Meeting Date: March 19, 2014 Division: County Administrator
Bulk Item: Yes x No _ Staff Contact Person/Phone#: Lisa Tennyson
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to issue a Request for Proposals for Federal Legislative and
Lobbying services.
For the past 5 years (since 2009), Monroe County has had a single federal lobbying contract with Cardenas
Partners, LLC (formerly Tew Cardenas, LLP). The firm provided good Washington, D.C. representation for
Monroe over that period of time. During that time, the County did not go out for an RFP to explore new
opportunities for federal representation.
The draft Request for Proposals is attached.
Should the Board approve the issuance of the RFP, it will be released on March 24, 2014 and proposals will be
due back to County May 1,2014.
Here is the approximate schedule:
• RFP out: March 24
• Responses due back:May 1
• Evaluation Committee Ranking/Recommendation:May/June
• BOCC selection/approval of firm: June/July
• New Contract to BOCC:July/August
• New Contract start date: October 1,2014
• February 2009 approved agreement with Tew Cardenas LLP
• March 2009 approved amendment with Tew Cardenas,LLP
• August 2009 approved Consent Assignment to Cardenas Partners,LLC
• February 2010 approved Third Amendment with Cardenas Partners,LLC
• January 2011 approved Fourth Amendment with Cardenas Partners,LLC
• January 2012 approved Agreement with Cardenas Partners,LLC
• January 2013 approved Agreement with Cardenas Partners,LLC
• January 2014 approved 9-month contract with Cardenas Partners,LLC
APPROVED BY: County Atty/# OMB/Purchasing Risk Management
DOCUMENTATION: Included xx Not Required
18 23
Mayor Sylvia Murphy, District 5
Mayor Pro-Tem, Danny L. Kolhage, District 1
Commissioner George Neugent, District 2
Commissioner Heather Carruthers, District 3
Commissioner David Rice, District 4
Roman Gastesi, Jr. Amy Heavilin
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on , 2014 at 3:00 P.M. the Monroe County
Purchasing Office will receive and open sealed responses for the following:
Requirements for submission and the selection criteria may be requested from DemandStar
by Onvia at OR www. onroecoun or call toll-free at 1-
800-711-1712. The Public Record is available at the Monroe County Purchasing Office
located at The Gato Building, 1100 Simonton Street, Room 2-213, Key West, Florida. All
Responses must be sealed and must be submitted to the Monroe County Purchasing Office.
I Pi)ge
PART 1: Introduction
Monroe County is soliciting Proposals from qualified firms to provide federal legislative and
lobbying services.
The agreement resulting from this solicitation is anticipated to be for a period of three years,
commencing on October 1, 2014, and shall continue until September 30, 2017. The services
being requested in this Request for Proposals are specifically subject to annual budget
appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners for each fiscal year.
PART 2: Before Submitting a Proposal
A. Each Proposer shall thoroughly examine all the Proposal Documents.
B. Ignorance on the part of the Proposer shall in no way relieve him of the obligations and
responsibilities assumed under this Proposal.
C. The submission of a Proposal will constitute a representation by the Proposer that he has
complied with every requirement of the RFP and that the Proposal Documents are
sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding to him of all terms
and conditions for performance of the Work.
D. The County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, or any part of a proposal.
The County reserves the right to waive variations from the specifications that do not
render the proposal non-conforming. The Owner retains the right to disregard non-
conformities, non-responsive proposals or conditional proposals in the best interest of the
PART 3: General Instructions
A. The response to the proposal should be submitted in a sealed addressed envelope to:
Monroe County Purchasing Office, I100 Simonton Street, Room 213, Key West, Florida
33040, on or before 3:OOPM EST on May 1, 2014.
B. One (1) original and eight (8) copies of the Response must be submitted in a sealed
envelope marked on the outside: "Sealed Proposal for LEGISLATIVE AND
PROGRAM" on or before the deadline. Responses will be retained as property of the
County. The ORIGINAL of your reply must be clearly marked "Original" on its face and
must contain an original, manual signature an authorized representative of the responding
firm. All other copies may be photocopies.
C. Responses to the Request for Proposals must arrive at the above listed address no later
than May 1, 2014 at 3:00 PM EST to be considered. It is the respondent's responsibility
to assure that the proposal is delivered at the proper time and location. Responses
received after the due date and time, will not be opened.
21 Pi)ge
D. All submissions must remain valid for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) days
from the date of the deadline for submission indicated above. The Board will
automatically reject the response of any person or affiliate who appears on the convicted
vendor list prepared by the Department of General Services, State of Florida, under Sec.
287.133(3)(d), Florida Statute (1997). The Board reserves the right to reject any or all
proposals, to waive informalities in the proposals and to re-advertise for proposals. The
Board also reserves the right to separately accept or reject any item or items of a proposal
and to award and/or negotiate a contract in the best interest of the County.
E. The contents of the Proposal of the successful firm will become part of the contractual
F. The County is not responsible for any costs incurred by bidders prior to the issuance of an
executed contract and regardless of whether a contract award is made by the County.
G. Any questions concerning the Request for Proposal process, required submittals,
evaluation criteria, proposal schedule, and selection process shall be in writing, at least
ten days prior to the specified due date, and addressed to Lisa Tennyson, Director of
Legislative Affairs at term son-lisa&monroecounty-fl.vov. All answers to such questions
will be made in writing in the form of an addendum and, if issued, will be furnished to all
known prospective Respondents prior to the established Response opening day. Each
Respondent shall acknowledge receipt of such addenda in their Response. In case any
Respondent fails to acknowledge receipt of such addenda or addendum, his response will
nevertheless be construed as though it had been received and acknowledged and the
submission of his response will constitute acknowledgment of the receipt of same. All
addenda are a part of the contract documents and each Respondent will be bound by such
addenda, whether or not received by him. It is the responsibility of each Respondent to
verify that he has received all addenda issued before responses are opened.
H. Signature of the Respondent: The Respondent must sign the response and other required
forms in the space provided for the signature. If the Respondent is an individual, the
words "doing business as or "Sole Owner" must appear beneath such
signature. In the case of a partnership, the signature of at least one of the partners must
follow the firm name and the words "Member of the Firm" should be written beneath
such signature. If the Respondent is a corporation, the title of the officer signing the
Response on behalf of the corporation must be stated along with the Corporation Seal
Stamp and evidence of his authority to sign the Response must be submitted. The
Respondent shall state in the response the name and address of each person having an
interest in the submitting entity
I. Each Respondent shall carefully examine the RFP and other contract documents, and
inform him/herself thoroughly regarding any and all conditions and requirements that
may in any manner affect cost, progress, or performance of the work to be performed
under the contract. Ignorance on the part of the Respondent shall in no way relieve
him/her of the obligations and responsibilities assumed under the contract.
31 Pi)ge
J. Should a Respondent find discrepancies or ambiguities in, or omissions from, the
specifications, or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he/she shall at once notify the
County as required in section G above.
K. Responses will be received until the designated time and will be publicly opened and
announced at the appointed time and place stated in the Notice of Request for Proposal.
Monroe County's representative authorized to open the responses will decide when the
specified time has arrived and no responses received thereafter will be considered. No
responsibility will be attached to anyone for the premature opening of a response not
properly addressed and identified. Respondent, or their authorized agents, are invited to
be present.
L. All prospective respondents (including but not limited to employee, partner, officer,
director, consultant, lobbyist, or any actual or potential sub-contractor or consultant) are
hereby instructed not to contact any member of the Board of County Commissioners,
County Administrators, Selection Committee members, or Monroe County staff members
other than contact person listed above regarding this solicitation or their submittal at any
time after the RFP had been advertised and prior to the final evaluation and
recommended ranking by County staff for this project. Any such contact shall be cause
for rejection of your submittal.
M. The County reserves the right to waive any informality in any response, or to re-advertise
for all or part of the work contemplated. If responses are found to be acceptable by the
COUNTY, written notice will be given to the selected respondent of the award of the
N. If the award of a contract is annulled, the County may award the contract to another
Respondent, or the work may be re-advertised or may be performed by other qualified
personnel as the County decides.
O. A contract will be awarded to the Respondent deemed to provide the services which are
in the best interest of the County.
P. The County may conduct such investigations, as it deems necessary to assist in the
evaluation of any Proposal and to establish the responsibility, qualifications, and financial
ability of the Proposers, proposed subcontractors, and other persons or organizations to
do the Work in accordance with the requirements of the County and to the County's
satisfaction within the prescribed time.
Q. The County reserves the right to reject the Proposal of any Proposer who does not pass
any such evaluation to its satisfaction.
R. If the Contract is awarded, it will be awarded to the lowest, conforming responsible
S. The contract shall be put in final form by the County and given to the Proposer for
signature. The Proposer shall sign and deliver all four originals of the Contract
4 1 P ) g e
Agreement to the contract manager, Lisa Tennyson, within ten days after receipt of a
contract from the County. All other Contract Documents such as Insurance Certificates
are to be provided to Lisa Tennyson within fourteen days after approval of the contract
by the Board of County Commissioners.
T. Disqualification of Respondents
1. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT: A person or affiliate who has been placed
on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not
submit a proposal on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity,
may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public entity for the construction or
repair of a public building or public work, may not submit Proposals on leases or
perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or CONTRACTOR under a
contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity
in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY
TWO for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted
vendor list. Category Two: $25,000.00.
2. Failure to complete these forms (in addition to those listed in Tab F) and submit them
with your Response may result in immediate disqualification of your Response:
a. NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT: Any person submitting a proposal in response
to this invitation must execute the enclosed NON-COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT. If
it is discovered that collusion exists among the Respondents, the proposals of all
participants in such collusion shall be rejected, and no participants in such
collusion will be considered in future bids for the same work.
b. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE FORM: Any person submitting a bid or proposal in
response to this invitation must execute the enclosed DRUG-FREE
WORKPLACE FORM and submit it with his/her bid or proposal. Failure to
complete this form in every detail and submit it with your bid or proposal may
result in immediate disqualification of your bid or proposal.
submitting a bid or proposal in response to this invitation must execute the
with his/her bid or proposal. Failure to complete this form in every detail and
submit it with the bid or proposal may result in immediate disqualification of the
bid or proposal.
PART 4: Selection Process
A. The County Administrator shall appoint a Selection Committee that will review all timely
submitted proposals.
B. The Selection Committee will review proposals, rank the firms in order of preference and
present its ranking and recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC).
51 Pi)ge
C. Should the BOCC decide to go forward with the procurement of Federal Lobbying
Services, the BOCC shall direct staff to negotiate an agreement with the selected Firm for
the proposed services.
D. Should the BOCC be unable to negotiate a satisfactory agreement with the selected firm,
the County may then undertake negotiations with the second most qualified firm.
E. No binding contract is created between any Respondent and the County until a contract is
approved by the Board of County Commissioners.
PART 5: Evaluation Criteria
Proposals will be evaluated and ranked on the basis of the following considerations:
• Qualifications of Firm, Staff Assigned and Sub-contractors: 25 points
• Past Performance: 35 points
• Approach: 30 points
• References: 5 points
• Rates: 5 points
PART 6: Schedule
The following schedule is proposed:
A. Release of RFP: March 24, 2014
B. Deadline for Receipt of Proposals: May 1, 2014 at 3:OOPM EST
C. Selection Committee Review and Recommended Ranking of Proposals: May 2014
D. BOCC Approval of Ranking and Selection of Top Ranked Firm: June/July 2014
E. Contract Negotiations: July/August 2014
F. BOCC Approval of Contract: August/September 2014
G. Contract Start Date: October 1, 2014
PART 7: Scope of Services
The successful firm will provide legislative and lobbying services at the federal level to assist
Monroe County in developing and implementing a Federal Legislative Program; will have a keen
understanding of Monroe County's priorities, policy objectives, and project funding needs; shall
pro-actively identify and seek legislative and administrative remedies and/or appropriations to
advance the County's priorities, policy objective and project funding needs. The successful firm
will be expected to handle a range of activities including, but not limited to:
A. Meet with County staff (County Administrator, County Attorney, Legislative Director,
and other relevant staff as needed) and the Board of County Commission to develop a
detailed Federal Legislative Program. Work closely with County staff to identify the
County's goals, priorities and specific projects, and which of these can be addressed at
6 1 P ) g e
the federal level, and assist in developing written material on each priority and project in
the County's Federal Legislative Program to provide to congressional staff and federal
agency staff.
B. Monitor current federal legislation, federal budget process, federal agency actions
legislative committee meetings, executive branch activity, agency hearings and meetings
prior to and during the regular session, and pro-actively report to the County, both
verbally and in writing, any new information or legislative events that may directly or
indirectly impact the County; and in the event that action is needs, advise the County.
C. Propose and implement lobbying strategies to help support the County's federal agenda.
D. Develop and evaluate strategy for the support, opposition, or amendment of pending
legislation that enhances the County's federal legislative program.
E. Identify key Congressional and federal agency contacts relating to specific County issues;
draft appropriate correspondence; and schedule briefings and meetings between County
officials and Congressional leaders, executive branch representatives, and agency
F. Coordinate with County's Congressional delegation in gaining support for the County's
federal agenda.
G. Advocate with Congressional members, congressional committees, executive branch, and
federal agencies in support of the County's goals, priorities, and projects.
H. Represent the County and the Board before Congress and federal agencies.
I. Work closely with County staff in researching current issues and providing background
J. Provide technical assistance and guidance to staff on correspondence and reports.
K. Review the legislative policy statements adopted by the Florida Association of Counties
and the National Association of Counties and other local governments and lobbying
groups for the purpose of identifying issues which may either positively or negatively
affect the County.
L. Provide written monthly activity reports and periodic updates on advocacy activity,
pending legislation, briefings/meetings, and on issues of interest or concern to the
County. Reports must contain, when possible, specific legislation, names of contacts
made, and the County's legislative priority it relates to, as well as any foreseeable
legislation or rulings that may affect the County.
M. Provide a written report that summarizes the status of the County's federal legislative
program within one week of the closing of the session, and a more detailed final written
report on specific legislation and new requirements affecting the County within 30 days
from close of session.
71 Pi)ge
N. Secure funding for programs and projects which have been identified by the County as
priorities; research and provide information on existing and new appropriations activities,
availability of funding, distribution of funding, year-end rollover funding, techniques to
be used by County to capitalize on opportunities, and examples of successful local
government applications; identify agencies or local governments which may be
competing for specific grants or appropriations, and help align support for the County's
O. Be available for regular calls, meetings with County staff in Washington, DC as needed,
and an annual presentation to the Board in Monroe County, Florida.
P. Provide office space for County staff to use when they are in Washington, DC.
PART 8: Required Submittal
Submit I original and 8 copies of the proposal in a sealed envelope bearing the name and address
of the respondent.
Monroe County requires comprehensive responses to every section within this RFP. The
response shall by typed on 8-1/2 by 11" white paper and bound; shall be clear and concise.
Proposals submitted without the required information will not be considered. Proposals shall be
organized and sections tabbed. Statements submitted without the required information will not
be considered. Responses shall be organized as indicated below.
The Respondent should not withhold any information from the written response in anticipation
of presenting the information orally or in a demonstration, since oral presentations or
demonstrations may not be solicited. Each Respondent must submit adequate documentation to
certify the Respondent's compliance with the County's requirements. Respondents should focus
specifically on the information requested.
Additional information, unless specifically relevant, may distract rather than add to the
Respondent's overall evaluation.
Financial information, as described below under TAB G, may be submitted in a separate
envelope marked "Confidential".
To facilitate review of the responses, Firms shall follow the described proposal format:
TAB A: Cover Page
Provide a cover page that reads "Proposal for LEGISLATIVE AND LOBBYING
cover page should contain the Respondent's name, address, telephone number and the name
of the Respondent's contact person.
8 1 P ) g e
TAB B: Qualifications, Experience
To the extent possible, highlight qualifications and experience in areas and on issues
relevant to Monroe County's federal priorities, policy objectives and project funding
1. Briefly introduce your firm, providing a summary of the administration, organization and
staffing of your firm, including multiple offices, if applicable. Include the age of the
firm; brief history; average number of employees over the past five years; present size of
firm and nature of services provided.
2. Provide a list of current clients, with a brief description for each that includes the
a. Client name;
b. Contract dollar value;
c. Dates covering the term of the contract;
d. The number of years the client has contracted with the firm;
e. Description of work performed;
f. Results of the services/project performed;
g. Name of primary contact and phone number.
3. List the names, titles, and describe the qualifications and other vital information of all key
personnel that will be assigned to work on Monroe County matters. Key personnel
include all partners, manager, and other professional employees that will perform work or
services for Monroe County. Provide a brief resume of these key person(s) to be
assigned to this project, including but not limited to:
a. Name and Title;
b. Role that the individual will assume in fulfilling the contract;
c. Education;
d. Experience:
1. Type of federal issues, dollar value of funding/appropriations, success of
2. Experience relative to Monroe County's issues and priorities;
3. Number of years lobbying for this firm and number of years lobbying for
other firms;
4. Current work assignments for other clients and percent of time spent on
those assignments;
5. Membership and participation in professional associations and whether
registered as a lobbyist;
6. Other relevant experience and qualifications.
91 Pi)ge
If the firm intends to use any subcontractors to perform services identified in the Scope of
Services, then identify the specific services to subcontracted, the person or firm that will
be providing such services and describe in detail lobbying experience, qualifications, and
it specific engagement role in this project.
4. Specify what unique characteristics set the firm apart from others who perform the same
or similar functions, and any qualifications you consider to be significant, innovative, or
otherwise relevant to the County's consideration of your firm.
TAB B: Past Performance
To the extent possible, highlight past performance and success in areas and on issues
relevant to Monroe County's federal priorities,policy objectives and project funding
5. Describe the firm's success in representing county/local government issues at the federal
level. List examples (no more than 10) of legislative/lobbying work product (bill drafting
and gaining support for proposed legislation; proven success in protecting and/or
advocating clients' position on proposed legislation) which best illustrate the approach
and success of the firm and current staff which is being assigned to this contract. For
each issue please provide the following:
a. Name of the client
b. Nature of the issue
c. Outcome of the lobbying efforts on the issue
d. Key professionals involved, including the roles of each.
The same information must be provided for any subcontractor.
6. Describe firm's success at the federal level related to specific areas/issues of relevance to
Monroe, such as:
a. Environment and Natural Resources
b. Water Quality
c. Transportation
d. Health and Human Services
e. Federal Agencies such as FEMA, Army Corp of Engineers, and EPA.
7. Describe the firm's success, particularly within the past 5 years, in obtaining funding
(grants, appropriations, etc.) for county/local government clients. Highlight the key
professionals within the Firm that were responsible.
101 Pi)ge
TAB C: Approach to Implementation of Monroe County's Federal Legislative Program
8. Describe the firm's plan for accomplishing the work and services to be provided to
Monroe County. The firm should indicate a clear understanding of Monroe County's
federal issue's and of the scope of work, including a detailed project plan for this project,
outlining major tasks and responsibilities, time frames, and staff assigned.
9. Identify the process and tools that will be used to monitor critical issues. Identify
progress reports that will be made during process and key decision points. Clearly
distinguish the Firm's duties and responsibilities and those of the County's. (Absence of
this distinction shall mean the Firm is assuming full responsibility for all tasks.)
10. Show the organizational chart as it relates to service identifying key personnel who will
be responsible for the provision of this service. (It should be understood that it is the
intent of Monroe County to insist that those indicated as the consultant team in this RFP
response actually execute the program.)
11. Describe the method the firm uses to communicate with a client on its projects and issues,
and provide an example of such communication with a comparable local government
client on an issue before Congress, Executive Branch, and/or federal agency.
12. Describe how the firm plans to establish, maintain, and enhance working relationships
between County officials and staff and key members of Congress, committee staff,
Executive Branch, and federal agencies.
13. Describe how the firm will enhance the County's financial position with respect to
obtaining congressional appropriations, federal grants, incentives, etc. and avoiding
federal unfunded mandates that may impact the County. Provide specific examples of
successful appropriations, grants, etc. obtained for comparable local government clients.
14. Provide an example of legislation (e.g, bill, amendment, report language, etc.) the firm
prepared/drafted on behalf of a comparable local government client for introduction in
111 Pi)ge
15. Provide an example of written documentation prepared for a presentation before a
legislative committee and/or federal agency.
TAB D: References
Provide reference for similarly successful projects from five current comparable clients,
including the name of the client, contact name, telephone, and email address.
TAB E: Rate
Firms may submit proposals based on an annual lump sum basis payable monthly over the
course of the year. All proposals must include a maximum not-to-exceed amount. Firms
shall incur no travel or related expenses chargeable to the County.
TAB F: Required Forms
These forms are attached.
1. Response Form
2. Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Clause
3. Drug Free Workplace Certification
4. Non-Collusion Statement Form
5. Insurance and Indemnification Statement
TAB G: Required Financial Information and Litigation.
Financial information, as described below, may be submitted in a separate envelope
marked "Confidential".
Pursuant to Monroe County Code Section 2-347(h), Respondents shall provide the
following information:
1. A list of the person's or entity's shareholders with five percent or more of the stock or, if a
general partnership, a list of the general partners; or, if a limited liability company, a list
of its members; or, if a solely owned proprietorship, names(s) of owner(s);
2. A list of the officers and directors of the entity;
121 Pi)ge
3. The number of years the person or entity has been operating and, if different, the number
of years it has been providing the services, goods, or construction services called for in
the bid specifications (include a list of similar projects);
4. The number of years the person or entity has operated under its present name and any
prior names;
5. A print out of the "Detail by Entity Name" screen from the Respondent's listing in
6. A copy of the Respondent's Annual Report that is submitted to the Florida Secretary of
7. Answers to the following questions regarding claims and suits:
a. Has the person, principals, entity, or any entity previously owned, operated or
directed by any of its officers, major shareholders or directors, ever failed to
complete work or provide the goods for which it has contracted? If yes, provide
b. Are there any judgments, claims, arbitration proceeding or suits pending or
outstanding against the person, principal of the entity, or entity, or any entity
previously owned, operated or directed by any of its officers, directors, or general
partners? If yes, provide details;
C. Has the person, principal of the entity, entity, or any entity previously owned,
operated or directed by any of its officers, major shareholders or directors, within
the last five years, been a parry to any lawsuit, arbitration, or mediation with
regard to a contract for services, goods or construction services similar to those
requested in the specifications with private or public entities? If yes, provide
d. Has the person, principal of the entity, or any entity previously owned, operated
or directed by any of its officers, owners, partners, major shareholders or
directors, ever initiated litigation against the county or been sued by the county in
connection with a contract to provide services, goods or construction services? If
yes,provide details;
e. Whether, within the last five years, the owner, an officer, general partner,
principal, controlling shareholder or major creditor of the person or entity was an
officer, director, general partner, principal, controlling shareholder or major
creditor of any other entity that failed to perform services or furnish goods similar
to those sought in the request for competitive solicitation;
8. Customer references (minimum of three), including name, current address and current
telephone number;
131 Pi)ge
9. Credit references (minimum of three), including name, current address and current
telephone number;
10. Financial statements for the prior three years for the responding entity or for any entity
that is a subsidiary to the responding entity; and
11. Any financial information requested by the county department involved in the
competitive solicitation, related to the financial qualifications, technical competence, the
ability to satisfactorily perform within the contract time constraints, or other information
the department deems necessary to enable the department and Board of County
Commissioners to determine if the firm/person responding is responsible.
141 Pi)ge
TAB F: Required Form
c/o Lisa Tennyson, Director of Legislative Affairs
1 acknowledge receipt of Addenda No.(s)
I have included:
o The Submission Response Form
o Lobbying and Conflict of Interest Clause
o Non-Collusion Affidavit
o Drug Free Workplace Form
o Respondent's Insurance and Indemnification Statement
o Insurance Agent's Statement
In addition, I have included a current copy of the following professional and occupational
(Check mark items above, as a reminder that they are included.)
Mailing Address: Telephone:
Signed: Witness:
151 Page^
TAB F: Required Form
warrants that he/it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on his/its behalf any former
County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or
employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this provision
the County may, in its discretion, terminate this Agreement without liability and may also, in its discretion,
deduct from the Agreement or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee,
commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee".
Subscribed and sworn to(or affirmed) before me on
(date) by (name of affiant). He/She is personally
known to me or has produced as
identification. (type of identification)
My commission expires:
161 Pi)ge
TAB F: Required Form
I, of the city of
according to law on my oath, and under penalty of perjury, depose and say that:
1. 1 am
of the firm of
the bidder making the Proposal for the project described in the Request for
Qualifications for:
and that I executed the said proposal with full authority to do so:
2. the prices in this bid have been arrived at independently without collusion,
consultation, communication or agreement for the purpose of restricting competition,
as to any matter relating to such prices with any other bidder or with any competitor;
3. unless otherwise required by law, the prices which have been quoted in this bid have
not been knowingly disclosed by the bidder and will not knowingly be disclosed by
the bidder prior to bid opening, directly or indirectly, to any other bidder or to any
competitor; and
4. no attempt has been made or will be made b the bidder to induce any other person,
partnership or corporation to submit, or not to submit, a bid for the purpose of
restricting competition;
5. the statements contained in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full
knowledge that Monroe County relies upon the truth of the statements contained in
this affidavit in awarding contracts for said project.
(Signature of Respondent) (Date)
PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority,
who, after first being sworn by me, (name of individual signing) affixed his/her signature in the
space provided above on this day of 20
My Commission Expires:
171 Page^
TAB F: Required Form
The undersigned vendor in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that:
(Name of Business)
1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and
specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violations of such prohibition.
2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business's policy of
maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee
assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse
3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are
under bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1).
4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of
working on the commodities or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide
by the terms of the statement and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty
or nolo contendere to, any violation of Chapter 893 (Florida Statutes) or of any controlled
substance law of the United States or any state, for a violation occurring in the workplace no
later than five (5) days after such conviction.
5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance or
rehabilitation program if such is available in the employee's community, or any employee who is
so convicted.
6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through
implementation of this section.
As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the
above requirements.
Respondent's Signature
My Commission Expires:
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TAB F: Required Form
Insurance Requirement Required Limits
Worker's Compensation Statutory Limits
Employer's Liability $100,000/$5000,000/$1,000,000
General Liability $300,000 per Person, $500,000 per
Occurrence, $200,000 Property Damage
$500,000 Combined Single Limit
Vehicle Liability $200,000 per Person, $300,000 Per
occurrence, $200,000 Property Damage
or$300,000 Combined Single Limit
Professional Liability $500,000 per occurrence
$1,000,000 aggregate
The CONSULTANT covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless COUNTY/Monroe
County and Monroe County Board of County Commissioners, its officers and employees from
liabilities, damages, losses and costs, including but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees,
to the extent caused by the negligence, recklessness, or intentional wrongful conduct of the
CONSULTANT, subcontractor(s) and other persons employed or utilized by the
CONSULTANT in the performance of the contract.
In the event that the completion of the project (to include the work of others) is delayed or
suspended as a result of the CONSULTANT' failure to purchase or maintain the required
insurance, the CONSULTANT shall indemnify the County from any and all increased
expenses resulting from such delay. Should any claims be asserted against the COUNTY by
virtue of any deficiency or ambiguity in the plans and specifications provided by the
CONSULTANT, the CONSULTANT agrees and warrants that CONSULTANT shall hold the
County harmless and shall indemnify it from all losses occurring thereby and shall further
defend any claim or action on the County's behalf.
The first ten dollars ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the CONSULTANT is consideration for
the indemnification provided for above.
The extent of liability is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance
requirements contained elsewhere within this agreement.
191 Page^
This indemnification shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Agreement.
I understand the insurance that will be mandatory if awarded the contract and will comply in
full with all the requirements.
Respondent Signature
I have reviewed the above requirements with the bidder named below. The following
deductibles apply to the corresponding policy.
Liability policies are Occurrence Claims Made
Insurance Agency Signature
Print Name:
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