12/06/2019 Peer Review Monroe County Purchasing Policy and Procedures ATTACHMENT D.5 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR CONTRACT SUMMARY FORM FOR CONTRACTS LESS THAN $50,000.00 l] /////iii Contract with: Contract# Environmental Consulting & Effective Date: U Technolo Inc. and its Affiliates Expiration Date. w'' %' // Contract Purpose/Description: /// /,�/,//7 y Pha$e/ �'nViti O @Ilt Re Q t/ iiiiii /i / /i �,;w m� m, ry r" ra�Tf 11BVieW;SOT trhe ��OlIA r //�a/ilr ,,�i/,,i,,,,; Contract is Original Agreement Contract Amendment/Extension Renewal Contract Manager: , Bob Shilling Cocxriti ,Atto'rne �m. �. � {Name) (Ext.) (DepartmentlStop#) CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ Current Year Portion: $e Yr up lmufv e t pr t Yar��„all o�uaia�uuul�a'4i,a 4itaa�rm?�w�C i n b�,,..a 4'Poa t,n � / Budgeted? Yes[�X No [I account Codes: 316-23013-560610 PE1602 Grant: $ N A a. CountyMatch: $ ....................../..A....................................................... � , .�... ....... �,��` ......................�............._.............. _......... ADDITIONAL C.�OST"S Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ /yr For (riot included in dollar value above) (ex. maintenance,utilities,iaanitorial,salaries,etc,) CONT ACT rn VIEVW Changes Date Out Department I"iead Yes No p I �'J ��_ �lin fir, County Attorney Risk Management YeSEI No ����� �. � „ .�......,,,,...... ........,, ........� :..� O.M.B./Purchasing Yes No ..( County Attorney' Yes No Same as .e artm_ent Head. .. Comments: Ite v i s ecl..3f7 C°, „,7'1 � I, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,w�„,,�,,,,,�„�,,. ,,,,,,,,. ......,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,..................w,.,,,.„ .,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,........................... J . 0 Page 73 of 86 [PROF 1 " aaoamn y"s a;�N"N`lac:c at. N '� N I N 2aom � lareo, 4'�a II"a:anlll"gmiLlCma b aanda'ww�ca,�e,laa Monroe � aa'ralP"&�,„) Smite 408, Kgy Ma N~" ur°id a 33040 owrrha% ='I6d "MENT"' , alr>rd BnArunmemW Crmamwaultin st "IIIechaan5c,y,, No and Ns , .N"NallItics, ,, 371W N�M 9 ;ah � ICa�aa�al,, QmaamawsvNNll „ F[Drid a, 32606-50OL (II"ner lmaNaa^IC cEmNkd "ECT"h is C Hbictive as amf 1hi" cNamaaa or the Numst sa�a'aaaamala°e, 10111 Paaru ::r ofthisM greerniunt. a^a;;,awaas cmEwr needs caalraullllining sa:a•l a°:, and L-' T a",r:apaaascn'1s that it piossesscG s the IlaamammAidgim" abHhy, paamllbsiskmini AM. and gU,,Iiifi:;+amaa(MS aam P,L�I-fbrmm this wa:mu-k In an a:nxpe NNn�la us and a.conmmoammllcaall ammaniutim Enid EC N rccaa", mmna.cs the mat and amwaamil'iaNeamce NmNaacm:d liam It and ith C"LNN Ni Cam N'urnii!sllm k�a SNaNHS and and n.a.r vivit m CLIENT: "N"Naena:!,fbrc; in coamww'Nrc:Ner"Ia.lion aaN°allmir:° anawut.laual Nmau mmliscs armamk Main. MEN and wr aagme ws Maw NN N M.N', N--"N" 'I� �l ::NN ..Nve aa:n-am, aml"us Agmoniml Mmw.mH Ibc B,oiam dic d'aaa Noaw:R. )vria.umi aaNma::aw"aa 1NmaOffl-Na IDc!a:eimmNier 31 2019, The wa,nu nmmaay he a:"mdod capon a JI"u.m,pa::llma in wno"a"II'. N"y Ih m h N"uwill'a;s to �lTl s�'h�",q�u,;'an ad, "Wing II'a .III"N.N °N..II; NII-.SM NNN~ (Aw WVa'"aNU°. E N"^mNww.mllll Ilwu kwn'nmm IprolAskmamall aaawn°a°nces as aNaNa:n°uNmcd 'iiam AMNmnilaa:ama AM nllds Agwa:aama.a, A.,ap.'LI!:°N.LIIIIN-- "L.I.S.2ih, L TNhc. Ilnrm Naaaa,:a.i9 lmn`Nma,° fi.w allw s SILN'Vlacnw "sIllaallll Nua.,n N; &PICD,CNICV. seirw"uac«,a pell"16n°na°ae(JI at CN..,NN"NN.F's ma.Nam st Nma:a}Kaand allmaaa MIA Nmy me sa^aTe ur"Ork aaamaVa:mll° Nm - wmnfiba°a°n"awa::um in amanaaa!m-s incitmJlklim". Nma.aa. not NNamm'la 'd to unflaawa.ao°a ble weather a°amawmllloano nra, lm"an"a6saN (Mk a.;aaammlmlCU,n 1jdaaama a.wr Ilmnauawaw;m, Sllm'a0,6aawVIII, San°Nlw'CS: N1oa.aiaIs„ a:aa' Niia`a,s %vImich U:,aI nall the eIffi..an-a awhaallll m:CWISfltIa°wham an Change a:ull Sage. and mw^NIIN be mNmaaaroammmnrawd by am a.hanaMe ama°a<Nen IIIN"ra Mua a;liN c H..,e kir(Lis aaa:Ndlaoa:aamaaN waai,i;: has not N°aecnil Ii�a.a_aN, rtlhen N:cFN cIlamic N'r servile'l s wa,'NNII be at a.Nac Ilwmamvdy rmae: floc aama6l'wichilaaNaa 'wwrmlrllaoamaw, dilr!�a a.ly amnm dla,w Ilmll`aaja'CL Nullw:nwa Ira;�NammNmmarsi NmN ���Ilaaaa°a a s N N°oa a-aatcs Noma N :.""II Im as cmrmrumN a:::aa a �a:uu'ua NN ac bck.mv aalre m°aalllid allouaaauWi Deciammmber 31, 0119 and a:ala"a. SLa�pw Wa aaa n`aWw°a�SNa:aaa allaa a'a°awN�a,wa aaN°aor "Npa lolNiaa aaNNaaaa as a° N aaar Nla'a'mala mamas° Pdn°aa,ym l Sae'Irm'aiist/Engiirmcer 2 S�,.� °..°wwNN.0NV Mama,:Nllml "panua„ram'H.asVEnigNumaaa Uupla"NneaN �Na nmwAt 2N�N�010 Nam�rNawwaOrnaaN II"N° Senior NNN 190.N) Si mmlur Sciia.amWEamgiiawer NII N 80M) Sicnlia;all° Sic'ieln.limka.A'ua oamr:awa"N N 0M " aamB'll'n!wb Na::a'uanwpa l amN!'Nnaa as° NNN II6ND OO 15MOO SWITSdenthUEnomw 4 Solm(AS Analyst. 14MOO Senior :isociatic ppp 131100 Sc.nior Assiocialle 12ZO10 SenliOr Amochae l; I'k:.-Jd Services INIarmger 12ROO Asochte SUMNONglacer Ill:OLS Awly 115 M011 Amochle SchMNI/Enghwer H; Mor CC Iletinklati IORMID Assiociate Sic ien Ii sl/Eirqg,i incer i 9KO10 Senior 11`nlje1ct C(:.)or(..firizkI1II' 91010, 1 91010 Scinior CAD Operatoir'l(.,,,chird&Iarl 88MI01 IQQ C%uninaw 85DO Guidon Ul M010 11duddan 1 61010 Wh%mbe SqTort M10 Iquirl exenlpt eirnpho3ces "othig overthme mil be chaiged at one and LHIC41,11fth-RUS UIC IMA Rale, Or legal prepuMmi cr leslhumq, %011 be quote? 2. 'Fhe liltie . inickyle a1l dhvct aml hKHnTt costs tweep rehnhursabW WWI cost iniflude mwh lwms as o'a uhad. pmflt, and suich st�avulilcjry and cvlsloirunr'.� lhqc bown us mw smudty conIPLAMIS. SICIL leave, LuienipQrnan4 excise and payroH uum:.-s. vvoirkeir's compensldon. heflth and PaWwra bcmefits boiniui,,CS.ilIMILKII ICIVC, all'Ild I101i(la')" IM) expwes shall nwan to acm exlxnme or humpmuMon amd mfhMstewe of principal" aillid CnljflO)CTS!, CMISUIUIMIS' p CS, lbeon„ mH w1cphonic., CaHs. ImmmOMN. ruprodLICWHI or rupw aml Wer piRtecsivialed marmink iu)pendahle supp1hus dived!) used on the jwqpQ compuLer chargios, equipmen; uw hnn, and keun,, A i p,nveint senice di ge MH he applied Ri all r6ndnWie expenses, 4. M HN"r k a pwn owiq "Wh k exxiny IhNni pa)Q mate isks twa ,QWHkTfjV—QjIKM)QQYAIMjj LLIL Al Te cvn&kin or ow isme I WhDrimental lite Assesmuen, repoil iMem. 11 1 "M lnvniw:.� CLIM Or die wtal W. 143per Envolues simll be pabd inn accordanc�..,. vJfll tr]u.:� Lc cal Government Prompt Payment NO, RS. 21830. CITEN I' dall nodQ- ECT in "r% of ap am agreal to he acceptable and awred, Y--(r�MLII'�i RMA'112 11.1 in a-,c couirst..,, orpeOnnance ofservices by ECT Rw CI JOW It is piwQbR fka cerwin ill %vill lens reve,aled �io El(!1" 1)), MENT or dwt F,C I" vvill (,.)bIIkjIIj ill ill 110111"1""'doma eC" Low"Ail cl'k'C'4C"" *P C 11 +'MIIMI'u I N I:I I,-I,t�JIO 1:iniiniw vnH(mi rlim.:k Iei;I wiridc-'A i ifN 1 I:I 4ww I u'l' xu9 Fvpur" :I z or sud, conFidenthal irthnnodun through other sources. IjUvis, it is possiMe taut CLIENT' will becorne acquaintmid %vith cerUdn tccNAWws am! pirnCOMS to by EC71' which Eur considers cuniklarWal. ECT and cum M H nwhisdri dw cumMkintia,I it) oft aind mill not release c)r cfll iow access Q iany Wbirmation, docimnews, or inmeriMs nlich are cliesij.;ri as clonfidentii by FiC I' or CLAENT. NO'1111140 IN '111111S AGIFtEEMEW S"AA11, AMZ1(.)(1R,A'T'E 'FITE CLIEN"r Oit E'Cl' FR,()M 11-1EIR 0B1..A11(3A'FIGNS I 'HUE Fl...ORIDA PUIMAC RFCORDS ACT., chapter Ill 9, Florichn SLituties. Public Records Uniphwen ECI inust coinply %%Rh FLY& public moSs Im, Ackuhng but not I i in iteld tio Chalmer 119, FkMiCIZISUItUNCSaind ScahnMormucle i oratcConsdimhonoF Florida. Fhe County and ECT shill allo",amd pennh rmwaWk access to. and inspecibin aC all c0curnents, records, Parals, lews or other -public record" nwicrUds hi to possession or Wider iLs control sutlect to the-TrovilMons orChiqAtir 1 19. WkIn Reautes, and unade or received by, the (..'Ilm n I'v ali�3 1"C"], in cc,iiOunction with this co roraol aii,nd rek'a(.-d tnl conn."wil, County shall We the Qht tounihimial" cminicel this contract UMMI awann orm 1woOkmi M i:ic l . i aiitiir(: orum ECT to abitle by Ow wns oruds pnnim OwU he dmnmd a mawria I brca�.:h snap"1h is ccmamt and the County nug en We the Loans o r th w jw%Won 1 in the Rmir or a court nmd shaV as a prninHing parq. W Wled oFaH 'altorincys wes and cosis panklan Wall sunive on) w6nadon coil, cxpircidon ol die I he HV I is enctnumged to consult with its advisor, WO FkwWu Publ:k: R,t',�Iuorcls [.,aw Jinn order conliply v,it[I I h i's prov ision. Pursku'lim tam 1119.10701 and tcrnts antl ctmodiSins of Uds conhiwL the 1171 is nxpiked m'r ( 1) Kcup rind nudnimiln public records that %%Ould he rcqWrcd by tho Ony; to pcdimn die scr%ice. (2) Upon iecelpL Iforn the Quitty's cimlodian o[=Wv pmOde the Unintiq mAdi a cupy id lhc PUIL]UU",M] FICILI(Hids ol alkw, One recold",; lu bu Anspcc.11Cld %%iflflini a irmwMe Ame at a ont Hun doew not excem! Te com pinMed An Lids chypter cn', a", otlllkrm\iW lb kil%N. (3) WO re Want pubHe rectxAs dun area, exanpi or cunridernial and exempt Uni public mands Kelowna iecQuirriunts are no, d kc kised except m autoirind by lam Ar Ow durkmi or, contract Lerni wid R&bwhW cmup eliun oil"d,w ewroeil irthe ITT chm"od umnlr Ow rocanis w the CQuw3. (4) Upon CUdInpitlion Orbe anUmct lamsk% at no ons; to be Comm) aH pulMe rmnMs W tvassessiam, or Te FCT or kup and mairikiiin pUlAiC ir(:;COQ thil would he l equired lv�� tfite County to i-serf6riin Ohc. irche HC F tnaw.dbrs tall I)lUblic reconis whe Courtly U])CM-1 (ifflic conumet, the LAI F MAI du=3 aq, Qlhdc public reamis dwit are cxuwTa or conridewitiM aad exerapt Rvin pldlbliC rCC()rdS diSCIOS11.11re requirmnoints, ECT keeps and nunintains puitdic records upc)n cornpWdon ortbe conmac�, ihic F`,C,'F shall uncel all arqdicablc reqUireniants, W, retairfliag public relelorck Ml nmords Moiruir,] ck!.CARYIIiCall� IYU[St b12 pli"(WidCd tO thiC COUrt). UpOl� rcmluic,st the Couri custodhin orrucurn in u lbrunat that is ic�on.q')atiblo \%it the infbil-lirl"161on (5) A requol in inqxct or LOPY Imblie ructmis clating to ,i Counly cianuraic�t ninst he mmle dkccQy to the Qmmq4 bw H Be Coway does not possess the requesltd recorr..Is, ffic,- (�.,ounay Shall hu medimet wti Qlhu ECT or we rLiq uest, an(A it[lle I invust plroviilfi-:r the recoirlk; to dic (,rr P P,91RA,,'01wR1mC0) Cotidl I Yrn%J7, T Noon 0 w"Wilm I w I I I U 1 lvn:n "N I rS.rl alla" the records to be inspixtud or ccq.ded vvithin as reasonable tunic. If the EcTr does not cornply with the Couinlys request for records. the Clunly WWI enRuce the puhHe reuwds coil provisions in accordance vvkh the contrucit., notwithstanding the Coull option and ii to unilaterally cancel this c(mAxact upon visation orms pravision by the EET. A FiCT who fliflis to provide the pub lie records to the Coumy or purskil lo as -valid pubfic records request within an reasorwhk time nwy be skdnject to periallfles under sqx0oril 19,10, Florida Stawt,,s. The Eur Ml not tmnshr custody, Mease, alter, demmy or nthmi%ise dispose ofany public records wfless or WheinKe prodded hi this provision or as othcrr ige provided 1)), la%%, IFEM" HAS ("'EJESTIONS REGARDING THEAPPLICA"riGN OFF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STA,ru,rES, T0 Ec"r,S DUTY TO PROVIDE LYNTACT T 1-1 E OUNTY FL.GOV 'IV[MUZO 17, COUNTY AVIVORNEY'S OFFICE 1 1 1 12 T" Sti elet urrE 408., 1<,EY WESS' FL 3.3040. ARIE[Q-11 Y,11-11,:I�,l'-",�L:! nll,'& S All diociumerri.s hniCh'itching dra%vQ& and NwMaHlons MW h3 110' Murmlorn to 00, Ana mwnw are Murnoms uF service. "rhey are in humded k; he slQUAl Rw rermu h; thit: n How ar oWs on ewnSms or"m Rw %%Tkli dw) "cre pnwktd tw on any Wer py"o Any relusle Nnidhioltla lvriucn Il,y LCI k%JH hc plro�ililhhcd tllny flbi", Agreenienii- A, %virincadan oVwbMMk,n mill mitle FCF to wher conypunsakm od rMus R) W RPV0d Lllp)OH lb� L0 Wild 1'. CLIENT! riuserves % right to tennhwe Us Almement an anY Urne. Ir my mumn. qwn thlq.� days written nollioc to ME In die event CIAMP shdHNH w incria: thlln&l) pa)YrK:'uL 0I klny 51LI1111) iq. M m g any other provisions cfl' ihiscffi, g i i Agreenica w letTifinme dds Agmvirnam iVon irrinwlaw will no[iiciu, to CHLNH , In eidier eveM, pa)nwnt shall II)c due tin only ilbir diosle servions [nalbrined by EC I up to the chh: Q raceyl orlennihindon plus reasonable, cosLs rincr.wirod in Lennhwing the saviku, thwin wirnkmGmi alrd payn'llunt for im scryka, ECIndaH provkle aml uwn uva to CLILNT all c1alta and ninalyses prelialrC(I U111 to and incluilding Ow don orod, wnWrtathri, irwe county detennivas mat the ContracirmlChrinsulwnt has submilam] a fialsic ceirtificafiori tuicier KS. 287.135(5). rn" his been placed un the Scrutinized (--oinipanius that 01cm Israel 10t. La is crigagal hi a Qvinitit the Clc)urqy shnH have the apdon (YE(I) ternihnningTic Agrecinant arteir it has 'given die Con lumckmA.!oinst.�i llr'nHrt sNlrnlen nMkm amd an oppmundly to dernmnume the Pl"R*"l;11111122!M� JIM, 11 C�,%ffi�w,�% un(m�!,A�njpk TtdhiRd1RTvvf!N� hCownhw IN�Calind1l C1,II nprunin�,r d 1.( aguwy S or use certiMmihn "ms hi mrior pUrSUKUlt to F.Sn 287.13-51(5)(a), eir (2) Agreienv.-Int ifthie cc"Wions or im, 187.135(4), are um. AKI-K LE AN. E� LC I'sitaLl at all 'thms dwh% Ns Agremmog nuhudn nwh Ummmme as is genmaHy nvaHWAe at roasonin'ble (.:"xp"miuinse to businesses sindlady siumd and as W pmaect h Som Winis undor warkerd ,compenskimi 10"A LUMAWY howHt Ws or odwr An%emphoyce "heneAt knvs; Rom Chrkrns R)r darni.igiu, or bodHy irdwy, occi,tional sickmcms or Ams, or desh or ks emphym, mu l chits Onsured by LIM01 PUSMMI fin'bifity cloveira,ge; fixm"ii clahns [61. c1arna,g,f.!s bt:icza.iise or bmMy QwI4 Shmms or dNnsq or Wm oF any, person ober Man its empb)ms hwWidhg Ohm houred by umm! personal Qqy liabilky covem, aml Rum chams 1br illjUl-,�r [0 CIII- diCSUVICINan ofcm%ible property im.111.111(ling Name!!,; of u1siv, reSU16I)IL: ifll Of VaIhiCh 11M 0111-kC W.A. ()r Or fi-ic,1111 an'N u11"':t1oirl of LIC]" cm, pits ern'1ployees lin 45 perfoirilltanCC Od" Ohk, Prolbsshmnal ismiQ cc"vmgw ir wwair, Gall hn".,,' a unaximum chikictihIle of S50,00(L(W. PICT 1111".1hIt'ahl CLAT]-�U ,C �u1[1[ J'()JIlow m g, arnounK ..................... ....................................................................................................... .................11-11...................... Cii��unt�y Foi-ni Covivrmge'r:� M[ohnum WIN # .................................................................................................... ............................................................................... NVICA3 EMPRDWS 1 MAW$I J)DORDS LOOOM010 .............................................................................. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Commm'Neal l $L000.10100 CE43 G(,:�incrul oila� S1.000.1000 ......................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. I he If it It, shall he nat nUd as add H And hmcwd on I CT4 C cm i Ame u F I nswmnoc us WRm%s Guoikate I lobdev Moillace Cuunv% Roali'd 01"1..OLHIII) 1111 12di SLR'cq, Wo 408 I(e) Wes, 11. 33TH) Add4kmm! humod: Khrime Couny 13oaM of (Imaly Commimbna"s 6IRDC1:1':" 1, Fc r uwuas to Emid hanniess and 1ndmnnQ (VUENTAIMPI and qphm no and w! Cbsu. alkmcmmuuaau.l'aa® actiorls., 01" INIUSeS OF &IC11iM4 NOW& Imn not limim.] to, any and aH k::osts, legal lees wid Habi[itieis incrimed W and Am Me hnvmymhn vmd deRmse lhmvoL Ia. jwrwwW I Xrs I v I C I I'Fe 1l w, iris-ry C, K Tcch,,7No,,y ir, Fjaniit,,iii,i V 4 w G f III I. ai�C I I I 1jude" hicludiiing death, cir, property danla,ge sulffbrecl by an perhion, firin oricluwporatilon %whawever mul arisiii , a imcn cr, hs agerds, senw1s, org , Agmimnialit. "2 EC sluill vmt be We to CULN'T Sir any speciaL Mccl or cotueWwnthl dunlage's whatsoever. Kedier caused or alleged to be coned ly ECT"s negfigmice, arrom cmhasion& swict lia'Hhly. hiricach ofiriantract or %varranly� or perf6rimairlice ol'scrvlices uinder this &!greenveirlL 3. In smy event, [.'Clls C1116ire WRy undw Uds Agircenwi will not exceed the 1W mh"vium or le Agrumment. I" H]' vviUl wo WaInhate apainsl any aunployee cu- inlylkant Ir emplayman lwaawle or imw cohn w\ (Including pmgnwnQ), nadonid 1 (40 1 Jli"al)�Hiii% ["CA" %%i[l takci lill"Inwifive afAkAl k) CHS1L111'e tKiit Rj)l`)UiCM)LS v'.1ric cirllpk*ea, viri(l thot 1011111ploycles my treated durhqj emphyment. "'iUmmit wgurd to riioe. iu,Lflior.' reh uioiri' (Jnic��ui,hlilg ni,�iCI �gWoNgWye RMAWO. WbRy w1woutic inkinHoll', 2. Ecr verees to comp!) %%Ith all local. mate. wid Jklend W amd orclirrancin wguidj,", Ase6minnad in emphymmit agAwt am WSW on we ws or nice. mom. rdsm. W, ijnclu'Jk�u ruoiom�d ur�'2bn' "�`;iw (M) or Wo, i kfl`6H11,0i0�1!L 1111 1-!��nrdcadail% ragwees to comply with the pLivishms til-TRIc 7 of be CHI RW!w, Act of 1964. n% aincindocknKliqpHicahle Executive(Aden. huducHnghul 1 1246 3. rhe pulas agivic thia there "HI he mi WimhalK agninsi on) penRqi. aid it am, cxpres,J� iiiniLlcirstood that upolill laa b� a C'ourf (I'll COH11111W1111C1111 fU:HI';&IC61LX11 111HAL has ocowred. thih Agreernent inrumnicalh lernlinaws Mum :my Wer Won oil tht." paii of m* pq . ClI6v mpBw l, FICIU 10w e " ,r ' CNY ng conipl�,y with zfll Fedimuf nad FEW swtme& wd ald kwal (wWrimmes,, as applk:ilblic. ruladrigu 'to I We induide but arc not hinhad w I ) vac wi ortbin cou R Act o r 19&"PL SK52) "filch pmAths disminhatimi on W bads ofrace. color(Yr ruittiond wigin: 2) i wo ix or Rw lNucalkon Arnend,nent or 1972. as mnoRled (20 IUSC. s. 1 MH M83. aind 1685- 1686, Hich 1whibits disuinikuntion i thie kasis cap"sex: 3) Sco6on 5104 ofthic Act or 1971 as amended (20 USC s. 79Q which lwohlits disminkaHian mi Ow Wis al" handicalis: 4) The Age INscrirrihiation Act (A' 19TY us mnloWS.] (42 LJSC ass. M,01-6r,07) vdiich pmWits idNoWnhUmi on die haAs of ago 5) The D11 Ug Abiusc- ()Iffict,, VHlid p reatnunn. Act cd 9-72 (111 92-255Y as amendki? PLAMMg Un mmWiscHinination tin ow imsis or tug ANNes 6) 1 he Alic(ihiol . .bus(.,; and Ahoohnlimn Prc\vr&hn, I atnd Act of 1970 (PL. "91 416L as arrimmled. riclaUng Uo namUscrimhwHon an um ws or alculkil We or akohoWn; 7) Ile Public Health Sawke Act of 19 1, so 523 arid 5,27 (4 1ppSC iss. 6901did 3 aricl !WkwAy as ummidiniq raluthig to conlidenthlity oiraliecihi�,,)l and dn, abuse ImCkril vinumds: H) Titkl'� Vill 101" thIC i i'j Rights Act or 1968 (42 "USC s. 3601 et say[ as arricMd. rebUng 1c,.) in the sale, rental cm, 11nanchigof Mushig; 9) 1 lie Arniericans \Vitr[l [DiSu[:�HitilcS Aet of 1990 (42 USC s. 12101 Note). as nway I.R. M1111ii krion) tirne to lillic° tr(..) on the basis (if tHsah0h): 10) Monme Cbwii. Codle kL AVrdchc U1, Mh prohibils cliserhninatkmi cmi the "basis; Cc4or, S�e'v reflgion� nzaiir")rual orig"hl�' sexual tir lanUdion. goWer khritity or expwsshon. pl agAS! stinum or ugq 11) Any offrair provisions in any FoW or Mate Mattiles Which may ajpjlfl� tic) ll'iv 1),,.viles to P PNEWhaw0w EAWWR or the subioct irratter of' this Agreciment., L hCT "U iddliveir ils services tuider this A, VeCifflellit, Ih1l R fl'110 K)U4�!Ill, elI'licient. iind profiess:k::mal inianner, pri(::iinipfl,y and w4h diLIC dflkg1C1111CX.- arld Calre,, and [n acei,-.irchnnice witti thic stainchaill-(.1 f-)racdccs leaf flha::u enviric.,mmeW emmulUng proWsk.m. NO 0`11 WAA,(RA�N'I'Y I,)It 1''IT14OR EXPRESSFI) 01;t IKFILLED� INVENDED FN ECT PRO ASAL.,&, C�!()INFF'RAE FS; OR F,EPGR'T'& 2. 1haij Imn of ECTJ "ad: A fbwW to he ddhoke Rw rn[sorls an ri blul 1,111fle io FIC, 17 %viffiin a pedod or hvelve nums aRar of flic n%ork. LUP'S Mtir,O R',Illbilit) fi-Ar Such de[ecrive N%ork shAl be to ivperRmwi at AS o"n m4woisc uxise aspexas or Lhe Wk lbual dek%U%a. pnnWed CUIRIT notifics ECY in vuhing as 0011 a,::; the defact iS diSCOV121"Ied anid %%ithhn the tbm e- InIC11flOnCid 11%velvie moniths pl6;:rk..4. I When partic4ning In my, aclivitilas in conneeflion v%ith (Ilds 1"'(.1 aind, U IFNF "111 compll . cuch at their own cxperr, "hh ad lwakh am! salby Inogranis required b) law. Including biI nol [irnhed lu. mquiring hs mnogees ba arread licalth and NQ WAng %Wshops and to use Key equipment und procedures rvquhed by ipplicahle la". 2. 11ki R) the mail ol iu* mak under ON Agreemmit 01- ra an�,trivie flieriLn'.flier �Nhen incv, hill6rin'ladon a%aflWe us CIIENL CA IFNr "m pIanide pumupt- W and l to V (SNn 1wteNA l u , ) 1dflw CWu k.'fflS I IiSkS k) th'U 1110adld11 sak), lahp'ernploycei nmentv ruprewenLIHM. URICUT, 011" 116`0101 S I F. 'T (V lt�m SUb1U0HU1-',kLkY a:mn auaauau aupt,uuumt, %vhlich Ina) be U1W0U11I1l[UFC1d I 'C LJ EN 14 pnTanks or in commakm "kh lum 1, peirl'orn-licid ror,('1A F,NN'tundeir fliki A rU1'10C1lll1CnL 3. N iS LUILICIISIO(Idl MILl itgr(.x��d LhW FCT Ps nUL and has no reqxWOUI; av gut handler, gervison (Tomr. trew or storer, (11"un'sparbeir or (ill' luazardif,)U[S I 10N:iC fi.nund or iclienfified at a W. amd dud UHN I dial! un%tabo or arrmTge Or 011c sloiiage. hurippm1mbn amd d1spW or nowous Wswnce% or lOUIII(i Cir klC1`ftk`l al L) Sik.. 1.1, It is nuilLUal(y underslood and agmed Umt His Agrenawn W1 he gmvmad Qy Be lans of" the Slatem oil' [1orUq bobas t�umm retr p ackli at knv Sol oilnar cqdV or#Wkhd pmeceding Or We anWonent uNds AgrawnIng 011, '1111), provision the,�reofshall he WOW onb, h, me couns or the sulac or Rorida uIlld fflailllclr[Wid 0111% h] ZUIma COULi"t or coin p0ent jurisluion in Me Counll� ofAknclura, State ofFIinirida, 1, 11,11911o, FSN'4 do", 1r( l A I"ri I o I I I I M I odc 1!1 v,I;:4�I i Inc I�IA 4'm v I u I g& Ycc I It dI 1,7,rNm I I(ac 1,I I:1,T�T U ond 11 F I: I,vc 1:1!1 5 In the event oily legal ow other acthmi is naliCessary, to, enfi),rec, 1111c tic"I'lins of this ikgrecininiq die prevaiQ pwInIall he cMhWd to cccover A caMs inummej hwhWing coin't Lmms aml 0 rummowe SM11 ron"'allorney [m cs snit trial DIFIld I UPPOL 6. "Flic j,')roWhmo of Oks Aproment are sevomhle; imid, diould 'one, or morc pritni,i§kins be all othic'r Pr(wisilons will remain in ftill Rr.wee, and I T T end m , ng maclunew inompurded howhi Q rebrence represedsOa indw be Me agivonm4 and umdammWing bawam dta pwim, and up,, negotJkRions,, 1Diurch�,asc orders:, oT owal agracments are supergadod by Ris wMen Agreement and zur not ivilendied tio' b rritcgratie-id hel[61n. W Any sqViamod or wnmiamal to His Agwonod to be ARM OmH he in Mng and sigried 1�,y EC[' anid C','LIENT',� jtq the tmrfies heii'lohi have I d9s Agmunent. k) he excaRed cmi Mch bieh��rjlf by their resI)ective representnUms, cadh subb. msentativie bC1011 fil'St awhoAzod use to no, as oftlic dWc and yen St Wn We whuwi,an INIONIRDE Gf)UN,"TY ?01TQ1?XEX"S OFFICE .............. .. .......................................................... ..................... ................................... ............. .. ........... .................................. ENNIRONMEN]'Al,CONSULTING IKTECIINO :Ol'G , INC. ,mid itsAffilia(W BYn1 4,................ ""21................... lis R'4'11 TA4Mo I IT xC,nj un:hXc�Rinivil PSA dDr, U7 MI:ro:in CcmwY!ng&I of N Iflk f amUxn,PL 11 L ml Ec'1-T ngkntninW,11I r A,T",rACff] ........... M ENT A. Scupe of Nvuek Consikking & Tedmiology, In (ECT) wHl undertake flve follin%virig vvoirk lo Ibe emnMeted fir the properly located at 2 NoMi Chill Aveill Corkich Key. r4oinrili.)e Counly. Floiii The Morin.)c COUInty p,.wl rumber is 003857&0400000. Thic r-lit-operl t::onsists lotsan(] pan ii adier lowdevickpiad vvKh rmobilk! Knes. locutiod in al wl lu..)nw pat W! is 0.75 aicrci sizic- RHAL,EIJJEI.S�"E�PORT=EY �171 %V ,A Phase I FSA is u,) addiress dlic,� 'CIO t.)f" Irielcognizied cnnditiinn)�S, ljnj j11C(:6CH"djl vvith C4(., ASTM E YOU,, Stanidaill I'll Assessnients: Phose I Frivirmnnerial Stic AssiussilDCUlt PTOCCISs. ECT WiUl ruiviiuni, an I LSA repon pmpared by whas and "V spicMdRy ravlow the rudurrah.- for t[w, ficn" [11(k.fifion.-Ill as'sess,1111 c,lilt's, 1"'( 1, wlill i corickwt a MeNwme with Molluve- Amy legal ctnunwl aim! 1mvpwr as 10tur mport arour Wings. Schedute FC1 can coviJete IN, Phime I 13SA report whu" MdOn 3 lic) 5 biwiness days 161knOng mice to proceed. (ASS L:C I q11-01110'SIUS COFFilfle6rug" Ill Fluase, I ESA ric-port wvW% Ar a firmi Red Jbi;ol Mom Aswunipth)us A knKm\budgeablu sutwou or sommus MH he inade avaikAde Ar hucnin% ThiS S'Cric4u!' do(-, ncjn iill�,+Ilidc! 1)01.111111H]kU I C) lllln! �Cll`% CUl", w lcuiur repoild ,%%i H he jproa kfet.1 Ill lq �(:'14NIt UICLA11'101'61CRH� P q,NRI:,0AIn I I no o C IT I a I 911 v Ro I I"�,� I I t I�, A C11 STA 4AR I'M 4 i 11 it AC40R" CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MmmD1YYYv) 12/03/2019 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHT'S UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER.THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND,EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S),AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT. If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(les)must have ADDITIONAL.INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Sandra Perryman NAME: Brown&Brown of Florida,Inc. PHONE Est A (352)732-5010 FAX No: (352)732-5344 1720 BE 16th Avenue,Suite 301 E-MAIL sandy.perryman@bbocala.com ADDRESS: INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIL If Ocala FL 34471 INSURERA: Lloyd's of London 085202 INSURED INSURER B: Sentinel Insurance Company,Ltd. 11000 Environmental Consulting&Technology,Inc. INSURER C: Allied World Assurance Company(U.S.)Inc. 19682 3701 NW 98th Street INSURERD: Hartford Underwriters Insurance Company 3a104 INSURERE: AXIS Surplus Insurance Company 26620 Gainesville FL 326a6 INsuRERP: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 2019-2020 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT,TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACTOR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN,THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES,LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, I T_ TYPE OF I MME gum NSURANCE POLICY EFF POLICY EXP INSO WVD POLICY NUMBER MMmOfl°YYY 1MMtRRn= LIMITS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE _$ 1,000,000 DAMAGETO ENTED 100,000 CLAIMS-MADE C)f:CtJIE PREMISES Eanceurrencs $ Professional Liab MED EXP(Any one person) $ 25,000 -Pollution ENVP0a0005419 0110112019 01101E202a PERSONAL aADVINJURY $A 1,000,000 GEN`L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY X JECT PRO- El LOC PRODUCTS-COMPIOPAGG $ 2,000,000 OTHER: limit $ AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ 1,000,000 Ea accident ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ B OWNED SCHEDULED 21UENJB5900 01/01/2019 01101/2020 BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ AlJTOS ONLY AUTOS H€RED NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY Per accident Ix Ix $ UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ 5,000,000 C X EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE:: 03104815 01/01/2019 01/01/2020 AGGREGATE $ 5,000,000 DED X RETENTION$ 0 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION PER OTH- AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY YIN STATUTE ER ANY PROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTIVE E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 D OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N N/A 21WEAA9V9H 01101f2019 01/01/2020 (mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under 1 000 aaa DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ Oyber Liability E P0a1a0006927601 01/01f2019 01f0112020 Limit $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS t LOCATIONS f VEHICLES(ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if morn space is required) Monroe County Board of County Commissioners is listed as additional insured with regards to the General Liability policy when required by written contract/ agreement. WAI . 91u (m , EA ��I� ,._..w.�. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF,NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN Monroe County Board of County Commissioners ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, 1111 12th Street,Suite 408 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Key West FL 33040 O 19$5-2015ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD Phase I S. Cotich '1)'ader Clouri, Nwrru�� 'K� lnt� and Ins /"Jffllates 59-291'20 38 Poilithorized Upmentalive Nanie iuu:l Fiflc� lie ri H, P�ercc, Sn Vk,'e Aahjross!! 3701 918'" "I I. i Coy: Gahmsdue sw lFWrida Zhr 32=60NI PNnw Nuinber 352 332 044-4, .............. ...................... inn) (1111, reflCM a cm= IN gM or wn Les of any ammml 10 at dw Qu ONIUMmON9 Oil I'dic is I lhti scrtitirlizvd ("ci!iiroani , dvvi Ylloycclu' trl"n^�'I p'kt' pursu"'I�rn Io'suctioli 215.4725, Morida SMtWeq or is eigaged in n Own or Nmd.SwYon 281131 Forida SMUMeq aim) pohibb a cornpuny III Wddhg on,sobvMkirg a pa:rpsil kir",or nrito or a coritract fix jp& or smvikes or s i Ywoo or rnore, that are on chher the Smmidraad Cornpimilks nth Atahlies in UK LW or die SmTWAmd Conipn±us n0b InvivAK in die ran Paw-Wourn EnaTy Scour UsN 11111"C'C CD:Acd pix'suam h,s 215.473, Modda %wist or n unpagcd In buskos opanihons in Qbn or Spirl, As the pempi WK Owl w sin on himl of Rwpon&m I havig cad fy No the compy" hkoldned ribwve in l,lrr su�'.IJ<m e is iro fisfcd cwr phe Ilritt I oycott Livat"It or enpTed in a Impon cQuad and lbr Pntuos of S11=00 cw nowu a inA Had on :�thev the Si rutirvi zed (TaymulwA "N KdKes in Suhn Lkq Ow Sewinbod Cbrnrim&y whh AdNhb� ini the fia n Peirrok"irlit LAM,or ungagiul in l"winess(ToYal-tons hr CAN or Syk� I nudinnumd thm jousumn to Swim 28TA31 Moridn Smon the wdriNsMon ora Nhe vnNuMN may a�Ivnwy's Not and rag coif;& I k0ju17dwy9„1'rd Ono any cm! 1 ' Th Cie ('o I'll nI 111'ay hi Mandej at the owon orn aw, UK LNIJYMY is BMW 10 hny YYMU"d J codification or ho'I)C'!41i phic""d I In thc� Ist"idi h", ho,,,con nf,h;irae or plaud on Me SmKidzed Cornpnnius wkh Aah Ks in Sudan 110 or thc SWUNUIJ rpm' alit 1v dt /icdvkks hi ke hen PawokunfEwly Sechu 101,or hicen eniq'ingCd In Cliba or Syda, ............................ .............. .......-—---------—---------------- v,hct ia, Sign on 1whilfof Ow nNAT refunwK LUJnl)wT' Awthmbed Qwtune�! 10 I'llint vrlp Tiflc� sernor Vice Pires!Znt Tqmv "rhe 1 w art:avabble at the EnJlowilq" i"'qrartirnorio i"If S'Crvii:es s0i"' hnp "/"Vv ,,,,dlrsli I tr f1r7 i j,J,4 CA 1'111/i]usi nu i,' pzrcIlijl;'I]i 'vc�lndorr int'CuIvaltior co. rlvic led susVoWcd fl�5ts ICE"TH IIICS IC L AiJSIE Umml"f nlr1im°mmmmnrn ;ally:IvIosfl l .li u q&Techurmadl gy, hIlrmcm (,C lc lraap a,n waanrnran is fh at Wit has rmt emr.Thym ImL Ire�W'limmed w otherwise, had act ' n hysydhellr IILmCU ha~a'if auraiy fdr°mlrurirml ur C.cmauratym 'iffimr'aam. Imailr eammruloq,aurm:e in wmi6llat.um,uma of Sm»,dmalra 2 may' OIlrnaNfurul ric No C)101 1 or any Clouailrat, , o�ffiima(alr or uariillr'mloyee uull �vk� 'ILaUnaln of Sm~aatam'n 3 mall Ctr�dN,na'alrmce No 10110-1991R, IIFo 't:ar ia,alhi or violbfln„pl"@ 0 this pyoiWJ"Illr',alllion 'U ie Cf^.1�4.'IP'V't'y Ilr°layll III'ni it's discretion, IC"iem"j"Allrn,'atie this C'�gP'eeIlllrlle�k"'II't 'NrvIIIthicnjl1 W"NNIRym ua,lnmm' may i in Rs dC'"rtr'frz'"ei'Vt:alrL dedm,ala°,;'IN f'V"uN'g1 the Agmemmq or'pmnke;,e ;)Hceq m'+:;PTnm"ilm4!"IIse urecum vm llr Eke �Nf�uflli aairin amwant of any Gr e;j �^��m�moaurrrmnm�a�aalil���al�m�m� pimm' � nrmtlfsge d�'it,, or q.m°maVral ta�m 'Che lfcnimn&r Got,vilyi m°iffimr m maur mmmmraf IIC, 4 km":'mw 11 tl Date: '� a „C r u rjy flfl °.i9.11ln".a4,mll"R llald and 1 "dwdlC':irrV i tc) 4.11f'>1nm.nn"mecl),1 .1C ft,�rC; m:in � �I f � .f yC r 5 , �...m m,��,�, m 4;N"oairvi "J c���!I ,; Ik„A � � L � �� f �rP at4NnamnL) l n (uyalli)e of d I lill�ficatk,)C )ll ins", idei°OfficalN;an, mU, as ma ➢pHIMa I "CININCV3CE1 CBtin I� hi irar�a4 krVWfl Oxa�re:� 'm1 i�� '6'"wt1 i'7avx17� mr d L rI ^' My .m�o .'m mms seoa"m IL x p..ulla°es NOS-001 U,5101Y &[TIIHI)AVI I' __;of the By of i anid andeir peirmKy of peda, depose and say that �al II ari'll Kathii),m [Eii riiby of Te Run of E ir N v II n�Ui nm e in ta I ........................................... the iii iii Wdng thie Proposal for the Funject desic�i-flued mmu 11'�e l �qLiiest fraiir Proposa s ft)r n41011,1111i,rarm 11- "aflier and V-iat I E,,,,�,xleiculled Me sWd Phase I E�SA i rii I the pm ces ki this Wid have bean sWed at h Miat°mii idently VJ10-10tAt Cio[hu 111!5�bll C,'01111SIU100111, Ccmni,riurhcat��on rjii� �igireernefnf FOF the PUI�]t)OSE1, of ii estri,ctliii Ig C101111 wi:uefi:Hioirii, as Ici any amtteii' are[athqf Io such p1ces Whi any Whar Ndderor wNhi anymonjpatkoc Q urhess attraw4se required by low, tiliiie vjlliclh havie )een iquioliad alum fliir�is bid Ime not been kFwwhlj didmred by Me bWdm,and wN noHonowho) be (Isdosed by �r llmriirxr to bid apenkg, ddWy oir lo-ainy o0iier tfl61er or to ariy cornj��efltcir� aii�d id no a tire�,in has been made be Ilmaide by thie b��ididai,h z nii,,,Ii,u1ce any either pemo, panniarsidip or cguru pom6moo suNQ CW nif 10, SILfl)ii,i',JtI a t)id for Che ;")w'[, aSe a! MSWWlg conwmmbiri el the slMemer;ls carbWed Or Th WaQ arie tirUle and ctumc , and rnaide vi WH o r 6,11at Pm4omae Cowrty ralks upimi tie NHh oFthe sAfenmink coWned in this affiiijzr�At kil aV%Paldill nj 13Dritracts f jjjjjrma:�m�u�.�lprojort, STATE C,F��� ........... ............- �C C)Ll NI Y, 01 F ......... .......... jr) Wmatmd and smorn to (or Wmed) before me oin ........ ............................... (1date) by of affi�rlii"11) Hiels4e mug PT�ml22fly �onaofril to me or has pwoduced ........... "Asp air ider�ibfiaabm u)i +as ideriilrffiicatbi�[i. NOTARY PUBL 11C j kly Gmimrnissoon �, I IdllllllilIllm irIIINI uf1Ill-m� q ii:,' ........" Fa m ". .. ._. . ...... ."_. "...�' m Ilr re r nr a�naallc°adl r II Idlar ��� ann�v, Uran'i11 'rn""'ll an ddn' awn'rnad nnulra anu° Ilar;llrll nllld'd' 'nad"daa�m`�Iiu; adamdala'naa al Id � ad dddrlraa''d m arn K°aadlll°lnyu iiil°m If:"Illnn'dnh or the hrn n of L W dll m Ilh'drndr"Mul irna nd''ahulcaddIha: .. .m,.,mm....mmlr'IG�'NU'IIIIriUUiIrIIltlrGrll�'"ilrll�ird.. !� PI��u�@:.�illllll�' w'...�I�"�UJ111C�mHI�...U��r'��'N �iICI.Pw .... " C, n' lava d d°G u,dlllue Ilnura3 aaM dam'an uudna d urn Ina, Request d°ans tll"mm''"IIInGpuual'aamlllaa d'oir a'naalrnroea.oua'rrt' ' nd..ralu°luuna adhl �'�u i �m i AIL! Phase Ill Ill °d�a�..aUIIVa.m Id�lrmnlll aG'U"C aJiaUU�,: '��all"mid ddnl"aa'd°. t „aa,eiln.,llldiea� �.hu�" i°mUmrd _ cud aoaddll'r�... .. t a�dr�a..Sol; mm mm.......mm .......... dmmuanll ua�P � dllrm9ld aaam'dllmnu�nmd,�N' u��, I ddrre Ipanrdces in dlhld�'s bid Idn'�����av been Eadvad at iiindqwnd lrailf wRhxd oollkision, GIIISam'lldaadmnanan,„ a amill 11"ml rmua'llalll illamll n 01ill'2 V Beiinmei nt l' the y I, d a! " st ra�a :daa .nlaur':aann . na. roruduuu,,, caairrn n„ d.ldio n aan to a�alrny maad.le Ira":!Ilan�.opg dan .march I,I:,n�'m°kar ��;nn'ii ' dl' aakdulaaur Ilb1idr'Il �cr n:nuc°nrPrft n ,n u � '.'� � � � � ,r� � I d�lhn unnrrr a-a a ny om°:alru°n 1peC toc IC u.ii4iicss rnddnu°aGara ide Irra"adllrmired by law,, UP II'a0ces awnlPWla haavie Ilea ein a:dlum'ted in t'Ilmmis bid have not been Idswingly adiii' mallanse d by the dniladader vaurnd nm'adlllll' an d Ilau°.naaaomundllrngdy be a duaauwpo,nrraad IllnW the d°aW dm pll"'dnw to d:rld n.adua,lrn'iiRM Why anT unadliinrnandllly daa any M,r. d:a'iiadader"aa,llr to any aaual lll.,ae'dliidan ii"; and (L roaa add'aalcunll;xd has been Irma d n' o nM be We by dlli°nla, Ilbdadadea to lir"Ouauc.a alruy othirair pauaraam; III'nannhllnownadmn'iip.0 or aaanridxuatiimn to s'u.mdnnnnd aac rndII: 10 Slu.ndan"rulliid„ a draad frinur,dllmne danaopanus aaf raa' dlu"d'anUrua a°na,a'll'Ir"NiIlnnITadd!Il.da'au°n, aa, the ,adandenle ndaa aorh ahnaad iW; duunan Mail we hue and coroecL n:nrlllad llama dra nvaliidd"n Iflaaplll 9amnnafwdregrecare dhrk Morove CoMyvalles upon the Ifnjuadidnl �rn,d' IfilhnIan SIILIReunnj ;urld aua'arlld�annnad liiu°n Uds Wed M in sanWdmrN:'dIIU"IIg icantll i c t foir a"aii d panraUde�ct, irll�rdan��f.P � �. P �I �, u, i i Unld'�n 'all"n Jla rd' �a�nlndnd n nV�d" dll dqa� rail di dllfUnra'Irj) 'da�alr"ie !®kl � �1 tllrn° Gall"n r'dad.aa Id"p 1................,' „I'� �,` ��� f 'r d ,, i na 'a I� rnl uc'Grunn llf ffcarnrt), III dr".G°' ��f[Ju is pna a luul llll4dr Iladlrwn:u�ud��a'u�°m �, to me or Ilru��s Ilf.mlllruadn,m ads Ltd,,!prr:: ar,r dn rnfifiiicaadiiiaarn) as dadn'aMriffiii aauad,drnn. NO C RY PUBUC w °�' nru� d lorallllau a lllanlnn IlE.;xpllllue mm k C 'IG 'I IGa,I"REE WORKPLACE PURM Tie undersigned nl nmd vendor firm wmm;oIirdarrce with °ioiriiiid1a Statwult 1BT,0187 F urmvilfom"IIminen tat wamylrusumllll'Ihlning : "�"` �dIlhmlfmm:�lll�:n'gy �Il�w and iii� �llh�llliiima'tes 1w PmwudnmdisIIhm a mWteti"mun°ieiinit Jrnho'diii$ oWn II Ilnrmiplbumyeas d.lat Rw luuurmdmumrdlu.md mmmemmlufaladu„ume,,, d1tuIuMan1, mmdlinmpmrmrishn,cd„ ma,�w�muµ��rwiil � ° � :IIieimd sim,u mn�tainWme is IIInm•Wnl�u'iilhm'iitei d iI n trie m"rll�','I�m'Ilm m e passe � Imm�urm moor lumuwu� un� �� a mmmndWu�m mmld m~adMue fyiF ng thmrm auwnitk)llmnlmn I0h at mswddlll be, hwn'Ikei C nag iiiriist mmmnmdunllmmymmmmmm for mmliiu"mllu d'Iioi s mmf m iuch h nl m rmmdlhmulhuli don, dIlnforlrnn emnmlhmllWndln.es about the Wdalrmgeirs of m°:9r° gi abuse durn the mmuWmmllh"ullFmdam ce11,1, the, 'Ihm uuailmmW ss' dummmddcy of mnnafiurmtaiilcnllimng au dWgWo nuuWiDirlkplblm ce rV"II r .uw,fllla'IFmII[e drug mmo ullfmse liillfg:11 l �muumnlhmdWmdhee assiii hau ces pNnograin, mid the u:y�auuudllhues Rmt may be imposed upon emnplbyees for dIrm g a biuuse ,Jolafllo ns. 3. We maaW do anfnpdt I' lee engaged in pIfoAl I'n J, We or owWic.mduu"d .°"remh� "s 'Met are ualndeir IW d a cc,)"n�y' f�flhie� ��statime�Irunent swmea 111rwd in su.mbsu �dlkxi 0), � m llIn ddne statem•Ifunw-mnt s p� drR�mnmimd din subsedimi (�1), notify the, a.mlrmm,plllimm, ees that, as, re,n coru�difi mm•u of 01101rlln4lmg 0111n tdmO D(Ji Wmmn amduid es or WnWmun% diwd ,eJ w„rlim es Ummmmd mm uu,uu"dair Idnli d, i'hmmm^ emmmlhwlbn)yee nnmddll dh n y ��muuWictI '. Wmm m � � � � �,i� n�^upl a ns z��u�r"� kIl�ms; m unrm�l�mlllmml m m� �mm� mum � u Imnmm of I,aIl�umdllWm dw.m� dlhnlm�� dm.� Wnlu u,.ud �Ilhnllmm w.ad�u�ndm��m�nW�wmm� mu�n PII,Ea.m Of n uuodty o Ilrmlmmlu0 Wumumdm��Iri dm lrm tol, an n u��9 �'dor,:murm of �dm�mdm er893 (d-Il�rnummla:m adaMnduudes) o and any colfnitIrio led nmU„Ild;msdrmpWnlWne du m+mm of Hhe LdunIte d States or a nl ' ,'st;a'I;m„ dlf"III Gm dmn�lf ra,u 'mnlum�r�da:mdi��unl u:mWmm"°uuurllrmllfm, the muwnmmm'I4mpudace— no Illater thorn urm five (5) days after unm,.mch corr&UlWmorn. S. UmnrlFmiose 'a sa mmWdllbn dr,Wdlrm„ or IW'eiW:d'Ulir ' Via Ihl 'dJr'It)g Zmlhmuu,'m R aW'Wssd!.i(&nice or Yrmmllhmnrnit)mIitatkw-i 111umlrogirarnl lii� rysu�uch dump m��umWmmudumdadlf W them�urmnd�llm�yeie, WnmmJc°m111c°mmu.ullrrlii�'da mmi,. anyCIE"m W�m�.�ryd.�dWm.d�a!e who III R o G.al II4rllm.edcau'.m.. ���Wa�Dd d�umm1dd��m effort rt to �ur��unfm�d!iiu��m�ut to �rm°nr��m,J 7rta�n i�rm a �dru.ug �d�u�M�,�u����m u�w,moirk�::fla e flhi ou u�:�dlhr 5 II" u"m llm �m!m �� iiWmfopduunnemn9hadliion of tlklhmbs sechmfn. As to p moJnu a uld°na dWI la sin We Wmnururorerrd, III wtlPj Pm!this Ann comurpHes hu.u'II�I"wulu,h le above II ,; ul .' �. ._ I ,�-Ahieriirie d �urr I Vice 6 ueulal. nd ..... QV 0eu"nwlber 5, 2019 S..d..wmm,"11..I1n F: If=B Won h d n COUNTY OF:: drmdmuu.umu' Slu.ulwW�wa C d e) by d n~m�llhmm:;�JrliJrmnm 1-1, mullr°dll'umm�md �rrmJrmmd ,mnmummurumm d�Wm I Wmur wmd`diiiaruln°n�G�lld IlmmWrl�mmuµW� Jcm"Iu�Wr �WmJrnl ICI:�� �m��W:�u�lrulllnluru� a �d�d d Pierce,, mm, m id n m iN n 71 lr r Ill um w iu m Wmmlmm r as two dluucle d N?gym a:u u:dmwurm�ul�uiW fur um. ('31ac ys, A dmml Ililllllliiaufn Ilhrdd � lm, I d IdllE d 111 '. �N, mbm rantun uuumnll:uu�ns hAy w i w w� �w�`'�� q Id""�Wmlllf"�IC�mtlncmlll �m.hum�lcm Cnmmmm��Wlllilfm�mm� � : mm mwuuuwmunu �uuml uwwmnmmmmmwm2 µmy + m Wu ulcull rn mm a u,n.m mu I mi d°���W,�dd W Ytl�am 711i�wlhm„o arVIW"a 'W'c:UniYmi mt7N's '"