Emergency Directive 20-09 County of Monroe �' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS The Florida Keys / "s. Mayor H ather Carruthers,District 3 Mayor Pre I em Michelle C ld ron,District 2 Craig Cates.District I _ - David Rice,District 4 Sylvia J. Murphy,District 5 MONROE COUNTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY DIRECTIVE 20-09 REOPENING KEYS TO TOURISM AS OF 6/1/2020 BY RESCINDING EMERGENCY DIRECTIVES 20-02,20-03,20-04,AND 20-07 May 26,2020 WHEREAS, Section 252.38(3)(a), Florida Statutes, gives political subdivisions the authority to declare and enact a State of Local Emergency for a period of up to seven days, thereby waiving the procedures and formalities otherwise required of the political subdivision by law; and WHEREAS, on March I,2020,the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20-51, directing the State Health Officer and Surgeon General to declare aPublic Health Emergency due to the discovery of CO V ID-l9'novel Coronavirus in Florida; and WHEREAS, on March 9,2020, the Governor of Florida issued Executive Order Number 20-52, declaring a State of Emergency for the state of Florida related to COVID-I91novel Coronavirus; and WHEREAS, on March 15, 2020, the County Mayor declared a State of Emergency for all of Monroe County in order for the County to take actions to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the community due to the novel coronavirus, COVID-19 pandemic; and WHEREAS, COV1D-19novel Coronavirus poses a health risk to Monroe County residents and visitors, particularly the elderly and those who are immunosuppressed or otherwise have high- risk medical conditions; and WHEREAS, the County Mayors declaration of local emergency and Section 11-3 of the Monroe County Code vest the Emergency Management Director with the authority to issue emergency directives: and WHEREAS, due the threat of COVID-19 to Monroe County, the Emergency Management Director issued the following emergency directives to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of Monroe County: I) Emergency Directive 20-02, which enacted a ban on tourism and leisure travel in Monroe County and which was amended twice; Doc#2267110 Bldt 3023 Pe 2307 Recorded 526;2020325 PM Page I of6 Filed and Recorded in Official Records of MONROE COUNTY KEVIN MADOK,CPA 2) Emergency Directive 20-03, which directed the Sheriff to erect a checkpoint at the County line to turn way non-residents who did not have legitimate business in the County, which was amended 7 times via an amended Exhibit A to that directive; 3) Emergency Directive 20-04, which expanded the screening of air passengers and crew arriving at Key West International Airport and Florida Keys Marathon International Airport and directed isolation for 14-days after arrival; and 4) Emergency Directive 20-07, which established restrictions limiting inbound passengers on Greyhound busses to County residents with physical addresses and directed health screenings and directed isolation for 14-days after arrival; and WHEREAS, on March 27, 2020, the Governor banned vacation rentals throughout the State of Florida for a period of 14 days in Executive Order 20-87; that ban was extended to April 30, 2020, in Executive Order 20-103, and further extended to May 4, 2020 in Executive Order 20-111; and further extended indefinitely in Executive Order 20-112; and WHEREAS, on May 18, 2020,the Governor modified the statewide vacation rental ban by imposing a requirement that such rentals could only re-open in a county upon a written request from that County's Administrator to the Department of Business and Professional Regulations(DBPR) Secretary, which contained a safety plan for vacation rental operations in Executive Order 20-123; and WHEREAS,on May 23,2020, DBPR Secretary Halsey Beshears approved Monroe County's vacation rental plan; WHEREAS, according to the Monroe County Health Department Administrator, conditions have improved in Monroe County to the extent to which some restrictions can be lifted effective June 1, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. THERFORE, it is hereby: ORDERED that I. Emergency Directive 20-02, as amended (tourism ban), Emergency Directive 20- 03, as amended (checkpoint), Emergency Directive 20-04 (airport screening local additional requirements), Emergency Directive 20-07 (greyhound bus passenger limits and screening requirements), are hereby rescinded effective June 1, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. 2. The Florida Keys are reopened to all tourists and leisure visitors under the conditions set forth in the Executive Orders issues by the Governor and several executive branch departments, as well as local Emergency Directive 20-08, as amended, until the current state of local emergency is lifted or this directive is rescinded or modified by subsequent order. Lodging establishments are encouraged to limit occupancy to 50 percent capacity through June 15. 2020. 3. Additional state imposed safely requirements with respect to vacation rentals. The safety requirements imposed by Governor DeSantis in Executive Order 20-123 for lifting the statewide ban on vacation rentals, which are attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, will sunset when the State imposed conditions of reopening sunset. Nothing herein shall relieve a vacation rental owner or agent from also complying with the relevant County or municipal comprehensive plan, land development regulations, or ordinances including but not limited to vacation rental ordinances. 4. Each municipality is authorized to enact its own emergency directive that is more restrictive than this directive and/or maintain any previously enacted directive that is more restrictive than this directive. 5. Severability. If any provision herein, or any portion thereof, is held to be invalid or unenforceable by any administrative hearing officer or court of competent jurisdiction, the invalidity or unenforceability of such provision, or any portion thereof, shall neither limit nor impair the operation, enforceability, or validity of any remaining portion(s) thereof, or of any other provision herein. 6. Construction. This Emergency Directive, being necessary for the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the county, shall be liberally construed to effect the public purpose(s) hereof, and interpretation of this Article shall be deferred in favor of Monroe County. the Monroe County Sheriff's Office, and the relevant incorporated municipality within the county, and such construction and interpretation shall be entitled to great weight in adversarial administrative proceedings, on trial, and on appeal. 7. Per F.S. 252.46(2), this order shall take effect immediately upon being filed with the Monroe County Clerk. Signed: Date: May 26,2020 Time: 3:00 pm Shannon Weiner,Emergency Management Director Approved for legal sufficiency by: Robert 13. Sk-i/A.i,i..ger. May 26 2020 Monroe County Attorney 11) Short-Term Vacation : %1-°1- 11:1 I Rental Reopening Plan for Monroe County johy Guidelines for Property Owners and Managers To allow short-term vacation rental reservations and the acceptance of arriving guests in Monroe County, beginning the week of June 1 the following plan will be implemented. This plan will be reviewed weekly and updated as needed. Reservations • Reservations and stays will be allowed from U.S. states with a COVID-19 Case Rate less than 700 cases/100K residents as of June 1. (https://www.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/index.html) • Reservations from COVID-19 hot spots identified by the Governor are to be avoided for the next 30-45 days. • Reservations from international travelers will not be accepted. Health and Safety of Guests • Remote check-in/out should be made available when possible to cut down on face-to-face interactions. • CDC resources must be provided to any guest while staying on property. These resources are available in multiple languages at the CDC website. • CDC guidance must be provided to guests traveling with pets and service/assistance animals if the property is pet friendly. • All properties must provide local COVID-19 guidance for guests. Monroe County has a dedicated webpage that includes local information at www.monroecountyem.com • Employees or contractors working in short-term rentals will be provided CDC related safety guidance to alleviate the transmission of the virus and provide further protection for employees and guests. Cleanliness of the Property • All Department of Business and Professional Regulation (DBPR)sanitation guidelines must be followed: 61C-3.001 Sanitation and Safety Requirements of the transient lodging statutes. • CDC related guidelines that are for public spaces, businesses, schools and homes must be followed which expand upon the State of Florida and DBPR requirements for safety and sanitation for all lodging. • Extra time must be allowed for enhanced cleaning procedures to take place between stays based upon the use of CDC cleaning and sanitization procedures. • Housecleaning shall conform to the "Enhanced Industry-Wide Hotel Cleaning Standards in response to COVID-19" adopted by the American Hotel & Lodging Association (AHLA). • All cleaning shall be completed prior to guest check in,so as to avoid any physical contact between cleaning staff and guests. • Shared pools and elevators, as well as common areas, shall be subject to the Enhanced Industry-Wide Hotel Cleaning Standards(AHLA). • Spare blankets and pillows shall be removed, unless cleaned between each guest stay. • To inform guests signage will be placed at each property highlighting the cleaning protocols between stays. • If multiple members of the cleaning and/or rental staff are present at a property,they should maintain at 2 least 6 feet apart at all times, and wear masks and gloves. • Short-Term Vacation Rental Reopening Ai . It 0 !-• o, Hand Washing Health Concerns & Hand Sanitizer Guest CDC guidelines shall govern the duty of all employees to Responding swiftly and reporting to local health officials engage in frequent hand washing for the duration of at any presumed cases of COVID-19 least 20 seconds and use of hand sanitizer.Washing at the property shall be a staff wide requirement. hands with soap and water is the preferable method. In Employees exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 shall remain or return home. While at work, employees who situations where soap/water is not available, alcohol notice a coworker or guest exhibiting symptoms of based sanitizer is recommended.This should occur after COVID-19 shall immediately contact a manager. any of the following activities: using the restroom, sneezing,touching the face, cleaning, smoking, At a minimum,vacation rentals shall follow CDC eating, drinking, accepting items from a guest (ID, guidelines for employers and businesses, including cash, credit card, key card),taking a break, and instructing employees to self-isolate for the required before a shift and as needed throughout the shift. amount of time, as defined by the CDC,from the onset When possible, employees shall wear gloves for of symptoms and be symptom-free for at least three added protection and sanitation efforts. Proper hand days without medication. hygiene, in accordance with CDC guidelines,should be followed prior to and after removing the gloves. +. r Case Notification Hand sanitizer dispensers shall include no less than 60% alcohol content,where available, and touchless At minimum, confirmed cases of COVID-19 shall be where possible.As available, dispensers shall be immediately reported tothe Florida Department of placed at key guest and employee entrances and Health in Monroe at 305 293 7500 in accordance contact areas.At a minimum,this will include lobby with appropriate actions recommended by the reception areas and employee entrances, but could CDC also include any other reception areas,entire lobby areas,restaurant entrances,meeting spaces, elevator landings, pools,exercise areas and other public areas Physical Distancing & as applicable to the property. Queuing As recommended by the CDC's social distancing eji Personal Protective guidelines,guests shall be advised to practice Equipment(PPE) physical distancing by standing at least six feet away from other groups of people not traveling with CDC recommendations along with federal and local them, including any area where guests or employees government regulations shall dictate appropriate queue. PPE to be worn. Such areas shall be clearly marked for appropriate physical distancing, and where possible, encourage t Pools and Beaches one-way guest flow with marked entrances and exits. When applicable, lobby furniture and other Seating shall allow at least six feet of separation public seating areas will be reconfigured to promote between groups of guests. social distancing. 3 I