Item C16BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date:4/20/11Division:Public Works_______________ Bulk Item: Yes XNoDepartment:____Solid Waste Management__ Staff Contact:Rosa Washington/292-4432 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approvalofproposalfrom SCS Engineers in the amount of $24,995 to provide professional engineering services to assist Monroe County with renewal of the Operation Permit for the Cudjoe Key Lined Landfill cells,andapproval to pay them an additional $9,267.75 for additional work required by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). __________________________________________________________________________________________ ITEM BACKGROUND: The CudjoeKey lined landfill area was originally constructed in 1991, but the cells have never been used for waste disposal. The lined area consists of four separate cells (Cells A, B, C and D), separated by interior isolation berms. Cells C and Dare permitted by FDEP to operate as a Class I landfill (receives an average of 20 tons or more of solid waste per day).The current five-year permit expired on March 30, 2011.In order to start renewal process, staff attempted to secure proposals for this work, but found that some engineering firms were not interested in a project this size or,since they were not the original engineers on this project,that there would be aconsiderable amount of work and costs associated in starting from the ground up. SCS Engineersis the firm that processed the original permitand renewal. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION:None. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES:None __________________________________________________________________________________ STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS:Approval TOTAL COST:$34,262.75INDIRECT COST: n/aBUDGETED: Yes XNo ___ DIFFERENTIAL OF LOCAL PREFERENCEn/a : COST TO COUNTY:$34,262.75SOURCE OF FUNDS:Fund 414 SW Assessment REVENUE PRODUCING:AMOUNT PER YEAR: Yes No X____0____________ APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing XRisk Management _N/A__ DOCUMENTATION: Included XNot Required_____ DISPOSITION:AGENDA ITEM # Revised 11/06