Declaration 07-10-2020 County of Monroe /A � wr� P�w„ Mayor HeatherWN Carruthers,�C0��' X19i9 IV'E���, ct 3 The Florida Keys �a I �� Mayor Pros Tern Michelle CaldiroN District 2 dv � 1Craig Cates,District I t David Rice,District 4 3 - Sylvia J.Meshy,District S MONROE COUNTY DECLARATION OF LOCAL STATE OF EMERGENCY Subject : COVID- 19 cal gubdiv d � aide ° Sectionaces�Sta IP I,oscil ��m ,��da � for � period a fw m t � ���Im ays, waivindeclare the wired mid rhimd�aliddd made e required. � °kdd 'gym 'lifidd subdivisionbM. l w; and ]]AS, µ m.m�m�m��mm�m Erilergency dime to the discovm °m of C,OV "I d/rmm vel m )mDm� n.mwmm m mm l. mm and E EAS, on March 9, 20,2Q, the Cxayernor of IIIAorida isillued Executive Onfer Nwiffier fi Id mW declaring at 'minli�mrge= r the �tate I:' Floi a melat d .t C0 '":11)-'[9/n0Nr ) Cm °m om~mavm. m.d W11 red" ParticularlyS, Cad D 1 �"r°iovel Coro avirmd des �"m It m"15 m mmm:m"d�d mwnty, WHEREAS, elderly residents; and mdmmmmm'�mmm� � m mmdmmDnroe COUnty mm mrdaT md mm m m extraordinary Cum m�onaNd mw d may protect the Public q ealtl � �del..Iar l commn "'m" residents and visitors; and IERE e a r l AS, � m m l emergen mmenewC� 1period� � � even m ;and ie authority, T11EREFORE, as Mayor of Monroe Counly,, I hereby declare a State of 11,iocal °themmmmmmnless cancelled � mls mmmmwmm .m :. mum m ''` mmmmemwy irmiudes all �od of Of MoI Each municipality Mon rue o wu i authorized and erilic-ouruged Ln declare its owrl MaWof and mm��� ddm r m � tm� m � d�y to emmuret �dealtil a&ty, and l m `� mdddi+ om m mmmdinae utdth Monroe C County Ilealth Depart"w~m mud as a sgt mice,and d�dhemi Stateand lam m l a umw'horiimm�s take whatevdm prod m action dd�m�eams � and on°mm'medl „ neces ary t effbe met m m such orders otherwise dmw�)t the healal,u�mm fbty, of the comniunfly , r 7/d d m d 'FM: sage l d Filed andReocated h OfficklRourds of 3. Monroe County Emergency Management Director Shannon Weiner shall serve as the incident commander who shall have the authority to issue emergency directives having the force of law. She may delegate Directives1 force of law as specified in Section 11-3 of the Monroe County Code. 4. The Emergency Operations Center shall be activatedLevel IL 5. The public is encouraged to followisease Control's guidance on social appropriatedistancing and other large _ .... �.Signed: Date: July 8 2020 Time: m 96 e Morir6 Cr _.. °'�_� ��� ty Mayor, Heather Carruthers