
FK'-'n Rki%iurcrs,500 SULIU-11 Bircjnrxql�h�31�1'eet I'Ahlha wa,FL
3231919',In accordarice iNith Sleiftian,2 15,34(2), Nwidu SNOLAB,if a Check or,cluaui l is retunied to,ffue Doj.jojl-tt l'ar
CoHiciction, Pj)jr til the Departincrif,,.,i:sexvjciP, RY2 o!f 40 010 irjr iucent 1(5'%)Of 11 le fave,araount of thp
rpbunwd rJuirl alrdrafk,wfdrh#-ndcu-:Ni SiRrater,
19". Single Auidil Art.Each Graxvtrje„other thar,ia C;rarltee Hfult i swxylk to i audit Fursuajif to
,215-97, Aftachuriniernt,B for sididificrial infainTuition rq;.ucfirg ditts rm.mire
201. Retention i Accountfil&RIPIC)Diids Rumdal luu'.Ilrds'suppoiftilig,docurnents,S416stical recarids,and au officr rworicis,
[r�dUCI!rg LAPCtrWJC ShDRIge rnerjil Pealinwit to Lhe[InJectsluffl bie For a Txu-kA of fiJ vu(5),yvars after the cicsx,out,
ci the F,1`41111-1f,arljOidgation or aticitt L%jn�t�iiatKl,or clahn made,before Lhe expiradain of theffiv-year jmiiod�the records.
shall bexetabied�jjjjfl fite h8gation,aucht air clahn has
21. CibUiPtion t1a Provide State Access 11)Grarlit Relewils.11w Grimtce niust make 4 grautif wirvit-&'of exptildiltuiLrD;
6 1 of ar riaar raa°r:rraautahuuam Fivafhble to die[xvision or a duily a uthomized
rwt�nta any
Or hupxuon al rela"milubk!Hines ftivir 1he FR1qxYEA.11 of gnaking audiAs,examiinafia'Ll excwp
txan 4pxt&
U Obuga Lion to pravid le Flu bi Hc Access I ID GX2111 REiror&
Apemllcqlt in flie evcyrA ffiat 11hiie Grantee reftil piIII)k access Iii)l drwtoinems or ciffiler ilinatic-lials rnade Or receitiled by,ffie
IMMAW 1W am Qml bwhii-�FlIwAIN110TIO Of C3 WI-Avlr I M Fbdb SWWp,kncivyn ais thell'aridaPlublic RmPAS Aid 1he
Gran Eml Frillimt immedia wy ammil mic Ussimlls,Congract MI'mag er for l a kq,:,t,a,r[cp if it mcellives B��P,6 a,r rwxmYJ 1,mquest
2-1, Inviest.cniertif of ft ri ds Rom bed But Not Paid IC)U t, ua
recichmd but viot exrxrldeii b-n inbercst bearing accolull puxsuant EoSwitirxi 2116,181(16)01),RrUi InAl
ea rnecl rxin stich utul m-hiW11.1 dIDUld berehiined of iffie Ehvi.4an q uaz terly,except ffiz t In ter&,I, accrued lem,ffian��5 100
Wildlin[iai iiy,qq airterzn ey�b e hidd twoil the runt quo ow,ll the aamued in leseft boiLalss rnorp.t.han$1 CO. AH it-�te.re3t
aLl'[id not pid tc�i ibiii�,�)jvjs�>t,w,nIg-larifflez, of arnourd,Enttst�bie suibinitted wifft the CrIa-vilimls fi!rial P rcigrezRelpart a t
Me &tho GmM Wd
24,, Nancompliamce wifli&ajjit Requireinents. (",4ant Itequirounenla,Aoiy Graritee that has not
sti binittiA reflittlied repairts or saUrdkd offiex w1jillrdstTative rejuirernumts for this grardee l offiller Divimon of HLiaricai
Resxwiv-s F
.,lran ts cm hum my ate FbMa DepirtmPint of State(EXX,'u)Div Wan vvill be in niciticornplUx.11 cel stil
wd m*pd W A DOS W05 ConripPance Prc-xiedura,Grant,crxitiplUance�Lwues must be rrmmlved Liefolre a grant mwird
agiivelnff�lt may�be execub%d,and befalrc�grant,jz)dTi1L'91t5 for arty EX.)6 gwwt may be inAleased,
25,, 7he Ghn Lee auxt amul Ljill,�a il acomm&,gy:systein t1tat pircivides a ccimirAielie M.".ariid of Uk-
Use of a�1 grarit Funds,as fill
a. rThlaeh a acmuna iim;%sdy setxen qaihnvtquLj 1pburea
bka.fteID f$uh.6,0r-a1JY ideniffy midpxMdeafacuttraus ifflat ftlacel Ific rkxx,p,
EL AXVIGUnifing reroryL,Friliast aidleq rural dy lilvlrlti�y the prod urcliin ran d ayppnEiicalWiw. of fiunds fix 1H grara activifies and Inuist
classify and idenfily grant hiritcls by W&%Uwwwe bludL;et c3legairic's that m.ne,approved in flwigr&rh
ft GrantK�'s acrimmi thir
.,JAMM mommilkites clatai ar,k a differwt ftgailt L,11kirl tht l in&C It appEcalicn-L
SUbsaiy recards rnust,dcaimlowt ar4d rm.tiincilp fl-ile'amounts shown".11 flic Grantleds accountisig records to tha.,'e.
a rnicit�i.oLs reparted tothe DivLsicni,
ic Ami clurri,1611c,acuamit oraicrounts irik as slAtile.ov fu-1eraIllY 613rt2slml imM-11hj11i0llA"Iftay be tm:Id for
revenum land eirpnizes devdcafbed irii 1,11ve-Scap,!u3!f Wra.jlrrk aricl detaled I trine EdinmW PQEd Budget,,
t. Tbe riarnci,of I hip aca.Ywfli(q)must incli,Ae the grant ammWilivimmWel'
The Gra ntfl accoal
auk avy,�,tsj;and ,mciinds nii.ist kove efWave contriA ouvj-�arid accounubiffity for l hinds,pimpetity,and
f Ara.rauntlilrn Iu clinds aw be sAipjxrtnJ by,luxiiii-ce docuniltuilation and be uri vurrtttr ient detad to alow,for,, proper prL-
audit:and]Fx7st-audit(anaadh as iillvdca4 E)04, ard cancvAl,.d chlecks).
p-cerrient am
-r��upon an annual a pp.rapria tkyn bly'the Florida Legislatime,or the United S Ui tL%,Cr.xvigm,,z in,ffie rax cif a
fedcmHy fialliLlal&rariL Urdled Sitau,,.s Cwipwa h do ms#7�of is feck�rally funifid granf,,tract' C"Vent Ukait 6w statt�cq,
feloW Minds upan Wdii bi depren6l,,,,va we WMdmwn*&Ag,rwnaevit w1ft ble aulnrnatricaUy Wrimina ted
and fl�ie Ehvikiian WoU home no Wher llbffity 110'alie Grante?,bPyinind thwel anacm.rfts,ahradt,radar pnor Q'I We
temnivLab[orw irlate,,Sudh tenminabbn il affth t the 1e5-FC,ns!1bMty cif the(kantacurider flus Agreement HS h)dicze 6xids
prell LIL�tzibute&h1dW ew-Ttt lapin statle rcwmue shortfall,the totai g-primfnmy,ble,reduced a cconik%ly,
271ndependent ClOrdndw SINS ofiGrmbim.
ejnj:�licryve%ft'�perfarmance of thLbs ents anid
,511A ad in Ow apaill of indeperi[dent c:o,jj,ijfracLrn'r�aind riot as officenz;,
�Ngs 7
h otlrtl( i o c- i ri M esiinpliayvrtenl,4tc1adingle a I nyny.
ffi,ernentbunieflIN and anyother vights a,r pinvileges connecited wifllG mnpuc [b the State:nf Miuidda,,
Avv.winem-ute caiviae inay,m�blaxtitrair�,as necesuiryrlr ,to pulfornt�hc��roelvj�,-ps and to provide!
rrr'quilvad by ffik�AgirevinimiI.1he DhAdan shaN not im.fiab[t.'!to arky subconijactor(s)for ally expenses ar
umuanlnwayUnder flic(3rarltexes sljbicanfract(�),,and the Grarttt'%�.'IwU be�,x)k4y hable,to its m.lbcctntraciaroq�fiji�r a��U
iftPexurws and ha[,iijJf&.s�icuncd tatidej ftssubicantract(s) 7be MankminuM We thE! SWPS t'ID MISUM thall earfi cxf
R,s stAximaractors will be dwirried to be idependent contni.i[cl-cin"a!nd W11 not be candirder,'ed or pennitted to be ager its,
MIIIVAIIES,j0ht wntt�urcs,ar partners of 11112 Divelon,
2% 11abUity. The INYMit,MU rmt asnune any Rab,Uity for the acts,oinbsions tcm Ext, of, the Grantim its
aigenls,servan%oir eznpIOYMS,�RUT imey 8-Ile Ch-antce exclude Nahjfijjhyr ftair[b;(xvin airts,ollnezione;ttr act,
a�Dw GMMM do 11 be 11spousible fur'dhh me of any rita ture, m cjudh:lb�, bUt not linuted to inj t Lmy,&3 0%,and property
da aniage adsixtg c mj�t of acitivii hes Ma Led tr)this Agrinsmertt try U ie&antec,ii"'s ngent":'smid'd n N,cerr�plqy,evs, arld
MjIbccattralictors.'ffie� mhex�dr,an a Carairit fm Mb is be Sow w 0,1[c State�S agmntckrs
de5ned b"SOW 76828,Flonda Stqtufr�'011111 irliclertwify wtid Wd 11te Divisicut,haradez fi(xn,ajny ajjja�jj Mi1l clakris
alf any nahup"Imidsh"311 inx,mittgaivall such dlaknv;at��its 101""n exp kelsw�If tfile Gnartlef is goverried by Sm.flon,701.9�2&,
Itstiall rxially ble,ribEgivalaA irt aCCOYCIMIMWAdth thElf.
b, Neiffimr the state F�jjltx�arty,agency cir subidivislart of ti'm statc.waivesarly darense or Ntveveiepri lvr�irnunjtyr,rjir�ji-iLlreaR�5
the Urnits of its Ralraity, b�y citerffig,Inito this Ap pwaxlu-I-
Eh�hsion-jaall rtHtt be Evi['Ijilci fix Emorney fem, interest,uaite chaiges or Service fcceg,or cost of rolle:fian re1ated h)
Be GoMm W111 bic iesjxx.-Ls&1c,for all wwlk perfoginecLarKI aU cxFwisas incurred in cnnrv�,xtjozj Witill the pxx4ect.
"Th,!!Grant.ce may subcomraict.as ruerus, ry tu pe.7-foginflip servirres set forth itt this Agrewnent,hicluding cn�m.�4tg
ftitc)sibcontracts a,sdtlii%'0111dorS for servilm and cominirw1ilties-,and prulvided ffiat m4 is undersicwil lap"d-lip Gsavnee thal
than Di visiort diab i irri A bb I M do abmwedmam-ri Ily�upf.-,,ISN Or ILI Ed Uttiel;inciat-TWI under the subr.rvntw,-,ic:t wrid
W 60 GMMm A He wNy fiab le her Ihe subcontractur 6r,all exp=�s and fiah incuiTed under-t�he
33. SUWCOmplamcewithLawm The CmnWe ME poorm aM ads mquiwd by 6dn
all a�ppljca'blc IaINS alld 114,111atkirs;ici fful.'local,sta4m and fedeia]l law.=NIy IC am 1puarmnra'w, tTtc��rLjnfLjirnt&ly Mak
Tim Clot tbpe I nay not driwginlina te ag pinst any mrilplqld'iw ernpliuyed under ths Agrezmenit,or
apbW MW a"Emg Ear em#Fnuit bnowe of zacul,ujlw„ religiult,gveridu,naflic�!valogigir�, �Ag
or,Ini"u-11,11 st"I'llus, lIx'-!GrWOM dou bout a SirylilwAir P1111,wision in a[I 11"If ft's 51211contraids;fbir sclMces ultder tfiiis Agriew]raent,
U phlun DNision vAR den'tandthe niturn of gym it funds alive i dy inweived will withho'd subsequicx a
payine!rits and/cw&AII liunfilliallip,Clth;agmEwrient if the IGraaartee ill npiropeirly,expmuis luand nianages,giurcit"Rit fund, h1ilLs to
pgam pnmnv m mmaWer UUMM rEylu iTed IbyN It ds:Argreennuat,or EAIIPxkwi.w vic,La tY,11 tflis,Agvueniptiil",
331. "I'lulahaahicrit of Apvimnevit,
a. Term[nati,cin tq Chic I'Division.The Divisiort WN hainkiahe arend 16 Agwout MeQamw MM w,IM11 it;
griwv the Gninfikv fifteml(1h)caleadar daya ftiern the date uWxyt jck�cjjrj��jtq,�jto
W&the sW bed peded,flile Nwisirrr%9M lerutitrui w U ds Agreement.
'ijrj jerjj((mr OMP'Iblip delivtaed
k)#hic Ciruntems Ownh-airt Managec, or ntafled 0 hi*er spexifiedl addmss]by a rniethcA that pi-cw1cles
P�171XuFicficceipk, Ira the nut MW Olf-'Divisim,lbernniblatm U&Agwmak Me:Grwi-ttiv wfll be coxiqxumted for any
meu male Com[pletiedirl 1111ccommire mpilh flitis Ajo;renii prim of hmriniclation"if d1le,i[Xviisiout damm�;
Gran[funris ppeNdou.Qy adivarx:ed anidnoLexpendedon ii ownplelied
kn aircordFulim lvkht'lk�Ag it e(30)day's a fim,
i I �rpenl rkwifll be reltimirned to Ill Divish-juill,wiffi,ariji�Njkjj I tjjirj�
ten!l1ca-c'uhan of Ill Agpmernlemnt''1111LA''Di'visbfin dm,�not ima`vu i or it,jights to additimaial dwilmaii if'F
luie reAturriad unideir thL,Smih.m.
paitips ugum!that the can'llinuatimi i Pnij!m t wuutid noiI prDili'm belliterk!W 11mult-S fxR71mmsurate iivith[coma::
Fiartfier expaiditure c�f Rindt'111C MD PaWN�Will agg"M Ll�)(Nc ffidud.1111F
date,a,nd in thexatim of p.jjjljjm741 turadmilamu, the porficin lobe Legindnialipid, "I I 11i Ofefirwre
ra. Tenmirc,a Goin by,Gmintim ie Grantim.ullay unfla terail�y co nird the gnmmlt a t any Prior,to the flist,pay nienill:W1
the h2ruunii aIduxcgh�thip De. art�rrmrtt rnim!,'.be!ruAlified fil lArdting rl 1112oaa,After,Ole 11111filigill payrnient" Llta
Pm e�--t inay bir.,teirmianalred,nroffiod m arriended by,Ill Grantee i by vruult�ml Of 1111K.'C'dMW[tDPe a rllrl
flic,Dliksion. RniquLit ffjij�tPrin1hruihan pior tic) 1111J.'A fully IL lda'd.the remn is fouthe aciIicill jiMid t1ce.,
propmeA dhipodiliocii of the uno:aciircpleted%Yzirk.
X Rrese Awa tion of Il edilLm, Nia delay cx omimirm i to mmrc any, HIR POWE"I""r 11211110dj(aICCII'Ufi 1IFS'101 dthff'padja'Upon
hirpach,luir ifiolzifion bY either piap-ty unider this Arpvm'ment, ftnpa[r Mrcy'sud-ll right,pocAveir"ur runixty ofeiffip-r ,arty;
llor 61call u'uchl dfAuly Or,urztimiwi be IlrirrnminjeNi a-.5 a waiweir of any sudc birealich mar dafimdt,Oir cuay"mchyiiflccr breadt ar i
3:i m"Aaqsi"A-k,iwblicrmm�rmr oliflerwise t�wniife;�jts rig 1A dutrifeboir
Y k ,
CIAPIlil 1ji'llidej.-this Agmi-mmit vifithout Ik[p p6air%ii c,on.rAmt of flie I'Division" wwci.t camswmt"Judl ir'mi[carlmg!smiblY
be vviflifiel&Mle agiremmend:tmnsfewiee witmd cifinionssita W cronnplun,cct with the mquim-rinuits o�f Ole Porjec I.I f i Mvisiio%
appromma transher of thie'CA'aidIET diall Reimahi Hable frx all wwk, perfmined ami A expmcsm
uxtu-mid h lummection with Ilia the eymik 1111"i[e hralmlemci:ihe rig'Ims"cluflips,mnicl ikhg;a,l.kmr,c!�f tfiie�
Divishiln to ill SIECHOKI 20,016,Fioddr;sfafrNles'm rx.henvise,ft zight4 ji[agi ci anid
Agimtkms under Ill be fa-mi5f,cuTed to�fl'iie sijcr:iv.5mr gOVITrane.flital agmary as If it was flie aligin I I party
to tfuls Ap'wilnerfl,
36, RL1,1quireid Promarernent Prm:ediisxes For Obliaining Ga'Dids and Soxvices. ThiL, pruvide maximium,upen
conape-fiticin wb:F!p�pr�xurirtg LgrxN15 and senAces related to iffie gra int-mssislted FwaJect.in aliTCOIX11 I cK'F't,with S milion 287AY57,
37. Canfliirt 9 a f In leresit. 71we C,rantee htm-A�iy inimilfier,tinat ft ii Cog p
in,Sectilaims 112.31] 1':1' plizantulf"ie
., 12,326 Fliaridu Statutes,and affhrrn�i thaii ft.wiN nait enfer intio oir irnahfria�h a hmsijrie�or
(ujjlj jjDyrcp
kit the of'Stalte 11im miuld'violh le:11how pruml In adidlivan"na(Zirarillue
Offid'21,ffrllpluyeo,ior coristAlumI who is aulO mri,7ied in his or hez c)ffidal cmpadty to n-ii,okip,aictupt,approw,air
take Il in decisions m[pixidictri,a mnitzac-t,s�b arntmot,irm other aglnxmniml.irn coinniWilurc with ia grant amiard priu�ipfzi.
shall fake part�arr mi�y,dat-.fisiciirc relating,ti�jl�sur:h ColliltvJid,51dkointract irm ciffier a&eFjijc-nt in wfilch fle'Dr She hasairly
fbunir:W u)r other firnitem..�'tlr 4)1r'irc whkh his rx,hiexr a rjuse,dIA!"id,paxemit,or partner,air arty org
p ganization in wfjjc:Jj tie
Mzvio MS ain dircickli" Irl,mstm�,pairrl u empitoyee d vyfift'lh he or shehl or is m1plRafing any ii
palinnik,or pw l of an offh.,eac,dfireclocr,hu.5tee.,purtniez,w empiny,ift,��)!f jbig!gllanitew Shall
n(AL F,erldve grav ci hiciridA, li awafl-Rolized irt wlidllg bY fflic Qullerai Ciourisd far the]D�pli mr-it of Sta te to
awida'POter",fial'viola boin i Ill slUci
38 Hinding,of Succesc;,rq& Thh;Agirmunenif,shall bhul aSSigns and legal ti,le GjCa [11,IP Md 71 IF_,a
ofawrily legal excHity,Ill sumeds to ffix,obligald'011s ONI'le[Xviskm.ii of H:�swxiciml
391. No Eni Al
111DYMCOf Of UnauI horized lici 'nie, (If c-U'V1iJAk11Dr1?.Td a!Uens b the Grantee k ir�imtsiirkmd a
, ) �flc an 'malbornv dirt y� Alsc If Ilm,GxnrjiGk.ae knowhigly ennploys ujinati.fficircz nj
a1ii 5uch be -aucu for unilateradl calli-kAlaitiarii of fliviolatiCT,Of Sextion24A(a d1
40',, Sew�erabilfty. If any i im pitovidan a fthe Agreement is fixind to bii iflegal and tilrleniftmrreabh,� li vj�jljj
Pap:9 l
remain in M We and e6Q,-mad c;txcll.tcrlln.01 jDR)v!sia!i ishM�be decrrwd stid6kon.
CL Americanswith, I)II;Afflities Act, All progivarns�wid FacrUies mkiaecito ffiis Aplemnenif must nrett Ow stamlards of
Swfions�553501-553,513,P'lorida Sfativfe5,zirrtd lhe hncrhnwwv Mtfii Dimbqktuas Art of 11990 15 alawnided(42 11 I-S.0 3,2101,
ref Seq.),%vitich Its inmaqxpra ted hereh I by m4erenc.10,
dl GnmrWmg lam. "Mis Agreernerthshall be cnnsutm4 I[xtforrnicd,and cnft)r�xd�'iin,a[j jw5pi!yls ill.zm:Icordance wiffil Ifile
lwws and rubs oF MCI,Vinue or kwaUmn For aqr hqPl mcHMI,ar!Ang undm this Afire einimit N,vilf be h,t Lcon Coun ill.y,
41 EWMvAWvwmmL MOM Apumad d dw puss 11"'IfNisists of fhe,fbilliowipg drg!,umc!,,iats,,
I his Ag
D!ftijviWvd Project Budget.(Allachriient A)
c. SingkAurfit Art RequirsinmiLs and Exhdllpit F(Aflachirwwro�H�)i
PaIL 10
In ac .:novw ecjWcnt of this i uds
.,,Tani, provided ftom f Aw a ppoplawd hi Me FY 2MOMY Gemml Appropriation
Act,I heririfl,,q C'eTtilY WL I We read ULY MS.!Agre.'ementearld'WRI Coxnply wow ith-'IH of its rieiq airem era ts.
....................... ...........
rson,,,.'i,DiviOon Directcw �By�
,AaA th;-61,7' �jOffu--,,hal for taw Clumntse2l
R-On'a,rl I'l OW tl�ri 6xrrhy toe
*17 Y" 7.7............I......... ........................................................ ........................................
qpel rm rme and We
rDa t,,
A&SISTWlig' M ['Y'ffTOR,.N'EY
Pap:I I
Estitnialed Project Budget
� ire uD 1V ilia�rlir�'s Cash Ma witch
� 111,11 � Dmrw'Ipthwurm
P��$�219�,�0100 $10 P y �'mm P �aun�r�ur�mP iKuPurm crP li.rarm�P
so US I
� Consultant
m rlt a �t
.,. a�rrr� ��amar�a
Wdqyn, gi $101 Feaslffiflk .rLudy
Ifistrrrrr Distriicits
Il� Par!rRa�'urmrr,
rrymayV by this Depilurtmalt ofState tlj be:mbject Ni audfls milvd/or Trilimliticidnig
bym thleDepeyili[new(if State,asclelicimbled jivillds Addendum to mum CrantAmOrd Agrenrile am.
I it a ddition 11D I'VVIA!M al'a l idill's ir anducted in accurdainicie with[2 C F 1� 2001.5l)I S ecdoni 2 1 5.9Z,F firmcla S 621 utes mialldwring
puiculdurml nlay include,bUt Flillk be tirnited bo, Orl Sitic wh;ils by Dtl)a rtricillerit of S Its te stiliff, Ifirtited scrqiic a v kchts as;deflnecl Ity'2
C[71Z.2§21001,42�,anci/i)r c9her pnoiced w es, B V miteg ing;irilto tlr�is thle T,ed p:ic fit lagrees to c onapkv,and coqpeu a lilm with,
any livilmlifturing F'�TcK'r,E�clijiv�$VT,�iroasu!!,deemil'A bi tr -rit of S tallllP, I It thl2' Nelllf. 01F!I e[J.1rib�l[ellt f3f S t
jjl�le Deparinar. at
determilhes �a 1livi[IiLfml ,�c%jp- muldill: of the rNflAclilll US appilloprWel the recipierit agwin Mdffl -arlll,,V' addiffli
mm° provided by 11[he DepikUrirrienit of State Staff to the recipievull:regarding mimllil iludiit, "I'he ranipkim further ugzr!es ilio,
CCYM. [Ply:0 irld coopma le With ain,Y hvl�Fwdcl IEa I ev i1mrs,iwjmligpi lll'uri s, cir am.iditmw de mmmwed intram ry Iby ti m.,,C IWef IF ftla a xiall()jr-ficer
ur menu 1huur'Generd,
AV U E m
ThAs PaI t is applicable il'iffie Ire cil'Amlit is a S tatie air lrracak gincimnient,or a nilxn-plrofft orgmnizati011 as defined in 2 C F i? 2r(l(L190,
20(liA4&200,701 luis revised,
I In ill ic imlenit �hig therecipient,cli,pqml&$7,5lr)'lgjj)J1(Jj fjn:jaj yr.Jr s uncrfing,after 3 1,2014,011r,MOIV�LkEring the non-
Feckra 01 iffly's'li yenr in Fedum I a wa i U.l ilits fisca I year,my'ma.recipiiprr R rn ust have a dnigle Or,pivogram qmrifi:am,:dilt
0 pa cylera I a vwarris ex,virlded SfACYLIB be in
accolindillticra with tr]h[K!rLJ.k12]JTl1m;miabligled by 2 CFIZ 200,502, Aritatill(fill of the Fed!Acint c(Aiducled b
C;mlieralbl acemillarioe with RIc provi.sjonj„:`of 2 1(FIR 26(11.5 14,as irrevised,w:1111I rniltl Ole requixonestll,of adsparf,,
2, ht accalielicifiml willh thiclaudit?11,Yqrr,1inunm- tS addrmml In Pait 1,pamlgrapph 1,thu,reidpierl!h4hafl fliffill tri�llf,lecllI'lflirc,,rni(n�illi,iI�5
lielative,Licl auditee responsibilifiesl&i provided CIFR NOW&
'i If tile 7redjpjer�t eX 'MM
Ims ffian$75(kiDDO finir fisral yean;im liding after Decemnber 31,20,14 in, Federa]al'kaircls ill its:facal
ycmr�,ain auidit rxww'[ivctm[,in llcct�rdisi lice I'vith 111W pruwisiusll'of 2 C.FIZ 2010,,301 is i Ilecluked. In the everilt Out[Lille
va.'iplerlt exparld s Ims Ilia ri 1750,101010,fbr firicid yrn ils endirig after Deren lbier 31,20114 ll 11 Fallen I a wil!rds marl its fli I yea r
a nd dmiill,�la ha ve��ar i a uch:i[com lcluc!ted�n 111ccord a ir i wilh the In lisvisicirin of 2 CTIR 200.5011,the cost,of the a udit,mirzi b,c
paid i irtillri-F mlex al resaillumm(i e" the C136tofsaich an nudit inlast bey aid froirn.VeCiPiallk resulurces dbWined firorn irld,ter
urmtum (d., &edinpH,In tvhicrt Fed�'ral'lmnv*awe'ridert are LOU duru$750'000.A non-f-elmal en:1lity Lhia t
xya manor ma' ) x in
ex pa ul",lew 11will (11,11�jjjg flrje!iturl. Federal mtrjillyl�Iffipirml ylza r in.Federa I ill%,lj i is exempt fronn,Fedela I�a i Hidk
3 r
mquireyncrits fix flumity'llmr�emirpt as irliralled in.2,C'FR§2001,503 Rehatima to other alidt recpldr=imll5,but rerwids rrvust be
cnry,rx C'AnerrurlelA
AccountabilitY(),ffill-o 9
T]I`le I 1111lenr let addir Ihsled 1,116101NIVill alisist reciplarvis bi kwaling irl 1111111!hxl clif thils agreenimiL arlid,
lfilciinllfnppe!.'Won all cumplitance issu'es
U-S,Gicyvernment Pri"lling Office zvrvzv.crfrVPrj
Pag!11n 13
This part isapplicable if the rec:i,Pimlt is III narvomle,E1111tymru defirlied by 11215 97(7)(1),Flim-khm Slatutes
I I x a me mes(,)fn thpavent,that therecimq o 1. ndlal assistan lWc
fisrudyearufmidt rvr ziuml(For fik'a I yealswiding afterjumv,310,20116),thie ram
pient Inust'have a5tate single or prppect-
sperificaudit fix,such fkal youir in ac(ardamm vvial Section 2,15,97,Florida Slialfutim;�yplirable jules�alf the]ExiecutivuI
Office,ofiffic QwY.,wicir and theC.1iief Financial Officu;and Chapters 1 1111-5511)(➢local govenuri[ental r!jjtj[tjff-j)axI 101.65101
(vlonpgT,)fiL and ficir-Two fit rogmidzaidlixts),Rudes of ffitAuldftor Gpjapwal. EXHmrr i Ira this agmemient jnidma�es state
flihandal lm:nstancv through the Department
,of SlIate by,ths,aRreemirtent, In detern,iiiTthp;�®r le^strat.tj,fimmuJal
y I
fts fisral year, a,SSjStW-mCCj, �1.
&iwcdal assislance rweivievifrom th,e DippaltITIrnt of,'Stid.U, DthPr!9,1tP, , 2 me
1 1 , Other inanstafe mfifRn, stalke
finaridlal im.ssEqUarme dms maii include 1[;KjeTa1 dilarct air Fhmsrthircmallh a walrds and rex)urces,il b
]FIe1er4pnigrEvIn rriatiching rmiubernenI& y Ia rumstate ealtit for
2. In c'miniedlon TAdid-i tho a uir.1k ivnuurernenb;Actrewk9din,Part,111,p"Am,graph,1" till ID redpiemr.shall Cmam,that Unit.,:audit
(nonproi ftx,Ipr�.6,t alligardi RL&S5 119 811IC Auditor Gpnerail,
�3. If iffie wemj�pdera,IvApen&s hms,flun,$'I�n Male fjrmrici,�,fl mz�stance in its BYArml year(for i5srA ye-ars I a! cr JU.ne
, Ft
3Q,2016),an auft canchufted in arrurdarkcr,T vvi 1h i le Kyk
h nrrourIlljIfldrG
e%ri�i%�:11-ii,��i,��tlu.�re.(.-I'ii.,TIF.7n:tc,.iz ends less than$71,-.50,(XJ0 in sta�a financial assus'lamp,in ill fiscal y maw endbig after jime',M),2016
and dects to have arialudit condimtxxi irl li'i Olr�,Fimmsilons of secilivxl'2115�'R,7,Florida Sifiatutzific!I �hc�!
audit!rj-wuq be pzdd frow,ffit�ruwmqtzbe jmwRxzrmNrl(Le.,the I of m.wc:11 am,atidd,irmist.lie lmdd I'mirri,du�,
ramumomobtairied frorn W:her d-wanS Ism ti eultides).
he Inhynet, addresms fistil bek.)1w%%,!U assist reciphWsI in ociflikig documenl,s refemmed in,dw Wixt of his agnewmi:and
the interpretation,�of comphant,is%
11 'X . lies,,
rfF :xicLi DppartmmL OffiLer)
Le sladonrOAtIlIngillu the llm ida Singille udi At Act gi
fox,aud,fts mrvdw.wrtL%1 in amQr&nce.with QNM.. Cirm. h-trA 133,as navi,FM.,and reqWred lad
mfth-.cl,when requi by Section.320,(d),OMB Circuilar A-133,,as nwised by or Dirl
behalfaf the mc1pient diyeI to each of die fojjoivftj&
Officti of Inspector Gernrrxal
Florida MT-m rhment.of State
R.,A,,Gray lhdk-14 ig,Room 'ILI 4A
Par.: 14
Soulth 1Cimn,c5olgh St.
Dd hilliassiM FL 32399-UZO
lbe Feder-all Aidit C
aw.aaaaaraw deri gTiLliftdin OMB Cilocidai A-133, nsj�mrbed cap!"es requij ol by
artd 1(2)�,CUB Circ Win,A-13-311 Rll�i�Mv:bcrt SlICUld Ible Silbimmilled twillip Fedffal A�,Xdjt
Cleatringliol m'.1)"alt Ll le fluluo�,vfi iql,airldrem
Flicial Andit ied
rJumall of 610 ICrxraMS
12,01 East 11)1111 S!treipt
as regiml
lr)lffirle�of Tinsplixtur Cmer,,A,
Holicial IDqlarlinerilt Of 5 ka te
R.A�Gray BuRdh1g,Rimm 114A
510K)Scmillh RnxiniougficsL
Taflalinsaaq,R-32399 02510,
B, File Andiliar Gmierat'sCiffice all[flic folknNing as draw
Apicfifor Gmiend's iC)�fr.T�a2c
Rooln Vpjq,.cler B a ifliding,
I ll'west Mbdi=IIl Strmft
IlWkhasw%Flairida u"D2,3199.:L4ad;1gl
3 Any reporu� xjjan.agajjcw[t llPttUr,,CfflDfll[C]r hlfijr7xlzUlM['1!!qUilled W,ble zRibriniMed to the'O'CIM1111lierlit of State ryurmanit to
Rds a i I I
VmMm�L Elliall bi a ra ib�inid M.itirincl y in a ccial indance kid 10 1 CiMB I(ircilialar Ael]�I`3, Floyidlkll Sh3tuu* 101,5150
OlDiA goveririin,n.enlW einfliNies)or 1 101,6501(incw[ncifit and frnr-p��ofilt cliganizabrni.: i Rialm of the Axi[r,k!tcjir C;cj[�;� z.�,
applivaNle% I vy L,a's
Relcip:'enit%I'vilen finainidM.repcv fing Plackages itc,thie I)epastinent Of St;ft folr waffts idone br acrmmiatire vvil[h
CHM:13 C hvtflar-A-1 3�3 or Clli�a plews D1,55111(Irwilal griviel illifini[enibil o Rlde�l 011`1101��16501(z hilli irofit and fcxi,�rrrofit argainivIL:Irnis)��
Rulm olUilhe AudhOr Girric,17A sficwillcl indicalie the da,te thim t�he repoidng, package was,cliplivered iiii)flic inadorp.nt-jrrn
Cal lr:e�nidiprwc accann panyinip,�fic wirj"lorllnlg p,5 clwge,
reciplient shag retalra,j,xffkira'it nwwcLs demrm9W6n9 aLs compliance wittii flie terml Offlds agl-Mmm'd fi-n,-�a r&rkxliuxF
rne yearshmin the date dieaw;dit re �e Departrnent.Of Sitate,or its dni-ignep,
,part is isnmcL anLd�rAwvwllaDcnv[1,;�
The iirexij�ficnt�hafff.nsvve ffiaL audit vvnrking pep(,vs are made
aviailakOc tio the Departirnerit ofStZO, Or i�-idesipPlee,C-FQ,,or kiditior C,,;ene raLupcni Yqwwst fur a, &,at 1p St -e.
Y'Mrs fTDTTW ttw mite.the audft,rppcvt k,i&slulect wale-6 e-XtcndDd in wridng by Bra.Dcrmftment of State, ffi,
Not applic-able,
Rxida Departnaent of eta'�e,H loth oric,Pn,,scrwatim Gnin bw,C�IF A.Nluniba 4.5,,,03 1 Avwa rd,Asnotmil $48,000,00
A(,'REEMENTAfU.',*AS llF(Y[�l.D%l&,
The comphance ungulm-mmats of:bJj.b� pirp.lCt,imy be foi.mid in Part Ficiur(State 11"rc4ect(7,ornphiaince RcqWm-mm.11s,)air Ole
5W.P,llrqh.,x.-h, Supplcrrq,gmj[t Joca