Ivicefing Datc� Febi'Ll,"Ary Division, Public Wbr,ks/[-�,i
Bulk ltern: Ycs No w. Facilifies, Njairitel:14111CC
Contao Perion/Phone 4J)cni Iliel-ce 305 292-4560
ACE'NDA ITENI NVORI)INCo". Approval o�,'Agreernent with Sbcriflr Richard, A- Rainsay to provide
320 sq fi, ol"office space lo dic N4()t'irq,,)c C'mwfty SherHI's Deparlinent at dv.,t klurray, Neiscui
(iovernment and Cuhural Cc°ntcr in Kcy Laxgo, I",I I,,
ITEM RACK(`wR()'(J'ND: 'Shicriff Richird A, Rmns,,iy has mquested use of" available Courfly office
She 1111'r I (,
It -011S '1� Alie
spacc.,,, at Che Murray E, Nelson (Joveninient and Cultural Centeir. t'll is t1le ('()�A111ty 1,Ull U Il i t yr
PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: 0nA-'el,)rw,,ury, 20, 2013 agenda item C-26 w,is clontinued
to and cipproved at flue Nltrch. 20, 2013 1-10(l,",7 mccli w�g with a revisilon of pace, onliffing the second
Hoc)r ol"fice splace,
CO,N'1'1�ACI',tA(�'R,EEMEN'I' Cl,.,IAN(�N'll,�.S: Ncvv Agymnent
T(l)"I'AL C'OST. iriia,ii"ileti,ai.-rce/Lltilli'( costs INDIRU,',"I" cos"r, N/,' l)(Jl)G'ETF'.D- Yes X No
---1--------------------- ...........
APPROVE'll) BY: Cl'("),Ullty Al vp�,111,-clntsfil Ruisk Management
1)0CU.)4ENT',,Vn0N: �IICILided --XIIII-I Not Recpdred--
Ftlevised M2
�Ndo r A d `.'rU N'4e4 MAK r
Monroe t;"taunt
MtM I.XILC arc 6 t �
�. �... ...v . �_..�. ...m
Fxp iradon Dale:
11NaO _.H�.M . �......�e
. r9r 11 WAY-
al aka aaa�� ��. .. .. ..,
Caalaaa:a°al Cente
.'ontraaci Muaaap�r.; *Swr aaa,t 4549 lVeMes NIPT'j," _,m. ._.. ._,.._
Waataa fiFer.O
Num. aaaCOW on Deadline: 0."/041
lbaal DWl ar Vta uc orAaaaa°ci ` a ° taa � aat da atartao -
Budgeted? Yes X No Awcou�i
M ,
dred Grr�;BrP 9ac�Ongohg uarcdara:k�ts� arvraa�rrtrarrtiresarre�°,
DaW a
Rik Management ! V00
J m+�
't.MM,. Pua'a
a»°.., N,
a t 89"t' , kQa 9'far " �,�a.s�_._ No' ., r J ,,...
_.._._ A _
'L AG'R f: , YtEN[I"HIS th s Ck"o., (.i` 2DW by and
bo veaam the 13 xird of (Wunty CommissWers of 10mmmo Omay, Florida (hereinaller
refirred U) m I NO= alhvmjs I 100 Shnomon W Kc,,,, West., FL 31CW",t and the
Monro,c Courity meday onice, (heivinaller reAmed U) sm MCSOL "whose mhhvss hri
5525 Rd- Kxy West, FI, 3'30-4k)'
the BOW hoases pundses to ofl"aLa 'V ilp! 'I CS A p,
the (bumy conmimhq: aml
WHI""RIAS, HOCU has Mermined that it is W IN: hest haerests of Mum",
County to pmvide approxhnatQ-320 square thet or muce sp,,,,,(,-e at ow, N/Immay [,- Nelson
Governnient and Mural Own Wmed aa 102050 Ovenrieas in Key Largo,
NOW. TI]EF',F]1ORk. Rw and in consideratio'n �,Wthc rnutW:111 ("ovena'Als ON'Judned
hercim, tll'ie as
(�-" Yhis agl"t"el"11"Crit k fix, Oic j-.)cjrjcsJ cornmcm:,ing on, March
17. 2014 and lerndnadng on \/kvch I(,�, 2015 and �s [or zero dollaj.-s and
no/I 010 ($0,00) Ipacvyear,
2, 'rhe 130M shiall direct its
Depwimems I leads. Aunty Alumicy. and stalf to Immide cemahn
Whties and suppm-1 to the MON) as wawa i be proOdod vvilow mqvh,
an imrame W personnel im- any PLffC'hAI'SC CK of rt%,il property,
'I"I'le is u'ldl duffl bQ% irl (11C perl'onrianc("' of
a:M or Ls, v ices. and vwtivi6cs' untler this Agmenwra. an iMpemkm
agency. and ma an emphym or ser�"'avt' oF thil", l"4')("C Fhe MCSO
Ad! exemise convoL dActhm, an(J supet-,,isk,'sn cwm:r the a'�earis., ma inner
pemomwi ami Mumems thtmgh Mich it perArnis is duties, Aldiough
Page I
thk Agrevi-vic"m is a K:'(",'qvradve shrdlar in respects (,bul
m M u) a partnershil"),, (he 'MON sh,,,ill h,`JVC 1110 Att1R)11'k'V \Vha1stwvvr U)
act on and/or as agent Ar the IRM: in any pnnnke.e cqreunent or
other than spe� (,,ificalfy in in Ns apvmnov. 1%
BOCC' shall at nnna iiine be responsibit. 161, arty neghfpence on 11-le
p,,io of iOica ICSO . its eniphycok agems or volunumrs resAky; in cuter
lx)(fily or J,')eirsomal hdwj or pn,eny damoge U) any indkiduaL pnTeny or
C(mpor,'A i 011,
Aclldi6ovns [o, or (JILAO(ions firom the
pwvkkms of 1% co ract may be made My in w-fting and exectoed by
the HOCC fan MoNfkadmi ShAl lEwcoirnr wahou,[ prior wrilten
ajpprovaO of both parfics,
"Ile P&M agree to �'Ldl perf6rn-laxice "A 0-10
co ,emaiWi (,,ontained in this conVaCL 101 parties rt:scrve Oie righL at We
discretioin ark' eack h? tumimae, Ifie s,,erN ict,.,s iri this convnact tk ' ivily
tuishoasance, Wkamuxe or rRinpertbrmance of Ke convact terms or,
ine-gfigicint perfiwrrnancc oC the conum tenns by the Wher pany. Any
an or any brutch orcovenjari s iwirck'l sh,,,,d], not be &,,�rne(A do
he as continukiig waiver wid AT ma opeme to bar Adier powty Amn,
dech�,uing as f("-prFeitILH-C 16r any SUCCetfding bir(.%wh citheir of the sarne
coritfiOoris or covemauts ca-otherv6se,
a) It We extent permined by law, and as hniitea,J by seclion 768.28,
F]orida S�aaujtes, tile sh"ffl indcv)nify ind hiokl
harmless NI SO and A OfH(A'J',S. (,-inployevs, w,,)r ageints fro:,,n an)
MI'd all hahihty', IlaassaWs ar daniak!,CS, iT1(AUdir1j,,2,, Uo01-111L'yS' fivS and
costs or Wriso wWch NICSO or its (Ocers. em1d9Ayces. or agents
may imam as a result orany claint, demand. suh. (w cause Mclkri
or pnweelng or any kimJ and nwore an mng oiA and, reMng UL or
Page 2
resulting from th ncphgmit perf6,�:,Imance of th�is corm"act by 1he
BOCC, its (,)('('i1(:crs wnd W"'SC) shaH prornpHy
nc)ti(,� lh[c, BOCC of eac[) claim,, vv4h flhe BOCC' in
dcllcmc mut resoism, or cal ch"drin, not s0ldv, 4W otfwrvvise
di�q)ose oll"flic, 6arill Widl(ftlll OhC BOCC'S P,`U1iCijXA60n-
h) lb ISO pernllilued by and ar lin6tcd by section '708,28,
MY& MaIM. NN,"SO shaH dcf n(L, indeln,nif"Y zin�] hold harnfless
41C HOC , an its offi:ers. 11,11floyet.S, ajqragcm ts frot-n triy ,mld ,a I liabilky, kisses or damage, indudkg anomyY Tes and coms of
aha which Oic FK)CC or 4s ofilicers, ernployces, or rna�
inchiv as a resuh of any Mm. Mumd. AN or cwNe of a0% or
procce(firig of ,a[ny kind a,w m,,m,,rc Swig out of, relafing tc, 0r,
a" "ak.npQUaU fi,'OM (he neghgent of 116!s contn,,&4�,A i,ly the
Nll('S(",), Its v-1111"flo"vecs, ofTicers Und, AgC'Tl file BOCC' SVIcifl
prwnrmly n(AHIM(No A' cm-li cl,,ann-n. coo peralc vvith NIC'So in
OIL, LICACHSC UFO NSOILIflon of" c"ach clahl"I" and not scale h,)r
officlAkise dis(,wse orthe claim N/K.,"SO's parkcij,aation,
C) Ile WdcmnHk2Hmi provisknis of HA conimcl shall surOve
termfination cifthis conUmA Ar any chihns At nmy be filed after
the terr-nination daw Shp the coritin-Ici provick""d tile chikns arc
upon aMms thal occurred dtu rng Ow (A"this contract,
a) [his A�.grectm,n,a s;hall he conmnwd hy and gioverned under thc k"'ms
or we sum or Flwida unleNs in an area of" Jaw pre-emycl Ivy.
1'ederal haaa [he panks agwe thn venw: Re any dkpuw MAI he
in Monroe Couray, lFiorida.
h) Ite MAT) shWJ comp o whh A ARM mme aml M Wws and
01,dinancc,�,; 1c, the A,,ork, or tmvrricrit work thereor,
and sh"'111 abase (JAHMAde on fhe grolailds cO, racc, oMor, religion,
Page 3
son je or nat%Rl LWYA in Ow paRrmance of" work under, this
C) Any violaW of sAd suumi rutcs., rqguhaiorus, 'and
cNecuke orders shaH (,',OIISfiIUte a rnale6al hire�,ach cd' this
'kgreerne'ra and shaH erldile (lie 13(A"'IC to terrninau, lhi�,,, AgreemGrit
upon dehvery noili(:e, 1(,,) th IVICSOf.
8, 141pl J'he BOCU is exemp Am Oaada;a N. vxcke and sume or FkwW,,.t
Smes Ax.
9, 1 The WK will not he respr)rsible I'or any f)nanct,,
10, 11' any pjroviuion Of Ns coirin,,to slwadl fic bekri by a court of
competent jurisdiethin ui be inwilid or unerAbrce,,ahk,,, the rernainder of
this contracL (w the apNOaHon of such provision o0a.,,r (fi(,:,)SC as to
whdch it, is invalid or LawnbramhO, Wt 1)e ,.iffc�cfctl therchy; and
oNvis, comral shaH be vaUd and to the fuHest
exte,rA permitted jaw
I I AaA w"11 1 'lit! NWSO shaLl mi assign. Imnsfer. sublease. pledge.
hypodiecate. mirmnM oT odierwim: encumber or Ispose of this corronct
or any emaw mawd by IS corarao or ainy in: any porkon of the
same. or permil tiny old' i, pennon or pemons', cornp,"'Iny ern Corporalion to
peribmi services tuxler this corgrael w4lunit first thc wrhlen
consent or the vi�oci(: in eveto of such cons(,,,,nL this apeernew AT
he hiriding upoiri WNW mccessors and EISS YVISr
12. The NIC SO AN! be mWAN to list any or all powraial
connios of interest. was dekned by HoHda Suatues Chapter II12, Pam, Ill
and tire Ntoniroe Mny WhIs Onhnance. lie MC SO shall dist.dose to
thC' HOC(' 3H dCILK-d (,pr proptmed conRias (if interew linamcial or
Page 4
(firect or indirecr Arvolving any chervi's intere'st which alay
� c,,mfljct under S""dd ka"NS,
N/ICSO be responsi[fle to trw BOCC for the
sahAxeong and fmlvr um! or we prop c,,rtv cnitrusle.d to NICSO 's care, aml
to Inucess an docurncra's rWCCSSW-),' 10 C(416111UC VVithOLO any
ima,inte,riancc or service contracu,; rcLaing, oo stwh cqWpnwnt kw A sawke
f r fc,
14. VI CS() that it has r1o, ouiplo)ed, rc uiirwd or
odwrwke had ant (m A behair uny Guner Wuno Mer or cuipkqee
sutlecl whe 2 ol`Chdhanct,,, Mai, WO-1990! or any
B(XV offkxr tx ew,kyee in vicdukni of Section 3 of Or(,Ainince No,
010-1941 Wr Mach or WoWn of dik rmvvixion, the CAuny may. hi
dusoretion, teriniriite this contract wiihout and may also. in it's
discrelkw dolwt Amn Lhe o,,,)n1,rctct or purchas;e price. or otherwise
NCOWel" [he fi,ffl arnouw of any, Ito commisra on. pemeautgo gal or
Corlisideration Ixvild tO the t6f"AlICT CAAH'Ity offlyder or officer (,,)I['
-bml (A" this Agreernem shall occur Ea the Natural
endingi date, or earfik,'T S[I(Add C1,011(l" that du,,xc, has
()k,',CU1'rCd ',111y TTwerhl breach of any covcnani�s hercin corit,atina.(J,
N111Y, Otherwisc,, ii,,Jeeins it in their best interest to termirwe. Terininaticin
auty he wrth or vvkhoul CZIUSC. (Alld rJN,,iH rt,,�cjuirc wriacn Irrfr6ce to bc givcrrr
to (he other gas 16HI()",S�
a) In We event 6ther pany tenvinaws Ar breadi of commo,,
terrnination sli,,dI 1)e 011,x6ve at siuch firne d,,us the terminating part,�,,/
shall declare rn ius nofice a,) �crwiinzite czmsk,,, with a tninimurn
of' i'ouncen days nolike in mating reqrdrud pdcw U) eRictive
Page 5
b) In Ohe event eWhcr pu,rty, tcrn'lin"ItcS vVithOLO d:misc% the, terminafic)n
sh,,'fli not take effict unIH La But My days subsequem U) %Wen
nodce to the mher pany, and the etlichve daw cd ummAwkwt hall
he speciRed in sail n(qkv,,
16, ThiS,-, AVlCeRM11 C(`HTSti(LHCS Te emim and Rill
undovanIng berween the pairdcs hcrei�y arld inekher paddy shafl bC [)OLWId
�,,uny promVscs or agrecnwnts nol expreoly set
fi,w0i heirein and tm dilfly C'NeCU1,Cd JfUC11dntcnts uncler 4 hcria^of.
�III "/ITNL,SS WI the parke"s Kav�. CXeCI-111-41 ads agmemew the day and
Year �irst abOVe VVT'itt�".111,
By , , " , ____........
Deputy (Icrls Mayor
By . ....................... I . .. ......... .... .......... .................. ------
Sheritf F,ichard ik Rarvi�say
fTv ART,61,1,11417,
Page 6