Resolution 050-2020 OMB Schedule Item Number 18 Resolution No. 050 -2020 A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NUMBER 363-2019 WHEREAS, Resolution Number 363-2019, heretofore enacted for the purpose of the rollover of unanticipated funds,contains erroneous information,and WHEREAS,it is the desire of the Commission to rectify by amendment such errors,now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA,that Resolution No. 363-2019 previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the purpose of the rollover of unanticipated funds in Fiscal Year 2020 contained certain erroneous information and said resolution, passed and adopted on October 16th,2019 is hereby amended: Fund: #125-Governmental Fund Type Grants Contract: #US AA-1929 Cost Center: #6153319-Nutrition Svcs Inc Prog NSIP Amendment: #003 Function: #5600 Contract Period: 1/1/19-12/31/19 Activity: #5640 Offcl/Division: #1016 Revenue: 125 - 6153319 - 3346900H State Grants-Human Svcs $34,858.56 125 - 6153319 - 381001GT Transfer from 001 General Fund $1,097.65 Total Revenue: $35,956.21 Appropriations: 125 - 6153319 - 530491 Food&Dietary $35,956.21 Total Appropriations: $35,956.21 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items,as set forth above. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida; at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 19th day of February,AD 2020. o Mayor Carruthers Yes o r ` ° Mayor Pro Tem Coldiron Yes -_,'� Commissioner Cates Yes `' N T' Cornmissioner Rice Yes :_:77- • Commissioner Murphy Yes <== 4.,1 3 BOARD OF CO Y vIMISSIONERS :r (73 OF MONK A c, By: 4 "F ayo airman . jk:W ° MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY :Attest KE �l MADOK,Clerk 4PPR V�DASTO o Lrierih CHRISTINE LIMBERT•BARROWS ASSISTANTCQ INV.igTORNEY DATE: L��LL LLUU Deputy Clerk Item#18 Amend Reso 363-2019 Rlvr Reso Fund 125 6153319 Nutrition Svs Inc Prog NSIP