Meeting Date: 4120111 Division: Monroe County Sheriff's Office
Bulk Item: Yes x No _ Department: Monroe County Sheriff's Office
Staff Contact Person/Phone #: Val Marinello 292 -7001
Request for expenditure from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund
Have been approved in the past
SOURCE OF FUNDS: Law Enforcement Trust Funds
APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included XX Not Required
Revised 7109
Freeman Substation
20950 Overseas Hwy,
Cudioe Key, FL 33042
(305) 745 -3184
FAX (305) 745 -3761
Marathon Substation
3103 Overseas Hwy.
Marathon, FL 33050
(305) 289 -2430
FAX (305) 289 -2497
Islantorada Substation
86800 Overseas Hwy.
lslamorada, FL 33036
(305) 664 -6480
FAX (305) 852 -5254
Roth Building
50 High Point Road
Tavernier, FL 33070
(305) 853 -3211
FAX (305) 853 -3205
Key West Dot. Center
5501 College Road
Key West, FL 33040
(305) 293 -7300
FAX (305) 293 -7353
Marathon Dot. Facility
3981 Ocean Terrace
Marathon, FL 33050
(305) 289 -2420
FAX (305) 289 -2424
Plantation Dot. Facility
53 High Point Road
Plantation Key, FL 33070
(305) 853 -3266
FAX (305) 853 -3270
P.O. Box 500975
Marathon, F1.33050
(305) 289 -2410
FAX (305) 289 -2498
10100 Overseas Hwy,
Marathon, FL 33050
(305) 289 -2777
FAX (305) 289 -2776
914onroe County Sheriff's Office
196ert T (Peryam, Sheriff
5525 Cofkge Road
Key 'West, TCorida 33040
(305) 292 -7000 TAX (305 ) 292 -70701 -800- 273 - 00 6 RS
•www. keysso. net
March 31, 2011
Mr, Roman Gastesi, County Administrator
Historic Gato Building
1100 Simonton Street
Key West, Florida 33040
RE: Request for Expenditures from Law Enforcement Trust Fund
Dear Mr. Gastesi:
I would like to request that the Commission authorize the following
expenditures from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund:
$ 5,000.00 Key West High School Band Boosters — to help fund the KWHS band
TOTAL: $ 5,000.00
I hereby certify that these expenditures are lawful pursuant to the Florida
Contraband Act. There will be no recurring expenses in the existing budget.
Please feel free to contact my General Counsel, Patrick McCullah, or me
should you have any questions or concerns regarding this request.
Very truly yours,
A �.e Robert P. Peryarn
Sheriff of Monroe County
2796 Overseas Hwy.
Marathon, FL 33050
(305) 289 -2351 '� z��
FAX (305) 289 -2493 AZU
Gary Hernandez
Key West High School Band Boosters
Director v Bands
2100 FLAGLER AVE Christine Rodriguez
KEY WEST, FL 33040 President
Gary. 0
305 - 293 -1549 ext. 54367 Janice �lardC
rai Chair
The Honorable Sheriff Robert Peryam
5525 College Road
Key West, Florida 33040
Dear Sheriff Peryam,
Va. ��.
We are writing this letter on behalf of 120 talented Key West High School students.
They are all involved in band ranging from freshmen to seniors. We have a Marching Band,
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, and Colorguard available for them to express
themselves in, and in some cases be a part of more than one band. You will read that our band
program is more than just a few groups performing at school functions; it is a musical
organization dedicated to excellence through reflection, goal achievement, and student
The band year begins two weeks before school even starts with Marching Band camp
consisting of daily practice for S hours a day in the heat of August. The challenge of learning to
march and play at the same time comes together with a lot of hard work. Along with discipline
and a lot of determination, the Fighting Conchs' Marching Band is formed each year with the
help of student leaders who present themselves as role models and teachers for our younger
members. if you have not had an opportunity to see them in person, you really need to come to a
game next season to see them show off their product of dedication. These 120 students will
impress you as you watch them perform their marching show complete with challenging music
and synchronized drill formations. Our marching band proudly received a Superior rating at our
marching assessment this year.
The Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, Symphonic Band, and Colorguard operate from August
through June and have also been assessed alongside various other schools and have received
Excellent and Superior ratings over the past few months. They now qualify for and will perform
at the state level in April. Recently, the Florida Bandmasters Association held a Solo &
Ensemble festival at Key West High School where our students choose to perform a solo or
ensemble before an adjudicator. We had 21 students receive a Superior rating, I 1 receive an
Excellent, and 16 qualify for State Solo & Ensemble which will take place on April 1, 2011 in
Ft. Lauderdale. Band is the first and last group on campus every year from Marching Band
Camp through our performance at graduation. Band students are very dedicated and committed
to a high level of excellence in all that they do.
Our students are accomplishing amazing feats amidst challenging adolescent years; they
are in the process of forming character qualities and good habits that will last them a lifetime.
Belonging to the band program at Key West High teaches them more than music skills. Band
students, on average, have a higher GPA than other student organizations. They are
academically competitive in taking Advanced Placement courses (college level courses), honors
level courses, and dual enrollment courses through FKCC. Students in the band are also held to
a higher standard of moral conduct and behavior. They are taught to show respect for their
community by their choices and actions. Band members must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA
average and commit to being drug /alcohoUtobacco free in addition to having no disciplinary
issues to be part of the band program.
Our band students assist with fundraising throughout the school year to help support the
activity they love. They are required to raise their "Fair Share" in the amount of $175 per
member in addition to personal uniform costs for concert dresses, tuxedo attire, and marching
shoes which add up to an additional $125+ totaling over $300. Many families solicit these funds
from local business or patrons of the arts; some are able to afford to write a check from their own
pockets, both avenues are becoming less profitable with the current state of the economy. The
Fair Share funds go towards purchasing music, dry - cleaning of uniforms, replacement and repair
of school instruments, and transportation costs. Our largest single expense is busing to our
competition and assessment events, this costs us upwards of $2,000 per trip to transport the band
via school buses totaling in excess of $14,000 per year alone. The replacement of one tuba will
cost $5,000, sheet music costs at over $3,000, and concert uniforms at over $10,000 per year.
As with all the Arts programs in public schools, we are in need of help. Our needs are
basic without any thrills or extras, they do not include travel such as "fun" or international trips.
Our basic budget to run our band program is $50,000 - 65,000 per year. The school district has
historically provided near $7,000 a year to help meet this budget and has announced that they
will likely provide $0 for the upcoming school year due to the state budget cuts. We will attempt
to use our aging marching band uniforms for yet another year, although, they are three years past
their normal wear and tear usage life being 12 years old. We have patched, mended, hemmed
and taken them in till they are falling apart. The cost for our band to replace these would be in
the neighborhood of $50,000 and would increase our budget by that amount. However, knowing
the economic times we live in we are focusing on our basic band needs and must meet those first.
We are making an appeal to our community at large to open their hearts to our band kids
and our program. Knowing that there are people losing their homes and their jobs it's very
difficult to make this request. if there is any way that you can help contribute to help these 120
young people in our band program via forfeiture funds, we would be ever grateful.
Submitted respectfully on behalf of the Key West High School Band and Band Booster Parents,
qay H andez
KWHS Director of Bands