Resolution 106-2020 OMB Schedule Item Number 1
Resolution No. 106 -2020
WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, to make
budgeted transfers in the Monroe County Budget for the Fiscal Year 2020,now therefore,
FLORIDA, that there shall be transfers of amounts previously set up in the Monroe County Budget for the
Fiscal Year 2020 as,hereinafter set forth to and from the following accounts:
Fund: #001-General Fund
From: 001-5110-00101-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #00101-BOCC Administrative
Amount: $24,251.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6850-04100-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #04100-Guardian Ad'item
Amount: $4,409.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-04318-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #04318-Supervisor of Elections
Amount: $26,456.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5120-05000-510230 Ufe and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 405000-County Administrator
Amount: $8,818.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-05002-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #05002-Technical Services
Amount: $35,384.83
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
fostCenter: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5370-05008-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #05008-Sustainability
Amount: $4,409.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
Item 1 Trnsf Resol Fund 001 Various 510230 to 86500 590125
From: 001-5110-05010-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #05010-Office of Legislative Affairs
Amount $2,204.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-05011-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #05011-Office of Strategic Planning
Amount: $2,204.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-06000-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #06000-Grants Administration
Amount: $4,409.33
To: 001-5810.86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 1186500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-06001-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #06001-Office of Management&Budget
Amount: $13,228.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-06030-510230 life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #06030-Purchasing
Amount: $2,204.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-06500-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #06500-Personnel
Amount: $11,532.67
To: 001-5810.86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5220-12001-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #12001-Fire Academy
Amount:- $6,614.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5250-13500-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #13500-Emergency Management
Amount: $8,818.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
Item 1 Tmsf Resol Fund 001 Various 510230 to 86500 590125
From: 001-5190-20000-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 820000-Public Works Management
Amount: $110.17
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 7186500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 0 01-519 0-205 01-5102 30 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 820501-Facilities Maintenance
Amount: $87,415.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center. 886500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 0 01-5 37 0-610 0 0-5102 30 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 861000-Extension Services
Amount: $2,204.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 4186500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5640-61501-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 861501-Welfare Administration
Amount: $22,597.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: M86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 0 01-5 6 20-615 0 4-5102 30 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 861504-Bayshore County Home
Amount: $24,912.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 886500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5690-61525-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 1761525-Social Service Transport
Amount: $22,267.17
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 886500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5710-670f3-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 862023-Libraries Admin support
Amount: $19,842.00
001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 886500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5710-62024-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: 862024-Libraries Key West
Amount: $24,251.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 7186500-Budgeted Transfers 001
Item 1 Trnsf Resol Fund 001 Various 510230 to 86500 590125
From: 001-5710-62026-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #62026-Libraries Marathon
Amount: $13,228.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5710-62028-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #62028-Libraries Islamorada
Amount: $11,023.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant fund 125
Cost Center: tt86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5710-62030-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #62030-Libraries Key Largo
Amount: $13,159.67
To: 001-5810-865W-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5710-62032-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #62032-Libraries Big Pine
Amount: $11,023.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Tnf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-7140-62035-510230 We and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #62035-Law Library General Fund
Amount: $2,204.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5530-67001-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #67001-Veteran Affairs General
Amount: $15,432.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5530-67003-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #67003-Veteran Affairs Transport
Amount: $2,204.67
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
—Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5140-67501-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #67501-County Attorney General
Amount: $17,019.83
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
Item I TmsfResol Fund 001 Various 510230 to 86500 590125
From: 001-5860-69000-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #69000-Tax Collector-001
Amount: $125,666.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-5130-69200-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #69200-Property Appraiser-001
Amount: $103,619.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6020-69600-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #69600-State Attorney
Amount: $13,228.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6030-69800-510230 life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #69800-Public Defender
Amount: $4,409.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6050-80002-510230 life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: N80002-Judicial Support
Amount: $4,409.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6510-82011-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #82011-Case Management
Amount: $6,614.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6220-83001-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #83001-Circuit Drug Court
Amount: $11,023.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 1186500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-6230-83500-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: #83500-Pretrial Release
Amount: $14,881.50
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: #86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
Item 1 Tmsf Resol Fund 001 Various 510230 to 86500 590125
From: 001-6230-83501-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center 483501-Screening Lab
Amount: $4,409.33
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: p86500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-7330-83502-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: P83502-Probation Services
Amount: $13,779.17
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 1086500-Budgeted Transfers 001
From: 001-7130-84500-510230 Life and Health Insurance
Cost Center: P84500-Information Systems
Amount: $6,614.00
To: 001-5810-86500-590125 Trsf to Grant Fund 125
Cost Center: 886500-Budgeted Transfers 001
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY SAID BOARD,that the Clerk of said Board,upon receipt of the above,is
hereby authorized and directed to make the necessary changes of said items,as set forth above.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a special
meeting of said Board held on the 8t day of May,AD 2020.
Mayor Carruthers Yes
Mayor Pro Tem Coldiron Yes
Commissioner Cates Yes
Commissioner Rice Yes
Commissioner Murphy Absent
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• Attest: KEVIN M DOK,Clerk
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Item 1 TmsfResol Fund 001 Various 510230 to 86500 590125