03/04/2020 Audit pcouRra}t, °. Kevin Madoilk, CPA .... Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller—Monroe County, Florida March 4, 2020 The Honorable Kevin Madok Clerk of the Court and Comptroller Re: Audit Report of the Key West International Airport Lease and Concession Agreement—Last Chance Gifts, LLC. Dear Mr. Madok: The Monroe County Clerk of the Court and Comptroller requested an audit of Key West International Airport (KWIA) Lease and Concession Agreement— Last Chance Gifts, LLC. The Clerk's Internal Audit Department has completed the audit. The objectives of the audit were to determine whether KWIA Management and the contractor are following the terms and conditions of the lease/concession agreement between Last Chance. LLC and the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, and with the County's written policies and procedures. Also, to determine the accuracy of rental and revenue receipt activities. This Key West International Airport Lease and Concession Agreement — Last Chance Gifts, LLC. Audit was conducted with the assistance of Wesley George, Senior Internal Auditor. We would like to thank the employees of the Airport Finance and Administration Department for their cooperation and assistance during the audit. The accompanying audit report is provided for your information. Additional copies of the report will be provided upon your request. Sincerely, Sandra L. Mathena, CPA, CFE, CIA Director of Internal Audit cc: Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (5) Roman Gastesi, County Administrator Richard Strickland, Director of Airports Beth Leto, Deputy Director, Airport Finance and Administration Pedro Mercado, Assistant County Attorney Pam Radloff, Clerk's Finance Director KEY WEST MARATHON PLANTATION KEY PK/ROTH BUILDING 500 Whitehead Street 3117 Overseas Highway 88820 Overseas Highway 50 High Point Road Key West,Florida 33040 Marathon,Florida 33050 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 Plantation Key,Florida 33070 305-294-4641 305-289-6027 305-852-7145 305-852-7145 KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LEASE AND CONCESSION AGREEMENT AUDIT: LAST CHANCE GIFTS, LLC MARCH 4, 2020 .1 COURT, G��•.JUM CUfpV•••�.f� O • V • • • o4'Ro•...••' �v couN Prepared by: Internal Audit Department, Clerk of the Circuit Court Kevin Madok, Clerk of the Court and Comptroller Monroe County, Florida Key West International Airport Lease and Concession Agreement Audit: Last Chance Gifts, LLC Table of Contents Summary 2 Background 2 Objectives 4 Scope 4 Methodology 5 Audit Conclusions 6 Audit Observations and Recommendations A. Last Chance Gift Shop's payment did not include 10%fee on shipping of customer purchased items. 6 Exhibits Auditee Responses Sandra Mathena, CPA, CFE, CIA Wesley George Director of Internal Audit Senior Internal Auditor 1 I KWIA Revenue: Last Chance Gift Shop March 2020 Summaty Management controls y r the Last ChanceGifts, LLC. Airportt lease/concessionr effective r compliance wi the significant termslease r t. Airport Management and Last Chance Gifts, LLC complied with the significant terms t. ChanceLast Gifts, L i required % fee on gross income generated from shippingcustomer c items. MonroeBackground The unty Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) and Last ChanceGifts, LLC entered into a lease Agreementr two gifts c i t the Key West International Airport I ). The two gift shops arec i s, located t is in the ticketing r airport; and the second , Very Last ChanceGifts, is located downstairs in r departure gate area of the airport. The Airport r provides in ! facilities r both commercial general vi tion activities at the Key West International Airport. The Businessis the airport has the primaryresponsibility for administeringmonitoring the lease/concession agreemenis to ensurecompliance with agreed-upon terms. Business is inist billing, collection, and accounti revenue r from these agreements. originalThe s dated November 10, 1993. On April 19, 2000 the lease extended . Currently, the lease -year lease. The combined monthly payment of the two shops totals , . . The agreement shows an annual guaranteed minimumt ,000 (guaranteed minimum payments), whicheveris greater for Lessee's i r i . Rentalr subject to revision c in accordanceit it rt standard rates charges. 21 KWIA Revenue: Last Chang Gift Shop March 2020 Airport management calculates the rates by using County CPI information supplied by the Monroe County budgeting office. Rent is to be paid within the first 5 days of the month. Rent rates are evaluated and, if deemed necessary, increased annually. Annual gross revenues are determined on a calendar year basis. Last Chance Gifts files a single tax form for both gift shop locations. The Last Chance Gifts (upstairs) receives gift items (inventory), and as needed, ,sends items to the downstairs gift shop. The Very Last Chance Gifts (downstairs) has double the sales of the upstairs location. The two gift shops provide a wide range of goods (gift items) to airport customers. Business hours/shifts for both shops are as follows: Upstairs shop: 09:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. One or two shifts a day, depends upon day/employee. Downstairs shop: 05:30 a.m. —7:00 p.m. Two or three shifts a day, at manager's discretion. Both shops are open 7 days a week throughout the year except for Christmas day, when only one shop opens. Each shop uses one register and records sales separately. Daily at close of business each shop runs a "Z" report to balance sales activities. The Z report shows the sales break down of cash, credit cards, etc. A Point of Sale System (POS) is used to track inventory so management knows what and when to order items for the shops. Merchandise is delivered to and stored in the upstairs gift shop, where it is recorded as inventory. As merchandise is moved to stock the downstairs shop, inventory is adjusted to reflect such activities. Last Chance Gifts, LLC. pays 10% of its gross revenue to Monroe County. The shops also provide courtesy USPS Flat Rate shipping for customers whose purchased items are not allowed through security. Shop management states that they do not mark up the postage fee. Therefore, those sales are not included as part of the gross revenue. 3 1 KWIA Revenue: Last Chance Gift Shop March 2020 Financial Highlights October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017 $104,935.04 398,592 October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018 $114,882.62 416,234 October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019 $149,741.64 475,034 TOTAL $369,559.30 1,289,860 Objectives The objectives of the audit were: • To determine the accuracy of rental and revenue receipt activities in accordance with established terms of the leas%oncession agreement and County policies and procedures requirements; and • To determine whether KWlA Management and the contractor are following the terms and conditions of the leas%oncession agreement between Last Chance Gifts, LLC. and the Monroe County BOCC, and with the County's written policies and procedures. Scope The scope of this audit is for activities from October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2019. 41 KWIA Revenue: Last Chance Gift Shop March 2020 Methodology To accomplish the objectives of the audit, the procedures performed included, but were not limited to the following: • Reviewed leas%oncession agreement documents and amendments; Researched industry material on various function under review; Reviewed audit reports and documentation from other municipalities/counties and noted significant issues to consider in audit scope, objectives, and procedures; Interviewed Last Chance Gifts'Sales Manager; Obtained and reviewed Monthly Reports (Revenue Sheet)from KWIA Manager; Obtained and reviewed a 'Z'report, a daily receipt report generated for sales for the Upstairs and Downstairs gift shops. This report shows daily sales activities (e.g. cash and credit card transactions recorded) used to keep track of and balance sales transaction activities at the end of the day; Obtained and reviewed IRS documents showing income tax return for 2017 and 2018, Obtained and reviewed Florida State Department of Revenue sales tax documents for 2017 and 2018. Obtained and reviewed information showing gross revenue for calendar year 2017 and 2018 for each shop, including monthly report totals on record for each gift shop. • Obtained and reviewed document showing 10 percent of the annual gross income for shop in Room 220 (check-in/ticketing area). Obtained and reviewed document showing 10 percent of the annual gross income for shop in Room 123 (passenger departure gate area). 51 KWIA Revenue: Last Chance Gift Shop March 2020 Audit Conclusions A. Last Chance Gift Shop's payment did not include 10%fee on shipping of customer purchased items. Observations and Recommendations A. Last Chance Gift Shop's payment did not include 10%fee on shipping of customer purchased items. The Last Chance Gift, LLC pays 10% of gross revenues generated by the downstairs and upstairs shop operations monthly. However, we found from our discussion that Last Chance Gifts did not pay required 10% fees of gross revenue generated from shipping and mailing of customer purchased items. According to Last Chance Gifts Management, the upstairs shop provides curtesy shipping/mailing services to customers for postage fee without profit from such services. Last Chance Gifts Management stated Peter Horton, the previous Airport Director requested that the shop provide this service for the airport and they did not have to pay the 10% concession fee. The customers only paid for postage and there is no document in place to show how they arrive at cost of postage services to customers. We reviewed Last Chance Gift Shops' sales documents for a period January 2017 through June 2019. We determined both shops provide shipping and mailing services to customers and generate revenues from both shops. Fee payment should include 10% percent of revenue generated from postage and shipping. Deducting shipping and postage from gross revenue generated does not represent correct gross revenues from shops and should be included when determining monthly amount for payment to the KWIA. 61 KWIA Revenue: Last Chance Gift Shop March 2020 Recommendation: • We recommend that Airport Management discuss with Last Chance Gifts, LLC. to determine if this is a service that they would like them to continue. • We recommend Airport management require Last Chance Gifts Management to include revenue generated from shipping and mailing when calculating monthly fee payment in the future if the service is continued. KWIA Management Response: • Airport Management agrees with the recommendation and plans to meet with the management of Last Chance Gifts to determine a way to continue the important customer service shipping services. • Airport Management will work with the Last Chance Gift's management and the County Attorney's Office to amend the lease agreement to exempt pass through shipping costs from gross revenue by having the tenant set postage cost of envelopes or boxes without any markup or revenue generated therefrom in order to continue this important customer service. 71 KWIA Revenue: Last Chance Gift Shop March 2020 EXHIBITS Auditee Responses " Key AVc 42, 3491 South Roosevelt Blvd.,, Key West, FL 33040 305-809-5200 Sandra L. Mathena, CPA,CFE, CIA Director of Internal Audit Clerk of the Circuit Court&Comptroller 500 Whitehead Street Key West, FL 33040 Dear Ms. Mathena: Please accept the following as the Key West International Airport's response to the Draft Audit of the Lease and Concession Agreement with Last Chance Gifts, LLC. dated January 31, 2020: Recommendation#1: Airport Management agrees with the recommendation and plans to meet with the management of Last Chance Gifts to determine a way to continue the important customer service shipping services. Recommendation #2: Airport Management will work with the Last Chance Gift's management and the County Attorney's office to amend the lease agreement to exempt pass through shipping costs from gross revenue by having the tenant charge set postage cost of envelopes or boxes without any markup or revenue generated therefrom in order to continue this important customer service. Sincerely, Richard Strickland,CM Director of Airports cc: Roman Gastesi Kevin Madok Pedro Mercado Beth Leto