Resolution 412-2019 RESOLUTION NO. 412 -2019 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ADOPTING THE REVISED TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ATTACHED HERETO AS "EXHIBIT A" CREATING AN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT; CREATING A PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Sec. 125.74(1)(j), Florida Statutes vests the County Administrator with the power and duty to organize the work of,County departments, subject to an administrative code developed by the Administrator and adopted by the Board, and to review the departments, administration, and operation of the County and make recommendations pertaining thereto for reorganization by the Board; and WHEREAS,Section 2-58 of the Monroe County Code adopts and incorporates the County Administration Law into the County Code; and WHEREAS, Section 1-2 of the Monroe County Code defines the term "department" in a manner that requires Board approval in order to create a new department; and WHEREAS,the current Table of Organization, approved by the Board on May 16, 2018 upon adoption of Resolution No. 150-2018, does not include Emergency Management or Parks& Recreation as separate departments of the County; and WHEREAS,on October 16,2019,the Board adopted Ordinance No. 035-2019 clarifying the powers,duties and roles of the Emergency Management Director during a State of Emergency and requiring the Emergency Management Director to report directly to the County Administrator; and WHEREAS, prior to adoption of this ordinance, emergency management services fell under the umbrella of the Emergency Services Department and,pursuant to the Board's adoption of Ordinance No. 035-2019,the County's Table of Organization dated May 16, 2018 needs to be revised to create the Emergency Management Department as a separate department of County government; and WHEREAS, parks and recreation services are currently being provided by the Facilities Maintenance Department,in addition to the increasing demand on their services for the renovation and on-going maintenance of existing County facilities,courtrooms and other government building throughout the Florida Keys the County is responsible for providing and maintaining; and WHEREAS,the need for a dedicated County Parks and Recreational Services Department has escalated in recent years due to demands from County citizens for enhanced services; and Page 1 of 3 BOCC 11/20/19 CAD Res(kp) WHEREAS, the County Administrator has determined creation of a Parks & Recreation Department as a separate department of County government to be in the best interest of the County; and WHEREAS, the creation of an Emergency Management Department and a Parks & Recreation Department as separate departments of the County requires the County's Table of Organization dated May 16, 2018 to be revised and approved by resolution of the Board; and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed revised Table of Organization with the newly created Emergency Management Department and Parks&Recreation Department added is attached hereto and incorporated by reference as "Exhibit A"; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY,FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Recitals. Each "WHEREAS" clause set forth herein is ratified and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2. Monroe County Board of County Commissioners Action. The Monroe County Board of County Commissioners accepts the recommendation of the County Administrator regarding the re-organization of County, Departments to create an Emergency Management Department and a Parks & Recreation Department as separate departments of County government and hereby adopts the Table of Organization as revised which is attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein as "Exhibit A". SECTION 3. Effective Date. This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption and shall continue to be in full force and effect until modified or rescinded by subsequent resolution of this Board. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting held on the 20th day of November, 2019. Mayor Carruthers Yes :. O sca '71 Mayor Pro Tern Coldiron Yes c m r— I-- a) rn �, f° 1: CommissionerKolhage Absent Dr;., f , r: 3 AfirN Commissioner Rice Yes `j O j`* c �\'" 41.,E CommissionerMurphy Yes r-; '�, '°ems,.{3--,: 4314,0 �y'� r F.c Lr BOARD OF COUNTY COMSSIOIRP ^V�, -*1,; ` '° OF MONROE COUN Y,FF ORIDA o "'. `X'T£ : KEYIN ADOK, CLERK 9ift,,...!,-,•"'•BY: By: -i 1VIay Deputy Clerk MONROE COUN TAB RM'EY Page 2 of 3 APPRO BOCC 11/20/19 CAD Res(kp) RO �NTE.Y A Ws LLtttTTO �'JR. "Exhibit A" Table of Organization Page 3 of 3 BOCC 11/20/19 CAD Res(Icp) EXHIBIT A . Proposed Monroe County Organizational Chart Public , 1 [ Clerk of Courts Tax C • ,:•---, •', ' .' Sheriff Property Appraiser Judicial Chief Judge Supervisor of Elections Board of County Kevin Madok l Danise Hennquez Rick.Rarns,_ Scott Russell Mark Jones Joyce Griffin Commissioners: David Rice Sylvia Murphy Michelle Coldiron Heather Carruthers ''r,Danny Kolhage Medical Examiner t Administrat Dr.Michael Land Authority Director -=;roan Gastesi z Charles Pattison Steckbouer Assistant County Department Head, Assistant County Administrator Office of Susta ..... Budget&Finance Administrator Rhonda; Christine Hurley,AICP Tina Roan Kevin Wilson,P.E. f 1 Department Head, Office of Legislative Department Head, Department Head, Building i, Affairs Emergency Services Eng.Services/Roads • Rick Griffin . , 1 James Callahan Judith Clarke Department Head, Department Head, Department Head, Planning&Env.Res. Airports Fleet lg Emily Schemper Richard Strickland Roy Sanchez I Department Head,Info Public Information Department Head, 1 Department Head, Technology Social Services , Solid Waste 1 Alan MocEac ,,„Meryl Graham I Department Head,Code Department Head, i Department Head, , Department Head, Compliance Emergency Mgmt Libraries # Project Management Cynthia McPherson Marty Senterfitt Norma Kula � Cary Knight l Department Head, Department Head Department Head, p Department Head, Employee Service Parks&Recreation Veteran's Affairs Cath Crane Facilities Maintenance -ryan Coo y William Desantis • Department Head,., Extension Services Guardian ad Litem ocal Disaster Recovery Alicia Betancourt Alexsa Leto ,- -_.. '_---)6,m fan. :''.2*I ri''''..: �. j� r-' .,.mow.� ';.