3rd Change Order 04/24/2020 s BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS k1ounty of Monroe11�' 1 ��i�ltz "y Mayor Heather Carruthers,District 3 The Florida Keys Mayor Pro Tern Michelle Coldiron,District 2 Craig Cates,District 1 J David Rice,District 4 Sylvia J.Murphy,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 04/23/2020 TO: BOCC Dig ita l ly signed by Kevin G.Wilson,P.E. p �,✓ �° DN:cn=Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o Monroe County, FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. { `$ _ FL(the Florida Keys,ou,email wilson- kevin@monroecounty-fl.gov,c US Date:2020.04.2313:20:14 0400 SUBJECT: Proposed Change Order to be Approved Attached is proposed Change order 43 for the Stock Island II Roadway and Drainage Improvements project. This change order increases the final contract sum by $167,382.50. The substantial completion date is increased by 18 days. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change order under that authority. MONROE CouNTYI ENGINEERING/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE, Stock Island 11 Roadway Improvements Project CHANGE ORDER NO. CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE (as of this change order): 03104120 FIRST CONTRACT DAY: 04/2 119 CONTRACT DATE: 03121119 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Toppino and Sons, Inc. The Contract is changed as follows: The original,Contract Sum _... 42 ,967.26 Net change by previously authorized Change Order ..... .. $219,061,69 The Contract Sum prior to this Change order was... $3,641028,95 The Contract Sum is ,increased) by this Change Order ...... . . $167 382 50 The Revised Contract Surn including this Change Order ... ...... $ ,816 411.45 Pursuant to contract article 7 2.2, the cost or credit to the owner resulting from a change in the Work shall be determined in one or more of the following 7 2 2 1 mutual acceptance of lump sung properly itemized and supported by sufficient substantiating data to permit. evaluation 7 1 2 2 unit prices stated in the Contract Documents or subsequently agreed upon 7 2 2 3 cost to be determined in a manner agreed capon by the parties and a Mutually acceptable fixed or percentage fee The corrtraacl lirrae was increased ; (.1m s clue to weatlher, 14 days for chaansge carder I and 18 days for chaany._�c order 3. The suraanaaary ofccantraact tinge changes is shown belox : Original Contract ......... ..... ..... . .............. .. .........,... ... ............__28 t days Contract tinge extension front chmitte order 1 ......... . . ............... ... ......... 14 days %'Veatthcr... ............. . ........... ... ........... .. ..... ......... ......... .............. ....5 days C°t:mraac°t l nle emc.rasion fr-calm ch aris,e order 3 ...................................18 days ot,al Contract darns.......... ................ ....., ...,..... ....,......... .31 7 clays A tanarl of 18 loans is added to the ccantraact time to perform additional work including roaadnn ay striping, curb painting and liledian nlodi1icaations not included in the car°i-inaal hid. 1 lac )mail reccataciliation cal aactutal cltraarltitiCS installed resulted in the 1ca1lcnnnia1g, ctVCHIrns aattd undcrrunS far this contract, _. .. _ Overruns and l rrtlerruras Ilei aa� lcri Description ion 1Aart i Quantity � t�ntt Price 13rd Item Total_ Itt4 IUa.x Sf=,llln'11: 1 4'x. 1LRI1:R 1,1 127600 7 (2,233.00) I Call_4 'I``r'131 13 S 1.11 i11,1;P ! I ION S'a 324.00 S 6,00 S 1,944,00 r 28�m 06 C11 '1 1C \ I 11,kS1.. 13,1S11 (rl�(3t,rl'ftfa 1' 473 ?7 8[I t 12,77 1.00) 'w^ Itp€• S (it ]10\-Sl. ItAsl . W\st-: (xR0 1)06 S 1 Fa - 9 04 15,528.24 -18 706-l3 a}Ir 1'1(.)` 1.1 B.,\S1 BASF,(PIM( 1)06 Spa 797 S fact *t1 S 55 23110 12 _7ll 1 111 l,IN s{� s � ti 1 Is 1 INo �61111 \LT 1�,4��1�'�11;"5 t I " „`N 1 324 dC3 S t1 t,i79 �t41 St l!'I Ii1',h I. ,�S1111A1,1'C ONC`1 FTE,"I�RA1 1`1C 13 N 437.19 S 216,00 94,413.04 113700,00) ? l I\I I.1S NDA S1 �...a _ _ (W I l( NAL \MA1 11,1 AI 15' L,1 7fa.t18 2•t{t t10 S 18 `'10.00 ..........,. .. .......... -_.,....�.,,.a ,..:,,..r...... m..._ ......._. _._��....,..._.,.._.e........ C lu del 1 a,p}ino,and Sons, Inc,(.0.wt 430-175-118 PIPE CULVERT,OPTIONAL MATERIAL, 18" L 100.00 $ 225 00 $(22,500.00).........____. ....... ................... .......................................................................................... 430-175-130 1'11'E('[J[,VER'I',01"I'IONALMA'I-ERIAL,30" LF 24.00 $ 215�00 $ 5,1 60.00 -—--------­­­ ­­­4............................................................................................................................................._­­­­.............. 522=1 CONCRETE SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAYS, 4"THICK SY 202.00 $ 92.50 $ 18,685.00 522-2) C'O\C'RE'I'E SIDEWALK AND DRIVEWAYS,6"THICK SY 90.00 $ 98.00 $ 8,820.00 .......................... 520-1-10 ('O\,C'RE'I'E CURB "TYPE F LF -501.00 $ 42.00 $(21,042.00) ........... --57-0---1--2--------- -P-E-R-F-ORMAN-C-E--T-U-R-F,-S OD----------------------------------------------------- ...SY.- --1--2--8--2-00 $-----------6-00--- $---------7---,-6--9--1----0--0------ 706-3 REFRO-REFLECTIVE PAVEMENT`MARKERS EA -452.00 $ 4,00 mmm$ (1,808.00) 711-11-170 THERMO, STD, WHITE, ARROW EA 1 6.00 $ 98,00 $ 588.00 PAINTED IAVI:MI-N'I' MARKINGS, STD, WHITE, 710=1 1=123 SOLID 12" LF -300.00 $ 0.90 s $ (270.00) .............. PAVI'MI'VI MARKINGS, STD, WHITE, 71 0=I I=124 SOLID 18" LF -1325.00 $ 1.20 $(1,590,00) ................................................................................................................................. PAIN'F ID PA V IA 11""N FM. A R K I\G S, STD, WHITE. 1 710 I I=125 SOLID 24" LF -1062.00 5 $ 1 $(1,593.00) ------ ----------------------------------------------------- r---------------------- PAIVIT"D PAVEMENT MARKINGS, STD, WHITE, 710 GM 0.04 $ 900.00 $-11-141 SOLID 2-4 DOTTED GUIDELINE 6" 36,00 711-11-102 THERMO, STANDARD, WHITE,SOLID, 8" GM -0.07 $6,000.00 $(420.00) 711-11-123 THERMO, STD, WHI_11-_�, SOLID 12" LF -8.00 $ 225 $ (18.00) __.................. 711-11-124 tTHERMO, STANDARD, WHITE, SOLID, 18- LF -489.00 $ 3.50 $(1,711.50) 4�00 $(384�00)711-11-125 'I'l 1ERM0, S'I'D, "'I IITE, SOLID 24" LF -96.00 $ -.-.-�-.THERMO,-.S'-I'-A..N.I)A.R-I.).,-.WH.I--.I-.E-,.-MESSAGE.-OR.................... 711-11-160 j SYMBOL EA -3.00 $ 160.00 $(480.00) 425-12-2 RI'FRACTABLI: CURB INLET`SCREEN EA 39.00 $ 1,190.74 $ 46,438.86 r —————---------------------------------------------------------------- T PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKING, STD,YELLOW, I ISLAND NOSF LF 3638.00 $ 1.92 $ 6,984.96 TOTAL $ 167,38150 This Changle Order isX"' 911'/C' th nal c 'itract price, CONTRACTOR— 12" 15"! Z.P, I [Yate rc I a rke-j ud it h@mon roecou nty- ENGINEERING SERVICES DIRECTOR flg- Digitally signed by Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.Date ASSISTANT COUNTY A INISTATOR® DN:m—Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o—Monroe ,County.FL(the Florida Kevs.on. DM /g/ email—wilson-kevin@monroecounty- Date fl.gov,C=US Date:2020.04.24 13:49:55-04'00' Charley I'opphio and Sons, hic. C.0, 3