Resolution 378-2019 - RESOLUTION NO. 378 -2019 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO INITIATE THE STATUTORY PROCESS FOR DISPOSING OF ELEVEN (11) VACANT COUNTY OWNED LOTS ON DUCK KEY THROUGH THE STATUTORY PROCESS PROVIDED THAT THE LOTS ARE DEED-RESTRICTED TO PROHIBIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF PRINCIPAL RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES THEREON AS PART OF THE COUNTY'S DENSITY REDUCTION PROGRAM. WHEREAS, in 2016, the County Commission initiated a Density Reduction Program to purchase development rights from the owners of private property in anticipation of the State's expected cessation of new development once the current pool of Rate of Growth Ordinance (ROGO) allocations expires; and WHEREAS, the goals of the County's Density Reduction Program are to 1) reduce ongoing development pressures and the resulting effect on hurricane evacuation clearance times, 2) reduce the demands on public facilities and infrastructure and 3)protect property owner rights, thus ultimately avoiding unnecessary costs associated with defending property rights claims; and WHEREAS, the BOCC has an obligation to review County owned property and ensure it is being maintained at its highest and best use; and WHEREAS, the BOCC and the Monroe County Land Authority (hereinafter "MCLA") entered into an interlocal agreement on October 19, 2016 regarding the acquisition of infill property for density reduction, among other government purposes; and WHEREAS, the BOCC acquired eleven (11) vacant parcels on Duck Key, Florida: RE00379720-000000, RE00379800-000000, RE00379820-000000, RE00380440-000000, RE00383270-000000, RE00383850-000000, RE00383860-000000, RE00380240-000000, RE00383780-000000, RE00383380-000000, and RE00383390-000000; and WHEREAS,the BOCC finds that the best and highest use of the eleven(11)county-owned parcels located on Duck Key, Florida, previously acquired for density reduction purposes, is to offer the parcels for sale with a deed restriction prohibiting the building of a residential structure on the parcel; and WHEREAS, the deed restricted parcel will be offered for sale to the highest and best bidder pursuant to the requirements set forth in F.S. 125.35(1)(a); and WHEREAS,the sale of these eleven(11)deed restricted parcels is consistent with Policies 102.4.3 and 102.4.5 of the 2030 Monroe County Comprehensive Plan; and ti Page 1 of 2 .. WHEREAS, the Duck Key Property Owners Association, as well as individual property owners on Duck Key, have expressed an interest in acquiring at least some of the subject lots; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: The Whereas clauses set forth above are incorporated herein as findings by the Board. Section 2: The County Attorney is authorized to initiate the process set forth in F.S. 125.35(1)(a) to dispose of the eleven (11) County owned lots on Duck Key with the following real estate numbers: RE00379720-000000,RE00379800-000000,RE00379820-000000, RE00380440-000000,RE00383270-000000,RE00383850-000000, RE00383860-000000,RE00380240-000000,RE00383780-000000, RE00383380-000000, and RE00383390-000000 Section 3: The advertisement shall inform prospective bidders that each lot will be subject to a deed restriction prohibiting the construction of a principal residential structure on it. Section 4: Any revenue derived from the sale of these lots shall be deposited to Fund 308, the fund used to pay for land acquisitions under the density reduction program. Section 5: This resolution shall take effect upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of! roe C int ,� .. - Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 16th day of October, 2019?_= `4 "-g ` ,% :'- Mayor Sylvia J. Murphy Absent _ , I,Cis ;� '� Mayor Pro Tern Danny L. Kolhage Yes `_D �; o IA A i,, �A Commissioner Michelle Coldiron. Yes -11 \\\ TO Commissioner Heather Carruthers Yes a- === T_ _. �� Commissioner David Rice Yes 4;� v .....b ATTEST: KEVIN MADOK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF M ' OE COUP , RIDA By: By: 0 Deputy Clerk Mayor Pro 1 K.(Lai MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY .1 APPRO S FORM: R9 R'T'B. HILL ,JR. Page 2 of 2 - MA=