Resolution 298-1968
RUOLVTI05 110" ,;( f s/
A ~1" AV'IIIOItJZIH .. DEft!oa Off All ~-
..,. M1.P.. ...1-.. t.'JIB BOA.8n or IUaLIC Dl61'il11C11011
0-" ...0& ~~... I'LOalDA. ... MOlIRN ~# n..GalnA.
5E 1-' USOItWO by the; Bo~t"d of bblic Ia3t.mctionof
*."00 Coeaty" I'tc,-!,;1.! ;l~ follow.-,
1'hat tM iIlt'tacbed __~nt t:o LeaH ~we.:a '1'be 1lO&r:d of
Public Illt~truet.iOD of Moat-oe CooAty I l'" lorid4, aDd. JliDAcoeCCNIIlt.y,
Florld~. copy of Whieh i~ a:tt~CAed he.tet.o ud Dad. it part of
thi~ aG$Olut10& aad .anea lbihibJ.t. -At; be, ud the *__ i. h1P-reby
ilwcoved, ~ndGlym'1 it. Archez' ali' Cuiaaaa of G>iid 2OtH:d..aAd
1."hoIIa~e S. Abl::.ot:t ilt9 bee\ltive seeceta.ty .lluJ4 a,..rillteAdeAt., .l\l!re
hereby alttbo.r!zed: empowered d#.1 dir:ect.H 'to eJUM::\lt.. ~ud.<l ~DdaeAt
to. LeA.. in behalt of "~aid Board of Public Ia$tnu:'~loa or Hoaroe
COltftty. 'i lori4i!l;. ft~ execut.ion of! AmoadMnt to Lea.. i~
hereby'lori~ed to be ~e ia ~. lIIuu,y e<NDterpaxts iU~ II4lY be
d...h:N 0"" t'~i ited.
Patu\ed -&lAd adopted, by tM noard .of hbl~c lutl"UCtion of
Monxoe Couat.y, Plerida,. t'h1r; Ii ~ dlllY ot ~ f A.. o. 1968.
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