Zoning Resolution Z-12 1969 '1\' '( '1 ZONING RESOLUTION NO. Z -lZ..-,.-1969 WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida desires to amend Section 7 of the Monroe County Zoning Regula- tions, as hereinafter set forth, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Section 7 of the Monroe County Zoning Regulations be, and the same is hereby amended by adding a section thereunder to read as follows: SECTION 7-A ZONE RU-IM SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT: (Masonry Construction only) No land, body of water and/or no structure shall be used or per- mitted to be used, and no structure shall be hereafter erected, or intended to be used or occupied for any purpose, excepting for one (1) or more of the following uses, unless otherwise provided: USES: 1. Every use as a I-family residence, including every customary use not inconsistent herewith, including a private garage, ser- vants I quarters or guest house, without kitchen facilities, may be constructed; provided owner of land signs a written recor- dable instrument running with the land, confining structure use to occasional guest without charge, and servants. (A) ADDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: (1) Public recreation buildings, playgrounds, parks or reserva- tions owned and operated by a municipality, County, State, or the United States Government. (2) Churches and schools. (3) Golf courses. (4) Poultry and fowl may be kept, bred or maintained, strictly for home consumption, not closer than twenty-five (25) feet to any residential building, provided that, prior to such uses, all of the residents within two hundred (200) feet of the pre- mises on which usage is proposed, shall file with the County Zoning Director a written consent thereto, or after a public hearing in accordance with these regulations; and provided further that the person or persons keeping said poultry or fowl shall remove same from said premises within ten (I 0) days after one-half (1/2) of said residents shall have filed written objections to such usage which can be substantiated on the ground that it is a nuisance. The raising of fowl and poultry for a profit is prohibited in all residential zones. d I " u IU /' , /' ~~'/ \-1 (5) Home occupations will be permitted only upon approval after public hearing or after written waivers from all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the pre- mises, filed with Zoning Director. (6) Power and telephone exchange and transmission facilities (building structures to have residential appearance, land- scaped, maintained and with consent of owners, within one hundred (100) feet). (7) Sewer plants when necessary to serve the immediate area located on a tract of sufficient size to take care of all future expansion, tracts to be landscaped and maintained; provided minimum setbacks of one hundred (100) feet are maintained on all sides; provided written waivers are obtained from all property owners within two hundred (200) feet of the premises. (8) Sewer lift station locations shall be designated by the Zoning Director after considering all engineering and other factors. (9) Private boat pier or slip for the use of occupants of principal residential structures of the abutting lot; provided said pier or slip does not interfere with navigation. ( B) PR OHIBIT ED USE: (1) The breeding or raIsmg of any insects, reptiles or animals other than customary pets. (2) Commercial boat piers or slips for docking of private water c r af t. (3) It shall not be permissible to keep, breed or maintain horses, sheep, cattle or goats in an RU zone, except that where writ- ten waivers of objections are filed from property owners within three hundred (300) feet from the area to be so used, a conditional permit subject to annual renewal may be issued for the housing of any of the aforesaid animals strictly for personal use of the occupant of the premises; provided same are not housed or kept closer than one hundred (100) feet to any residential building on adjoining property nor closer than fifty (50) feet to any residential building on the premises of the owner. LOT AREA - MINIMUMS: Lot area 6, 000 square feet - frontage 60 feet - depth 75 feet. ACCESSOR Y BUILDINGS: Accessory buildings shall not be closer than fifteen (15) feet to another building. CONSTRUCTION: All structures shall be of Masonry Construction. Dated XQlf November 25th , 1969.