Resolution E-3
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,
Florida, has duly called a public hearing for the purpose of amending
certain sections of the "ELECTRICAL CODE FOR MONROE COUNTY,
FLORIDA" as adopted by Resolution No. E-I, and amendments thereto,
WHEREAS, the public has been given due notice of said hearing
and an opportunity to be heard, and
WHEREAS, said Board desires to amend Sections 1. 02, 1. 06, 1. 19,
1.23, 1.25, 1.27 and 1.32 of said Electrical Code, now, therefore,
That the following Sections of the "ELECTRICAL CODE FOR MONROE
COUNTY, FLORIDA", as adopted by Resolution No. E-I of said Board, and
amendments thereto, be, and the same are hereby amended as follows:
1. Section 1.02 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended by deleting
paragraph (B) and inserting in its place the following schedule of electrical
permit fees:
For minimum electric permit
For each outlet, light or switch
Service 100 ampere and under
100 - 200
200 - 400
400 - up
Water heater
X -Ray outlet
Dental unit outlet
Electric elevator outlet
Electric signs - minimum
Electric permit plus $3.00 per $1, 000.00
Motors up to and including 1 liP
3HP - 5HP
5HP - 8HP
10 HP - 100 HP
Over 100 HP
Reinspection fee
$ 3.00
.10 each
1. 50
1. 00
1. 00
1. 00
1. 50
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Permit Fees:
Walk-in freezers and coolers, not including refrigera-
tion units $
Beverage boxes and soft drink dispensing machines
Showcases, including self-contained refrigeration units
Window air conditioning units - 1/4 to 1 HP
1 - 2HP
Over 2 HP
Over 3 lIP
Central air conditioning plants and refrigeration units
1/4 to 1 lIP
Ove r 1 HP to 2 HP
Ove r 2 HP to 3 HP
Over 3 HP to 5 HP
Over 5 HP to 10 HP
Over 10 HP to 20 HP
Over 20 HP to 30 HP
Over 30 HP to 50 HP
Over 50 HP - Fee determined by Electrical Inspector
Separate refrigeration units HP rating determines permit fee
figure same as air conditioning plants.
No permit will be required for the installation of domestic
refrigeration or air conditioning units if they are self con-
tained units containing no valves with motors less than 1/3 HP.
1. 00
1. 50
1. 50
2. Section 1.06 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended by deleting
the last word thereunder ("metal"), and inserting in its place the word
3. Section 1. 19 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended by deleting
the figure "70" in Paragraph (.A), and inserting in its place the figure "60".
4. Section 1.23 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended by deleting
the period at the end of Paragraph (B), and adding to said paragraph the words
"or by permission of said company. "
5. Section 1.25 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows:
(a) Paragraph (A) of said section is hereby amended by deleting
the period at the end of said paragraph and adding the words
"and Romex 2 or 3 wire with ground in frame construction
only. Plastic electric conduit schedule 40 or better with
(b) Paragraph (C) of said section is hereby amended by deleting
the period at the end of said paragraph and adding the words
"or motor connection. "
(c) Paragraph \D) of said section is hereby amended by deleting
the entire paragr'lh.
un Paragraph (F) of said section is hereby amended as follows:
Sub-paragraph I of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended
by deleting the word "comm ercialll.
Sub-paragraph 2 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended
by deleting "wire size #211 and inserting in its place IIwire
size #1",
Sub-paragraph 2 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby further
amended by deleting 111-1/4 in conduit size" and inserting
in its place "1-1/2 in conduit size".
Sub-paragraph 2 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby further
amended by deleting the figure 117011 and inserting in its
place the figure 1110011.
Sub-paragraph 2 of said Paragraph (F~ is hereby further
amended by deleting the figure 11411 in the last line of said
paragraph and inserting in its place the figure 11111.
Sub-paragraph 2 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby further
amended by deleting the figure "1-1/4" in the last line of
said paragraph and ins e rting in its plac e the figu re III -1/2 ",
Sub-paragraph 3(a) of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amen-
ded by deleting from the first sentence the words 113 #2
conductors II and inserting in its place the words "100 amp
Sub-paragraph 3(a) of said Paragraph (F) is hereby further
amended by deleting the entire sentence under Item #4.
Item 6 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
"#411 and inserting in its place 11#611.
Item 10 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
the figure 111011 and inserting in its place the figure 1'1211,
Item 14 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
the figure 11611 and inserting in its place the figure 11811,
Item 14 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby further amended by
deleting the last sentence.
Item 22 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
the entire paragraph.
Item 24 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by adding
the following sentence: IIAll receptacles shall be three wire
grounded type. II
Item 26 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by inserting
after the word IIRomexll the words IIwith ground".
Item 35 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
the last sentence.
Item 39 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
the entire paragraph.
Item 40 of said Paragraph (F} is hereby amended by deleting
the entire paragraph.
Item 41 of said Paragraph (F) is hereby amended by deleting
the entire paragraph.
6. Section 1.27 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows:
(a) Paragraph (E) of said section is hereby amended by deleting
the entire paragraph.
(b) Paragraph (H) of said section is hereby amended by deleting
from the first sentence the words "except switch legs may
be *14".
Paragraph (H) of said section is hereby further amended by
deleting from the second sentence the figure "10" and inser-
ting in its place the figure "8".
Paragraph (H) of said section is hereby further amended by
deleting in the third sentence the figure "6" and inserting in
its place the figure "8".
Paragraph (H) of said section is hereby further amended by
deleting in the third sentence the figure "8" and inserting in
its place the figure "10".
Paragraph (H) of said section is hereby further amended by
deleting the fourth sentence.
7. Section 1.32 of said Electrical Code is hereby amended by adding
thereto the following sentence: "This also includes trailer and/or mobile
homes. "
Dated October 23, 1962.
-, -,
The term "Electrical Construction" as used in this regulation,
shall be held to include and govern all work and materials used
in installing, maintaining and/or extending a system of electri-
cal wiring for light, heat or power and all appurtenances,
apparatus, or equipment used in connection therewith, inside or
attached to any building or structure, lot or premises. Under
this section a "Maintenance Electrician" is NOT authorized to
install any new electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for
light, heat or power.
Defore any electrical wiring or electrical apparatus or equip-
ment for light, heat or power shall be installed, within or
attached to any building or structure, either public or private,
within the ltmits of the County a written application for a
permit to do so must be made to the County Zoning Director. The
application shall be accompanied by a complete set of plans,
specifications, and schedule, as may be necessary in the opinion
of the County Zoning Director to determine whether the installa-
tion as described will be in conformity with the requirements of
this regulation. If it shall be found by the County Zoning
Director that the installation as described will in general
conform with the requirements of this regulation, and if the
applicant has complied with all the provisions of this regu-
lation, a permit for such installation shall be issued by said
County Zoning Director. The permit when issued shall be for
such installation as is described in the application.
(a) A permit will be required to do any electrical construction of-
any character, install any electrical wiring, apparatus or
equipment, or make any extensions or changes to ~xisting systems
of wiring for light, heat or power, within the limits of the
County excepting work done by employees of Public Utility
Companies, for said companies, and further eJccepting the
repairing of damaged apparatus or equipment and the ordinary
work necessary for the proper maintenance of same. No permits
will be required on service calls involving normal maintenance.
(b) INSPECTION FEES. Defore any permit is issued for the installa-
tion or alteration of electric wiring, device or equipment, the
person making application for such permit shall pay to the
County a fee in such amount as specified in Section 29 of the
County Zoning Regulations.
- 1 -
For the purpose of this regulation to regulate the issuing of
permits, each recording watt-hour meter and all feeder wires,
sub-feeder wires and branch circuit wires connecting to same
shall be construed as one meter service, and a separate permit
must be obtained for work requiring a permit performed on each
such meter service, but may be recorded on one permit.
(a) All electrical construction and all materials and appliances
used in connection with the installation, maintenance and
operation of electrical wiring, apparatus, or equipment for
light, heat or power, within the limits of Monroe County, shall
conform to the rules and regulations embodied in this regulation
and such as may be adopted, and shall conform with such con-
struction and approved Inethods of construction as is reasonably
necessary for safety to life or property. The latest current
regulations as laid down in the National Electrical Code, as
approved by the American Standards Associations, and the National
Safety Code, as approved by the American Standards Association,
and other installation and safety regulations approved by
American Standards Association shall be prtma facie evidence of
such approved methods as of the time such regulations are laid
(b) A rough-in inspection will be required for all wiring installa-
(c) FEEDER LOADS for all construction shall comply to ARTICLE 220,
FEEDERS, in the National Electrical Code.
(d) All electrical specifications not covered by this Code will
comply with the National Electrical Code.
(a) No electrical materials, devices or appliances, designated for
attachment to or installation on any electrical circuit or
system, for light, heat or power shall be installed, used,
sold or offered for sale, for use in the County unless they are
in conformity with approved methods of construction for safety
to life and property. Conformity of electrical materials,
devices, or appliances with the standards of Underwriter's
Laboratories, Inc., as indicated by the lists of Inspected
Electrical Appliances published and distributed from time to
time by the said Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc., or with other
standards approved by the American Standards Association shall
be prtma facie evidence that such electrical materials, devices
or appliances comply with the requirements of this regulation.
- 2 -
The maker's name, trade mark or other identification symbol
shall be placed on all electrical materials, devices or
appliances, sold, installed, or used under the provisions of
this regulation, together with such other markings giving vol-
tage, current, wattage, or other appropriate rating as are
prescribed in the National Electrical Code, or as may be
necessary to dete~ine the character of the material, devices
or equipment , and the use for which it is intended.
(b) All gaseous lighting fixtures must be labeled showing the
manufacturer's name, wattage, voltage and Power Factor. No
metal screw threads shall carry the weight of any fixtures
other than machine bolts, hickey studs, or lag screws. There
shall be adequate spacing provided for wires to pass through
the metal in all fixtures without injury to insulation.
All metal conduit and fittings, unless of corrosion resisting
metal, shall be galvanized, sheradized or shall have an equiv-
alent coating of corrosion resisting metal.
All service entrance wires supplying current for light, heat
or power to any building within the County whether for under-
ground or overhead connections shall be installed in approved
raceways. E. M. T. shall not be used for a service mast.
Neutral conductors may be one size smaller than insulated
service conductors.
Knife switches operating at a potential of 600 volts or less,
except on switchboards or panelboards accessible to qualified
persons only, shall be of the externally operable, enclosed
type with proper markingto show when the switch is in the "on"
or lIoffll position.
(a) Since the characteristics (VOltage and phase) of the service
available 1n different localities vary, it is necessary to
consult the Power Companies before any motor installations are
made, except as provided hereafter, in order to dete~ine the
character of service available for a particular installation.
(b) In general, only alternating current motors up to and including
~ HP may be connected to a 115 volt, single phase branch cir-
cuit. In general a 3/4 HP motor may be connected to a 115
- 3 -
_. F.~
volt, single phase branch circuit if it is installed on a sep-
arate 20 amp. circuit if no maaller than #12 wire.
A 1 HP motor may be connected to a 115 volt, single phase
branch circuit if it is installed on a separate 30 amp. cir-
cuit of no smaller than #10 wire.
(c) Motors above ~ HP and up to and including five (5) HP will be
connected to a 230 volt, single phase service or 3 phase service.
Cd) Single phase motors in excess of (5) Horsepower may be installed
only upon approval of the Power Companies.
(e) All motors over five (5) Horsepower shall have their starting
current limited to 300 per cent of rated full-load running
current unless specific exception is granted by the Power
All wiring conducting current for light, heat, or power, where
installed underground or under floors in any garage or filling
station or other building structure in the County where pumps
or piping systems containing gaSOline or other inflammable
volatile liquids are installed or used, shall have a T. W.
covering and where outlet boxes or junction boxes are installed
in floors or sidewalks at such locations and containing joints
in the conductors terminating in or passing through such boxes,
then all such outlet or junction boxes shall be of explosion
proof construction which will prevent inflamable volatile
liquids from coming in contact with joints in wires contained
in such boxes in the event of leakage or overflow of such
liquids fram pumps or piping systems. A sealoff fitting shall
be installed at both ends of every conduit entering a pump or
pump island. Light standards within 20 feet of a pump or pump
island shall be considered Class I Division I locations. The
requirements of this section are to be considered as supple-
mentary to the requirements of the National Electrical Code for
Class I Division I hazardous locations.
Every portion of theatres, and motion picture house devoted to
the accomodation of the public, and all courts and passageways
pertaining thereto and leading to a highway or street, shall be
well and properly lighted during all perfoDmances and until the
entire audience shall have left the premises. Nothing in the
preceding statement is intended to prohibit the temporary
shutting off of the lights in the auditorium during the pro-
duction of any act or scene. There shall be a separate system
- 4 -
of lighting for the auditorium, stairs, halls, corridors,
passageways, exits, lobbies and vestibules independent fram the
general lighting system for the auditorium, and such separate
system shall be controlled only from the foyer or box office,
or both and such separate system shall have a different source
of supply of electricity fram the said general lighting system.
Every exit shall have, over or at one side of the same, on the
inside of the building, the word "EXITII in conspicuous letters,
not less than 6 inches high, and over or behind each such exit
sign there shall be placed a 25-watt red or green light which
shall remain lighted until the audience shall have left the
premises, and no other red or green light shall be allowed in
the auditorium except stage lights. All wiring shall be
enclosed in approved raceways.
SECTI01'l 1.12
In the wiring of new buildings or the installation of new
wiring in old buildings or additions thereto, or in the remodel-
ing or alteration of old wiring, where more than 50% of the
existing wiring installations is remodeled or changed, all
wiring shall meet the present requirements of this Code. All
extensions to existing wiring shall be in accordance with the
standards of this code. When wiring for any added load is
installed in a building the services shall also be revised and
sizes increased to carry the new total load. Additional cir-
cuit breaker capacity shall be added to protect the added load
with provisions for at least one spare circuit. When existing
structures are moved to new locations and the existing wiring
is in apparent safe condition and less than 50% of the existing
wiring installation is remodeled or changed a new service of a
min~um of 3 #6 conductors shall be required. A larger service
shall be installed to meet load requirements if so indicated.
Circuit protection shall be either circuit breakers or in the
case of existing fuse panels, fuses of the proper sizes shall
be installed. In adding wiring in an existing residence to
connect for an electric range or range and water heater, the
main disconnect requirement will be waived but the main service
wire size fram weatherhead to load center shall not be smaller
than three #4's. For water heater installation only, or for
dryer installation only, the main service wire size shall not
be smaller than three #6's.
The County Zoning Director may issue permits for the installation
and use of approved systems of temporary wiring for light, heat
- 5 -
or power, or for decorative lighting when proper application is
made for the same and there exists a reasonable necessity for
such use, provided that no such temporary wiring shall be
allowed to remain in service for a period longer than sixty
days (60) after the date of the permit, and that such temp-
orary wiring shall not be dangerous to the safety of life or
property. The County Zoning Director may renew this permit at
his discretion.
(a) That it shall be unlawful for any person to bridge a fuse, cir-
cuit breaker or switch, or fuse any conductor above its rated
carrying capacity. (See National Elt:ctric Code, latest edition,
for circuits serving motor loads.) All fuses and circuit
breakers must be plainly marked with the number of amperes it
is designated to carry. See 1.25 (f) (13).
(b) The initial installation of service fuses must be provided by
the owner or his agent.
(c) In case of emergency, if the meter seal is broken the Power
Company must be notified Dnmediately.
(d) No job of wiring for light, heat or power will be accepted on a
final inspection unless the proper fuses have been installed.
(e) See also Section 1.12
(a) All wiring or apparatus for light, heat or power in premises of
whatever nature, in locations within the County limits, which is
to be supplied with current from a private plQnt where the
current is furnished by means of motor generator sets, or other-
wise, may be arranged and connected so as to operate on any
approved system of wiring, whether A. C. OR D. Co two or three
wire, subject to all other provisions of this regulation and
subject to the provision that such wiring, arrangement, and
connection shall be such as to be safe to life and property.
In the wiring of refrigerators, ice boxes, cold storage plants
and rooms or buildings of a stmilar character all wires for
light, heat or power shall be installed in rigid, galvanized
metal conduit and galvanized metal outlet boxes, outlet and
distribution cabinets and fittings. Conduits must be installed
in such a manner that they will drain to outlets and cabinets.
Conductors must have the presently approved "National Electrical
Code Standard" insulation.
- 6 -
At outlets of junction boxes and cabinets where it is necessary
to remove the insulation for the purpose of making joints, taps
or te~inal connections the conductorsand exposed ends of the
sheath must be covered with a close fitting wrapping of best
grade tape, securely held in place by an outer wrapping of tape,
and thoroughly painted with a P. and B. compounds or other
approved waterproof insulating paint or varnish.
All sockets or receptacles shall be of the keyless weatherproof
type, and all fixtures or fittings shall be of weatherproof
All Dell Ringing Transfo~ers must be located at the load
center or readily accessible places, and the secondary wiring
shall not enter the same box with the prtmary wiring. The bell
or chtme transformer may be placed in an approved manner on the
ceiling or over the door in a closet as long as it is readily
All service wires inside of a building for supplying electrical
current for light, heat or power, shall be installed by the
Electrician doing the inside wiring, except where service wires
are to be primary, or connected to an underground wiring system
in which case the electrical department of the Power Company
may install the service wires and meter equipment to the main
service switch, provided that when service wires are installed
by the Power Company they shall be installed in accordance with
the rules and regulations of this code.
A single service fused disconnect or circuit breaker of a mini-
mum of 100 .~p capacity shall be required in residential
buildings of 600 square feet or more, located in a readily
accessible place as near the point of entrance or service wire
as may be possible, considering the character of the building
and accessibility in case of fires or other reasons for opening
the service disconnecting the premises from feeder mains.
The height of the main switch or breaker shall not be higher
than seven (7') feet or less than four (4') feet from the
The mintmum service for residential buildings under 600 square
- 7 -
feet when indicated load does not exceed 5000 Watts based on
200 Watts per 115 Volt current consuming outlets, plus maximum
wattage for special purpose outlets, plus actual main pull
wattage for direct connected loads, shall be 70 Amp and the
service conductors shall not be less than 3 #~ wires. The
height of the main switch or breaker shall not be higher than
seven (7') feet or less than four (4') feet from the ground.
(b) The main fuse or breaker ratings shall be no greater than the
current carrying capacity of the main service feeder.
(c) All service disconnecting means operating at a potential of over
600 volts must be approved type circuit breakers with air break
disconnect switches between approved type circuit-breakers and
supply lines.
(d) When a main service entrance serves 7 or more meters, a main
service disconnect shall precede the meters.
(a) On all wiring for light, heat, or power, or new work or where
the service is to be changed or altered, and where the connected
service load does not exceed 150 amperes, approved meter boxes
shall be used, which shall be connected on the supply side of
the main service switch and fuses or main circuit breaker.
(b) Where the connected service is larger than 150 amperes and
where not feasible to install outdoor meter boxes, the meter
shall be located in a convenient and readily accessible place
inside the building. Meters located in enclosed or semi-
enclosed rear porches, where they are not exposed to the weather,
shall be considered as being inside the building. The location
of the meter loop shall in each case be dete~ined by the Power
Company, and the arrangement of wires for.ming the meter loop
shall be deter.mined by the Power Company.
(c) Service panels and equipment will not be located in closets,
bathrooms, bedrooms, under stairs or in any location which
shall cause it to be not readily accessible or create a haz-
ard to life or property. Meter boxes or safety etc...
(d) Where more than seven (7) meters are installed in one enclosure,
a meter room must be provided satisfactory to the specifications
of the local Power Company.
The point of service entrance to buildings shall in each case be
deter.mined by the Power Company.
- 8 -
(a) Each separate building into which electrical current is intro-
duced for light, heat or power shall have an independent service.
(b) Provided that a private garage on the same lot as a main building
and used in connection with same, may be supplied from the same
service, provided that no garage on the same lot as the place of
residence is used as a manufacturing or other business establish-
ment or used for rental purposes.
(a) On all wiring installations where an increase or decrease of
load is to be made, the Power Company must be notified before
appliances or equipment are connected, so that proper arrange-
ments may be made by them.
(b) In no case shall an electrical meter owned by the Power Company
be allowed to be removed or changed by anyone other than a
representative of the Power Company.
Where wires are to be run overhead and lights suspended from
poles, all poles must be twenty (20) feet or more in length, .
set five (5) feet or more in the earth, and guyed with guy
wire not smaller than one quarter (~) inch in diameter and
such poles shall have a "heart" top of not less than four (4)
inches in diameter. Metal poles may be used in accordance
with this section if a minimum of 2" pipe is used for spacing
of poles less than 20' apart. For over 20' and up to 40', 3"
pipe shall be used. All wires must be not less than twelve
(12) feet from the ground. Where lights are suspended between
poles, they must be hung on approved hangers to a messenger
cable. All wires on poles must be supported by approved
brackets and insulators. All meter loops, service switches,
and cabinets must be installed in weather proof enclosures.
(a) Approved rigid conduits, steel tube EMT, surface metal raceways,
underfloor raceways, cast-in-place raceways, wireways, and
busways shall be required for all wires used to conduct current
for light, heat or power, in the wiring of all new buildings,
and additions thereto WITHIN the Limits of Monroe County,
except that flexible conduits only by special pe~ission of the
County Inspector may be used in rewiring of old buildings when
it is tmpracticable to use rigid conduits.
- 9 -
(b) Neoprene covered steel tube EMT may be used in unsuspendeCl con-
crete slabs, underground, damp locations or Class I, II and III
hazardous locations as defined in the National Electrical Code.
(c) The use of armored cable (OX) shall not be allowed. Where
accessible and hidden from view, and installed in an approved
manner flexible conduits may be used for wiring for lights in
show windows and show cases if not over 7' run.
(d) The use of non-metallic sheathed cable, for unsupported open
work shall not be permitted except on runs not exceeding seven
(7) feet.
(e) Two locknuts, one inside and one outside of boxes and cabinets
shall be required on all conduit jobs. Approved fiber bushings
shall be used on any conduits entering or leaving a panel or
cabinet if the conduits contain #8 wires or larger.
(f) 1. Service Entrance cable will not be approved for a service
entrance in commercial buildings in Monroe County. Wire sizes
indicated 1n this Section ~hall be maintained regardless of
insulation values of wires or cables.
2. Service conductors for ALL commercial buildings shall not
be smaller than three #2 wires installed in l~ inch conduit.
If a commercial bUilding does not exceed 600 square feet and
indicated load not exceeding 5000 Watts, based on 200 Watts per
current consuming outlet, plus maximum wattage for special
purpose outlets plus actual nameplate wattage for direct
connected loads, the min:lmurn, se:~vica disconnect may be 70 AMP
g'1.d the service conductor.s shall not be less than three number
4 wires installed in 110.(11 conduit.
3. Size of SerVice wires and conduits for residences:
(a) Minimum service to any residence in excess of 600 square
feet sh:t",l be three # 2 conductors.
If the indicated load, based on 200 watts per current
consuming outlet plus the maximum wattage for special pur-
pose outlets plus the actual nameplate wattage for direct
connected loads exceeds 1Q K. W. the service wire size
shall be increased to three #1 conductors and the main
disconnect to 200 A. Also if the load so calculated
exceeds 40 R.W. the service wire size shall be increased
to three # 1/0 conductors and if over iQ. K. W. the service
wire size shall be increased to three # 2/0 conductors.
MAIN SERVICE disconnect fuses shall be sized to protect
the service wire size.
In calculating total load by this method, only the larger
of the heating or cooling load need be considered.
For resistance heating loads, seventy-five per cent (75%) of the
total connected heat load may be used to determine maximum
wattage in the above calculations.
4. Service entrance wires for multi-family dwellings shall not be
smaller than #2 wires.
5. OVerhead service conductors shall be enclosed in rigid conduit.
EMT (steel tube) will be permitted for over-head service
conductors but shall not be allowed for masts. Masts shall be
a minimwn of l~" conduit.
6. The Service Grounding Conductor shall be a minimwn of # 4 bare
copper and shall conform to Articles 2594 and 2595 of the
latest issue of the National Electric Code.
7. The SerVice Grounding Conductor shall be run from the meter or
switch enclosure to a cold water pipe or an approved driven
grounding electrode using an approved, exposed, accessible,
ground fitting making an electrical connection with the
GROUNDING conductor.
8. Service cables and conduits and grounding conductors shall be
securely fastened to the building using approved straps. Wood
plugs used in brick or concrete will not be approved.
9. A SerVice Hood or Entrance Cap shall be installed on every
shall be such that a point of attachment of service drop shall
be not less than 10'.
10. In general, service drops shall have a clearance above ground
not less than ten ~eet.
11. Service Metering Equipment installed ahead of the Service
Disconnecting means or overcurrent device shall be considered
as part of the service which must terminate in a MAIN Switch
or MAIN Circuit Breaker.
12. Service conductors entering a wiring trough (inside of the
building) which is to be used as junction or connection box
for multiple metering shall have a main disconnect installed
on the line side of the wiring trough. This refers to wiring
trough installed inside of the building only.
13. When wiring for any added load is installed in a building, the
service shall also be revised and sizes increased to carry the
new total load.
- 11 -
14. Electric Range Circuits shall be not less than three number 6
In the case of individual oven and surface units (built-in
ranges) it will be permissable to install a min~um of 3#10
conductors to each of the units, proved that each run is
separately circuited with proper over-current protection for
the size of conductors and equipment used.
Where multiple range units are fed fram a cammon cable and
common breakers, the wire size shall not be reduced at any
15. LIQUID TIGHT or RAIN TIGHT Greenfield with approved fittings
shall be used in wet locations and ALL OUTDOOR installations,
including sign connections.
16. All wiring in Conduit shall be open for inspection before
switches, panel fronts, receptacles or covers are installed.
17. All wiring in Deauty Parlors shall be installed in rigid
Conduit of E.M.T. and all equipment used therein shall be
connected to the system with 3 wire cords, plugs and recep-
tacles, grounding the frames of all such equipment. Three
wire receptacles that will serve a two contact plug shall not
be approved.
18. Show Window lighting shall confo~ to the National Code Rule
that 200 watts be allowed for each lineal foot of the window,
regardless of the type of fixtures to be used. All show windows
must also have installed in the base a receptacle for every
five feet measured along the base of the window.
19. A separate sign circuit shall be installed in all store or
public buildings (new or remodeled). This sign circuit must
be installed in a separate Conduit fram Panel.
20. In commercial buildings the minimum requirements for receptacle
circuits on each side wall shall be a separate conduit extending
from the Panel to the approximate center of each side wall,
connected to a separate circuit and te~inating in at least
one receptacle.
21. Under no conditions will running threads be pe~itted. Approved
conduit unions shall be used.
22. Sign transfo~ers shall not be placed in unfinished attic
spaces. Drain holes shall be provided in metal transfo~er
boxes, and when exposed to the weather the boxes shall be
reamed or otherwise trimmed to remove burrs or rtms that would
- 12 -
hold water in the enclosure. If mounted on the roof, the
transfor.mer enclosure shall be elevated at least two inches
above the roof. Wood shall not be used to mount or elevate the
transformer enclosure. The transfor.mer shall be rigidly
fastened to the metal enclosure.
23. MaxUnum number of outlets per circuit on commercial or
residential buildings - 10 light outlets or 6 receptacle outlets
or 8 combinations.
24. For residential occupancies, base receptacles or convenience
outlets shall be placed along the perimeter of the following
rooms so that no point on the base will be more than 10 feet
from an outlet: Living room, bedroom, dining room, breezeway,
den, nursery, sewing room, Florida room, enclosed porch, inside
wall of screened porch.
25. Every kitchen shall have a minimum of ~o appliance outlets each
on a separate circuit: a maximum of three per circuit.
26. Non-metallic sheath cable (Ramex) may be run on top of ceiling
jOists except must be a minUnum of 6' fram attic access or
protected non-metallic sheath cable shall not be installed
under floor of building unless area of at least 18" of clearance
between bottom of joists and ground.
27. Light outlets in clothes closets shall be installed on the
ceiling or over the door. Receptacles no higher than one foot
from the floor will be permitted in clothes closets for the
use of approved mildew lights or heaters.
28. Where necessary to install junction boxes the same shall be
29. Branch circuits in all installations feeding all outlets, and
switches shall not be smaller than No. 12 D & S gauge wire.
30. Wall switches will be per.mitted within reach of a bathtub or
shower if no other place in the bathroom is suitable as long
as the switch is not placed within the area of the tub or
Pigtail grounding wire shall not be approved.
31. ~r~ugh8 or auxiliary gutters shall be so installed that main
service and branch circuit wiring will not enter the same trough.
Where branch circuit wiring shall pass through the main service
trough, the branch circuit CONDUIT shall pass through the trough
preventing any contact between the branch circuit and the main
service conductors.
- l~ -
32. Portable corde attached to music boxes, pinball machines, soft
drink dispensers and other similar equipment, shall not exceed
six feet in length when measured from the equipment to the
outlet SUPPlying the current. Cords shall not be nailed down,
tacked, stapled or held With strings or other supports but shall
be left free and clear.
33. All recess lighting outlets where slow burning wire shall be
used shall be complete with flexible conduit leads installed,
wires prOperly connected and taped and approved covers placed
on the outlet box before roughing-in inspection is made.
34. Plaster rings shall be placed on all 4" or larger boxes in
concealed installations.
35. Requirments in multiple dwellings: On new buildings AND REWIRED
BUILDINGS, no branch circuit shall be connected to serve more
than one apartment. Distribution panels shall be located in the
apartment they serve or in a public space. IN RESIDENCES,
Ded rooms are not considered "readily accessible" and therefore.
no distribution panels shall be approved if placed in bed rooms.
36. Attic fans shall be On a separate circuit run direct from panel
to the fan SWitch.
An attic fan and a floor fULndce or closet type furnace may be
connected to the same special branch circuit, provided a double
throw SWitch with an off Position is used ahead of the controlling
37. Control equipment ~or oil burners shall be located on the wall
nearest the latch side of door opening to the roam using an
externally o!,erated roSED SAFETY SWITCH OR CIRC-\1H DREAl<ER. All
furnace wiring shall be on separate circuit and so marked in
the fuse or Dreaker Panel.
38. Each window type air-conditioning unit shall be connected to 8
separate circuit using wires not smaller than number 12 wire
~BD SHALL DE GROUNDED. See Section 1.09 (b).
39. 8tairways lighting shall be controlled by 3 or 4 way SWitches
located at top and bottom of the stairways; except in multiple
dwellings or apartments or other public bUildings where the
stair lighting is controlled on special hall, corridor or
house circuits.
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40. All concealed plumbing and other piping or duct work shall be in
place before the wiring is INSTALLED.
41. Through poured courses on masonry walls non-metallic sheathed
cable shall be encased in EMT or conduit or other suitable
raceway, and shall not be stripped when so encased.
42. In the wiring of new buildings two spare circuits shall be
43. Circuit identification. The contractor shall identify all
branch circuits at the panel showing the outlets so served
DEFORE CALLING FOR Final inspection.
44. Every Electrical Contractor shall stencil or provide a decal
with the contractor's name and address and phone
number on the main switch or panel.
45. Sub-feeder conductors to sub-panels shall be protected at the
origin point of the sub-feed for the maximum current carrying
capacity of the sub-feed conductors. The Sub-Feed Conductors
shall be sized to meet the current consuming capacity of the
connected load which shall be calculated as follows: the
indicated load, based on 200 watts per current consuming outlet
plus the actual name plate wattage for direct connected loads
plus the maximum wattage for special purpose outlets, and a
utilization factor of not less than 6~~ is applied. Where the
sub panel is serving resistance heating loads only a diversity
factor of not less than 75% shall be applied. Design of
customer owned vaults must be approved by local Power Company
prior to construction and specifications will be furnished by
th...; Power Company in advance.
(a) All electric water heaters or other heating appliances up to
and including 1650 watts may be connected 110 vo:ts, single
phase. Over 1650 watts to be 220 volts.
(b) All electric ranges shall be connected 110-220 volts, 3 wire
and grounded.
(a) It shall be the duty of the County Zoning Director to issue
per.mits for, and inspect all electrical wiring apparatus or
equipment: for lights, heat or power, inside of or attached to
buildings within the limits of Monrc~ County, and to look
after the enforcement of laws, rules, and regulations, relating
to same, and to exercise a general supervision over all electri-
cal construction.
_ , f:
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to use
any electrical current in or through any wiring apparatus or
fixtures for light, heat or power in or on any building or
structure within the limits of the County until the same shall
have been inspected and approved by the County zoning Director,
and the Certificate hereinafter provided for shall have been
issued therefor.
(c) It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation
furnishing electric current for light, heat or power to connect,
his, their or its distributing system with any installation of
wiring apparatus or fixtures in or on any building within the
ltmits of the County without having first received written
permission from the County Zoning Director or his authorized
representative to do so.
Such permission shall be given by the County Zoning Director at
any time after the certificate hereinafter provided for shall
have been issued.
(d) When electrical wiring, apparatus or fixtures covered by a
per:mit shall be found on inspection by the County Zoning Director
to conform to the rules and regulations provided by this
regulation, the County Zoning Director shall issue a final
Certificate of Inspection certifying that the wiring, apparatus
or fixtures have been inspected and found to comply with the
terms of this regulation, but no such certificate shall be
issued until such equipment is made to conform to such rules
and regulations.
(e) All wiring crossing firring strips must be protected with
adequate metal covering to the satisfaction of the Inspector.
(f) The said County Zoning Director or any of his assistants is
hereby empowered to inspect cr re-inspect all interior wires
and apparatus, conducting or using electric current for light,
heat or power, and when said conductors or appar~tus are found
to be unsafe to life or property, he shall notify the person,
firm or corporation owning, using or operating them, or either
of them to place same in a safe and secure condition within
twenty-four (24) hours, or within such further time as the County
Zoning Director shall reasonably determine is necessary.
(9) Whenever any wiring, apparatus or fixtures conducting or using
current for light, heat or power is found upon inspection by
the County Zoning Director or one of his duly authorized
assistants, to be especially or immediately hazardous to life
or property, the said County Zoning Director or one of his
duly authorized assistants shall immediately open the switch or
- 16 -
materials. When the electrical work in any building for which
a per,mit has been obtained is ready for inspection, notice shall
be given stating the location of the work, name of the owner,
and the name of the electrician doing the work, shall be given
to the County Zoning Director at his office. As soon as
possible thereafter the County Zoning Director shall notify the
electrician in charge of the work when he will inspect same
and the County Zoning Director may test the work in the presence
of the electrician or in aoymanner necessary to demonstrate
that the work has been installed in a proper manner and in
accordance with the provision of this regulation. After the
entire completion of the work, a notice Shall be given at the
office of the County Zoning Director for a final inspection, and
if the work has been properly done, he shall issue a final
Certificate of Inspection.
Said certificate is not to be removed by any person other than
inspector. This Certificate shall not relieve the electrician
of responsibility for any defective work which may have escaped
the notice of the County Inspector. All electrical work shall
be done in a workmanlike manner. Where a written electrical
inspection report is required by State, County or Federal
agency, the inspection shall be made and report signed by the
Monroe County Zoning Director.
INSPECTIONS. All wires at switch outlets on jobs must be
shorted before a test will be made. All wires at every outlet
must extend out six (6) inches or more. On all jobs where
wires are installed in conduit or any wiring method used which
is to be installed before wires are pulled in, the following
inspection must be made.
1st. When installed as a complete system without the wires,
where the same are to be concealed, the system must be
inspected before covered.
2nd. After wall plastering or ceiling has been completed
and wires pulled in, and the wiring Joints have been made
and soldered, leaving outlet for fixtures, an insulation
resistance test will then be made.
3rd. Upon completion of jobs with all conduits, wires,
fixtures, fuses and receptacles in place, a final inspection
will be made, giving an insulation test on wiring in
fixtures. In each case the contractor doing the wiring
shall be held responsible for resistance test on wiring,
and the contractor installing the fixtures shall be held
responsible for insulation test on wires in fixtures.
Radiant ceiling heat installation shall be made before
plastering ceilings or lathing walls.
- 18 -
It shall be the duty of an Electrician to construct and complete
all electrical work entrusted to his care without unreasonable
delay, and with all possible diligence.
(a) All lights installed or used within six (6) feet of basins,
sinks, toilets, or bath tubs, or in any room which has a floor
which is permanently damp, or which are installed or used in
any location where a person operating the same might come in
contact with any grounded objects, such as gas or water pipes
or othergrcunded metal work, shall be controlled by a wall
switch. A convenience outlet shall be installed at a height
not over 48" from floor in all bathrooms.
In no case shall wires be allowed to hang over any ~treet,
avenue, lane or alley lower than the National Electrical Code
Wherever it is required in this regulation that any work, in-
stallation or type of electrical equipment shall be of an
approved type, standard or kind, such type, standard or kind as
is approved by the presently existing rules and regulations of
the National Electrical Code is intended to be meant by the
prOVisions of this regulation.
Any person violating or permitting to be violated any of the
provisions of this regulation shall upon conviction before the
County Court, be punished by a fine of not more than Five
Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment in the County
Jail not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both such fine and
If any section, sub-section, sentence, clause or phrase is for
any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision sball
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this
- 19 -