1. 12/31/2019 Agreement ATTACHMENT D.6
Contract with: ESi Acquisition Inc Contract
Effective Date: December 31 2019
.... ....
Expiration Date March 31�mm2020
mm ,,,,, ,,,,,
xuvarre'Exchange,is a new communication to6t,that will:allow WebEOC data sharing
betwe al partners: Miami Dade Broward� and Palm Beach Counties
The State of Florida Division of Emergency Management is implementing this sotukion as
well The contract is for test5,,,,onlNo dollar valuertains
, .....,, ,,.., ,.. ,,,,,,..
Contract is OAmendment/Extension
riginal Agreement Contract Aendmen tension Renewal
Contract Manager: Jeff Manning 6325 t 4
(Name) (Ext.) � � ( �epartment/Stop#) �f
otal Dollar Value of Contract: 0 Current Year Portion:
(must he less than M,000) (if multiyear agmcmcnt then
l requires BOCC appro%al.,unlesii the
u�unr��,n(��i�uuiiiimrlrxs��p���utimiuoatiauu7ia u+lw°���,��gln,m�u
Budgeted? Yes[] No ❑ Account Codes: ...................................
Grant: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
CountMatch:. ................., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,_.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
y _......................................_.....................................-_.....................................-_..............................................................................
.,,,,,,,,,,, ............................ ....................................... . ........................................
Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ fyr For:
(Not included in dollar value above) (c *. aintt:nancc, utilitic5 'janitorial,salaries,etc.)
Changes Date Out
te In Needed 'Reviewer
Department HeadYes No
Risk Manage ent ,,,"; ,,, Yes No � .m, ,� ................................... ...... ..... �'� �..�.�� '� ....
A...............O.M.B./Purchasing .. Yes❑ No .........
,,.,,,Count Attorney Yes No ,mm . °
............... ..........................__-µ
.r... .............................m.
DocuSign Envelope ID 25358EB7w1887-4063-82CB,CF2r,7832D88B
secudro a m3flient tuftne
Offer herelin expires iif ri,�A.execluted by County on air Ilblefoire IIDielceirn'beir 3,111 201911
This JX Evaluation Agreement('Evaluation Agreemerif), dated December 31„ 2019('Effective Date"), is made by
and between Si c uisiti n Inc. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Juvare, LLC,; hereinafter referred to as 'Juvare")
and Monroe Courtly, FL(the"County').
A. The Juvare Exchange ("'JX') is a new product offering, where Juvare will provide a hosted environment for
Juvare and its JX subscribers to share data in real time to coor6nate more efficiently within and outside of
their organizafional network and across different sectors and industries;
B. Juvare has developed the JX including modifications, enhancements, improvements, updates, additions,
derivative works, documentation and related material,
C. Juvare desires that the JX be tested prior to general release,and
D. The County washes to evaluation the Juvare Exchange
NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises,,covenants,and agreements made and contained herein,
and intending to be lega4y bound hereby,the parties hereto agree as follows:
I Juvare grants to the County a non-exclusive, cannot be removed from the JX or from access by other
nontransferable right to use the Juvare Exchange JX subscribers and will not be returned to County.
solely for the County's evaluation for its internal County understands and agrees that it and its Users
business use commencing on the Effective Date of this shall not enter in any personal information or
Evaluation Agreement and ending no later than March personally identifiable information into the JX.
31,, 2020, unless or until this Evaluation Agreement is 6. County understands that a Subscription to the JX will
to mat by either party (the "Evaluation Term"), not be free of charges or costs During the Evaluation
subject to all of the to and conditions below, Term, the parties will make commercially reasonable
2. Upon execution of this Evaluation Agreement by the efforts to enter into an agreement for a subscription
parties,Juvare will:
to for the J .
a. copy County data from the current underlying 7. The number of Users to the JX cannot exceed the
Juvare products utilized by County and add the number of Users County has to the underlying Juvare
data to the JX; products. County shall only permit its authorized
b. activate County's access to the JX; employees to access and use the JX and in no event
c. assist County with configurations in the JX;and shall County permit any competitor of Juvare to
d. provide remote training services on the JX, access, use or view the JX County and its Users are
3. In consideration for receiving access to the JX, at no responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and
additional cost to County during the Evaluation Term, security of the login credentials and for any access or
County agrees to serve as a "beta site" for the JX. use of the JX, including acts or omissions, of each
Upon completion of the Evaluation Term, the County individual User that County its to use the JX
agrees to provide a quote, and material, statistics, and County shall immediately notify Juvare in the event of
information for use in press releases, County any actual or suspected breach of any login
testimonials,and as a reference in marketing and sales credentials. County understands and acknowledges
initiatives by Juvare. that its usernames will be visible and not protected or
4. County agrees to notify Juvare of all problems and hidden from other JX subscribers or users,
ideas for enhancements to the JX or underlying 8. County agrees that the JX is the sole property of Juvare
products which come to County's attention,and hereby and includes valuable trade secrets of Juvare.. County
assigns to Juvare all right, title and interest to such agrees to treat JX as confidential and will not,without
enhancements and all property rights therein including, the express written authorization of an authorized
without limitation, all patent, copyright, trade secret, representative of Juvare,,do any of the following
mask work, trademark, moral right or other intellectual a. demonstrate,, copy, sell or market the JX to any
property rights, third party;or
5. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this b. publish or otherwise disclose information relating
Evaluation Agreement or in the EULA (as defined to performance or quality of the JX to any third
below) by and between the parties, the County party;or
understands that (i) Juvare may create and provide c. modify, reuse,, disassemble, decompile, reverse
reporting and analytics on the data placed into the J engineer or otherwise translate JX or any portion
(ii)other JX users will be able to view and use the data thereof
in the JX; and (iii) upon data entering the JX data
Confidential and Proprietary-0 2019 Juvare,LLC
JX 90 Day Eval Agreement Page 1 of 2
DocuSign Envelope ID 25358EB7-IBB7AO63,82CB,CF2C7832D8BB
Secuflng a reWient future
9. County understands and acknowledges that the JX is County or Juvare terminate the license and/or Support
in evaluation mode;will not be error free or defect free; Services for the underlying product; (iv) expiration or
may not operate correctly, and is provided "AS IS" termination of the Evaluation Term, (v) County and its
without warranty of any kind. County understands and users have not complied with this Evaluation
acknowledges that no service level agreement, uptime Agreement
guarantees, or response time guarantees, or service 13. Unless expressly excluded herein, this Evaluation
commitments shall apply to the access to the JX Agreement shall be subject in all respects to the terms
provided pursuant to this Evaluation Agreement. of that certain EULA In the event of any conflict
10. In no event shall Juvare be liable for any damages between the terms of this Evaluation Agreement and
whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the EULA,the to of this Evaluation Agreement shall
the JX or any data in the J . even if Juvare has been govern for purposes of this Evaluation Agreement and
advised of the possibility of such damages. The entire right to use provided hereunder
risk arising out of the use or performance of the JX,, 14. No new software licenses are being purchased by
including putting data or information into the JX, County pursuant to this Evaluation Agreement and no
remains with County. County represents and warrants new software license is granted or shall be delivered
it has the rights and abilities to grant Juvare the ability by Juvare pursuant to this Evaluation Agreement.
to utilize the data from the underlying products and to 16. The laws in the State of Georgia shall govern this
release such data in the J . County hereby grants to Evaluation Agreement
Juvare, and other authorized users of the A an 16. Failure of Juvare to enforce a right under this
irrevocable and unlimited license to use the data in the Evaluation Agreement shall not act as a waiver of that
J . In no event shall Juvare, its other clients, and right or the ability to later assert that right relative to the
licensees and, collectively or individually, any of their particular situation involved
affiliates, directors, officers, employees and 17. If any provision of this Evaluation Agreement shall be
subcontractors be liable or responsible for use of the found by a court to be void, invalid or unenforceable,
data from the underlying products. the same shall be reformed to comply with applicable
11. County shall comply with all applicable federal, state law or stricken if not so conformable,so as not to affect
and local laws, regulations, and ordinances in the validity or enforceability of this Evaluation
connection wft its activities pursuant to this Evaluation Agreement
Agreement. 18. County rights and obligations under this Evaluation
12. Juvare shall be entitled to immediately terminate Agreement may not be transferred or assigned.
County's access to the JX for any reason, including 19. This Evaluation Agreement constitutes the entire and
without limitation,, in the event any of the following only agreement between the parties regarding the JX
occur- (t) County does not remit payment for and all other prior negotiations, representations,
Subscription and/or Support Services for the agreements, and understandings are superseded
underlying products (ii)County or Juvare terminate the hereby No agreements altering or supplementing the
underlying End User License Agreement (or other terms hereof may be made except by means of a
master agreement for services related to Juvare written document signed by the duly authorized
underlying software products licensed to County)(the representatives of the parties.
"EULA") by and between County and Juvare (iii)
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Evaluation
Monroe CqAy, FL
U n
ESI Ac&uIyJtIfflJInc.("Juvare")
Awils By��
Title Name, &I P '? -
Date 22 EST Title!
Date �D�Iccic
Please return this Evaluation Agreement,executed by the County,via email to� miikg Mgg@j
..................... ...... ... .......
Confidential and Proprietary .C, 2019 Juvare..LLC
JX 90 Day Eval Agreement Page 2 of 2