01/23/2020 Agreement FWCµ",Agreement No. 19176 STATE O Ft,Ot IDA +t.�➢tttt�l �"t'alM e# I 1tt�tt,ttw �"( liC t24�e+�1°t3iNCOMMISSION �� /' � f F i J AGRETMEA,r No. 19176 N/A CFDA No(s) N A Name of F deraal.A eney(s): Cwlr ....._.._ .__....... ._..... _. aal Avwitrd 1wNaa(s) �N/ Federal Award"l eaarri(s): 1'`�/A Federal ..... .. _ _._ a ..e._.. .. .��..� �........__..�.�e�.�.__. _._... Federal Award Naanw(s): N/A f.."SI+A Title(s).: Derelict Vessel Removal Grant aG:°SFA 'No(s).. 77005 Staatt Aww°aard No(s).: 19176 State Award Yeaar(s)c 201 -2020 State Award Nararaa . Monroe(-,,"minty, _ . "° O C iaaaiaty l terc ict Vessel fCetraovaal Project '['his Agreement is entered into by and between the Florida fish and Wildlife: Conservation Commission, whose address is 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, 1'lorida 32399-1600, hereafter "Commission," and Monroe County I3OC..C. , 1�4 117 It 59-6000749, whose address is 2798 Overseas,Highway, Marathon,Florida 33050, waa4"111°tcEA ,the 0aamnission and Oraainee have paarinered together to reanove derelict vessels from the waters aof tfae state; aaaad„ Wttf.,ttFr'was,tiraantCC, hats been aawvaarcledi Bulb; Derelict.Vessel Removal Grant 19176; and, Wttt:ttt.. S, melt benefits are tier°the ultimate good ofthe State oflaloridaa„its resources,wildlife,and public welfare Now"I"tttttt:tFttttt;„ thc° t`iatnanission and the Grantee, for the considerations hereafter set forth, agree as follows: I. I'tt+Ctat t.c"r I��)t.asc`tt tt�'t tt:aay. The Grantee shall provide the services and perforin the specific resptaaasibilities and obligations,as set firth in the Scope of Work, attached hereto as, attachment A and made ar part hereof(hereafter,Scope of Work), `l"lie Scope of Work specifically identities project tasks and accompanying,detiverables. These deliverables. must be submitted and approved by the Cwonnnission prior to any payment."I"he Commission will not accept any deliverable that does not comply with the specified required minimum level of service to be performed and(lie criteria for evaltiating the successful cornpletion ofeaach deliverable. If this agreement is the result. ol`Grantee responses to the C."ominission's request for competitive or other grant proposals, the Grantee's respranse is hereby incorporate(.] by reference. GRANT - C 0VE'lCl Ml-.N`t`AL ENTITY Ver.January,2018 Page I of20 F'WC Agreement No. 19176 2. PER FO It N1 ANC E. The Granice shall 1wri6rin the activities described in the Scope ofWork in a proper and satisfactory manner. Onless otherwise provided for in the Scope of Work,any and all CqUipulent,products or materials necessary or appropriate it) ped"orin under this Agreement shall be supplied by tile Grantee. Grantee shall obtain all necessary local, state, and federal authorizations necessary to complete this project, and the Grantee shall tie licensed its necessary to perform under this Agreement as nray be required by law, rule, or regulation; the Grantee Shall provide evidence of such compliance to the Coliu-nission upon request. The Grantee shall procure all supplies.in(]pay all charges, fees,taxes and incidentals that may be required for tile completion of`this Agreenreut, 1.3y acceptance of dais Agreement, the Grantee warrants that it has the capability in all respects to fully pertbi'm like requirements and the.. integrity and reliability that will assure good-faith perl6troance as a responsible Grantee. Grantee shall immediately notify the Commission's Grant Manager in writing if its ability to peribrin under the Agrecritent is compromised in any manner during the term of tile Agreement. The ("'orurnission shall take appropriate action, including potential termination of this Agreement pursuant to Paragraph nine (9) below, in the event the Grantee's ability to Perform under this Agreement becomes comprornised. 3. A(sluxNIENTPERIOD, A. Agreeirient Period and Conkinission's Limited Obligation to Pay. '['his Agreement is made pursuant to as grant award and shall Ile effective upon execution by the last Party to sign,and shall remain in effect through 04J30J2020. however,as authorized by Rule 68-1.003, F.A.C.,referenced g ant piograuis may execute Agreements Nvith it retroactive start date of no more than sixty (6(l) days, provided that approval is granted from tile E'xccutive Director or his/her designee and that it is ill tile best interest of tile Con-unission and State to do so, For this agreement,the retroactive start thstv, was not approved. fhe Cot ninission's,Grant Manager shall confirm the specific:start date of the Agreenient. by %witten notice to the Grantee, 'file Grantee shall not be eligible for tesillbursen'tent of, compensation for grant activities, perlbrined prior to the start date of this Agreement not after tile end date ot'the Agreernent, ["or this agTCOVIC111, preaward costs are not eligible fc)r reinibursentent. if necessary,by mutual agreement as evidenced in writing and lawfully executed by the Parties, air Amendment to this Agreement may be executed to lengthen the Agreement period. 4. COMPE.NSATION AND PAYNIEN'l S. A. Coniliensation. As consideration for the services rendered by the Grantee under tile terms of this Agreement,tile Cc.mirnission shall pay the Grantee on a cost reinibursenient basis in an amount not it)exceed $48,475.00. 11. Payments. The Commission shall pay the Grantee for satisfactory performance of the tasks identified in Attachment A, Scope of Work, as evidenced by tile completed deliverables, upon submission of invoices,,, accompanied by supporting documentation sufficient to justify invoiced expenses or fees,and after acceptance of services and deliverables in writing by tile Commission's (ii-tititMiitt,,igcr identified ii,illai-agral)li tern(IO),bcl()Nv. Unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Work, invoices shall be dare monthly,commencing from the start date of this Agreement. Invoices 111LUS"t be legible and trinst clearly reflect the Deliverables that were provided in accordance with the terms of the Agreernent for tile: invoice period. Unless otherwise specified in the Scope of Work, a final invoice Shall be submitted to the Commission no later than forty-five (45) days following tile expiration date of this Agreement to assure the availability of funds for payment. Further, pursuant to Section 215,971(l)(d), F.S., the Commission may only reimburse tile Grantee for allowable costs resulting tronr obligations incurred during the agreement period specified in Paragraph three(3), 6'RANT 60VERNMI'�'N'J'Al. ENTITY V'er.January, 2018 page 2 of 20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 C. Invoices. Each invoice shall irielude the Commission Agreement Number and tile Grantee's Federal f�niploycr Identification (I"FAD) Number. invoices, with supporting documentation, may be submitted electronically to the attention of tile Commission's, Grant Manager identified in paragraph tell(10),below. It'submitting hard copies,all original and two(2)copies of the invoice, plus all supporting documentation, shall be submitted. All bills for arnounts due under this Agreement shall be StIbIllutCLI it) detail sufficient for as proper pre-audit and post-audit thereof. Grantee acknowledges that the Commission's Grant Manager shall reject invoices lacking d oc tittle litat iol I necessary toJustil invoice(]expenses, D. match. purstlant(o grant program guidelines,the Grantee is riot required to contribute non-federal match towards this Agreement, 11'applicable, details regarding specific inatch requirements are included in Attachn'Nent A, Scope ol'Work, I"'. TrUM EXIICIISCN. It' authorized in Attachment A, Scope of Work, travel expenses shall be, rcimhursed in accordance with Section 112 J)6 1, F Si. F. Slate Obligatioll to Pay. 'I lie State of Florida's 1wrl'ormance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent upon all annual appropriation and authorization to spend by the Levishlttlre. The Ilarties, hereto understand that this Agreement is not a commitment to future appropriations, but is sub,ject to appropriation and authority to spend provided by the Legislature. The ("'cal lilt issi ol I shall be the final authority as to tile availability of funds for this Agreement,and ,aj, to what constitutes all offunds to cornplete this Agreement, If such funds are not appropriated or available for the Agreernent purpose,SLICII event will not constitute a default on behalf of file Commission or tile State. 'the Coininission's Grant Manager shall notily tile (irantee in writing at tile earliest possible tittle if funds are not appropriated or available, G. Noti-Competilive Procurement and Rate of Payment. Section 216,3475, F.S., requires that under milli ct,'mipetitive procurements,a(iraittee may not receive a rate ol'payment in excess ofthe competitive prevailing rate tor those services unless expressly authorized in the General Appropriations Act. 11' applicable, Grantee warrants, by execution of this Agreement, that the amount ot'llon-competitive compensation provided in this Agreement is it)compliance with Section 2163475, F S. If. Time Limits for Payment of Invoices. payments shall be made in accordance with Sections 215,422 aid 287.O585, F.S., whiell govern tirne limits For payment of invoices. Section 215.422, F.S. provides that agencies have five(5)working days to inspect and approve Deliverables, unless the Scope ot'Work specifies otherwise. lt'l)ayiiietitistiotiivailablewitiiiii forty(40)days,,iiieasured from tile hitter ofthe date the invoice is received or the Deliverables are received, inspected and approved, a separate interest penalty set by the Department of Financial Services pursuant to Section 55.03(1 ), F Si., will be due and payable in addition to the invoice arnount. Invoices returned to au Grantee due Io pleparation errors will result in a,payment delay. Ira voice payment requirements do not start until as properly completed invoice is provide(] to the agency. 1. Electronic Funds Transfer. Grimace agrees to enroll in Electronic Funds Transfer(ETT),offered by the State's Chief Financial Officer, within thirty(30)days ofthe date the last Party has signed this Agreement, Copies of the Authorization filrin and a sample blank enrollment letter can be found on the vendor institiction page ac deposit web/Vendors.litin (114ANT - GOVE.IMMENTAL, F"NTITY Ver,January, 2018 Page 3 oft FWC Agreement No. 19176 Questions, should be directed to tile State of' Florida's 14"FT Section at (850) 413-5517. Once enrolled, invoice payments will be made by EFT, J. Vendor Ombudsman. A Vendor Ombudsman, whose duties include acting as an advocate for vendors who n-kay be experiencing problems in obtaining timely payment(s) From a State agency, may he contacted at(850)4 13-SS 16 or by calling tile Chieffinancial Officer's hotline,(800)342- 2762. 5. RETURN OR A� Overtiaytiiclitt(.* (,wt°itillee. Pursuant to ;Section 215,9 7 1(1)(c)&(t), F.S., the Grantee shal I return to the. (:"lonunission till), overpayments due to unearned Funds or funds disallowed pursuant to the terms of this Agrecinent that were disbursed to (3rantee by the Corninission. In the event tile Orantee or its independent auditor discovers that overpayment has, been made, the Grantee shall repay said overpayment with;lj tbrty (40) calendar days without prior notification frorn the Commission. In tile event the Commission first discovers all overpayrnent has been made, the C"onlinissioll will notily the Grantee in writing. Should repayment not be made in as timely manner, tile Corninission shall be entitled to charge interest at the lawful rate of interest established pursuant to Section 55.03(1), [',S,, oil the outstanding balance beginning forty(40) calendar days after the chute ol'iit)tiiicatioikoiAtliscover)t. Refunds should be sent to the Commission's Grant Manager,and made payable to the"The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission." B. Addifional Costs or Monetary Loss Resulting from(grantee Nan-Compliance. If the Grantee's non-compliance with any provision of the Agreement results in additional cost or monetary loss to, the Commission or the State of I'Aorida ter the extent allowed by Florida I,aw, the Commission can recoup that cost or loss front monies owed to the Grantee tinder this Agreement or any other agreconent between Grantee and tile Commission, In the event the discovery of this cost or loss arises when no nionics are available tinder this Agreement or any other agreement between tile 6rantee and [tic Commission, the Granice will repay such cost or loss in full to the Commission within thirty(30)days of the date of notice of tile arnount owed,,unless the Commission agrees, in writing, to an alternative tinictrame, If the Grantee is unable to repay any cost or loss to the C'munlission, the Connnission Shall notify the State of Florida, Department of Pinancial Services, for resolution pursuant to Section 17.0415, F.S. 6. COMMISSION EXEMPTFROM TAXES,PROPERTY EXEMPT FROM LIEN. A. Commission Exempt froul Taxes. 1,11C Grantee recognizes that the State of Florida, by virtue of its sovereignty, is not required to pay any taxes on file services or goods purchased under the terms ot"this Agreement. 6rantee is placed oil notice that this exemption generally does not apply to nongove rill I willa I entity recipients, subrecipients, contractors, or subcontractors,, Any questions regi.irding this tax exemption should be addressed to the Commission Grant Manager. 11. Property Exempt kolu Lien. If the Grant involves the improvement of real property titled to the State of Florida, then the following,paragraph applies: The Grantee acknowledges that Property being improved is titled to tile State of Florida, and is not subject to lien ofany kind for any reason. The Grantee shall include notice of such exemptions in any subcontracts and purchase orders issued hereunder. (A(ANT - GOVERNNIFINTAI., ENTITY Ver. January,,2018 Page 4 of 20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 7. MONITORINt.. The Commissions Grant Manager shall actively monitor the(1rantee's performance and compliance with the terins of this Agreement. The Commission reserves the right for any Commission staff to make scheduled or unscheduled, announced or unannounced monitoring visits. Specific State and Federal monitoring ternisand conditions are found in Attachment B,Audit Requirements. Additionally,monitoring terms,conditions, and schedules may be included in Attachment A, Scope of Work. 8. TERMINATION. A. Commission Termination. "fine Commission may unilaterally terminate this Agreement for convenience by providing the Grantee with thirty(30)calendar days ol"written notice of`its intent to terminate, The(irantee shall not be entitled to recover any cancellation charges or lost profits. ,jrb,(.iralitcc may request termination of the Agreement for convenience. It. Termination -- Fraud or Willful Misconduct. 'rhis Agreement shall terminate immediately in the event of fraud or willful misconduct, lit the event of such termination, the Commission shall provide the Grantee will) written notice ofterinination. C. Termination­Other. The(11cmunission may terminate this Agreement if the Grantee fails to: 1) comply with all terms and conditions of this Agreement; 2.) produce each deliverable within tile finie specified by the Agreement or extension; 3.1 maintain adequate progress, thus endangering the perk)rniance of (lie Agreement; or, 4) abide by any statutory, regulatory, or licensing requirement. Rule 60A 1.00(a(3),F.A.C.,governs the procedure and consequences for default. The rights and rentedics ofthe Commission in this clause are in addition to any ollicr rights and remedies provided by law or under (lie Agreement. The Grantee shall riot be entitled to recover any cancellation charges oi- lost Profits. D. Termination - Funds Unavailability. lit the event funds to finatice this Agreement become unavailable or iflederal or state funds upon which this Agreement is dependent are withdrawn or redirected, the Cotinnission, litay terminate this Agreertient upon no less than twenty-four (24) Mamas' notice ni writing to the Grantee. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested or in person with proof ot'delivery, The Commission shall be the final authority as it) file availability of funds and will not reallocate funds appropriated for this Agreement to another program thus causing"lack of funds.'" In the event of termination of this Agreement under (his provisicm,the Grantee will be compensated for any work satislitctorily completed and any nori- cancellable obligations properly incurred prior to notification of termination, E. G'rautcc Discoutinuation, of Activities upon Termination Notice. Upon receipt of notice of termination, [lie Grantee shall, unless the notice directs otherwise, immediately discontinue all activities authorited hereunder. Upon termination of this Agreement, the Grantee shall promptly render it) the Conunissicni all property belonging to the Conunission. For the purposes of this section, property belonging,to the Commission shall include, but shall not be limited to, all books and records kept on behalf of the Conitnission. 9. I&Mf:n1t.S. A. Financial Consequences. lit accordance with Sections 215.97](1)(a)&(b), F,S,, Attachment A, Scope of Work,contains clearly established tasks in quantifiable units of deliverables that must be received and accepted in writing by the agency before payment. Each deliverable specifies the required mininiuni level of service to be performed and the criteria for evaluating the successful completion of each deliverable, If glue Grantee fails to produce each deliverable within the time GRANT—GOVEANNIENTAL EXTITY Ver. January, 2018 Page 5 of 201 FWC Agreement No. 19176 Irarne slieeitied by the Scope of Work, the budget aniount allocated for that deliverable will be deducted from the Grantee's payment, In addition, pursuant to Section 215.971(1)(c), the C',ornmission sliall apply any additional Financial consequences, identified in the Scope of Work. It. Cumulative Remedies. The rights and remedies of' the Commission in this paragraph are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the Agreement. Naric,,KS AND C"ORRESPONDE'NCE. Any and all notices shall lie delivered to the individuals identified below. In the event that either Party designates it dill rent C-irarit Manager alter the execution ofthis Agreement, the Party will provide written notice: of lire name, address, zip code, telephone and tax numbers, and email address of the newest Grant Manager, or an individual authorized to receive notice on behalf of that Party, to all other Parties as soot) its possible, but not later than live (5) business clays after the new Grant Manager has been named. A designation ol'a new(irant Manager shall not require a fbmial amendment to the Agreement, FOR,1,111v COMMISSION: FORT11E GRANTEE— Cirant Manager Grant Manager Phil I lortling Celia Hitchins Derelict Vessel Program Administrator Monroe County BOCC,Dept of Marine Resources Fish and Wildlif;C'onservation Conunission Senior Administrator,Marine Resources Office 620 S. Meridian Street, Room 2351 2798 Overseas Ilighway Suite 420 Falhahassee, Florida 32399 Marathon, Florida 33050 (8 50)6 IT 9540 1)i rect (305)289�-250S Office (8150)488-9284 Fax (305)289'-2536 Fax Phil.] I litchiris-celia(uPMOI)TOeCOLinty-fl,gov H. AMENDMENT. A. Waiver or Modification. No waiver or modification of this Agreement or of' any covenant, condition, or limitation herein contained shall be valid unless in writing and lawfully executed by the Parties. It. Change Orders. The Conniiission inay, at any time, by written order, make a change to this Agreement. Such changes are subJect to the truitual agreement of both parties as evidenced in writing. Any change which causes an increase or decrease in the Grantee's cost or time shall require an Aniendinent. Minor changes, such as those updating a Party's contact infortnation, may be accomplished by a Modification, C. Renegotiation upon Change in Law or Regulation. The Parties agree to renegotiate this Agreen-tent if federal and/or state revisions of"any applicable laws or regulations,make changes in (lie Agreement necessary, 12. 11110PERTV RIGIITS. It' this Agreement includes Federal funds, the provisions of Sections 200.3 10-200.316, OMB Uniform Gukhince(2 ("IFR 200),and any language addressing Federal rights,apply, GRANT , (J0VFRNMJ'a'NTAI, F"NTITY Ver.January,2018 Page 6 of 20 FWC A greernen t No. 19 176 A. Intellectual and Other Intangible Property, Graillec's 11reexisting Intellectual Proper-ty(Proprietary) Rights. Unless specifically addressed in the Altachluent A, Scope of"Work, intellectual and other intangible property rights to the Grantee's preexisting property will remain with the Grantee. ii. Proceeds Related to Intellectual Property Rights. Proceeds derived from the sale, licensing, marketing or other aulhoriziuion related to any intellectual and other intangible property right Created or otherwise developed by the Grantee under this Agreement for the Commission shall be handled in the manner specified by the applicable Florida State Statute and/or Federal program,requirements. iii. Cont 1,11 issio 11 Intellectual Property Rights. Where activities supported by this Agreertient produce original writing, sound recordings, pictorial reproductions, drawings or other graphic representations and works ol"any similar nature, the Commission and the State of Florida have the unlimited, royalty-tree, nonexclusive, irrevocable right to use,, duplicate and disclose such materials in whole or in part, in any,manner, for any purpose whatsoever and to have others acting on behalf of the Connnission to do so,, If this Agreement is supported by lederal hands,, lite federal awarding agency, reserves a royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable right to reproduce, publish, or otherwise use the work for federal purposes,and to authorize cadgers to do,so, It. Purchase or Insprovernent of Real Property This agreement is not for tile purchase or improvement of real property, therefore, the following ternis and conditions do not apply. i. FederaIll'unds. Any Federal funds provided for tile purchase of or improvements to real property are Subject to the Property Standards(,A'Sections 200.310-200,316,and 200.329, OMB Unifornk Guidance(2(114,200), as,amended. ii. Title. If this agreement is supported'by state funds,the Grantee shall comply with,Section 297.05805,FS. This section requires(fie Grantee to grant a security interest in the property to like State of Florida, the type and details of which are provided for in Attachment A, Scope of' Work. T'itle to state-owned real property remains vested in the state. Title to federally-owned real property remains vested in [fie Federal government in accordance with the provisions of Section 200.3 12,OMB(Jniform Guidance(2 CIT 20t1),as amended, iii, Use. Federally-owned real property will be used tbr the originally authorized purpose as long as needed for that purpose in accordance with Section 200.311, OMB Uniform (Juidance(2 CAA 200). State-owned real property will be used as provided in Attachment A, Scope ol"Work. C'. Non-Eij)endable Property. The following provisions, apply to the: extent that the grant allows the acquisition oftion-expendable property. i, Non-Expendable Property Defined. For the requirements of this section of the Agreement, "non-expendable property" is the same as "property" as defined in Section 273A)2, F S. (equipinent, fixtures, and other tangible personal property of a non- constanable and non-expendable nature, with a value or cost of$1,000.00 or more, and a normal expected life of'one (1) year or more; hardback-covered bound books that are (IRANT - GOVE11tNMENTAI. ENTITY e'er.January, 2018 Page 7 of 20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 enculated it) students or the general public, with as value or cost of$25.00 or more; and uncirculated luirdback-covered bound books, with a value or cost of 5250.00 or more), ii. Title to Non-Expe if dable Property. Title (ownership) to all non-expendable property acquired with finids firom this Agreement shall be vested in the Commission and said prol)crty shall lie lranst'errcd to the, Conunission upon completion or termination of the Agreement unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Commission or unless otherwise specifically provided for in Attachnient A, Scope of Work, 1). Equipment and Supplies. The following provisions apply to the extent that the grant allows The ac(loisnion ofcquipment and Supplies, i. Title - Etluipinenl. Title it) equipment acquired under a Federal award will vest upon acquisition in the non-Federal entity in accordance with Sections 200.3 13 and 2001,314, OMH Uniform Guidance(2 CFR 200). ii. Title - Supplies. Title to Supplies will vest in the non-Federal entity upon acquisition. Unused supplies exceeding S5,000.00 in total aggregate value upon termination or Completion of the project or lirograiii are subject to Section 200.314, OMB Uniform (itsidance. iii. Use F(juip ment. l"Aluipment must be used by the non-Federal entity in the program or Project tbr which it was acquired as long, as needed 1; . RELAI IONS111POP-1 IIEPARTAtCS. A Independent Grautm The Grantee shall perlorm as an independent grantee and not as an agent, lepicsciltativc, or employee of the Commission, The Grantee covenants that it presently has no interest and shall not acquire any interest that. would conflict in any manner or degree with (lie pel-161-mance ot,services re(J"ired, Each Party hereto covenants that there is no conflict of interest or any other prohibited relationship between (lie Grantee all(]the Conitnissiom 11. C ra[It cc Tra ini fig and Q uali flea I ions. Grantee agrees that all Grantee employees,subcontractors, or agents performing Nvork under the Agreement shall be properly trained technicians whoa ineet or exceed any Specified training qualifications. Upon request, Grantee shall furnish a copy of* technical certification or other proof'of(jualification. C% ("ommission Security. All employees, subcontractors, or agents perfonning work under the Agreement must comply with all security and adininistrative requirements of the Commission. The Commission may Conduct, and the Grantee shall cooperate in, a security background check or otherwise assess any employee,subcontractor,or agent furnished by the Grantee. The Commission may refuse access to,or require replacement of,any personnel for cause, including,,but not limited to,technical or training qualifications,quality of work,change in security status,or non-compliance with(lie Corninission's other requirements. Such relusal shall not relieve Grantee of its obligation to perl"orm all work in compliance with the Agreement. The Commission, in coordination with the Grantee,may rtject and bar from any fiacility Im cause any of Grantee's employees,subcontractors, or agents, 1). Conrintission Rights to Assign or Transfer. The(Irantee agrees that (lie State of Florida shall at all firnes be entitled to assign or transfer its, rights, duties, or obligations under this Agreement to GRANT (.iOVERNMENTAL VINTH Y Ver,January, 2018 page 8,of 20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 aitotlier governmemal ageiicy in file State of' Florida, Up011 giving; prior written notice to tile ("iralact, E. ("'oul III iss ioll Rights (o Undertake anti Award Supplemental Agreements. Grantee agrees that ilic Commission ukay undertake or award SUpPIC111011al agreements for work related to the Agreement. The Grantee and its subcontractors shall cooperate with such other Grantees and the Conunissic)ll in all such cases. 14. SUBCONTRACA'S. A. Authority. Grantee is permitted to subcontract work under this Agmement; therefore, theTollowing terms and, conditions apply, The Grantee shall ensure, and provide assurances to the Commission U11011 I-C(JUCSI, that any subcontractor selected for work under this Agreement has the necessary qualifications all(] abilities to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The (hantee must provide lite Commission with the runnes of any subcontractor considered for work under-'this Agrecuient I- the Coolmissiou in coordintition with the Grantee reserves the right to reject any subconiractor. The Grantee agrees to be responsible for all work perforaled and all expenses incurred With the project, Ally SUbcoturacl arrangements must be evidenced by a written document available to the(,,I olunlission upoll reqJJeSl, 11rhe Grantee Further agrees that the(I-orritnission shall not be liable to the extelli allowed by law, liabilities incurred under the subcontract and the Oralitce shall be solely liable to the subcontractor lot-all expenses and liabilities incurred under the W Grantee Payrnents to Subcontractor. I I's ubcoul racting is pernlitted pursuant to Paragraph A,above, Owitee agrees to stiake payments it) the subcontractor upon completion of work and submitted invoice in acc(jdauce with the colitract between the Grantee and subcontractor. Failure to rnake payment Pkilsuant to any subconn act,will result in a penalty charged against(Irantee and paid to thestibcontractor in the amount ofone,hall'ol'one percent(0,50%)ofthe amount due per day from the expiration ofthe period allowed herein fior payluCilt. Such lierralty shall be in addition to actual payments owed and shall not exceed fifteen perecut (15%)ofthe outstandhig balance due." C. colninission Right to Reject Subcontractor Employees. The Commission in coordination with Grantee shall retain the right to reject any of file Grantee's or subcontractor's employees whose qualificafitlus or performance, ill (Ile(',oiiiiiiissit)ii's.iudgi,neiit,are insufficient. 1). Subcontractor, as Independent Contractor. 11'subcontracting; is permitted pursuant to Paragraph A above, (lie Grantee agrees to take such actions as may be necessary to ensure that each subcontractor will be deemed to be an independent contractor and will not be considered or permitted to be an agent, servillit'joint venturer, or partner ofthe State ol'Florida, is. MANI)A'1'011�' l)IS(.t-OSUIII:-.*- These disclosures are re(Ittil,ed by State law, as indicated,, and apply, when this Agreement includes State funding- and by Federal law,ais indicated, ,,aid apply when the Agreement includes a Federal award. A. Disclosure ofluterested State Frupfoyces and Conflict of Interest. This Agreement is subiect to (liapter 1 12, 1�.S. Grantee shall provide the nairle ol'any officer, director, employee, or other agent Who is affiliated will] this project and an employee ofthe State ol'I'lorida, Ifthe Agreement includes as Federal award, then the Agreement is also subi,ect to Section 200.112, OMB Uniform GUiLhluCC (2 Cl,'R 200)� (irantee must disclose, in writing,any potential conflict of interest to the (-'onnnission in accordaitce,with applicable Federal awarding agency policy, GRAN'l - (A)VERNMIW[Al. ENTITY Ver.January, 2018 Page 9 ol'20 FWC Agreement No,, 19176 B. Cunvicited 'Vendors, Orantee hereby certifies that neither it,nor any person or affiliate of Grantee, lars hecri convicted ol'a Public Entity Crime as defined in section 287,133, F.S.,nor placed on the conviewd vendor list, Orantee shall have as continuing obligation tea disclose, to the Commission, in writing, rf it, its principals, recipient, sul')recipient, contractor, or subcontractor, are on tile convicted vendors list itutinlained by the Florida Department of Management Services pursuant to Section 2U i 33(i)(d), i. Convicted Vendor List. Pursuant to Subsection 287'.133(2)�(a), F.S,a person or affiliate who has been placed oil the convicted vendor list following as conviction for a public entity crime may not be awarded or, perform work as, a Grantee, supplier, subcontractor or consultant urldei a contract with any public entity and may not transact business with ally public entity ill excess of' the threshold antoitint provided in Section 287.017, 1�.S., for (.,atcpo r 11,y ,,o for a period cif thirty-six (36) nionths fi-orn th d e ate ol'being placed of) tire convicted vendor list, The State ot'Florida, Department of Management Services,Division ol,Slate Purchasing provides listings for convicted, suspended,discriminatory and federal cxcluded parties, as Nvell as the ventlor complaint list at: 1pei-atiotis/�t4te_jlurdiasiiiglvci,idor inforniatiml/co nvicted s...u......s...peilded 31iweu utuarralttruy.. out pigints vendor lists ii. Notice of Conviction of Public Entity, Critue. Any personi must notify the Departnient of Managenient Services and the (,!oirunissioin, ill writing, within thirty (30) days after conviction ol'a public entity crime applicable to that person or all affiliate of that person as defined ill Section 281.133, F.S. Vendors on Scrutinized Companies List. i,, Scrutinized Collipallies. ("Ilranice certifies that it and any of its affiliates are riot Scrutinized corliparlics as identified in Section 287.135, 1�',S. In addition,Girantee agrees to ollserve the requirements ol'Section 287.135, F.S, ft)r applicable SUb-agreements entered into for tile peribrinance ol'work under this Agreement, Pursuard to Section 287.135, F.S., the C'onimission may ininlethately terminate this Agreement for cause if' ill(:(Arall(ce, its ad"iliates, or its subcontractors are found to have submitted a false certification, (u, ifthe Grantee, its affiliates,or its subcontractors tire placed oil any applicable scrutinized Collipairics list or engaged in prohibited contracting activity during the: tetill ol'the Agreement. As provided ill Subsection 287,135(8), F.S., iffederal law Ceases to authorize these contracting prohibitions then they shall becorne inoperative, D Discrinlillatory VC11(lors. Grantee shall disclose to the C.onurvission, in writing, if they, their snbrecipicra,contractor,(it,subcontractor,are on the Discrinlinatory Vendor List maintained by the Florida Department of Mallagentent Services pursuant to Section 287'.134(3)(d),F,S,"Air entity or affili,,Ile who has been place(] on the discriminatory vendor list may not submit a bid, proposal, or reply oll a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not subrilit a bid, proposal,or reply can a contract with a public entity lot-the construction or repair ol'a public building or public work; usay ma submit bids, proposals, or replies can leases of`real property to a public entity, may not be awarded or perilorm work as,a contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant ruider a contract with ally public entity; and may not transact business with any public entity." Section 281.1 34(2)(a), F.S.. Grantee has a continuing duty to disclose to the Commission whether they appear on the discriminatory vendor list, E. Prorript Disclosure (01'Litigation, Investigations,Arbitration,or AtInflnistrative Proceedings. Through("na tile term of[tic agreement, tire(Irantee has a continuing duty to promptly disclose to (JRANT GOVL1RNMI.1NTA1- 1::N'TITY Ver.January,2019 Page 10 ot'20 FWCAgreement No. 19176 tile (,'ommission's Giant Manager, in writing, upon occurrence, all civil or criminal litigation, ilivestigalions, arbitration, oradministrative proceedings(I Irocced i ngs)relating to or affecting the Graince's ability to lwrforni under this agreerilel& ll'the existence ot'such Proceeding causes the concem that the Orantee's ahility or willingness to perfon'll the Agreement is 01pal(fi/ed, the Grantee may be re(p6red to provide tire (.2ommission with reasonable assurances to dc"mitstirmc thar o0 tile(irantee, will be able to perlbrin the Agreement in accordance with its terins atiLl Conditions, and,1),)Grantee and/or its employees or agents have not and will not engage in colidud In pert,61,111ing Services 1,61- the Commission which is siniflar in nature to tile conduct alleged in such Proceeding, K Certain Violations offederal Criminal Law. It'this agreement includes a Federal award,then ill accor(hince with 1,,'ection 200113, OMB I J niforrit Guidance (2 CT'R 200i), Grantee Inust disclose, in a tinlLAY limilner, in wrilirig io time. Ct mull ission all violations of'Federal criminal law involving tlalid, or graillity Violations potentially affecting the Federal award. W INSURANCI,*.. Hte(hantee, warrants and replescrus that i:t is insured,Or self-insured fior liability insurance, in accordance with applicable state law and that such insuiarice or seff-insurance offers protection applicable to time (;Iantee's I d,ficers,empk�yces,servants kind agents while acting within the scope oftheir employment with tire Oralnee. 17. SPONSORS1111'. As requiied by Section 286.25, V.S., il'any recipient, subrecipient, contractor or subcontractor under this glans is as siongovermucilial organization Which sponsors it prograrn financed wholly or in part by state funds, ilichiding any liulds obtained dirmigh (his Agireement, it shall, in publicizing, advet-tising, or ticscribing(lie sponsorship of,the progralls, stale: -Sponsored by((irantee's name)and tire State of'Florida, Fish mal WildWe Ctmscrvatioll Commission." if the sponsorship reCerence is in written niaterial,the words -Slalc of Florida, Kish and Wildliti:Collservatioll Cmnniission"shall appear in the same size letters or type as the, name cal the Glalace's organizAtfion. Additional sponsorship tecluirements may he specified in Attachitiew A, Scqw, of Work,, 11t,mim, Ut"'CORDS, A. This Agreement may be tmilaterally canceled by the C otriniission for refusal by the Grantee to allow public aecess to all documents, pallers, letters, or other niaterial subject to the provisions of Chapter I 19, F,S ,and made or received by the Grantee in coillunction with this Agreement,unless exemptioll lor such records is allowable under Florida law. It. lf,the(Ii-alltee meets(lie delinilion of"'Conlractor"tit'Section I M0701(1)(a)F.S.,the Grantee shall comply wilh the fidlowing: i, 114' '11"HE (."ON"FRACTOR HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING Tiff.1 APPLICA"FION OF 'FHE CI,I,APTER 1.19, FLORIDA STATUE'S, TO THE CON TRACTOWS DUTY `FO PROVIDE RICCORDS RELATING TO THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF' PUBLIC RECORDS AT: 850-488-6553, llecordsC'iistodiatiL&mvfwc.coin, and 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee FL 32399 6RANI c iO4"ERNMEINI'A1., EN I I YY Ver. .1alluary, 2018 Page 11 of'' 0 F WC'Agreement No. 19176 ii, Keep and maintain public records required by (lie Commission to perfortu tile service. iii. Upon request from tile Commission's custodian of public records, provide the (I onuilission Willi it Copy of'the requested records or allow the records to be inspected or copied within as reasonable tinie at a cost that does not exceed tile cost provided in (Alaplei 119, J`-S- or as otherwise provided by law, iv. 1,,'nsure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records,disclosine requirements are rat disclosed except as authorized by law for the duration oft-he contract term and following completion of the contract if the Contractor does not transf r the records to the Commission. V. I)Poll Completion of time contract transfer, at no cost, to the (--'ormuission all public records in possession of the Contractor or keep and maintain public records required by tile If tile Contractor transfers all public records It's lice Collu'llissioll uproar completion of the contract, the Contractor shall destroy any dtiplicate public records That are exempt or confidential and exempt froin public rccor&sr disclosure requirements. If the C',outractor keeps and inaintains public records, t1poll Conripletion of,the contract,the("cartractor shall tweet all applicable requirernents l6r retaining public records. All records stored electronically must be provided to tile Conlinissioll, upon retIttest fron't tile Connnission's custodian of public records, in a formal than is compatible With trite intbrination technology systems of the Corturlission. 14). C,O0Pl,A4ATJ0N MA I I I NSPEA"TOR GENERA I- Putsuant to silbsection 20,055(5), V,S,,Grantee, and any subcontractor to the Orainee,understand arid will C0111ply with then- (July, it) coolle'ritle Willi tile Inspector (ienenal in any investigation, audit, inspection, or bearing Upon reqncst of the Inspector 6encral or any other authorized State official, the 6ralace Shall la-twide any type, (.it inl6rination the Inspector General deems relevant to the Grantee's integrity or responsjbijny.Such Information may include,but shall not be limited to,the Grantee's business or fillancial Iccotcls, documents, or files ol'any type or flown that refer to or relate it) the Agreement.The 61-aluee agices ut teiniburse the State lot- the reasonable costs of investigation incurred by the Inspector Ocner,al or other tuborized State official liar investigations ol'the Grantee's compliance with the terms of this orany either agreement between the Grantee and the State which results in the:.s,tispeiisioiiordebaniierit of file (iralnec, Such costs (,,hall include, but ,hall not be limited to: salaries of investigators, including overtime,, travel and lodguig expenses-, and expert witness and documentary ices.. 20�. S E�CU It rl V A N 1)CO N JA 1)ENTI A 1,11 V. The Grantee shall not (fivulge to third parties any clearly marked confidential information obtained by the Graince or its agents, disiributors, resellers, subcontractors,, officers or employees in tile course of perf6rining, Grant work. To ensure confidentiality, tile Grantee shall, take appropriate steps regarding its pCt'solincl,al"'Clus, and Subcontractors, The warranties of this paragraph shall survive the Grant. 2L RP,,C1(IRD,KEETING R1,A)UMENIt"NIS. A. Grantee Respinisibilities. The Grainec shall maintain accurate books,records,documents and other evidence that sill,ficiently and properly reflect all direct kind indirect costs ofany nature expended in the perliji inance ofthis Agreement, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. B. State Access fit Grawee Hooks, Documents, Papers, and Rectwds. The Grantee Shall allow the Commission, file Chief Financial Officcr elf the Suite of Florida, the Auditor General of tile Slate of I"Naida, the Florida Office(&Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability or authorized lClucs'eWalives of flic stale or 1'edcral government to have access to any of tile Grantee's books, doc,innews, papers, atid records, including electronic storage media, as dicy truly relate to this iRAM - GOVERNNIFIN I At, EN I 11ILY Vcr, January, 2019 Page 12 of 20 F`WC Agreement No . 19176 Agreentent, for the purposes of conducting audits or examinations or making excerpts or lizinscripi iolls. C. G'rmitee Records Retention. Unless otherwise stilteified in file Scope of" ork, these records shall he omillfailled tot, five (5) fiscal years following the close of this Agreement, or the period required 1,61 this partictilar type, of project by the: General Records Schedules rnaintained by the F`Iorida Oepal tillent (d State (available at: litil):Hdos.ti,iyiloritiacotii/library-a.refiives/records- records-schedoles/), Whichever is longer. Grantee shall cooperate with tile Commission to fac"ifilliale, the chiplication all(] transfer(A'such records upon the Commission's request. I i. GrIMUT lICNI)ODSibility to include Records Requirements—Subcontractors. In the event any work is subcomracled under this Agreemem, the O,amec shall include the affirententioned audit and record kccphlv,re quircillents ill all �'ubseqtlent contracts. V, Complialive with Vederal Ia kmding Accountability and Transparency. Any fiederal foods awarded LIMICT this Agreement iolust Comply Witt) tile Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (VI'M A)ot'2006, [he intent of the;FFATA is to empower every American with the ability to hold the goverlillicill accounilable lair each spending decision, The result is to reduce Nvasteful spending ill the p,overniticill. Hlc FFATA legislation re(JUilTS that information on federal awards (Federal financial assisumcc imd expenditures) be made available to the public via a single, searchable website: I �SAS'p�jtdhiggqy� Grant recipients as it new F`ederal grant greater than or equal%YYY j to S25,000.001 amirded oil or alter October 1, 2010 are subject to the I'l-ATk The Grantee agrees to provide the inforillation necessary,over the Me ofthis Agreement, for the Commission to comply with this requirenlem. 22. 1[�E DERALAND P'LORIDA SINCI.1,: 11tirstiant to the FSAA (or Federal) Vendor / Recipient Determination Checklist, the (,.irantee has been deterli'linctl to be a recipient of state finall6di assistailee and/ora stibrecipient ofa federal award, Therefore, pinsuant its Sccfion 215,97, F',S', mid/or OMB Unilbrm Guidance(2 CFR 200')l the Grtintee tray be subject to the audit ret1tilrellsents ofthe I'lorida and/or Federal Single Audit Acts, If applicable, the Grantee shall comply with the audit req tit rentei its outlined in Attachment 11, "Requirements of the F`ederal and Florida Sitigic Audit Acts,"attached hereto and made as part ofthe Agreement,its applicable, 23 PEDERAL COMPLAANCE_ As appficaOlc, Grantee shall colnply with all federal laws, rifles,all(] regulations, including but not limited to i, (_'lean Air Act and NVater Pollution Controf Act. All applicable standards, orders, or 1equirellielas issktell Illider the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 74014671(j)l and the Water Polintion (`tmtrol Acl (33 1 J,S,C 1251-1487,as amended), 6, LaccY Act, 16 UXC 3371-3378. This Act prohibits trade in wildlife, fish and plants have bccol illegally lakell" possessed, trawsporml or sold. iii. Ma g n list)u-S sevens 1"islicry C"onset-valion and Management Act, 16 U.S.C. 1801-1884. I his .Act governs marine fisheries in I"ederal waters. iv. Nlilratory Ifird "Treaty Act, 16 U.S.C. 703-712. The Act prohibits anyone, unless permitted, to pursue, hunt, take, capture, kill, altempt to take, capture or kill, possess, off r liar sale, sell, offer to purchase, deliver Jor shipment, ship, cause to be shipped, deliver for triflisportatiou, transport, cause it) be transported, carry or cause to be carried by any rneans GRANT GOVERNMI.NTAI, ENTITY Ver, January, 2018 Page 13 of'20 F"WCAgreement No. 19176 whatsocVer, rcceive for Ship],1101t, nanSp011 Of'CaffiagC, or export, at any time, or in my manner, asny migratory bird,or any part, nest, or egg of'such bird, V. E'adangered Species Act, 16 U.S.C. 153 1, et sell. J lie: Act provides a program for the conselvation ol,threaleried and endangered plants and animals anti the habitat in which they ,we, louu& The Act also prohibits, any action that cause as "taking" ol'any listed species of' C11(hulge'red fish or wildlife, Also,generally prohibited are tile 111111ort, export, interstate,, and 1,61'eign colluncrcc of listed species. 24. FEAWRAL FUNDS. No Federal Fonds am applied to this Agreement,therefore,thefollowing terms, and conditions do not apply. A. Pritor Approval to P",xpend Vederal Funds to Federal Agency or Employee. It is understood arid p,reed that tile Grallice is [lot authorized to expend any federal l'unds under this Contract to a federal agency or cnkployce without file prior written approval of'the awarding federal agency, 13. Equal Eniploynient Opportunity. E'xccinive Or-tier 11246 of'Septernber 24, 1965, entitled "E'qual I'Anployinent Opportunity," its amended by 1`xecutive Order 1137'5 of October 13, 1967, arid as supplemented ill Dep"Irtment of' Labor regulations (41 C'FR Chapter 60). Applicable, except as otherwise provide trader 4 1 ("T"R 11art60,toanygriva,contract,loan,insurance,or guarantee involving Federal assisle'd Colistructioll. C. Davis Bacoil AcC `Fhe Davis.-Bacon Act, 40 U.S.C. 3 141 3 148, as supplemented by Department of Labor iegulalions iii 29 CIVR Part 5 Applicable to contractors and subcontractors perl'orming on ,cdcrafly Irkinded or assisted contracts in excess ot'S2,000.00 liar Ilse construction, alteration,or repair (Incit"filig painting anti ot'public buildings or public works. Under this Act, contractors and 111usl paN, their laborers and nicchattics employed under tire contract no less than the locally prevailing,wiiges and fringe benefits Im corresponding work on similar proJeets in the area, 1), Colicland "Anti,-Kickbacli Act. 'file Copeland "AntiXickback" Act, 40 U.S . 3141-3148, and 11,10 3 H 8, as suppleniclited by Depal unent of' Labor regulations (29 CFR Part 5). Applicable to cosuracls awarded by a uo]$ Federal entity In excess of S-100,000.00 that involve enipl(syment of' rucchaisics or labors. Uncles this Act, contriuctor's arid subrecipients are prohibited 1roni inducing, by ally Iscan, any person employed in the construction, completion,or repair of public work, to give up any patt 4(he compensation to which lie or she is otherwise entitled. E. Contract Work flours and Safety Standards Act. Sections 103 and 107 of the Agreement Work lJouts and ',!,af'ely Standards Act (40 U.SE 327 -330) as supplemented by Department of L.abor regulations, (29 CTR patt 5). Applicable to construction contracts awarded by Contractors and Subcontractors in excess ol,S2,0001.00, and in excess ol'S2,500.00 for other contracts which involve tile employment of Illechanics or laborers. Under this Act, contractors and subcontractors must compute: %vages of'mechanics arld laborers (workers)on the basis of a standard forty (40) hour work week; provide workers no less than finle and as hall,for hours worked in excess of the Forty(40)hour work week; and not require workers to work in surroundings or work conditions that are unsanitary, hazardous,or.dangerous. 11'. Rights to Inventions Made Under it Contract or Agreement. 37 CFR Part 4C11.If the F"ederal award iticos the definifitni ol"I'linding agreenictil" under 37 CFR 40 1.2(a)and the recipient or Subrecipient wishes to Cruel, into as contract willi a sin,all business firm or nonprofit organization regarding tile substitution of'part ies" assignment or performance ol'experiniental, developmental, or research work tinder the-finiding agreement,"the recipient or,subrecipiCut OILISt comply with die requirements of 37 6RAN'l 6t)VFHNM1sNT?\I, 1"114TITY Ver.January, 018 Page 14 of 20 I,`WC Agreernent No. 19176 (T'R Part 40 1, "Rights to Inventions Made by Nonprofit Organizations and Small Business Firms Under Government Grains, (2ontracts and Cooperative Agreements," arid any implementing regulations issued day tile awarding agency. G. Energy 1"dff ciency. Mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the State energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the E"nergy Policy and Conservation Act(Pub, 1— 94 163, 89 Slat, 971). If. Debarnielit alld Suspension Contractor Federal Certification, In accordance with Federal hl'xectltive Order 12549 and 2 (,'Fit ]'art 1400 regarding Debarment and Suspension, the Grantee Certifies that neither it, nor its principals, is presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible" or Voluntarily excluded trorn participation in this transaction by any federal department or agency; and, diat the Grantee shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier contract,or other covered trallsaction, with a person who is similarly debarred or suspended from participating in this covered tiallsactioll, 1. Prohibition against hibilying. i. Graillec Certificatioll - Payments. to Influence. The Grantee certifies that no Federal approluialed filmis have been paid or Will he paid,on or after December 22, 1989,by or oil behall,of,tile 6rasuce, to any person fill-influencing or attempting to influence an officer or crulployet, of all agency,a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress,or all elliployee of a Member.of Congress, in connection with [lie awarding,renewal,amending or modil I yinp of any Federal contract, grant, or cooperative agreement. The Grantee also certifics that they have not engaged any registrant under the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 %ho 11"Is made lobbying eontacts oil behalfof the Grantee with rcspectto this Contract mid its reialed federal contract,grant,,loan,or cooperative agreement;or, if tile Grantee has engage(l_,my registrant with respect to this Contract anti its related Federal contract, grant, loan, or Cooperative agreellictit, the Grantee shall, prior to or upon execution of this Contract, provide file(",ominission Contract Managcra signed declaration listing the narne of`any said registrant, Ouring (lie term of this Contract, and at the end of each Calendar quarter in which any event occurs that materially affects the accuracy of this certification or the Cranice shall the all updated declaration with the Commission's Contract Manager. 11'any non-lederal funds are used for lobbying activities as described above ill connection with this Contract, the (;rantce shall submit Standard Fonn-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", and shall file quarterly updates of any material changes. The Grantee shall require the language of`this certification to be included in all subcontracts, and all subcontractors shall certify and disclose accordingly. i i. Grantee -- Refrain frorn Subcontracting with Certain Organizations. Pursuant to the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995, the Grantee agrees to refrain from entering into any subcontracts under this Contract With any organization described in Section 501(c)(4) of' the h iternal Revenue Code of'1986,unless such organization warrants that it does riot,arid Will not, engage in lobbying activities prohibited by the Act as a special condition of the subcontract. J. Compliance with Office of Management and Budget Circulars. As applicable, Grantee shall comply with the fidlowing Office of Manageincrit and Budget (OMB) Unillonn Guidance (2 CFR 20:0),. GRAM -(i()VI itNMI,'N'I'Al, i l'I'I'I'Y Ver.January,2018 page 15 of 20 FWC Agreement]lei, 19 17'6 K. Orug Free Workplace. Pursuant to life Drug; Free Workplace Act of' 1988, the Grantee attests and certifies that the Grantee will provide a drug tree workplace compliant with 41 U.S.C. 81. S. PROCUREMENT. A. 11HI01";. Ili accordance with Section 946.515('6), F.S,, if a product of- service required for the perfifirnauCC ref this Conlract is certified by or is available from Prison Rehabilitative lridUstrieS and Diversified Enterprises, Inc, (PRIDI") and has been approved in accordance with Subsection 946.515(2), F.S., the t'ollowiug statement applies: 11 is expressly understood and agreed that any articles which are tire subject of', or tequired to carry out,this contract shall be purchased Crom I PRIDE] in the sane mannerand under the same procedures set berth in Subsections 946—'i 15(2)and(4), F,S,; and for purposes of'this contract the person, firm or other business entity carrying, out the provisions cad'this contract shall be decined to be substituted 16r this agency insofar as dealings with such corporation are, conct.,,mled, 1 lie above clause is not applicable to subcontractors unless otherwise required by law. Additional hil'ofurafionallout PRIDI and(lie products itollersisavailableatlittp-L/www.pride-entertiris -Orl. W ReslWC1 of' Florida. to accordance with Subsection 413.036(3), F,S., if. a product or service i,equired for the performance of'this Contract is oil the procurcrnent list established pursuant to Subsection 4 13.035(2), the following statement applics: It is exIll".Ay understood nand agreed that any articles that are the subject of; or required to carry our, (his contract shall he purchased from if nouprotit agency for the blind or for the severely handicapped that is qualified pursuant to Chapter 4 13, F,S., in tire:same manner and under the same procedures set forth in Subsections 4 11036(1)and(2), KS.;and for purposes of this contract, the person,firm or other business entity carrying out tile provisions of this contract shall lie deemed to be substituted for the state agency insofar as dealings with such qualified nonprofit agency are ("'on("ej net]r Additional int'of if iatiou about the designated nonprofit agency and the products it offers is available at C. Procurement of" Recycled Products or- Materials. Grantee agrees to procure any recycled products of materials which are the subJect of or are required to, carry out this Contract in accordance willf Section 403.1065, F S. 20 PROFFSSIONAL SERVICTS. it. Architectural, 11,',ngineering, Landscape Architectural, or Survey and Mapping. It* this Agree,ruent is ]or the acquisition ot'protessional architectural,engineering, landscape architectural, or rcgistcrvd surveying and firapping services,fill(] is therelbre subject to Section 287.055,,I%S., tire fi,dlowlng provision applies,- The architect (or registered surveyor and mapper or professional engineer, as applicable) warrants, that be or she has not employed or retained any company or person, oilier than a bona fide employee working solely for tire architect (or ORAN F GOVFRNMFNTAI. ENTITY Ver.January,2018 Page 16 of'20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 registe,red surveyor and mapper, or prot'essional engineer,as applicable)to solicit or secure this Agreement and that he or site has not paid or agreed to pay any person,company,corporation, individual,or firm,other than a bona fide employee work ing,mflely for the architect(or-registered surveyor-and mapper or professional eng1twei, as applitable) any tee, commission, percentage, gill, or other Consideration Colningeni upon or resulting front the award or making of this contrad. 13. Termination for Breach. Darr tire])reach or violation ofthis provision, die Commission shall have Mae right to terminate the Agreement without liability and, at its discretion, to deduct from the Agreement price, or otherwise recover, the full mocrunt of Stich fee, commission, percentage, gift, or considerwiow 27. 1 N 1)E M N I F I CATI 0 N. if Gran tee is a slatc agency or subdivision,as(let med in ;Subsection 768.28(2), F S.,pursualit to Subsection 768.28(19), 1,%S,, neither Party indeninifies nor insures the other Party Im(tie other Party's negligence. If Grantee is not as state agency or subdivision its,defined above, Grantee shall be fully liable for the actions of its agents, employees, partners, or subcontractors and shall fully indemnify, dellend, and hold harmless the State and the("ounnission,and their officers,agents,and employees, from writs,actions,(himages,and Costs of,every ofune and description, including attorneys' fees, arising from or relating to Personal injury and damage to real or personal tangible property alleged to be caused in whole or in part by Grantee, its agerns,emplcriyees,partners,or subcontractors,provided,however, that I n-antee shall not indemnify for that portion (it'any loss or darriages proxinriately caused by the negligent act or ornission of the State or The C"on nuissionr 11 this is as Prol'essional Sur-vices Agreement as defined in Subsection 725.08 F.S., their notwithstanding, the provisions of'Subsection 725.()6 F.S., the design professional shall only be liable for, and fully indenmily, defm nd, and hold harmless the State, tire Commission, and their officers, agents, and employees, for actions caused in witcric or in part,by the negligence,recklessness,or intentionally wrongflul t,oudnct of the design professional and other persons employed or utilized ley the design professional in the Im,formance of1he Agrecincril, 28. NON-DID CRIMINA"HON. No person, on (fie grounds of race, Creed, Color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, shall be excluded from participation in, he denied the procecds or benefits of, or be otherwise sut1jected to discrimination in perf6rinance ofthis Agreement, 29. SEVERAIJILITY,C11010E' 011' LAW,AND CHOICE' OF VENUE. This Agrcement has been delivered in the: State off"Icifida and shall be construed in accordance with [lie laws of Florida, Wheiever possible, each Provision of dais Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under applicable law,but ifany provision of daisAgreernent shall be prohibited or invalid under, applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to tire extent of such prohibition or invalidity, without invali(lating tire remainder of' such provision or the: remaining provisions of this Agrccnient. Any action in connection berewith,in law or equity,shall be brought in Leon County, Florida, to the exclusion ofall other lawful venues. 6RANT , GOVVIRNWINTAL ENTIA Y Ver,January, 201 Page 17 of 20 FINCAgrecinent No. 19176 30. NOTHIRD PARTV RICHTS. The Parties hereto do not intend nor shall this Agreement he construed to grant any rights, privileges or interest to any person not a patly to this Agreement. 31. JURY TRIAL WAIV1�R. As part of the consideration liar this Agreement, tile Parties hereby waive trial by jury in any action or proceeding brought by tiny party against any other party pertaining to any matter whatsoever arising out of or in any way connected With this Agreement, or with tile products or services provided tinder this Agreement, including but not limited to tiny claim by tile Grantee of quanium merud, 32. PROHIBITION OF 1.11' AUT110RIZED ALIENS. lit accordance with Federal fixecutive Of-der 96-236, the Commission shall consider the employment by the Grantee of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 274A(e) of the Immigration and Nationalisation Act. Such violation shall be cause for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement if the Grantee knowingly employs unauthorized aliens. 33. VERIFICATION (E-VERIFV). A. Requirement to Use E-Verily. Executive Order I I,,-1 1h, signed May 27, 2011, by the Governor of Florida, requires Commission contracts in excess of nominal value to expressly require the Grantee to: 1.) utilize life I J.S. Department offloinelandSecurity's E'-Verify system to verify the cinployment eligibility ofall new employees hired by Grantee during tile Agreement term;and,2.) inchule in all subcontracts under,this Agreement, tile requirement that Subcontractors performing %,,ork or providing services pursuant it) this, Agreement utilize the Ili-Verity system to verify tile employment eligibility of all new employees hired by the subcontractor during the term of tile subcontract. 13. E-VerifW Online. 1--'-Vcrit'.y is an Inteniet-based system that allows art employer,using,inforination reported oil an cinployce's Forin 1-9, E'triployment U"ligibility Verification, to determine the eligibility of all new employees hired to work in the United States after the effective (late of the required Memorandum of Understanding (MOIJ); the responsibilities and elections of federal contractors, however, may vary, as stated in Article 11.11.Le. of the MOLE "there is no charge to employers to use E-Verily. The Department offlorrieland Security's E-Verify systern can be found online at 11tip,.11w-v%yw.(Ihs.g(�)v/tiles/ rograrns/gc 1185221679 150,shtni C. Enrollment in I -Verify. If6rantee does not have an J.".-Verify MOU in effect, tile Grantee must enroll in the F'.-Verify system prior to hiring any new eniployee after the effective date of this 1). E-Verify Recortilkeeping. The Crantee further agrees to maintain records of its participation and compliance Willi the provisions of the I.,`-Verify program, including participation by its subcontractors as provided above, and to make such records available to the Commission or other authorized state entity consistent with the term,,,ofthe Grantee's enrollment in the prograrn. This includes maintaining it copy of prool"of the Grantee's arld subcontractors' enrollment in the F- Veril y Program(which can he accessed from the"Edit Company Profile"link on the left navigation inenu of the E-Verify employer's hornepage). CiRANT- GOVERNMENTAL ENTITY Ver.January,2018 Page 18 of 20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 E. Employment Eligibility Verification. Compliance with file terms of the Employment Eligibility Verification provision is made all express condition of this Agreement and the Commission may treat it tailure to comply as a material breach of the Agreement, 34. FORCE MAJEURE AND NOTICE OF DELAY FROM FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable to the other lot-any delay or failure to perform under this Agreement if such delay or failure is neither the fault nor tile negligence ofthe Party or its employees or agents and the delay is (file directly to acts of God, wars, acts cal'public enemies, strikes, fires, floods, or other similar cause wholly beyond the Party's control,or fear away ofthe foregoing that affects subcontractors or suppliers if no alternate source of'supply is,available, I lowever,in the event of delay front the foregoing causes,the Party shall take ill] reasonable measures to tnitigate all), and till resulting delay or disruption in the Party's per torn 1,11 ice obligmion under this Agreement. If the delay is excusable under this paragraph,the delay,will not restsit in any additional Charge or cost under the Agreement to either Party. In the case of any delay Agreement believes is excusable under (his paragraph, Grantee shall notify the Commission's Grant Manager in writing ofthe delay or Potential delay all(]describe the cause of the delay either: (1)withill ten (I tI)calendar days k1ftertlIC CMISC that creates or will create the delay first arose,if61rantee could reasonably tbresce that a delay could occur as it result; or(2)within five(5)calendar days after the date Grantee first had reason to believe that as delay could result, it' tile delay i is not reasonably tbreseeable. THE, FORE,GOING' SHALL CONSTITUTE GRANTEE'S SOLE REMEDY OR EXCUSE, wrirtil RESI"EC"I'TODELAY. Providing notice in strict accordance with this paragraph isacondition precedent it)such reinedy. 'file(-,onunission, ill its sole discretion, will determine if the delay is excusable tinder this paragraph kind will notify Grantee of' its decision in writing. No claim for damages, other than for air extension of,tune,,shalt be asserted against the Coininission. Grantee shall not be entitled to an increase in (fie Agreement price or payment of any kind from the Commission for direct, indirect, consequential, impact,oar gather costs,expenses or damages,iticitiditigbtit riot limited tocosl,sofacccicratiotioritiefficiency arising because ofdelay,disruption, interference,or hindrance froin any cause whatsoever. If performance is suspended or delayed, in whole or in part,due to any of the causes described in this paragraph,after the causes have ceased to exist,Grantee shall perforni at no increased cost,unless the Commission determines, in its sole discretion, that the delay will significantly impair the value ofthe Agreement to the Commission or (he State, in which case, the Commission may do any or all of the following: (1) accept allocated performance or deliveries froin Grantee, provided that Giranice grants preferential treatment to the Commission will) respect to products or services subjected to allocation;(2)purchase from other sources (Without recourse to and by(irantee fior(lie related costs and expenses)to replace all or part of the products or services that are lite subject ofthe delay,which Purchases may be deducted front the Agreement quantity; or(3) terminate the Agrecinent in whole or in part. 35. TIME IS OFTIIE ESSENCE. Tinic is ofthe essence regarding the pertbrinance obligations set forth in this Agreement. Any additional deadlines for performance for Grantee's obligation to timely provide deliverab,les tinder this Agreement including but not limited to timely submittal ofteports,are contained in the Scope of Work,Attachment A. 36. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement with Lill incorporated allachnients and exhibits represents, the entire Agreement of the Parties. Any alterations, variations, chatiges, modifications or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, and duly signed by each of the Parties hereto, tj n less other wise provided herein. In the event oaf conflict„ the following orderof precedence shall prevail; ("ittANT.-GOVERNMEINTAL E'NTITY Ver. January, 2018 Page 19 of'20 FWC Agreement No. 19176 this Agreemem mid its attachuients, the terms of (lie solicitation and the Grantee's response to the solicitation. IN WUIWEISS WIUAWOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed through their duly authorized sip'noories on flic(Jay and year last written below. MONROE COUNTA' 110CC FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION sj(,N , ul ----------- Name: tyl. Name: I)maIC: 1 Daw Alilwoved as to form and legality by FWC Attorney: M,O!NROE COUNTY ATTORNEY AP"f.)yEtA§-T0,f0RM t . ................... 'SRN'A, 'aw Attachincrits in this Agiecinent irichjde the f'ollowing: Attachment A Scope of'Work Attachment B Requirements ofthe 1'ecleral and P"lorida Single Audit Acts l"'Alibit I Federal and State l,'unding Detail Attachment C CI ost ReinibUrsement Contract Payment Requirements Attachment D Derelict Vessel Removal Best Ma-nagelTIC111 PfaetiCCS Attachnient 1�, Letter of'Relum on Investment flor the State Attachnient P Sample Invoice Forni Attachment G Monthly Progress Report Attachment I I Certificate ofCompletion ("iRAN'I'-(d)VEANME'N'VAL E"N'I'VIN Ver.January, 2018 Page 20 of 20 1 rcrjcct Nsarare 1 1rvr.t 1 )�.... � ...m..... ....m.... . ....... ..... ._ Conte-act.. _. Carr 1c)17("ov C artr�trt Derelict Vessell^(crrrov�rl �"�"3aaC ....__.- ......-._ ......._� 1. 1'11wCyJE "°1" 1)ESC"1fi11'"1"ION A. Purpose: The purpose of"this project is to remove seven derelict vessels front the public vvaaters of"the state within thejrrrisclietrcrta ol'Monr°oe County, I'lorirtar. 13. Project Benefits: The he removal of°these derelict vessels will improve hoattin sarfety by removing,hazards to navigation. This project will aalsta belle to restore sensitive marine resources and improve vvaater'cictaality. 2. 11r1^:1.a1av°Ei1.A131aE(S) 1(eniove 7 derelict vessels A. Tasks: The(..himlee shall provide all labor,equipment,and materials to remove Larch clereliet vessel listed below from the public waters of the state within the Jurisdiction cat'Monroe C:;'crtrrrty,and properly dispose of'the vessels in tire:designated disposal location: I Y"r S131c1011 tll°252 Description: While 30' Sailboat Reg: 13SD-686 I1IN: lIrrl:na:wn Location: 71 .3.3.096(N)/081 41384402(W Disposal: Landfill ?') MSB 19011`001074 Description: 011`White 7'6, Cuddy ("arhrn Vessel Reg: 11.6891 1: I11N: l""1.ZW7265C 73 Location: 24 57.1 1298(N)/0I32 12.91202(W) Disposal: Landfill Description. (lf"1`White 25' C°rralcly°("arlrira. Vessel Reg: 1`1 8697E 111N. 141.t: 501680587 Location- 24 4114303(N)/081 06 353'flt3(W) Disposal: Landfill •1) 1"W"'iBI9("*T`010997 Description. Off 4r4ahite 23' Open Dishing Vessel Reg: lal 55941 M. 1II : TNRM46841v1 8311 Location 24 42.180 3(N)/081 t 6.35.31313(W) Disposal: Landfill Version 1.0 .lane 24)El Page 1 o1` Attachment A-SCOPE OF WORK .................................... .....................---------------------------------------- ...... ........................... . ..........Project Name: C 'otlilly 0ereHet Vessel Removal onfract No. Prc' t 19/20 5) FWS131901I'012677 Description: While Ctuver Cabin Cruiser Reg: FI,301 I PR I I IN: C'()R 100101394 Location: 24 34.03,398IN)/081 418,558(NAI) Disposal: Landfill 6) FWSB I9()I`U'0 13992 Description: White 24' Open I"ishing Vessel Reg: 1"L4363W."I I IIN: GL1,0000l 873 Locatiow 24 34A4798(N)/081 44 03802(W) Disposal Landfill 7) I`WSB 1501,T'O 12215 Description: Blue/White 26' Sailboat Reg: 8°IA703.)L 11 IN: ('11C47923M 78B Location: 24 31-14302(N)/081 55.40298(W) Disposal: I'lildfill R. Documentation Used as evidence of perfornumee: The Grantee shall provide to tile Commission as Final Disposition Report. This report shall contain tile list of all derelict vessels removed, tile disposition of each derelict vessel,and photographs that document time condition of each vessel prior to removal, the removal process,for each vessel,and tile final disposition ofeach vessel. 3. FINANCIAL CONSEQUENCES The Commission may restrict payment ofally or all costs for Iaflure to complete the project as described het-ein within the limet"rame allowed,or for failore to correct any pro,ject deficiencies,as n oted in th fi e nal project inspection. The final pro' ,ject 111spection will be done by it('01,11111issioll officer verifying Illat tile entire vessel for each task has been removed according it)the proJect plan, I"aililre of6rantee to have all receipts and evidence of project perfiormance delivered to l`WC oil or. beCoie April 3,0, 2020, bel'ore close Of bLISiIJCSS may jeopardize paynient offunds to the Grantee per time agrcenjclil, 4. PERFORMANCE A. Acceptance of Agreement: The Grantee will accept time agreement amid have it signed and returned to the In ISS,1,011 Within 30 days ofreceipt. IailUt-C to have tile agreement retUrned Version I.0-June 2013 Page 2 of5 Attachment A—SC"OPE O WCORK Projecttarty lycro°list Vessel I(anroavral [�13�C C oraataaact o. le 17Cr r Name: l aoararetei JJ2a_ _ ___ ._...... ..... _. .�...___. _..._ _...m within tire specil'icoi tinge wyill rentler°[lie agreement mall and void. In some cases,the: Commission vwill allow as nro"olifieal return tinge vVill) prior notice and approval tro:m the Commission's Contract Calm el% B. Commencement of "kr'aaa~lc: I lie(irantee shall ccarranrence work on tiae overall pro' eet as so>carr as notified by the Coal.raaissieara o fthe agreement execution. Failure by the Grantee to execute the work within 60 days tit'agreenaent execution shall result ill the agreement hazing null tarred void, analess prior approval tiara delay is granted by(lie+C."ounarrrissicart s Contract Manager, C. Praaeaaa-eraaent: The Grantee shall procure goods and services through at competitive Solicitation process in accordance with Chapter 287, l,'lorr iota Statutes. The he C:arantee has already included in tire application tine quote provided by the contractor chosen for the task and tine C"oarrrraaissioara will fray to the Grantee 100 percent ail"tile quoted lance for each task or 100 percent ari"the actual coast if"less tlraarr tlae quoted price. The Grantee will insure that tine selected contractor has aaole;elna'te insurance and is qualified to clew the work, A copy oal°the Staate's Derelict Vessel Removal Best lvtaanagernent Practices, attached as Attachment ly, wvill. provide guidance as to wwhethea°or not tine selected contractor is qualified to dog tire, kvoi- . l). Closeout: Filial receipts with required evidence ofcermpletion will be received by the Cornurnissicans Contract Manager nor later than April 30, 2020. S. COMPENSATION AND PAYMENT A. C:"r:ampensaatiaran For a aaalislaactoary Completion ort"tire tasks described in this Scope earl'Wor.la, by the:(iraratee trrualer the terans oil"this A reement,[lie(''ortararission shall pay the Grantee on as cos t reiniburseuuaent basis inam anao unt next to exceed$48,475.00. '['lie Ciraaaatee shall be reirriburseet only for budgeted expenses that are directly reiateol to tire removal anci disposal of' vessels wwithna the project. W Cost Sham: The(:irantee is not required to provide any coast share o f the total cost of the proJect as indicated ill the 1WC" Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Guidelines. The total coanalaera:satioauu by tiro;Commission shall be $48,4 5.00 or 100IN6 ofthe total coast for the pro.peet, whichever is less.. C. Salvage "Value: The(grantee shall he entitled to the salvage value of*any grant-designated derelict vessel or any laaarl(s)or accessories thercoal; not used in tiro Construction gat"aa permitted artificial reet'si(C.eXcluolirag tlac; Nruil. All such salvage activities not essential to tile physical removal ort as derelict Vessel shall be aaccornplished after tile vessel has been removed from public waters. The salvage value of each vessel shall be deducted by(lie Grantee when determininP tine reirnlanrsernent request for the: removal art(] disposal coasts for each derelict vessel. Vessel hulls must be destroyed and not salvaged ill whole. All salvaged materials from such vessels naarst be removed t'i°oaaar tine vessels bell>re being sold tar°salvage. By, law, sno:Ia saMla!° valtuo.s must Oftset the:coast of' to IV, allo wecl.. Version 1.0 .irurrew 2013 Page 3 oal"5 Attachment ik—_WOP11 OF WORK u . .�. . ......... a ... �.�.... l r n cc t l Ranncw: Num"we (."cwnrmy l)erelre '�c� el l(.tnncww wrl � 1b,Wc contract Pan � 19176 l'rt�jcset ictd'ta 1), Forms and Documentation: Ile+lirurrtaae shall be reimbursed on it cost reiN ibur.sermi tt't basis in ncccwrdance with 2011 Reference(Wide Rwr State hereto and made a'r pan herccol`as A"mhnnernt t ry. 'Dine request lior rehnimmernennt hall include rrrr invoice in as'tcarinat similar to Nitachmernt F, Saannpnle Invoke Forna,which shall Whnde To FMw't_" Agreerrrmr't'Number,be Grantees I"edcO Wripwloyeµr-hlentilicmicon (Filly)Nurnheq and tine date Wseaviee. Ile hnvaoice shall he aacetunp�muded by w ttaclunrennt l I, Certificate got"(."connpleticorn, photographs;raphs to document protect removal and completion an iter'ni✓ed list ofaall pnrcaject expnenditure"a, annd copies of invoice;arul cancelled checks or check numbers law dewcnnrnent payment for all project capoenditurc,s. 6. IONI°l°t7bRp1 (o' A. ("compliance Monitoring and (,ovr°eelive Actions: 'the ('atrnnnnissiaon will rnntonitoir tine Granlec's Service delivery to delcrinnine if the t wrarntee has achieved the required level of poerliwrrnance°. I we ('cornniissicon in its sole dkuction d ete+rrnines that the Grantee failed mc) onreer ainwy°ral'tinc ter.nwn�,aor�cwwrnrlitir:orn�rwl�tlri��1t!,n-e.erarerrt,tlwe"(grantee%will loe�arnt a la:wrrnnali r.itt�r'r ncotiee. The (haruec :AmH correct all identified deficiencies, within lor'ty-live (45) days of notice. Failure to acidme Iltt)N ccnnpaharrnee will mi or dw ternm and comlilkm4 of this Agreement or l'aniltn°e tc) correct the deficiencies identitied in a notice identifying deficiencies %within the dine 1hune specified may result in dclayw in payment or termination of this i\ rcennent in accordance with the terms.cot"tine; Agreement. h(. Site pu%poc:cetirrrrs: The t:"awnnnnissicon nnm inspect the l'rcojiect site prior to°o and, il'aapopolicahle, during tinge: reintoval of porcojcct vessely. I ire Gmintee, small nrtrlw the 1." nirnissimn''s Untranct Wmager when the I%Qecl Inns reached substantial caornpoieticon so that inspection may occur in ar tinncl'rwnrrne ailcowwnnpr, for the tirncly stthnnrssitrrn ain(] processing of' tine 'Ilmd invoice. The ("cmu nn~«a,icnnr,s ("aontract tvlaanager, or designee, shall inspect the work accomplished cnrn tine pnrcajcci and, irdeemed ceornpolete and in compliance with (lie terms ofthe Agreement,approve the request Ior° payment. ill doviNt vessel removal sites %will he inspoeewd by a Ccnnnnnisicarn cwfffe tag vc,riO the complete removal col`the vessel as described in tine Agreement. C p*r ject Prugress Repocrrts: Ile Wrace shall snhnrit to be("ommmssion,on a m ornihly bash, project progress repocwrls comhnhg the porcopn m,s of(lie project,and identifying any problems that may pnarve arisen and actions taken to correct such problem. Sucl repocorts MmH be stnl mitted on the Project Monthly Progress Report Bear aatlaclied hereto and made, a part hereof as Altaclnnicnr Q. Repot is aare clue to We(..mnmissmcon%t;:'c ntraet &Manarp er by tine 1 "'col"the month immediately 6ollowNg thew repotnrthi paeric)d umil the(:"ertilicate col"(. ornpnleticnn is Submitted. 1). Best Management Practices: Fhe(.grantee shall ensure that tile contractor chosen to Complete the tasks as indicaled in this Scope cal'Worh are both able and instructed to follow,Mate Derelict Vessel I(cnntwval lest Managenieni Practices(l(Ml's), (Attachment Dy failure tco fi)lhoww these ltivll's may subject both the ecornta°aetor and the(hantee to State or Federal linen and penalties if it is shown that We practices were not fiwlhowwed. Version 1.0 ,mine 2013 I'a ge 4 of 5 NICAWO �yrarjrW�^N^1�laarrar.s.. .. .I'mA��aMc.iC C�crLITrt"�...C�a.aelact^�"a.Ss�.1 l�crricav<�.C_ ._4..�<'4'�r'( ��rsrt�t�c.t A. Certificate of C°ttnrpW ion: l.Jpon eWnrlapetion of the PrWeet„ the C'ontraet Manager tear the tiranatee sl U sign ar CemMeme orC'a mpletiaan Rmn,Auaaehment 14, attached hereta'a and made sa pail hereof, that certifies the 1argjeet v4m; completed in accordance with this Scope aat`Work and the A toreernent. For reporting purposes this project will be submitted to the Executive t> rke- of the Carmrnaar, a9 Letter cat`Return aura 1nvesunent tiar- the State is attached hereto and made pan thereof as Att chnrent E to this a greernent. A i dTELLEa'."°iVA L Pit'CbPEUTV RIGHTS No arddhionari reclnira°nwnB. ttckr t.aa Sectiaart 12 of Me Agivement. 8. UBC°t lIN`RA"tACA' ra atalatitia nal requirements Refer taa Section 14 <at'thc A,p,i-cenmit, % INSURANCE No-additional rerinii moats. Refer to Seetimi 16 of the A" Armin nt, Iti. SECUlit1°l:N AND (,,'ONia"IDF,N''1'IA I,I'.I' No additional requirerne:n". Refur to Seuiaw i 20 aat'the A"egmenra nt. Jr. RECORD KEEPING REOl1iRENU:t"'+J"0!'.' o arahlitimml requKernents. ReIr to Scok�m 21 of the Agmenaent. 12. NON-EAi'EADA"p,B1..E PROPERTY No additional realrrireinems. ReIr to lWa kin 12 of We A1greentent, 13. PURCHASE OR 1'ROi'ix".RTV o aaalalitiaa ml realniremerrt.s. Refer to ;Swim 12 of the wlgremnenr Version 1.0 June 2013 Page tad" FWC Agreement No.FWC-19176 Attachment B AUDITREQUIREMENTS 'I lie administration of resources awarded by tile Florida Fish all(] Wildlife Conservation Commission (Connolissioll) to tile (ilantee inay be stjl)jcct to andits andlor monitoring by tile(,ornrnission as described in Part 11 of this altac;finicnt tegarding State I'unded activities. If this Agreement includes a Federal award, then Graluce will also [)c sul)pect to tile Federal provisions cited in Part L If this Agreement includes both S"I'lle and 1'ederld funds,thell all provisions apply. MONITORING In addition to i,eviews of andits conducted in accordance with Sections 200,500-200,521, Uniforni Guidance. Cost Principles, Atidit, and Administrative Requirements for l,'ederal Awards(2 CFR 200), as revised, hurcinatter "(1)M13 I.nifortn Guidance" aiid Section 215,97, F�S�, as revised (see "AUDITS" below), time Commission illay conduct or arrange for monitoring of activities of the Contractor. Stich niollitoring proectitnes may include, but not lie limited to, on-site visits by the Conirnission staff or Coll(ractcd Collsuluints, limited scope audits as defined by Section 20033 1,OMB Uniform Guidance and/or other procedoircs, By vilicling nito this Contract, time Orantec agrees to comply and cooperate with any monitoring procedures/ptocesses deented appropriate by time Commission. The Grantee further agrees to comply and cooperate with any inspections, reviews, investigations, (,.)r audits deemed' necessary by the Florida Deparlillent ot'l-inancial Services or the 1-1orida Auditor General. AUDITS PART 1. VEDERALLY FUNDED. 11' this, Agreement includes as Federal award, their die following provisions apply: A. This part is applicable if'time Grantee is as State or local government or a non-profit organizAtion as defined in Sections 200.90,200,64,or 200.70, respectively,OMB 1-h6lbrin Guidance. It. in tile event that the Grantee expends$500,000.00 ($750,0110.00 for fiscal years beginning oil or after December 26, 20 14) or more in Vederal awards in its I iscal year, the Grantee must have a single or prograi'll-specilic audit condneted in accordance with tile provisions,ofthe Federal Single Audit Act of' 1996 and Seclioiis 20W500­200.521, OMB Uniform (,;uidance. EXHIBIT I to this Attachment indicates J�cljcraj resources awarded through time C"ollunission by this Agreement. In determining the Federal awards cxpended in its fiscal year, (lie: Grantee shall consider all sources offcderal awards, including Federal resources received 1'roll) time("onnnission. The deteralination of amounts of"Fccleral awards,expCilded should be in accordance with the guidelines established by Sections 200.50?0-200.52 1, ON413 Und6rin Guidance, Ali audit of the Grantee conducted by the Auditor General in the OM13 Unif'orin(Juidance, will inces the requirements ofthis Pan. C. In (."onnection with time audit requirentelits addressed in flart. 1, paragraph A. herein, the Grantee shall fulfill tile requirements relative tom auditee responsibilities as provided in Section 200.508, OMB I h1iforill 61julance. 'I his includes, bill is not firnited to, preparation of financial statements,it schedule ol"expellditurc of Federal a%vards, it sintrinary schedule of prior audil findings, and a corrective action plan. D. It' the Grantee expends less than $500,000.00 ($750,000.00 For fiscal years beginning oil or after Decerilber 26, 2014) in Fedcoal awards in its fiscal year, an audit conducted in accordance with time provisions of Sections 20W500,20WS21, OMIf3 Uniform Guidance, is not required, In the event that time Grantee expends less than $500,0010.00 ($750,000.00 fbr fiscal years beginning on or after Attachment B rev.6.15.15 Page 1 of 6 F'W( Agreement No. FWC-19176 0c,ccinbci 26, 20 14) it hedual awards in its AM year and elects to have an audit continued in a"wMame wah dw Imwishins of Sec tions 2W500-200.52 1,ONIB Uniform Gui(hince,the cost ofthe Wit unm Ix paid limit non-Federal resources(Le,the cost ol'such an audit naust be paid from Cirantee Itsottlyces (shwillud lionr odier thall 1'edcral entities). th Such andits MmH cover We crane Winces orpnization for the organization's fiscal year.Compliance findings related w contract's with the Cbmulissbn shall be based oil the contract requirements,including any itilem inguNknis, or smurtes rukrowed in the Comma Ile financial statements shall disclose wheeler tir uml die nmwhhW i"uhmnent was inct for each applicable contract, All questioned costs and Hublilitics duc to Ow (Immissio" WmH be Rilly disclosed in the audit report with refe�rcnce to the Commission colulaci involved. Additionally, the results tiorn the Conaviission's annual financial rrrcwunoa slip, i'epons "Itnt be inclutled he the are lit p"Mures,and the Sections 200,500-200,52 1,OMB I WhHoi (Ahbiwe audit cqmwts. K If"w odrefwau dischwal as rmpired by Section 200.510, OM13, Uniform Guidance, the schedule of exl-'ien(filurcs of I°Cdcral awards shall identify expenditures by Berra mef number &each cmamet with die Minimum it M&O Ming the audit pedo? G. If dw Chanwe CXPO"k lep"han SSOOMUMOO ill Vederal awards it) its fiscal year,air audit conducted in arc r,crrclaarra°c° with the finivisu"Isof WOW 201501,0100.521,0NIH,Uniform Guidance,is neat required. Lu Ow cma dita dic thmace expaids less than $501000MO in Federal awards in its fiscal year and elcus to have ari audlit conducted in accordance with the lwuviskrits of Sectkitis 200.500-200.52 1,ON111 I 1"W"I G"Alance,the tmst of dw audit"mm he pard kom non-Vederal resources(i.e.,the cost(Asuch an audit "a"t he Imid hour dw Ganteds rusotwun obtained liorn other4han Federal MAO. Il. A vveh she Owt lirovides links lca sevetal Federal Single Audit Act resources can be found at: hup Uhmv("'M t CWAV" himO AART IL STATE PTNI)FA). It' ll-Us Agreennsia includes State funding, then the following provisions appi(y Wds juni is applicalde h1he ("Anwe is as imn-mme My as define f by cdon 21517, FS, (the I'lorkla ShyL Antid AQ, A. In dic ment 161 OW (Vulwe CMMMh a Unal anuluril tif state financial assistance equal to(w in excess 4 SMMJMWUU in aiq thul year of sucl Graince, the Grantee must have a State single or, prqject_ spoific audit fcrr such HAid year in accordaitcc, with Section 21517, F.S'.; applicable rules of the f"Xcculive Office of draw tiovizirruraiRl the Departimenlof FinanciM Serviceg and Omphars 10550(Weal govetrunernal clition)ot 10A50(noreprofit and fill-profit organizations), Rulesofthe Auditor General. EXIIIIII I I no this Anach"Ie"I fuldicales state Financial assistance atwattied through theCorninission by dils''Ctailfacl In dclellitiurnp,the state financial assistanceexperided in its fiscal year, dreGrantee shall C'inhidcl ill I smlrce'; of Suite I inarscial assistance,, including state financial assistance received from the (Anwidssio, other gate poicies, and other nonstalc entities. Mum Modal assistwice ekes not illcludc fcdcial dircc"i or pass through awards awl resources received by it ratan-state entity for Federal ploprant futitchinp rcquircurk,,t I Is' It. Ill COnncClWn With the audit rUjuirerrients addressed in Part 11, paragraph A livrehr, the Grantee shall Cusurc that Hic audit conil"flies %vhh dw mWirimments of' Section 21S.97(7), F.S. This includes suhmnitm of as fhmwkl nToabg Imckagu as dellned by Section 215.97(2)(d), F.S, and Chapters I U.550 (hwal guminuremal WWI or-10.650 (nonpuHt and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Andil(a Ocucral Attachment 11 rev.6.15.15 Page 2 ol'6 FWC Agreement No�.FWC-19176 H tile Glwavc C*"Iwilds leois Oran $50%00100 in Mine BMW assktanco in its fiscal year, an audit condor ed in accoMmice whir the; ImMons,of sectV 215.97, F.S., is not require& In the event that the (haute expends less than SSUOJ)OO.UO in Me finarrcial assistance W its Weal year and Am to We mn audh cor"hwird in accordinice with the provisions of section 215.97, F,S., the cost of tire audit "rum 1w laid fivan the no hartentity's resources Va,fire ant ofsuch art audit must be paid from the (hmace's resources Warned froin t rther-1 hart S late entities). D ddilional in6w"MM(m regarding,the Florida Single Audit Act can be t6un('J at: !"q)w!Y;qqVi WISAWYMM, E. Grantet.,shall pnwwc U Uqw or any audit conthriowd punuunt to the above requirements directly to the t6lkwwing,addrvsy'� ("Atiet,11411111rcial Offices Iludda Ifish and VOMM Clonwir"don CArminkMi, Itryam Building 620 N. MAW St. thilabassee, lell-32399-1601) PART III: A, Copies of w1mminiM packages, ru hwWdc any tuanagmumn letter issued by the auditor, firr audits ccarducred in accordance with Solious 200500-200.521, OMB Unil'brur Guidance, and required by Pon I of dns AnacWmna sWd1 No milmitied try or on MW of the Cirantee directly to each of the tohow ng al 111c, addrw"s iodic arott I"Tc (A"mrssum at dre Wilviving addmws� phurnin Fuh am! (smussitin IlKyaul HuildK19 6201'S' Meridian S(. Tallahus.w' e" 1A,32399.1600 .1 be f edcra I A wl it Omit whou so designated h i Section 200 112,0 N1 B U nihrm G uilunce"he relkmang pacUgc rcquirml by Section 201512,ONIB WIVirm Guidance,should be subrnitted rco dw 1,cderal Aadir (-Avarkrghousc): Vederal Audit Clearinghouse Bureau of the (Owns 1201 ti,'as( 10"'Street "Jeftersonvilic, IN -47132 1 Mw l4lend agencies and pane dwough Wks in accordance with Section 200.512, OM13 I 1"Win(inklance. W Copi(:sN ofaudit wpt-,ns for audits conducted in accordance with Sections 200.500-2W52 1,OMB I Wknin (hridance, and required try Part I onhis Madment(in correspondence accompanying the audit report, indicate Nita date Orin the(irantec received the audit report);copies ofthe reporting Attachinent B rev.6.15.15 I'age:3 of 6 FWC Agreement No.FWC-19176 package described in Section 200.512, O1" 13 Unitorin Guidance, and any management letters issued by the auditor;copies ofreports required by Part 11 ofthis Attachment must be sent tau The Commission at the addresses listed in paragraph C. helow. C'. Copies of financial reporting packages required by Part It of*this Attachrrient, including any management letters issued by tire auditor, shall be submitted by or oil behalf of tile Grantee OJI(Voly to cacti of lie fifllowiljg� L The Commission at the 1`611owing address, (I laief Financial Officer Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Bryant Building 621)S. Meridian St. "I'll lin IIASSee, FL 32399-1600 Fbe Auditor Generals()Mice at the I'64owing address: Auditor General's Oftice ('37-4 Claude Pepper Building I I I West Madison Street 'Fallahassee,FL 32399-1451) 1). Ajiy reports, management letter, or other information required to be submitted to the Commission purstrant to this Contract shall be subtnitted timely in accordance with OMB Sections 200.500-200.521, OMB Unifimn Gtridance,Florida Statutes,and Chapters 10.550(local governniental entities)or 10.65,0: (lionprofitand Jor-profit org!anizations), Rules of the Auditor(leneral,as applicable. Cirantees and sub Orantecs, wheu submitting;financial reporting packages to the Commission for audits done in accordance with 1wctirins 200.500-200.521, OMB Uniforin Guidance, or Chapters 10.550, (Iocai governmental entities) or 10,650(non-profit and tbr-protit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to the Grantee/sub-Grantee in correspondence accornpanying,the repot-ting package. L'itil of Allachnsent B Attachment 13 rev.6.15.1 5 Page 4 of'6 IeWC Agreement No. FWC-19176 Exhibit I FEDERAL AND STATEFUNDING DETAIL FE'DERAI, JWS0UI4(.,'ES AWARO CA)TOTHE GRANTEE PURSUAN'TTOTHIS A(Y'REEMENT C"ONSISTOF TIIE FOLLOWING. ........... mgg If 71,7fg 7,"MOM; MEN CFDA ft CFDATitle Ounr ................... N/A ......................................................--................. Total Federal Awards .......... ................................... C'ONIPLIANC T REQUIRE'MENTS APPLICABLE TO THE FEDERAL RESOURCES, AWARDED PURSOANTTOT1,11S AGREEMENTARE AS FOLLOWS: ............ Mgg gg '21 (',,',Ft)A 11 Compliance I N/A ................ ...... .............. ........ STAI'C HFS0UH(.'.U',S AWARDEDTOTIIE CIRAN'TEE PURSUANT `TO THIS AGREEMENT MA1('31ING RESQUItICES FOR FEDFRAL PROGRAMS: -------------- -71 m MWttc"bj,/O,*I�"/f g CFDA Title ...... ... rii ............ ..................... ...........— ............................ 'I otal Matching P"unds Associated with Federal N/A ln)grarns .. ................. ---—----------------- SUBJEt',"I'TO S-EC"TION 2 7 FLORIDASTATUITS: t WWI "I[Mg, I "M INS% CSFA # CS FA Title .. ......... —],W(--'—Dei—cl—ic—lVessel Removal G t 1" ram ............. $48,475.00 ................ --................. .................................... Total State Awards 1 $48,475.00 ......................... Attachn,jent B rev.6.15.15 Page 5 of'6: FWC Agreenjent No. FWC-19176 ("'ONIPLIANCE IZEQOIREMENTS APPLICABLE' TO STATE IMSOURCES AWARDED PURSUANTTOTDIS ACRELM[f�'NTAREAS FOLLOWS: State P�Oj I V7lzilPizizz7 10,11/11, 7TOO", Musiadhere Io FWC Derelict Vessel Removal Grant Program Guidelines ................................... ................. ..........—............ NOTL: Scctioti 200.513, OMB Uni form G uidance(2 CFR 200),as revised,and Section 215.97(5),, florida stallays, require (hat the information about Federal Programs wid State Projects included in Exhibit I be provided to tile Grajuce� Attachment B revA 1 5.15 Page,6 ol'6 FWC Coim-act No. 19176) Attachment C PAYE .ENT IZEQUIRk"MENTS Pursuant it)the February„ 2011 leefi!s-ence(hiWe'liwSlate EYI)em-filures published by tile Department of Financial Services, invoices for cost reinibursentent contracts must be supported by all itemized listing of expenditures by category(salary, trowel,expenses,etc.). In addition,supporting docurnentation must be provided for each amount t'or which reinibursernetit is being claitned indicating that the item has been paid. Check numbers may be provided in lieu ofcopics ot'actual checks, 1"lach piece oftlocumentation should clearly reflect tile dates of service. Only, expenditures for categories in the approved contract budget should be reimbursed. Listed below are exaniples(:Alypes ot'supporting,documentation: 1) Salaries: A payroll, register or similar documentation should be submitted, The payroll register should show gross salary charges, fringe benefits, other deductions and net pay. 11an individual for whoin reirnburserrient is being claimed is paid by the flour, a document reflecting the hours worked times the rate of pay will be acceptable. (2) Fringe Henefils. fringe Benefits should be sUpIlOrted by invoices showing the arnount paid oil behalf of the employee (e,g., insurance premiums paid). If the contract specifically states that fringe benclits will be based oil a specified percentage rather than the actual cost of fringe benctits, then the calculation tbr the fringe benefits amount most be shown. Exception: Governmental entities are not required to provide check numbers or copies ofebeeks for fringe benefits. (3) '1 ravel: RCinlbUl-SCMent for travel most Ile in accordance with Section 112.061, Florida Statutes, which includes submission oftheclairn on the approved State travel voucher orelectronic nMins, (it) ((her dnect cosls: Reimbursement will be made based oil paid irivoices/reccipts, It'nonexpendable property is purchased using State funds,the contract should include a provision for the transfer of tile property to tile State wheal services are terminated. Documentation must be provided it) show compliance with Department of Management Services Rule 60A-1.017, Florida Administrative Code, regarding the requirements for contracts which include services and that provide for the contractor to purchase tangible personal property as defined in Section 273.02, Florida Statutes, lb,r Subsequent transfer to tile State. (5) In-house charges. ("Illarges which may be of' all internal nature (e.g., postage, copies, etc.) may be reimbursed oil as usage log which shows the units times the rate being charged, The rates inust Ile reasonable, (6) Indirect costs: ll'the contract specifies that indirect costs will be paid based oil a specified rate, then tile calculation should Ile shown. ("ontracts between state agencies may submit alternative documentation to substantiate the reimbursement re(JUCA thill nMy bC ill tile lorm cif FLAIR reports or other detailed reports.Additionally, the invoice or stibinitted doctimentadon must evidence (lie completion of all tasks required to be perforriled for the deliverable and Inust show(flat the provider inct the IrlilliIII1,1111 performance standards established in the agreement, %aAttachment D Contract 1�7f'-1-1911 76 Besd _ ._ .. :.. removal t Iadpl<tenaerrt Iran tees fctr m w Detelmcwt Vt' sssed Reinovaal Process Idc:;r'a;: dre.l v(",'Ss.ls afire. ("'Xist ing rrhhpacts to the envrronrr'rent as well as floating safety h aza:crctw , hrYrlacsrdrrnc,rrts to nravig atrcara, arid esthetic nuisances. Typically these vessels z11'e tcrrrrrcd T!rcrcrnr'dc:d r.arh the edges of active waterways where they may have physical irrrparc.as on be"Whrm, and Shoreline Cori)Ill urrities. Ido ever, the:, irrnpact of these vessels Is newt lirrh le d to their- drrrhh ediate location, If left unattended, the influences of grinds and fides c orrtinue to prushh the boats caaasing greater drnpaac't as they become more deeply rnn(,c d into the envirorrrrrc nt. E'arly extractdoir of these vessels will avoid and minimize the errvrronrrrental drrrpacts. In addition to these physical impacts resulting f oni the: rr)uvcsrrrc,hrt of these vessel through the environment; there is the fang term effect c.a usc,�cd by their continued degradation and decay in the marine environment. I hese vessels array be constructed of various materials, such as wood, steel, c lr.rrahrrrrarra, Or ss, each having varying degrees of resilience and can remain in the oo ar inc� c-rrrviro nrrrerrt for extended periods of tirtre. With the progression of time; the envirminhental rn7paaau s awfease with the sh'hacding,fror'n the, hull and displacement of live: haottorrr and enaergcrr"h't ve�gc,aaatrve: rescaltirag from the expansion of the dohrries frehcd as thel vessels disintegrates. the inipacts resultdngtrorrr the removal of these vessels durrhrt,awany stage, is less than the hrrrpac,ts caused by the long-terra prescAhr e of the:: vessel in the nhr.arine environment. Therefore the early detection and renhoval of Ihe"se', abandoned arid derelict vessels is the hest means of minimizing the individual or c:urrrcrliative rrnparacts to the environnhent, Derelict Vessel Removal (h'DEP) Permit Exerription Art TFxeinprd.non urrrdor t=dcar dcdaa , drrrinistraati've Code Chapter 62-3 3td- I(.S)( ) b 11oh icda Department dlrotectiorr, has been established for the r(.'lrovaaI chf derelict vcrssels, Based on the presumpxt.ion that the extraction of these vessc,l':i Ircrhrr the nraanne environnient will cause only rninirnal environmental impacts aancd ill turn cavold the long-te rrn irrhpaucts resulting from the degradation of the vessel at it cthr rent location, p fire emvirc. ninental it"npacts are ameliorated by the application of the best practices referenced below, Florida , rhninhst.rative, Code C:N.'ipter 62 3 0 051( )(g) (g) Idre removal r:`at derelict vessels, as detined in "section 8 .11(l), F. ., by federal,. state, and local agencies, piovideda I. The de're,dhct, vessel case, has beer) completed as specified irr Section 705.103, F.S., and has bee;rr entered into the Statewide Derelict "Wessel Database maintained by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation ornrnhssdon; 2. All wodi is done in a ruanner that, to the greatest practicable extent, avoids additional dredging or filling, grounding or dragging of vessels, and damage to Submerged resources such as seagrass beds, oyster beds, coral communities, inangroves, other wetlands, and live bottoni: and 3. An absorbent blanket or boom shall be Immediately deployed on the surface of the water around tire derelict vessel if fuel, oil, or other free-floating pollutants are observed during tire work. General Derelict Vessel Removal and Environmental Protection Best Management Practices [he following best management practices(BMF"s) will be employed by the marine contractor during the removal of derelict vessels,, These BMP's will be incorporated into tt"ie contact for each vessel removal project, The marine contractor selected for the project will be required to show proof'of their ability to meeting the BIVIP requiren-rents with their contingency of equipment, staff and expertise in the removal of derelict vessels. Corripliarice with these BMP's will be monitored by the County and by local Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission law enforcement officers. These BM:Ps of All Work Is Io, Mee( The Following Requirements: L Operations are to be limited to daylight hours. 2� Operations are to be staged fronr air upland area. 3� All work is to be performed in a manner that avoids and/or ir"Onirnizes Impacts to live bottorn and other resource areas(e.g., seagrass beds, oyster beds, wetlands, mangroves, and other sensitive habitats)while approaching, working in, and leaving the derelict vessel site. 4 All work shall avoid impacts to manatees, sea turtles, arid other species listed by the state and federal government as threatened or protected. 15. The Contractor will remove all contaminants and pollutants including fuels, batteries, paints, solvents, and engine from the derelict vessel prior to extraction. Any contaminant or pollutant found to be c.ontained within a derelict vessel shall be removed by the Contractor, placed in an approved container, and disposed of properly. fhe placement of an absorbent blanket on the surface of the water around the derelict vessel within the turbidity barrier is required where free floating product(gas/oil) is observed. 6, the Contractor is to provide appropriate best management practices (BMPs) approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection for erosion control and turbidity protection while, each derelict vessel is being removed. In areas of low to moderate currents, a Type 11 floating turbidity barrier will be installed within aten (10) foot radius of the vessel being removed prior to starting ariy rerrioval activities. The turbidity barrier shall be ,anchored to the bottom of the waterway. 'I, Fire Contractor is to provide appropriate BMPs for erosion control and turbidity prevention around the vessels/'barges being used to remove the derelict vessel and around the perimeter of any upland staging site (where necessary). 8. 1 fie Contractor is to monitor turbidity levels throughout removal work. 9 In an effort to reduce turbidity, a crane, winch and/or approved alternate rnethod is to be used to raise the derelict vessel from the water. 10. 1 tie Contractor will assess turbidity levels and allow them to return to an acceptable level similar to pre-project condition prior to r(�:rnoval of turbidity measures. I I he dragging of vessels is to be avoided both on and off-shore.All vessels/barges used in vessel rernoval shall continually monitor water depths to avoid running aground, 12. The Contractor will load derelict vessels onto a barge and/or flat bed truck (or similar) for proper,disposal. 13, fhe Contractor is to photo-document all removals as described in Item 6 below with pictures,taken before, during and after removal. Fhe Contractor will provide a daily written report of all removal activities, 1). I-or Derelict Vessels 'l41at Are Floating or Lightly Aground: I.- The vessel is to be pumped out as needed arid extracted (floated out) during high water. 2. Following extraction, the vessel is to be towed from the grounded to to a boat ramp or other removal point while avoiding arid/or nrinirriizing impacts to live bottom areas,. c,. For Derelict Vessels- That Are Hard Aground: 1, the:, vessel is to be approached using shallow draft vessels. 2. the vessel is to be extracted using a crane from a shallow draft deck barge, by hand using the best available tools, or similar approach to rnininrize impacts to the site and surrounding areas. d, I-or Derelict Vessels Sunken in Shallow Water: 1. lirstall and inflate flotation bags as needed. 2 Lift the vessel with barge mounted crane or similar equipment. /i l+,'fat` A reea ue'srrt Number: FW('' 1.9176 . N Attachment 1E li t".x Contract 19176 Monroe County Prom: Phil Horning, 1,ont,ract Manager tth',: Return on ltrvewstrracrrrt lleportirr g N�lc.uedafa:�� � u�sl'a mid M a. N,- a T , , s 4'� e a , w t • approved� y �` f , n� � g l lais-� arrarr�aarrclaarrr rs� ar alas urrrau;rat. tlac: llcwtarrrr caf'Ir~rve,�strrrasrrt reporting asasuasar s�i���a laarr raar o s rrr«:rtidnta.wal tr�a.l a r Trove d la 1 lc:rrrclaa s E'xecutave, Office ofthe Governor, t..Dff"icp of Policy and Baralgaa, , in to FWC' Contract 19116. HO Mwr I'd a:wwa3atw,;,t�t r^��rw�tsses asry� rawsrrewpap *aa:rw�ra ww�.wM�uwa lfw 'tcrr°rr a:�wl 1 rrvusLrr:rc.wrrt r'a:afaor"trine vlc 4„`hja t'sww.ws Key rw"'rc:.w§P Wwasa4iWtlwiivw 11u, arltrurraate crlafm,t ve is Wr the,, vessel(s) to be removed frorn the, water at a"gun ktr,r ui Mow, Gt,wty,s.estpw tho eaarmfrea,st possible tune to prevent a atlalrtrcrararl removal costs and potential Mumil p , x damage lra cart"a�sr•fi r~rrr wvrt:�l� navigation araw �tahac, a,rrvaraarrate,rr�t�. 1.�,rrrcavrr�r�l, My,raiw.Waw,% rwVtrs vesscds at We earliest, posmif'rle time N"a:'alrrCCS the aaa:rmt of reinovhig vessels at; En<woya r{wbcO ,a faar"asr r rurraa Mum On, Mcfrac ndy sink car Weak 9rLt9un Lhereby rrlcre amrr3g Via,a$4Pawl,P,adFia� � r"a'INMV;d cos is, BY ofrrarrrrartrrr �, thesehasazaard from na vi action, there is ar aw'9ubrwYO'w"wr .!adww8w:. redoc ed c°lrararce crl injury or rlaath iassw—,iaated with a collision beware' to lrarrailer• and ar ele$rc.. et: va,W thmvby reducing risk to the hoaat r, county and etic.Sutton SHIM Execw,rpw�;cr0rtjOW fac�'rararving' ar ro al'or- nuara"afrc.r• of a1er°esilt vessels reduces the: rrrrmbear4 of MUMS rr rMOR rwrw.rr Assn tdwwwr s.xectmvL-r3wwu.mhr a csravir°arrrrracsrrtarl rnc°rdentm of pollution eaau se d by sr:rrllawcl t'r.rcwlsr and oils and JenfWefFftrwawa' the la"artl"Irng of eaatistic cheinicals into the i.iters of the state. A reduction, (rwsp r 01 SWr1 g . . w grasses, , aand other bent icy arf�elr.r�aa rr,t bra ��e.l a xuu;raa e� t,a.r �u�aa c�arr:•trl� 11—AA ,,rw:b,,;,, rf'a-aa:raar"tesaalm) increases value w our stiaes natural u"E'sources and Ta'allrces r w,w or i w h, s t�s. Derelict, vessels can also, l " " blight r�cF�t:rrr�art�iaar costs. �ra, �a hrla lit on ^evrrrirr a7dWer rsms uwbma rtweww wrwaator fronts, ra"mwl and residential areas. 'Phis blight can negatively aalfbct, (elb D)486: Ey2h� I t,fr9'' r:a'arrrc;rrrtY art`t.lras.9ts areas including use, sales and te.u'u:risrrl.. ae W)4H a 4:i.r ha.3 1 AA Wnadnwry aty:;r,d"d Whh" ."Arrarlymisa art GO lrr"ar, 'r"a m's conclusion will At the r'ruauralrear" of dereliet vess l rn.wp.r�mwrrwr:w rw���, Uffa and/or ta'rtarf lrrraraar foot removed fair" freAh rrrchvidu l c;eru� tree raul 'th �"'U p,Q rpa t!a ad Ow r a air"art si"aa'vwr ide to(a l_" 11m, average cost ferr vessels removed and the avmmge cost: fra>r- lrrwarr° 1°crrrt: will aaW) be included. The report will measure they 620 W kh WiO gh f!ytrr ue r tw.wtpdw��,w..,aiwmda por°c:°asrrtaall! of derasilt vessels removed Farr° lrertlr c u des and the e nthe 323091600 state based on Lhe l:rr•e-pro r°aarrr Cotarlsa as listed in the, Statewide Derelict 'wyess'aatl I.Da;atwalraa se; rd i:.ut�o wa„d�,aaa�<"t Yr wtw rpar,3taz;am: (raaaar4,4Wn w At d B ql Y IW'WY ,7`a°w d"$d 10�V) myrFNa't:; ;a:ruYa INVOICE Attachment F Bilk-,"d 1c) invoice: No 19176 Hsl-a and Wildfife, ( ows(,-.jvatNon Cottvniss�on Inv6ce Date: FWIC, [Jerfd ct vessO Re'n"Ia:)Vat("'a"ant I Irogri"Irn FMContract#' FWC-19176 620 South Amount of Grant Award, $48,475,00 lallabassee, Hot9da ,32,300-1600 Bilhirig Period'/Dates of Service: payrnant to Frorn, (3rantee Munioe ("'ourAy HOC(",': (Date Contactor Began Work) 1`00#: 69-60001491 i0' Addrt.ss 2/98 Ovioseas i-ljfp,May, SrAh 20, Mauithon, F'forjda 33050 (Date Contractor Cum Meted Wbrk) PROJECTCOST S.- In-kind Services - Non cash expenses: Amount —--------- .......... ................ In kind service, AdnirN 9slrab(.,)n ..................... ...... In kind seivice: Pi'ojext Managernent $ $ ...................... 0efiverables/Services Provided (Scope of Work)-Cash expenditures: Amount Vessel 1 FVVSB190[r'F tit Z2,,`2 $ 18,000,00 Vessei 2 FWS11,19OFF00,16/4 $ 5,000.00 VessO 13 FWS[11001+010998 $ 3,1 25 00 i Vc,,-,sel 4 1 $ 3,450,010 Vessi-1 6 f-VVSH19(9I+(H20/1 $ 10,000,0f1 Vessel 6 f WSH1901,1'013992 $ 5,000,00, Vesse 7 F WS B 1 501-F 0122 t b $ 3,900-00 l"'otal Project Cost: $48,47500 Grantee Share(0%): $ NIA Amount for Reimbursement. $48,475,00 I ht reby certify that the above costs are true and valid costs incurred in accordance with the project Agreement, and that the rnatching, funds, in-knid or cash, were utilized toward the project rn this Agreement, SI( ned. Date: Pt'qect Manager Page 1 FWCContraet No. PVC19176 Attachment C2 FLO,It 11)A 1)E It F,1,1 CT VESS EA, 11 E M 0 VA L GMANI PROGRAM PROJECTPROGRESS REPORT Mail to VW Cat 620 Sowh Meridian Street,Tal lahassee, FL 32399-1600 or fax to(850)488-9284. 1«W(.1 Contract It- J 91716111-1 Reporting Period(Month/Year): (Due 15 days after the end of each month) Grantee: Motirm C ) qy_t��)CC L ANIr-i .....-1111-111.-- ................. ............ Project Tille: mompe ("mint Derelict Vessel Removal Pr�Agq__ -1 -...-..1.1 1(..minty—Y--.1-1-1...... 1. Describe progress cat,project,including percent completed for each task in the Scope of Work: 2. Is project currently on schedide for completion by Phase I due date? YES NO Anfivipated Phase I completion date: (It'project is not on schedule, please exphtin,any problems encountered and/or possible delays) 3. Reporting requirements: (Check all that have been submitted to date) E] Bid package Bid tabulation Progress photographs D Fina, photographs Draft acknowledgenient Project Niamiger Date Print Narne Phone Page I cat.I t WC, Contaaaat cry *lpNYI Jm kj2.(� All a+rtanient 1t 111.0RID/A FISH AND W'ILDLI�FE C"ONSE,RVATION COMMISSION FWC t. erAatwl 'Vessel Removal Grant Pro r n TRI'll FICATION OF CA: PI.,E° "IO "fit"ATER N +NT 1, ("clot lot 1 l&tw::l'aiaa's,, Relmesenting the Nictrnoc° (`ouraty 13Ot_C, do hereby certify that the FWC Derelict Vessel Rw°.rrrovaal t lraatt PtcWaactra dtOY.1 1"t.attedell by FVV " t"carttatac:t No.lwll"C6, has been cw.a�aru leted in ccrcnlalcaaaac•e, awdh all to mrtss arael colxhQms of said ,greeturettt; that all <araacauaats payable lbr at atc iaals, l<.claor aaatcd crthe.r c.:hatpc,M,a agaainm am puyect have been paid; and thm aaca liens have been anuc.lull ag araat t tlra; darcalw c t. (� alta"ataca"N::y ll'.3.ale WAltNIN i "`Whaw v r l;.car.bww°h%ty nwhs u Use aka ernent in %wiling wYUh the Ircta;cct in rrwisle:aae:l as Iaca Aie semartt Ita thac Irer`t'�a�°ra'edcuce:�i��apt twk ewr twr Official(July SIcaall he gu&Ly cat a"dWeammum of the second degree,hacanishabie as prt vtdecl in s T/S,082 cm s TM.08 1" § 8 4 7.06, Florrrlaa Sl attat(�s. Clods 1 Ilr'ItMIS 11Y COMMISSION I c wd thy: Than to Ow lacsg aal'inn knowledge and belief, tlae work on the above-tra rare laterQ has been satislactcaril tinder tltc: tertaas art`t.he Agreenlent, l)ivi�,,kart: lly ......... ........_....._ Data l'I aata a+c+: